“Please, Lisa, please,” begged Shelby, “even a little bit, please tell me.”
Lisa laughed then took another sip of her coffee. She looked at Shelby and smiled, enjoying the attention, sexual tension, and the pouty look from her friend.
“Why do you want to know so badly?” asked Lisa.
Shelby looked around the coffee shop to make sure no-one was close enough to hear. She leaned into Lisa while grabbing her free hand and squeezing it tightly.
“Because, while I was watching you two the other night,” she whispered, “I felt like I had some of the best sex I have had in a long time. And all I did was masturbate!”
Lisa laughed again, put her coffee down, then put her other hand on top of Shelby’s.
“Do you expect to have another orgasm, right here, if I told you what we did?” she said. Then a smirk appeared on her face, “I should tell you what he did to me and watch you squirm right here and now.”
“I don’t know what to expect,” whimpered Shelby, “I just really liked watching you two and I liked how good I felt when you two got excited watching me. Knowing what else you two did together is, well, I don’t know, maybe a chance for me to imagine different scenes in my head.”
“I’ll tell you what,” said Lisa, “let’s go someplace where we can talk in private and I will tell you.”
“Everything?” Shelby asked excitedly, “from the time I left to the time he took you home?”
“Mmmm,” said Lisa as she smiled at Shelby, “I am not sure about, everything, I will think about it.”
“UGH,” Shelby responded as they gathered their items and left the coffee shop, “You and your smirky, little, smiley, not telling me anything face. Ahhhh, you are going to make my head explode.”
Once they entered Lisa’s house, Shelby grabbed Lisa’s arm and pulled her to the couch.
“Okay, we are alone now,” she said excitedly, “now tell me everything!”
“What do you want to know, exactly?” said Lisa, “I mean, all of the details or just what happened?”
“I want to know everything,” Shelby said breathlessly, “from the time I left until the time he dropped you off at home. Everything, every detail.”
“After you left,” Lisa began, “we started kissing again. Jase likes to rub his hand in my pubic hair as we kiss. He was rubbing my hair, kissing me, but not touching my clit or sliding his fingers in me. It was driving me crazy. I kept trying to position myself so his fingers would enter me, but when I did, he would grip my pubes in his hand and hold me still. That drove me crazier and made me wetter. He knows how to take control and make me do what he wants without being mean. It makes me feel safe and wanted.”
“Mmm, safe and wanted,” Shelby repeated.
“We stopped kissing and I laid my head on his lap. While he rubbed my hair, I was running my finger up and down his cock. Sometimes I would cup his balls in my hand and squeeze and pull. He likes that and I like hearing his breathing change when I do that to him.”
Shelby had put her hands together and put them between her legs.
Lisa looked at Shelby’s hands, then her face, and smiled.
“Are you getting turned on a little bit?” she asked. “You like hearing about me touching my Daddy in naughty ways?”
“I am,” she said, “but keep going. It doesn’t matter where I put my hands.”
They both laughed when Lisa put her hands together and slid them between her legs.
“Where was I,” said Lisa as she laughed at Shelby’s frustrated groan, “oh yeah, we were rubbing each other. Jase was starting to get hard again and I would turn my head and kiss his shaft then lick it up and down. Me using my mouth, made him forget that he was trying to tease me because he began to circle and rub my clit. I opened my legs and he began to finger me. He knows how to take me to the edge then stop. It gets so intense that I begin to pump and buck my hips and not realize I am even doing it.”
“Kind of like how I put my hands next to my crotch,” said Shelby, “I mean, I didn’t know I was even doing that until you looked at them.”
She stuck her tongue out and Lisa returned the gesture.
“Exactly,” Lisa said, “I get lost in the moment and let my body do what it wants. That is how safe I feel.”
She looked at Shelby and was surprised to see her expression change from a look of cloudy bliss, to a look of question.
“Are you okay?” Lisa asked, “Your expression just changed. Kind of like you were really happy then you had a question or a concern.”
“Huh,” she said as she shook her head, “my expression changed? Wow, I was watching your face, and your expression changed too. You went from happy eyes to almost a mysterious and very naughty look in your eyes. Now, I am really curious.”
“My eyes changed huh,” Lisa said, “well, the look in my eyes? That is interesting, because, I kind of flashed back to that night when I said I felt safe. It was the most unsafe, yet safe, feeling I have ever had in my life.”
“You are totally not making any sense,” Shelby whined, “tell me what happened.”
“Where was I,” Lisa muttered, “Oh yeah, he was fingering me and I was moving my hips. I couldn’t take it much more, so I straddled him and slid his cock into me. I sat on him, put my arms around his neck, and kissed him. I didn’t grind or ride him, I just felt his girth stretch me and his length fill me while we kissed. Then you messaged me.”
“I am so sorry,” Shelby said then giggled, “I had no idea you two were doing that. I figured you were showering or taking a break or something. Did he get hard again that quickly? Wow!”
“Yes, he did. He always does,” Lisa continued, “So I kissed him again and he asked if I was going to read my message. I told him no then kissed him again. He then said it may be you and you needed help. Well, that made me stop and go get my phone.”
“Sorry,” Shelby said while blushing, “I didn’t know what you two were doing and I wanted to let you know that I put your purse in Jase’s car.”
“There is no need to apologize,” said Lisa, “he used that interruption as a set-up for what he had planned.”
“What he had planned?” Shelby questioned, “I thought you said you wanted to try some new stuff.”
“Well, I did, but he had other plans,” Lisa said while biting her lip, “he planned on fulfilling one of my fantasies and your message helped him set it in motion.”
“Set what in motion?” Shelby begged, “You are dragging this out because you know it is killing me!”
“What do you know about Predator/prey?” Lisa asked, “as far as a kink or sexual play.”
“Not much,” Shelby gulped, “actually other than one is a hunter and the other is hunted, not much at all.”
“Instead of trying to define it, because people define it differently,” Lisa began, “I will tell you what happened.”
Both Shelby and Lisa adjusted their hands between their legs as Lisa began.
“After I sent you a message thanking you for putting my purse in the car, I turned back toward Jase. He asked if you were okay and I told him you were, and you had put my purse in his car. He said you needed a spanky because you were sending a message while you were driving.”
“He what,” Shelby exclaimed, “A spanky? What? I mean, seriously? Like how he was spanking you a little bit when you were sitting on his lap?”
“Mmmhmmm,” Lisa said as she bit her lip, “like that, kinda. But, a little more intense. I am getting a little wetter just thinking about it.”
“You like that?” questioned, Shelby, “I don’t know if I would. Maybe I would. I don’t know. Wait, stop getting me off track. Finish your story.”
“I didn’t get off track at all,” said Lisa, “You are the one wanting to feel your bottom sting from the skin on skin contact. The warmth of your cheeks after he reminds you that you are worth the attention and showing you that he cares by you getting spanked.”
“That really shows he cares,” Shelby asked, “I mean, it does sound very hot. But, how does it show he cares?”
“Should you have been sending me a message while you were driving,” asked Lisa, “was that safe to do?”
“No,” answered Shelby.
“When you get spanked,” she continued, “he would remind you of why you are getting a spanking. That way, if you are tempted to do it again, you will think about how it made him sad that you did something that could have hurt you or others.”
“I never thought of it that way,” said Shelby, “but what if I liked the spanking and want to do things to cause him to spank me more?”
“There is a difference between being a brat to get spankings and getting spanked because you did something to make him upset or sad,” Lisa said, “I don’t do things that could harm me or others on purpose to get spanked. I will do things like, leaving his dresser drawers open or having the heat turned down so it will be colder in the house when it is cold outside. Those are a couple of things I do that let Daddy know I need to feel his Dominance on my bottom.”
“You make it sound so sexy,” said Shelby, “sexy and caring. I had never thought about that. Now get back to what you two did after I left!”
“Okay, okay,” Lisa laughed, “After I put my phone down, I started to walk towards him but he stood up. I asked if something was wrong and he said no, but I should get my purse out of the car. I told him it would be fine, there is no one around for miles. He said I should put on my pants and shirt and go get my purse just in case. Then he said when I come back in, to go around the back to the screened-in porch with the jacuzzi. I kissed him, got my pants and shirt on, then went out the front door.”
“I am surprised he had you do that,” Shelby said, “you have always said he goes and gets things for you, holds the door, and other gentlemanly things.”
“He does,” Lisa said quickly, “but, I was so excited that he wanted to play in the jacuzzi, I didn’t think about his change of behavior. I ran out of the door and went to the car, got my purse, and in my excitement I went back to the front door of the cabin. He had locked it. I stood there and knocked on the door for a few minutes before I remembered he said to go around to the back. I didn’t have shoes on and it was getting dark, so I had to walk carefully around the side of the cabin. I reached the back door and tried it. It was locked too. I could see the jacuzzi through the screen and noticed another outside door on the other side of the room. So, I began to walk around the back of the cabin and that is when he pounced on me.”
“Pounced on you,” Shelby exclaimed, “What do you mean pounced on you?”
“He is the Predator,” Lisa said very matter of factly, “I am the prey. The Predator pounces on his prey.”
“What happened?” Shelby asked leaning forward, “What happened when he pounced on you?”
“I screamed,” said Lisa as her eyes opened wide, “I screamed and began to swing my arms and legs.”
“What did he do,” asked Shelby.
“He picked me up and carried me down a trail in the woods,” Lisa continued, “I was still screaming and flailing around but it didn’t do any good. He had his arms around my waist lifting me up and taking me into the dark.”
“What would he have done if someone heard you?” Shelby said with her eyes as wide as Lisa’s, “I mean, I guess you weren’t screaming softly.”
“Oh, no,” replied Lisa, “they were full adrenaline, top of my lungs, and sheer terror screams. The weird thing was, I knew I was safe. I was with Jase, in his arms, and he would not let anything happen to me, but, I had told him many times how I wanted to play Predator/prey but I had no idea how I would react. Well, now I realized, it terrified me. It was great!”
“Great,” exclaimed Shelby, “you were terrified and you say it was great?”
“Mmhmm,” moaned Lisa as she pressed her hands onto her clit a little tighter, “it was great. The rush of adrenaline, the fear of the unknown, the feel of his arms around me, carrying me to who knows where. It was a total and complete rush. Don’t get me wrong, I was excited and aroused too. Very much aroused. But the act itself scared me and I kept screaming, Daddy, Daddy, over and over again at the top of my lungs.”
“What would you have done if someone heard you?” Shelby said as she too pressed her hands tighter and began to rock her hips, “someone could have called the police.”
“Jase is a planner,” Lisa replied, “I believe he chose that particular cabin for a reason. The closest neighbor is about three miles away in any direction. If someone did hear anything, they would think it was some type of animal or something.”
“He just let you scream while he was carrying you?” Shelby asked, “He didn’t tell you to be quiet?”
“Nope,” said Lisa, “not at all. I think he wanted me to get all worked up like that. Actually, I am pretty sure he wanted me to be worked up.”
“Wow,” said Shelby, “what happened next?”
“He carried me deeper into the woods,” continued Lisa, “Well, it felt like we were deep in the woods. We could have been fifty feet from the cabin for all I know. Anyway, he put me down, still keeping his arms wrapped around me, then held me up against a tree. He had unwrapped his arms and was pushing my lower back so that I was facing and against the tree. He growled, ‘Don’t move,’ then pulled his hand away.”
“He growled,” asked Shelby, “He really growled when he said that? I never thought I would say this, but, that is pretty sexy. What did you do?”
“Yes, he really did growl when he told me to not move,” said Lisa, “What do you mean what did I do? I stayed right there and didn’t move. I had stopped screaming but tears were going down my cheeks. He walked next to me, leaned down, and kissed the tear from my cheek. He was checking on me and was giving me a chance to use our safe word. I just sniffled and smiled at him. He said, ‘good girl’ then stepped away. His low voice, in a whisper, with everything that just happened, and was happening was too much for me. It sent me over the edge and I had to grip the tree with my hands because the orgasm hit me so quickly my knees buckled.”
“You came when he called you a good girl,” Shelby said in awe, “that is intense, Lisa, so intense.”
“Before I stopped shaking,” said Lisa, “He had brought out his knife and started cutting my shirt off of me from the top down. Then he cut my pants off. Once he pulled my clothes away he spanked my bottom with his hand.”
“He cut your clothes off too,” Shelby said in astonishment, “Good grief, that is too much. I mean, it is exciting, um, I am excited thinking about it, but, he cut your clothes off of you in the woods. Come on Lisa, that stuff doesn’t really happen. Wait, why did he spank you?”
“Well, he cut my pants partway down then ripped them the rest of the way,” Lisa said as she too pressed her hands tighter into her and began to rock, “That show of rawness made me cum again. But, that is not why he spanked me. He spanked me because I responded to your message.”
“He spanked you because I messaged you,” yelled Shelby as she threw her hands in the air, “That’s not right and you know it. He had no reason to spank you because I messaged you while I was driving. You didn’t do anything wrong. You didn’t know I was going to message you.”
Lisa started to laugh as she grabbed Shelby’s hands, closed them back together, then placed them between Shelby’s legs.
“Calm down,” she said as she put her own hands between her legs, “He didn’t spank me because you messaged me, he spanked me because I messaged you back. I knew you were driving and yet I still messaged you. I put you in danger. He knows how much you mean to me and in a moment of me not thinking clearly, I put you in danger. The spanking, even though it caused me to cum again, twice actually, was a good reminder to not put someone in danger with a lapse in thought.”
“You came twice because of the spanking?” Shelby questioned, “it is really that exciting?”
“To me, it is,” answered Lisa, “He doesn’t stand there and swing his hand, or paddle, or whatever we decide to use, over and over until he gets tired. He does it with purpose, he soothes the impact points by rubbing them or even kissing them sometimes. He says he can tell from how much heat my bottom is giving off if I am learning my lesson. It is very sensual and it shows me that he really cares.”
“Wow,” said Shelby.
“You have been saying that a lot,” laughed Lisa, “I take it that it is a good wow.”
Shelby nodded her head yes then waited for Lisa to continue.
“After he finished spanking me,” said Lisa, “He made me turn around and rest my back against the tree. He lifted my arms above my head and tied my wrists together then tied them to the tree by wrapping the rope. After my wrists, he made me spread my legs…”
“Wait, wait, wait,” interrupted Shelby, “where did he get the rope. You are making all of this up aren’t you?”
“I told you that he plans everything out,” Lisa replied, “He had picked out the tree earlier and had put his knife, rope, and other things in a bag next to the tree earlier in the day. And, no, I am not making all of this up, you brat, remember the scrapes between my shoulder blades you asked me about the other day?”
“I do remember,” answered Shelby, “you wouldn’t have gotten scrapes just by leaning against a tree.”
Lisa’s eyes got the same look of mystery and naughtiness she had earlier in their conversation.
“He had me spread my legs while he tied my ankles and wrapped the rope around the tree,” Lisa continued, “I was so wet, every little breeze felt like a kiss of ice on my pussy.”
Lisa moaned and continued to rub herself through her pants as she listened.
“I could see his face in the moonlight,” Lisa said in a hoarse voice, “He was staring at me and I could not look away from his eyes. He was looking into me and I could feel every bit of his want and desire for me. He stepped forward, grabbed my throat with one hand, began to finger me with the other, then stole my breath with his kisses. Literally, stealing my breath. When he would back away, I would lean forward to offer him my mouth again. I only wanted to breathe him and did not want air.”
Shelby pulled her knees together tightly as she reached an orgasm. She leaned her body on the back of the couch until her breathing slowed.
“I am going to beat you up,” Shelby said while giggling, “I can’t believe you made me do that just now.”
When she opened her eyes, she saw Lisa leaning on the back of the couch with her eyes closed and her cheeks flushed.
“Did you?” Shelby squeaked, “Did you just cum too?”
“Mmhmm,” whispered Lisa, “watching you and thinking of what he did to me took me over the edge.”
“I want to know the rest,” pleaded Shelby, “please finish.”
“I may cum again if I do,” replied Lisa, “I am still throbbing.”
“I am throbbing too,” said Shelby, “If we cum, we cum, now finish the story.”
“Okay,” continued Lisa, “he was fingering me and making me cum time after time as he kissed me, sucked on my nipples, bit me, and marked me. I could not stop cumming. Then, he took off his shorts and entered me, pushing me up against the tree with his body. The bark scraped on my back a little but the bite of it took me to another level of pleasure. He gripped the tree with his hands while he was thrusting into me and pulled the top part of his body back. When he came, he moaned and growled the whole time he was filling me. I think I moaned and kept screaming yes Daddy or something. I honestly can’t remember. Anyway, when he stopped cumming, he leaned into me again and kissed me deeply.”
“Is that how you got the scrapes on your back?” asked Shelby, “you said he pulled his body away from you. It sounds like he didn’t want to cause you to get the scrapes.”
“I didn’t say the scrapes were from the tree,” Lisa said with a smirk, “and, I didn’t say we were finished.”
Shelby looked at her with wide and unbelieving eyes.
“He untied my wrists from the tree but kept the rope around them,” said Lisa, “then he untied my ankles. We stood and kissed for a long time as he held me tightly. Then, I needed to taste us on him so I kneeled and began to clean him with my mouth.”
“That is so freaking sexy,” bellowed Shelby, “what about the scrapes?”
“I am getting to that,” laughed Lisa, “he was getting hard as I was sucking him so he stood me up, bent me over, and tied me to the tree, bent over like I was hugging it. He began to ram into me while holding onto my hips, once again keeping me from getting scraped by the tree.”
“The scrapes, Lisa, the scrapes,” cried Shelby!
“As I was saying,” Lisa said as she began to rub herself harder, “he was ramming me from behind. Holding my hips, smacking my butt from time to time, then he reached forward and grabbed my shoulders. He was in me deeper than he has ever been. I was moaning or yelling or something because it felt so good. Then it happened.”
“What happened?” asked Shelby as her rubbing intensified.
“I didn’t want the feeling to end so I tried to squeeze my pussy around him as tightly as I could,” purred Lisa, “when I did, he let go of my shoulders and scraped his fingernails down my back as he came.”
They stared into one another’s eyes as they orgasmed. The room was silent for a long time as they reclined on the couch.
“I think I am sorry for causing you to get spanked,” giggled Shelby after they composed themselves, “I am not sure if I am sorry or not.”
“There is no need to be sorry,” said Lisa, “I deserve more spankings than what I get.”
“Oh really,” laughed Shelby, “I do have a question about Mr. planner Jase.”
“Okay,” replied Lisa, “Ask away.”
“Did he drop you off at your house naked the next day since he ruined your clothes?”
“No,” Lisa laughed, “He had bought me new clothes and had them hanging in the closet the whole time. I told you, he planned on letting me experience my fantasy and he had planned it from beginning to end. Your phone call just added to his plan.”
“Wow,” Shelby said, reusing her favorite expression, “I wish I could feel wanted like that. It would be wonderful to feel desired.”
“You are wanted,” replied Lisa, “You are desired.”
Lisa leaned forward, put her hand on the side of Shelby’s face, and kissed her deeply.