Sex And The Eternal City — Part II

"My sexual education, family vacation, Rome, June 1965"

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I woke up with a start.

“Laura!” my brother cried. It was the panic in his voice that jerked me to full consciousness.

Ray looked horrified, and when I followed his eyes to the foot of our bed I saw the cause of his distress.

Aunt Grace and Uncle Edwin stood over us, arms akimbo.

“Shit,” I yelped, and tried to cover my nakedness.

Deciphering their expressions proved a challenge. Their faces looked stern, but there was something underneath. My uncle, in particular, had a certain glint in his eye. And the way they stood, with arms on their sides… Who even stands like that? I saw through the deception. This was staged. They were amused.

“Get dressed,” she said, “and join us outside. We ordered room service for breakfast.”

They left the room and closed the door.

Ray freaked out, saying shit repeatedly under his breath and scrambling for something to cover himself. He found yesterday’s boxers and pulled them on.

“Ray,” I said, but he didn’t respond. “Raymond.”


“Chill out, little brother. It’s going to be okay.”

“Wh… Are you—”

“I think they found it funny,” I said.

He looked dumbfounded. “You’re crazy,” he said, and started to rummage through his suitcase.

I rolled out of bed and gathered my underwear and nightie. “Well,” I said, “let’s go face the music and see.”

With clothes in hand, Ray rushed to the en suite bathroom and closed the door to get dressed.

Modestly seemed pointless, so I tossed my dirty underwear in the laundry basket and packed my nightgown away. That done, I selected a pair of panties, blush bra, and floral dress from the closet (I unpack my suitcase like a civilized person) then dressed where I stood.

A fully clothed Ray opened the bathroom door while I stood topless. He looked conflicted as he ogled my breasts. It was a strange time for it, but it struck me at this moment how handsome my brother was, lithe like Billy Mills, expressive like James Dean. How have I never noticed?

I finished dressing and visited the bathroom to relieve myself, clean my teeth, and brush my hair.

It was time. “We’ll be okay,” I reassured my brother again. “I think.”

My aunt and uncle sat by the corner table, drinking espresso in the morning sun. Today felt blessedly cooler, and that was something at least. A trolley with an assortment of breakfast foods stood to the side. On any other day, Ray would have attacked the trolley and stacked his plate with cornettos, prosciutto, and fontina, but now he stood half behind me waiting for my lead.

There was nothing for it but to join them. I took one cornetto and sat by the table, while Ray limited his selection to a modest two pastries. We nibbled our breakfast in silence. I trialed a dozen conversation starters in my head before giving up. They wanted to talk, let them figure it out.

“Care to explain yourselves?” Aunt Grace said.

The direct route works, I guess.

“It was hot last night…” I ventured.

“Nice try, young lady,” said Uncle Ed, “we heard you last night. We know something happened.”

Ray glared at me with a convincing it’s-all-your-fault.

“Well,” I shot back, “it’s only because we heard you first.” The rest poured out of me, “You woke us up with your sex noises and that gave Ray a hard-on and made me horny, and he tried to hide it, but I’ve never seen a hard one, so I asked him to get it out and show me how it works, and then he masturbated, and I wanted to get naked ‘cause I wanted to reward him but also ‘cause I like to be watched, and obviously I really needed to masturbate too, so I did, and that’s what you heard ‘cause I can’t stay quiet when I cum, and afterward we were so tired we just fell asleep naked.”

They gawked.

“Shit Laura,” Aunt Grace said, “anything else?”

“Laura also wants more sex in books,” my brother blurted out. “She wants to know what to do ‘cause she doesn’t want to suck her first time.”

Thanks for that, Ray.

“Her boyfriend might disagree,” my uncle quipped.

“That’s what I said!”

Aunt Grace hit her husband on the shoulder.

“What?” he said. “Oh c’mon, it’s time to let them off the hook. Look at them.”

“Fine,” she sighed, “you’re not in trouble. We just wanted to scare you a little before we talked, is all.”

“*Knew* it,” I said. “Told you”—I turned to Ray feeling smug—“they thought it was funny.”

“Can’t blame us for having a little fun,” my aunt said.

“You know, for professional actors you aren’t very good,” I said, trying to make a joke.

“Laura!” Ray gasped.

“Was a joke. Came out harsh, sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it,” my uncle said. “By the way, we didn’t expect you to be naked when we opened your door, so thanks for that gift.”

“You’re welcome,” I said. “Did you like what you saw?”

“She reminds me of you,” he said to my aunt, “just as sassy.” To me, he said, “I liked what I saw, yes. You’re a beautiful girl and you know it.”

Who’s forward now, I wondered.

“So, you won’t tell our parents?” Ray asked.

“God, no. My sister would have a heart attack. She’s an insufferable prude. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t speak ill of your mother. But she would murder you and then hunt me down and skin me alive. No, your parents will never know.”

“Thank you, Auntie,” Ray said, visibly relieved.

We were silent again, but without the painful awkwardness this time. Ray munched his cornettos and stacked his plate with meat and cheese. I poured myself a coffee and finished my breakfast, contemplating what had been said, not knowing what to feel.

My aunt interrupted my musing. “Laura,” she said in a tone that invited attention, “a lot of what you said resonates with me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, when I was young like you, I had strong sexual urges and I was also afraid of my first time. Afraid I would mess it up. Afraid it would be awful.”

“And was it?” I asked.

“Oh, it was so bad. I dare say we knew far less than you youngins do today.”

“Was it really that bad?”

“My first time was with my cousin in the back of a pickup. It was uncomfortable, awkward, and freezing cold. It was in December, outdoors. The only good thing was that it was quick.”

“Yikes, sounds terrible.”

“It was, but here’s the really sad thing, it wasn’t just my first time. I had bad sex for over ten years.”


“Yeah, it wasn’t until my late twenties that I experienced my first honest-to-god orgasm.”

“No,” I said, incredulous.

“Hundred percent true. My body needed sex, so I kept having it, but for all that time I thought I didn’t like doing it. I didn’t know if sex was just like that, or if I was bad at it, or what. It never occurred to me that men could be at fault. Turns out my partners didn’t know their asses from their elbows and neither did I.”

“What changed in your twenties?” I asked.

“I met a man that knew what he was doing.”

“Uncle Ed?” Ray suggested.

“No,” she replied, “not yet. The guy was a producer on a movie, almost twice my age. Edwin needed some training when we met.”

“Ouch,” Ray said.

“No, she’s right,” he said, “but I’m a quick study and highly motivated.”

“That you are,” my aunt said, holding his hand.

“What made this guy so good?”

“That’s a great question that I’ve thought a lot about. I think it came down to three things. He knew what he liked and didn’t, he cared about what I liked and didn’t, and he was an excellent communicator.”

“I guess that makes sense,” I said.

“Sounds simple,” she said, “but it’s rare for people to be that considerate and willing to put the work in. I had no clue what I really liked or disliked. Cooper, that was his name, he helped me discover and learn. He was obsessed about making me feel good and making me cum, cared as much about my satisfaction as he did for his own, and so we explored and experimented and practiced and practiced. God, we had the best fucking sex. It changed everything.”

“That doesn’t bother you?” Ray asked Uncle Ed.

“Not at all,” he said, “why would it? She applied all that learning to me. I won the lottery, son.”

Ray didn’t have a reply.

“I don’t want ten years of bad sex,” I said.

“Laura,” my aunt said, “I heard you last night. You’re miles ahead of most women. Trust me, you won’t suffer my fate. And I’m here to answer any questions you have. Same goes for you, Raymond. We’re here for you both. That’s what we wanted to say to you this morning. That’s the reason we didn’t just leave it and pretend like nothing happened last night.”

Whatever annoyance I harbored for their ruse left me and never returned. I stood and gave my aunt the longest hug.

“I only have a million questions,” I said, laughing through a shaky voice. “I’ve often wished there was a class I could take, like a practical workshop—”

“I’d sign up,” Ray said, earning a smile from everyone.

“But,” I continued, “having you to talk to is even better. Thank you.”

“It’s a privilege, dear. I regret not having anyone to talk to.”

I gave her another hug, and while I held her, my words kept coming back to me.

Practical workshop…

I broke the hug in some excitement.

“Aunt Grace, Uncle Ed,” I said, trusting that fortune favored the brave. “Why don’t you show us?”

“What’s that, dear?”

“You gave us an audio demonstration last night, why don’t you give us a visual demonstration today?”

For the second time, they gawked.

I expected them to call me crazy or perhaps to laugh. Instead, Aunt Grace looked at her husband, and said, “You know, all this talk of sex has made me horny, and they could learn a lot from us.” He replied, “And I know how much you like to get fucked in front of a crowd.”

“What?” said Ray.

“I’m with Ray,” I said. “What the hell did you just say?”

“We have an adventurous sex life,” he explained. “A swinging lifestyle some might call it.”

“That means we have sex with other people,” she clarified, “sometimes in a group. Like you, I also like to be watched.”

They blew my mind so wide open, I nearly forgot they agreed to my crazy idea.

“Now I have two million questions,” I said. “But for now, just to be sure, you’re on board? We can watch you have sex?”

“Anything for my niece and nephew,” she said. “Raymond, are you okay? Do you want to watch too?”

My wide-eyed brother could only nod. Our aunt was a gorgeous movie star, the desire of men the world over. I’ve caught him lusting after her more than me. So yeah, he’d like to watch.

“No time like the present,” my uncle said, standing. He walked to our hotel suite’s entrance, opened the door, and hung the Do Not Disturb sign on the handle.


“Do you know why we had sex last night?” Aunt Grace asked, joining my uncle by the entrance. “Because Ed helped me read lines. He had a long day playing tour guide for you two, but he still made an effort to help me work.”

Uncle Ed held her close, hands on her lower back while she touched his thighs. They were a LIFE Magazine cover come to life, dressed as movie stars, even in the morning, her wearing a cobalt blue pin-up dress with white polka dots, and him sported a tight green polo shirt and flared tan-colored pants.

“It was his care and consideration,” she continued, “that put me in the mood.”

She kissed him. It was a prolonged kiss, not the type you give your father, and not the type you see in the movies either.

“It’s not enough,” she said, “for you to want to have sex. Your partner should want to as well. Obvious, right?” His hands reached down to her derrière and he pulled her tight into his body. “But trust me,” she said, “many people, men in particular, feel they’re owed sex when they’re horny, and they could care less whether their partner really wants to or not, let alone putting in the work to get them there.”

The erotic intimacy of their embrace stoked my arousal, the telltale tingling and aching, present and urgent.

“Sex is mental as much as it is physical,” she said. “Turn on a person’s brain and their body will follow.” He kissed her neck while she spoke, her voice sounding ever more husky. “We had sex last night because your uncle turned me on with his kindness. And now, we’re turned on because of this morning’s conversation, because we saw you two naked, because this is naughty and taboo.”

His hand cupped her breast, his thumb massaging over a raised nib, and while doing so, he pecked her neck, and her cheek, and her lips, playful nips that quickly led to more ardent kissing. Using his free hand, he reached back and unzipped the top of her dress, and with this accomplished, he withdrew and pulled the dress over her shoulders, down below her breasts. She wasn’t wearing a bra. He wasted no time in leaning forward to lick and suck her nipples, which were, I noticed, darker than mine, not as pink or puffy, but bigger and more pointy. “Mmm… I like that,” she purred. “It feels so good when you suck them.”

I reached out and held my brother’s hand. We allowed ourselves a shared glance to acknowledge the incredible scene playing out in front of us.

The polka dot dress fell to her ankles, revealing her white lace panties with embroidered flowers. After one more lick, he straightened to admire her. “Do a twirl,” he said.

She stepped back out of her dress, two paces, then turned seductively in place. What made her so alluring, I couldn’t pinpoint. Maybe it was her natural grace, or her assuredness, or her love to show off. Or maybe Juilliard taught the secrets of Aphrodite, Body Language of the Divine 101, and it was not for me to know.

Upon a full rotation, he said, “Good girl,” and something changed, like a switch had been flipped. She stood unmoving before him, arms by her side, and he stepped forward and reached into the front of her panties, never breaking eye contact. Her mouth opened and she let out a soft gasp. He promptly removed his hand from her crotch and filled her mouth with two fingers, which she dutifully began to suck.

Everything before good girl had been in the scope of my imagination, everything after was an untapped vein of ore.

With fingers deep in her mouth, he pushed her down into a kneeling position. When he withdrew his hand, she finally broke eye contact and shifted her focus forward instead. “I want you to suck it,” he said.

“Yes, Daddy,” my aunt replied. She unzipped his pants, reached in, and took out his hard cock, which was curved, unlike Ray’s. Holding it, she licked, bottom to top, and took him in her mouth.

Uncle Ed looked at us while her head moved forward and back, his expression both rapturous and self-satisfied. “Fuck,” he growled, “that feels so good, baby.”

She undid his belt, yanked his pants and underwear down to his knees, then jerked his glistening cock while licking his balls. Judging by his face, this was a special trick. I added a mental note (to a rapidly-growing list) to ask my aunt about it later.

After taking him in her mouth again, he gathered her hair in a ponytail and gripped it in one hand. She sucked him deep and hard, her eyes watering, while he moved his hips in counterpoint.

“Good girl,” he repeated, and she stopped sucking, like his praise had been some kind of signal. Breathing heavy, she looked up at her husband with evident love and admiration, before she turned to give us a sly wink.

Fully removing his pants was a clumsy collaboration between the two, but this everyday challenge was surprisingly endearing and it snapped me out of my stupor. Instead of their fumbling being awkward, they laughed, enjoying the moment, which caused me to reflect (for reasons yet to be explored) on how different they were to my parents. With the task finally done, she stood, kissed him, and said, “Take me to bed, Daddy.”

They made a beeline for the bedroom. “Come on,” she called over her shoulder, “what are you waiting for?”

We followed like sailors caught in a siren song.

In the bedroom, he pulled off his shirt, and proceeded to pick her up, toss her onto the bed, and follow her on all fours. Prowling over her like a predator, he turned her onto her tummy and touched and kissed her all over, and after toying with her so, he slid her panties down below her cheeks, paused to lick her, then pulled the lace down to her ankles, over and off. Bunching it up, he threw the panties at my brother who snatched them reflexively.

My aunt groaned as he continued to attack her body with little bites and scratches. I imagined how it must feel to be so lovingly devoured, and I could not resist touching myself.

He smacked her ass.

I was so taken aback that it took me until the second slap to realize she liked it. Each yelp was followed by a wiggle of her hips, inviting more punishment.

The untapped vein runs deep, I thought.

Satisfied with a handprint on each cheek, Uncle Ed stepped off the bed. He grabbed her ankles, pulled her toward him, and flipped her over onto her back. Her bush, I noticed, was neatly trimmed, immaculate like everything else about her. With her ass perched on the edge, he kneeled before her, spreading her legs and pushing them back almost flush with the sheets.

I felt embarrassed for a second, seeing both her holes so crudely exposed, but then he licked her, licked her like a delicious ice cream. Blowjobs I had known about, but it never occurred to me that a man could use his mouth on a…

Published 4 months ago

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