Sex Slave – The Dance – Part Two

"Charlie Goes To A Dance"

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Upon arriving at my destination, I think of how quickly the last few days have gone by. It is Saturday evening and I’m about to go to a dance to find clients. The idea makes me giggle, wanting to get the show on the road.

Pulling up to the curb, I once again, see the same young man from the last time. I step out of my car, smiling at him. When I hand him my keys, I, for the first time, notice that his name is Drew.

“Nice to see you again, Drew,” I grin at him.

“A pleasure to see you also, Ms. Angel. I hope you enjoy your evening with us,” he winks at once more.

“Please, call me Charlie. No need to be so formal.”

“As you wish,” he whispers, before climbing into my car.

I tuck my ticket into my bag and head inside. I go straight to the desk in the middle of the room. A new girl is sitting at the desk, she smiles at me. Her name tag says her name is Heather.

“Hi, Charlie Angel, I’m here for tonight’s event,” I state.

“Ah, yes. Charlie, nice to see you. We’re glad to see you here so early. That will please Mr. Grant, as I’ve been told he wants to see you. Since this is your first time and all. Let me ring someone to escort you to a room and I’ll let Mr. Grant know you’re here. One moment,” she says, before picking up the phone.

I nod, before looking around the room. There are a few people looming around, seemingly comfortable with being here. I don’t see anyone I met the last time I was here, however. I wonder how many others got hired like I did. Surely I couldn’t have been the only one, out of all that were here. But, I’m grateful I am, either way.

When Heather puts the phone down, she smiles again. “Someone will be here in a moment to take you to your room.”

“Thank you, Heather. You’re too kind.”

We exchange smiles, just as another girl comes out of a set of double doors. She smiles at Heather, then at me. “Hi, you must be Charlie, I’m Reese. If you’ll follow me, I’ll bring you up to your room.”

“Hi, nice to meet you. Sure, okay,” I state, just as she turns back through the double doors. I follow behind her. We make small talk, mostly about the weather and how we’re both glad spring is finally in the air.

We take the lift up to the third floor, where, which apparently all the rooms are located. There are twenty rooms on the floor. We each get our own, for when we are here. She tells me when I’m here, I’ll likely get the same room each time. Unless, for some reason, something happens. I nod, listening to all she has to tell me. She explains we each have our own bathroom, for privacy, or for whatever they client and ourselves see fit.

It is a lot to take in, I stay quiet through most of it, wanting to not miss any of what she tells me. She is rather beautiful. She is a striking redhead, who stands about four inches shorter than me, and I’m five foot, five inches. She is thick, with a large ass, that would make most men drool. I think she knows it to, because she sways it perfectly.

The room its self is a soft colour, close to peach-like. I think it is pretty. It isn’t overly done, keeping it simple. Reese tells me that they supply toys for their clients and members, and shows me where they are. To get comfortable with my surroundings, in case I end up bringing up a client later.

After, she tells me a few more things, she tells me to get comfortable. Mr. Grant will be up shortly to talk to me. I nod, thanking her, before she leaves. I sit on the edge of the bed, feeling the butterflies flapping their wings inside my belly. I’m excited, turned on, nervous, overwhelmed, horny, aching to start and overall wanting to just dance around.

Twenty minutes later, Grayson knocks on the door, letting himself in, he is smiling from ear to ear. “Ah, Charlie, it is so nice to see you again, dear. You look ravishing. I’m sure you’ll do well tonight.”

“It is nice to see you also, Grayson. I sure hope so, I have been looking forward to it. I’m very excited to get started.”

“That is what I like to hear. Now, here is what is going to happen. As you know, there is a dance. That will happen on the second floor, in about an hour. A lot of the staff and members are here and a few are down there already. Once everyone is here, I’m going to do an introduction to all the slaves.”

“I really can’t wait, Grayson, I’ve been looking forward to it since I got your e-mail. I’m sure everything will be great. I can’t wait to get started. I just hope I do well and impress people.”

“Oh, I have no doubts about that. You’ve already impressed me and I’ve yet to actually see any action,” Grayson winks, grinning at me. “Now, a client might be interested in bringing you upstairs tonight. It is up to you, if you want to, but it is a good way to make that good impression, if you so choose to.”

“All I can say is, I’m keeping an open mind about tonight, Grayson. I am just going to go with whatever feels right. I want to just impress and do a good job. I’m going to be me and hope that is good enough for the clients and you,” I grin.

“That’s the spirit. I knew there was a reason I liked you, Charlie. You’ll be just fine. Now, I’ve taken up enough of your time. If you choose, you can stay the night, for whatever reason. We encourage it, actually. I’ll see you downstairs shortly.”

“Thank you, Mr. Grant. See you soon,” I say, as we both stand.

He gives me a quick hug. He reassures me everything is going to be fine. Once I’m alone, I go into the bathroom and rinse my face. I touch up my makeup, wanting to look my very best. Satisfied that I look my best, I roam the room again. I find a little welcome manual for the slaves.

I begin to skim it over. It tells us that we are to keep our clients happy at all time. That the happier they are, the more they’ll tip. It has been known for groups of men to come in and have a hard-core orgy with just one girl, using her until she is so full of spunk, she can’t take it anymore. Some married couples come in, wanting to have a threesome with someone else. Be it a male or female. They’ve even had people come in and lose their virginities to the sex slaves. What a way to lose it, I can’t help but think to myself.

A few things that are not allowed, are that the clients may not spend the entire night. They have five hours or less, with each slave. Given each slave is granted a break every five hours. The longer they are with you, the more they pay. The most common length for clients is two to two and a half hours. If anything is to happen to one of the slaves, which goes against their hard limits, the clients will be dealt with. This makes me wonder what that means. I rather not have to find out, though. Reading the manual from cover to cover, I relax a little more.

Afterwards, I decide to go downstairs. No time like the present. When I exit my room, I run into one of the people I met at the interview. We smile at one another and congratulate each other on being accepted. He tells me how excited he is about the evening, me agreeing with him. We make our way down, finding the room with ease. It is a large room, with a sea of tables and chairs. A large dance floor in the centre and a DJ booth in the far right corner. One of the hosts escorts us to our table, where, we happen to be sitting together. Fate, we both agree, and giggle.

I’m guessing they are all either members or more hosts. It is still a bit early for the clients. Each table holds ten chairs to a table, three members per seven clients. Edward, Jane and I are all seated together, waiting on the clients to show up. I already know I like Edward, but, I quickly like Jane, as well. She is a shy girl, who blushes even when we mention sex. Of course, we can’t help but tease her because of it.

After a little while, Grayson asks all the slaves to make their way to centre stage, so he can begin. We all get up from our seats just as the members begin to file in, finding their seats. We stand centre stage, watching with wide-eyes and excitement. The clients take their seats, before Grayson begins.

“Ladies and gentlemen, members and clients alike, I’m honoured to see so many of you this evening,” Grayson begins. “It is always so nice to see so many of you join us. We know that these events are important and exciting for all of us. It has been a few months since we’ve had fresh pickings for you. A total count of clients tonight is forty, with a twenty five slave count. Sounds like a great evening to me. Now, let me begin…”

Grayson goes on to describing each slave to the clients. When our name is called, we step forward and let the clients see who Grayson is talking about. We’re truly a piece of meat at this point. The catcalls and wolf whistles grow throughout the time it takes Grayson to talk about each of us. When it is my turn, I can’t help but ache deeply. I want a cock deep inside me right then.

When Grayson is done, we’re asked to take our seats. At our table, we’re introduced to a three people party, who came together. There is Will, who brought his wife Natalie, and their best friend Frank. They are pretty average looking, leaning more towards the good looking side. All three of them seem to take a good interest in me right off, which pleases and excites me. Also at our table, is a much older man, he seems to take interest in Jane, who, as much as she claims to be shy, is the first one to make her move. Lastly, a couple, who start talking to Edward. I can’t tell if they’re interested, or not, but do talk to him quite a bit.

The first hour or so is spent on talking to the people at our own tables. The food is amazing. They serve us either fish or steak, along with salad, bread and wine. I find the three I’m talking to, to be a crazy trio. It seems that Natalie gets off watching Will fuck other girls. He is also her dominate, or he comes off that way. Frank is very touchy, being the one sitting closest to me, he keeps rubbing my thigh.

Once dinner is cleared, we’re told we can start to mingle with other clients and members. To get to know as many people as we can. I smile at the people at my table, and make my way to mingle. I meet some rather interesting people. I make sure to be polite, flirting, teasing with everyone, making each and every one of them feel as though they’re the only one I want. A lot of them seem to like me, which makes me very happy. But, the trio come and find me, wanting my attention once more. Who am I to deny them? Surely not.

Frank takes me by the hand, leading me to a half circle sofa, where Will and Natalie are already sitting. Frank sits, pulling me onto him. I can feel his erect cock press against me, making me smile. Will leans in and gropes my breasts and forces my nipples to stand to attention. This makes Natalie smile, watching as the men grope me.

I’m not the first person to be groped and fondled in front of others. I see other people scattered around doing similar things as I am, so I know I’m not doing anything wrong or not allowed. It is a big turn on being groped like this in front of so many people. We keep talking for a while longer, before Will suggests we take this upstairs. I’m far too horny to even think straight, all I can do is say yes.

Back in the room, things move quickly. They ask me to strip down for them. They want me naked right away. Both the men drop their own clothing also. Will tells Natalie to sit on the sofa and to behave herself. That she can touch herself, but she isn’t allowed to come, not until he says. She pouts a little, but does as she is told.

“Oh damn, she is even better looking naked! Dude, we got top pick, that’s for sure. Fuck yeah!” Frank says, as I strip naked for them.

Natalie giggles and says, “Damn, she is hot. That is one fine looking pussy. Look at her, she is already wet. She is a true slut indeed. You’ll have fun with her boys.”

“I knew we would, she had slut written all over her from the start. I can’t wait to rip into that juicy snatch of hers,” Will states.

Will tells me to get onto the bed, he can’t wait any longer. His lies beside me, the weight of the bed sinks down a little, as he leans into me. His hands begin to roam me, a little too roughly. He caresses my body, slowly he moves up to my breasts, gripping them tight. He squeezes them, fully cupped, before he pinches each nipple so hard it sends a jolt right into my core. I yelp out, squirming.

“Don’t squirm, slut. You’ll take it, you know you like the pain. Don’t you?” He asks again, pinching it again, this time harder. I squeal out, trembling. I can feel my pussy responding to the pain, becoming wetter. He leans over and pinches them both, equally hard. “I asked you a question!” He growls out.

I whine out, “yes, yes, I love it. I do, please don’t stop. I want it!” I whimper out.

“That’s what I thought. Frank, come on dude, come get some of this,” he tells him. He moves to climb onto the bed. Will squeezes my nipples, this time not as hard, but tugs on them, making them burn.

“Fucking hell, this snatch is lovely enough to dine on. Look at how soaked she is. What a whore, I love this shit. I can’t ever get enough, no matter how often we come. But, this pussy, mmm, see this? She is dripping. I need a good, long taste,” Frank says, moving to lie flat down on his front.

“Go for it, dude. Snack on that little snatch, that is what it is for. We’ll use her so good she won’t even remember her own bloody name.” The idea of this makes me want to thrust my hips up, wanting him to do just that.

“I know you do it to me every time you fuck me, baby,” the female voice says.

“You fucking know it, you’ll get what is coming to you, when we get home. You just enjoy baby, you better finger fuck that pussy of yours to. Just don’t you come or I’ll smack your ass,” Will says.

“I won’t, Sir, I promise,” she sighs and giggles.

Frank takes his fingers and opens my folds open wide, before moaning again. He stuffs his face into my dripping snatch and starts to tongue fuck my hole right away. I groan out, whimpering. His nose, which feels slightly large, grinds against my hard clit. I tremble, moaning for more. He keeps my lips spread wide, tongue fucking me deeply.

Will leans down and begins to suck and bite on my nipples. He is rough, just like he was with his fingers. He chews on them, like they are candy, making me scream out. I fear a little he might draw blood, but it feels so erotic, I don’t care. I beg them not to stop. I come again and again, soaking Frank’s face, he doesn’t let up on me.

When he does stop, he moves, Will takes his place. “Now, let me use this pussy for what it is designed for truly. To take my cock, you filthy fucking slut. You’re going to take every last bit of me and milk my cock fucking dry. You want that, don’t you?” He asks as he slaps hard against my throbbing clit, making me squeal out once more.

“Yes, I want to please you. I want nothing more than to make you happy,” I whimper out.

“Don’t forget about Frank here, he wants his cock milked dry. Your pretty little mouth is going to be put to work. You better have some oral skills, Frank is rather picky, you see.”

“I’ll please him too, I want him in my throat. Please, Frank, fuck my mouth,” I groan, begging like a slobbering slut.

Frank stands, straddling my face, he taps his cock against my lips. I open my mouth, licking at his cock head and then his shaft. Once he is slick with saliva, he moves it into my mouth. I suck greedily on it, as he begins to moan for me. Just as I’m getting into fucking him with my mouth, Will places his cock at my snatch and thrusts into me. He works every last inch into me. Fucking me quickly, working deeply, grinding his hips and pounding with quick succession.

Both of them moving inside me. Frank deep into my throat, making me gag, slobber and moan over his cock, as Will fucks my tight, little snatch. Their groans, along with Natalie’s moan, and mine, I come so hard. I cry out, even with a dick deep in my throat. This just causes Frank to fuck me faster, causing me to gag hard on him. It is enough to make him tighten and blow his load inside my mouth. I swallow him, trying to breathe, tasting his spunk. I suck deeply, milking him dry, as promised.

Will stiffens himself and spills his seed inside me now. Fucking me hard, even still, making me take all of his come. I can feel him spray his seed deeply inside me, pushing it in deeper. He keeps his cock buried deep inside me, grinding his cock into me. Frank slides off of me, lying on the side of me, before suckling on my nipple. When Will finishes, he comes up to me, lying beside me.

“Get over here, little girl,” talking to Natalie. “Come clean her, we can’t leave her a mess, now can we?” He says this as he slaps his hand down over my pussy, his fingers making direct contact with my clit. I cry out, trembling.

“No, Sir. No messes. I’ll clean her,” Natalie giggles, bouncing over to us.

“That’s my girl. You better do a good job. I want to be proud of you, or you won’t be able to come with us next time. Understand?”

“I understand, Sir. I’ll do good, promise. You’ll be proud of me.” Her voice is submissive, with a slight whimper to it. She takes the same spot Frank did a while ago, lapping at my snatch. I writhe under her, moaning as her tongue cleans me.

Will begins to do the same to me as Frank. Both of them suckling on my nipples, moaning and pleasing me. The girl moaning into my sopping wet snatch, bathing her face in her man’s spunk and my juices. She buries her face into me, as if she can’t get enough of it. She suckles on my clit, like the men are on my nipples, causing me to come hard for all three of them.

They don’t stop either, even after I think they’re done. They just stay and suckle on me. I can’t explain the pleasure that this causes me, but having three people doing it at once is highly erotic. Soft tongues, sharp bites, strong suckling from all of them, send me over the edge, endlessly. I feel so drained and I love it.

I’m not sure how much longer after that, they each begin to stop. I almost don’t want them to, but at the same time grateful for the rest. Will tells his girl she did a fantastic job and will be rewarded later. She giggles and thanks him. Frank smacks my snatch and they all get up off the bed.

I watch them dress, asking if I had as good of a time as they did. I reassure them I did, telling them I hope to see them again. Will tells me they will speak to Grayson, telling them they’ve found a new toy, and want to play with her again. I can’t help but smile, feeling extremely giddy.

Wishing them a farewell, they leave. I’m hot, dripping sweat and want to take a shower. So, I go and take a shower. I can’t help but feel like the night went perfectly well. When I’m done with my shower, I go back into the room as someone knocks on the door. I tell them to come in, Seth comes in with a smile.

“Seems you caught someone else’s interest whilst downstairs, Charlie,” he smiles. “Another gentleman noticed you and wants to come up, if that is okay with you? Are you up for it?”

“Wow, really? I mean, I didn’t even think I’d get the interest of one person, let alone a group and now another. I don’t have a problem with that. I just showered, so it is even better!” I giggle.

“Oh, you were very popular, Charlie. You have a unique look about you. You’re going to do well, I am sure of that,” Seth grins.

“Well, let’s not keep him waiting then!” I can’t help but giggle again, feeling excited to have another client so interested in me.

“All right, I’ll send him up. Good luck, Charlie,” Seth smiles.

“Thank you,” I say, as he goes to leave.

It isn’t long before the door to my room rattles and in comes someone else.

“Good evening, you sweet little slut. Are you ready for a good time?” The man asks.

“Oh yes, very much. Pleasing you is my goal. Anything you want,” I reply.

“That’s a good girl. You are going to please me very well. I don’t doubt this. You’ll be fun to break in,” he says, as I watch him begin to undress. Once he is, I watch him moving about. He must know the rooms well enough to know what he is looking for. “Now, I like to play with toys, is that a problem for you, little girl?”

“That is no problem. I don’t mind at all. I like toys,” I smile.

“Good. Now, my rule is, I am a Sir. But, I want you to call me Daddy, do you understand me? Now, I don’t mean like your father, that is fucking sick. I’m talking a Daddy dominate, understand me? Is this a problem for you?” He asks.

I have no problem with it and decide to answer in a way that is obvious. “No problems with me, Daddy. Whatever makes you happy, Daddy,” I moan out.

“That’s a very good girl. You’ll be rewarded for that. But, in the meantime, I am going to have some fun with you.”

He climbs up onto the bed, the bed shifting with his weight. He leans down and kisses against my breasts, working along my tender flesh. He takes my nipple into his mouth, sucking on it deeply, making it as erect as possible, before clamping a clip onto it. I feel the squeezing pressure, which makes me whine out. He places a finger against my lips, shushing me. He does the same with my other nipple, sucking on it hard, before clipping it.

“Mmm, how lovely. Such a pretty little girl,” he caresses his fingers down over my pussy, slipping two fingers deep inside me. “Mmm, very wet. Did the last client do a good job on you or what? You’re a good little slut, staying so wet for me.” He takes the two fingers that were inside me, squeezes them between my clit and pinches. Only for a moment, before letting go.

He sits in the middle of the bed, right in front of me, he takes an egg and slips it inside me. The weight of the egg adds to the pressure I already feel. My clit swelling with excitement. I tremble, my legs hurt to be suspended for so long now. I want the release, but I love the pain. When the egg is fully inside me, he turns it on with a remote, which buzzes to life. I groan out, shaking harder. He takes a crop of sorts and begins to run it over my body, making it tingle along my heighten skin.

All I can do is moan, whimpering with a lusty need. When the crop comes down to my pussy, he begins to tap it against my clit. I beg, whimpering for him to stop. The more I beg though, the harder he taps against my clit. It swells harder, throbbing. The vibrations of the egg deep inside buzzing away. When he gets to the point where he is smacking my clit, I cry out louder. I beg to come, after being instructed that I can only do so, if I ask.

“Daddy, please! Please may I come for you?” I gasp, begging, trying to hold back my orgasm. I’m thankful I edge myself and have practices with people in the past. Otherwise I’d never be able to.

“No, I don’t think you’ve held out long enough, baby. You can handle it. Don’t you dare come,” he says as he smacks my clit sharply.

I cry out, whimpering, “No, no, I don’t think I can, Daddy, please. Oh God, please let me come. I want to for you! Daddy, let me come.”

“I said no. Stop asking, you can handle it,” he smacks my clit again, sharper than before.

I gasp, feeling tears begin to well up in my eyes. I whine out, begging, pleading, trembling fearing my orgasm. He slows down, letting my edge control itself. When I think I have it handled, he begins again on me, quicker, faster, harder.

“Daddy! I need to come for you please!” I plead with him, but it is more of a demand. I know I can’t hold back anymore.

“Come for me, little girl. Come hard, I want you to soak yourself like a good little girl, do it for Daddy,” he says, tapping on my clit with the crop end faster.

I erupt hard, I cry out a long moan, shaking uncontrollably. All the while, he pulls the eggs out, by the cord it is attached to. He moves quickly, clearly having done this before and slams himself into me. He stills, deep inside me, feeling me quiver around him, with such an intense orgasm.

“Mmm, that’s it. Come around Daddy’s prick. Let me feel that orgasm, you naughty little slut.” He starts to thrust into me, prolonging the orgasm, fucking me into another one, squeezing around him. He joins me this time, not lasting very long. He fills me with his seed, making me take all of what he has to offer me.

Once he is empty, he climbs off me and quickly gets dressed. He tells me I’m a good girl and that he’ll see me again. That he enjoyed very much fucking a new toy. I like the term, wanting to be used like a good toy.

Tiredness hits me like a ton of bricks, I curl up on the bed and just fall asleep. I remember Grayson telling me we’re allowed to stay, and I intend to do just that. I sleep heavily, like I haven’t in a very long time. Thinking of everything that has happened so far, and it is just the first day.


When I do wake up, it is to the sound of a knock on the door. It is Aaron who comes in, smiling, asking me how I am. I roll over, groaning, whimpering just a little. He can’t help but laugh, knowing how sore I must be after last night. He offers to caress my back. I accept all too willingly. He starts with my neck, back and moves down to my legs. His fingers feel magical to me. When he is done, he asks me if I want breakfast, which I do. He tells me to shower and he’ll be back with it.

I jump into the shower, washing away the night before. Just as I finish dressing, Aaron comes back in, this time without knocking. He has two plates, telling me he is inviting himself to join me. I tell him I insist he does, which makes us both smile.

He begins to tell me how the Grayson company all started as a pet project about ten years ago, that never did Grayson think it would become what it is today. After about the second year of doing it, he found Cici, who helped him and along the way picked up Aaron, Ivy and Seth.

They make a wonderful team and have been working as five man unit for a little over two years now. The business does well enough, that none of them have to have other jobs. I learn that Ivy and Seth had a short fling for a while, but that it didn’t work out. Aaron is married, but in an open marriage. His wife knows about what he does for a living, of course, there are no secrets.

Cici is married as well, her husband is proud of what she does, but she isn’t allowed to play with the clients or sluts. She is fine with that, she sees it as a business not a playground to dip into. Grayson, Ivy and Seth are all single, but date their fair share. Ivy has her share of client, which doesn’t surprise me, given how beautiful she is.

Once breakfast is done, Aaron excuses himself, telling me he needs to go handle other members. I thank him again and he smiles, hugging me before he leaves. I pack what few things I have, getting ready to leave. I must admit, it has been one hell of a time, and I’m looking forward to coming back. Who knows what will be in store for me the next time.

As I’m about to leave, Grayson catches me on the first floor. He asks me if I’ll be coming back. I tell him I plan on it, when he asks me if I can come back in two weeks. A few people are interested in me and want to make a time. I look through my day planner and see I’m completely free that weekend. I tell Grayson that I’ll stay all weekend, that I’m looking forward to meeting new clients.

He smiles and hands me an envelope. He tells me that is what I have earned in just a single day of being a part of the staff here. I open it, looking inside and see many bills. He tells me there is three thousand eight hundred dollars in there. My mouth drops and he laughs. He tells me I did very well in tips. The three thousand is always a given. I can’t help but want to do a little dance, so I do, causing Grayson to laugh harder. I smirk, lean up and kiss him on the cheek.

Saying our farewells, I head outside and meet Drew. He goes and gets my car and I head home, excited to come back in just two weeks.

Written By Poppet: For LushStories ONLY! 

Published 11 years ago

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