My dear friend.
Please don’t do this.
This, whatever you are doing,
Just stop.
You don’t need a man to define you,
Much less, a man to make you strong.
You don’t need a man to tell you,
Just how beautiful, you really are.
And you especially,
Don’t need a man, to tell you how sexy you are.
Fuck that.
Instead, walk to your mirror,
And say
“I am fucking beautiful,
Fuck the media, and fuck the people
Who says I need to be a certain size,
A certain height.
I am beautiful, and no matter what
Anyone says, I know I am.
I don’t need a guy,
To define me, to make me strong.
I am fucking beautiful,
And that is that.”
Girl, be proud!
Be strong.
Show them, they are wrong.
Don’t sell yourself short.
You are so much more!
Intelligent, beautiful,
Sexy as hell.
Fuck, they’re even jealous
Of your self confidence!
So stop this,
This madness,
The need to feel wanted.
You need to love yourself,
To have self confidence.
Otherwise, who else would love you,
If you can’t even love yourself?
So do as I tell you,
Walk to the mirror, and say
“Fuck the media, and fuck the people
Who says I need to be a certain size,
A certain height.
I am beautiful, and no matter what
Anyone says, I know I am.
I don’t need a guy,
To define me, to make me strong.
I am fucking beautiful,
And that is that.”
Take a look at yourself.
And REALLY look.
You’ll see just how beautiful
You really are.
Stop thinking that you need a guy,
To define you.
The attention is bliss, an addiction,
A high.
But after the high is gone,
Where will you get it from?
Be confident, love yourself.
After you love yourself,
You’ll see what I mean.
I have been there,
Have done that,
And trust me, girl.
It ain’t pretty, at the end of the day.
You don’t need a man to define you,
To make you strong.
You need yourself.