
"Wife weaves a connection that fills her with sexual energy."

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“Wow, you look so sexy and hot in that dress. I am sure you will be attracting unwanted attention,” I said as I walked into our bedroom.

Kerri, my wife, was getting dressed for a wedding we had been invited to; it was one of her co-workers’ daughters. She dressed up very elegantly. I thought she looked beautiful. She had put some extra effort into how she looked. Her dress was simple, cream-colored, without any accessories. It accented her breasts nicely. She usually doesn’t wear makeup, but I detected a hint of rouge on her cheeks, some eyeliner that had been applied very tastefully, and the scent of a nice floral perfume.

“You look and smell so beautiful. I am sure you will be hit on many times today.”

“I think my age and wedding ring will stop any unwanted attention,” she said. “If that doesn’t work, I’ll use my demeanor to chase them away.”

“I was talking about me hitting on you.”

“Bullshit, I know you are always hoping someone else will do it. Don’t get your hopes up. Even if anyone is hard up enough to hit on an old woman, they will meet my wall. You know it well.”

I do know that wall well. When I try to have sex with her, she tells me she just can’t let go of her reluctance to do it, though she can’t remember any incidents or exact reasons. She tells me it’s a strong feeling of dread. I have to work very hard to get her aroused. I massage her whole body, I touch her sexually only after I have been doing it for a long time, otherwise, she will shut me down.

The ride to where the wedding was happening was short, about a half hour. It was a warm, early autumn day, and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. Parking the car in a large field with many cars already parked there, I realized, this was going to be quite the gathering. As we walked to the area where the ceremonies and celebrations would happen, I looked at Kerri. She looked great. She has a natural beauty; though she is in her sixties and has grey hair, she radiates a wholesome sexual energy that is almost spiritual.

As we approached the area where chairs had been arranged for the ceremony, we met a young, beautiful woman. She was hot, and she had a very sexy body. I had no idea who she was. Kerri started to talk with her. I soon realized who she was and that we knew her well. She was the daughter of a co-worker, and she had helped her with her school studies a few years ago. Her name was Celia.

They would work together on her studies in the afternoons after school. I would see them when I got home from work. Usually, they would be just finishing up or saying goodbye. I would say hi, then head to get my work clothes off. She was gone by the time I had cleaned up, changed, and was ready for a drink. She was younger then, but now she had a body that was mature, sexy, and muscular; she must be doing some sport. She was no longer the skinny, young girl with braces I saw when I got home from work. As they were talking, I stood there smiling, trying to keep up with their conversation. I soon gave up, and I let my eyes wander around, trying not to ogle Celia.

There were many young people there, mostly in their late twenties and early thirties. They were all dressed up, getting together in groups, laughing, and looking happy. Celia had walked off, and then Kerri started to tell me all about what they had discussed together, giving me updates about people I hardly knew. It was hard to keep my mind focused on what she was saying. I was enjoying the scene, the people, all the beautiful women. I made gestures and sounded like I was interested. She soon realized where my attention was, and she gave me a look.

“Let’s go sit down. The wedding is going to begin,” she said.

We sat down where her co-workers were; we all smiled and said hello to each other. I was sitting next to the husband of one. His name was Bill. He had done some body work on my antique car. We knew each other well, so we started up a conversation. The ceremony was nice. I was glad that it was short and soon over. My wife and her friends were all talking about it as we stood up to head to the tent where the meal and dancing would be. It was set up overlooking the ocean on a cliff about forty feet above the beach. It was a breathtaking view. As we entered the tent, Bill and I grabbed a drink from the bar, and we continued our conversation.

I wondered where Kerri was. I didn’t see her anywhere as I soon became busy talking to people I knew. Meeting their spouses or being introduced to people I had never met before. I had soon forgotten about Kerri. There was an announcement that it was time to find your seats and sit down. I looked around to find her, but I could not find her anywhere in the tent. I went outside and looked around, but I didn’t see her anywhere out there either.

Many people were still out there, starting to head into the tent. I scanned the crowds, but I didn’t see her. There were chairs placed at the cliff edge. I did not know anyone sitting there. As I sat in an empty chair, we all looked at each other, nodded, and smiled. I kept scanning the crowds all around the tent. I could not see Kerri.

As I took in the view of the beach. I was surprised. Two people were walking towards a very rough trail up the cliff. It took me a second to realize it was Kerri with a young man. He had curly blonde hair and a golden tan. I had noticed him earlier; he radiated youthful energy. He’d been with a group of young people who were talking and having fun together. For some reason, I thought he had stood out amongst them.

As they started up the trail, Kerri slipped. He reached out to stop her from falling. She held onto him a little longer to steady herself. As they continued to climb, they kept turning their heads towards each other, reaching out to the other to steady themselves. When they came near the top of the cliff, she slipped again. He was behind her, caught her, reached under her legs with one arm, and supported her back with the other as she put her arm over his shoulder. It all happened before she fell to the ground. It looked like a rehearsed dance move. They were both laughing loudly. He carried her the last ten or fifteen feet up the cliff.

As they reached the top, he gently let her down. She then held onto his shoulder as she put her shoes on. I got up from the chair and started to walk towards them. Kerri saw me, and her arm slipped off the young man’s shoulder. She introduced us, his name was Brian, a cousin of the bride. He had traveled from California to Massachusetts to attend the wedding. She started to go on. I stopped her to let them know people had been told to find their seats.

“Thank you for a wonderful time. I know I haven’t had so much fun in years. I do hope we can get together later on,” Kerri said as Brian walked away.

I was surprised he didn’t say anything; he just walked away. She kept looking at him as he did.

“Having some fun on the beach?” I asked her.

“Yes, Brian had asked me to take a walk with him. I was sure you wouldn’t mind.”

“You know me, I have told you many times, that if you ever want to be with another man, I would be very happy.”

She turned to walk to the tent to find our place without responding to my statement. Usually, she would get upset when I said that. This time, she ignored it. We found our seats. They were at a table that was the farthest from the head table, and we were with all of the bride’s mother’s coworkers. We knew many of them. Most were close friends of Kerri’s. I noticed Brian had gone to the head table near the bandstand.

With so many people there and so much happening. I hadn’t had a minute to think about Brian and Connie being on the beach together. My thought was that if I had one, she loved the water and enjoyed walking on the beach. She didn’t want to pass up a beautiful opportunity to do two things she loved the most in life. Her being there with Brian was no big thing. The meal was nice, the speeches, the toasts, and the cutting of the cake were done. Now, the band was starting to play, and people were getting up to dance.

I was feeling full and very satiated. It would be nice to smoke a joint. I had rolled a few to take with me. Kerri doesn’t like to smoke at gatherings of this sort. She was busy talking with her girlfriends from work. I gave her a look to let her know I was heading out of the tent; she knew why. I headed toward the chairs again. There were too many people there for me to light up. I walked over to the edge of the field. I found a pine grove that was nice and private. I walked into it, smoked the joint, and afterwards, I just sat there enjoying the scent of the forest and watching the sunset through the pine trees. It may have been about thirty minutes. I centered myself. Then, headed back to the crowd, I was quite pleased to have had some alone time.

I went back to the tent, then to the bar, to get a drink. I looked around. People were dancing, talking, laughing, and drinking. Kerri was on the dance floor. She looked so beautiful; her dress was shimmering as she danced in the orange, red sunlight that was shining on her. It was just beginning to go below the horizon. I thought she was dancing with her girlfriends. That’s what she usually does at these gatherings. I didn’t see any of them around her. There weren’t any of them on the dance floor.

Brian was dancing near her. Were they dancing together? They both kept dancing song after song, I was impressed with her stamina and her ability to keep such physical activity going for so long. Now and then, they would move close together. Their heads would bend towards each other, and it looked as if they were talking. They must have had to yell loudly to hear each other because of the music. Brian had nice dance moves. They were both moving in sync. Most of the time, there was a large distance between them. They weren’t even looking at each other; it was like they weren’t dancing together at all. I wasn’t sure what was going on. Was this the getting together ‘later on’?

I saw Bill. He caught my eye and walked over to where I was.

“Do you have a joint? Be nice to get high right now?” He said.

We went out together to smoke. He was very talkative, talking for quite a while even after the joint was gone. When we headed back to the tent, the band was still rocking. Kerri or Brian weren’t on the dance floor. They weren’t anywhere in the tent.

A wave of jealousy broke over me. I quickly thought, ‘Wait a minute, you have told her to be open to having sex with another person for a long time. You’ve asked her to do it a million times. Why am I feeling jealous? No way she would do anything sexual with him. She has always told me. She just doesn’t think about or like sex very much.’ So I just watched the crowd. It felt good to see all the people having fun; some were getting a bit drunk. The band started a slow song, and couples began to get close and hold each other tight. Some got a little frisky, especially the young ones. Celia was making out with her dance partner more than she was dancing.

Kerri and Brian walked into the tent. He put his arms on her hips, and she raised her hands to his shoulders. They started to dance together. I must say they looked happy and they moved together well. They were a great-looking couple, even with their age difference. Brian moved with maturity for his youthful looks. She had a radiant smile and an ageless, timeless beauty.

Again, I had a wave of jealousy engulf me, but I laughed it off. I knew my wife too well. When I saw her wrap her arms around his shoulders and he moved his body very close to hers. He lifted her slowly and effortlessly as he spun her around. Unless you were watching them like I was. You may not have noticed. She smiled when he did it. She put her head right next to his, and I thought she kissed his cheek. He then set her back down, and she moved her hands to his shoulders and moved away from him a bit. I noticed they were both barefoot.

When the song ended, they walked toward the entrance a few feet apart. She hadn’t seen or even looked for me. It seemed at first she was going to follow him out of the tent. She stopped before the opening, though. Brian kept walking, and he went outside without her. She stayed there, nodding to a few people who walked by. She seemed to be waiting for something.

People were starting to leave; the sun had set. Bill and his wife Mary joined me for a last drink. They told me they were getting ready to head home. They wanted to say goodbye to Kerri. They asked if I knew where she was. I pointed to her by the entrance. As they walked away, I watched them head towards her. She walked out of the tent before they got to her. I figured they would all meet up just outside the entrance. I had one joint left. I thought it would be good to go back to the pine grove to smoke. Then I would find Kerri so we could leave. I walked out of the tent by the bandstand instead of the entrance because it was closer to the grove. I also didn’t want to get caught talking to Bill and his wife again.

It was a warm, beautiful night with no breeze. A full moon was beginning to rise over the ocean. I headed toward the grove and smoked the joint. Then, I headed to the chairs to watch the moonrise. Many people had left. Some were in small groups talking. Chairs had been moved around to make small groupings where people had gathered to talk and were left that way. There were a few groups of chairs where no one was sitting. I found one group that had three chairs that were in a semi-circle. I saw Kerri’s shoes, with a man’s pair next to them. I sat down and looked around. Where did she go?

She was on the beach with Brian again. In the moonlight, I could see they were walking and running along the water’s edge. They were holding hands most of the time. They would run away from the waves that broke, and the water would come up the beach quickly. Brian reached out to her a few times to help her move fast enough to not get wet. It was like they were dancing. Then, a big wave crashed down right in front of them. He wrapped his arms around her and then lifted her up. He stood in the water, holding her above the wave. She had her arms around him, her head close to his, and she lifted her legs to wrap them around his hips. The wave went past them up the beach. She had lifted her dress just enough for it not to get wet. The wave receded. He held her like that for a while, then carried her up to the dry sand. I could faintly hear their laughter.

I couldn’t believe it. She was letting him hold her in a way that I was pretty sure was sexual. I didn’t think she enjoyed any man touching her that way. They headed toward the trail after that wave. It was hard to see them because the path was in the shadows. I heard laughter when they were near the top of the cliff. Brian had his arm around her waist, and she was holding onto his shoulder as they reached the top. I got up and walked towards them, and they walked toward me.

“Let’s all go back to the chairs so we can enjoy this beautiful evening together,” Kerri said.

We walked back to where I had been sitting next to their shoes. She stayed close to Brian. When we reached the chairs, they sat down next to each other. The only other chair was next to Brian, and I sat down there. Brian was between Kerri and me, looking out to sea, and Kerri and I were looking at each other at a slant. I was shaken by the reaction my body had experienced when I saw them on the beach, I didn’t know what to say. We all sat enjoying the view while they caught their breaths and put on their shoes.

“It is a beautiful night, couldn’t get much better than this,” I finally said

“Yes, it is. I am enjoying it very much. It may get better, though, you never know,” Brian said.

Kerri was quiet and didn’t say anything, I wondered what was going on in her mind. What did he mean, ‘May get better?’ Have they made some plans for later on? We sat there enjoying the moonlight on the water. No one said anything for quite a while. There were some late partiers around, but they were mostly at the bar.

I remembered Kerri had said something earlier when she introduced me to Brian. She had said he was a weaver. Since we didn’t have time to follow it up.

“Do you weave Brian?”

“Yes, I do. I love doing it. I have been for about twenty years now,” he said.

Kerri had done some weaving before I met her. We had a few of her weavings hanging in our house. She had told me she wanted to return to doing it many times.

“Kerri has done some weaving,”

“She told me that.”

“I didn’t do it very much. From what you have told me about your work, I would say I was barely a novice,” she said.

“The way you speak of it. It let me know you have a real understanding of it. I could feel your love of it as you spoke,” Brian replied.

“I’m a good talker,” she offered. “I do wish I could get back to it again.”

“We have some of her weavings hanging on the walls of our house,” I said.

“I would love to see them,” said Brian.

“They are just some old things; probably should be taken down and thrown away,” Kerri mumbled.

“Please don’t do that. I like them very much,” I said.

“Chris, it was great to meet Kerri today. It has seemed so long since I have met anyone who knows anything about weaving. I thought this would be a dull, boring family trip that I was obliged to make. She has made it a very exciting time for me.” He looked at me, “I hope you haven’t minded me spending so much time with her today. It has been a very special day for me. I never expected to spend it with a beautiful woman with such a strong love of life, of beauty, that she has.”

“No, no, it is fine. I saw you two. I could tell that both of you were having so much fun together. I was very happy that Kerri was enjoying herself.”

I tried to say that clearly, though I did hear my voice crack when I said, ‘I saw you two.’ When I said that, she moved her hand to Brian’s leg and left it resting there. Brian slowly moved his hand to hers. They looked at each other. Then they both looked at me. I did not want to say anything that would make them feel uncomfortable. I thought I could be in for a dream, ready to come true.

“You two like to touch each other, I see. You have been somewhat discreet. Though I could see that you were enjoying it very much.” I added after they hadn’t said anything, “It seemed to be sexual, but I wasn’t sure.”

“You are right, Chris. It is sexual.” she hesitated, then continued, “When I first saw Brian, he was alone walking in the field. As I walked past him, he looked right at me and asked me about a plant he was holding that had white flowers on it. He held it out to me for me to take. As I took it, a tingle went up my arm.” When she said that, I noticed their hands had met. They were now both resting on her thighs. They interwove their fingers together.

“It was phlox. I told him all I knew about it. You know it. It is growing near the back door next to the deck. After I told him everything I knew about the plant, he told me he was a weaver. He said that he wanted to use the pattern of the flowers for a cloth he was weaving. I couldn’t believe it, you know I love weaving. I have always wanted to return to doing it.” She stopped talking and took a deep breath. “I told him I had done some weavings in college and how much I loved it. How I longed to get back to it. When he asked me to join him for a walk on the beach. I couldn’t refuse. You know how much I love the beach. As we started down the trail, I slipped. Brian picked me up and held me close. I looked into his eyes, and he told me I was a beautiful woman; I burst out laughing. I thought how this must look, an old woman being held by a handsome young man on a cliff overlooking the ocean. He wasn’t being sexual in any way. He held me very respectively. I kissed him on the cheek as he put me down. As we continued down to the beach, he kept close to me and offered his hand or held onto me when we were in steep sections.”

I believed everything she was saying; it was how she was, very non-sexual and happy that way. Laughing in someone’s face as they tell her she is beautiful. That sounded just like what she would do.

“As we had reached out to steady each other going down, we kept holding hands or on to each other. Once, we were on the beach, walking together along the water’s edge and then running away from the waves; it made me feel like a young woman again. Free and innocent. Being with Brian created new feelings I had never felt before. My whole body felt, well, alive, and I felt so fulfilled in my soul. Then, thoughts started to run through my head. Do I have a desire to touch him sexually? He must have noticed my wedding ring. I’m too old. He’s too young. You know how I am. It is very hard for me to let go of my inhibitions. I wanted to keep that free, youthful energy feeling I had. So, I let go of those thoughts. I told myself to be in the moment. You always tell me to do that. On our walk back up the trail, we were holding onto each other most, if not all, of the way. I couldn’t stop from reaching out to touch him again and again. Each time we touched, I felt so refreshed.”

I noticed that Brian had unwoven his hand from hers while she had been talking. He was moving it up her leg very slowly. Her dress was loosely hanging between her legs now. His hand was near her hip. She looked at me and saw that I was watching his hand. She then moved her hand to his and guided it gently to the top of her crotch.

“When we were near the top of the trail, I fell. Brian caught me before I hit the ground. It was like some force had pushed me into his arms. It felt so good to be held like that. I was glad he continued carrying me. I felt like a bride being carried over the threshold; so young and vibrant. His arms holding me felt so strong and capable. It was like he was generating electricity, and it was flowing from him to me. On the beach, I had fleeting images of having sex with him, but I was able to quickly dismiss them. While I was being held in his arms, I knew I was sure I wanted to have sex with him. I wished he would carry me away to a secluded spot. I wanted to be alone together to enjoy it right at that moment. Not go back to the festivities, the noise, the people.”

Brian’s hand was now between her legs. He was caressing her; his fingers were reaching under her, and she was raising her hips to let it go further.

“Looks like you two are enjoying sexual touch now.” That did not sound the way I was hoping it would.

“Should I stop?” Brian looked right into my eyes.

I nodded my head no. He then pressed his hand hard up against her dress and moved it slowly back and forth, then up and down. She took a deep breath, spread her legs, moved her hips forward, and grabbed the arms of the chair. Her head went back. Her breathing became rapid, with long gasps between short breaths. I did not expect this. I could not believe what she was doing as she thrust herself against Brian’s hand a few times. She slowed her breathing and looked from Brian to me.

“I am inviting Brian back to our house tonight. I think you are happy about that,” she said.

She had never looked so beautiful as she did at that moment. I said, “Of course I am happy. He is welcome to come visit us. I am sure he will love to see your weavings.”

Did she just have an orgasm? I was so excited. Though I was uncomfortable with something. It was very hard for me to accept the changes in her I was witnessing. That was not all that was hard. My cock had never been so hard. Watching them was sexually arousing, but my stomach was churning. This is what I have wanted for a long, long time. Now, I am learning what it is I want.

Brian looked straight at me. “I would love to see her weavings. I was hoping we could also have some fun, though.”

“I know,” I said.

“Brian has a car, and I am going to ride with him back to our house. Can you drive home alone? Are you sober enough to do that?” she asked.

“I am, and I can drive home.”

We sat there looking at the moonlight reflecting off the ocean. The wedding crew was cleaning up. We were the last guests left. In a few minutes, Kerri stood up, turned to Brian then reached out her hand. He took it as he stood up, and they wove their fingers together as they turned to walk away.

“We will see you back at the house a while,” she said as she looked over her shoulder.

I sat there watching them walk to the parking lot, I was trying to collect myself and my thoughts. Soon, I heard two car doors close and a car engine start up. The thoughts and the images were all going through my head at once. It made it hard for me to get up out of the chair. I took a few deep breaths and got up. Not sure where to go, I finally headed to the car. I wished I had another joint. What did she mean by ‘After a while?’ Should I wait a while before I go home? She probably wants to be alone with him for a while. I wasn’t sure if that was what she meant or if I wanted that to happen. I wanted to be there. To be a part of whatever happens. I knew I had told her she could do this on her own without me many times. Now, I’m not sure of anything. I never thought this would happen.

Published 1 year ago

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