Sexual Awakening 3: Spanish Conquest

"Nan had such a good time in Italy, she couldn't wait to see what Spain had to offer."

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Nan gazed out the window of her cabin. The scenery flowed by in the evening light, but Nan did not entirely notice it. Her mind raced with images of the previous night and she could hardly believe all that had happened so for this week. First André, then Nina. She did not find an answer to the question of Italian lovers, but she definitely knew something about Australian ones. They were quite good, ‘down under’. Nan chuckled at her pun, knowing the look she would have received from the others. She would have never believed she be doing something like that before. Once, in college, she kissed her roommate. But that was on a dare, and it was not something that got her excited. Last night was different. Was she caught up in the moment? Yes. Was she feeling very relaxed due to her night of drinking? Yes. But were those the reasons? No. She was feeling liberated and adventurous after her time with André, and was willing to try anything once. This was an adventure she will be trying again, but likely only with these women. For now.

Lightning marked the sky in the distance bringing Nan out of her thoughts and back to the now. She stood, straightened her skirt, checked her hair, then headed for the dining car where she enjoyed chicken alfredo and a glass of chardonnay. After dinner, she sat in the lounge car and read up on her next destination; Madrid, Spain. Sophia had called her friend and Mattie would be meeting Nan at the train station. They had altered her planned itinerary a little to better travel the city and get the most out of the visit. Mattie also suggested a few local favorites for food and drink and offered to escort Nan about during her stay. After Nan’s hectic rushing about France and Italy during her trip, she suddenly felt like two days in Madrid would not be enough and was thankful for Mattie’s generosity.

Nan headed back to her cabin, reminiscing how the sun had already begun to crest the horizon when she and Nina fell asleep that morning and the others roused them just after 10 o’clock for breakfast and sightseeing before Nan left. Part of her desired another chance encounter like the one with André, but the rest of her was glad to be back to her cabin alone for a good night’s rest. The night of dancing, drinking and amorous activities, the likes of which she hadn’t partaken in since she was in college, had left its mark on her and she was tired and sore. Nan returned to her cabin and drifted off into a deep blissful sleep, savoring the memories made so far and imagining what was in store for the future.

The next morning Nan roused from her slumber feeling refreshed and a bit randy. She reflected on her younger years, before she married. She was still a teen when she met the man she would marry, but she was a very outgoing person, clubs and activities, lots of friends. Throughout college they had more of an on again off again relationship because they went to different schools far enough away from each other to make frequent visits impossible. She had shut out advances from other guys, even during their off again times. After college, they got back together, married and settled into work and married life. Nan realized that over the next ten years she slowly lost touch with her friends and avoided making new ones. Jim would always be low key discouraging about her making friends or hanging out with others, making her feel guilty. She would stay home while he went with his buddies. NO MORE. Nan wanted that free spirit back and she was going to have it. She knew how to be that person, and now she felt like she had finally broken the chains that had bound her all these years. She felt more alive today than she had in very long time. Invigorated, confident and ready to prowl.

The train arrived just after 1 p.m. As Nan entered the train station, she noticed a man in off-white cotton trousers and a tunic-style shirt holding a sign with her name on it. He was well-kept, strong features and nicely manicured. Her heart jumped a little as a hundred scenarios whipped through her mind in a flash.

“I’m Nan,” she offered as she approached. “I’m supposed to meet Maddie,” she stated almost a question.

“I’m Mattie.” The man smiled.

Nan felt the familiar warmth in her ears, “I’m sorry, I thought Mattie was a woman. I didn’t ask…”

“It’s OK, happens all the time,“ Mattie dismissed with a wave, then offered his hand, “Matteo. Friends call me Mattie.”

Nan took his hand graciously. “Nan. So pleased to meet you.” Nan breathed in his aroma, which reminded her of a tropical beach, fruity and coconuts. Her mind began to tangent again, wondering what Sophia had in mind for her when she had set Nan up with Matteo. She wasn’t sure, but she was excited about the prospects.

“Do you need to freshen up?” Mattie’s voice brought her back to reality. “We can go to the house first if you’d like.”

The prospect of a hot shower, Mattie’s hands running over her body, lathering, caressing, strong and gentle at the same time was very enticing; but she did not want to seem overeager.

“No, I’m OK for now. We are in town and I am excited to see all you have to offer.”

Mattie took Nan downtown, where they toured the Royal Palace, and the Prado Museum; and Nan was able to take some pictures of the Puerta de Alcala while grabbing a light lunch in between. Nan was surprised to discover Spain is dramatically different than what she is used to, as they don’t eat lunch at noon, more like 2:30-3 o’clock. She also learned dinner was not at 5, as she and Mattie enjoyed a walk-through Encina de la Manzana. They had enjoyed their merienda, a mid-afternoon snack taken when Nan would normally be eating dinner, then walked the gardens.

Here, Mattie informed Nan that he would have dinner at home as they returned to where Mattie had parked near the train station. The BMW 7 Series was much more luxurious than Nan was used to riding in, Jim drove an SUV and Nan had a minivan. Ironic now, as she thought about it, since she had no kids.

Mattie continued to point out sights and historical areas as he drove. Once out of town, Nan wondered at the local landscape and Mattie told her about the fields, the crops, the local history, and the history of the house that would be their destination. Nan, enamored with how gentlemanly Mattie had been all day, opening doors, pushing in chairs, holding her hand or arm as they walked. How he would lean in close as he told her about this monument, or that painting. Her breathing in his essence. She sat there now listening, hanging on every word, and all the while imagining him in various states of undress. Imagining what he looked like under his clothes, his broad round shoulders, his chiseled abs, his ample…..pectorals. She fantasized about the house, the gardens, the kitchen, and how they would christen every room as he held her against the wall, laid her in the flowers, and made her the main course on the prep table. All the thoughts of lewd and lascivious behavior, the total debauchery running through her mind, was foreign to her and yet wildly exciting.

“Hello? Still with me?” Matteo queried.

“Yes, Sorry,” Nan returned, brought back from her fantasies, “I was just lost in the beauty of it all,” she continued, knowing that was not at all a lie.

“We are almost there,” Matteo gestured up the road, to a gently rising hill where a terra cotta roof peeked out above a tall hedge. Nan’s anticipation was building, her heart was racing and skipping, and her loins were flush with heat and desire.

Matteo drove up the drive and through the gate, revealing the stucco mansion. It was a beautiful spread, the driveway passed between the main house and fountain in the front. There was a courtyard to the left that appeared to lead to some gardens and, to the right, the house looked over a field of olive trees.

“We produce about 5,000 liters of olive oil annually,” Matteo offered, catching her gaze.

“It’s all very….Wow!” Nan gushed.

“Come on in, I’ll give you the tour.”

Matteo opened her door and led her to the house. The front steps were old, stone and led to a heavy wooden door that boasted dramatic craftsmanship. In the foyer, the stone continued as well as the extraordinary woodwork. From there, Matteo showed her the loggia, which Nan learned was an interior section of a home leading to a garden area, this one also led to a courtyard at the rear of the home. The gardens and the courtyard brought back images from Nan’s earlier fantasies and she felt a warm ache building between her legs. The tour continued with the dining hall opposite the loggia and on the right side of the house, the master’s quarters all overlooked the olive trees. On the left side was the gathering hall, what we would call a living room, the garage access, mud room, pool, wine storage, and… the kitchen. The kitchen was mostly as she had imagined, and she discreetly caressed the prep table as they passed by.

Matteo stopped. Stopped so abruptly that Nan nearly ran into him. As it were, he turned on the ball of his foot and took her in his grasp as she tried to not plow him over. She looked up into his eyes, her own reflecting her every emotion; horny, pleading, excitement, hopeful. Hungrily, he pressed his mouth to hers, threatening to drink her very soul with the depth of his kiss. She accepted his advances with primal desire.

Desperate to feel the warmth of his skin on hers, she removes his shirt, revealing his chiseled body, smooth and flawless as if carved from marble. She runs her hands down his arms and up his torso as he pulls up her dress, grabbing her firmly by the ass and hoists her onto the prep table. He hooks his fingers into her thin panties and removes them smoothly in one motion, down her legs and onto the floor. Lustfully, she undoes his belt and lets his pants fall to floor, not surprised to find he is not wearing anything underneath. She has been watching him all day. Matteo tears open her blouse, revealing the light swell of her breast. Left hand to her left breast and mouth to her right, Matteo’s right hand dives to explore Nan’s soft sweet nectar. She moans in pleasure as two fingers penetrate the soft petals of her flower, dripping with the honey of desire. She thrusts forward, pushing him deeper into her soft velvet folds. He kisses her neck and nibbles gently, just below her ear.

“Please,” she begs, “I need to feel you.” With that, Matteo pulls her to the edge of the table, hooking her left leg in his left arm, he guides himself to her with his right. Her flower, wet and dripping with anticipation and desire. He presses his hot shaft against her, the sensation sends a shudder down her spine. He slides his entire length along the hard little bud at the top of her petals. It seems impossibly long and she twitches as her whole body vibrates like the strings of a cello as he pulls his firm bow across her nerve strings. Slowly, he enters her, inch… after inch… after inch.

He is reaching depths she did not know she had. He presses firmly against her cervix, threatening to penetrate that as well. He’s not done. He continues. How much more can she take? He slides in another two inches. Two? She could have sworn it was ten. Matteo stops and just holds there for a moment as Nan adjusts to his length. He begins to thrust, slow and methodical as she finishes adjusting. When Nan begins thrusting back, he picks up the pace, sliding into her deeply, his firm sack bouncing off her ass.

Nan felt as though she was being impaled, but it felt so good, fleeting moments of pain as Matteo bottomed out inside her were of no consequence. She could feel the well of pleasure swelling inside her. He was pushing her to the brink and she was about to explode, a flood of lust, passion, and pleasure. She screamed out in pure ecstasy. As he groaned and swelled, nearing his own eruption, Nan continued to scream as her flood gates opened and….

“Earth to Nan.” Matteo snapped his fingers.

“What? Huh?” Nan shook her head, just now realizing she had completely left the building. Mentally.

“Hi, you back? You zoned out there,” Matteo informed with concern in his voice.

“Yes, sorry.” Nan offered with regret. Regret for zoning out? Regret for not finishing? She didn’t know. “Just a little travel weary I guess, it’s been a crazy last few days.”

The floors changed from stone to tile to wood, depending on the room, but the woodwork carried throughout, along with exposed beam ceilings and grand fireplaces. On the second floor were guest bedrooms and these, too, were rich and beautiful.

“It’s all so opulent,” Nan oozed with wonder, “your house is amazing.”

Matteo chuckled, “Actually, it’s not my house. I live here, but it belongs to my boss.”

“Oh, I uh,” Nan stuttered.

“It’s o.k., I didn’t make it very clear before,” Matteo offered as they returned to the foyer. “I work for Mr. Castile, I find and collect various antiquities and works of art. I have a small house out back, the Staff Quarters. Overall, it’s actually quite humble for a man of Castile’s stature.”

“I meant no offense,” Nan began, old habits and all.

“I’m not, please don’t apologize, I’m just clarifying.” Matteo assured. His gentle tone and easy smile comforted her. The front door opened and another young and beautiful man walked in.

“Matteo!” The man exclaimed in excitement upon entering.

“Rafael!” Matteo exclaimed back. “This is Nan. Sophia’s friend.” Nan shook Rafael’s hand as Matteo moved closer to his friend. “Raf is my boyfriend. He also works for Castile.”

“Oh,” was all Nan was able to manage. Her mouth hung agape and she stood in shock and embarrassment as all her fantasies came crashing down around her. How could she have been so foolish not to see? Her mind was spinning.

“You o.k., Nan?” Matteo queried.

“Yes, I uh, sorry… I just didn’t, um, catch on?” Nan admitted, sheepishly. The heat that had previously excited her rose from the pits of her passion and landed promptly on her face. Raf and Matteo chuckled briefly at her awkward response.

“Please don’t be embarrassed, Nan,” Matteo pled as he moved in to hold her in a reassuring hug. “I know I don’t necessarily adhere to what people think of as ‘gay’ and I don’t advertise it.”

“I just, um, Sophia, and you, and me, and….” Nan stumbled fruitlessly.

“I see,” Matteo nodded in understanding, “that would be Sophia and her mischievous ways. Now it makes sense why she didn’t give any details about me. She really is insufferable sometimes.” Nan is standing there with her embarrassment, meanwhile, Raf is failing to contain his laughter.

“You’re not helping, Raf,” Matteo scolded. “Can’t you see she’s embarrassed enough?”

“My apologies,” he rebounded, “it is quite funny though, and hey, if we don’t laugh, we cry. Right?”

“Right,” Nan agreed with false confidence. Matteo continued to look at him disapprovingly. Nan wondered what would be in store for her now that she would not be fulfilling her fantasies of Matteo. A regular vacation in Spain, she supposed, a little disappointed.

“Come,” Matteo broke into her thoughts, “let’s sit and talk in the courtyard. We’ll open some wine, and you can tell us about your trip, Nan.”

“Oh, yes,” Raf seconded, “let’s hear about life in the U.S.”

Two hours and four bottles of wine later, Nan, Matteo, and Raf sat in the rear courtyard laughing. “That’s quite a trip you’ve had so far,” Matteo said in wonder.

“Indeed,” Raf added, awestruck. Nan had briefly detailed her life up to leaving on this vacation and then the crazy events of her last week since meeting André.

“What is this?” a rich and commanding voice questioned as the group continued to laugh heartily.

“Mr. Castile,” Matteo gushed excitedly, “I was hoping you’d return in time to meet our new friend.” Matteo stood, Nan and Raf followed his lead. “This is Nan, she is from America. She met my friend, Sophia, in Italy, and she sent her to me.”

“I remember Sophia. Hello, I’m very pleased to make your acquaintance,” Castile greeted, the words rolled smoothly as he took Nan’s hand and gave it a kiss. Nan blushed as she looked into the deep blue pools of Castile’s eyes, his lean 6’ 1” figure towering over her, and the short beard he wore was stately with its chiseled look and salt and pepper color that matched his hair.

“The pleasure is mine, I assure you,” Nan returned, “thank you so very much for your hospitality. The grounds and this house are so beautiful.”

“Thank you. The house has been in the family for generations, but I’m sure Matteo has already told you that.”

“He did, he’s quite thorough and his knowledge of the area is very impressive.”

“It is, and that’s why I sought him out. He is one of a kind, and his skills are second to none. I trust him with all my antiquities and art without hesitation,” Castile praised and Matteo beamed. “We are lucky to have him.”

“I was just about to open another bottle of wine; do you have any requests?” Matteo directed at Castile.

“Bring the L’Ermita,” was all he said. Matteo knowingly left to grab the bottle. “I have no doubt you’ll enjoy this bottle, Nan. It is one of Spain’s finest.”

“It has all been quite wonderful.” Nan said appreciatively, “But, please, don’t go to any trouble for me.”

“It is no trouble. Please, it is a rare occasion that I get to dote over a guest in my home. I travel a lot and wish to enjoy the opportunity.”

“Thank you,” Nan conceded, as Matteo re-emerged from the house and was followed by house staff bringing the evening meal. The meal felt exotic to Nan, even though Matteo told her it was not. The meal consisted of Paella, Gazpacho, Jamón Iberico, Tortilla de Patatas and, of course, Olives.

The group whittled away the next few hours enjoying light-hearted conversation, most of which kept returning to Castile and his travels. Nan sat and listened to him talk, doughy-eyed and a bit envious of his varied travels.

“I feel I have dominated this conversation,” Castile observed.

“I have enjoyed hearing of your travels,” Nan admitted.

“I can attest to that,” Matteo added.

“She sat there looking like a child listening to a fairytale,” Raf teased.

“Well, tomorrow, I would like to make it all about our guest,” Castile offered. “If you would allow me to show you a side of Spain you will not see in your local travel agency.”

“I, uh,” Nan stammered, looking at Matteo for guidance. Matteo picked up her glance and nodded. “Yes, sorry, yes. I would be honored.”

“Thank you, and thank you, Matteo,” Castile nodded knowingly at Matteo. “Please show our guest to one of the upstairs guest rooms. Tomorrow will be an eventful day; we should get some rest.”

“Yes, sir,” Matteo complied, standing and offering Nan to do the same. The group bid their good nights and Matteo led Nan upstairs. “He doesn’t miss a thing,” Matteo stated as they climbed the stairs.

“I’m sorry?” Nan queried.

“Castile’s comment. He thanked me. He saw you look and me nod.”

“Oh,” Nan pondered this with disbelief, “I didn’t pick up on that, you’re right,” Nan shook her head.

“To be honest, I thought you’d be sleeping on my couch. Mr. Castile hasn’t had a guest up here in a very long time.”

“Why not?” Nan asked with genuine curiosity.

“Not sure,” Matteo responded giving a sly grin, “maybe he just hasn’t liked anyone that much.”

“Ha-ha, very funny,” Nan retorted. “Mr. Castile seems very nice, I’m sure he’s had plenty of visitors stay over.”

“Surprisingly….no,” Matteo admitted. “This is you,” Matteo announced, opening the door. The room was rich with old world charm, the hardwood floors, the canopy bed, to Nan was straight out of a fairy tale.

“Oh my…Matteo, this is gorgeous,” Nan could barely hide her child-like excitement.

“Bed, closet, bathroom is over there. If you need anything, call room service.” Matteo teased.

“Seriously?” Nan quizzed gullibly.

“No, silly. You pull the rope,” Matteo motioned to the corner.

“You’re kidding,” Nan skeptically responded.

“Actually, no. Not this time,” Matteo assured. Nan stared back in disbelief. “Get some sleep, we’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay, thank you, for everything. Good night,” Nan hugged Matteo and turned to prepare for bed as Matteo closed the door and left. Nan continued to wonder in awe about the room for a few more moments, then decided to clean up and go to bed.

——- —– ——-

Nan was awakened by a knocking on her chamber door promptly at six a.m. Nan arose and walked to the door; she opened the door to find one of the ladies of the house staff standing there.

“Good morning,” Nan greeted the woman.

“Good morning, Ma’am. Mr. Castile wanted to inform you that departure would be at 7:30. Dress light as it will be warm. We have prepared a light breakfast of empanadas, toast, and coffee. Would you like to take in your quarters?” The woman patiently waited.

“Thank you, no. I’ll take it in the courtyard if that is ok,” Nan responded.

“Certainly, dear,” the woman obliged and turn to leave. Nan closed the door and began to excitedly scurry about the room in preparations for the day. She showered and dressed in a yellow sundress that felt as light and free as she did in this moment. Having always been blessed with easily managed hair, she brushed it out and pulled the sides up into clips. This framed her lovely face and accentuated the innocence in her features. Nan repacked her bags, then gave herself one last look in the mirror before heading downstairs. She had no idea what the day was going to bring, but was giddy with anticipation nonetheless.

Nan was enjoying her breakfast when Castile stepped out into the courtyard, “Good morning, Nan. Sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you, I don’t think…no, I know, I’ve never slept in a bed that soft and cozy. Like it was trying to hug me to sleep,” Nan complimented as she rose to acknowledge Castile’s arrival. Castile motion for her to remain seated and Nan sat back down.

“I’m glad the room was suitable,” Castile smiled as he sat and joined Nan for breakfast.

“That’s an understatement,” Nan laughed. “Everything here has been so amazing.”

“Well, I hope I can continue to amaze,” Castile teased, knowing he could.

“I’m sure you have no shortage of surprises,” Nan answered his teasing. “Will Matteo be joining us?”

“Sorry, no. Just us, today, I’m afraid. I do hope you can tolerate my company,” Castile continued his playful teasing.

Nan picked up on his playfulness and responded in turn, “How will I ever manage?” At this, they both chuckled and Nan began to feel at ease around her new host. “I really can’t thank you enough for all your hospitality. When I came to Europe, I could have never imagined my trip would go this way.”

“Really, the pleasure is mine. I so rarely get to entertain friends, or even enjoy the simple pleasures, it seems, somedays. This gives me a reason to take a moment and enjoy my homeland,” the words flowed from Castile’s lips with buttery smoothness, and Nan relished in his melodic tone.

“I could listen to you talk for hours,” Nan thought out loud.

“That’s good,” Castile smiled, “you’re going to have to, as I will be your tour guide today.” Nan looked at him with her mouth agape in shock and embarrassment, as her ears burned furiously. She had not meant to admit that out loud and now there was no retrieving her words. Castile reached over and gently pushed her mouth closed, “No need for shame. I’m flattered.” Nan felt a bit of relief, though her ears would tell a different story. “Are you ready for today?”

“I have no idea,” Nan chuckled uncertainly. “I don’t know what to expect, or where we are going.”

“Well, if you are ready to go, we can get started,” Castile offered as Nan finished her coffee.

“Yes, please. Lead the way,” Nan graciously answered as she stood. The pair started towards the garage, but before they reached the door, Castile turned left and headed to the back of the house. Nan was confused, but followed silently. As they rounded the back of the estate, a helicopter came into view. It was large and black and Nan stopped dead in her tracks.

“Are you okay?” Castile asked with concern.

“Yes, I just…was not expecting this,” Nan answered, still in shock.

“Do you have a fear of helicopters?”

“I’ve never been on one,” Nan’s gaze continued.

“Well, let’s see how you do, shall we?” Castile took Nan’s hand began to guide her toward the craft.

Nan was apprehensive, but excited too, as she let him lead her along, “Yes. Let’s.” They boarded the helicopter and prepared to leave. Nan’s heart was racing and her mind was trying to keep pace. Where were they going? What were they doing? Why the helicopter? She figured she’d find out soon enough.

Nan and Castile flew the short trip to Toledo where they spent most of the morning walking the historic former medieval capitol. Nan was amazed to see all the museums, churches, medieval architecture, and cobblestone alleyways. Castile narrated their tour with ease, and Nan soaked in the information, the sun and the soothing melodic strum of his voice. The Toledo Cathedral was her favorite stop of the morning. Just before noon, they were back in the air. Their next stop was Barcelona, where they toured the Gothic Quarter and enjoyed a modest lunch. Following lunch, the pair was picked up by a private driver and transported to the Sagrada Familia. For Nan, this was, by far, better than the Toledo Cathedral. Castile had arranged a guided tour of building, including areas that are off limits to the public. The size and beauty of the structure amazed Nan and most of the tour she walked in stupor. When they were finished, they returned to the car and were driven back to the helicopter. Nan was secretly thankful for the break, for while she was immensely appreciative of her experience, she was unsure how much more walking she could do.

“I’m glad to see your apprehension about the helicopter has dissipated,” Castile offered as they approached.

“The first trip I was a little nervous,” Nan admitted. “But it was so short, it was really just a tease, and then I wanted more. The next trip really allowed me to enjoy the views, and now I can’t wait.”

Castile chuckled with honest amusement, “Well, lets get you in the air, then. I can accommodate your desire.” With that, the two boarded and took off. Castile instructed the pilot to alter their course. Instead of the direct route back to Madrid, the pilot flew them over Palma, the capital of Mallorca, an Island off the coast of Barcelona. They flew over the Royal Palace of La Almudaina, Castell de Bellver, and the Cathedral of Santa Maria.

“It’s so beautiful!” Nan exclaimed upon seeing the cathedral, her eyes lit up and she became giddy with excitement. She never knew she had a love of gothic architecture, cathedrals in particular, but she realized it now. Seeing the old and ornate structures really excited her. Castile looked at Nan, spoke to the pilot, then returned his attention to Nan. The pilot circled around and began to descend. “What’s going on?” Nan queried.

“I just thought we’d take a closer look,” Castile replied cryptically. Nan nodded and ogled out at the structure, it was soon apparent they were landing.

“Are we landing?” Nan looked at Castile incredulously.

“Yes, my dear,” was all that was returned. Moments after landing, a car picked them up and hurried off to the cathedral. Upon arrival, Nan wondered at its beauty. As they approached the doors, Nan noticed a sign indicating the cathedral was closed.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Castile, It looks like they’re closed,” Nan said with disappointment.

“Well, that is unfortunate,” Castille allowed a devilish grin sweep across his face and Nan was both curious as to its meaning and excited by the enticing look of it. Castile continued to walk to the doors. Just as he reached them, they opened and he was greeted by two members of the staff,

“Hello, Mr. Castile, a pleasure to have you with us,” they greeted.

“Thank you,” was all he said as he exchanged a look with them, then lead Nan inside and gave her a tour of the cathedral.

“How did you possibly set this up at a moment’s… notice? I mean, I didn’t say anything,” Nan baffled.

“You’re look said all I needed to know,” Castille smiled his devilish grin again, “I do a lot of business, I make a lot of friends.”

Nan did not know she had that much walking left in her. But she walked the entire Cathedral, soaking in the architecture, the high arch ceilings, the craftsmanship of the stained glass, and the beautiful sculptures within. Before she knew it, they were back in the air and headed toward Madrid. The pilot continued to fly over points of interest as directed by Castile, and Castile provided the information to about each site to Nan. They flew over the Castile-La Mancha, Guadalajara, and Segovia; where she saw Alcázar Castle, Roman Aqueducts, and another cathedral. Nan was excited, but not ready to walk any more today. They returned to Madrid, where they landed at an airport, they loaded into Mr. Castile’s car and they driver took them to enjoy an evening meal.

They arrived at a place called Saddle. Nan noticed the Glass and stone façade was simple elegant, but the inside boasted upscale dining. They were immediately ushered to a private room, Mr. Castile guided Nan’s chair for her, then sat opposite of her.

“May I order for you?” Castile posed respectfully.

“Please do,” Nan answered with relief. “I have no idea what to think of most of this menu.”

“I was thinking a sampling of some of the best offered,” Castile offered, motioning for their waiter.

“Sounds perfect,” Nan beamed with anticipation. When the meal arrived, Nan was greeted with an array of local and specialty dishes that she would never have dared to try on her own. There was prawn, mackerel, Moluscada; which she found out to be shell fish; a parfait, smoked eel; not her favorite; fondue which she found she loved; hake, lamb, and Souffle Grand Marnier; which was absolutely divine.

“I’ve never had a meal like that. Ever,” Nan admitted when they were finished. “I could.. I don’t.. I don’t know how I could ever repay the hospitality you have shown me today. The trip, the sights, the food, the company. It has all been so amazing, it will forever be one of my best memories.”

“You just did,” Castile replied matter-of-factly. “That compliment was all I need. I’m very pleased to have made such an impression, and to give you memories to last a lifetime. I have enjoyed myself immensely today. I really did realize just how much I needed the break. You have been an excellent travel companion and I have particularly enjoyed the way you get excited over things many of us take for granted. It has helped to ground me today and really enjoy the things I often overlook.” Nan blushed a bit, not from embarrassment, but from the compliment as she smiled into her lap.

“I don’t know what to say Mr. Cast…”

“Alejandro, that is my name,” Castile interrupted, “or just Castile. Either is fine. And just say thank you. You deserve every praise. You are so much more than you let people know.”

“Thank you, Castile,” this time her ears did burn from her embarrassment. She was not used to such praise and to hear it from a man of this stature was leaving her dumbfounded. Castile stood and guided Nan out of her chair. She continued to look at her feet, as her ears burned red hot. Castile brought his hand to her chin and gently raised her eyes to meet his, he then kissed her forehead with a fathers love and tenderness. She stared into his deep blue pools, not knowing what to say, not knowing what to do next. “You are a brave and honest soul, Nan. You have a strength in you. Set it free. Set yourself free. It’s time to leave the past behind you.”

“What? How?” she stumbled.

“I meet hundreds of people a year, I can tell a lot about a person in just 5 minutes. I’ve had the whole day with you. I don’t need to know the details of how you came to where you are to know the story that lies behind your eyes.

“Thank you,” was all she could manage.

A single tear rolled from her eye, the last tear she would shed for the life that used to define her, and Castile quickly swept it away with his thumb, took her in a firm embrace, then look at her reassuringly, “Ready to go?” She nodded in approval and they headed back to the car.

The ride back to Castile’s home consisted of lively conversation as they recounted the day and what was their favorite points. For Nan, it was the Sagrada Familia. For Castile, it was Nan, she brought with her a simple purity in her pleasure and an air of innocence with how she would get excited over things that most of the persons Castile dealt with would easily dismiss. As they neared the house, Nan looked at Castile, “I should be exhausted, but I’m not. I feel….”, Nan searched for the right words, “Wired.”

“I know what you mean,” Castile agreed as they entered the house.

“Do you have to be up early? Or can we visit longer?” Nan asked hopefully.

“I do not. I hope I don’t offend you, or sound forward, but if you’d like to join me, a soak in the hot tub is exactly what I need right now,” Castile offered.

“Actually,” Nan looked thankfully, “that sounds absolutely amazing.”

“Great, meet me by the pool in ten?”

“Sure, it won’t take me long.” Nan turned and headed back to her room as Castile headed towards his.

Nan arrived at the pool wearing a white bikini with pink trim, one of her many purchases while in Paris, and she was wrapped in a towel from her room. Castile was already there prepping the tub, dressed in a black robe. Nan watched as he moved about, a little surprised that he was tending his own hot tub and not having the staff do it. She immediately felt ashamed for thinking it. He has definitely proven he is not the typical man of wealth and power. He has a soft side, a side that likes doing for himself, and she respected him immensely for it.

“It’s all set,” Castile motioned toward the tub, then turned and began to remove his robe. Nan watched as the robe slipped down his shoulders and off his arms as he deposited it in the chair in front of him. Nan stared in astonishment, he was more muscular than she expected, his broad shoulders and back were well defined. He was wearing modest black shorts, Nan was expecting a Speedo, maybe hoping was a better term. His legs were strong and defined as well, those of someone who walks or runs a lot, maybe biking? She wasn’t sure. As he turned to face her, she reveled in the fine patch of hair on his chest, not too thick, covering his strong chest and leading down his stomach. His abs were not overly defined but still very pleasant. “Coming in?” Castile held out his hand to assist. Nan nodded and removed her towel, setting it in the chair beside her. Castille guided her down the steps and she sat to her right, Castile followed and sat to the left.

“Oh my,” Nan groaned, “I needed this.”

“Hold on,” Castile reached beside him and pressed a few buttons. Nan felt massaging jets begin to work against her back and feet. She giggled at the start of it, as it tickled her feet, then she adjusted position and began to enjoy the water on her tired feet. “Wine?” Castile asked, pulling a bottle from a bucket beside him.

“Yes, please,” Nan leaned her head back and enjoyed the massage. Castile poured two glasses and handed one to Nan. She took the glass, lifted it to her nose and enjoyed the bouquet. Berries and spice. She tasted the red sweet nectar, verifying what her nose had told her. “Mmmm, that is good. Sweet. Refreshing.”

“Almost as sweet and refreshing as you.” Nan soaked in Castile’s words, as he took her foot in his hands, his powerful hands. She would have sworn they were the hands of a worker they were so strong. He rubbed her foot, and she moaned out loud. Castile alternated feet, rubbing each one until the tension was out. He then moved up her legs, massaging the muscles in her calves and thighs. Nan enjoyed his touch, strong and gentle. Castile moved between her legs, once again lifting her chin to look into her eyes, he kissed her forehead with a tenderness that Nan had rarely felt and could only describe as fatherly. He then kissed her cheek, her neck, her shoulder.

Cold against her chest made her sit upright. “You, ok?” Castile quizzed with a chuckle. Nan looked at him, still seated in his spot. Looked at her chest, looked at her wine.

“Yes, I think I may have gotten a little too relaxed and spilled a bit of wine on myself,” Nan admitted ashamedly, thankfully the water was warm and the flush in her ears would go unnoticed.

“You were enjoying yourself over there. Moaning and wiggling. I didn’t know a spa could have such an effect,” Castile teased, knowing there was more to her episode. This time it was more than Nan’s ears that flushed, but Castile did not acknowledge that he noticed. “You truly are one of kind, Nan. I envy you; you get such joy out life.”

“You see beauty in things that most people don’t see,” Nan responded. “You are down to earth and enjoy doing for yourself. I’ve never met anyone like you.”

“I try to stay humble and not forget my people. I want to make a difference in people’s lives, I look out for my staff, I don’t want to be like my predecessors,” Castile admitted with earnest.

“I think you’re doing a fine job. Matteo and Raf have nothing but good things to say about you.”

Castile smiled at this, a genuine smile of content and appreciation. The water jets stopped. “Shall we take our leave of the spa and sit with our wine?”

“Yes, that would be nice.” Nan decided that was safer than spilling more wine on herself; besides, she was feeling relaxed and her feet no longer throbbed at her.

“May I say that your suit is quite striking on you?” Castile complimented.

“Thank you.” Nan beamed. “I picked it up in Paris, of course I didn’t get a chance to enjoy it in Italy.” Castile looked a t her quizzically, “I attempted a nude beach, that’s how I met Sophia. She saved me.”

“That sounds like a story worth hearing,” Castile looked at Nan with piqued interest.

“I was in over my head, out there by myself, a group of guys ogling me and talking. I couldn’t understand what they were saying. Sophia called me over to her group and saved me from a bad situation,” Nan recapped as castile assisted her out of the spa.

“She has a heart of gold; she is good one.” Castile picked up Nan’s towel, offering to assist. Nan accepted and Castile dried her back, then wrapped the towel around her. Nan turned around and stepped into him, Castile caught her, holding her upright. Nan leaned in and kissed his chest, then looked at him. Castile brushed the hair from her face, sweeping it behind her ear and cupping her head in his right hand as the left still held her waist. She turned her head and kissed his hand, then returned her gaze to meet his. No words were needed. Her look said everything. He nodded slightly then brought his lips to her forehead. That soft, gentle, reassuring, comforting kiss. This was followed by a kiss on her ear. Then her shoulder.

Her anticipation was building. Building. She wanted. Desired. More.

Finally, he kissed her. His lips, firm and commanding. His tongue gently probing her own. She relished in his embrace, the passion she felt flowing from him, the depth of the sincerity in his kiss. When he released her from his kiss, she felt weak, but forced herself to stand on her own. Castile donned his robe, grabbed the wine and both glasses, and led the way to his chambers. It was about how Nan envisioned it. Simple, yet elegant.

Castile set the glasses on a table opposite the bed, and poured the remainder of the wine. He handed Nan a glass and she took a long draw from it. Castile sipped his and chuckled at her. He moved in for another kiss, Nan thought of his kiss at the restaurant and how his tenderness was fatherly. Daddy. Nan reprimanded herself, pushed the thought out of her head, and Nan slid his robe to the floor. Castile kissed her neck and shoulder while undoing her top and letting it fall beside his robe. He moved her to the bed, gently laying her down. He joined her on the bed as she wiggled fully onto the bed. Hooking her bikini bottoms, he slid them off, down her legs and deposited them near the pile on the floor. Castile lay full prone on the bed between Nan’s legs, he kissed the inside of her legs, slowly making his way to her beautiful glistening flower.

Once he arrived, he did not assault her flower. Instead, he began kissing and caressing it with his lips and tongue. Licking, probing, sucking, making love to her flower with his mouth. Castile continued to make tiny circles and figure eights around Nan’s tender bud as he slowly inserted a finger to accompany his tongue in its caresses. Nan arched in pleasure at this new stimulation as a moan escaped her lips. Her hands found Castile’s head and her fingers locked into his hair as she thrust her hips against him. She moaned lightly as she felt her pleasure beginning to brim.

Castile quickened his tempo, allowing Nan’s thrusts to drive his finger deeper and harder against her. She could feel him stroking her g-spot and her mounting climax was building exponentially faster. She continued to pull at his hair as he maintained his focus on her firm, glistening petals. How he could match her every move was a thought she would have later, for now, she was enjoying the effortless skill he demonstrated. As if he knew her, knew her body, and the exact combination to unlock her most powerful orgasms. Her arching became higher and jerkier. Her mind was going numb. She didn’t know how long he had been down there, but it did not feel long enough to be this close to crashing over the edge of insanity. She couldn’t contain her pleasure; now she was slamming forcefully onto his hand as he skillfully followed her every move, continuing his tongue caresses.

Nan arched her back high, holding that position for a moment, before crashing down on the bed and Castile’s hand, pushing down deeper than she ever had; then lying there quivering as her delicate flower dripped sweet honey nectar. Nectar that Castile slowly and methodically devoured, being ever so careful to not send lightening bolts through her body by touching her sensitive bud. Nan’s mind was a melted mess. She couldn’t think, even if she tried; and when she tried to speak, it was incoherent babble. Nan’s mind and body still hummed as she began to regain her senses. Castile was still caressing the area with his tongue, and his finger rested idly within her.

“Oh. My,” was all Nan could manage.

“Shhh. Ready for more?” Nan looked at Castile incredulously. She did not know if she could take more, but she nodded anyway, and Castile redirected his focus on making her flower blossom. Nan waited for the explosion of over-stimulated sensation to course through her sensitive bits, but it did not come. Castile gently, artfully, masterfully caressed the folds of her pink petals, coaxing her back to excitement. He also put more focus on rubbing his finger in tight little circles. The gentle licks were accompanied by the addition of another finger, as Castile stimulated her g-spot and cervix at the same time. Before she knew it, she was rocking rhythmically against his face, moaning with pleasure. Castile quickened the pace of his fingers, while maintaining the slow and methodical tempo of his tongue. Nan’s build-up was quick and powerful. As her movements began to become erratic, Castile locked his left arm around her left leg to control her bucking. Nan’s bucking was reaching a frantic pace and her orgasm was threatening to consume her.

Castile locked his lips on her tender petals and sucked and licked with impeccable precision. Nan bucked wildly under him as experienced an all-consuming orgasm like never before. She could not even put into words the intensity of it. Without warning, her body lurched up and an explosion of juices showered Castile. Her body continued to buck up and down as her nectar rained down on him. Castile sat back a bit and enjoyed the show. As Nan’s orgasm began to subside, her legs began to tremble and felt like Jello. Castile breathed hot breath against her flower, which sent convulsions through her whole body, as he continued to brush his fingers up and down her legs with feather lightness.

“Time. Time,” Nan managed through her quivering, making a “T” with her hands. Castile smiled and repositioned Nan on the bed. He moved between her legs and leaned over to kiss her deeply. Nan kissed him and quivered as she felt his member brush against her sensitive bud. It was not hard as she expected, but soft and while this allowed for gentle stimulation, Nan’s mind began to race with questions as to why he wasn’t more excited. Before her mind could explore the thought, Castile pressed the soft head of his member against her wet and waiting petals. The slid in with ease, he pressed further, there was resistance, then she felt the soft mass of his manhood slide inside her. The sensation was strange, but pleasant.

As soon as he was fully inside, she began to feel him grow, and grow, and grow. He was touching her cervix and she felt more full than she had ever felt before. Castile began stretching her flower with his girth as he made very small back and forth motions. Nan moaned and raked at his back as she adjusted her hips to allow more depth, though his thickness threatened to send her over the edge before she had a chance to fully enjoy it. Nan fought to control her brimming eruption. Castile stroked slow and gentle. Long strokes, allowing for her to push him out and swallow him back in as her petals caressed every inch of his shaft. His slow penetration, his steady gaze, his gentle kisses.

There was more passion and tenderness with Castile than Nan had ever felt with anyone. She felt more connected. He wasn’t fucking her. It was more than just casual sex. She felt he was making love to her. She knew that it sounded ridiculous, but that was how he made her feel. And it was wonderful.

Her mounting orgasm brought her sharply back to why she had been concentrating on delaying the inevitable. It was too late. She gripped his shoulders tightly as she spasmed around his shaft, her stuffed petals clenching and releasing as more hot nectar flowed in spurts around him as he continued his slow pistoning. He paused on the out stroke to allow her nectar to flow before sliding back in, pushing deeper, the base of his shaft stretching her wider.

“Oh God!” Nan exclaimed, Castile reading her face to ensure her reaction was a good one. Nan closed her eyes and moaned louder as Castile ground his depth inside her. Then continued to stroke, a little faster, Nan matching his tempo, lifting her hips to meet his. Castile arched his back and tensed as she continued to meet him, his own climax nearing its apex. Seeing his face contort in ecstasy, feeling him tense, his quickened pace, his impossible girth, the undeniable depth, it all sent Nan spiraling into another orgasm.

“Oh, Alejandro!” she exclaimed.

Castile released everything he had to offer within her. The gush she felt against her cervix as he came powerfully against it, the warmth of their mixed juices flowing out running down her ass cheeks. The raw emotion it elicited, the primal desire within. Nan grabbed Castile’s hips in both hands and thrust herself upon him, extending her orgasm and sending Castile into grunts and groans of pleasure. Castile allowed her to ride this through until she collapsed on the bed, then withdrew and collapsed beside her. Both of them spent. Both of them laughing at the intensity of it.

They lay there recuperating for a bit.

“Shall we shower?” Castile asked.

“Mmm. Yes,” Nan arched her back and reveled in the afterglow. The two got out of bed, and Castile stripped the top blanket off the bed. Nan was amazed to find everything clean and dry underneath.

Castile caught her look and smiled, “It’s a waterproof blanket.” Nan nodded and followed Castile to the bathroom where they showered together. Nan marveled at Castile’s physique, paying particular attention to his now soft member. It was visually pleasant, but otherwise unremarkable, with nothing to indicate the size and girth that had left her so weak just minutes before. They washed each other’s bodies, enjoying the sweet intimacy of the other’s skin. When they were done, they returned to the bed where Nan nuzzled in on Castile’s chest as he held her close and they drifted off to sleep.

Nan awoke just after dawn. The light coming in from the open terrace illuminated the room in a soft yellow glow. She slipped out of bed and off to the bathroom. When she returned, she gazed upon Castile still sleeping, laying his back, his right arm over his head, his left leg cocked up. A peaceful look on his face. Nan thought about the night before. How this man surprised her at every turn. How his beautiful, unassuming cock had become a giant, pushing her to her limits, and she had not even gotten to see it. She wanted to see what she had not the night before. She was going to see it.

Nan pulled the sheet back to reveal Castile’s naked body, she climbed onto the bed and took his member into her hands. She kissed the head, rubbed her cheek along its length, soft skin to soft skin, then took the head into her mouth and slid her lips down as far as she dared. Back to the top and down again, sling her hand along with her mouth. His member jumped to life as it began to rapidly swell in her hand.

Nan continued to slide her mouth over his shaft, but soon found she barely could get past the head. Castile began to moan and stir. Nan abandoned trying to fit her mouth over his shaft and instead slid her mouth over the outside of his shaft, curling her tongue around him and using her hand to stroke the remainder of his length. She found she could not close her hand around him, but using her mouth and hand did a fine job of bringing him to his full potential.

“Good morning to you, too,” Castile greeted sleepily.

“Good morning,” Nan replied as she licked and teased his head. Nan kissed Castile, then moved down his neck to his chest, further to his abdomen, all the while allowing her hair drape across him and sensually tickle his bare skin. She continued around his pelvis, kissed his thigh, his knee his shin, then moved back up the other leg, her hair continuing to trail her teasing path. Nan returned to his rigid member, reveling in its glory, then took the head in her mouth and worked her way down the shaft.

Leaving his manhood wet and glistening, Nan climbed on top of Castile. Castile looked at her apprehensively, and Nan smiled with determination. She grasped his manhood and positioned at her wet and waiting flower. Nan eased herself down, only now realizing the tenderness between her legs, but that wasn’t going to stop her. Not now. She gyrated her hips, working him inside, inch by fulfilling inch. She felt him spread her petals as she slid him deeper, penetrating her soul. Finally, she was resting on him, his member fully seated inside her. Too nervous to attempt bouncing in this position, Nan ground back and forth and in circles, allowing the head of his cock to tantalize her cervix.

After the slow entrance, and the fullness she felt with his manhood pressing on all sides of her depths, this brought Nan almost instantaneously to orgasm. Nan fell forward onto Castile’s chest and began to slowly bounce her hips. This did nothing to slow her crescendo, but did bring Castile her level as he grabbed her ass, squeezing it tightly as he assisted her bounce until they both exploded with moans and groans of pleasure. Castile released her ass, and Nan slumped upon his chest as Castile slowly returned to his resting state, but failed to depart Nan’s moist depths. Castile kissed Nan’s forehead. She looked up at him and he kissed her lips passionately.

“That was a wonderful wake-up,” Castile stroked Nan’s hair.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Very much, though I wasn’t sure how well that was going to go.”

“I had my reservations, but I was determined. I knew you’d fit, somehow.”

“Most women change their mind when they see me.”

“Most women are fools.” At this, they both laughed.

“You are a rare and special woman, Nan. I am glad we had our time together. You will have to visit again.”

“You are one of a kind, Alejandro. In so many ways. I would love to visit again.” Nan lay on Castile’s chest, running her fingers through the hair there as he stroked the skin on her shoulder. They lay like this for some time, having quiet conversation. Both avoiding the fact that Nan would soon be on a plane heading home and her European experience would be over. Over, but not forgotten.

Published 4 months ago

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