She Anticipates Me

"Made to wait for it."

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You wait until I’ve gone out because you know that you’re going to make a noise when you come. You go to our bedroom and open your tempting knicker drawer. “So many to choose from, what would he like me to put on?” you muse. “I know he likes it when I wear two pairs, a thong that fits tight over my cunt and something looser for easy access over the top. Where is that fucking thong, the little white silk one? Hope I haven’t lost it.” You are already idly toying with your clit through your jeans as you rummage through your chaotic knicker collection. You want to do it properly, not a quick frustrated rub with your hand stuffed down your pants, and the usual stifled groans as you try to come quick before you are disturbed, but do it as I would like it.

You’ve waited ages to be alone and you really need to come hard. You kick off your jeans and everyday panties, which do look rather wet. “Just like this flicking thong is going to be in a minute,” you muse. You pull it on, enjoying the way it disappears up your arse and fits so snugly over your cunt. Then on top, you choose the new white silk girl shorts I have bought for you. You couldn’t wait to try them on, and you were going to save them for me, but you lost patience and well, it’s just been too long.

“At least the thong will take up most of the juices when I come,” you reason, “I can always rinse them out, he’ll never know.” You love the way they slide up over your arse and caress it with the new silk. They fit snugly over the little white thong between your thighs exposing your bottom nicely.

“He would love to see me in these,” you fantasize as you admire yourself in the mirror, rubbing the silk over silk, “I bet he couldn’t help pulling out his big hard cock dripping with precious precum and wanking over my new panties, teasing me before fucking me, making me do it to myself.”

Your fingers have been involuntarily rubbing your clit through the silk, feeling the two pairs of panties sliding against each other. This threatens to send you over the edge and your legs buckle and shake as your busy fingers get to work on your aching clit, which feels like it’s going to explode.

You don’t care anymore about the mess you will make of your knickers; you are crying out so the whole house could hear. “Ah ah ah ah mmm ooh,” you coo. You really are going to have the most incredible orgasm that you have waited so long for; you are aware of juices leaking through both pairs of panties, nearly there… keep rubbing hard, as you insert your fingers into your soaking cunt…Just as there is the sound of a key turning in the door.

“What are you doing back so early?” you yelp, yanking your hand out of your panties.

“So, enjoying yourself without me then? And what are these?”

“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t wait, I was horny and the new knickers you bought me turned me on. I even kept my thong on, just how you like it,” you blush, pulling aside the wet crotch of the silky shorts and showing me the even wetter strip of your white silk thong. You are secretly annoyed and frustrated that you didn’t quite get there.

“Anyway, I can manage perfectly well on my own.”

“So I see, but unfortunately for you, I’m aroused now, so you will just have to endure what’s coming.”

“Endure what?” you enquire nervously, crossing your legs now.

It’s not fucking that I have in mind.

“If it’s doing a selfie that is the order of the day, then I’ll teach you what selfish is. Get up and show me what I’ve been wasting my money on.”

You stand in front of the dressing table mirror, facing me so I can see your arse reflected.

“Spread your legs.”

As you do, I can see the wet patch between your thighs.

“Oh, I see what you’ve been up to, so turned on you couldn’t wait!”

“I’m sorry, I know I should have waited but I liked how they make me feel…”

“Which is what exactly?”

“Sexy and secure.”

“Well, seeing as you like them so much, you can keep them on while I punish you.”

(You are secretly relieved; spanking is one thing, but on a bare arse it leaves marks, which might be noticed in the gym.) Unfortunately, this is not the end of it. I take the glass of white wine, half-drunk, that you have been indulging in while masturbating, and pour it over your upturned bottom, wetting the new silk panties.

“Noooh, please don’t spank me in wet knickers, it hurts more,” you whimper.

“You should have thought of that before you started.”

I survey the soaking wet arse before me and feel my stiffening cock in my pants as I prepare to give you what you deserve. Until now, you thought it was just a fun game. Obviously you were already turned on and actually wished for a bit of spanx-lite. This, however, was different. Yes, it was a bit exciting to be prepared in this way, what with the wet panties bought to please and all, but being spanked so vindictively was not quite what you expected. I position you over your dressing table stool, your wet silk satin covered arse revealed in all its glory.


The slap is hard and not quite on the arse. My fingers have deliberately strayed south of that direction and have curled onto your cunt. This is unexpected and not entirely welcome. After all, you were already very sensitive down there and while your bottom was fair game, your cunt was definitely out of bounds.

“Do that again and see where it gets you.”

This is all I need. I can see the soaking wet crotch of your new personal panties spread out quite willingly before me, your buttocks clenching in anticipation of what I am about to do next. I soothe your aching cunt with my firm fingers, admiring its sleek contours through the slippery silk, before removing the belt from my work pants and slapping you with it between your legs over the two pairs of panties. It hurts but is surprisingly arousing. I know this because you don’t flinch but straddle the dressing stool and, humping it a bit, turn your face to me and murmur, “Why don’t you give me my just desserts?”

You refrain from actually putting your fingers down the silky front of your big girl knickers, but instead grab the cheeks of your gorgeous arse and instruct:

“Well, if it’s my cunt you want, why don’t you show me how much I have to take?”

This is an invitation I cannot refuse…

I tie your legs apart over the stool using your tights, removing the now ruined satin shorts but leaving your thong on underneath for a bit of protection, because I’m going to whip you. I take a soft leather dress belt from your drawer and pass it between your legs. I pull it tight over your thong-clad cunt, securing it around your waist with another ballerina belt, which is wider and tighter, holding you in. Then I stuff the soiled silk shorts into your mouth to stop you from making loud cries, which will inevitably happen. You really deserve what’s coming now and I can see your thighs straining against the ties.

You want to masturbate and start trying to rub yourself through the soft leather belt, sliding thrillingly over your wet thong, and humping the stool. I’m having none of this, and take another pair of panties from your drawer and bind both your wrists to the legs of the stool, ripping them in the process (I’ll buy you some more later).

Your eyes open wide, “Mmm mmm,” you go, the panties gag now dripping with your saliva, your thong wet in anticipation. You’re really going to get it now…

I slap the belt straight on to your wide-open cunt; the leather belt and thong combination takes the edge off the pain, but it still produces a rich warm glow all around your clitoris. I do it again and again, some hard on your arse leaving red marks, some soft between your legs until you can’t stand it anymore. My cock is really hard and I want to fuck the arse off you, as you look so sexy and vulnerable tied up there. That can wait until later, but I take pity and cut the panties holding your hands to the stool before I leave you, so that you can masturbate yourself while I’m gone (I’ll watch you through the crack in the door anyway).


Published 5 years ago

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