It had been a week since her experience with Vicky at the gym and longer, with Michelle at the store. Despite not physically seeing her, she loved it when the vivid images of Vicky would hit her out of nowhere. “I was so kinky… such a slut…,” she would say to herself.
But Colette started to notice the memories were happening more and more frequently as time went on. During her commute into work, while on her lunch break or at home, even when Steve or the kids were around. Her mind would wander in the middle of meetings. Sometimes, when they happen when she’s alone, she would masturbate to the images and memories, closing her eyes to revisit her intense experiences with either Vicky or Michelle.
She needed to do something about it. “Maybe find a hobby or something,” she would tell herself. She knew she needed something she could turn to as an outlet, to prevent it from consuming her.
On the way home one afternoon, having left work early, she decided to drive through town choosing purposefully to take the long way home instead of using the freeway. While driving through their downtown streets she passed the music store. Immediately after seeing it, she thought to herself, “Music! I could try learning an instrument! Maybe that would help get my mind off these thoughts.“
She pulled into the parking lot, parked her car and walked into the store. Every kind of instrument was on display. Looking to the back wall, Colette saw a huge selection of guitars. “That could be exactly what I need,” she thought. She’d always wanted to learn guitar, and had always dreamed of being a rockstar ever since she was little.
She quickly walked to the back of the store and started looking around. Just as she was about to pick up a guitar off the wall, a young woman came up to her. “Hello and welcome in! Is there anything I can help you with?” she asked.
As Colette turned, she saw before her what looked like, at least to Colette, the quintessential rocker girl. Looking all of nineteen years of age, she had short blond hair that was stylishly messy. She was wearing a white ripped half T-shirt that had a picture on the front of giant lips with a lollipop stem hanging out. Her stomach was flat but not muscular-flat, and the black jeans she was wearing were tight from her waist to her ankles.
“Hello. Yes, I’m looking for a guitar. Something that’s easy to play and learn on,” Colette answered.
The girl smiled, gave her a quick wink and said, “I have just the thing, follow me,” as she walked away.
Walking after her to the back corner of the store, Colette thought to herself, “Did she just wink at me? I wonder why she did that.“
It only took a handful of seconds to get there, and perhaps it was the wink that did it, but Colette also started to think about how cute this girl was. She also found herself looking at her as she walked, completely enjoying the skin she could see peeking out in several places where she had rips in her jeans.
“My name is Stephanie by the way,” she said as they arrived. “What’s yours?”
“Nice to meet you, Stephanie. I’m Colette.”
She turned to look at Colette and asked, “So are you thinking acoustic or electric? Or maybe a bass?”
“Oh!” Colette said out loud. “I hadn’t even thought about a bass,” she continued, visibly pondering the idea of a bass guitar. “I was actually thinking electric guitar initially, but now hearing you say bass…”
“Tell you what, let’s try both. I think it’ll be fun!” Stephanie said as she glanced down Colette’s body and then back up to make eye contact.
“Did she just check me out?” Colette thought to herself as she also felt her heart start to beat faster.
Then Stephanie said, “You’re like five foot six, right? I’m thinking a full-size guitar for you.”
“She was just confirming my height,” she thought to herself, noting the disappointment that she felt all of a sudden. “Good guess, five foot seven, actually,” Colette replied with the slightest smile out of the corner of her mouth.
Stephanie also noted her disappointment. “She thought I was just checking her out!” she thought to herself. “And she smiled! I think this woman liked the idea of me checking her out! I think I’m gonna have some fun…,” she continued thinking to herself. “Can I ask you something?”
“Of course,” Colette replied, trying to sound nonchalant.
“How old do you think I am?” Stephanie asked.
Colette didn’t know what to say. Women typically didn’t talk about each other’s age. But she’s young, Colette thought. She didn’t care about manners like that. “I don’t know, twenty-five?” Colette answered.
“Yes! You guessed it,” Stephanie said. “Twenty-four, actually, but close enough. And you?” she asked. “And before you answer,” she added quickly, “I have to say that you look amazing. I mean, really hot actually. I’m going to guess mid-thirties for you.”
“Did she just call me hot?” Colette thought. “Oh, you’re so sweet. Let’s just say you can add ten to that number.” Colette answered. And just as she said the number, she consciously hoped that she didn’t just turn off this beautiful, fit twenty-something woman with her age.
Stephanie knew there was an age difference. And she didn’t care. Knowing the actual years didn’t matter to what she was already starting to plan in her head. The truth be told – she’d never been with an older woman before and she now very much wanted Colette.
Stephanie had first started experimenting with other girls when she was in college. Since graduating, she’d really only been with girls close to her age. All of which were beautiful in their own way, but they were also very similar to her. She was ready for something different. And Colette was different in so many ways.
For one thing, she had a confidence that she hadn’t seen before in women of Stephanie’s age. She was also beautiful and clearly took care of herself. Not to mention, here she was, in her store looking for help. And oh did she want to help her.
“I was interested in our ages because I was curious what you thought about the age difference between two people. You know, two people who might be interested in each other.”
Colette’s heart started racing. “Was she referring to the two of them?“
“There’s this guy I’ve been seeing,” she said. And with just those words, Colette started to get disappointed again. Stephanie saw it in her face and continued with her lie, feeling confident in her plan. “We met a couple months ago, and I’m starting to get the feeling he thinks our ages are too far apart for him. Similar to you, he’s in his forties as well. What do you think about that?” she asked.
“Oh, I don’t know,” Colette said.
“What am I saying?” said Stephanie. “Enough about me. You came here to buy a guitar! So let me help with that!”
As she turned around, she stood up on the small step ladder behind her to get closer to the guitars on the wall. As she reached up to grab one, her ripped T-shirt lifted up giving full view of the pink wings of her bra. And as Colette’s gaze lowered to Stephanie’s butt, she noticed the unmistakable pink fabric of her panties peeking through the rip in the seat of her jeans.
“I’m not sure about this one,” she said, turning around and briefly catching Colette looking at her butt before she quickly looked up at her. “It looks like it might be a little big for you.”
Colette looked at the guitar in her hands. It had a beautiful finish and she couldn’t help but be impressed by it. “That looks gorgeous,” she said. It was a glossy light blue lacquer color, looking almost wet thanks to the shine. The neck was a light wood grain connected to a body that had two shafts protruding. Colette noted how phallic the shafts looked, causing a slight twitch between her legs.
“Great, let’s go with this one for now then. She reached down from the step stool and handed the guitar to Colette. As she leaned toward Colette, she purposely extended her arm out and away from her body opening up the front of her T-shirt. Colette couldn’t help but shift her gaze away from the guitar and up Stephanie’s shirt to see her pink bra underneath.
Stephanie’s plan was working, she thought to herself. “I think this MILF might actually be down for some fun.“
“I’m glad you like it. It’s my favorite one,” Stephanie said, “Now, tell me, have you ever played before?”
“No, but it’s something I’ve always thought would be so much fun,” Colette answered.
“That’s OK. I’m actually one of the instructors here,” Stephanie said. Then looking around the fairly deserted store, she quickly walked over to a coworker to ask him something and came back. “If this works for you, I’d like to personally show you how to play a few chords. I just checked with my teammate and he said he can cover for me since we’re so slow in here.”
“Oh, I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking about any lessons just yet,“ Colette said.
“Don’t think of it as a lesson,” Stephanie said. “Think of it as a quick way to get to know your guitar, you know, to see if it’s going to work for you. Plus, it’ll be an opportunity for us to get to know each other, and for you to decide if you want me…” Stephane paused before finishing to purposely let that last phrase sink in.
“Did she just ask if I might ‘want’ her?” Colette thought to herself. “W-w-what do you mean?” Colette replied awkwardly.
“Oh, you know,” she said with a wink. “To decide if I’m right for you… as your guitar instructor.”
Colette’s face was flush and her heart was pounding. “Well, since you put it that way, sure, why not.” Colette’s mind started wandering. “Maybe I do want to get to know her better,” she thought to herself. Looking at the clock, she saw that it was only 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Leaving work early had bought her extra time and Steve wouldn’t really be expecting her until around six.
“Great!” Stephanie said. “The private lesson rooms are over there. Follow me!” She pointed and proceeded to walk away, leading her to the other side of the store. As they walked, she slowed to let Colette come up next to her. As she did, Stephanie put her hand on the middle of Colette’s back and slid it down to her waist, just above Colette’s ass and gave it a little pat. “You’re going to have so much fun, I promise,” she said with a wink.
Colette felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her body as Stephanie’s hand touched her. “Oh my…” she thought. “She is definitely up to something, and we have plenty of time to see where this can go.“
The two women walked through the store, Colette holding the guitar and Stephanie keeping her hand on Colette’s lower back. As they approached a hallway of doors, Colette assumed they were the private instruction rooms. Stephanie led her to the last door and opened it. As she walked ahead and inside, Colette was shocked to feel Stephanie pat her on her butt as she entered the room.
“What a naughty girl,” she thought. Stephanie closed the door behind them and locked it. She turned around and Colette was staring at her in surprise, not realizing there would be a lock on the door.
“Now we can have some privacy,” said Stephanie. Colette’s heart immediately started racing.
Stephanie proceeded to lead Colette to the back of the room and took a seat on a chair. She motioned for Colette to sit opposite her, pointing to a floor speaker that was about stool height. “That’s your seat,” she said pointing.
Colette was about to ask what was going on when Stephanie placed her hand on Colette’s thigh and said, “We have some time before your lesson starts.” And as she said this, she turned and picked up another guitar. With the four strings, Colette knew it to be a bass guitar and there was already a cord connected to the speaker she was sitting on.
With her hand still on her thigh, Stephanie slid her hand up and around the back of Collette, then dropping it down behind her. Instantly, Colette heard a click and there was an audible hum coming from the speaker she was sitting on.
Stephanie then sat back, guitar now in her lap. “I’m going to play some chords to get you started…” she said. “I want to get you used to the deep sounds of the bass. And for this first part, you’re actually not going to need your guitar. Are you OK with putting it down on the floor next to you?”
“No problem,” Colette said, and she placed it carefully on the ground beside her.
“OK, I know that speaker you’re sitting on isn’t the most comfortable of seats, but I think for this, you’ll want both feet on the floor in front of you with legs together. As Colette got into position, Stephanie took her first strum of the bass. “Bbbvvvvuuuummmmbbb,” went the speaker. Colette immediately felt the reverberation up through her butt and into her abdomen, causing a vibration between her legs.
“Oooh,” Colette said, and her eyes closed as she felt the vibration course through her body. Stephanie strummed again, this time holding the note for a little longer. Colette’s eyes opened and she looked at Stephanie with a look of lust on her face.
“Feels good, right?” Stephanie said.
“Oh yes,” Colette replied.
Then Stephanie hit the bass string hard with her pick and made the speaker respond with a deep, low vibration that started to make Colette’s entire lower region start to melt. With ass cheeks firmly pressed against the speaker, she felt the vibration extend up into her groin and slowly massage her pussy.
“Oh my god, Stephanie, this feels amazing,” said Colette, loving every feeling the speaker was giving her. Stephanie stopped and the reverberations from the speaker started to subside. “W-w-why did you stop?” Colette asked.
“Because I have a better position for you,” she answered. “It’s one that I think you’re absolutely going to love, but I need you to stand up briefly”. As Colette stood, Stephanie placed her guitar down and with two hands laid the speaker face down. Because it had three sides, the back corner was now faced up.
Colette looked at the rounded corner now facing up. “You faced the speaker down?” she asked.
“Yes, and trust me,” Stephanie said, walking toward Colette. With eyes locked, she leaned in and kissed Colette.
At first, it was a casual kiss but with her intruding tongue, Stephanie insisted on more. With tongues quickly entwined, Stephanie leaned in, pressing her chest against Colette’s, immediately feeling her erect nipples through the thin fabric of her shirt.
As their kissing became more intense, Stephanie reached back to massage Colette’s ass with one hand. With her other hand, she started unbuckling Colette’s pants. Then Stephanie pulled away, saying, “For the next position, you’ll want to take your pants off.”
“Go ahead,” Colette whispered.
Stephanie continued to unbutton Colette’s pants, pulled down the zipper and slid them off, exposing sexy black lace panties underneath. As she pulled Colette’s pants down and helped her step out of them, she said, “Now I want you to squat over the speaker.”
“Oh my,” Colette said as she started straddling the speaker, eager to experience what’s next. As she squatted, she could feel her pussy press down against the rounded corner of the speaker.
“That’s it. Now, let’s see how you like it with closer contact in, shall we say, all right places,” Stephanie said with a purr. She picked up the guitar and started to play a chord. The sound of the guitar filled the room, but it was also reverberating back from the speaker and directly into Colette.
Colette was instantly in ecstasy, as she felt what seemed like a hundred fingers massaging in and around her pussy lips. She could also feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter as her juices started to flow.
As Stephanie kept playing the guitar, Colette felt herself wanting to grind against the speaker. With the sound continuing to reverberate up into her, Colette pushed down against the top of the speaker and started to shift her weight forward and back. The heat was rising, and the sensation was permeating through her body.
Her panties, now thoroughly wet, were bunching against the speaker and feeling uncomfortable. So Colette stood up and with one quick motion slipped them off, wanting desperately to feel her bare pussy on the speaker. Throwing them to the floor, she squatted over the speaker and sat down, noting the squish of her wet lips against the hard surface.
The sensations resumed, sending pulses up through her abdomen and into her torso. She now realized that her shirt, which she had yet to take off, was stifling her. So she quickly unbuttoned it and, like her panties, pulled it off with one quick motion and threw it to the floor.
As she continued to strum on the bass, Stephanie took in the sexy sight in front of her, thinking to herself, “I have a nearly naked woman sitting directly in front of me and she’s literally grinding her groin against my speaker.“
All the while, Colette was looking directly into her eyes with a hunger and lust that Stephanie had never seen before. So it came as no surprise when Colette said, “I want to taste you.”
“I’d love for you to taste me,” Stephanie replied. Pulling the shoulder strap of the guitar over her head, she stood up and walked toward Colette, continuing to strum on the strings in the process. She stopped directly in front of Colette and let the guitar swing down to her right hip letting her right hand continue to pick at the strings. With her left hand, Stephanie started to unbutton her jeans.
Colette didn’t wait. Looking forward at the waist of Stephanie’s tight black jeans, she reached up with both hands and quickly took control. She finished unbuttoning them, then unzipped and yanked them down with one quick motion, never losing the timing of her grinding against the speaker. Not daring to let the vibrations in the speaker stop, Stephanie continued strumming as Colette pulled and pushed at the jeans that were now stuck mid-thigh.
Colette stopped as her eyes gazed up at Stephanie’s mound pressing out from behind her soft, pink cotton panties. Deciding to leave the jeans where they were stuck, she leaned forward and buried her nose and mouth in-between Stephanie’s legs. Inhaling deeply, she closed her eyes and breathed in Stephanie’s arousal, instantly intoxicated by her smell.
Opening her mouth, Colette pressed her tongue against Stephanie’s labia and wiggled it to press and slide it inside as far as the fabric of the panties would allow. Colette continued pressing and licked upward against the fabric toward Stephanie’s clit. When she found the unmistakable nub, she pressed her lips in and surrounded the hardening bud with a kiss.
While continuing to strum with her right hand, Stephanie grabbed the back of Colette’s head with her left, pressing her mouth harder against her clit. “Oh Colette, you certainly know what you’re doing,” she breathed.
“If this twenty-something only knew,” Colette thought to herself.
What Colette wasn’t thinking about was the fact that she had entered the store for the specific purpose of trying to get her mind off this sort of behavior. But here she was, wanting nothing more than to experience what she’s feeling right now. The strong vibrations of the speaker between her legs, bringing her ever closer to climax. The strong scent of female arousal engulfing her tastes and smells. The sound of a strange woman’s moans echoing through the room.
Reaching ever closer to the orgasm she needs, Colette started humping the hard, vibrating surface of the speaker. Harder and harder she pressed, faster and faster she moved. “Oohhmmmmffffuuuckk,” she started to yell into Stephanie’s mound, muffled by the fabric of her panties now completely soaked with her saliva, mixed with the juice that had been leaking from the throbbing pussy underneath.
“Oh Colette, that felt so good feeling you moaning against my pussy. Please, keep doing it. Mmmm,” Stephanie moaned as her own orgasm approached.
“Mmmfff,” Colette moaned louder, exhaling against the fabric.
“Oh fuck Colette, again! I’m starting to cum! Don’t stop!” Stephanie yelled out.
“Uhhhhmm!!!!” Colette screamed into Stephanie’s crotch one last time, holding the hum of her muffled scream as her orgasm ripped through her body.
Stephanie dropped the guitar pick and with both hands grabbed the back of Colette’s head and started to buck against her open mouth. “Ohhh ffuuuck!!!” Stephanie yelled out loud. Liquid seeped into Colette’s mouth as the combined juices flowed through the sopping-wet panties.
The speaker had stopped vibrating and Colette, still sitting, became cognizant of her position with her legs now starting to ache and the feeling of the slippery skin of her labia against the hard surface.
She pulled her mouth away from between Stephanie’s legs and slowly started to rise. Looking down, she saw a wet slick on the speaker where she had been sliding. As she looked closer, she noticed for the first time how worn that part of the speaker was, almost as if there’s been continued rubbing against that edge.
As she looked up, she saw that Stephanie was looking at her with a smirk on her face. “No Colette, you’re not the first to cum on that amazing speaker of mine,” Stephanie said. “But you are absolutely the sexiest woman by a long shot.”
Colette wasn’t sure how to take the comment or compliment, but she also knew she wasn’t done. And so far, she was thinking to herself, “this little twenty something must be feeling pretty proud of herself.” She lifted her leg and stepped sideways away from the speaker, unhooking and throwing her bra to the side in the process. “Let’s get the rest of those off and see where we can take this,” she continued, pointing to the remaining clothes that Stephanie was still wearing.
Continuing to look at Colette, Stephanie grabbed the neck of the guitar with one hand and slid the shoulder strap off with the other. With one last look, Stephanie gave her a wink and turned around. As she bent down to put the guitar on the ground, she knew full well that her ass was now staring back at Colette. Knowing full well what her eyes were focused on, she turned her head sideways looking over her shoulder at Colette with a smile. “Like what you see?” she said.
“Wow, this girl is confident,” Colette thought.
Stephanie stood up, back still facing her, and pulled off her T-shirt, throwing it onto the floor. She then reached behind her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the floor.
Colette continued to stare at Stephanie’s perfect, round little ass, with the material of her pink panty thong disappearing between her cheeks. Looking between her legs, she could see her skin glistening on the inside of her thighs from the wetness from earlier.
With her jeans still around her thighs, Stephanie grabbed the sides and pushed them down to her ankles with a shove. As they fell to the floor, she stepped out, kicking them to the side. Then grabbing the sides of her panties, she bent down and pulled them to her ankles. As she did, her ass cheeks spread and Colette could see how wet she was. She instantly became consumed with lust for the young woman.
Colette walked up behind Stephanie and pressed her breasts against her back. With her left hand she reached down and started massaging her ass. And with her right, she reached around the front of her and grabbed her breast, giving it a firm squeeze. Leaning in close, Colette whispered quietly in her ear, “Time to get kinky, you little slut.”
Colette felt confident and in control, and she was loving it. “Has a woman ever licked your ass?” she asked Stephanie.
“Only once,” Stephanie answered.
“How about the other way around? Have you ever licked another woman’s ass?” Colette continued.
“No,” Stephanie answered.
“Well let’s see if we can fix that, but me first,” and with that, she moved her hands to Stephanie’s shoulders and pressed down, urging her to kneel in front of her. Once on her knees, Colette did the same, kneeling down behind her. Now with one hand on her back, she leaned Stephanie forward onto the chair that was in front of her.
With a small scoot back, Colette now saw all that she wanted. Before her was a gorgeous view of Stephanie bent over, her bare ass fully exposed, open and ready. “Reach back and spread for me,” she instructed Stephanie.
Stephanie reached back and did as she was told, spreading her cheeks open and exposing her wet, pink rosebud. “Oh my…,” was all that Colette said.
Stephanie was loving this side of Colette. “Such a kinky slut, this woman. Who would’ve known?” she thought as she reflected on the past hour when Colette first entered the store.
“Tell me what you want me to do,” Colette continued.
“Oh my god, Colette. Lick my ass.” Stephanie breathed.
And with that, Colette leaned forward. But before she let her mouth make contact, she took a deep breath, taking in the strong scent of Stephanie. “Fuck this is so kinky,” Colette thought. It was the unmistakable musk of ass mixed with the sweet smell of freshly flowing arousal, and in this case a sexy, 25 year old young woman.
As she exhaled, Colette’s hot breath blew across Stephanie’s labia just before her own lips met her perineum. “Mmmm,” Stephanie moaned in anticipation.
Colette purposely chose this place between both of her holes, wanting to feel and taste Stephanie’s pussy as she extended her tongue down across her slit and darting inside. At the same, she wanted her nose to make contact with Stephanie’s asshole, purposely wanting the intimate contact in a place unimaginable merely one hour ago.
Sliding up across her perineum, she landed the tip of her tongue at the entrance of her anus. Instantly, she felt Stephanie’s hips jerked upward, prompting Colette to close her mouth in an intimate embrace. Just as she did, Stephanie let out a muffled cry, and her hand shot back behind Colette’s head, grabbing the back of her head, taking hold of her hair as she pulled her in hard against her ass. Stephanie’s moans filled the room, punctuated only by the sucking noises of the French kissing that Colette was giving.
Suddenly, with a forceful push, Colette pressed the tip of her tongue past the opening and started sliding it into Stephanie’s hole. The tightness of her anus massaged the sides of her tongue as it continued its journey deeper. When she couldn’t extend any further, Colette closed her lips around Stephanie’s rim and moaned into her soft, sensitive flesh. The vibrations sent waves of pleasure coursing through Stephanie’s body.
Stephanie’s body stiffened, and she gasped. “Oh fuck! That feels so good, Colette!”
Colette was in heaven as she heard the words, knowing the pleasure she was providing this young woman was a direct result of her own mouth. As her embrace continued, she kept licking and sucking around Stephanie’s tight ring, as her tongue continued its motions in and out of her hole.
Stephanie’s moans grew louder as her body arched, presenting her ass as a gift pressing back against Colette’s face. “Oh fuck Colette, I think I’m going to cum,” she panted, her voice shaking.
Colette could feel Stephanie’s muscles relax and her hole loosen as her climax approached. She buried her face deeper between Stephanie’s ass cheeks, her tongue now plunged deep inside her.
Suddenly, Stephanie clenched her anus hard around Colette’s tongue, coupled with a final, guttural scream. “Ohhhh yes! Fuck!”
Colette could feel Stephanie’s anus pulsing from the inside and her body convulsed as waves of pleasure crashed over her. She felt liquid dripping down her chin as Stephanie’s cum dripped out of her pussy. Eager to savor all of her, Colette pulled her tongue out and lapped greedily at her soaking slit, wanting every drop of her release.
As the intensity of the climax faded, Stephanie’s legs quivered, and she slumped forward onto the chair. Colette pulled away, her face flushed and glistening with a look of both pride and lust. Leaning forward over Stephanie’s back, she whispered “my turn,” her voice thick with desire. And then she bent down and kissed her back and slowly stood up.
“Mmmm, that was nice. I would love to reciprocate,” Stephanie said. “You take my position now.”
As Stephanie stood, the two women looked at each other. Without saying a word, they both leaned in and embraced. Stephanie immediately smelled and tasted her sex that had coated Colette’s face. As she pulled away she said “I can’t wait to taste you.”
They both moved with purpose, getting into position. Stephanie was kneeling behind, and Colette was leaning forward over the chair in front of her. Reaching behind, Colette had already started to spread her ass cheeks.
Stephanie could see Colette’s asshole, pink and inviting, and she felt a thrill of nerves mixed with excitement. She’d never done this before, never dreamed she’d want to, but here she was, eager to taste and explore.
Stephanie leaned in, her breath hot against Colette’s skin. As she inhaled, the smell of her sex was raw and intense, causing an instant and animal-like lust for what was in front of her. She reached up and put her hands on top of Colette’s and buried her mouth into the soft flesh between her cheeks.
Thinking back to what she felt from Colette, Stephanie opened her mouth and licked in and around her rim.
“Oh yes, Stephanie, French kiss me,” Colette said.
With this metaphor now in her head, Stephanie continued the kissing of Colette’s asshole. She moved her tongue in and out, mimicking what a French kiss would be with such an intimate part of Colette’s body.
Colette’s body responded, her hips rocking back to meet every stroke of Stephanie’s tongue. “Deeper,” she urged, her voice a desperate whine.
Encouraged by Colette’s urging, Stephanie pushed her tongue in further, feeling the muscles clench around her. Colette’s body was taut with pleasure, and her juices were flowing freely now, coating Stephanie’s chin as she pressed her face in and out.
“Oh fuck, Stephanie. I’m getting close. Just like that. Mmmmm,” Colette purred as her orgasm continued to build.
“Mmmm,” Stephanie moaned into Colette’s ass.
And that was all that Colette needed. “Oh my god, Stephanie! Fuck!” And with that, Colette’s orgasm hit. As her body shook, she pushed back hard to ride her climax out with Stephanie’s mouth firmly locked against her soft, pulsating rim.
With her eyes squeezed closed, Stephanie gasped as she felt the warm, slippery cum ooze out from Colette’s pussy and on to her chin.
As her orgasm subsided, Colette clutched the sides of the chair as she rested flat against the seat waiting for her breathing to return to normal. “Oh, fuck,” she groaned, her voice hoarse.
Stephanie’s eyes were wide, a mix of pride and arousal. “That was… intense,” Stephanie managed to say, her voice shaky.
Then, without a word, Colette rose up on her knees, turned around and kissed Stephanie passionately, tongue extended into her mouth wanting to taste both her and herself.
As they separated, Colette said, “Well this has been quite a music lesson, little miss. And to think I just came in to purchase an instrument to, you know… make some music,” finishing with a wink.
“Shall we get dressed and I ring you up for the guitar? I’ll be sure to give you the VIP discount,” Stephanie said with a wink back.
With clothes back on, both women were back at the front of the store with Colette pulling out her credit card to pay for the guitar. “Shall I add a package of private lessons on top of this purchase?”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, little one,” Colette said as Stephanie finished the transaction and started to hand the newly purchased guitar back to Colette.
Walking out of the store with her car in sight, she walked forward with a purpose. There were three clear thoughts in her head. “Time to learn how to play this guitar, how soon can I come back here for another lesson, and I hope I can make it home before Steve does.” With that, Colette got in her car and drove away.