As I become more experienced with life, the more I learn that every now and then one simple event can trigger a series of life changes. (I’ll explain that in a second.) My husband Rick and I have enjoyed a beautiful life together. We’ve been married for just over ten years. Life has been great, a little stressful at times, but Rick knows how to release me from the worries of day to day life. More importantly, he knows how to make me feel wanted.
Rick is warm and caring, and a massive flirt! All my girlfriends love him, and I’m sure a few want him in bed. It’s so hard to resist his charm and those amazing green eyes of his. Rick has always had a rock hard six foot five body and works hard to maintain it, and when his arms are around me I feel safe. I think his arms are as big as my legs. Together we take the world on.
Being a woman I do my best to stay toned, and yes, I flirt too. I love to show off my legs and even a little cleavage. Yes, I love attention just like the next girl. My family has been blessed with good genetics’ as my mom gave me her firm 36c breasts and long thick hair. Hair can be fun and playful, to hide behind if you will. What I mean is that by having my hair long I feel like no one can see into my soul as I can keep my dark hair covering my face, and by playful I can change the color to match my spirit of the week.
My husband has always loved his job and that’s great for him. Mine, however, has its challenges. One of the things that sucks about my job is all the travel. Sure, at first traveling for work sounds like it’s exciting and fun, but reality quickly sets in as you learn that living out of a suit case just sucks. Then, there is all the time wasted at airports, and traveling to and from them. But, it’s something I have to do.
On my last trip my colleague and good friend Lisa had traveled with me. We had to fly up to Chicago for a trade show and to meet with some clients. We were looking forward to coming home even before we left.
Lisa is a hottie and the men in our office lust after her. The guys always crack me up with their lame pick up lines. Lisa looks like she’s the twin sister of Heather Graham. Lisa loves having her hair a couple of inches below her shoulders as her ex-boyfriend preferred her to keep it short. Lisa loves to flirt with my husband as she loves to show off too much cleavage around him. I love watching her, the way she will move, just enough to show off her firm breasts. We both the same size so I don’t feel any jealousy, plus it’s all good and fun. And I would love to see my husband expose her breasts one of these days!
All of my trips lately have had problems, and this trip was no different. Lisa and I were delayed an hour at the airport and had to sit on the plane without decent air conditioning. Flying Delta we had to fly through Atlanta and yes, we were delayed there for another hour. Finally we made it to Chicago at around eight at night. We grabbed a cab and went straight to the hotel. We both were starving and wanted to grab something to eat but I first had to call my hubby!
We were still in our work clothes as I called my husband. However, Lisa started to undress while I was on the phone. I found myself watching her take her clothes off, and something felt different. It’s been years since I’ve seen another girl change, back to my college days. Lisa removed her jacket, blouse, and then her skirt. She was a foot away from me wearing only her bra and black pantyhose.
I had forgotten that I was on the phone until Rick’s voice pulled me back to reality. “Hey there sexy, are you in your hotel? How was your day?”
It took me a second to clear my head, “Hi, honey. What are you doing tonight?”
“Not much, a little work. How was your day?”
“Well, it sucked. Our whole day completely sucked.”
“Why? What happened?”
“Well, our flight was late and Lisa’s hotel room was double booked. So, she’s sharing a room with me.”
“Oh?” I’m sure that Rick grinned, “Oh!”
“You are such a guy!”
Lisa moved next to me and said in a sexy voice, “Yea you’re a dawg, but don’t worry – I’ll take real good care of your wife.”
“Yea honey. I’m in good hands, oh Lisa!”
“Yea honey, I’m molesting your wife.”
“You girls!”
“Enough fun and games, I have to eat. I’m sorry hon but I’ll call you when we get back. We didn’t eat all day.”
“No worries, call me if you’re not too tired.” My husband was very secure in our marriage and had never checked up on me. Well, I had never given him a reason to. It felt great, and there was no pressure to call him. However, I knew that I would!
“Love ya.” With that I hung up the phone.
Lisa had this look in her eye, she was up to something. “OK, you’re my date so let’s go get something to eat.”
We both quickly changed into more comfortable clothes and left to find some food. At this point of the night, dinner was a necessity. Most days I live to eat, but tonight I just needed to eat. We were both starving and wanted something fast. Luckily I knew of a pretty good place not too far away.
This restaurant is a mom and pop place with good food and a very nice wine selection. They always have new wines and recommend the perfect wine. The interior is cozy and very comfortable, relaxing if you will. Lisa and I always have a good time together and that night was no exception, at times the conversation was a little steamy and I think Lisa was flirting with me! Well, she was a little touchy and very flirty. Still, it was a nice break and helped put me in a great mood. The food was good and fast as we both wanted something light. We both enjoyed the fresh shrimp salad. Great food, a little wine, and with in forty minutes we were back in our hotel room.
Lisa slapped my butt, “Hey, you have to call Honey.”
“I will.”
“You know you could be nice and share him.” She laughed, “I wonder what he’s thinking about right now?”
“Lisa!” Even for her that was out of line; however, now I knew what she wanted.
“Well! I’m lonely. Should we have some fun and really tease him?”
I looked at my friend, “What do you have in mind? I know he’s thinking about us.”
Lisa smiled and then looked down at the floor, “You think?”
“Please, he’s wishing he was here with us.”
“Ok, don’t call him till I change. We can have some fun with him.”
Lisa went into the rest room and brushed her teeth and freshened up a little. After all a girl can’t sleep with her make up on! I peeled off my clothes and put on one of Rick’s tee shirts. There’s something special about having him on me, it’s strange but it makes me feel close to him.
“Are you wearing one of his shirts?” Lisa asked when she came back.
“Do you have an extra one?” Lisa walked over to me and hugged me. I’m sure she was looking for his scent. Lisa has this way about her; she walked with confidence and with ease. It’s easy to take her in.
“Lisa, he’s my man!”
“Are you sure you can’t share?”
“Do you ever stop?”
“Sure, when you share him.”
“Girl, I’m going to bed its cold!” I moved over to the bed and went under the covers. A Florida girl is not made for weather like this.
Lisa removed her blouse and then her skirt. Her eyes never left mine. I, of course, couldn’t help but look her over – after all, I’m not dead! Her nipples hardened and looked rather sexy! Right then I knew why Rick loves to watch me undress. Lisa looked hot, standing there a foot away from me wearing just a lacey bra and matching thong panty.
Lisa grabbed her cell phone and jumped on the bed, “Damn it’s cold!” She snuggled up to me which was a first. Sure we’ve flirted a little over the years but that was to tease the men in our lives. We’ve never done something like this with just the two of us.
“Girl, you are so bad!”
Lisa started to dial a phone number, “Hey baby, how are you?” She listened to him as she snuggled up next to me. I enjoyed having her legs rub against mine. “Good, so tell me stud, what are you wearing?”
I was on my back and a little shocked when she moved her leg between mine.
“Well, I’m on top of your wife wearing only my panties,” she said as she unclipped her bra. “Did you know that she had one of your tee shirts on? No, I mean she had it on.” She started to remove the tee shirt that I was wearing. Once Lisa had removed my shirt she handed me the phone.
I heard his voice, “What are you two up to?”
“I don’t know but Lisa is in a very strange mood.” I was still stunned as she had removed my bra before I could react. She started to play with my breasts. Talk about being embarrassed, I prayed that she wouldn’t notice my arousal.
“So tell me what’s Lisa doing now?”
“She just unclipped my bra and she’s playing with my breasts.”
Rick was very excited, “Oh my god!”
Lisa snuggled up next to me and whispered into the phone, “I bet you wish you were here!” Lisa gave me a quick hug and moved next to the phone, “Rick, your wife has amazing breasts, I’m so jealous. So tell me stud, what are you wearing?”
It was kind of funny, listening to her tease him. Saying all the things that guys say, but this time the man was home alone and a woman was in my bed. I’m sure he told her a couple of things as next she told him, “Why don’t you take those shorts off for me, after all, your wife is almost nude!”
By the time she gave me the phone back, I was ready to tease Rick a little, “You know what we’re wearing, so I think you should be buck ass naked. After all, you like to sleep nude.”
I was hoping that Rick would start to masturbate for us, and that we could hear him. I knew that Lisa was a little frisky and wanted to share this experience with Rick. Oh how I wished he was in this hotel bed with the both of us. I never wanted to enjoy a lover with out him. However, I wanted to try this, to let things progress a little. So, if Rick would masturbate for us there would be no guilt on my part! I know that Rick loves me with all his heart and I will always love Rick.
Before this trip, I never dreamed of this experience, but then again it didn’t take a rocket scientist to see this coming. Lisa was a hot little firecracker and she was aroused. Rick, I’m sure was rock hard by now with his little dirty mind was racing.
Lisa started to kiss my neck, “Love how soft your skin is.”
Rick was a little confused and I had to tell him what she was doing, “No honey she’s kissing my neck now. Oh I think that I hear something. Are you stroking that massive cock of yours?”
He just groaned an answer.
Lisa looked up, “This is so hot listening to you!”
“Rick, I think it’s only fair that I take my bra off too.” Lisa looked into my eyes as she removed her bra. She cupped her breasts, teasing her as well as me. Then she came back on top of me, her body into mine.
Lisa took one of my nipples in her mouth, sending shock waves through my body. Her tongue was so small, a sexy and narrow. I watched as she licked and kissed all around my nipple. Rick picked up on it and asked me what had happened. I told him, “She’s licking my nipple and her lips feel so soft and warm.” Lisa teased me even more, kissing and licking all around my nipple and breasts. Tenderly and delicately she worked me; brought the woman out in me. I told him how wonderful this was and wished that he could watch.
I had to know; slowly I worked my hand down to her panties and felt her. Oh she was wet! Thank god, as I could notice my own scent and was fearful she was acting. Now, I knew she wanted me!
Lisa leaned closer to me and in a deep sexy voice, “Put your hand back up there, Rick your wife is being naughty. She’s trying to get into my panties.”
He encouraged me to be naughty, told me how he wanted to watch me take Lisa’s nipples into my wet mouth. I told him that tonight, if I didn’t stop this soon, things would happen. He begged me to continue and that he loved me. I knew he was stroking his thick cock and wanted more to happen. Also, he knew things would heat up this weekend as Lisa was coming over as dinner!
Then she worked her way down by body, kissing my inner thighs. I knew she would notice my scent and see my arousal as my panties were soaked.
“Rick, I’m going to taste your wife. After I pleasure your wife, your sexy wife is going to enjoy my feminine charms while you listen. First you will be listening to your wife as I make her cum. Then, I’m coming for you!”
Oh my god, did she just say that? She’s so bad. Rick wanted to know what was happening now and I told him! I tried to tease her, “Lisa, he wants you to take my panties off.”
Lisa just reached up, grabbed my thong and slowly worked my last garment off my body. I told Rick that Lisa was more then happy to obey his wish.
A woman’s touch is different than a man’s, so soft and gentle. Lisa turned a simple act done every day into something more sensual. Kissing and licking as my panties come off, building to my arousal.
“Rick, she’s going to take me into her mouth. O-o-o-h, her lips are so close. You’re ok with this, right? You know that she’s going to taste me, don’t you?”
Lisa looked up at me, “I’ve always wanted to taste you, I’m glad that you’re my first woman.”
He grunted on the other end, he was hooked. “Oh baby, I want to see you so badly. I have to see you with her!”
“Oh my god Rick, she took me in her mouth! Lisa’s licking my pussy.” Lisa’s tongue felt warm, her lips gently started to apply pressure, pulling me into her mouth. Oh god, she gave me so much pleasure! Slowly she worked her tongue back and forth over my clit. With my free hand, I started to run my fingers through her soft hair. I tried my best to tell my husband what my friend was doing to me, the pleasure she was giving me, but I think he knew. “I never meant for this, to go this far, but I can’t stop. Oh, this feels so good. Oh Lisa, oh my.”
Rick grunted, “Oh baby that is so hot! Tell me how she’s pleasuring you.”
“Oh honey, she’s using her tongue, making small circles over my clit. Oh baby, she sucked me into her mouth, Lisa’s sucking on my clit and using her tongue to go back and forth over me.”
“”That’s so hot! I have to watch! I want to hear you cum!”
“I’m going to cum, will you cum with me?”
Lisa teased me, worked me. She brought me close a few times and allowed me to float back a little; I could feel my orgasm building. Oh how I needed her to bring me over the edge. Closer and closer she brought me, till everything hit the wall!
“Oh god Lisa!” with that she pushed me over the edge. My legs clamped around her as she rocked my world. The bed shook like the Northridge earthquake. Lisa pushed a little, giving me what I needed, oh how she brought the woman out of me: twice.
I couldn’t speak, and had trouble remembering to breath. Lisa came up to me and snuggled next to me; she grabbed my phone and told my husband we would call him back tomorrow as we both were exhausted.
The last words that I heard were of Rick’s, “Enjoy your night as I did!”
We fell asleep cuddling together, with Lisa in my arms.
Author’s Note:
Feel free to send me an email telling me what you liked and disliked. I even enjoy getting emails from people helping me with my grammar and technical issues! My skin is pretty thick and as appreciate people pointing out flaws with my writing.
All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic means, including photocopying, recording or by any information and retrieval system, without the written permission of the author.
Let me say something silly, yet some people don’t get it. This story carries and adult theme. If offended by sexual stories, its simple, don’t read the story. This story is fictional with fictional characters. These characters will never get AIDS.
Thanks to Colleen Whyte for your pointers and editing magic!