I met Penny in the common lounge at the engineering building, and from the start, I could see she was anything but conventional. I’m not sure why I went over and started talking to her. She was attractive, to be sure, a little on the stout side, but agreeably, with a shapely ass and an impressive cleavage. She had mousy-blonde hair and an ever-present smile, which was somewhere between pleasant and sardonic. Could be I’m just naturally attracted to the unusual.
She grew up in New York City, which for a Midwest university was unusual enough. She liked to hang out at the engineering building because she had been in Civil Engineering for a year before dropping out. She was very talkative, mostly about herself; growing up in NYC, how she came to go to school in the Midwest (like many from the Northeast, because it was cheap), etc. I lapped it all up eagerly, being as how my life had been pretty dull by comparison up to that time. Finally, after the third encounter in the lounge, I decided to go for it.
“Penny,” I said at length, “I think you’re very attractive and interesting. Would you like to go out?”
She smiled, apparently expecting this question for some time. “What did you have in mind?” she asked, somewhat coyly.
I hadn’t thought that far ahead, mostly because I was expecting the usual shoot-down. “Oh, dinner-and-a-movie, maybe going to a club and dance, playing darts at the bar, I’m pretty much up for anything,” I replied.
She continued smiling that pleasant/sardonic smile while fluffing her hair. “Why don’t you come to my place?” she asked.
Damn! I completely wasn’t expecting that. I was hoping my eyes didn’t suddenly get wide, but from how Penny wrinkled her nose, I most likely failed. I had a range of emotions, but the dominant one (typical for an engineer) was curiosity. I knew Penny lived by herself, but nothing more.
“Mmm…that sounds fine,” I said, trying desperately to recover my cool, “Now where do you live again?”
“Oh, I live in a house about ten miles out of town,” she said, “I was rooming with two other girls, but they moved out last summer. The landlady was willing to let me stay for just the third of the rent I was paying since she has trouble renting a place so far out of town.”
I nodded and she went on. “I can cook pretty well. Do you like Italian?” I nodded. “Great. We can eat, watch TV, play cards, you know…” She let the last trail off.
Well, ten miles out of town she might be setting me up for murder, or some ritualistic ceremony from a strange Wicca cult, but being a horny guy, I was willing to risk it. Penny made me a small map to her place, and I agreed to come out that Saturday night.
The place she lived in was a small development that looked about twenty years old. There were about a dozen houses, each on about five acres of land. Each was well kept up, but many with the usual rural accouterments of horse trailers, cars up on blocks, ruined child’s swing sets, etc. I couldn’t tell how well they were kept because it was winter and the grass was mostly dead anyway.
I knocked on the door of Penny’s house. I half expected someone in a ski mask and a butcher knife, but instead, Penny came to the door, and what I saw took my breath away. She had on a pair of skin-tight jeans, which showed her curves very nicely, and a white blouse open at the top that revealed the creamy tops of her excellent breasts. She had on a small apron, which just added to the effect by giving a ‘down-home’ vibe. She also had on a quite enticing fragrance.
“Damn, Penny,” I gasped out, “You look tremendous. Even better than your normal hotness.”
She laughed out loud, took my arm, and pulled me inside. The house smelled clean, but also strongly of cooking. I tried to think of icebergs and snowmen to prevent an awkward erection while Penny showed me the house. The house was clean and neat but shy on furniture – there was an overstuffed chair in the living room and a big sofa in front of a large fireplace, and that was it.
“The owner bought this as a rental,” Penny said, “And she puts her extra furniture here, which she doesn’t have much. I don’t think she thought through trying to rent a house ten miles out of town” She laughed, then said, “Come in and help me with dinner.”
Penny was a creditable cook. She made lasagna and a salad and had bought some French bread, all of which was excellent. We didn’t have wine but instead washed the meal down with several beers of a brand I wasn’t familiar with. I almost had to put a jack under my chin, however, to keep from staring at Penny’s excellent cleavage through dinner. Finally, Penny stood, partially bent over the table, and shook her breasts back and forth.
“Like the view?” she said, giggling.
I grimaced. “Was I that obvious?” I replied, “And by the way, the view is quite excellent.”
She laughed again and started picking up dinner plates. “I’ll get this cleaned up, and why don’t you get a fire going in the living room,” Penny said.
I was all over that, for cleaning up after dinner was never my favorite task. While Penny loudly clanked dishes in the kitchen, I started the process. The house had been getting a bit chilly (it was November), so a fire sounded nice. I had to haul in wood from outside, and it took some searching and some shouted instructions from the kitchen to locate newspapers and matches. I had a nice kindling fire going and was adding logs when I realized I hadn’t heard any noise from the kitchen for a while.
Presently, I was startled when the lights in the living room went out. I turned and what I saw took my breath away. Now mind you, Penny was not what I would call a beauty queen; she was on the stout side and had a fairly plain face. But there she was, wearing nothing but a blue teddy. I had never seen a live woman in a teddy before. This one went just below her waist and was sheer so her large breasts, which were surmounted by large areolas and nipples, stood out clearly. She had on matching blue panties that accentuated her nether regions quite nicely. For not being a beauty queen, the effect was captivating.
She walked slowly across the room, her hands behind her back, turned slightly sideways in a very fetching manner, still wearing her pleasant but slightly sardonic smile. I was kneeling in front of the fireplace and she came over and stood in front of me, the effect of which was I was staring up into her sizeable breasts and into her smile, which was visible between them.
She reached down and snapped my mouth shut, which must have been hanging open since I turned around and saw her. She spent a minute running one hand through my hair.
“Ever had sex in front of a roaring fire?” she asked.
I stood up, completely at a loss as to what to say. When I did, I must have had a pained expression, because I know I had a mountainous erection that was straining against my tight jeans. Penny figured out what was wrong, and in an instant had dropped both hands to my pants, where she unzipped them, pulled them and my shorts down, and took my member in her hand.
She didn’t say anything but looked up at me with her smile while she stroked my member. It was exquisite; her hands were very soft. She did that for several minutes – I think she was trying to find out if I was one of those early ejaculators or not. Presently she stopped and said, “Help me move the couch closer to the fire.”
I did, which was somewhat awkward since my pants were open and my schlong hanging out. I held my pants with one hand while moving the sofa with the other – fortunately, the sofa wasn’t heavy. Penny sat on the sofa and I sat next to her.
“Maybe you should just take them off?” she said. I chuckled and nodded, and pulled my pants off. Penny then leaned over and we fell into an embrace and kissed. And what a kiss – her tongue ended up in my mouth before I even knew it. After kissing for several minutes, Penny pulled back, sat up, and straddled me on both sides. I was looking right into her amazing breasts. With one movement, she swept off the teddy.
I put both hands on either side of her breasts and began rubbing them around. They were smooth and plump and felt fantastic. My hands ran over her nipples and I circled them with two fingers. I could tell by her breathing that Penny enjoyed this.
“You can kiss them if you like,” she said. I meant to do more than that. I buried my shaven face between them and rubbed both cheeks against them while running my lips against her skin. I then began running my lips over the smoothness and plumpness of her breasts, finally ending up at one nipple. I kissed the nipple a few times, then began darting my tongue around it. Finally, I engulfed the end of the breast with my mouth and began running my lips over the areola while rolling the other nipple between my fingers. I traded breasts and began the process over again. Moaning began to tinge Penny’s breathing.
I must have kept this up for several minutes, and finally, Penny took my face in her hands.
“I’m going to give you a blowjob,” she whispered, “If you think you’re going to ejaculate, then tell me to stop because I don’t want you losing your hard-on before we’ve fucked.”
I nodded my head and Penny slipped off my lap and onto her knees on the floor. She kissed the end of my member twice, then engulfed it. I cried out and said loudly, “Oh, Gawd, Gawd, Gawd!” Penny looked up at me with my member in her mouth with smiling eyes.
She gave a quite nice brand of head-bobbing oral sex, stopping occasionally to run her tongue up and down while catching her breath. I began to realize she was quite good at this, and frankly, it could be the best blowjob I ever had. Soon I started to feel that old feeling crawling up again. I briefly considered letting her go and cumming in her mouth, but she was quite clear that wasn’t what she wanted and I was a little afraid to cross her.
“Better stop,” I gasped. Penny came off me and smiled.
“Good,” she said, “I’m ready to fuck anyway.” She looked annoyed. “Damn,” she said, “I left the condoms in the kitchen.” I watched her walk to the kitchen, her fairly large but very shapely ass swaying as she walked, then appreciated how her boobs bounced as she returned with the condoms.
“I still like the scenery,” I said, and she smiled and sat down next to me. She shook out a short folio of condoms, tore one off, and started opening it. The package was larger than any I had ever seen.
“These are a special kind. A friend of mine in the City buys them for me,” she said, “They’re non-latex. My pussy lips are allergic to latex.”
With that, Penny reached over and rolled one over my member. She knew what she was doing – she pinched the reservoir and rolled it down rather slowly, then ran two fingers up and down, which felt great. I looked down and could hardly see what was on my penis.
“It looks like there’s nothing there,” I said.
Penny gave me her grin, then said, “They’re made in Sweden and are kind of expensive. I think you’ll like them.” She sat up and straddled me again. “I know my pussy does,” she said.
With that, she leaned forward and took my penis in one hand. With her other hand on my shoulder, she brought the tip of my member up between her legs and rubbed it against her inner lips for a minute. She then brought it between her lips and said, “Here we go,” then lowered herself, taking my member into her body.
I groaned loudly and Penny gasped as I entered her. She was already wet and the condom lubricated, so I slipped in with ease. After I was in fully, Penny ground her labia against me for a minute while growling, which was a new experience, both the grinding and hearing a woman growl for the first time. After this, she lifted herself and began intercourse.
Penny closed her eyes and put both hands on my shoulders, and with each drop onto my member she emitted a quick ‘ah!’ I reached up with both hands and began caressing her breasts, which were flopping back in forth in front of me. I first rubbed them all over, then began stroking her nipples.
“Oh yes, play with my nipples, yes,” she gasped out between thrusts. “I’m going to cum soon – don’t let it scare you.”
I found out what she meant when about five minutes later, she lunged forward and grabbed me around the head. I was almost suffocated by her breasts as she started a sustained sound somewhere between a groan and a scream. I had to admit I had never heard another woman have such a loud orgasm. Finally, she leaned back, came off my penis, and sat on my knees and panted with her hands on her thighs.
“Damn!” I gasped, “That was a hell of an orgasm. You almost suffocated me.”
Penny laughed out loud. “I tried to warn you,” she said.
“It’s OK,” I replied, “suffocating between your breasts would be a great way to go.”
She laughed again, then came off my lap and stood. “How about if you stand and fuck me from behind?” she said. I quickly stood while Penny knelt on the sofa, leaning over the back. I went behind her and tried to enter her.
“A little higher?” I said. Penny came up on her knees. “That OK?” she asked.
She got no reply, for instead, I thrust my member back inside of her. Penny yelled in surprise, then gasped, “Yes, guess that’s right.”
I now started intense intercourse, rapidly thrusting in and out of her. The feeling was incredible, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I ejaculated.
Penny leaned forward on the back of the couch. I suppose she didn’t like her breasts flopping back and forth while I fucked her, so she put her elbows on the back and held her breasts with her hands. She then gritted her teeth and started giving an ‘ah’ with my every thrust.
“Yes, Lance, yes!” she finally shouted, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me hard, fuck me deep, just fuck me!”
I didn’t need much encouragement as I had such violent intercourse that the slapping together of our bodies almost echoed in the room. I breathed deeply, tinged with moaning. Presently I gasped out, “Here I go.”
“Yes, Lance, cum, cum for me, let me hear you cumming!” Penny yelled.
At that, I grunted loudly as I shot a river of semen into the Swedish condom. Penny started squealing to match my grunts. It took me about two minutes to finally finish. We both collapsed in exhaustion on the couch.
We spent about a minute catching our breaths. Then I turned and said, “Penny, that was incredible. I’ve never had an experience like that. You’re an amazing woman.”
Penny smiled and started running her fingers through my hair. After a minute, she reached down and removed the condom from my flaccid penis. She held it by the base and shook it. It was heavy with semen.
“Wow!” she said, bouncing the bag of semen from underneath with her hand, “you really produced quite a load.”
I smiled. “You draw it out of me,” I said, “you’re so amazing.”
Presently she reached under the end table and produced a small blanket, which she spread over both of us.
“I feel kind of shy after having sex,” she said, “I like to cover up.” She lifted my arm and put her head on my shoulder. I draped the arm over her shoulder. Together we stared into the fire and presently fell asleep.