“Let me tell you about the birds and the bees,” I said, with more conviction in my voice than I felt. My daughter had recently turned sixteen and I’d put this off maybe four years too long already. I was your typical bumbling dad, who had raised Brandy alone since her mom ran off with a doctor when Bran was nine.
“You mean,” she said, “how a guy fucks a girl, cums inside her, she gets pregnant and has a kid?”
“Maybe this won’t be completely new to you.”
She rolled her eyes. Brandy had great eyes, big and green and still so young. They fit a face that was maybe a bit too lean, with good cheekbones, and she had an incredible wide smile. Her hair was red, like her mom’s, and fell most of the way down her back. Her teeth were perfect, thanks to a good orthodontist. Maybe her chin jutted a little, but I loved it.
“No, dad, it’s not new, thank you. Sex isn’t that complicated. I don’t know why your generation thinks it’s so complicated.”
I’d been standing in front of her. She sat at the foot of her bed, dressed in her pajamas, a plain pink top, with pink bottoms that were speckled with machine-embroidered bunnies. Her top had buttons down to the bottom of her breasts and they were all buttoned. I sat next to her and put my hand on her arm.
“Well, it is sort of complicated,” I said gently. “It can be easy, of course, the guy puts it in for a couple minutes, cums, takes it out and goes home, but usually there’s a lot more. Well, I don’t know about ‘usually’. Sometimes there’s a lot more.”
“Like he does it for ten minutes instead of two?” Brandy asked. “And maybe she cums, but he doesn’t care one way or the other as long as he cums? No, thanks.”
“Well, I’m glad to hear that, but what if you really care about each other? Want what’s best for each other? What if he takes his time and brings you to an orgasm before he even does his thing? That’s how I was with your mom, usually. Sometimes.”
“Can I ask you something?” she asked, suddenly more solemn than snarky. “You’d tell me the truth?”
Brandy blushed before speaking and even then, she stammered.
“When you and mom had sex, did you both cum at the same time?”
“Why… no, we didn’t, not ever, I don’t think. Usually, if we both had orgasms, it was because I’d… perform oral sex on her first. Sometimes I’d do it afterwards, but usually, first. We tried several times to orgasm at the same time, but it didn’t work out and it wasn’t as much fun.”
“Afterwards? You mean, after you had regular sex with her?”
She thought about it and nibbled her lower lip. I hoped she was thinking about porn she’d watched, not guys she’d fucked.
“Do you have a big cock?”
“Well, I’m just wondering. Mom’s seen it, she’s used it, why shouldn’t I get to see it? You check out my butt all the time. Don’t deny it. I see you looking at me, maybe not my chest, but my butt and my legs. Show me your cock and I’ll show you my boobs.”
Five seconds later, she’d undone the buttons on her top and pulled it over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra. I looked at her cupcake breasts.
I’m not sure what you think of when I write “cupcake breasts.” I googled it and got wildly different answers, but they tended toward, “When a girl has boobs that are so big, they fill out the bra and then some. The extra is like the top of a cupcake with the bottom filled out already.” (I mostly got pages of cupcake results, actual cupcakes.) Brandy’s weren’t like that. Her breasts were the size of cupcakes, small and perky and tasty looking. I felt my cock begin to harden.
“You, uh, you…”
“Oh, daddy, they’re just boobs. Now, you show me your cock.”
To make her request more enticing, she sort of bounced her breasts in her hands, although they barely moved at all. I was unsure what to do. She was my daughter. She looked at me eagerly and I must say that the sparkle in her eyes, from my half-naked daughter, inflamed me. It wouldn’t hurt to just show her, right? And I’ll admit that I was more than a little proud of my cock. Not for any particular reason, it was just barely more than 6.1 inches (measured many times), so a little longer than average, I’m pretty sure. It was, I believed, a little thicker than average, too, although I didn’t know what the average width was. And my balls were just my balls, not great, not bad, just lopsided plums. I hadn’t shown many people my cock, but I looked at it myself quite often, including every time I showered, which was perhaps why I masturbated in the shower so often.
I stood and pulled off my shorts, then my boxers, leaving just a Lakers t-shirt. My cock was half-hard, which was somewhat embarrassing. I was nervous about where this was going.
“Seen enough?” I asked.
“No, not at all,” Brandy replied. At that instant, she appeared more devious than innocent.
She reached out and touched it, running a finger along the shaft. It hardened a little further. She stroked my cock along the bottom with the same finger until she got to my balls. I flinched, but didn’t say anything.
“Can I touch your balls?” Brandy asked.
I just nodded and tried to swallow. I didn’t trust myself to speak. I felt her fingers barely graze my balls, feeling them all over, but so lightly that her fingers could have been feathers. She put her thumb and forefinger around the base of my cock and squeezed gently. My cock was now completely hard. A drop of pre-cum formed at the end.
“What’s that?” she asked.
“Pre-cum. It just makes my cock slipperier.”
Brandy turned her head to the side and looked at it. Her finger wandered back out the length of my dick and touched the pre-cum. She pulled her finger away and rubbed it.
“Interesting. What other tricks can you do?”
“No tricks. I think that’s enough,” I said.
“Can I watch you masturbate?”
“No,” I said emphatically. “Jeez Louise, Brandy!”
“Well, I mean, your cock is right there. It’s hard. You’ll probably masturbate when you leave me if you don’t do it here first. So, why not? I mean, just about every guy in the world masturbates and probably more days than not. Even more than once a day, I’ve heard.”
Another drop of pre-cum formed.
“That doesn’t mean that it’s OK to do it in front of your daughter.”
“Doesn’t mean that it’s not OK, either. Let’s masturbate together.”
With that, she stood, pulled off her pajama bottoms, and sat back on the bed completely naked, her knees raised.
“What are you doing?” I asked, stupidly. I knew exactly what she was doing.
Brandy lay on her back and spread her legs. I was looking directly at her pussy. She was developing a figure, quite a nice one, with narrow hips and long legs, but I was staring at her cunt. She seemed to have as much pubic hair as an adult, but she’d trimmed it, apparently so it would all fit neatly behind a bikini. Her pubic hair was reddish, too, sort of a light-orange.
She had hair down there, but I could easily see her pussy, a slit not much wider than the edge of a piece of paper. It was all tucked in, looking as small and plain as a line in the sand. Her legs were fairly far apart and her hand edged toward her cunt.
I was staring and I knew it. I should have said something or walked out, but all I could do was watch. Her fingers reached her cunt, slipped in just a little way and back out again. Two of them began to rub her clitoral hood.
“Come on, daddy, you, too,” Brandy said. “Rub yourself along with me.”
She must have been very wet. Two fingers slid back into her cunt. She gasped as they went in up to the second knuckle. Her fingers were sucked in and slid out in a mesmerizing sequence. I put my hand on my cock and began to stroke.
“Oh, daddy, this is so awesome. God, I’m so wet. Look!” she said, holding up hand, fingers oozing with juice. “Your cock is so hard. Are you going to cum?”
“In a little while,” I said, wondering if that were true. It mostly was, in that I always came when I masturbated and usually in just a couple minutes. Watching my baby girl playing with herself was hot, but it made me want to fuck her more than cum for her. I stroked a little faster and stood right at the foot of the bed. Brandy’s feet pulled together so she was touching my knees.
For the next few minutes, we both stroked and admired the other’s body. At least, I admired Brandy’s and just about all of it. Her shoulders were a little thin, her breasts a little small, but she was growing curves and her legs shone like sunshine. We both grunted and moaned, Brandy far more melodically than me. Then, without really moving, my back tweaked and it hurt to stand.
I didn’t collapse, but I sort of fell on to the bed. Lying down was so much better than standing! I lay on my side, so close to Brandy that my hand both stroked my cock and rubbed her hip. She continued to masturbate.
“Sorry, honey, my back just went out a little bit,” I said. It was almost certainly an old injury that popped up from time to time. It had chosen an especially bad time to show up.
“Your cock is almost touching me,” Brandy enthused. “Cool.”
She spread her more distant leg farther apart and rubbed her clit. I was so close to her that I could smell the faint scent of perfume mixed with a little sweat. She looked at me and smiled. She looked at my cock and grinned.
I slid down a little, my hand now rubbing against her thigh, and I licked a hard nipple.
“Oh, daddy, please, more of that.”
Her whole breast fit into my mouth or at least it seemed so. I used the back part of my tongue on her nipple. I leaned over farther and sucked the other breast. She tasted a little like peaches.
I felt her hand come off her cunt and feel around for my cock. I sort of crunched up a little so my dick was over her pussy and I could lick her nipples. She put her hand on me, slid it back and forth a few times, and I ejaculated. It didn’t build and build, it just sort of happened, two seconds earlier I was being stroked, and then, all of a sudden, wham! I felt my balls tighten up like squashed bread and my cock pumped out three long streams. I felt the cum surging the length of my cock, like water through a faucet that had been off and was suddenly on. She continued to stroke me and my orgasm trailed off, small rivulets of cum that flowed over her hand.
I fell back on the bed, saying, “Shit, Bran, that was wonderful. We shouldn’t ever do it again, but it was truly delightful.”
“Oh, daddy, we can do it anytime. It was fun to watch, too, although I didn’t cum. Not even close,” she pouted.
My breathing had almost returned to normal. I looked at her naked body, my cum on her body, and realized I really wanted to eat her pussy. I jerked myself upright, felt the pain in my back, and fell back down again. I crawled around so my head was at her pussy, although this put my soft cock and empty balls just inches from her face. There was no risk of getting hard anytime soon, I was forty years old.
For an answer, I spread her legs with my hands and licked her vulva. I licked the length of it, bottom to top, many times before actually pushing my tongue into her cunt. I lapped her like an ice cream cone, one hand on a breast, playing with a nipple.
“Oh, daddy,” she breathed. “That’s so nice!”
I was on the right track. Brandy wriggled a little under my hands. I licked my way up her vulva again and stopped at the top to focus on her clit, still under its hood. I used the bottom of my tongue and rubbed in a small circle.
“Holy shit, daddy,” she said. “Oh, my god!”
Her pussy was really wet, a melted ice cream cone, juices leaking out of her like an overripe peach. I inserted a finger and her pussy gripped it tightly. I moved it around, trying to feel for where her g-spot was supposed to be, assuming it really exists. Her pussy felt a tiny bit rougher a couple inches in, anyway, and teased the area for a minute. I continued to lick her clit through the hood, then pushed her bush toward her belly button. I breathed on her clit and she jerked. I breathed on it a little more, then touched it with my tongue.
Brandy moaned. Her hips moved up an inch, pushing her clit toward my mouth. I circled it with my tongue, over and over.
I stopped to say, “I want you to cum, Brandy. I’m going to lick you and suck you until you do.”
I had a little trouble inserting a second finger, but I got it in. I did the “come hither” thing with them, presumably massaging her g-spot, and I licked her clit. Her pussy tasted sweet, as only a teen’s can, I think, like a fine pinot grigio, except a little sweeter. I flipped her over – she probably only weighed a little over 100 pounds – and I plunged my tongue into her asshole.
“Daddy! What are you doing?”
I licked her asshole for half a minute before answering. “Don’t you like it?”
“Well, yeah, but it’s… dirty.”
She didn’t see my shoulder shrug, but I returned to licking her asshole. I wanted it to taste like strawberries, but it didn’t really taste like anything at all. Still, the sphincter would open and close on my tongue and Brandy obviously enjoyed it. Her ass moved around as though she were masturbating. I held the two small halves of her ass in my hands for another minute, fluttering my tongue in and around her asshole. I flipped her back over.
She started to play with my cock, touching it, stroking it, peering at it, and finally it began to harden a bit. I stopped to see her smile and take my still mostly soft cock into her mouth. Goddamn, that was wonderful. I resumed sucking her clit. I could feel her breathing rate increase.
I felt my cock hardening up. I tried sucking her clit and Brandy gasped.
“Too much, honey?” I asked, a little worried.
“Surprised. Do it again.”
I sucked her clit again, my lips forming a seal around it, and she pushed her hips at me. I sucked her, licked her clit with the end of my tongue. My cock was fully hard in her mouth. Her hips jerked against my mouth and her legs sort of vibrated. Brandy turned her head toward the ceiling and my cock came out of her mouth.
She yelled, “Oh, my god, daddy! Oh, my god!”
She grabbed my hair and pulled my head against her cunt. She was cumming. I almost, but didn’t, move my mouth off her. I continued to suck while she continued to vibrate. We did this for maybe fifteen seconds before she slumped back on the bed and she pushed my head away. She clamped her legs together.
“Oh, my god, daddy, that was fucking amazing! I’ve never had an orgasm like that before. Holy shit!”
I smiled, I admit it. I was pleased with myself having treated Brandy to an awesome orgasm. I started to turn myself around on the bed and my back yelled at me. I completed the turn very gently until I was face to face with Brandy, my hard cock rubbing against her thigh.
I gave her a peck on the lips.
“You liked that, eh?” I asked.
“Oh, daddy, I didn’t know anything could feel that good.” She sounded giddy.
I kissed her again, deeper. At first, we were just kissing like ten-year-olds, quick, short kisses, but with one of them I pressed her lips longer and she pressed back. Our lips opened and we began kissing like the adults we were. Our tongues mingled. We took turns exploring each other’s mouth. I felt her breast, her hard raisin of a nipple, reached down and inserted my finger into her cunt, which was still sopping wet. I rolled on top of her, our mouths still together, the tip of my cock splitting the lips of her pussy.
“Oh, daddy, I don’t know,” she said, referring to how close I was to fucking her. I made my cock bounce against her labia a couple times. She bit her lip.
I pushed myself into her maybe half an inch. She was very tight. It was almost as though I were blocked from entry, although I could also feel how wet she was.
“I won’t do it if you don’t want me to,” I said, wondering if I’d really stop.
She didn’t say anything right away and I held my cock in my hand, pushing it in a whole inch, basically the head of my cock. Her eyes went wide, her mouth opened, but she didn’t make a sound. I slipped it most of the way out, then back in again and her eyes widened like the first time.
“Is this…,” I began. But she put her hand over my mouth and smiled at me, a big grin on her face. I slowly pumped my cock head in and out many times before I attempted another inch. This required a little…