Shell Game

"I am exposed in public by a beautiful society girl."

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I had never been publicly humiliated by a girl until I met Rachel. And that night changed my life forever.

When I was fresh out of college, I waited tables for a couple of years at a swanky central London club called Enricos. The place attracted some high-rollers, a few gangsters and a lot of very beautiful girls. 

It was a regular club with dancing, live DJs and on some nights a band. But once a month they ran an XXX night, hired a few strippers, promoted a costume theme and ran various contests and games to get the clientele involved in the fun. 

One of these games was a sexed-up version of the classic con trick known as three shells. They got a couple up on stage with two extra men – usually, they were plucked from the crowd but sometimes, club staff or one of the strippers had to fill in. The three guys, stripped down to their underwear, stood in a line. They blindfolded the girl, mixed up the guys, and just by touch, she would have to work out which one was her partner. To make the game a bit harder, she wasn’t allowed to touch their faces, and they picked guys who were about the same height and build. If she got it right, the couple got a bottle of champagne. If she got it wrong, she had to do a forfeit. 

Our floor manager, Ella, MC’d the game and guided the blindfolded girl from one guy to the next. It was her personality and commentary that carried the game and kept things on track. Without her, some of the girls would have done a quick pat-down and then moved on. But if a girl was going too fast or was reluctant, Ella coaxed her to linger a couple of minutes and do a thorough job. Most importantly, she got the ‘money shot’ – she made sure the girl touched the guy’s dick – a moment that always drew noisy whoops and whistles from the spectators. 

Ella had asked me to take part once or twice and offered me an extra hundred quid. It was just part of working at the club, she said, no big deal. Besides, a good-looking young guy like me had nothing to be embarrassed about. It was this appeal to my vanity, as well as the cash, that did the trick in the end. I was working out and lifting weights pretty regularly in those days. Getting undressed in front of a girl was not something I felt shy about. 

Despite this cockiness, my first appearance was nerve-wracking. There I was, standing on stage in a pair of blue and white striped boxers, almost blinded by the bright lights. I remember the thumping bass of the sound system as we mounted the stage, then Ella’s raucous voice announcing the show through the PA, the cheers and whistles of the crowd. There was a sea of faces all turned towards us, dozens of girls in shiny silk dresses. I could feel their eyes on my face and body – and many smiles trying to catch my attention.

That first time, I was so immersed in the sense of being there among the crowd that I only have a dim memory of the actual woman in the game. She was just one figure plucked out of the crowd: a bright scarlet dress, matching lipstick, masses of blond hair, a thick wooden bangle on her wrist, the black silk blindfold. I guessed from the mottled skin of her arms and the sagginess of her neck that she was at least forty years old.

That night, I was first in line. Ella led her in front of me and the woman’s hands went first to my shoulders, then to my arms, then my chest. She had quite large hands and the skin was a little rough. She kept pinching and prodding me, as if she was teasing a baby, or giving me a medical exam. But she seemed to like my arms muscles and my shaved chest and the rippling muscles of my belly. Lingering on these areas, a smile went across her brightly painted lips. 

“I think she likes this one,” Ella blurted out through the P.A. “You can’t take him home, Claire, not unless he’s yours” 

At the end of her inspection, the rough hand twisted on my belly and she slid it firmly over my groin until she was grasping my dick through my boxers. She just left her hand there, gripping me lightly as if she was expecting some reaction. But my manhood just hung there limply and the feeling of her firm hand gripping my soft penis through the cotton of my boxers reminded me again of a medical exam. The smile disappeared from the woman’s face and Ella moved her on to the next guy. In the front row of the crowd, I saw a curvy young brunette blowing me a kiss. 

In the end, Claire guessed her boyfriend and won a bottle of champagne. Passing me on her way off stage, she shot me a cold glance. And as I went backstage to put on my waiter’s uniform, I felt both degraded and humiliated. I put on my clothes and went back out to the club to start serving again. It was a while before I could look anyone in the eye.

And yet, on that shift after my first appearance, something inside me changed. First of all, nobody really cared that much. The comments I got as I went from table to table were casual, friendly – even complementary: “Hey sexy.” “Hi handsome.” Girls were coming onto me because they had seen me on stage. 

The only exception was Maya, one of the bar staff. She hated the whole business and told me in no uncertain terms I was too good for ‘that sort of thing’. But I didn’t listen to her. 

The following week, when I volunteered my services freely, Ella looked a little surprised, but rapidly accepted. 

“I didn’t realise you had enjoyed it so much,” she commented, with an arch little smile. “Thanks.” And she gave my arm a squeeze. 

As she was leaving, she said. “By the way, there’s something for you to wear this time. I’ll leave them out. No pressure if you don’t want to.”

That evening, in the changing room before the show, I found a plastic bag with my name attached. Inside, there was a brand new pair of skimpy briefs, pale blue, with a broad designer waistband. 

As I was inspecting the garment, Maya passed through the changing room on the way for a smoke. There was an alley out the back that we used for that purpose.  

“Are you going to wear those?” she asked incredulously.

I shrugged and started getting undressed. “In for a penny, in for a pound, I suppose.” 

“Idiot!” She shook her head and went out. Not for the first time, I wondered why she was always so angry.

The atmosphere of the club that night was more intense than I can ever remember. The smoke machine was churning out great billowing clouds, the dancefloor was rammed, the music hit you like a wall of air. 

We filed onto the little stage almost unnoticed by the revellers. But then the music faded out, the smoke began to clear, and the heat of the stage lights was turned upon us. 

Ella strode onto the stage, greeting the crowd in her usual upbeat style. Eyes started turning towards us, and over the room there was a murmur of expectation.

“Let’s meet tonight’s contestant,” Ella exclaimed. “All the way from Chelsea, the lovely Rachel!” 

A raunchy fragment of music started up abruptly. The front row of the crowd parted, and up onto the stage, confident and smiling, strutted a woman of about twenty-four or twenty-five years old in a black silk dress. 

Wolf-whistles accompanied her onto the stage.

When I saw the girl, all my confidence evaporated in an instant, and the briefs that Ella had given me to wear suddenly felt very small, very tight, very ridiculous. Wearing my loose boxers at the last show, I had felt no more exposed than at a day at the beach. But the thin cotton of the briefs clung tightly to my loins. I was as good as naked, in a room full of people. But it was not the crowd that brought the rush of blood to my cheeks. It was the girl in the black dress.

Let me try and describe Rachel. She was above average height, and with the heels she was wearing that night, she could look me levelly in the eye. Her face, a perfect oval, was framed by a tumble of wavy blond-brown hair that fell abundantly over her shoulders. Her eyes were a beautiful clear grey, but there was a coolness in her gaze that warned you not to mess with her, and her sensual pink glossed lips were pressed into an ironic smile. 

Her little black dress outlined a perfect hourglass silhouette. It fully covered her breasts, but her slim-toned arms were bare to the shoulder. An expensive-looking silver bangle hung on one wrist and a Cartier watch on the other. The dress was short enough to reveal all of her legs, and their shapeliness was emphasised by high heels visible only in the straps across ankles and toes. Her skin was flawless, her tan so even that it seemed quite natural 

Everything about Rachel screamed class, money, confidence, success – and sex. She was dynamite, and she knew it. As she arrived on the stage, she did not glance at us once. 

When the introductions were complete and the blindfold went on, I felt a bit relieved. The strength of her personality seemed diminished and she even looked a touch vulnerable. Calm down, I thought. She’s just a beautiful high-class girl, that’s all. But then another thought sent the blood rushing to my loins. In a few moments’ time, this beautiful high-class girl’s hands are going to be all over my body. This beautiful high-class girl is going to feel my dick. 

When Ella rearranged us, I was last in line. As Rachel began touching the first man, who by chance was her boyfriend, I could hardly watch. What would happen when she got to me, I wondered. What if she gave me an erection? How could I stand in front of three hundred people and let a girl do that to me? 

I fixed my eyes on the wall opposite and tried to think about anything apart from Rachel. I solved math problems in my head. I tried to remember the plot of the film I had seen the night before. In my mind, I transported myself to a place far away, far away from the thought of Rachel’s face, Rachel’s hair, Rachel’s legs…

Ella’s voice over the PA jolted me back to the present moment: “Okay, Rachel. On to number three. Have you got a favourite so far?” 

She pushed the microphone in front of Rachel’s blindfolded face. With her eyes hidden, my gaze was naturally drawn to her sensual pink lips.

“They are both lovely,” Rachel said, with a smile. “But I have a feeling number three is going to be special.” 

She spoke crisply and calmly, with that kind of poise only found in the privately educated. And yet, there was something warm and sensual in her voice that I had not expected. 

Ella guided her in front of me, and Rachel reached out both hands until the tips of her fingers brushed against the hairs on my chest, sending a tingling sensation over my skin. Close up now, I watched her face as she touched me. That playful smile had gone, and her lips were slightly parted. The sweet smoky scent of her perfume swam over my senses. I had an urge to kiss her.

Her soft warm fingertips played blindly over my almost naked body. Up to my shoulders and neck, gently down my muscular arms, down the side of my thigh and back up the front, missing my groin by barely a whisper. 

Then, she did something I had not expected. Holding my waist, she stepped closer and brought her face almost to my neck, as if she were going to kiss me. I heard her inhale, and I realised she was trying to capture my scent. As she did so, the smile came back to her lips and she came even closer and slowly wrapped me in an embrace. She lay her cheek on my shoulder, her lips brushing my neck. Her hands, with open palms, slid up my back. 

Ella’s voice piped up on the PA, but softer now, not wanting to break the tension of the moment.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we might have a decision…” 

But there were no whoops and cheers. The club had become unusually quiet. 

Rachel was not finished. As she held me, I felt the smooth fleshiness of her cheek resting just against my shoulder, and the ticklish tangle of her hair on my chest. One hand clasped the back of my neck, the other slipped gently down my back, I felt the warmth of her body pressing against me through the silk of her dress, her slim bare thigh sliding against mine. What the hell was she doing? I wondered. She was holding me like a lover. I could feel my heart beating, and I knew I was becoming helplessly aroused.

In my confusion, I turned a questioning glance to Ella. All she could do was to shrug. 

“Rachel. Have you made up your mind? Is this your boyfriend?”

“Give me another minute or two,” Rachel said, sweetly. “I’m not quite sure.” 

Rachel’s exploring hand had reached the back of my briefs and now she pressed more firmly down over my cotton-clad ass. At the same time, I felt the firmness of a thigh pressing against my groin. Rachel turned her head a little and I felt her breath in my ear as she whispered coquettishly:

“Why don’t you hang out with me tonight?” 

“Uhh, what?” I asked, helplessly.

Rachel loosed an arm from the embrace and brought her hand round to the front of my body. And now she slid her hand up the inside of my thigh, sliding the whole length of her forearm against my swelling dick, and I felt a spasm of pleasure shoot through my loin. Smiling a little, she turned her hand and ran a finger down the length of my member. The sensation through the thin cotton fabric was electric, and I felt my dick spasm several more times. The pressure of the underwear was starting to feel painful.

Rachel brought her other hand up to gently cradle my head.

“You’re a little tight down here,” she said, huskily in my ear, squeezing my dick between her palm and fingers. “What shall we do about that?” 

I felt the top of my briefs prised away from my waist, a hot thrill of pleasure as the elastic was dragged over the too sensitive tip and my penis bounced free, and then the sudden breath of cool air around my loins as she pulled them down over my balls to my thighs.

From the dancefloor, there were scattered cheers and wolf-whistles, but Rachel was standing so close to me that my nakedness was hidden from most of the crowd. 

Rachel’s lips brushed my cheek and I felt her sweet breath tingling in my ear. At the same time, she wrapped her slender fingers firmly around my now fully erect penis and began gently but expertly to stroke me off.

What a big boy…” she breathed in my ear.

My eyes closed with lust and a moan escaped from my lips. In some dim and deep part of my brain, I was still aware of the watching crowd, aware that I was being humiliated, but Rachel’s power over me was now so complete that I was incapable of resisting her. She was controlling my lust like I was a puppet on a string. 

For a timeless moment, I stood with eyes closed, aware of nothing but a sense of complete nakedness, the heady scent of Rachel’s perfume, and the intimate touch of her caressing hand.

And then, suddenly, she relented. Her hand released my helpless cock and she gave me one last instruction: “Cover yourself up,” she said. I hastily pulled up my underwear – just in time to save a scrap of dignity. Nevertheless, as Rachel stepped away, the sight of my obvious arousal sent waves of laughter, boozy cheers and wolf-whistles around the dancefloor.

Ella waited for the audience to calm down, then held up the microphone, and said in a voice full of boisterous innuendo, “Rachel, you looked like you were enjoying yourself there. Have you made up your mind?”

“Yes, I have.”

“Who was it, Rachel? Number one, number two, or number three?”

“I would like to say number three,” she replied calmly. “But I believe my boyfriend is number one.”

“Okay. Ladies and gentlemen. We have a decision! Rachel, please take off your blindfold!”

Published 3 years ago

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