It was a typical rainy night in a typical small mid-western town. Susan strolled into the bar with her girlfriends in tow. It was a typical bar, playing country music and serving overpriced drinks. It was girl’s night out for her and three of her closest friends. They had put on their evening dresses and said goodbye to their husbands, leaving them to mind the kids that evening. It wasn’t unusual for them to have a girl’s night out but this one was a little different. Susan’s dress was extra tight, her make-up impeccably done and her perfume freshly selected since it was his favorite. The bra and panties that she’d left home wearing were tucked in her purse and the excitement she was feeling was displayed through the thin fabric covering her breasts. She had told her husband that the girls were staying out a little past 11:30. Her friends had told their husbands 8:30. Tonight had been weeks in the planning.
Walking into the “Pig-in-a-Poke” bar, the girls selected a large table in the corner and ordered their preference of mixed drinks. As they giggled and laughed, she noticed the stranger in the corner. He was out of place in here, wearing gray cowboy boots, jeans, checked shirt and wide belt. His blond hair and blue eyes also stood out, both for their intensity and the commanding attitude with which he carried himself. He wasn’t a fox on the prowl but a lion surveying the Serengeti.
Several local male patrons had approached the girls, offering to buy drinks or trying to elicit a smile with failed attempts at humor. They were typical male bar predators, wearing suits as remnants of that daily uniform. Most wore their coats on in a vain attempt to hide their middle age bulge after their eight hours of frantic phone calls and processing useless papers. Most had been trying to sell someone something that they did not need or processing papers as if the world really cared what was on them. They were part of the army of the “average,” playing office politics or fast-talking to advance in a small world of small ideas. Their world was as large as their zip code and their perspective of the globe not much larger.
Susan knew their type too well. They would try to get her to drop her dress tonight and tomorrow try to sell her a car, insurance or a retirement plan. They would stick their heads up to strut their importance. They reminded her of a male turkey trying to impress a hen in heat. She had no time for them. Her girl friends didn’t either, though occasionally they would surrender a flirt just to see the turkeys’ reactions. The stranger in the corner, however, was quite different.
He didn’t flirt. He didn’t wink. He didn’t steal glances their way. He sat there, apparently unaware that there was anyone around. It appeared that way to everyone in the room, except for Susan. He knew the girls were there, that Susan was there and that she knew that he knew she was there. He was a relatively new friend but one that she had shared most of her secrets with including her hopes, her dreams and her fantasies. She had never laid eyes on him before but she knew him.
They had chatted for long hours about so many aspects of his and her life that she knew things about him that even his wife didn’t know. Heck, his wife didn’t know what he really did for a living. She thought he was just and nerd that travelled but also stayed fit. She didn’t know that he did travel to hot-spots all over the world and that, with his team, they solved problems that others could not solve. But Susan knew that. He was her best friend, though they had never previously met in person.
He also knew things that her husband didn’t know. Not the when and where details that might be in an autobiography, but her desires, her fantasies, what made her smile and what warmed her heart. He was the reason that she would soon say goodnight to her friends but not get home until much later. She was the reason that he was there. He had flown in earlier that day.
Her heart raced with anticipation and yet he seemed so calm. She didn’t know it but his heart had doubled its rate when she walked into the room. She was the most perfect creature that he had ever seen. Her nipples seemed to invite him and her eyes were perfection on display – blue diamonds, framed by short dark locks.
What she knew of him, or that she even knew him, she could never tell. But tonight was her night. In her mind, it was to be a night for the romance that she ached for from her core. It was to be a night where her fantasies could become reality. All to be fulfilled with someone that she knew so well but also knew so little about. A man she only knew as Roger.
They had met on-line in a simple chat room. Their chat was innocent enough at the start. It was just a few bits about the weather and “How was your day” type of conversations. A few modest photo exchanges and then more intimate photos. What stuck in her mind was a photo of him in tight red spandex shorts. That sausage in the photo was huge, wrapping around to the side like a snake in a cage. And it was soft at the time. She couldn’t imagine what it must look like fully erect. Her nipples began to harden just thinking about it again. It represented a fantasy that she had long desired but never experienced.
Their chats had become more erotic and more intimate. She had to know this fascinating guy. She had to hear his sweet southern accent and feel his kiss. Her pussy longed for the sausage in that photo. She would never know him totally because there were things about him that she simply could not relate to but she wanted to know his scent, his sound, his smell and, most of all, the taste of his lips and warmth of his touch.
Roger worked as a research scientist. He grew up the oldest son of a poor farming family in the hills of Alabama. He had an exceptionally brilliant mind, even as a child. He had won every math contest, most writing contests and multiple science fairs that he entered. He was given full scholarships by the military to the best schools where he got two PhDs.
His on-the-job training on the farm and in the woods was equally important. He learned to handle a rifle and shoot something as small as the head of a squirrel from seventy-five yards. Throwing a thousand-pound cow to the ground by twisting its head had made military combat training simple. Toughness had been taught by long days in the hot sun and survival skills forged in the woods. Technical expertise had been gained in the classroom. He had added several martial arts to his resume and the government had noticed his aptitude for physical and mental endeavors.
His skills learned in the woods and advanced education in materials science, physics and chemistry had afforded him unusual opportunities in the military. He conducted unusual work on difficult missions that the public would never hear about. He had gotten out of the military and taken a position at a government research laboratory. He was one of the leading researchers in his field. He had the patents and technical papers to add to many other credentials.
Oddly, in his current capacity, he was still occasionally gone on classified trips being out of touch with the real world for days or weeks. He was not “the muscle” on those trips but “the brain” for places and times where his expertise was needed. Those trips let him see many parts of the world and the experiences had given him the confidence to ignore the “suits” that circled the girls. They reminded him of sharks circling a wounded seal. He also knew how to be discreet and keep a secret. Susan had shared secret desires with him and he intended to both protect those secrets and to fulfill those desires.
Susan was a loving mom and had tried for years to be a loving wife. Her efforts were rewarded by hugs from her kids and being ignored by the man she had married. He preferred his golf clubs and television to her advances and beamed with pride over his accomplished career. The same type of career as all the other small-minded suits in the room. She lived in a nice house with plenty of people but those that had time for her wouldn’t even be able to vote for years. The one other adult in the house acted like she didn’t even exist. She was alone and lonely. Her heart ached for love and her body longed for affection. Her husband was not an abusive man. He simply was a boring man who provided a moderate lifestyle but was too absorbed in himself to see the emptiness in her heart.
Susan stole glances at Roger, and he stole glances are her. No one else noticed. She remembered their conversation from a few days earlier by email when Roger had written:
I think about you a lot when I’m feeling down. I imagine that I would feel a lot better if you could just hold me for a few minutes and tell me everything is going to be okay. I want to draw on your strength and magnificent warmth. It’s funny. When we first started talking, I admit that I felt a little guilty. But now it seems just a normal part of my everyday life. I’m just glad I found you and that you responded by being my friend. I have developed strong but good feelings toward you. No, it is not love but it is also not just lust. I guess it’s somewhere in between and maybe that’s the best place for it to be.
Who knows what causes a man to be attracted to a certain woman and vice versa? All I know is that I feel a sexual excitement toward you that is real and that I can’t deny or explain. To me, right now, you have the most desirable body I have ever seen. I know women think that all men just want one thing from women and I will say that is sometimes true. But it’s not totally true in my case, especially in the way I think about you. My ultimate fantasy is for us just to be together, to sit next to each other, to have you hold me and touch me and to hold my hand. I think about how great it would be to just to hold you and look into your eyes while we talk, just enjoying the sharing of our physical and emotional connection.
And then there’s the sex. Is it wrong for me to fantasize about putting my hands all over your body? Is it wrong for me to fantasize about kissing every inch of you? Is it wrong for me to fantasize about having your thighs wrapped around my head with my tongue buried deep inside of you? No, it is not wrong.
Susan, I think it’s time for our relationship to take that next step and to get physical and I want to know what you think about that. I am through living life and having regrets. Do you want to wake up someday and regret that we never made love? I don’t. Also, I think we are right for each other and I think the time is right.
So, there, I have expressed my feelings. I know you will consider them with a lot of thought and I will be looking forward to your reply.
She had not responded to him for three days. She mulled over what she should say. Then she got up her nerve and composed a response that he would cherish forever. She had written:
Dear Roger. I got your e-mail and it was fantastic. I didn’t write you back because my mind has been spinning. I have been thinking about what you said and going back and forth in my mind as to what to do. Every time I tell myself no, my heart tells me yes. I have to admit that I’m very attracted to you. You know, Roger, you aren’t the only one who has fantasized about us making love.
Yes, I would love to get together. I just finally decided that I would always regret it if we didn’t.
Roger soon responded, “Wow, that’s fantastic news. After I didn’t hear from you, I thought I had ruined our friendship. This is great. You are such a fantastic woman.”
They talked a little more and then discussed how they could meet. He would travel to her hometown and she would arrange the night out with the girls. He would already have a room rented and then meet Susan in a nearby bar.
Finally, after hours of girl-gab, Susan and her friends got up to leave. Susan walked out with them, said goodnight and got in her car. She drove around the block and parked back in the exact same spot. After a quick check of her make-up, she hurried into the bar. Roger was sitting in the same place. He looked up at her with a big smile and slight wink. As she walked in, he got up, stepped toward her and without saying a word, drew her close and kissed her deeply, passionately and romantically.
They sat down and he ordered a large margarita with two straws. They were like two teenagers in a malt shop. They began to chat, telling stories about their kids and learning more about their daily lives. The more they talked and laughed the more they moved closer to each other. Before long they were holding hands and exchanging flirty little smiles. She loved that they touched noses as they sipped their drink from two straws in one large glass.
After a second drink, he grabbed her hand and they headed to the only open spot in the bar without tables, making it their own private dance floor. The bar music was a slow country song.
I wasn’t really prepared to dance when I arrived but I thought what the hell, why not? I have never really done any “dirty” dancing that the kids do these days. But I can see how hard it is to resist with a very handsome man in front of me.
We were dancing very close, my hands feeling his sculptured back and chest. His hands, not as adventurous at first, eventually found their way from the small of my back to my butt. He gently squeezed my butt as a mischievous smile appeared across his face. The songs that were playing were romantic country songs. At one point, I found myself facing away from him, with my ass pressed his groin. I felt his manhood pressing between my cheeks and thought, “There is no way that will ever fit inside of me.”
We continued to move together as I reached behind me and put my arms around him towards his back, bringing him closer to me. If I wasn’t already excited, I definitely was now. In response to his grinding, I began to explore with my right hand. Like a magnet, it immediately found the bulge in his pants. There was no doubt he was as excited as I was. As we moved together he kissed my neck and worked his way up to my earlobe.
I am not a good sport when it comes to teasing. I wanted him to have his way with me right there on the dance floor. I rubbed my hand up and down his bulge, trying to show him how much I wanted him. As if he could read my mind, he whispered in my ear, “Follow me.”
He didn’t have to tell me twice.
We walked outside, hand in hand, with my heart being faster than ever. She was so beautiful, wonderful, cute, sexy and desirable. Within ten minutes we had walked the two blocks and were alone in a hotel room. She had on a backless dress that was very low cut in the front, exposed a good portion of her perfect breasts. She was not wearing a bra and her erect nipples were straining against the thin cloth. Her dress was short, cut all the way to the tops of her well-developed thighs. She was a vision of walking sexual energy.
“I’m almost speechless,” I said. “You are the most incredible and the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. Susan, do you have any idea how badly I want you?”
“Yes, I do,” she said brushing my confined erection. Susan lifted the dress over her head and tossed it on the floor. Her tits were firm and her pink nipples stuck straight out.
As she walked towards me, Susan said, “Roger, it is not one-sided, you know. I’ve wanted to fuck you for a long time. Those blue eyes of yours got to me the first time I saw them. My pussy gets wet just thinking about you.”
I couldn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth. This was even better than the greatest of dreams and what she said got me even more excited. I was bursting with excitement.
Smiling, she said, “I’m all yours for tonight and I hope for much longer.” The sight of her was indescribable. Susan had on nothing but high heels.
“I want you to suck and fuck me until you can’t suck and fuck anymore,” she said. “I’m going to try to be the best you’ve ever had in your life.”
Looking into her beautiful blue eyes, I walked up to her and knelt in front of her. Putting my hands behind her and gripping the ass that was the object of my dreams. I buried my face into her thighs, kissing and licking one, and then the other. From my knees, I surveyed Susan’s completely nude body. It was awesome and looked absolutely delicious.
I spread her legs slightly apart and put my head between them. Susan sensed what I wanted and squeezed her thighs as hard as she could around my head while she rubbed her pussy against my face. We both let out a loud moan.
I stood up and embraced Susan. Our tongues found each other and we kissed passionately. She told me to take off my clothes and began helping me by hurriedly unbuttoning my shirt and pants. When I got down to my underwear, Susan did the honors, slowly sliding them off. She ran her hands down my chest and then down my back. She then held my hard dick, squeezing it gently.
“You’ve got a beautiful dick,” she said.
His penis was huge. It was at least nine inches with a lovely mushroom head. There was no hair anywhere and it had a thickness to match its length. It dwarfed my husband’s rather average dick but, more importantly, it was beautiful. I wanted it so bad. I placed my lips on that beautiful head and got my first taste.
He gasped and said, “Susan, you’re going to make me cum before we even get started.”
“Then let’s skip the sucking and start fucking,” I said. “Fuck me now. I’m ready.”
“No, not yet,” he said. “I’m not doing anything until I eat your pussy and have you cum on my face.”
I laughed. “You’re the boss.”
He grabbed my hand and led me to the bed. “Lie down on your stomach and relax,” he instructed.
Roger: I will never forget the sight of this woman stretched out on that bed. Her body was a golden brown color and her ass was just out of this world. I crouched over her and started playfully licking her ears and the back of her neck.
With both hands, I began massaging her back all the way down to her thighs. Just touching her ass took my breath away. “Turn over and sit on my face,” I said. I stretched out on the bed and Susan sat on top of me, her pussy on my face. She began bouncing up and down on my face, soaking my face with her juices.
Feeling totally out of control, I told Susan to lie on her back. I went straight to her pussy, sucking on her extraordinary box as hard as I could. Her pussy was on fire and I strained to get my tongue deeper and deeper into this woman.
Susan screamed, “Oh you bastard. What the hell are you doing to me? I’ve got to have your dick now.”
We rose up and she cupped my balls with both hands, guiding my swollen dick into her hot mouth. The sensation was unbelievable. She began playing with my balls as she took my dick as far as down her throat as she could get it. With my dick filling her mouth, Susan then started groaning from deep inside her throat. I hollered loudly as she licked and sucked furiously.
“What a cock you’ve got,” she said, after removing it from her mouth. “I can’t wait for you to fuck with me with it. Damn, I’ve never been this turned on in my life.”
Susan lay on her side while I put my head between her tanned, rock-hard thighs. I opened her pussy lips with my left hand and plunged my tongue into her pussy. It was the hottest and best-tasting pussy I had ever encountered in my life. I fucked her with my tongue, in and out slowly and then faster and faster. I spread her pussy lips as far apart as I could and covered them with my mouth. I began sucking this woman’s pussy with all the energy left in me. Susan responded with a body-shattering orgasm that emptied all over my face.
We were both so consumed by a sexual fire that we were in an almost dreamlike state. Without taking a moment to rest, I rose up, telling Susan to lie on her back. Breathing heavily, I looked down into her lust-filled blue eyes and said, “Baby, it is time to do what we came here to do.”
“Oh, fuck yes,” she said. “Fuck me, fuck me with that big sweet dick.”
With one quick thrust, I buried my dick halfway inside Susan’s pussy, pausing only to let her get accustomed to the size. Her pussy was an inferno as I felt her walls tighten around my hard dick. In a normal sexual situation, I would try to take my time, alternating the speed of my thrusts. But this was no ordinary situation. Losing myself to unbridled lust, I started banging this woman just as hard and fast as I possibly could. It was an incredible moment. Susan and I were both yelling with pleasure as I kept pounding and pounding into her. Just moments after I entered her, we both came simultaneously, both of us shaking with the intensity of our incredible orgasms.
We clung to each other as we tried to catch our breath. I kissed Susan hard on the mouth and she returned the kiss passionately. “Oh shit,” she said. “That was so fantastic.”
“Susan,” I said. “I knew it would be like this with you but it was not over.” I continued to pound her never losing my erection. Two more orgasms for me and three or four more for her and we collapsed together still clinging tightly to the other.
We spent the next hour holding each other tightly. I explored Susan’s entire body with my hands and mouth and she did the same with me. We just kept kissing and kissing, unable to stop. I wanted to explore Susan’s ass with my hands and I wanted to take my time doing so. I alternated between rubbing and squeezing her ass cheeks. I then lightly ran my fingertips over her entire bottom, including the crack between her cheeks.
I reached down and inserted two fingers into her pussy then took the middle finger of my other hand and worked it into her ass. Susan was moaning and groaning, responding to my every touch. She reached down and began playing with my balls and shaft. The more she played with my dick, the harder it got.
I licked Susan’s ear and then whispered into it. “Turn over.”
Susan turned over and positioned herself on her knees, with her head resting on the pillow. What a sight! Susan’s ass pointed skyward as I moved myself into position. I took a few minutes to lick, suck and play with her ass and pussy. I then took my hard dick and buried it in her pussy. We both let out a gasp as I began fucking her, my hips slamming into her ass at each thrust. We were both in total ecstasy.
I tried to take my time and to savor every moment of this ultimate sexual experience. Susan was a woman that I dreamt about. And I realized my good fortune as I felt her reach another powerful orgasm. I followed moments later, slamming into Susan with one final thrust that forced my dick even deeper into her womb.
Being thoroughly satisfied, we decided to take a break and took a long, hot bath together. We had the greatest time, talking and laughing while we soaked in the hot soapy water. We took turns washing each other, using the opportunity to again explore each other’s flesh.
As we were drying off, I again marveled at Susan’s magnificent body. There she was, totally nude, the sexiest woman I’d ever seen, and I’d been fucking her. I had to be dreaming. Those tits, that ass, those thighs, that face, those lips, and oh those eyes! Her breasts were pomegranates of perfection. But I wasn’t dreaming. This was very real and I felt like the luckiest man on earth. Some may not see her as the vision of perfection that I did, but that didn’t matter to me. She was my dream girl.
I went out to fix myself a drink while Susan applied her makeup. I couldn’t wait to be in her arms again and when she came out of the bathroom I walked over to meet her. We kissed and I moved my hands down to her ass. She raised her right leg as I tried to get my dick into her pussy – but no success. I pulled her towards a wall and picked her up, her back resting against the wall. I then found her sweet hole and started fucking this beautiful naked woman.
“Oh fuck, fuck… fuck me hard, Roger,” she said.
My thrusts got harder and harder and Susan’s back kept slamming into the wall. My energy and legs started to fade so I carried Susan to the bed. I made sure my dick stayed in her pussy. On the bed, Susan locked her beautiful thighs around me and I finished with about ten more minutes of good, hard fucking. She was screaming, pulling my hair with one hand and clawing my back with the other.
We spent another thirty minutes talking while playfully and gently caressing each other. I had cum in her five times and she must have had ten orgasms. By the time we were ready to leave, both of us were exhausted but still in a dreamlike state.
“So what’s next Susan?” I said. “Now that we’ve started this, you know it is going to hard to stop anytime that we are together.”
Susan kissed me. “Damn, I can’t wait,” she said. “I’ll be dreaming about you inside of me.”
“Dream about it all you want,” I said. “As for me, I’ll be seeing your orgasms in my dreams.”
When I got in the car, I quickly put on my bra and panties. The bra I needed because it would have been obvious if I didn’t wear it. The panties because Roger had cum inside me five times and, without them, his evidence would have been running down my legs when I got home.
I had betrayed my wedding vows but I didn’t feel guilty. For the first time since I was a teenager, I felt wanted, loved and fulfilled. I certainly was filled and running over or running out would be more accurate.
Back home, my husband was still sitting in the same recliner with at least a dozen empty beer bottles on the coffee table beside him. I took one look at him and almost laughed at the contrast between the two men. As I went to put my coat away he asked, “Did you and the bitches have fun.”
I looked at him as he lay like a slug on the couch, watching TV and scratching his balls. I said, “Yeah, we had fun. I am going to bed because I have to get up early with the kids.”
The excitement of the evening did not wear off quickly. I couldn’t sleep that night as I kept turning the evening’s events over and over in my mind. What an incredible sexual animal Susan had been, easily the most fantastic woman I had ever been with. It wasn’t just the sex that was awesome. Our talks in bed had reinforced our talks online. She was beautiful inside and out. She was intelligent, funny and had such a loving attitude. She was also lonely, neglected and taken for granted. I was wishing that I had known her before either of us had married. I longed for her to have a better, more fulfilling live.
I emailed her the next morning and she said she’d also had trouble sleeping. I had an afternoon flight and asked what she was doing for breakfast.
“Having you,” was her response.
We met in the hotel lobby and had a quick but filling breakfast. I suspected that we would need the fuel for subsequent activities.
Susan and I were again alone in the hotel room by nine. When she got there, we exchanged kisses. She had brought me coffee with cream, nutmeg and cinnamon, just as I had described to her long ago in an email. I was amazed that she remembered that little detail. There was a brief period of silence while we both sipped our drinks. We just stared at each other for a long period of time.
“Susan,” I said finally, “take your pants off.” She smiled slightly and put her drink on the coffee table. She then unbuttoned her jeans and took them off… slowly.
She wasn’t wearing panties. Her pubic hair was well-trimmed, as it had been the night before, forming a perfect triangle between her tanned thighs. Even though she was in her early forties, Susan’s ass showed absolutely no signs of getting fat.
As she turned around, I said, “Have I ever told you that you are the most fantastic woman I’ve ever met in my life? I could give up food forever if I could just eat you for every meal. All I want to think about is you: your eyes, your mouth, your tits, your ass, your pussy, your thighs, every inch of you. But, more importantly, I love loving you.”
She said, “You don’t love being with me any more than I love being with you. Just thinking about us together makes me come. I love you eating my pussy more than anything in this world with the exception of lying next to you with my head on your chest.”
“That’s music to my ears,” I said. “So what are we waiting on? Come over here. I want you.”
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Susan said. She put her drink on the counter and walked toward me. As she approached, she pulled her sweater over her head. She was now completely naked.
I took a quick look at her tits as they bounced toward me. Her nipples were sticking straight out. I loved Susan’s nipples. They were rock hard and extremely sensitive.
I sat in the middle of the sofa and Susan stood right in front of me. “Sit on my lap,” I said. I helped her onto my lap and she put her arms around my neck. We squeezed each other tightly and kissed passionately, our tongues exploring with a fury. I played with her tits by massaging them before I intently concentrated on the nipples. Susan began squirming in her seat, breathing heavily.
I patted her on the ass and said, “Get up sweetheart. Let’s go to the bedroom.”
Susan stood, grasped my hand and quickly led me into the bedroom. At the side of the bed, Susan undressed me, slowly this time. She bent and took about half of my manhood into her mouth, using her tongue to apply pressure to the underside of my penis. She wasn’t trying to make me cum yet but was enjoying teasing and pleasing me. Then she stood and I embraced her, squeezing her naked body as tight as I could while kissing her passionately.
We separated and I lay down on the bed. She straddled me and inserted my swollen dick into her hot, wet pussy. Susan sank down on me, taking me deep until the tip of my mushroom head was pressed firmly against her cervix. We both yelled loudly as she fucked me as hard and fast and deep as she could. It took only a matter of minutes for both of us to explode.
We stayed locked together, waiting for our blood pressure to return to normal. I waited a few seconds but I couldn’t wait long. I rose up and started fucking her again. I just couldn’t get enough of this beautiful woman. Her body was built for one thing: making love to me. Not just fucking but truly making love, becoming one with each other.
While driving my dick in and out of this woman’s sweet pussy, I used my hands to explore her beautiful upper body. I put a hand under each shoulder and began moving them up and down, from shoulders to waist. I did this several times, moving my hands slowly while pressing firmly into the flesh of her lust-filled body. I then went to work on her tits. I massaged each firmly while Susan squirmed underneath me.
I love a woman’s nipples and Susan’s light pink nubs were extraordinary. I ran the palm of my hands over her tits, brushing the nipples slightly. Using my thumb and forefinger, I squeezed her nipples, lightly yet firmly. Susan was moaning loudly. She loved having me play with her sensitive tits.
I continued playing with her breasts while at the same time keeping my dick buried deep inside her pussy. After enjoying this for several more minutes, I reached behind Susan’s back and raised her into a sitting position while I leaned back into a sitting position. This way, Susan could sit in my lap with her legs locked around my hips.
I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and we both smiled. Instinctively, our mouths found each other and we began to wrestle with our tongues. We were on fire as we alternated taking each other’s tongue into our mouths and sucking. I reached down with both hands to caress Susan’s cute ass and pushed in as hard as I could against my pelvis. We fucked wildly, each of us hollering as our bodies slammed into each other. Susan screamed with pleasure as we both came in rapid successions, her juices emptying into my lap. For the first time in her life, her pussy started squirting as it also pulsed and milked the seed from my member.
We hugged each other tightly as our heart rates gradually returned to normal. I raised my head from her shoulder and kissed her lightly on the lips. I kissed her lightly again, and again, and again. Squeezing her tightly, I licked her shoulder and the back of her neck. I moved around and started licking her throat. Moving down, I put my tongue over her sweat-soaked tits and began licking furiously concentrating on her erect nipples. Unable to control myself, I tried to take her entire left tit in my mouth and I began sucking as she moaned loudly.
I moved my hands from her back down to her ass. Wedging my hands under her ass, I squeezed hard and pulled her pelvis forward to force her body even closer to me. We were close to being one flesh. With her breast still in my mouth and my hands gripping her ass, I maneuvered my dick inside her pussy. It was steaming. We began fucking like two wild animals, completely lost in each other.
With both of us covered in sweat and moaning loudly with pleasure, Susan shuddered and climaxed again. “Damn, damn, I can’t believe this,” she said, licking my face. “This is what making love is supposed to be like.”
I laughed as Susan kissed all over my face. “That’s just it,” I said. “It’s you. You bring it out of me. So I ask you: where did you learn to fuck like this?”
We laughed and stayed cradled together in bed for most of the day, touching, kissing and fondling each other. We talked both as friends and as new lovers. We knew that our sexual chemistry was a once-in-a-lifetime discovery.
As we left the room that day, Susan kissed me, put her hand on the side of my face, and said, “I’m so glad that you asked me to make love to you. I wanted you desperately but I would never have had the nerve to make it happen. You know, a lot of people think I fuck around because my husband is such a prick. But that’s not true. You’re the first.”
I replied, “You are the greatest friend and lover that any man could hope to have. You and I are going to explore everything there is to explore sexually between a man and a woman. So get ready. It’s going to be a marvelous ride.”
As we parted by her car with a long romantic kiss, I looked into those diamond-blue eyes and said, “Susan, I love you and always will. You are the love of my life.”
She replied, “I love you too. I want to give you something that I have never given anyone. Next time I want you to take my ass.”