Sense of Love

"The Seventh Sense"

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My lover comes to me
All my senses aware
She is the only one
No other can compare

The sight of her warms me
A soft glow upon her face
Her eyes wistful and calm
This vision that I embrace.

Her aroma fills me
The sweet smell of her hair
Wafting of her perfume
Smell of love in the air.

The sense of tender skin
Soothing by lovers touch
The feeling of soft silk
Alabaster smooth as such.

The sound of her voice
Sings music to my ears
Hushed moans calling my name
All while holding her near.

With taste beyond compare
A treasure we never miss
There we share our flavors
On passion’s heated kiss.

A sixth sense she offers
Oddly familiar presence
Yet ne’er been felt before
Something of her essence.

Yet seventh sense is felt
Differ from all above
The sense I feel from her
It is the sense of love.

Published 11 years ago

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