Shercock Holmes and the Case of the Haunted Attic

"Another case for Shercock Holmes, Private Investagator"

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His fingers dug into her fleshy hips as his cock slipped between her thighs. Her tightness gripped his shaft as her back arched as he entered her. Joan could not help but moan as Holmes invaded her most intimate part.

Her breasts began to sway as he pumped hard into her, his stomach slapping against her bubbly ass as she bent over the back of the sofa. She had wanted him to take her for so long. She could feel her orgasm begin to boil inside her.

“It’s six a.m. in Atlanta, time to rise and shine,” the alarm clock blared. Joan woke with a start. Her nipples were hard. The sheets of her bed soaked with her womanly fluids. She hit the bed in disgrace. She could not believe she had dreamed that same dream yet again.

She sleepily rolled from her bed and headed for the shower. The water helped to wake her as it cascaded over her voluptuous body. She rubbed her cloth over her ample breasts, down her stomach and curvy hips. She hesitantly rubbed her smooth mound. She needed a release, but she denied herself the pleasure.

The dream had haunted her sleep for three nights. Ever since she had walked in on Holmes while he was naked and asleep in his office. She respected him as her employer and partner but she had never thought of him in a sexual way until then. She had to shake the thought of his thick and lengthy shaft. The way it had hung between his legs was a sight she had never seen before in all her thirty-five years.

On the way to the office she stopped and picked up coffee for him, strong and black, just like he liked. Once she arrived at Holmes Manor, she saw the light on in the office. It would be a pleasant surprise if he was already up and preparing for their case, but she knew she was wishing the impossible.

Just as she had figured. When she walked into the office he was sprawled out on the sofa, the same sofa in her dreams. Luckily for Joan, he was clothed. She kicked his foot as she walked past him. “Get your lazy ass up, we have work to do.”

Holmes mumbled something offensive to her as he sat up. She was at his side with coffee in hand. He removed the lid and took a sip, “Ahh, now that is a good cup of Joe,” he said as he stood and stretched. He scratched his butt as he stumbled out of the office toward the shower.

Joan sat at her desk and began preparations. The case they were on was an unusual one. Their client, Mr. Joe Taft, had suspicions that his attic was haunted. Holmes didn’t want the case, he thought it was stupid, but Joan had insisted due to the need of funds.

Mr. Taft was married and had two teenaged sons. His wife, Sara was the first one to make the assumption due to hearing moans coming from the attic late at night. Holmes had went over the day before to look around. He placed a couple recording devices around to try and pick up the noises to see if the case was worth too much of his time.

Once showered and dressed, Holmes and Joan got into his car and headed over to the Taft residence. The two investigators knocked on the door at approximately 9:36 a.m.. Sara opened the door and welcomed the two in. Holmes was his usual charming self. The fact that Sara’s nipples were clearly visible through her sheer nightgown, peeked his interest.

Joan followed behind and shook her head as Holmes walked beside Sara. Her braless breasts swayed with each step she took. Holmes had to stop his talking to wipe the drool from the corners of his mouth.

When they reached the attic access, Sara reached for the pull cord and pulled the folding steps down. As she reached, Holmes stepped back and admired her thick thighs and the bottom of her cheeks as they peeked from under the gown.

Joan hit him on the shoulder, “Stop that!” She scolded him. He looked at her with a mischievous grin and shrugged his shoulders. With the steps down, Holmes took the lead and climbed to the top with Joan at his heels.

They climbed to the top of the steps. At the top they separated and collected the recorders. They met in the center of the attic. The recorders were noise activated and both had recorded something.

“They probably picked up a rat fucking or something,” Holmes joked as he pressed rewind on the the recorder.

“You do know you are one sick freak, right?” Joan commented as the recorder stopped and began to play.

The sounds from the recorder started out as low moans. Holmes looked a Joan and raised his eyebrows. The longer the recording played the louder the moans got. The louder they got, the more frequent they become. Holmes stopped the recording and looked at Joan.

“You know Twatson, these sounds remind me of a time in my childhood. My family was vacationing in Florida. My mom, who you know was an animal lover, insisted we go to the zoo. Upon entering the gate, we heard moans, quite similar to these.”

Holmes rubbed his chin as he continued, “Being the inquisitive type, I went out exploring to see if I could discover the origin of the moans. The sounds carried me to the Tortoise exhibit. I had never seen the sorts. A large male tortoise had mounted a female. By golly Twatson, they were fucking right there in front of everyone.”

Joan shook her head as Holmes threw back his head and laughed. The two investigators climbed down the ladder. Holmes played the recording to Sara to confirm the noises were what she had heard. Once confirmed, Holmes instructed her not to tell anyone of the discovery.

He told her that he and Joan would return later that night after everyone had went to bed. They would sneak into the attic and watch to see if they could discover the origin of the noise. Sara agreed to leave the door open and swore she would tell no one, not even her husband.

Back at the office, Holmes dusted off his night vision goggles. It had been a while since he had used them, so he went into the closet to test them. Meanwhile Joan made some calls to get the debt collectors off their backs for a while longer.

Finally just after midnight, Holmes and Joan pulled up at the Taft home. Just as instructed, Sara had left the door unlocked. Holmes and Joan quietly made their way down the hallway to the access stairs.

As Holmes reached for the pull rope, something caught his attention.

He looked at Joan and put his finger over his lips to signal her to be quiet. Joan listened. She could hear a squeaking coming from one of the bedrooms. Holmes slowly made his way toward the noise. It carried him to the opened door.

When he looked in, he discovered where the noise was coming from. Sara was naked and on top of Joe. Her dimpled ass was moving around in circles on his shaft. Her hands were over her head. Holmes could see the sides of her big breast and froze, amused with the show.

Joan eased beside Holmes and peeked into the room. She slapped his shoulder and pulled him away. As he moved, he saw Sara peek over her shoulder and smile. He tipped his cap to her and moved toward the access door.

Once in the attic, Holmes pulled the access door up and the two settled in a dark corner. Joan wanted to scold him for watching Sara and Joe, but she knew it was no use. No matter how hard she tried should could not break him of his perverted ways.

It was getting late, Joan had just about decided that the night had been a waste when she heard the access door open. She nudged her sleeping partner as a figure climbed to the top of the steps. The figure reached down and pulled the access door closed.

The figure slowly walked over to the window on the north side of the house. Joan could tell the figure was male, just under six foot. She knew that Joe was shorter so she figured it was one of the Taft’s sons.

The male figure raised the window and peeked outside. He waved his hands and then pulled himself back in. From the light of the moon, Joan discovered that the male figure was indeed one of the Taft’s sons. It was the oldest, Raymond.

From the family profile, Joan knew that Raymond was nineteen, a freshman at the community college and slightly asthmatic. He moved away from the window and began to untie his sleep pants. Movement at the window caught Joan’s attention.

A woman was climbing into the open window. Neither Joan nor Holmes made a sound as the woman’s bare feet touched the floor of the attic. She was a young woman, by her looks, Joan guessed at least twenty. The woman didn’t make a sound, but as soon as she was inside, she lifted her dress over her head.

Holmes moved his night vision goggles over his eyes. The woman’s breasts were average size, with a slight downward sag. Between her legs was a thick patch of short, curly hair. By the time she was naked, Raymond had too removed his pants and his shaft was standing proud.

Holmes offered his goggles to Joan. She violently shook her head when she saw the woman drop to her knees in front of Raymond. Holmes smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up as the woman’s fingers wrapped around Raymond’s shaft.

She opened her mouth and inhaled his entire shaft into her mouth and throat. Raymond moaned. The same moan as in the recording. The case was solved. Joan began to move. Holmes caught her arm and shook his head.

Holmes turned his attention back to the couple. The woman moved her hands to Raymond’s bare ass and pulled him deeper into her. Her head bobbed back and forth. Raymond had his hands on both sides of her face and was fucking her mouth hard. With every in thrust, the notorious moan escaped his lips.

In a matter of minutes, Raymond was pounding his cock in the woman’s throat with such force that she gagged. He was relentless. His moans grew more frequent and grew with intensity. Then he pushed hard and let out the loudest moan of all.

In the commotion, Holmes slipped closer to the couple. Raymond’s hips were jerking as he emptied his junk into the woman’s mouth. Holmes was close enough to see the movements of her throat as she swallowed her reward.

The woman moved back and Raymond’s cock slipped from her lips. She started to stand, that is when Holmes stepped into the dim moon light as it beamed through the window. The woman turned white as a ghost when she saw Holmes.

The woman quickly grabbed her dress and bolted for the window, but fortunately Joan stepped between her and the window. She immediately began to cry.

Holmes reached into his pocked and pulled out his card. He handed it to Raymond. “Another case solved by the Shercock Holmes, Private Investigator.”

Raymond stood in shock, naked with his cock wilting. The woman covered her nakedness with her dress as Joan went down the steps to retrieve the Tafts. Holmes picked up Raymond’s pants and tossed them to him. “Cover yourself boy, no one wants to see all that.”

Joe and Sara topped the stairs and gasped at what they saw. Holmes allowed them to get over their shock before he began his summation.

“My dear Joe, as you can see, your attic is not haunted, just as I presumed. In fact the moans you heard were the results of this young woman’s talented mouth. You see, your son and this young woman were meeting up in the attic where she would perform oral sex on your son. Even though they attempted to be sly, no man could remain silent from the works of this woman’s mouth. So instead of ghosts in your attic, Joe, my good man, you have an cock sucking attic.” Holmes busted out laughing. “Get it attic, oh god I crack myself up.”

Joan rolled her eyes, “Mrs. Taft, do you know this woman?”

“Yes, she is our neighbor’s daughter. She and Raymond have always been close, but I didn’t realize they were this close. Why Raymond, this is a disgrace.”

“Mom, Lori and I are just friends. We don’t have sex, she likes sucking cock. When she gets a craving, she calls me and we meet up here,” Raymond responded.

“Please Mrs. Sara, dont tell my parents. They would disown me. Since I have been home from college, Raymond is the only guy I trust enough not to let my secret out,” the woman responded.

“My dear Tafts, as much as I am enjoying this saga, our work here is done. We will be expecting payment in full with in ten days.” Holmes motioned for Joan to leave. As Holmes passed Lori, he handed her one of his cards. “Being your secret is out, call me sometime,” he said with a wink.


Published 8 years ago

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