September, Chapter 2

"College reflections of our three friends."

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Meg stretched her legs out along the length of the hammock. ‘I really need to get some sun on those legs,’ she thought. College was done, over. She had returned home last night and was taking advantage of the quiet of an empty house. Everyone was gone running errands, working and she had the place to herself.

Unless you have lived the dorm life you have no idea what “alone” means to a person. No more sharing a bathroom, no more listening to techno music whether you want to or not, no more listening to the roomies down the hall fight over dirty dishes… again!

It felt good to be back home. She’d missed this old hammock. For the past four years, she had never had enough time when she was home to relax. It was always a rushed visit before heading off to a job or, if she was lucky, an internship at the Smithsonian.

Down at the bottom of the garden, her hammock was a secluded spot. At this time of year, the smell of the star jasmine filled the warm air. The drone of a motorboat out on the creek lulled Meg into an almost nap. But her thoughts were circling around one thing… what next?

It had been four years ago when she and her two best friends had come to this spot to say goodbye before they went their separate ways for school. It didn’t seem strange to her that her best friends were boys. They had all met as high school freshmen. Not being jocks or cheerleaders, they formed a friendship based on shared interests. As they weathered the storms of teen angst they grew close.

That last evening Meg had raised the idea that the three of them could lose their virginity together. They trusted each other and this would be a safe and loving way to check off that milestone.

It had been a wonderful and satisfying experience for all three. But over the past four years, there had never been an opportunity to repeat it. Holidays were filled with family events and summers spent working, sometimes out of town. And, though no one wanted to admit it, they shared a reluctance to try to recreate what seemed to have been almost a dream.

Meg had lovers while at school. None were serious, more of a diversion from the routine of professors, projects, and papers. One of these diversions had been memorable. Jerome was an exchange student from the islands. His golden-brown skin and his lilting accent enchanted her. He was also a very capable lover, practiced in all the things that would make any woman weak with desire.

She asked once, as they lay relaxing on the futon in her rooms at school, how he had become such a skilled lover. “There are not many ways to make a living back home,“ he said. “But cruise ships would dock and many unaccompanied women would debark looking for… excitement.”

He went on to explain that most were older, widowed or divorced. There were also young ones looking for an exotic hook up before settling down to their middle-class lives back home. The men of his island soon learned that a good living could be made just by offering to show these women the sights. They were polite, respectful and a soft touch here or there would suggest a more private tour, if ma’am so wished. Needless to say, the more skilled in pleasuring a woman you were, the more tips you would make.

As he spoke he stroked her hair. She lay resting against his chest. Soon his hands were softly moving the collar of her shirt aside and sliding down to her breasts. Small circles drawn with his fingers around her nipples soon caused them to swell and harden. A tweak, a twist then Jerome moved to kneel in front of her.

He unbuttoned her shirt, kissing her lightly with each button undone. Using both hands he lifted and squeezed her tits till the nipples stood out bright red. Taking one in his mouth he sucked and bit just enough to make her sigh. Meg began to twist and wiggle where she sat. She was getting wetter by the minute.

Jerome never expected her to return touch for touch. He insisted she just simply receive the pleasure he gave her. He moved on to the next nipple that had felt neglected. Then he pulled her to her feet and slid her jeans down to the floor. The lacy panties she wore stood no change against his searching hands and fingers. They were soaked through, anyway!

As they stood body to body Meg suddenly giggled. “Am I doing something funny?” Jerome asked.

“No,” Meg replied. “I was just remembering a phrase from English Lit. Marlow, I think, about the ‘beast with two backs’. I never could picture it but now I know what he meant!”

Jerome lifted her to the edge of the bed and lay her down, legs dangling over. His fingers parted her swollen cunt lips and stroked them from bottom to top. When he reached her clit, he gave it a flick. Meg groaned and her breathing became rapid and shallow. He inserted his fingers into her and drew back some of the dewy moisture that had soaked her panties. His cock was now at full staff. It was long AND thick, a combination not often found. And it stood straight up pointing to the skies.

Before he could enter her, the daydream vanished. Meg was back in her hammock and so hot. She quickly undid her shorts and thrust a hand down to her cunt. Yes, she was wet. A touch and she would come! One finger circled her clit. It was hard and swelling, begging for attention. Another finger, down inside her cunt. Yes, there was that spot. Working from within and without her cunt, Meg brought herself to a crashing orgasm!

Later, she would be grateful for the noise of the motorboat out in the creek. ‘At least I didn’t scare the fish!’ she thought.


Stretched across the backseat of a friend’s car, Alex let his thoughts drift. Four years. What next? He was glad he had not formed any romantic attachments, had no tearful good-byes that might hamper his decision making about his future. He had the offer of a job with an environmental studies consortium. Not exactly a nonprofit but close.

But before he made any decision he wanted to talk things over with Meg and Greg. Hadn’t seen much of them… parties at their parents, quick coffee before going off to summer jobs, at the reception after…

One afternoon in October of his sophomore year, Alex was called to the Dean of Students, not someplace students were often summoned. It was in her bright, sunny office that a gaping hole was made in the fabric of his life. His older brother, Fred, had been killed in Afghanistan. His hero, fighting a war that had been going on since he had been in kindergarten, died when an IED went off under his jeep. He had been on his way to help install a generator in a small village. That would have given the villagers enough electric power to run a refrigerator and a modem for internet access.

It seemed that the whole town was there for the memorial service. Meg and Greg came home from school to be there beside him as he shook hands with dozens of people. And when he looked as if he might pass out, they each took an arm and steered him out into the warm fall afternoon.

When he returned to campus most of the girls he knew seemed to feel he needed physical affection. He really didn’t want the attention. He never knew when there would be a knock at his door and a girl with wine, smoke, and condoms would be there. But despite his grief, his male instincts were stirred. Was this disrespectful to his brother? A few sessions with the counselor helped him see that Fred would take no offense at his little brother receiving comfort from willing females.

This went on for about six weeks. But then the female population must have decided they had extended enough comfort and, after all, it was getting close to finals.

One of these comforting sessions was very enlightening. This particular young woman, Sally, stated that she wanted to help him in his sadness but she was a virgin and intended to stay that way till her wedding night. She offered an alternative.

“Have you ever had anal sex?” she asked. Alex had, of course, heard of this, but never done it.

“It’s really great for people who want to have fun but still stay a virgin. Do you want to try it?”

It started out in the usual way. Deep kissing with dueling tongues; touching all the sensitive places; clothes discarded. When both were naked and both were obviously stimulated, Sally took a tube of lubricant from her bag.

“Here. Rub some of this on that beautiful cock of yours,” she said, handing it to Alex.

Alex did as instructed but then stopped. “What about you? How are you going to get anything out of this?” he asked her. He argued, “I don’t like having you just service me. I want you to enjoy it too!”

“Ah, that will be taken care of. Just follow my directions,” Sally replied.

She turned over onto her hands and knees with her ass lifted up. “Take some lube and make my asshole slick. Spread it all around and even down inside. Now slide your fat dick in slowly. Not too fast! Give me time to adjust.”

Alex did as he was told. He was amazed at the tightness. It was almost painfully tight but the lubrication allowed him to penetrate her right up to his balls.

“Now, I want you to reach around me and finger my pussy. Nice circles around my clit. Feel how hard it is? Take your other hand and spread my pussy lips. Yes, just like that. Finger me up and down, circle the clit. “

Alex could feel her wetness as he stroked her cunt. He wasn’t sure if he could move while in her ass but Sally soon began to rock back on his dick herself so he began pumping in and out.

It took only a few strokes in that incredibly tight ass for him to explode what seemed quarts of come. When the room stopped spinning, Alex’s dick slid slowly out of Sally’s ass and he lay on his back waiting for his heart rate to return to something like normal. He felt a warm washcloth on his limp dick. Looking up he saw Sally sponging off his private parts. The warm cloth felt good on his cock and balls, “The Boys,” as he referred to them!

Sally lay down next to him and began stroking herself. There was enough natural moisture and in addition some of the lube had seeped down to her pussy. Alex could see that it was bright red and her clit was pushing past the lips it was so swollen.

As Sally stroked her pussy lips and circled her clit with her fingers, Alex slid down between her legs and gently spread them apart. Taking two fingers of each hand he opened her pussy up wide. There he saw the bright red that indicated she was very close to climaxing. Inserting one finger inside, he was able to feel that soft G-spot on the roof of her vagina.

Sally’s hands dropped to the bed and she began a keening sound Alex had not heard before. He leaned forward and placed his tongue where her fingers had been. Soft swirls and long licks and soon the keening became groans. Of a sudden, Sally’s hips bucked, her knees locked around his head and his face was drenched in a gush of wetness. Had she just peed on him? No, Sally was one of those unusual women that ejaculate when they come. Maybe not every time but enough to startle a lover that was not expecting it!

Alex still got hard remembering that one evening when he learned two new things about sex: how to successfully perform anal sex and that some women can surprise you with the rare female ejaculation. He and Sally remained friends but there was never a repeat session. He later learned Sally left school due to pregnancy. He guessed that she got tired of waiting for that magic wedding fuck.


For Greg, his only college love affair was a continuation of the fascination for computers and all aspects of Artificial Intelligence he had developed in high school. He became an excellent “hacker” which brought him to the attention of The White Hats, a group of brilliant hackers that used their skills for good.

Over the next four years, he had tracked down Russian infiltration of the internet, helped prevent an internet invasion of a major banking institution, and sat back in dismay as state election commissions refused help in securing their voter rolls and machines.

Greg had a circle of coworkers that became his circle of friends. Females were rare in the internet world, as most of these were male; some his age, some a little older. Stan was the quasi-leader of the group. Until recently, he had been in the military, working on defense department projects that could not be mentioned, much less discussed. He had had to leave active duty due to a heart defect found during a routine physical.

Due to his security clearance, Stan worked on the most sensitive projects and often spent the night in the lab deep into an unmentionable task. One evening Greg had returned to the lab for a notebook he had left behind. He noticed Stan alone in his cubical. He tapped on the door and stuck his head inside.

“Can I get you anything, Stan?” he asked.

Stan gave a startled jump.

“You are going to wake up this heart thingy scaring me like that!”

“Oops, sorry man. Just came back for my notebook when I saw you. It’s late. Maybe you should knock it off for now,” Greg explained.

“I am at a stopping place. Let’s go back to my office and have something a little better than vending machine coffee.”

Now Greg had always considered himself totally hetero. Girls got him aroused, particularly when they wore those flimsy summer dresses that showed nothing, but revealed everything.

But there was something about Stan. Maybe it was his confident demeanor. Maybe it was his toned body that never seemed to get tired like the rest of the team. Maybe it was that when he talked to you, you seemed to be the most important person in the world to him.

Whatever it was, Greg’s mind turned to mush when Stan invited him back for a drink.

Stan got up and stretched his full six foot four frame. Greg looked away when that feeling came over him. He grew hot and his palms got damp, not to mention what was happening in his boxers!

Stan’s office was furnished with cast-off pieces he found hunting the thrift stores. His desk was an old roll top, the rug a worn Oriental that might have been valuable long ago. But the center of attention was an old leather sofa. It had been in a men’s club library and still carried the scent of good cigars.

“Have a seat while I get us beer,” Stan said as he opened a small dorm fridge.

He came over to the sofa, there was no other seat except his desk chair, and sat down next to Stan. He opened both bottles and handed one to Greg.

“I hope you like Saison. It’s a seasonal beer and I’m really fond of it. “

They both took long swallows and immediately fell into a discussion of the stubborn foolishness of the state election commissions. Two more Saisons and Greg’s head was drooping when he felt Stan’s arm across his shoulders. He looked up puzzled.

Stan spoke softly, “Greg, if you aren’t interested, I completely understand and we’ll call it a night. No hard feelings, no recriminations.” He paused, “This could be the start of something, or a one night stand. I’m not looking for anything long term. But if it’s not your thing…”

Turning, Greg looked into Stan’s eyes.

”I’ve never had an experience like this but I’m willing to try anything once. Let’s see how it goes.”

The two men began softly stroking each other’s faces. Greg followed Stan’s lead in where to touch, how to touch, when to remove a piece of clothing.

Soon shirts were removed and hands began to stroke pecs and nipples. Stan’s fingertips drummed on Greg’s nipples till they stood up at attention. A sigh escaped his lips and he leaned back into the soft leathery grip of the ancient sofa.

Stan’s fingers wandered down the stripe of hair that led from Greg’s chest to his jeans.

“Mind if I unzip these?” he asked.

“No, no, please go ahead.” Greg threw caution to the wind.

Stan lowered a zipper and his fingers tangled themselves in Greg’s pubic hair. Just strokes on the underside, a little tug now and then. Greg felt himself grow stiffer. This was such a new experience that he hadn’t been sure how his cock would respond.

But respond it did! A drop of precum made his dick slick. It grew and strained at the confines of his jeans and he began to wiggle out of them.

“Let me help.”

With one swift motion, Stan had pulled the obstructing pants off and tossed them in the corner. Greg’s pole was at full mast; red, hot and jerking about as if it had a mind of its own. Well actually, it did!

Stan returned his attention to Greg’s nipples, this time licking each in turn. The feeling was exquisite. Greg had never considered his own nipples as centers of pleasure. He was always careful to pay long attention to his partner’s body, but this was amazing!

While his nipples were being brought to full attention, Greg felt a hand sliding down to his now exposed dick. It cupped his balls and softly squeezed. Then Stan’s palms encircled his swelling manhood.

“You have a beautiful cock, Greg. I’m sure you are quite successful with the ladies!” Stan’s fingers encircled his manhood and began a slow pumping motion.

“Ah! You’re going to make me come!”

“Isn’t that the point?” Stan replied and continued to stroke up and down. Greg’s precum trickled down his dick making San’s strokes slick and smooth.

Greg looked down at his cock in the grip of another man. He was about to explode.

“But what about you? “he cried, stopping Stan’s ministrations. “It can’t be just me!”

“Are you sure you want to go that far tonight?”

“Yes, yes, I’m sure. It’s only fair.”

“Someone has taught you to be a very considerate lover. I’m pleased. Oh, not just for me tonight, but for all those lucky lovers you will have.”

“Two people taught me, but that’s a story for another night,” replied Greg.

Stan stood up, removed his khakis, and revealed a beautiful eight-inch cock. His pubic hair had been shaved and Greg made a mental note to shave his own. The veins stood out prominently along the shaft and the head peeked out of a velvety foreskin.

“I think we should keep it simple seeing as this is your first time. So, let’s get comfortable and see what happens,” suggested Stan.

They settled side by side on the sofa, turned and began exploring each other’s body. Hands roamed, fingers pinched, twisted, tapped. Mouths kissed, sucked, licked until the two men were quivering with pent-up desire.

It was decided that only hands would be used to bring each to climax, so lubricant was brought out. Greg squeezed a large amount on to his palm. Stan did the same. With a deep, soulful kiss they each began to stroke the other. Greg again followed Stan’s moves from cupping balls, stroking prostates, gripping cocks. And finally, the rhythmic pumping.

Taking it slow, then increasing the tightness of the grip and the rate of strokes, then slowing back again. This teasing only served to make the need for release stronger. Suddenly the world stood still as both men experienced powerful ejaculations.

Many heartbeats later they sat up. Clothes lay strewn about. An awkward clearing of throats, sore from cries of release.

‘I guess I better get back to my rooms. I’ve still got English to complete. It’s not all AI and computers!” Greg Iaughed.

“Yes, and I have to close down what I was working on,” Stan replied.

The rest of the semester went by without either of them mentioning what transpired that night. Stan was true to his word and showed no sign of hard feelings or disappointment. What he may have felt inside is a story for another time.

Now Greg was on his way home. He had an interesting offer of a job at an installation outside of D.C. that shall remain nameless. He was eager to see his old friends and eager to start the next chapter.

Published 6 years ago

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