It’s incredible how well you sleep when you have nothing on your mind to worry about. My brief taste of lesbian sex whetted my appetite for more. Depending on her mood or situation, Triana could be a sweet and passionate lover. I wanted to explore slowly now that I’ve had a sample.
As usual, Triana was in the kitchen when I finished dressing and wandered in. Since no one else was up, we hugged and kissed good morning. It would have been nice to wake up with her next to me, but that would have to wait. It may never happen, but it was nice to think about.
This morning’s breakfast was tamal asado, and it went perfectly with coffee and the warm sun peeking through the Costa Rican jungle. This house was quite different than the other two we’d stayed at in a few ways. It felt more like a home than the other. Warm, cozy, and because I lost my girl cherry, very special.
As I sat sipping and eating, I wondered how often a woman who thought she was straight discovers that she likes another woman in her bed; I’m sure there are statistics somewhere. But I wasn’t going to look for them.
Ines joined me with her breakfast shortly before Megan. We started talking about our day but decided to wait for Megan.
We said our good mornings as Megan sat beside Ines across from me. Triana soon joined us, and we started talking about La Selva. It’s a biological station or, as Ines described it, ‘school’.
It offered classes in the field—bird watching, nature photography, and a scientist for a day thingy. You can also take a small launch cruising the Río Sarapiquí river. Ines would pay for whatever we wanted to do, and it was part of the tour. We could also walk the paths in the rainforest and come back at night to walk them because they are much better than the ones we’d previously walked.
I thought about it, and the river cruise sounded good, but we’d have to go tomorrow after getting up early since they start at seven.
I told them I’d rather stay here today and listen to birds from the deck. The cruise was tomorrow, and I’d go on that. But I’d had enough roaming around in the jungle. Staying here sounded better than going to a school. I could lounge around all day, working on my tan before we hit the beaches.
Megan asked if I was feeling alright. I laughed, telling her I was and this vacation was all for her. I’ve had fun, but I’d rather be on a beach or pool; I’d had enough birds for a while.
She said sure and asked Ines if that was alright to do. Ines said of course it was, and it’s our vacation. Triana said I could stay if I wanted. She was going to do laundry and maybe go to the store.
So, it was settled. I stayed home, and Megan went with Ines to find more birds.
Before they left, I changed into my bikini and sarong, grabbed my book, and sat on the deck reading. Megan hugged me goodbye, and I told her to have fun.
Triana started our laundry after cleaning up the kitchen. Ines and Megan had been gone about an hour and a half when she walked out in only her string bikini bottoms. Unconsciously, I licked my lips when I saw those sweet brown breasts. I grinned as she took my book and set it on the table next to my lounger.
Triana straddled me at my hips, leaned in, and kissed me. I slipped my hands behind her, holding her close as our lips met. Her bare skin felt warm and soft in my palms as she pressed her sweet breasts into mine as we lay kissing. After a few minutes, Triana raised up, her hands on either side of my head. She looked directly into my eyes, and I could see her hunger.
Triana had a naughty grin, “Are you really tired of looking at birds, Silvia?”
I smiled as I nodded, “Yes, I am. I’d rather be with you if I’m not in your way.”
I felt her hips move back and forth against me, “You are in my way, Silvia, and it feels good. Do you like that?”
“Yes, you feel lovely, Triana.”
Triana kissed me again, and our tongues danced as we lay there enjoying each other’s passion. When she broke our kiss, she suggested we go to my bed. She hadn’t washed the sheets yet and would gladly do them later. I blushed as she left my lap. Extending her hand, I got off the lounger, grasping her smaller hand.
We went to my room, not bothering to close the door. I was nervous as Triana stood with me at the side of the bed. She noticed my anxiousness, gently pulling me to face her.
Triana whispered, “There is nothing to be nervous about, Silvia. I know you want this, and I’ve wanted it since I first saw you. May I remove your swimsuit for you? I promise nothing we do will hurt. I hope it will be something you’ll desire forever.”
I blushed, telling her, “You know it’s my first time. It’s so different. I don’t know why I feel like this, but I know you’ll take care of me, Triana. You’re sweet and gentle, and yes, you may remove my bikini.”
She smiled, and we kissed again, her hands wrapping around me as she untied my top. When that was free, she reached down to my hips to untie the bows holding up my bottoms. The bottoms dropped from my hips easily. We had to break our kiss for my top to hit the floor.
I blushed, standing there naked for a girl almost half my age who was about to show me what intimacy between two women could be like. In my wildest dreams, I never imagined this could take place.
Triana smiled as my top fell to the floor. She looked into my eyes, then bent a little lower to suckle one breast. Her hands held my hips as she nursed. My knees weakened as her tongue toyed with my nipple. Reaching up, I cupped her head in my hands, holding her face to my breast, delighted with her attention.
She switched breasts as I moaned and praised her. After a few moments, she let my breast go and looked up at me with dark brown eyes.
She whispered, “Let’s get in bed, my love.”
I shivered, then threw back the sheet and climbed in. Triana slipped out of her bikini bottoms to join me. I asked her to wait momentarily as I looked over her delicious mocha skin. I could barely see a tan line on her exquisite frame.
Triana blushed as I devoured her with my eyes. She was perfect in every way. When she joined me on the bed, we lay facing each other, kissing and touching, teasing and exploring. Our bodies melded into one as our legs entwined. I love kissing, and Triana was an excellent kisser. She kissed my lips, cheeks, forehead, neck, and earlobes. I felt so aroused and thought I would explode with her kisses alone.
But, she paused, rolled me over on my back, then straddled me as she did earlier. Only this time, she sat a little higher on my body. I placed my hands on her tiny waist and looked up at her. I focused on those perky, sweet breasts. She smiled, placing her hands on either side of my head, her chest inches away from my face.
Triana lowered her breasts to my mouth, whispering, “I know you’ve looked at me and wondered how they would taste. They are yours now, Silvia. Enjoy.”
She was right. I’d had visions and wondered what it would be like to suckle her perfect breasts. Now I had them to play with and explore.
I started flicking one nipple with my tongue. Triana gasped as I used the tip to circle her tiny areola. I delighted in the feel of the little bumps against my tongue. When I opened my mouth to suckle, I thought Triana was going to have a heart attack. She moaned loudly as I toyed with her breast I was afraid someone would come see what was going on, but we were alone. I tugged at her nipple with my teeth, then sucked harder, feeling it against the roof of my mouth.
I could feel Triana’s arousal as it warmed my skin where she sat on me. She began moving her hips back and forth as I nursed one breast and the other. They felt different but exciting, not too big and not too small. I’d suckled Lloyd once or twice during our marriage. Triana’s breasts felt better than my sweet husband’s.
I released her breast and then looked up at her. Triana smiled as she slipped down, so her pussy was against mine. Her slim body was between my legs as she moved up and down me from her waist, our labia grinding against each other slowly as if she were a man without a penis fucking me.
I watched her body move up and down, with her eyes focused on mine. My hands pressed her ass into me as we continued this for quite some time. When Triana stopped, she kissed down my torso to end up with her face in my nether region.
I spread my legs as she adjusted her position. My darling Triana began kissing my inner thighs, licking them occasionally. I rolled my head back into the pillow, not believing how wonderful she made me feel. When her tongue entered me, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. That is until she poked the tip of it under my hood and found my clit.
She moved her hands to cup my ass as she flicked my clit. I could feel that familiar sensation while she buried her face into my pussy. Triana varied the motion of her tongue, playing with my little nub, licking my labia, back inside me, out sucking in my lip, then back inside. My loving Lloyd was never this good.
I shuddered, shook, convulsed, called out Triana’s name, and pressed my heel into her back as she expertly brought me to one of the most eye-opening climaxes I’ve ever experienced. She could feel my body tremble but didn’t back off until I asked her to stop. She still licked to clean me up, smiling and looking over my body and into my eyes as she did.
I felt like I was in another world, unsure which one, but I never wanted to leave it.
Triana joined me at the top of the bed, her sweet cheeks covered in my mess. We kissed and held each other until my heart slowed down to its regular rate. We cuddled like that, legs wrapped together, whispering back and forth for a long time.
Nothing was rushed; we had all day, and it was getting close to ten. I couldn’t believe we’d been making love for at least an hour. Now it was my turn to try and please Triana.
To start, I nuzzled her neck, softly kissing and licking. I’d playfully bite her skin, but not enough to leave a mark. Then down her front to suckle and tease her breasts. Back and forth, I went, loving how they fit in my mouth.
Triana squirmed and giggled as I crossed over her flat tummy with my tongue, leaving a trail of saliva as I went further South. My doll spread her legs as I moved further down her. Her aroma was something I’d never encountered before, and I found it to be arousing.
I lay half on my side, parting her legs with my hand, my head resting on her thigh just below her hip. Licking her glistening dark pubic hairs, I finally tasted my young lover.
I decided to use my tongue as Triana did to me. So, I explored a bit until I found her clit.
Triana encouraged me, telling me how good I was doing and how to do it. Unlike me, she knew what she wanted my tongue to do, so I did it. She wasn’t demanding, more like a guide. Since this was my first time, I listened and did what she wanted.
Triana was already aroused when I began going down on her. She had me back off several times to extend her pleasure. I wasn’t concerned because I was enjoying myself and didn’t mind learning how to please her.
She suggested I use one finger in addition to my tongue, so in it went. Then back and forth in her as I explored. Her body vibrated, and her voice cracked when she told me she loved my touch. I smiled as I gradually inserted a second finger into my lover.
Another few minutes lapsed, and Triana’s body stiffened and then relaxed as she climaxed. I continued enjoying her with my tongue as she peaked and gradually calmed down from my efforts.
When it was all over, another forty-five minutes had passed. I was astounded.
Once again, we lay cuddling, whispering sweet nothings to each other. Triana suggested we shower, then she’d wash the sheets, and we could have lunch. She didn’t want any trace of our lovemaking around to cause suspicions from her cousin or my daughter. I thanked her as we rolled out of bed, then headed to the shower.
Once in, we started playing again, kissing, touching, soaping each other down, and exploring each other’s bodies. I was smitten; Triana made sex fun, something I hadn’t felt in a long time.
We dried using only one towel again, then dressed. We stripped the bed, kissing and playing around as we did. Triana started the washing machine looking at the clock to be sure we had plenty of time to fold and put them away before the girls returned. I helped her make the bed, hoping the aroma of sex would dissipate before their return.
Triana made us lunch as I watched her in the kitchen, wondering how delicious life would be with her as a personal chef and lover. We ate leftovers from the previous night’s dinner and it was still yummy.
After lunch, we headed out to the deck to talk and sit, enjoying the sounds of the jungle around us. Triana checked the laundry, dried it, and I helped fold and put it away.
We returned to the deck, lounging until Ines and Megan got home. I felt a little naughty, but not too much. My first lesbian experiences were perfect, and I hoped we’d have time to explore more before I had to leave and go back to the life I temporarily left behind.
I woke, showered, dressed, and went to get breakfast.
Ines and mom were up before me and were talking as I sat down. Ines explained what we were doing today and the next day. Mom thought about it and decided she’d do the river cruise tomorrow but not the hiking stuff today. I was a little disappointed, but I could see her reasoning. She liked birding, but not as much as me. So, she stayed home to relax and work on her tan while Ines and I went to the station.
We finished breakfast, got all our gear together, then headed out.
We left for the station, and as usual, Ines and I played our games. It was different not having mom in the back seat watching us and the scenery as we giggled and flirted.
You know when you have a secret, and it’s a good secret you feel like telling people, but you know you can’t, and it’s killing you? That’s how I felt. I was wondering how I could tell mom I was almost falling in love with Ines. I know, it’s silly; she’s the first girl I’ve had serious sexual thoughts about. But it feels like that, I guess. I’ve never been in love before. This was new and exciting, and I had to tell someone!
We parked at the station and looked around some. It was a nice place with lots of tourists going in different directions. We discovered they had a five-thirty in the morning avian walk. I looked at Ines shaking my head; no way. We laughed, and Ines thanked me for not wanting to get up early enough to do the walk, besides we’d have to stay an additional day because of the cruise tomorrow.
There’s a chocolate factory at the station, and that’s where we headed after our brief tour of the station grounds. It was interesting to see how they make chocolate from cocoa beans. From there, we hiked around, spotting birds and little jungle creatures.
Triana packed a nice lunch for us again. We ate after hiking, with some chocolate from the factory as dessert.
Mom had it right, and this wasn’t something for her. Even though it was interesting, I preferred being on my own, wandering the trails for birds. Ines was an excellent guide, and we had fun playing around while hiking.
I missed mom not being on our little excursion. I’m sure she had a relaxing day around the house, reading, listening to birds, and probably napping in the sun.
When we returned, Triana met us with fruit, and mom was napping on the shady deck. I hated to wake her; she was snoring and smiling as we peeked at her. But I told her hello, showered, and changed into my kini.
I was getting used to wearing that tiny thing, and it made me feel sexy. Mom didn’t complain about me wearing it because we weren’t in public. That would change soon when we headed to the beach.
Dinner was fantastic, as usual, and we sat on the deck, sipping wine and talking about our day. The cruise was in the morning, and we had to get up early. So, in bed and asleep early after a so-so day.