Shattered Heart

"My crazy love..."

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When I look back
I feel I shouldn’t have let you in
You made me feel wanted
You held my hand in my miseries

I felt I found the one I craved
You rekindled in me the lost passion
Together we dove into the infinite ocean of love
Finding in each other our refuge

You meant the world to me
I only saw you in the crowd
Every second I think about you
Without you I couldn’t survive

Why do I always have to pay the price
For loving someone unapologetically
Why do people walk into my life
And shatter my heart into pieces

True love, does that mean anything
My feelings, will it ever be valued
Am I only an object of pleasure
For anyone to walk away as they pleased

My trust in love is broken
Loyalty is taken for granted
I will still love you with all my heart
But will never chase you to prove my worth

I don’t want this uncertainty
Burdening you with my feelings
So I am leaving, saying goodbye
But still will love you always!

Published 8 years ago

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