Shaunda And ‘Messy’ Sex

"My first interracial girlfriend"

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I was wandering at the mall that day, having nothing else to do.  My social life at the moment was pretty much zero.  As I wandered to the center of the mall, I couldn’t believe it – there she was.

‘She’ was a very petite girl with very tight afro hair which went down her back and a kind and open face behind a pair of round eyeglasses.  She was also rather dark and I assumed she was probably ‘passing’.  She kept popping up around campus, usually when I was in a hurry to get somewhere and would say ‘Hi’ as if we had known each other for years.  Which I guess we have – the only trick is, I had no idea what her name was or where we met.  Being too embarrassed to admit to that, or maybe too proud, I had always said hello, traded some small talk, but had never gone farther, although I was pretty sure she would have been receptive.  Now, in the most unlikely place possible, there she was.

“Hi,” she said, as I had heard maybe a dozen times already.  I was too surprised to speak but soon found my voice.

“Hi,” I said, “why I can’t believe you’re here.  Amazing how we keep running into one another.”

She had the same pensive look she had whenever we had met, but at the same time seemed to beam with friendliness

“This is my mother,” she continued, and she gestured to a very small but friendly black woman sitting on the bench.  Well, that confirmed the passing assumption.

“Hello,” I replied, “pleased to meet you.  You have a lovely daughter.”

I had no idea why I said that, but the ‘she’ seemed pleased.  I made small talk for a few minutes and found that her mother worked for American Airlines.  I knew my time was short, so on a whim, I decided to make a move.  At least, I thought, if she told me to get lost I would quit wondering what her name was.

“Excuse me, but could I ask if it’s OK if I took your daughter aside to speak with her?” I asked.

“Oh, no trouble at all,” the mother said.

“If that’s OK with you,” I said to the girl.

“Fine,” she said, and we walked a short distance and sat down on the round bench which ran around the fountain.  She looked at me with curiosity and expectancy, but also with that pensive expression.  I cleared my throat a few times and started.

“OK,” I said, “I’m a terrible, awful man.  Here this lovely woman keeps popping in and out of my life, and I have to admit I don’t’ know your name or where we met.”

I didn’t know what to expect, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she slapped me, or walked away.  Instead, after a few seconds, she started laughing.

“You bonehead,” she said after a few seconds, “Is that why you wouldn’t talk to me?  I thought you just didn’t like black chicks.”

I shifted uncomfortably at that, not knowing how to respond.  Instead, she went on.

“My name’s Shaunda,” she said, “we met the year before last at a dorm dance.  We even danced a couple of times.”  She laughed again.  “I thought that night you were pretty tanked.  You much have been if you didn’t remember me.”

I vaguely remembered the dance, but most of the memory was consumed by a fog of alcohol, which I had plenty of that night.  I shook my head.

“Well, I told you I’m a terrible man.  But would you forgive me?  I’d like to call you later,” I said.  It just kind of exploded out of me.  I was really flying blind here.

“You’re forgiven, and I’d like you to call me,” she replied with a grin.  I got up and took a brochure out of a rack near the mall guide, then began patting my pockets.

“You have a pen?” I asked.  I was starting to feel like the king of Lamos here, but Shaunda merely smiled and pulled a pen out of her purse, and handed it to me.

She gave me her number, and I jotted it down slowly.  “I still live in the same dorm,” she said, “I’m a floor monitor.”

“Oh, have your own room?” I asked, and she nodded.  I arranged to call her the next evening.

The next evening, I called her.  She had a very nice, feminine voice on the phone, and we talked for a good hour.  She said how, because her mother worked for American Airlines, she had traveled all over the globe on her mother’s free yearly passes.  I asked her how long her mother had worked for American.

“Since my father left,” she said.  That hung in the air for some seconds, and it was clear she wasn’t going to say more.  I took that as a cue and asked her how she liked Singapore.  Finally, I asked something which had been bothering me.

“Shaunda,” I started “we met on a night when I was pretty tanked, too tanked to even remember your name.  I’m kind of surprised you still would talk to me after seeing me that way.”

Shaunda chuckled.  “That evening, you were a perfect gentleman,” she said “even though you were pretty hammered.  You asked me nicely to dance, didn’t have your hands over me, and told me I was pretty.  I figured any guy who was that nice when he was drunk must be even better sober.”

Now it was my turn to laugh.  I promised her I would always be a gentleman and reassured her that getting that bombed wasn’t a usual thing for me.

Later in the week, Shaunda called and asked me to come over to the dorm and see her.  When I arrived, she came down and we sat in the lounge and talked for almost an hour.  A lot of guys would have been extremely put off at not being invited up to her room, especially since she lived by herself, but I figured she was still scouting me out and didn’t mind.  

It turns out her father was indeed Caucasian and had run out on Shaunda and her mother when Shaunda was about six years old, apparently with another (white) woman.  Shaunda was sad but didn’t seem bitter about her father leaving, but it could explain her caution about me.  I also came to find out that she wasn’t trying to go out with me all those times I had encountered her;  she was only trying to be friendly and was in fact kind of surprised when I asked for her phone number at the mall so quickly.  

Feeling emboldened, I went on to explain how I had grown up in a very racist environment, but when I came to school I soon came to realize that everything I had learned growing up was wrong;  that people of color were pretty much like anyone and all the stereotypes were lies.  Now not only was I comfortable with people of color but was really hoping to go out with a certain one.  Shaunda smiled and we arranged to go out that Friday.

When I picked her up that Friday, Shaunda looked outstanding.  She was wearing a blouse and pants which really showed her curves and showed a hint of cleavage.  I had to discipline myself all night to not stare at her boobs.  I took her to the Mexican restaurant at the edge of town, then we saw a movie.  Afterward, we went to an ice cream place near the theatre.  I got the feeling Shaunda was being kind of cautious, trying to figure out what she had, so I didn’t press anything.  I dropped her off at her dorm, and we talked briefly in my car.  Finally, she leaned over and we shared a small kiss, and she said she had a great time and would I call her again tomorrow afternoon.  

So I called her the next day at about 5:00 (which was a Saturday).  She suggested we grab a quick bite and then go dancing.  So after eating, we went to a dance bar north of town.  We danced a lot but only slow danced after having been there an hour.  Typically, two people more than a foot in height difference find slow dancing a trial but Shaunda grabbed me around the middle and buried her face in my chest, which was the first overtly affectionate thing she had done.  We did this through a couple of songs, then sat down.  Presently, I noticed that we were holding hands.

After several minutes, she looked up at me with a seriously innocent expression which was a big change from her normal pensive expression.

“Let’s go back to your place,” she said.

Well, I wasn’t going to turn that one down.  I said “OK” and quickly led the way to my car.  On the way, I tried to prepare her for what she would find.

“You know, my place is a classic college male bachelor pad,” I warned, “the house is pretty old, and the furniture all second-hand.  It’s not dirty but it’s not stylish.”  

“That’s fine,” she said, “as long as I don’t have to wipe my feet after I leave instead of before.”

I chuckled at that remark and in fact, used it myself in the future.

We pulled up to the house, and Shaunda coolly looked the place over.

“We call it the Pit,” I said.

“Mmm…aptly named,” she replied with a laugh.  We went in and Shaunda started looking around without me leading the way.  I followed her through the dining room into the kitchen, which she pensively surveyed with her arms crossed.

She then turned and asked, “Where’s the bathroom?”

I backed out and pointed across the living room.  She walked past me and said, “…only be a minute.”

She was in the bathroom for a rather long time, which I figured was typical for a girl.  I sat on the couch and nervously flipped through a copy of Sports Illustrated.  I didn’t know what to expect but figured some necking was a certainty and who knows beyond that.  

After what seemed all night, Shaunda reappeared and sat next to me on the sofa, and proceeded to lift my arm and snuggle close to me.  I put my arm close around her, and she turned her face up to mine with half-closed eyes.  Even I know that was an invitation, so I kissed her, softly at first, then with more contact and passion.  Presently, I noticed her tongue in my mouth, and we shared a long, deep kiss

After that, Shaunda pushed my arm away and got up.  I thought at first she wanted to leave, then she got back on the sofa in a kneeling position, facing me.

“With the height difference this usually works better,” she said, and we went back to kissing.  Shaunda was certainly right because not only was kissing facilitated but I was able to run my hands up and down her back.  After a time, I left her lips and started exploring around her ears and throat, which by her breathing sounded like she enjoyed.

“Ahhh… don’t give me hickeys,” she whispered.

I returned to her lips, and since she had left her shirt untucked, I ran my hand up her back up to her bra strap.  As I did this, Shaunda drew back so she could look in my eyes, and rubbed both of her hands across my chest.  She put her mouth next to my ear.

“I want to make love with you tonight,” she whispered and smiled.  

“I’d like that very much,” I replied.

She smiled as I got up and gently took her hand and led her to my bedroom.  I ushered her in while I closed and locked the door.  When I turned Shaunda was standing with her hands behind her back looking around.

“Well, it’s cruddy, but it’s home,” I said.

She turned and started unbuttoning her blouse.

“It’s wonderful,” she said, “this is going to be a wonderful evening.”

By this time, Shaunda has undone her buttons and took off her blouse, revealing a beige bra which showed off her excellent cleavage rather nicely.  I finally snapped out of my reverie and pulled my shirt over my head, then unfastened my pants.  Noting that some women find briefs (particularly used briefs) kind of a turn-off, I pulled my underwear off with my pants.  My aching manhood stood at stiff attention.

Shaunda smiled and undid her bra, and with one movement swept it off.  Her breasts were larger for her size, and were plump and hung down slightly.  I stepped forward as she started to take off her panties.

“Let me,” I said softly, and knelt and pulled her panties down as gently as I could.  She had a small, dark lady nest which covered her labia completely.  Her hips were kind of wide but were shapely and framed her dark pubis nicely.  

Shaunda took off her glasses, and for the first time, I saw her face without them.  She then pulled down my covers and laid on the bed and I laid beside her.  Soon we were intertwined around each other like two ropes, with my tongue deep in her small mouth.  I ran my hand over her back and down to her taut rear end, which was smooth and nicely rounded.  

“You’re poky,” she said, as my erect manhood had been rubbing up against her thigh during this time.  She sat up and sat astride, on my thighs behind my erect member, which she began softly stroking with one hand.

“Can you scoot forward some?” I asked.  Seemingly knowing what I had in mind, she lifted herself over my member and sat closer to my tummy, then leaned forward.  Taking her breasts in my hands, I ran over them, feeling them plumpness and smoothness, and running my fingers over her now erect nipples.  Shaunda ‘mmm’d’ with appreciation as I proceeded to bury my face between her breasts, kissing softly between them, then running a tongue over one while I moved up to one nipple.

After darting my tongue around both nipples, I place my mouth over one and engorge her entire breast, sliding my mouth slowly off and over her sensitive nipples.  Shauna moaned with satisfaction.

After several minutes, I paused.  Shaunda took my head in her hands and we kissed deeply once more.  She then leaned back and started running her hands over my hairy chest, twirling her fingers around my nipples until she began stroking them with each of her index fingers.  This felt exquisite, and I close my eyes while she stroked them.

Shaunda then lifter herself over my member and moved her legs inwards.  I moved my legs apart and she sat down between them with her elbows on the bed.  Moving forward, she began darting her tongue around the tip of my shaft, then took the helmet portion in her mouth and began working her lips around it.  Finally, she took the entire member in her mouth and began a head-bobbing, head-turning type of fellatio I had never experienced.  I was in paroxysms of joy.

“Dear, you might get a mouthful in a minute,” I breathlessly warned.  She came off my member and looked at me with loving eyes, and I realized it was the first time I had called her by an endearment.  

Shaunda lifter herself again and put her legs on either side of mine while I brought them together.  She held my manhood and it was clear what was coming next.

“Hold it, I need the condom,” I said, reaching for the bedside table.

Shaunda put her fingers over my mouth.  “No need,” she said “I put in my diaphragm while I was in the bathroom.”

I didn’t know what to make of this for a few seconds.  I was concerned she might be fibbing, in order to get pregnant and trap me into marrying her.  On the other hand, Shaunda didn’t seem the type for that, and she had been in the bathroom a while.  Also, I had never had coitus without a condom before.

All was a moot point as Shaunda sat up and brought the tip of my shaft up to her vagina.  She rubbed her labia against it for a few seconds, then place the tip between her inner lips and sat down slowly.

The feeling was incredible.  It was like my penis was being enveloped by pure velvet.   Her vagina was tight, smooth, and warm.  I gasped loudly as Shaunda took my entire member inside her and moved her hips back and forth, all the while looking deeply into my eyes.  

She then began lifting with her legs, moving her wonderful female opening up and down over my rampant manhood.  She leaned forward slightly and put her hands on her thighs as we intercoursed, so I was able to reach up and caress her breasts as they bounced up and down.  Her breathing quickened, indicating she enjoyed my touch on her nipples, but it was hard to know how much she was enjoying herself overall.  The entire time she had half-shut eyes and her mouth open in a narrow slit, and she mostly looked up at the ceiling.

I, on the other hand, was most certainly enjoying myself.  Shaunda began accelerating her up and down so much I lost my grip on her breasts, and simply laid back and enjoyed the ride.  I was getting close to ejaculating when Shaunda began an “Ehh, Ehh, Ehh” through her partially open mouth, leaned forward and put her hands on my chest, and had a wrenching orgasm.  After she finished, she looked up at me and continued intercourse.  I soon felt that old feeling creeping up my spine and grunted loudly as I squirted almost a quart of jism into Shaunda’s vagina.  Shaunda smiled while biting her lower lip through my entire ejaculation, then sat on top of me with my limp member still inside her.

Presently, she rolled off and lay on her side with her legs apart.  She looked at me smiling while working her hand around her lady parts.

“Messy boy,” she said, looking down at her crotch, “look at this mess you made.”

I feigned interest while we both began laughing.  Shaunda flopped down beside me and began panting.

“That really took it out of me,” she said through pants, “it was wonderful.”

I reached over and buried my face in the top of her head and kissed her.  

“You’re so tiny,” I said, “but terrific things come in small packages.”    

Shaunda giggled and snuggled close to me, putting her head on my chest.  We stayed that way for about ten minutes, then she looked up at me.

“When do your roommates get home?” she asked.

“Well, one went home for the weekend and will be back tomorrow evening,” I replied, “the other is a security guard and will likely be back after midnight.”

Shaunda went ‘mmm’ and returned to her place on my chest.  Presently she looked up and said, “Let’s snooze for an hour or two.  Then we can make love again, and you can take me home.”

“Sure,” I said, and Shaunda pulled away to lie down.

“Do you have an extra pillow?” she asked.

“Sure, be right back,” I said, and got up and went into the living room.  Actually, I didn’t have an extra pillow and was at a loss about what to do.  Finally, I went into a roommate’s bedroom and took his pillow.  I had the presence of mind to take the pillowcase off, then put one of mine on it when I returned to my bedroom, thus making Shaunda think I had pulled the extra down from the closet or something.  Shaunda was already comfortable on my pillow so I laid down with the roommate’s pillow and soon we were both asleep.

I woke up near midnight because a dog outside was barking at some damn thing.  I looked over and Shaunda had her back to me and was still sleeping.  I scooted over and pressed my body up against hers, then gently put one arm under her pillow and the other around her.  She awoke and gave an ‘mmm’ to feel me against her.  

Figuring she was awake, I nuzzled the back of her neck, then up against the back of her head.  I then ran my free hand over her tummy, then up to her breasts, which I cupped gently.  Shaunda did more ‘mmm’ing’ and put her hand in my other hand.

“Feels like you’re ready to go again,” she whispered, feeling my swelling manhood as I rubbed it between her thighs.  She rolled over, stretched, and looked at me.  It was hard to read her since she had her pensive expression again.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

She smiled and pulled the pillow from under her head, and scooted farther on to the bed.

“You be on top this time,” she whispered and brought her legs apart.  I raised up and positioned myself between her thighs.  First, I leaned down, gave Shaunda a deep kiss with lots of tongue, then began darting about her nipples with my tongue.  I then took both breasts in my hands, squeezed them gently together, and began full-mouth engorgement of both, which caused Shaunda to begin deep breathing, tinged with low ‘ahh’s’.  

“Can I go on?” I asked, looking up at her.

Her pensive expression was now gone, and she looked like a woman in the midst of passion.  “Yes” was all she said.

I positioned myself and rubbed the tip of my member against her inner lips, as she had done earlier.  This brought on more expectant breathing.  On a whim, I whispered, “I’m entering you,” and pushed my member into her vagina.

Shaunda squealed quietly and said whispered, “Yes, oh yes”.  She was wet and slippery, either from arousal or semen from earlier it was hard to tell, but she still felt warm and velvety.  I got down on my elbows and put my face close to hers as I began rhythmic fucking.  She had her eyes closed but opened them, and looked deep into my eyes.

“I love having you inside me,” she said, and half-closed her eyes and looked up at the ceiling again.  After a few minutes, she started to rise to meet my thrusts, so I reared up on my arms and began faster and deeper thrusting.  Presently, I realized Shaunda had her legs clamped around me as I fucked her, which was a new experience for me, and soon after that Shaunda tilted her head toward the wall behind the bed and began saying ‘Ahh, Ahh, Ahh’ as another orgasm wracked her body.  

She released her legs from around me, put her hands out to her side, and looked at me deeply as I continued my intercourse.  She started running her hands over my chest, and presently put both pointer fingers on my nipples and stroked them.  At this, I immediately ejaculated, shooting another gush of semen into my tiny lover.  Shaunda smiled as I grunted through my orgasm.  Finally, I stopped and, with my shrinking member still inside of her, bent down and rubbed my cheek against hers, as I was panting too much to kiss her.  

“I think you made another big mess, messy boy,” she said.

I smiled.  “You just draw it out of me,” I breathed, “you’re so incredible.”

I fell beside her, and she raised her leg again and inspected her labia.

“It’s like a fire hose went off inside me,” she giggled, “you are such a messy boy.”

It wouldn’t be the last time a woman would comment on the volume of semen I could produce.  It had never been an issue since I had always used a condom before, although some had commented on how heavy the condoms looked when I took them off.  

We laid for several minutes looking at each other.  I stroked her hair while she rubbed my cheek.

“I always thought a black girl’s hair would be tough and wiry, but yours is so soft, like a fluffy cloud,” I whispered.

She grinned.  “Most black hair is kind of wiry;  my mother’s is,” she said, “must be my father’s genes.”

“Wherever it came from, it’s wonderful,” I said.

Shaunda was starting to come over to snuggle when we heard the front door open.  In the small thinly-built house, it sounded like a gunshot, and Shaunda yelped and put her hand to her mouth.

“Sorry, that’s the roommate coming home,” I said, “he has all the grace of a bull moose in heat.”

Shaunda laughed quietly and laid back on the bed.  I listened as the roommate clomped around the living room.  He usually sat and watched TV for a while after he got home, but this time went straight to bed.  Must have been a tiring shift.

Shaunda got up.  “This is probably a good time for me to leave,” she said as she got up on her arms.  She leaned over and gave me a kiss.  “You’ll call me in the morning,” she said, sounding more like a directive than a request.

“Of course I will,” I replied, “around 10?”

“Make it 9,” she replied, “around 10, the drunken boys start leaving the floor and I sometimes have to manage the herd.”  We both laughed at that.

So Shaunda and I started seeing each other regularly.  I would often drop by the dorm in the afternoon and either just talk in the lounge or sometimes I would stay and have dinner with her.  She wouldn’t invite me up to her room during the week, and in fact, we only made love on the weekends, which I thought was kind of interesting but I didn’t complain.

Shaunda came over to my house again the following weekend, and we wore each other out to the extent that she ended up staying the night.  Since both roommates were home and up the next morning, I went into the living room and ‘fessed up to both of them that I had a girl in my bedroom, and she had been there the previous weekend.

“Yeah, I thought the bathroom smelled kind of funny last Sunday,” teased roommate one, “I figured you were using a new aftershave.”

Shaunda thought morning-after introductions would be kind of awkward, so I asked both of them if they would retreat to the kitchen while she left.  They both did, and Shaunda came out, but as she went out the door she yelled, “Thank you,” which I thought was very cute.

Shaunda, of course, had a car, and the following weekend she drove over early for our date and I introduced her to the guys.  One roommate was friendly, but the other had kind of a supercilious look on his face.  The next day, roommate one would comment on how tiny she was, and two would ask, “She’s not entirely white, is she?”  Both agreed, however, that she was really cute and very personable.

That evening, we went to her room for the first time.  As I suspected, it was picture-perfect neat, everything in its place and spotlessly clean.

“Is yours the model for how the other rooms should look?” I asked, and Shaunda laughed.  One thing I would find out about Shaunda is she was a neat freak.  She said it was all she could stand when she came to my place not to start cleaning and rearranging the whole house.  I think this was also why she would comment on me ‘making a mess’ every time I ejaculated inside her.  

It turned out that Shaunda’s bed was just the right height for rear-entry sex, with me standing on the floor, and we tried that since it turned out Shaunda enjoyed doing doggy since she could massage her clit during intercourse and got a much more intense orgasm that way.  I liked it because I could lean forward and caress her breasts as they hung down, which Shaunda loved.  A funny side note was right before things got intense, Shaunda would put an athletic mouthpiece in her mouth.  She said she did this because she didn’t want to advertise to the entire floor that she was having an orgasm.  I laughed but she had a point since I recalled hearing the sounds of sex through the walls of my room when I lived in the dorms.  I have to say that hearing the sounds of a woman having an orgasm through a regulation football mouthpiece is indescribable.

One of our more interesting adventures happened when Shaunda and I went to the mall to buy me new clothes.  I made a point of going shopping with every new girlfriend;  I had no taste in clothes, so I borrowed theirs, and women really enjoy shopping for a man.  Anyway, I was changing in the dressing room of a major department store (I can’t remember which) when Shaunda came in with several new shirts.  She had been going in and out with different clothes and the salespeople ignored her, probably figuring she was my wife.  Anyway, I was only wearing a pair of briefs and my socks, having just tried on some coordinating slacks and shirts.  Shaunda saw me, smiled, put down the shirts, and quietly closed the door.  

She then bent over in front of me and without any preamble proceeded to pull my briefs down.  I gasped slightly, but even more, as Shaunda began stroking my erecting member with one hand.

“Shhh,” she whispered and began giving me a four-star handjob.  I found it kind of interesting how she was still bent over, instead of on her knees, and was stroking me with her arms extended instead of bent in front of her.  After several minutes, her position became clear as she bent forward and began licking my left nipple.  Not really licking, but darting around it with the tip of her tongue, all the while continuing her stroking of my member.

It was an incredible experience.  Looking down, all I could see was the top of her head as she darted around my nipples while continuing to stroke me.  I finally couldn’t take it any longer and told her, “Here it comes!”

Shaunda quickly grabbed some tissue that had been wrapped around a shirt I had tried on and pressed it to the tip of my member just as I shot a solid stream of semen.  It was one of the longest-lasting orgasms I’ve had.  At the end of it, Shaunda was giggling quietly as she wadded up the tissue, now heavy with my man spunk, and put it in the small trash can in the dressing room.

Outside, we heard voices, and one said, “Can I get you anything else?”  Shaunda feigned guilt like she was nine years old and was caught doing something naughty.  She mouthed, “Get dressed,” took a handful of clothes I had already tried on, and went out to wait for me.  It still stands as one of the most erotic episodes of my life.


Published 5 years ago

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