Seduction in Paradise: Part 12


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I rose earlier than my sleeping beauty. I got up to use the bathroom; when I entered it, I paused to look at the dildo. It almost looked real, and I enjoyed being on the receiving end. Now I was curious about the giving end. Seeing how it felt in me was tempting, but it was clean, and I didn’t want to have to clean it again. Maybe someday, with another lover, I’d find out. For now, I’d keep it in my thoughts.

After using the toilet, I went back to bed; Triana slowly woke up as I lay looking at her. I didn’t mention taking her home or inviting her to visit. I knew later tonight we’d all cry when saying goodbye. Our flight departing San Jose was at one thirty in the morning. We had to be there at least two hours ahead of time to deal with customs. So, today we’d pack, make love a few times, and enjoy Ines and Triana.

We had no clue what Triana was going to make for dinner. I was sure it would be something spectacular. Maybe when we returned, she’d be working as a chef somewhere in San Jose. I only wished the best for my first sweet lesbian lover.

Triana rolled over as I slipped back into bed, smiling, “Can we make love before breakfast, mamacita? Por favor?”

How could I say no?

I smiled and nodded, “Si, mi bebita.”

Triana giggled, jumped out of bed, and got the dildo. I should have expected that; I wouldn’t say no to my doll.

She slipped back into bed, leaving the dildo on the nightstand. We started kissing and touching to work ourselves up. I wouldn’t have minded continuing this way to see where it led. But, Triana had her heart set on the fake penis.

After a few minutes, we broke our embrace. I got out of bed, found the lube, and applied it to the smaller end of the dildo. Triana sat on the edge of the bed, watching me as I eased it in. It was strange having Triana watch me as I placed the dildo in and adjusted it. When I thought I had it right, I let go, and it stayed1

Now the real test began. Triana took the lube as I stood in front of her. She put some on the penis part and some on her fingers. She did as I had, rubbing it on like she was giving me a handjob. I could feel the dildo inside me rubbing against my clit as she worked the lube up and down the shaft.

Now, this gadget made perfect sense.

When mi bebita finished, she got on all fours on top of the bed, then looked at me smiling. I’d never positioned myself like that for Lloyd. This was going to be interesting.

I climbed back onto the bed, getting close to Triana’s cute little tush. She was ready. However, I took my time teasing her with the tip of the penis, slowly in and out between her legs, warming her up.

I heard her whimper and whisper, “Por favor, mamacita.”

I replied, “Si, bebita.”

Backing up slightly, I eased the tip into her. It slipped nicely between her lips as she whispered, “Gracias, mamacita.”

Next, I started moving back and forth, not taking it out before pushing it back in. As my confidence built, so did my reaction to the small part inside me. I was feeling terrific as I continued humping away.

When I grabbed Triana’s hips, she told me to go faster and harder. I’m glad I wasn’t that far out of shape because it was exhausting being on my knees behind Triana and using muscles I usually don’t use.

We did manage to achieve our orgasms, with Triana cumming first, with me not far behind. When I withdrew, I collapsed on the bed next to my love. Both of us were smiling, giggling, and satisfied. We lay like that for a few minutes letting our heartbeats return to normal.

The dildo was still in me, sticking up as I lay on my back. It was another strange sight as I looked down at my body to see it sticking up. Triana rose first, gently removing it from me. She got out of bed to use the bathroom and wash Ines’s toy. I soon joined her, and we showered, kissed, and caressed each other.

We dressed in our bikini bottoms a little late and went to the kitchen for breakfast and coffee. I wasn’t surprised that Megan and Ines were still in their room. They were probably doing something similar to what Triana and I did. It was going to be a long day, packing and saying goodbye.

Since our two love birds were still sleeping, or at least not in the kitchen, Triana only made coffee. When I asked what she planned on making for breakfast, she replied, gallo pinto with lizano sauce.

I watched as she put it all together. It looked nice, like a rainbow, with rice, beans, garlic, onion, bell pepper, and cilantro. We continued waiting for about thirty minutes, then gave up and had our breakfast.

Ines and Megan showed up as we finished washing the dishes. Triana didn’t mind, and she poured their coffee and fixed plates for them as I waited at the table.

Midway through my second cup, Megan asked what we had planned for the day. I replied, packing, and making love. This time she was sipping her coffee. Luckily, she has excellent reflexes and blocked any from spewing on us.

Ines and Triana laughed, and eventually, Megan did also. I tried to keep a straight face but burst out laughing with them. I also said we needed to nap at some point or drink a lot more coffee due to our flight time.

Megan got me back, suggesting we nap after making love. After another round of laughter, we settled down and decided to spend time at the beach and in the pool. Triana planned a special dinner for us, but she wouldn’t say what it was. It would take time to fix, so she’d leave us after lunch to begin preparing it. She didn’t need any distractions, so she’d appreciate it if we let her cook and not bother her. If she needed help, she’d ask for it.

Ines was happy to hang out with Megan and me doing nothing but relaxing. She appreciated us spending time with her and Triana and hoped we’d enjoyed our visit. We started tearing up, but Ines said to stop it. We could do that later. After more laughs, hugs, and a couple of tears, we moved out to the beach to swim, rub sunblock on each other, and relax.

Triana and Megan decided to go for a swim in the ocean, leaving Ines and me to talk. When they were out of sight, Ines asked if we used the dildo. I was half expecting the question; I looked at her and smiled. She giggled, asking which end did I use.

I told her both. Her eyes lit up as she asked which I preferred. I thought momentarily and told her the giving end. Ines blushed at that statement. Then she sort of purred, telling me I was probably good at that even without much experience. I blushed and told her I might buy one when we got home, just in case I met someone who might enjoy it.

She mentioned she certainly would but didn’t want Megan to get mad at us. My heart skipped a beat picturing Ines on all fours and me behind her. I sighed and we both giggled, knowing we each wanted to see what it was like, but couldn’t do it with the girls around.

It made for a few pleasant images as we sat back and thought about it.

Megan and Triana wandered back after about an hour. They’d been swimming and playing in the ocean after walking back and forth along the beach. It was getting close to lunchtime, so they headed to the shower to wash the salty water off their bodies before entering the house. Megan mentioned I’d probably had too much sun, so I got up to follow them and wash the sunblock off. Ines didn’t want to sit out alone, so she joined Triana, Megan, and me in the shower.

I thought we had been handsy before, but this shower was even more so. Megan seemed to focus on Triana, while Ines concentrated on me. I’m not complaining, and having someone close to my height massage me all over was different. The body gel made our skin so slick and sexy that I forgot Megan and Triana were with us.

That was until Triana finished with Megan’s back, turned her around, looked up at her, then reached up to pull my girl’s face down to kiss her. Ines was washing my back, and we faced the girls when it happened. Ines leaned into me, whispering how sexy they looked together as she cupped my breasts, and pulled my nipples.

All I could do was moan and nod as Ines kissed the nape of my neck and then lowered her hand to cup my vagina.

Megan and Triana continued making out as if Ines and I weren’t there. I closed my eyes, enjoying how my body felt, when Ines whispered again that we should go to my room and leave the girls alone. I could only nod as I watched. So, Ines rinsed me off, then took my hand and led me to my room.

I should have been shocked, but I doubt anything would have surprised me by this point. When we entered my room, Ines headed straight to the bathroom to retrieve the dildo. My eyes lit up when she brought it out. We kissed for a few moments, then Ines dropped to her knees and removed my bikini bottoms. I was still wet from the shower, but she didn’t care.

Her long tongue parted my lips and began to arouse me further. Placing my hands on her head to maintain my balance, I realized what Megan had been enjoying some of these past nights. Ines was an expert, and before my knees weakened, she’d gotten me moist enough that no lube was needed. She gently inserted Mister Dildo in me checking with me to be sure I felt fine.

Ines had been rubbing with one hand as she loosened me up, she was as ready as I was. Climbing onto the bed, Ines lay her head on the pillows, her arms outstretched, beckoning me to her. Joining her on the bed, walking towards her on my knees. I noticed her eyes focused on the dildo.

When I got close enough, using one hand on the faux penis, I teased her with it. With the tip tracing her labia, I toyed with her. It increased her anticipation until she asked me to place it inside her.

Easing the head in first, I pressed it in as far as possible. Ines moaned, saying how wonderful it felt. My next move was one I recalled Lloyd doing with me. It was sort of like a plank you do at the gym. Resting my hands on the bed on either side of Ines’s body, my toes touching the bed, and with the only part touching Ines was the dildo.

Arching my back, I began fucking her gently; as I got used to the position, my thrusts increased, going deeper and faster. Looking up at my new lover’s face, I could see her enjoyment as she squirmed and rolled her head back into the pillows.

Ines grasped my breasts to play with my nipples, tugging and pinching them while I pumped away. She only spoke English to me, telling me how much she loved what I was doing. Quite a few f-bombs and my name filled the air as we fucked. This wasn’t making love to me, it was pure sex.

We were getting close when Ines wrapped her legs around me, keeping me deep inside her. I don’t know how long we were going at it, but we both reached our climaxes. When we finished, the dildo was coated with both our juices and smiles were on our faces.

I eased off Ines to join her on the bed, a little embarrassed I let this happen. She sat up, removed the toy from between my legs, got out of bed, and left it in the bathroom sink to be washed later. Once back in bed, we kissed and talked.

Ines told me she and Triana had discussed switching lovers and wondered if Megan and I would get upset. When she saw Megan and Triana in the shower kissing and playing, and I didn’t react negatively, she knew it was okay. So, that’s how we wound up in bed together. I confessed to Ines, Megan and I had thought about it also but didn’t want to upset her and Triana. We both got a laugh out of that before we took a brief nap, then showered, dressed, and went to see how our lovers were doing.

They were still in Megan’s room, and I needed to pack. So, Ines put something together for us to eat, then I returned to my room to pack. It wasn’t long before Megan walked in, looking embarrassed but happy.

We sat and talked about what had just happened. She felt terrible about kissing Triana right in front of me. I smiled and told her when Triana wanted something, she usually got what she wanted, and it was fine. Ines had confessed they’d discussed this and had the same thoughts about upsetting us as we had with them. So, if Megan wasn’t upset, everything was okay. My doll blushed when she told me Triana was a little minx and she enjoyed the differences between her and Ines. Neither of us went into details. But I had an idea what she was referring to.

I smiled and reminded her everyone is different and that she needed to pack before it got too late. We hugged, then Megan went to get ready to leave. We still had dinner to look forward to and unfortunately saying our goodbyes to Triana and Ines.

I walked out with my packed suitcase to find Ines and Triana lounging in the living room. Triana looked embarrassed as she came over to apologize to me. I told her it was okay; Megan was happy, which mattered to me. We kissed, and then she went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Ines and I sat and talked until Megan joined us. They sat together, cuddling as if nothing had happened. I was glad we didn’t have any drama. I know it was a fluke, the four of us getting together, but maybe it was fate that this all occurred. Life will be significantly different after we get home and settled in.

I’m looking forward to that and wondering how Megan will handle it.

As we waited for dinner, Triana brought us some wine and chatted with us as we waited. She’d put on an apron over her sweet naked body, so I figured she was cooking something that might splatter. I didn’t say anything, but I wish she would have left it off, so I could lick whatever she got on her off.

My mind was now officially in the gutter, and I just smiled.

Triana outdid herself with dinner. We started with fried cassava sticks as an appetizer. Then the main course, grilled rib eye steak, brown butter and squash puree, and a squash seed granola, served with mushroom ketchup.

For dessert, my little love made us each a Churchill with tres leches, ice cream, kola

syrup, sponge cake, and caramelized milk.

After dinner, we chatted and then went to bed to nap for a few hours before Ines took us to the airport. Before leaving, we all cried as we said our goodbyes. Megan and I took turns kissing each of our hostesses goodbye. We regained our composure on the way to the airport. Ines escorted us to the ticket counter and ensured we made the line through customs. We hugged her and reminded her to tell Triana to text.

Passing through customs was easy, being late at night. I think our flight was one of only a handful leaving after midnight. We parked ourselves at the gate and waited patiently for boarding.

Megan and I sat in silence, thinking about our trip. We were both tired and happy. I caught my doll nodding off when I felt her head hit my shoulder. I hoped to sleep on the plane but doubted it would happen.

Megan and I didn’t talk about the trip until we arrived home. She was on Winter break for another week, which was great for decompressing.

Megan was asked about her new look when she returned to school and her sports. She explained she wore a thong bikini and noticed some hairs before wearing it in public, so she shaved. Her friends bought it, so no rumors floated around the school.

Texting with Ines and Triana lasted until Spring break, the first week of April. After that, we didn’t hear from them. Megan contacted Carli, and I texted Sandy and scheduled a school tour. We saw four different schools that week and did a lot of driving. Our time with Sandy and Carli was lovely, and I think Megan is leaning toward that school. Going into her senior year she still has no scholarship offers, but it’s only May.

I decided to go back to work, I was a paralegal before Lloyd and I got married. I worked part-time for a few years, then quit. I’m taking Spanish at the local community college, and Megan is helping me with that. I don’t know if we’ll return to Costa Rica this Winter, but our time there will always be unique.

Regarding dating, Megan is back to her regular self, studying and practicing sports. I haven’t met anyone I’d like to get to know better. But a couple of ladies in my Spanish class smile at me frequently, so we’ll see.


Our last morning in Costa Rica. Ines woke me with her snoring, and I think it was the first time I’d heard it, and it was loud. I rolled over to watch her sleep, surprised she didn’t wake herself with each deep rumble from her lovely mouth.

She was correct; I was rested and eager to please her rather than being tired last night. I debated how long I should wait before waking her. While I was waiting, my mind wandered back to Triana. They were almost opposites. Triana seemed like when she wanted something; she went for it. Ines was more subtle; at least, that’s what I thought.

It was lovely to see Ines’s breasts rise and fall with each breath she took, and it wasn’t long before I gave in to temptation and began touching the nipple closest to me with a fingertip. I watched as both nipples stiffened with my touch. Ines’s snoring ceased, but her eyes remained closed. I felt she was awake and letting me play to see what I’d do.

I tried not to move the bed as I leaned over to trace her areola with my tongue.

Her eyes opened as she smiled, “Buenos dias, chica.”

Ines cupped my head with her hands, and I moved with them as she brought my face to hers for a good morning kiss. Her lips were sweet, and the lip gloss she liked to wear was still evident when I tasted her. We kissed and whispered as the tingles of arousal began bursting within me. I mentioned I was hungry, so Ines told me I should eat something. I grinned, moving from her lips to her breasts to devour them.

Moving my body between her legs, I lay on her, mainly nursing and toying with her nipples. Her fingers swept through my hair, her moans encouraging me as I continued making love to her boobs.

I loved how her warm bare skin felt against mine, so soft and smooth. I was still hungry despite dining on my lover’s breasts. I yearned for more variety for breakfast. Without any encouragement from Ines, I kissed and licked my way down to her navel and smooth, firm thighs.

Her musk was evident as I lowered my face to begin my breakfast dessert. I wish Ines would have trimmed or shaved so I could have experienced her bare vagina. I wanted to rub mine against hers to see what it felt like. I doubted I’d get that chance with Triana since this was our last day and evening.

But that thought didn’t last long. Ines was moaning, and I was starving. Trying something different, I rolled my tongue sideways, narrowing it. Easing between her lips, I used it like I assumed Ines would have used the plastic thing in me back and forth inside her. I guess you could call it tongue fucking. I had no idea if there was such a thing.

Ines loved it; her moans got louder, and her praise more frequent as I continued. When she asked me to play with her clit, I did with the tip of my tongue, rubbing it and swirling my tongue around it. Not long after, my lovely Ines clamped her thighs on my head, holding me where she wanted.

Pressing my face into Ines harder, she quickly climaxed, soaking more than just my cheeks. As she calmed down, she grasped a lock of my hair to gently tug me back up. She cleaned my face with her tongue like a mother cat cleaning one of her kittens. It was weird, but it felt yummy.

We stayed in bed kissing and talking until Ines noticed the clock. It was much later than usual, and we hadn’t showered yet. We thought Mom and Triana would be done with coffee and breakfast by then. Ines said it wasn’t a problem, and she’d fix us something to eat if Triana didn’t have anything for us. I told her Triana probably did and wouldn’t mind that we slept in.

Ines nodded, telling me I was probably right. Triana was very thoughtful. We got out of bed, showered, and dressed in our bikini bottoms. It was still odd wearing only those in front of Mom and two women I barely knew. But then, I was, having sex with someone I’d only known for just over a week and a female.

Mom and Triana had already eaten. However, Triana fixed breakfast for Ines and me, along with more coffee. As we ate, I asked what we had planned for the day.

Mom said, “Packing and making love.”

I almost blew coffee out of my nose. She also said we should nap because of our departing flight time. I suggested we nap after making love. We all laughed, but we knew that’s probably what we’d be doing.

Triana mentioned she needed time to make our going away dinner, so she’d be in the kitchen cooking just after lunch. We finished breakfast and helped Triana with the dishes. Then the four of us headed to the beach. I didn’t feel like lounging and decided to walk and run on the beach one last time. Triana joined me, and we headed out.

We walked the surf line, talking and playing in the water. I started to run, and Triana decided to play tag with me. We chased each other up and down the beach until Triana headed out into the water, daring me to catch her. She was in pretty shallow water, and having longer legs, I quickly caught her. We swam for a little bit keeping our heads above the salty sea so we didn’t get any in our eyes.

Triana was still being playful as she got out and ran towards that small inlet in the jungle where we had hidden before. I followed her there, and we made out for a few minutes. That led to me suckling her breasts, and then she did mine. I know we shouldn’t have done that, but Triana was too irresistible. We cut it short because we needed to get back so Triana could make lunch and dinner.

Back at the house, we passed Mom and Ines basking in the sun. I looked at my sports watch and reminded Mom she’d been in the sun longer than usual. She sighed, then got up to follow us to the shower. Ines decided to join in, not wanting to be left alone on the beach.

Triana and I soaped each other down, then handed the body gel to Ines so she could get the sunblock off herself and Mom. I was just about to rinse off Triana’s front when she reached up and pulled me down to kiss her. It wasn’t a friendly kiss. It was passionate and full of twisting tongues. I lost track of time and Mom because she and Ines had vanished when we broke our kiss.

Triana suggested we go to my room, so we dried off and then searched the house for Mom and Ines. They were apparently in Mom’s room because the door was closed, and we could hear Ines moaning.

Triana and I giggled. We both knew Mom was giving or receiving the dildo thing. So, we went to my room to have a little fun.

We hopped onto the bed and returned to making out. It was much easier being horizontal with our height differences. Kissing, groping, and rubbing our naked bodies got us both worked up. When Triana suggested we rub our desnudo la vaginas together, I shivered.

My reply was, “Si, Triana.”

She giggled and suggested I get on my back so she could be on top. I had no problem with that at all. I rolled over, then Triana moved between my legs, adjusting them so she sat with one of my legs vertically against her. It was like two V’s put together. It was different than what Ines and I did, but the results were the same, if not better.

Bare skin on bare skin felt divine. As our arousal built, it became easier for Triana to move over me. Since she was smaller and lighter, she had an easier time moving on me and finding the perfect angle for us. When she did, Triana kept herself there, rubbing us harder. I was busy pinching my nipples and watching her little body move back and forth on me.

I’ve seen videos of girls dancing and moving like Triana’s upper body was; only her movements were hypnotic. We spoke in Spanish, which made the entire scene more like a dream. I had to think about what to say, which kept my mind off how good I felt. That might have prolonged our playtime together because I wasn’t focusing on how wonderful my body felt.

Triana didn’t have the same problem with focusing as I did. She climaxed before me and still worked until I reached that sweet apex. When I’d finished throbbing, Triana lay back down with me so we could nap.

We didn’t nap very long because she set a timer on her watch to start dinner, and it went off too soon. We took a quick shower, then Triana kissed me then went to start dinner.

Mom was in her room finishing packing when I opened my bedroom door. I walked in, hoping she wasn’t mad. I thought she wasn’t because she had Ines while I was having Triana. I sat down, and we had a little talk.

Mom told me that Ines and Triana had the same feelings we’d discussed. They didn’t want to upset our trip. But Triana got a bit anxious, which led to the four of us swapping. I was relieved; Mom and I hugged then I went to pack.

When I was done, I went out to relax with everyone else. I plopped down next to Ines as if nothing had happened. Triana brought us snacks and wine as we waited for her dinner masterpiece.

It was amazing, an appetizer, a main course, and a dessert. If we could only afford to hire her, oh my.

After dinner, we chatted, and I said goodbye to Triana. She wasn’t going to the airport with us. We went to bed early and woke in time to get to the airport, where we said goodbye to Ines.

I fell asleep waiting to board the plane, then was wide awake for the rest of the trip home.

I dealt with my bare vagina issue by telling the girls on my teams my bikini showed hair, so I shaved it all off and may keep it that way. They thought it made sense, so no cruel rumors about me at school.

Mom and I made a nice little road trip during spring break to check out four potential universities. I still have some of my junior and senior years to complete, but I wanted to get ahead of the game.

We stayed with Sandy when we visited her and Carli. Sandy was a little flirty with Mom, but nothing happened. Carli was as funny at home as on our snorkeling trip. Maybe if I were older and Carli was into girls, I don’t know.

Mom decided to go back to work, and she’s taking a Spanish language class. We try and speak it at home to stay in practice. I’m busy with my academics and sports, not seeing anyone socially. Mom hasn’t dated since we returned, but I think she’s looking.

My worldview certainly changed in Costa Rica. I enjoyed it, but I wish Dad had been along to experience it with me. But, if he had, the things that changed my life would never have happened. I guess that’s the way life is.

Published 2 years ago

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