Sharing Every Loving Moment

"A family discover their inner demons while on holiday."

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Katrine watched them fooling around on the beach, the sea lapping lazily on the foreshore and many tourists, like her and the family, basking in the sunshine. Some strolled, many swam but not too far out, and others ran in the water chasing a frisbee that someone in their group had thrown, and the little breeze that there was catching it and carrying the disc out of reach, those giving chase stumbling into the water. Such falls were greeted with hoots of laughter.

She needed no reminding of the moment a frisbee had struck her sun lounger at the last stopover and who it had brought into her life, if only for a few tempestuous hours. What had followed that impetuous liaison were moments of bonding with her son, Dion, whom she now watched fooling around with his sister, Natalie. Both of them seemed to have changed, almost overnight, and they were no longer embarrassed to be in their parent’s company and on holiday away from their home in Limoges.

Her bonds with Natalie and Dion were now so very distinct and if her husband, Matis, noticed the change he gave no sign, or said not a word, about it. He was to be seen laughing as the three of them played beach tennis, simply knocking the small ball from one to the other as they stood in a triangle, but not equally spaced, the two men swatting the ball over greater distances than they chose to do with Natalie.

They were all oiled up, their skins glistening, as the heat of an unrelenting sun beat down on them, the men in beach shorts and Natalie in a figure-flattering, high-necked racer-cut swimsuit in navy blue. She had reluctantly bought one too, but in a mute orange and the stretchy straps black.

Like her daughter, she filled it nicely only she was fleshier and she had wavered on seeing how flattering it was and much to the approval of Matis, and even Dion, when she had been seen getting ready for their day out on the beach, but in her son’s case that admiration was more discreet.

She sighed. The saying of mothers loving their sons but raising their daughters had become ragingly real, and her role complicated by the strains she often felt in her marriage to Matis.

“Come and play with us,” Matis asked as he came over to her and knelt on the rug that she had spread out on the sand. “You can always go for a swim if the sun’s too hot for you but take off that tank top and slip off your skirt, or you won’t get tanned like we are.”

“I don’t seem able to take the heat like you three.” She smiled thinly as she answered him, stroking her arms and knowing that the sun oil was keeping her from burning. One of Dion’s many caps, with its broad rim, kept the sun off her face. He meant well, she knew that, but Matis did like to have them all obeying what he asked. “Anyway, I’m not as pale as when we set off a week or so ago from home, am I?”

“No, you’re even more beautiful than before and your hair’s gone much blonder. I don’t see any tan lines either. You overdid it, I think, at the camp we stayed at for longer than I thought you would want to.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “Join us when you can…and if you want to.”

“Okay, I will, in a moment.”

She watched him as Matis left her, a small digital camera slung on a cord around his neck. She needed no reminders of ‘overdoing it’ at the holiday venue east of Bordeaux. There, she had been pleasured by two men in a matter of days and performed an impetuous sex act, on her son, the memory of which continued to haunt her.

But Dion gave no outward signs that what they had shared affected him except, perhaps, that he behaved with more affection towards her. Now, she watched him frolicking with Natalie, teasing her playfully as she failed to return the ball that he had swatted in her direction. She wondered if their holiday together had, in its bizarre ways, reshaped and renewed their bonds.

But with Matis, she had her difficult moments. The more that he suggested what she should do, his voice making it sound like he was giving the orders to do something and in a certain way, the more she felt inclined to rebel. She knew her own mind but, of that, she was no longer sure where it concerned Dion. His greedy mouth, and active fingers, had taken bold possession of her body and had brought her to the very edge of being seduced into having intercourse with him, their moments alone as they sunbathed, and Matis and Natalie out on a tour, unlike any time together before.

A change of scene, where they now spent their days on the coast, was just what she needed and she kept hoping that the memories of what she had done at the start of the holiday would not determine how it would continue or, perish the thought, ended.

They followed the winding path through the pine forest that would bring them close to the stand where their motorhome had been parked. The resort they had chosen lived up to its name of ‘The Big Pines’. Even with its restaurants, a large swimming pool, separate water slides, a nightclub, and a disco, their pitch offered seclusion, each stand shielded from its neighbour by the trunks of pines, their canopies offering dappled shade.

“You didn’t come for a swim in the sea with us,” Dion said as he slowed their progress and let Matis and Natalie open a gap between them.

“No, I just wanted some time to myself.”

“Is what we did together still bugging you?”

“You could say that, yes.”

She looked at him through new eyes and saw her son as a man now. He was tall and his body toned and tanned as she had never seen him before. He was taller by a few centimetres and she loved his strong hands that in moments of reckless abandon, and succumbing to his waywardness, had coaxed her to open the way to his taking her in wild moments of foreplay when they had been alone, for a few hours, at their last stopover.

Despite his bravado, she sensed that Dion also wanted to be protective and that his indifferent ways were merely a cover for what went on inside him. None of this, however, blinded her to what also burned in her son, a lustful nature that needed full expression and satisfaction. Who she was, the role that she played in his life, had scarcely seemed to matter when he had touched her and pursued moments of forbidden intimacy.

She just did not think that it should be with her while they were away on holiday, let alone at any other time. But, she had already discovered that he had his ways of breaking down her resistance to what he sought of her, illegal and only too destructive of the ordered world that she tried to keep a hold on.

“Come for a swim in the water park pool then…try some of the water slides with me? I want to be with you some more.”

It sounded needy, but Katrine knew that was far from what was at work in him. “No, I can’t do that! I’m scared just thinking about it!”

“You’ll be fine and with me, or I’ll ask Father if he’ll do that with you. Just enjoy this place while we can.” Dion gripped her hand, having fumbled for it, as he spoke. “Don’t close me out, not after our time together.”

Dion said it as if it was unusual for a mother to reject her infatuated son’s advances. She had struggled with her feelings ever since that afternoon, her son’s claims upon her arousing a riot of emotions that she struggled with every time they were together. She had stopped short of coupling with him but had fallen into performing all the preambles and loving it.

Ever since that afternoon, and despite Matis’s persistent attention upon her, she could not keep from thinking about what she had done, her pussy suffering from the cramps of longing that she dared not to give voice to let alone act upon. For one holiday break, too many risks had already been run for her to pursue others.

“Let’s see what the others want to do,” she suggested as they drew near to the motorhome.

“Do what?” Matis asked. He turned to them, the door key in hand as they all stood in the shade of the trees.

“Dion thinks I should have gone for a swim with you all. Now he’s suggesting I go with him, or that we all go and try out the water park…go on the slides.”

“It’s a good idea!” Matis laughed. “Go and be adventurous in other ways.”

Katrine saw him wink and hoped Dion and Natalie hadn’t seen it, or if they did that they would say nothing about it. Their parent’s noisy adventures in the bedroom of the motorhome could not have escaped their notice by now. But it was not a subject that she would talk about, not even after the reckless experiences that she had pursued on their holiday. So far, neither Dion nor Natalie knew what their mother had gotten up to with each of them, but separately, in the last few days.

Alone in their bed, last night, Matis had confessed that he thought Dion was acting a little strange towards her.

“He’s smitten with you, just as he was in his earlier teens.”

“He’ll find someone to be with while we’re here. He and Natalie should go off and have some fun with people their age.”

“Sure, but until they do I don’t mind having them around. It may be the last holiday that we all have together, as a family.”

“That’s true.”

Now, Katrine met his look and Matis’s soft smile. “Off you go, you two. I’m having a drink and I’ll sit out here and chill some more. This time away from our home is getting better!”

“And what about me?” Natalie asked. “Do I figure in any of your plans?”

“Go with them to the water park or stay here with me. I won’t be left to drink on my own if you do. I’ll also borrow one of your books if that’s okay?”

“I’m going even if no one else is,” Dion muttered and glanced at Katrine for an instant. “I’ll grab a  towel and some shower stuff…”

Matis held open the motorhome door for him and Dion disappeared from view. Katrine overcame her doubts and gathered what she needed before putting it all in the large beach bag she had taken down to the beach.

“I’ve decided to be with you on your adventure,” she told him as Dion stood waiting for her. “I’ve been persuaded to do so much with you, already, that I may as well scare myself on those water shutes.”

“Come on then!”

“We’ll try not to be away too long,” Katrine smiled at Matis and Natalie as they stepped out of the cool interior of the motorhome and she saw them seated on the sun loungers. Dion’s laugh had captivated her and she would use their time together to talk some sense into him.

“Don’t go clock-watching, mother,” Dion asked as they walked briskly along the path that weaved through the woods. “We take our time and have some fun. They can find us if they have to, the place is not so big.”

“I know that, darling, but I wonder how long my nerve will hold out on those rides.”

“You’re not alone, so don’t worry. Be happy and have fun!”

“And that bothers me.”

She chose to clutch his arm and tried to keep up with the pace that he had set. It felt as if her heart was racing and her thoughts possessed by how it would look to others; she to be seen with a good-looking young man and the two of them frolicking in the water.

They were soon caught up in the noisy mayhem of the park, Katrine losing her inhibitions and joining Dion as he whooped in boyish delight as they slithered down separate water shutes, that rose and fell, before they splashed into the pool at the bottom and swam to the side and out of the way.

“That was fun!” she laughed as they clung to the poolside edge, their shoulders touching and they regained their breaths. “Again? Shall we do that again?”

“You’re enjoying it now, being with me, aren’t you?”

“Yes, now come on!”

Dion put his hands on the pool’s side and with athletic grace, got out.

“Come on then,” he urged and held out his hands before he leaned forward. She was pulled out of the water with effortless ease, Katrine marvelling at his strength as she met again his wondering gaze upon her. “I know that look, darling, and I’m going to help you with it, somehow.”

Her sodden swimming costume clung to her skin and shaped a figure that he was only too familiar with, now.

“I know that you don’t want to hear it but make it soon! I’m burning up thinking of the woman I see now, and still you say what happened between us can’t go any further.”

“No, it can’t or it shouldn’t. You know it yourself, darling. No one would understand how we got here, especially not your father.”

She thought of Matis and what he had said to her before she had left him and Natalie. She suppressed a gasp as she thought of them. Could she possibly have missed something, how Natalie had hugged him as they posed for a photo and Dion taking it? Matis was with Natalie, and she was with Dion; she was unsure what she had gotten into with Dion; Matis was only too eager to have Natalie stay with him, despite his apparent indifference. Her daughter was not so naïve that she would not have sensed the change in her father’s behaviour; the approving glances that she had seen him cast in her daughter’s direction, shaped so beautifully by her swimsuit. She was all but a virgin, having had little sex experience. Perhaps it was this that had engaged Matis’s attention upon her.

“No, it’s too crazy to even think of.” She had given voice to her doubts and thoughts. Now, she felt Dion’s touch to her arm once more.

“What is too crazy, you and me being together like this, you mean?”

“It goes something like that and we’ve never been here before, have we…or I haven’t.”

“No, or not until we sunbathed together and something clicked, and I don’t mean any camera.”

She smiled wanly at his poor joke, and Dion watched her as Katrine adjusted the fit of her swimming costume, so modest compared to what he had seen her wearing before, and in the comparative privacy of the lot where the motorhome was parked.

The wet fabric clung to her body and he felt an only too familiar ache in his groin on seeing Katrine’s curvy figure and firm but fleshy thighs. Their holiday had taken a crazy turn over recent days, and he knew just how Katrine felt about that. She had become distant and gave not the slightest encouragement that she would pursue anything so flagrant again with him.

When their turn came round again, they sat on the top edge of the waterslide and waited for the safety man’s signal to push off, she gripped Dion’s hand.

“Together, we’re together!” she whooped as they pushed off and slithered down the slope at what felt a quickening speed, but it was Dion’s tug on her hand and movements on the slide that made them slither even more quickly. “This is just crazy! I’m too old for this!”

“No, you’re not!” he whooped in reply.

They crashed into the water at the foot of the slide and she momentarily lost her bearings, only to feel his hand grip her arm and tug her to the side once more. She spluttered to catch her breath as he pressed against her, needlessly putting an arm about her waist.

She met his approving look upon her before she squirmed out of his embrace. “Let me get used to doing this!”

“No, there’s no time.” Dion got out of the pool in the same way as before. “Come on, let’s try the enclosed slide, the one you see in those twisting tubes over there.”


“Yes, us, Katrine. I’m glad you’re with me in this now, so let’s give it a whirl.” He was using her name more often as she seemed unbothered by his over-familiarity.

It wasn’t what she had meant by asking it, by saying ‘us’, but she felt it too, the wish and need to share in it all while they had the chance. Was she encouraging him to think that sharing the thrills of the water slides could lessen her obsession with what had happened between them when they had really and illicitly been together?

Now, fellow holidaymakers were all around them and yet it did not deter him from remaining close by her side or offering a protective touch to her arm. The platform, where they waited to take their places on the water slide ride, was small and tested her resolve to control a fear of heights that sometimes overwhelmed her.

“Are you expecting me to loop the loop as well?” Katrine clutched his hand but did so merely to seek some reassurance.

She had seen the length of the water slide’s route and how it dipped and turned corners, then looped. Most of the route was over ten metres above the ground and the force of the water would carry them along. There would be nothing that she could do to slow their progress as gravity would carry them along. She only had his closeness to offer any reassurance.

“Yes, don’t worry so. I’ll sit in front of you so all that you have to do is hold onto me,” Dion told her…

Published 1 year ago

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