She knew it!
I’m almost 100% sure. The intense and caring smile she always gave me. It was our unspoken secret.
“Michael. Great to see you! How are you?” She gave me the nicest hug, and I enjoyed the smell of her hair and her perfume. As always it was a joy to see and hear her.
“Hi, Stine. Great to see you!” I gave her the best smile I could.
Every time we saw each other, it was like this; and it had been so for the last six months. It was an unspoken and acceptable ritual between us.
She also as usual put her head slightly on my left shoulder. Just a short moment. Afterward, we always pulled apart, and took the correct position between two people, so the intimate sphere was not broken.
“Oliver is in his room. Are you staying for dinner?” she asked me with a smile, and a clear expectation and hope, that I would say yes.
“Oh yes, thanks. I would like that. If it’s ok with you?” I said.
“There is always room for you.” Stine smiled, winked, and squeezed my right arm a little.
Everything was as it was supposed to be, and with a “thank you, I’m happy about that.” I turned around, and headed for Oliver’s room.
Oliver was my best friend. We had known each other since elementary school, and our friendship continued throughout high school. Now we have had our exams, and the world was open and exciting for us. Two 19-year-old youngsters, with lots of hope and courage for life.
I often visited Oliver, and I loved it! His mother, Stine, lived alone in a nice house, with Oliver and Karen, who was his little sister.
Oliver was feverish when I entered his room. He was packing a small bag with his work clothes, and looked like he was on his way.
“Hi, Michael. They just called from the gas station – Adam is sick. They needed someone to take his shift, and I had to say yes. They have helped me so many times,” Oliver stopped and looked at me. “Hope it’s, ok?” he said.
“Of course. No problem. We can write it tomorrow or the day after!” I gave him a thumbs up.
Our plan was to help each other to write job applications as assistants in a kindergarten. They were applying for two assistants, and we knew that young men were popular.
We had decided that we would travel for two months with backpacks in Indonesia, so now we needed a job for the next 6-8 months to finance the journey.
There was still a week until the application deadline, so whether we started today – or tomorrow for that matter – was no problem.
“I’m sorry,” Oliver said.
“No – that’s fine, Oliver. Don’t think about it. I’ll just go back home. I have a lot to do. Just ask my mum.” We laughed a little.
We went out of Oliver’s room, and he called for his mother.
“Mum! They called from the gas station. Adam is sick, so I’m taking his shift.”
Stine came out from the kitchen and saw her son pulling on his jacket.
“Oh, of course, darling. Sorry for Adam. The dinner is almost ready, but you can have something when you get home.”
“It won’t be until midnight.”
“Okay then. I will put it in the refrigerator. Remember the key.” Stine smiled at him.
“Yeah, sure, mom.”
“What about you, Michael? Won’t you stay and eat with Karen and me?” Stine looked at me expectantly.
Oliver seemed stressed and interrupted his mother. “Sorry, but I’ll have to leave now. See you, Michael. Tomorrow night?”
“Yes, that’s fine,” I quickly replied.
“Bye, Mum.” Oliver waved at Stine and was out the door.
So, there I was. Facing the loveliest, most beautiful and smiling face I knew.
“Come on, Michael, stay and eat with us!” She winked at me. “Karen,” Stine called Oliver’s sister “the dinner is ready. We are eating now!”
“By the way, I also have a painting, that I need help to put on the wall.” Stine smiled at me and continued. “Oliver has promised to do it, but you know him. Sometimes there’s a long distance between thought and real action.” She chuckled.
“Could you be persuaded? I’ve borrowed a drill and everything from my neighbor.” Stine smiled and looked at me with her head slightly tilted. It was hard to turn down that face and that voice.
“Of course,” I said in a mushy voice and immediately cleared my throat. “Of course, I will help you.”
“Perfect! Thanks, Michael. Let’s eat first, and then fix the painting afterwards,” she said and gave me another squeeze on my arm.
“Good plan,” I said and enjoyed the fact, that I would be in her company for the next hour or so.
“She is so beautiful,” I thought to myself and felt a nice satisfaction inside.
We sat down at the table in the large kitchen, and Stine handed me the salad bowl.
“It’s just meatballs, potatoes and salad,” she said.
“Oh – that sounds delicious,” I said and took the bowl.
Karen came tumbling down to the table and almost threw herself on the chair. She had just started high school and was enjoying her life to the fullest. New subjects. New teachers. New friends. And not least – the parties.
“Mum. Thea is having a party you remember. And I’m staying there for the night.”
“You haven’t told me that, Karen.” Stine sounded surprised.
“Mum – yes I have. You just never listen to what I’m saying,” she sounded a bit irritated. “We are 10 persons from the class, and Thea’s parents are at home.”
“You haven’t said anything, Karen.” Stine looked at me and smiled.
“She is so busy with everything else, that she completely forgets her mother.”
I didn’t know what to say. But Karen did.
“Okay, mom. I’ll try again.” She breathed in heavily. “There is a party at Thea’s, and I would like to stay over for the night. Is that okay? Mum? Please?”
“Yes Karen – that’s fine then,” Stine nodded. “But take care of yourself! Remember how sick you became last time you were at a party.”
Karen sighed and said, “Yes, Mom – I remember. It won’t happen again.”
When I heard that, I smiled and thought to myself, “Of course it will happen again.”
The dinner went well. The food tasted good, and we talked about many things. Karen was very interested in the journey Oliver, and I had planned.
“Oh, it sounds great. I also want to travel when I graduate,” she said.
“Yes, but first you have to graduate, Karen. Homework, have you heard about that word?” Stine winked at me.
“Oh, you are so funny, Mom. I’m off now, thanks for dinner.”
“Take care of yourself!” Stine shouted, and with a bang, Karen slammed the front door and was gone.
The silence subsided, and there we were – Stine and I – looking at each other.
“Do you need more to eat?” she asked.
“No thanks. It tasted super delicious, Stine.” I enjoyed saying her name. Stine. Stine.
“We’ll just leave the table now. Then I’ll clean up later when you’re gone. Let’s fix the painting so you can get home. Why spend a lovely Saturday evening with an old woman like me?” She laughed and laid her hand on top of mine.
Her hand was warm and dry, and I felt a small sensitive stroke of her thumb over the soft hairs on my hand. It felt magical.
She should only know, how much I enjoyed spending a Saturday evening with her – all alone. She was twenty years older than me, but she was youthful, beautiful, and hot! In my eyes, she was the perfect woman. The perfect woman for the perfect fantasy.
She removed her hand from mine and asked, “Ok, Michael, shall we, do it?”
We entered the cozy living room, and I immediately saw the colorful painting in red and orange colors. It was a perfect choice for her living room.
“Don’t you think it will be nice there, Michael?” Stine pointed at the wall above the sofa.
I enjoyed it when she said my name. I wondered how it would sound if she whispered my name in my ear, while I kissed her neck, felt her soft skin. Smelling her perfume. A little bite in her perfect earlobe. Once again, I got lost in all sorts of emotions and fantasies about her.
“Focus, Michael,” I said to myself. “Focus. There’s a painting to hang up. After that, I’m going home.”
The drill was big and heavy.
“Good thing you have such big strong arms.” Stine chuckled and squeezed me on the right biceps.
I loved those touches, and I wanted to do the same to her. But most probably, there was nothing in it on her part. She was – and always had been – very physical in her behavior towards people.
“So, forget it, Michael!” I thought. It would just be totally awkward if I started to reciprocate her touches.
She had drawn a small cross on the wall with a pencil and was now standing close to me with the vacuum cleaner tube. Ready to catch dust and plaster from the wall.
“Okay. Are you ready?”
“Yes. Let’s do it,” I spoke.
She turned on the vacuum cleaner with her foot, and I started drilling. Stine stood on tiptoes to reach, and suddenly I felt her right breast on my left arm. It was plump and soft, and I felt it rest and move on my arm. She seemed unaffected and smiled as she shouted through the noise.
“Good job, Michael!”
She was still standing close, and I felt a major satisfaction, and an urge to touch her. Maybe her hair? Maybe her neck? I was pulled out of my thoughts when she turned off the vacuum cleaner and placed the tube on the floor.
“Perfect, Michael! Now we just must put the Rawplug in. They are here.”
She pointed at the floor and bent down to open the box of Rawplugs and screws. When she did, I had a direct look down her loose-hanging blouse. I could see that she was wearing a blue bra, and her breasts swayed slightly as she moved. It was a beautiful and hot sight. Fortunately, she stayed bent forward a little longer than I expected, while she removed some small pieces of plaster, that had ended up on the floor. Finally, she got up, and with a fantastic smile on her lips, she handed me a Rawplug and a screw.
“Here you are. I am so happy that you will help me. You have no idea how much it means to me.”
“Of course, I want to help you, Stine,” I said, and finally, I took the chance, and squeezed her arm a little bit. She smiled, winked back at me, and squeezed my arm.
The painting was hanging perfectly on the wall, and then we cleaned up. I carried the borrowed tools to the hallway, and when I came back into the living room, Stine had found a beer and two glasses and put them on the table.
“Sit down, Michael. Now we’re going to share a beer, and you’re going to tell me everything that’s happening in your life right now! Okay?”
“Yeah, ok. That sounds nice,” I said.
She opened the beer and poured the contents in our glasses. But when she moved the glass in my direction, it tipped over, and the beer splashed over me. My t-shirt and pants were all covered in beer.
“No, no, no – I’m sorry, Michael. I’m just so clumsy. I will get you a towel!” She quickly walked out to the kitchen.
“Don’t worry, Stine. It can happen to anyone,” I said loudly.
There I was. In wet clothes, smelling like a tavern. What a sight. I smiled to myself.
Stine came back and handed me the towel. I rubbed at my T-shirt and trousers, but of course, it wasn’t enough to dry the clothes.
“I’d better go home and change my clothes,” I said and felt disappointed immediately.
“No, no, Michael. You’re not going home like that! Imagine yourself looking and smelling like that on the bus?” She laughed and looked at me inquisitively.
“No, you know what. You will go to the bathroom and take a shower. I’ll find some of Oliver’s clothes that you can borrow.”
“No – it’s really not necessary, Stine.”
“Nonsense. Now you do what I say!” she said firmly and led me to the hallway, and pointed down towards the bathroom.
“Hurry up Michael, the shower is waiting for you.”
I walked to the bathroom, and when I opened the door, I immediately smelled Stine’s perfume. I had always loved that scent because it reminded me of many happy hours and days in this house. The scent also reminded me of the secret thoughts that started to build up, when I got older.
I took off my clothes and entered in the large shower cabin, where I turned on the water. When the water was warm enough, I went under the shower head and felt the soft warm water on my body. It was nice.
I’ve been standing here so many times before, but this time it was so different. Because I was alone in the house with Stine. Beautiful life-giving Stine.
My fantasies about her were intense. And even though they were fantastic to have, they also felt wrong. Sometimes my fantasies gave me a bad conscience. Because, how sick wasn’t it, to have a crush on my best friend’s mother?
But at the same time, I conveniently accepted the fact, that there also must be space for fantasies. And the fantasies came back, here in the shower. What if Stine suddenly stood here with me…? What if she allowed me to touch her…? What if…?
I felt the blood flow into my manhood, and I started to grow. It felt nice, and I positioned myself, so the water hit the root of my manhood. I grew even more now, and the erection was nice and big. I moaned a little to myself, enjoying the situation.
Suddenly I heard the door being opened.
“Good thing you hadn’t locked the door, Michael. You need a towel! I will hang it right here outside the shower.”
“Okay, I stammered with a mushy voice.
I could see her shadow through the blurred white shower curtain. Her arm reached out, and I could tell, that she was hanging the towel on the hooks just outside the bath.
I saw that she kept standing outside the shower curtain a moment longer than she had to. I didn’t know what to do or say. I was just standing there as a statue, with my erected manhood.
“Enjoy your shower, Michael. I’ll get you some clothes” she finally said, and I could hear, that she left the bathroom, and closed the door.
I breathed out with a long sigh of relief and turned around again with my back to the curtain. My erection was slowly dropping, and I now enjoyed the feeling that occurs, when the manhood is drained of blood. Still unresolved, sensitive, and thick – but not stiff anymore.
I stood with my eyes closed. The water was pouring down over my head, and suddenly I felt two hands caressing my shoulders.
Stine was standing behind me. She pressed her body against mine, and I immediately knew, that she was naked. I could feel her breasts against my back, her little belly against my lower back, and her laps against my buttocks. Her fingers now caressed me gently up and down my arms, obviously enjoying the soft hair on my arms.
“Michael? Is it okay I’m here?” she whispered.
I froze and didn’t know what to say. I felt an indescribable desire to kiss and touch her. But, once again, I was just a statue.
She grabbed my shoulders, and turned me around so that we stood face to face. I didn’t know where to look, but she quickly took control.
“Michael! Look at me,” I looked into her green eyes, which matched her red hair so perfectly.
“Is it okay that I’m here?”
“Yes,” I stammered quietly, as I felt the blood return to both my face and manhood.
“Are you sure, Michael?”
“Yes. I like you so much,” I whispered.
Stine smiled and leaned her head towards mine.
“So, kiss me, Michael. I want you to kiss me.”
At first, we kissed quiet and slow – sensed each other – but when Stine opened her mouth, and let her tongue touch my lips, I gave in. And with a big sigh, we kissed deeply for a long time, while the warm water slowly flowed down on us.
My manhood grew and got in the way.
“Hi there! You must be out looking for trouble.” She laughed and took me in her hand. I trembled by her touch, but she persisted, looking challengingly into my eyes, while she guided me up my stomach.
“Now you’re not in the way anymore!” she said, and once again we stood close and kissed.
She stopped and laid her hands on my shoulders.
“Michael, have you been with girls or women before?”
“Yes, I have had two girlfriends, and we… you know, did it!”
I almost didn’t know where to look, but she insisted on talking about this. And in a way, that loosened me – and the situation – up.
“Did you like it? To be with those girls?” she asked.
“Yes – and no. Because… you know… it was exciting, but also… I think it was a little bit confusing. What to say, and what to do. It went too fast. I don’t think I was very good.”
Stine nodded and kissed me caring.
“Yes, I understand – but you know what? That is very natural, Michael.”
“You think?” I asked.
“I know Michael!” Stine smiled a little and kissed me again.
“You can’t run a bike if you don’t practice. It’s the same with making love! You must practice.”
“Yes but…” I turned my head to the left.
“Look at me, Michael. Look at me!” She grabbed my head with both her hands and turned it.
“I am a middle-aged woman, and I have so many experiences. Also, sexual experiences. And yet – I am still learning! For example, right now. I have learned, that a handsome, clever, kind, hot, and desirable young man, called Michael, is a fantastic kisser. His warm and sexy kisses wake my whole body and make me want to seduce him.”
She winked at me and kissed me again.
“And by the way. He has a beautiful and delicious manhood as well.”
She winked, took me in her hand, and caressed my balls with her fingernails. She kissed me and kept our eye contact.
“Michael! Tonight, I will help you to practice. You can ask me anything. Ok?”
I nodded, smiled, and then we kissed. What a fantastic woman. In that moment, I felt so happy and fortunate.
She now turned around and stood with her back to me.
“But there is also something you must know! How to make a woman satisfied. I will tell you as we go along. Ok?”
I stood behind her and smelled her hair, and caressed her shoulders.
“Yes, Stine…my god, you are fantastic.”
“Good start, dear. Always tell her how beautiful and sexy, and lovely and hot she is. Tell her all the nice things, and a little of, what you want to do to her.”
I kissed her neck.
“You are unbelievably hot, Stine.”
“So are you. Take some soap. I need to feel your hands on me now,” she said.
I stepped back a little, took some soap in my hands, and began to wash and massage her shoulders and back.
“Hmm, it’s nice. Keep doing like that – slowly, slowly!”
I took more soap and massaged her neck and shoulders. I found her chest on her front, and caressed her soft skin, and slowly I moved my hands down to her breasts. She moaned a little, as I gently grabbed them, lifted them, and caressed them. They were incredibly lovely to touch – just as I had dreamed of. And the pulse in my manhood throbbed heavily. Her nipples were stiff, and her breasts were shiny and soft – all covered in soap.
“Yes, perfect, Michael. Squeeze my nipples” she whispered.
With my thumb and index finger, I squeezed her big and hard nipples.
“A little harder!” she demanded.
I did as she asked of me, and her moan told me, that I was doing the right thing.
“Now, move your hands down,” she whispered, took my hands, and guided me down her stomach. Down towards her sex.
She purposely, and experienced spread her legs, so my hand easily could find it.
“Yes, Michael – that’s right! Yes, just like that! You know what to do I can tell!”
I now gently touched her labia with my fingertips and separated them. I could feel that she was wet, and an amazing elation and joy flushed through my body.
My fantasy had come true.
I started massaging her clitoris, and she shuddered a bit and moaned.
“Oh yes. Oh yes. A little faster – and harder” she whispered.
I started to move my finger faster and harder, and another of my fingers searched for her vagina, found it, and went inside.
She moaned loudly.
“Oh yes, go on, Michael. Faster! Faster!”
Now I tried to satisfy her as well as I could. I stood behind her and enjoyed her body and her heavy breathing.
“Use your mouth!”, she almost shouted out loud. Turned quickly and pushed my head down frantically and insistently. I knelt and lifted her left leg slightly, so I could kiss her sex with my mouth.
“Slowly, slowly!” she said. “Stick your tongue inside me and move it inwards slowly and softly.”
I did what she said, and obviously she liked it.
“Oh yes, it’s nice” she whispered.
I looked up and saw her face. She was in full pleasure as far as I could tell. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth a little open. Her beautiful body trembled nicely, and I just loved the sight of her so much. Once again, I felt very, very fortunate, and my self-confidence as a lover grew rapidly. I had seen movies and so, and some things of what I had seen, had to work in the real world as well. Therefore, I searched with my tongue and found her clitoris. She trembled and moaned but didn’t say anything. “That must be a very good sign,” I thought.
With soft and calm movements, I licked her the best I knew.
“Oh, your sex is delicious. Am I doing it right?” I said smacking, with my mouth full of her juices.
“Oh yes,” She almost laughed. “It’s fantastic. Don’t you ever stop, Michael.”
As my mouth and tongue enjoyed her, I put two fingers up into her, moving them in and out in an increasing pace. Her body was electric.
“Aaahhhh, Aaahhhh.” She moaned and shivered slightly. It was obvious, that she was enjoying every move. Every single touch I made.
“I come! I come! I come! Aaahhhh!” she shouted out loudly, and her whole body trembled violently and beautifully in the most wonderful orgasm.
This was real. I had satisfied Stine!
“Stop!” She quickly pulled away from me. Her eyes were wild, and her wet hair was almost stuck to her face. She was in the throes of her emotions. Everything went on her.
“My god that was fantastic. You are so good, Michael!”
She moaned and assaulted my mouth with a passionate and lustful kiss. We kissed deep and long, and her tongue forced its way inside my mouth like mill blades.
She turned away, looked passionately at me, and said, “That was amazing Michael. You did it perfectly. You are a fast learner.”
We kissed again, and I now felt her hands searching down my stomach, and she grabbed my manhood with a firm demanding grip.
I moaned quietly, and she looked teasingly at me. Her eyes were clear again.
“Now it’s probably my turn. Or should we stop?” she said and smiled her beautiful smile. Thankfully she didn’t stop. Instead, she squatted down, so my manhood stood straight in front of her face. She looked at it with obvious interest.
“Hi there my friend,” she said. “There you are again. You look nice!”
“What do you want me to do, Michael?” She looked innocent at me.
“Well, I don’t know,” I didn’t know what to say. “Well yes, I would like if you took me in your hand?” I asked with a shy and quiet voice.
“Ok, I’ll do that,” she said unaffected, and with a smile.
Her left hand found my scrotum, and with her fingertips, she gently caressed and tickled my balls. I trembled, and she also began to tease and rub my manhood with her right hand. My foreskin was sliding back and forth over the head of my manhood. I looked down at her, while she was satisfying me with both hands. It was fantastic to see and feel.
“My god, Stine. This is so nice!”
“Yes, I knew you would like this,” she mumbled, and continued, “Did your girlfriends like to do this? Satisfying you?”
“Well – not like this. Ah, it’s nice,” I moaned.
“I think I’m going to take you in my mouth now. Is that ok?” she said it, as if it were just an ordinary everyday action. That was very hot.
Her lips gently enfolded my forehead, and I enjoyed her warm wet mouth. I felt her tongue moving up and down the back of my manhood, and it was amazing.
She took me deep in her mouth, all the way down her throat. She sighed, and I could feel that she enjoyed having me in her mouth. That turned me on even more, and I was hit with a desire, that I had never felt before.
“I like your cock, Michael. It’s delicious.” She purred and mumbled cheekily, as she played with my manhood in her mouth.
She took me out of her mouth and looked up at me. “Do you like it?”
“Oh yes, don’t stop!” I said quickly.
“Okay then. Did your girlfriends do like this?” She took me in and out of her mouth while asking me those questions.
“No, none of them were very fond of it. Ah, this is good!” Again, I moaned.
“Okay. Do you like it when I talk dirty to you? Tell me, Michael. Do you like it, when I say, that you have a big,” she licked me while looking at me, “a big, delicious,” she took me in and out of her mouth, “big delicious, beautiful, hard cock, and I just love to suck it! I love to suck your cock! Do you like it when I say like that?”
“Oh yes, Stine. I love everything you say and do. It is fantastic,” I stammered and moaned loudly.
She now let her tongue dance on the back of my manhood. She moved her mouth down to my scrotum, sucking my balls into her mouth, while she rubbed me gentle and slowly. I felt as big as ever, and I moaned loudly.
It was so nice, and I could hardly handle any more pleasure, and after some time, as she satisfied both my manhood and my scrotum, I could feel an orgasm approaching.
“Stop, Stine. I will end up coming!” I moaned and pulled myself out of her mouth. It blackened before my eyes, and yet, I enjoyed every moment.
“That was a close call!” she said cheekily and teasing and stood up beside me. She took her hands around my neck and looked at me.
“Oh, my dear Michael. This is so nice. I love being with you,” she kissed my lips “and now I want to feel your big, delicious,” she whispered in my ear “…. your big, delicious, hard cock inside me. And I want you to come inside me. Okay? Come inside me, Michael. I want you to come for me!”
She looked into my blurred and passionate eyes.
And then she kissed me intensely and turned around. She bent down, and her buttocks were now right in front of my manhood. I grabbed her hips and guided my manhood between her buttocks towards her labia. She gripped me with her hand and let me gently inside. Silently I slid into
her, and the feeling was magical. She was wet and ready, and she moaned when I went inside her.
“Oh yes, you fit perfectly, Michael! Your big, hard cock is perfect. Come, move a little faster,” she said.
I grabbed her hips and gradually pushed harder and faster inside her. Her breasts danced wildly. It was amazing. And she moaned loudly, asking me to keep going, and going, and going, and suddenly her whole body trembled in a long and intense orgasm. “Ah yes!”, she cried out loud, while I still thrust in her. Hard and fast.
I was nearing my climax myself, and the second after I squirted into her with great force. She could feel the contractions in my manhood as I came.
“Oh yes, Michael. Come inside me. Oh yes, I feel it! Give it to me!” Stine shouted, and I came so fiercely as I had ever tried before. Now it was me, who cried out loud, and in several powerful ejaculations, I filled her with my semen.
“Oh, Michael!”
“Oh, Stine!”
“Michael! Come on! Get started!” There was a hard knock on the door, and my mother’s voice shouted out loud.
I was harshly and brutally torn away from my dream and answered in a choppy and mushy voice. “I’m awake, mum!”
“You can’t sleep all afternoon, Michael. Have you forgotten?” She talked to me outside my bedroom door. “You have an appointment with Oliver!”