Serving the Edge

"the best of the best in all the ways"

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“My cock hurts, can I cum now?”

“No. Not yet. We need you to last a few more minutes, these are the best readings we’ve ever got on this machine to date!! You’re doing soo well!”

“Do the tentacles need to keep sucking on me like this … I can b-barely hold it together….Please!”

“Five more minutes, hold on for five more minutes. It will be worth it, I promise.”

“Mmnnghh! ..Doctor … I… I …please, please!!”

“Hold it right there, hold! Hold… we almost got it. Nurse, come look at these levels”

“Wow, that’s remarkable!”

“We’re recording this aren’t we?”

“Never stopped. It’s been three days and sixteen hours, how the hell is he doing it?”

“Ahhh!! Please!!!!!”

“Three more minutes, General, hold for three more minutes, you’re doing so great!”

“Holy shit…. The readings are off the chart, he’s really been on the edge this whole time?!”

“He is one of a kind …”

“What have you been using for stimuli?”

“Neuroimplanted projections of his wife, his lovers. The guy has a damn harem. So we asked them to submit photos once he volunteered for the project.”

There were sort of sob noises in a non-English language coming from the General.

“I think the three minutes have passed, if we go any longer…”

“Of course. Alright General, go ahead”

“That is no way to say that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Have you been looking at the readings at all?”

“Why don’t you instruct him then?”

“Fine move over. General. This is Nurse V. You are free to ejaculate now. Cum. Cum now.”

“Nghhhh-ahhh, thank you…fuuuuuuuuck~”

The Doctor and Nurse stood there watching the man orgasm a large puddle of semen that pooled at his feet.

“Right. Send a tech in there to collect that for further study.”

The General was wheezing and gasping his body twitching as dribbles still dripped out of him.

“Nurse V!! Did you hear me?? Send a tech to collect the ejaculate for further study!”

“O-Of course, Doctor, right away.”

Struggling to tear her eyes away from the vision of his weary and now spent form, bound to the wall, she stumbled and walked out of the observation room, to relay the duty to the tech to clean up the semen sample. Adjusting her glasses and tugging at her collar of her nurse’s habit.

Left alone in the observation room, the doctor adjusted himself as well, trying to tug his lab coat to hide the bulge in his scrub pants. “Damn … I need a smoke break.”

“You and me both.” the General whispered. The intercom was not on, but somehow, the General still heard him. The Doctor’s eyes went wide. “Rest easy there General, someone will be along to clean you up and the payment for your participation in the study will be wired to your account.”

“I live to serve.” the General joked, “Thank you, Doctor.”

“Oh no, Thank you, General.”

Published 2 years ago

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