Sharing a Pee Over the Office Carpet

"Suzanne invites a co-worker to share her wee"

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The following week saw a most unexpected event.

Suzanne had rushed into the office early, her bladder bursting from all the water she had drunk during her long journey into work. Her boss was off on a training course and her colleague Helen had booked the day off to have her car serviced.

It was too good an opportunity to miss!

Normally, Suzanne’s daytime toilets would involve using the Ladies’ downstairs loo, selecting either the sink or the floor to relieve her pent up piss. After-hours peeing over the carpet was acceptable given that all trace would vanish by the following day (any smell hidden with a household cleaning spray), but never during the daytime. Today, however, would be different.

She savoured the sensation as she yanked down her black work trousers and white cotton panties, revealing the sight of her wide womanly bum cheeks and the deep groove of her pussy slit nestled between her creamy thighs. She sunk into her pee squat, her bare buttocks just inches away from the photocopier. The thrill of getting ready to pee over the office carpet at the start of the day was electric, knowing that the building was full of people going about their business. Fortunately, nobody would need her services until later in the day which meant there was nothing to stop the flow of piss now rushing down to her pussy lips.

A heartbeat later and she had started her toilet. Her pee hole opened, a jetting stream of bodily warmed piss shooting out as a fountain of hot urine to flow to the waiting floor below.

Her pee washed over the carpet, a dark stain growing around the smaller inner puddle that was expanding by the moment as Suzanne continued her much needed leak. She loved having a slash in such a way, an ultimate thrill. There was something so primordially rewarding about the act, more so for being a mature woman. Being fucked by her boyfriend lacked the same deep-rooted thrill, the knowledge that she was being so incredibly naughty turning her on massively, but not so much that she couldn’t continue her wee.

Suzanne was still pissing strongly when the office door opened. She had heard the lock turn, her heart freezing in horror. There was simply no time for her to stop peeing and yank up her lower garments before the new arrival would round the corner and find her in-situ; half-naked and in the very obvious act of having a wee!

‘Oh my god!’ said Helen as she came into sight. She was halfway through the act of removing her handbag, yet stopping dead in her tracks as she saw the sight of her co-worker squatting and peeing over the carpet. The stream of piss leaving Suzanne’s cunt waned and vanished.

‘What are you doing?’ blurted out Helen, her eyes opened wide.

There were so many ways that Suzanne could lie, maybe making up an excuse as to how she had been caught so desperate that she had no choice but to simply squat and go. With her mind racing for other similar excuses, Suzanne decided on a different course of tack – to tell the truth.

‘Loads of the women upstairs do it, you know.’

‘What, have a wee on the floor?’ Helen looked on disbelieving, her sight locked on the vision of Suzanne’s exposed pussy and the large damp stain on the carpet where she had just been peeing.

‘Yes, it’s so much fun!’

‘Like who?’ Helen was still staring at Suzanne’s exposed private parts.

‘I’ve had a pee with Gabriella, Stella and Zara, over the carpet upstairs and I’ve seen Susan and Colette peeing into coffee mugs. I’ve even seen Nadine having a piss over her chair and Rebecca having a wee by the water cooler. Penny has peed into the waste paper bins and Tina once pissed into the office kettle.’

‘So why haven’t I been invited?’ demanded Helen.

Suzanne couldn’t believe her luck.

‘I’m inviting you now. Come on, have a wee with me before it’s too late. Our puddles will need to dry before this afternoon when the drivers arrive for their manifests.’

There was a very long pause. Helen continued to stare at Suzanne’s exposed cunt, that and the large piss stain on the floor.

‘Oh, go on then,’ she said with a sudden beaming smile. Moments later and she was stripping from her clothes until her semi-shaven muff had come into sight. ‘I’m going to piss right opposite you so I can make sure that you are not setting me up.’

‘But Helen, you have already seen me peeing over the floor,’ said Suzanne in disbelief.

‘Yes, but I don’t want you to blame me later,’ said Helen lamely. She wasn’t the brightest of sorts!

Suzanne giggled and let out a squirt of piss from her pussy. The lightly coloured stream of hot urine played over the damp stain on the floor between her parted legs.

‘That’s so very naughty!’ observed Helen, quickly spreading her own legs to mirror that of her companions.

‘I know,’ said Suzanne and with that, resumed her full on piss. Her pussy lips parted as her hot piss torrent flowed as a continuing stream to douse the carpet with her wet pee. The soft hiss of her urinating was joined moments later as Helen overcame her butterflies and started a piss of her own. From amidst the shaved curly hairs around her muff, burst a jetting stream of clear coloured pee, flowing from her cunt and forming a pattering fountain of hot piss over the carpet not too far distant from Suzanne’s playing stream.

Now the office carpet was being subjected to the hot spraying piss fountains from two mature women, both bottomless and with their twats on full view to the other. They peed in silence, neither saying anything as they shifted from watching their own toilet to that of their companion’s pussy shower. Having started first, Suzanne was the first to finish her leak, her golden shower over the floor completed after one last little squirt of pee from her love lips. Helen’s dwindling pussy stream lasted a few more wonderful moments before also terminating.

‘That was fun!’ Helen said.

‘Yes, it was,’ agreed Suzanne.

‘You must tell me where else you’ve peed,’ begged the other girl as she began to fumble with her lower garments after first wiping her pussy slit clean with a paper tissue offered to her by her companion who had obviously been prepared.

What followed was an evocative tale of naughty places that Suzanne had used for a toilet not to mention the exploits she had learnt about the other office women. Helen was a keen convert and it wouldn’t be long before she too got to try out a few new spots for a naughty piss, but that alas, is a story for another time.


Published 6 years ago

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