Seducing Stephen – Chapter 4 – Rhonda’s visit

"Reluctantly, I loan Stephen to my best friend, Rhonda. Stephen's world expands, and I am jealous"

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The next few weeks were a bit of a blur, but they seemed to fly by.

Stephen was obsessed with his new found love and personal sex goddess. He rushed home from school daily to have me before Jim got home. In fact, one afternoon, he skipped basketball practice to get home early. I told him that was not acceptable. I explained quite sternly to him that the reason his parents allowed him to stay with us was to finish the school year uninterrupted and to compete in sports; not to have wild sex with the wife of his host. Reluctantly, he agreed that he would not skip practice anymore.

After the lecture on keeping his priorities straight, Stephen complied.  However, he would race home after basketball practice every day and immediately hunt me down. And no matter where he found me, or what I was wearing, or how sweaty or dirty I was, he would begin fondling and kissing me. It really didn’t matter to him whether I had just come in from yard work, all sweaty and grimy, or I was stepping out the shower, squeaky clean, Stephen wanted me then and there.

And, because we typically only had a little more than an hour before Jim arrived home each night, Stephen felt a sense of urgency to move the action ahead rather quickly.

Yes, the boy’s libido and desire for me was sexy; however, it all felt a bit rushed at times to me.

To be fair, Stephen had become a skilled lover, and he usually got me off at least once during the allotted time. But our afternoon sex began to feel scripted, and rushed. And, to be honest, I began to feel that servicing my young lover had become a bit of an obligation on my part.

Now, I am not complaining. I was thoroughly enjoying this rather wicked chapter of my life. However, after a couple of weeks of this routine, I knew what to expect each day upon Stephen’s arrival home.

However, one afternoon, there was an unexpected interruption to our routine. One Thursday afternoon, before Stephen arrived home, a good friend of mine, Rhonda, dropped by unannounced. Rhonda was my best female friend in college. She was two years younger than me.

Rhonda was tall and statuesque. At five foot, eleven inches tall, she had the long legs and figure of a model. She was an avid tennis player and had the sleek look of a well-conditioned athlete. She had a blue-eyed, ‘blonde’ Swedish or Norwegian appearance that I envied.

She was married and had two young children. Her husband was a stay at home dad who took care of the children while she earned a good living working as a geologist for an oil company in the Dallas area. I suspected her appearance made it difficult for the men in her office to concentrate with her in meetings.

What I am saying is she was gorgeous.

She was driving into Houston for a conference on Friday when she decided to see if she could catch me at home.

I was glad to see her, and actually felt a bit relieved that her presence would interfere with Stephan’s and my routine. It would give me a night off, so to speak. And, as much as I enjoyed being the center of attention of both Jim and Stephen, I was wearing out a bit (literally). I was having a little difficulty keeping up with Stephen’s incredible libido. And, as a result of the vicarious enjoyment, Jim was experiencing, Jim’s sex drive had kicked into high gear as well.

In short, I was being slowly fucked to death by my two men. It was a very nice way to go, but it was a bit overwhelming at times. I welcomed taking a night off due to Rhonda’s presence.

Rhonda and I had been visiting in the front sitting room when Stephen came home. I had just gone to get us each a second glass of wine, and was in the kitchen when Stephen bolted through the back door into the kitchen.

I had my back to him, holding the two full wine glasses, when he came up behind me, hugged me, kissed me on the neck as he reached around to feel my breast. With the two glasses of wine in my hands, I could not block his uninvited touching of my breast.

I quickly turned to him and said, “Stephen, not now; I have a visitor…”

Stephen and I both turned quickly towards a noise at the kitchen entrance, and we saw a very shocked Rhonda watching this very brief scene unfold. Rhonda had heard Stephen come in and had followed me into the kitchen to meet my young boarder.

Apparently, she had seen the hug, the kiss on the neck and his cupping my breast; and she was shocked at the implication. I felt my face burn with embarrassment, mortified that my good friend had witnessed this teenage boy fondling me.

I tried to ignore the awkwardness of the situation and introduced Rhonda to Stephen. Stephen quickly removed his hand from my tit, and was as embarrassed at being caught by Rhonda as I was.

Rhonda was polite, and said nothing in Stephen’s presence, but she gave me a knowing and questioning look as she shook Stephan’s hand. Stephan was polite, but excused himself immediately to escape the embarrassment of the moment.

As Stephen went downstairs to his little basement fortress, Rhonda raised her eyebrows and asked simply, “Okay, what was that about?”

I could feel my face burning crimson as I tried to think of what to say, “Oh, he is just a horny teenager who gets a little frisky; a little too frisky sometimes. I have to put him in his place sometimes.”

Rhonda stood there; arms crossed with a look that indicated she was not buying any of the nonsense I was spewing. “Cindy, have we met? Do you think I have gotten stupid since the last time we were together? What’s going on?”

She uncrossed her arms to take the glass of wine I handed to her. She nodded her head towards my wine glass and said, “Go ahead, take a drink of wine. You look like you need it. And then tell me what the fuck you are up to?”

“Nothing, nothing at all. He just feels a little too comfortable flirting with me. I should have done a better job discouraging it from the beginning. But now he seems to be confused with exactly where the boundaries are.” My answer did not even sound reasonable to me.

“Cindy, he was feeling you up when I came around the corner. I think he knows where the boundaries are. Have you already done the nasty with him? or is that still in the future? I know one thing, that young man will be fucking you soon, if he hasn’t done so already.”

I realized that my continued denial sounded ridiculous, even to me. I decided to admit to the obvious. “Things did get a little out of hand after he first came to live with us. I admit it.”

Rhonda’s smiled broadly, “You go girl. I am so proud of you. You are living every woman’s dream! Damn, and he’s cute too. Does Jim suspect anything?” There was no admonishment, only admiration in her response.

Out of fear, I backed off my confession, “I am not admitting to anything here. Nothing is going on.” I tried to retreat from my previous admission.

“Bull shit girl. ‘You be doing it with that teenager’,” she said in her best Ebonics accent. “I am not criticizing you. Hell, I wish I had a teenage lover. I’d ‘be doing it’ with that boy, too, if I could. Honestly, I would. You are my new hero.”

I guided us back to the front room. I did not know if Stephen was eavesdropping, but I did not need him hearing this conversation.

Rhonda and I talked for the next two hours over two more glasses of wine. With each glass of wine, she was able to pry more information out of me. She was obviously enjoying my situation vicariously; enjoying it too much, I might add.

Repeatedly, she told me how she envied me; how she wished she had a young lover; and, how she would fuck that boy in a New York minute.

I joked at one point, “Maybe I should loan him out to you?”

Rhonda jumped on that, “Don’t make any offers you won’t back up. I’d love for you to send him my way. I would teach that youngster a thing or two; things that he might not learn from ‘sweet little Cindy’.”

Since Rhonda and I had both had four glasses of wine over two hours when Jim came home, he could see we were pretty drunk when he arrived. Jim offered to fix us dinner and insisted that Rhonda spend the night. She was definitely too drunk to drive to her hotel in the Galleria area of Houston.

Rhonda never made any inappropriate references in front of Jim or Stephen during dinner; she behaved herself admirably. She crashed in one of my sons’ room, both of whom were away at college. I worried that my horny friend might venture downstairs during the night looking for Stephen, but she behaved all night long.

Since she had meetings early in the morning, she got up and left before any of the rest of us awakened. About mid-morning Rhonda called me to thank me for the hospitality, and the wine. As she ended the call she said once again, “And enjoy your young lover. And if you ever want to ‘broaden that boy’s horizons’ with another older woman, be sure to send him to me. I would love to give him a lesson or two.”

“I will certainly keep that in mind. I will give that all the consideration it deserves. I worry you might not send him back to me though.” I shocked myself with that last statement.

“Oh, I won’t steal him from you; I would just borrow him. I would return him as good as ever; he’d just be a little wiser and more talented is all.”

“I’ll get back to you on that, you wicked lady.” And we said our goodbyes and hung up.

Rhonda’s comments weighed on my mind all day. Should I offer this experience to Stephen? I admit, I felt a twinge of jealousy thinking about my tall, gorgeous, statuesque friend taking my young lover to bed. On the other hand, it might help Stephen put the emotional aspects of our relationship in the proper perspective. After all, Stephen and I were not ever going to be in a committed, monogamous relationship.

And despite Rhonda’s act as the black widow, ready to consume any male she encounters, I felt Rhonda was actually a kind, gentle and caring lady who would treat Stephen with tenderness and affection.

Stephen came home, but rather than immediately assaulting and fondling me, he wanted to know what Rhonda thought about what she saw yesterday. He was mostly concerned about whether or not he was in trouble for getting caught nuzzling me and feeling me up in the kitchen.

I was pretty honest in my response, “Stephen, Rhonda correctly deduced that you were more than just a boarder to me. Based on what she saw, and my reaction to her questions, she knew you and I were intimate. She did not condemn or criticize me; rather she was complimentary and a bit envious.”


“Yes, she thinks you are a very attractive young man, very appealing to her; and she wishes she had a young man to share similar experiences with. She thinks every woman my age needs a ‘Stephen’ in her life.”

A smile broke across his face as he beamed; relieved that he was not in trouble with me, and obviously flattered that Rhonda found him so attractive and desirable.

“Rhonda also asked if I would loan you to her.”

That last comment just hung in the air. Stephen looked at me confused and shocked; trying to discern whether or not this was a joke or a serious possibility. He obviously had never considered taking other lovers in addition to me.

I decided to broach the subject head on, “Would you want to spend some time with Rhonda if you could?”

“Seriously? Would you want me to do that?” He was being cautious now.

“Stephen, I would not want you to do that for me; but if you would like to see what it is like with another woman, I would not be offended. I would support you doing so. But definitely don’t do this because you think I want you to, or expect you to. Only do this if you want to do it.”

“You wouldn’t be mad at me?”

“Oh baby, no. I wouldn’t be mad. I don’t expect you to forsake all others till death do us part for me. I love what we have, and I will always cherish it. But I do expect that you will be with other girls and women. No, I would not be mad at all.”

“She is pretty. And she does seem nice. How would this happen?” Stephen was obviously excited by the very thought of being with Rhonda.

“I am not sure. Let me think about that. Would you like to go downstairs with me for a while before Jim gets home?”

Stephen nodded. I took him downstairs and we made love on his bed. It was lovely and sensual rather than rough and passionate. I did not cum, but it was very satisfying nonetheless.

“Stephen, I am going to go back on the pill so we can make love without these condoms. I miss having your semen inside me. I like that aspect of lovemaking.”

Stephen seemed to like that thought and the idea than soon he could take me without a latex barrier between us. He liked it a lot.

We de-coupled and I went upstairs. I called Rhonda on her cell phone. The conference was just ending and she was preparing to head back to Dallas that evening.

“Would it be possible for you to stay another night in Houston, with us?” I asked.

“I suppose I could. Mike is home with the kids, but he would understand if I got held over another night. Why?” Rhonda sounded a bit confused by the request.

“If you can stay until mid-afternoon tomorrow, I think I can make your fantasy a reality.”

Her voice changed, she immediately understood my reference to her fantasy, and she was intrigued, “Tell me more.”

“Jim plays golf tomorrow morning. If you were here when he left, I believe I could give you and Stephen some time alone. He is very intrigued by you, and I think if you don’t scare him off by coming on too strong, he would love to be with you.”

“Oh Cindy, you are an angel; a wicked angel, but an angel. It will take me a couple of hours to get from the Galleria to your home in the Woodlands. If I leave now, I can be there by 7:30 at the latest. What time do you guys eat?”

“We will hold dinner for you. Don’t rush.” She arrived shortly after 7 p.m.

Rhonda, Jim, Stephen and I had a nice dinner. After dinner, Rhonda and I shared several glasses of wine, while Jim drank a few beers. And we visited before retiring to bed. Stephen hung with us for a while before escaping to his basement ‘man-cave’. There was no reference to any plans for tomorrow by anyone.

I decided not to share the possibility of Rhonda and Stephen hooking up with Jim. I did not feel I could explain why I agreed to do it.

I was not sure I understood why I agreed to Rhonda’s plan myself. As I prepared for bed, I thought I might have made a mistake by inviting Rhonda over again. But once the plan was in motion, there was really no turning back.

The next morning, Rhonda and I sipped our coffee and visited some more as Jim prepared to leave. Once Jim was out the door, I turned to Rhonda and said, “Okay, I guess it is show time.”

I led Rhonda downstairs to Stephen’s room, where we found him lying on top of the covers on his bed, watching Sponge Bob Square Pants. I smiled thinking that the man who had been pounding my pussy and driving me into absolute ecstasy was watching Saturday morning cartoons. But I guess most men never do really grow up, do they?

Stephen perked up a bit as we entered his room. He was wearing a white football jersey and some navy flannel shorts. He had a wholesome, athletic, ‘all-American boy’ look about him. He was a handsome lad.

“Stephen, would you like to spend a little time with Rhonda?”

He nodded nervously. He was clearly a bit intimated by this entire scenario. I found his nervousness cute and endearing. And I suddenly regretted not keeping Stephen for myself. What was I thinking inviting Rhonda into the picture? But I was committed and there was no turning back now.

“I will leave you two alone, to get acquainted. Enjoy yourselves.” I looked Stephen in the eyes and counseled, “Stephen, just relax and enjoy. You don’t have to perform. Don’t feel pressured to do anything. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it, okay? Do not feel pressured.” I instructed.

I was uncomfortable leaving Stephen; I felt very protective of him. And yes, I was jealous too.

I turned to Rhonda and said, “Be good to him. This young man means a great deal to me.”

“Relax, we will be fine. Won’t we, Stephen? Stop worrying.”

I left the door open as I left, but Rhonda shut it behind me. It was out of my hands now.

I went upstairs, and I made myself a Bloody Mary. I seldom drink before evening, but I felt I needed a drink. I snuck over to the stairway, drink in hand, and tried listening, but I could only hear muffled sounds coming from behind the closed door. God, I wanted to know what was going on.

I resisted the urge to go downstairs and listen by the door.

I sat, sipping my drink, waiting impatiently. I finished my first drink and made another. They had been alone for about 45 minutes when I heard the first unmistakable sounds of sexual excitement coming up the basement staircase.

Rhonda’s moans were penetrating the floor and the walls. Whatever Stephen was doing to her, he was doing it right. She obviously liked it. Rhonda’s moans became louder, and more constant as they continued to pierce the floor for ten minutes or so. Then I heard a pounding that I realized could only be the headboard banging against the wall. And rhythmic screeches emanated from Rhonda in rapid time to the pounding of the headboard.

She was communicating to me, and the world, that she was having a series of long, continuous orgasms. And the moans and screams went on, and on, and on. Rhonda was having a very good time

I was jealous, angry, and, if I am completely honest, I was growing very aroused.

Rhonda’s sounds of sexual arousal were exciting me. I felt my pussy getting wet and my clitoris starting to throb with excitement. I could not resist placing my hand inside of my shorts and stimulating my clitoris in response to the sounds of sex echoing all around me. I masturbated sitting there in my living room as I listened to the sounds of sex penetrating the floor.

Rhonda let out a loud, distinct, bellowing moan, announcing to me, and possibly my neighbors that she reached another climax; this one more intense that her previous ones. Rhonda’s loud orgasm triggered my own, as I furiously rubbed my little nubbins while sitting on my couch. I tried hard to remain silent, but a muffled moan and a few squeaks escaped me as I came. I could not believe I had just masturbated to a climax in my living room while listening to Stephen pleasure Rhonda.

Then the pounding of the headboard subsided and Rhonda’s moans grew silent.

I waited impatiently for them to emerge, but they did not. I listened intently, and occasionally heard muffled sounds that might have been sexual, but nothing as obvious as Rhonda’s previous moans or the banging of the headboard.

I was nervous and anxious as I waited impatiently for Rhonda and Stephen to surface from Stephen’s basement ‘love cave’.

It was about an hour later when I heard the shower running downstairs. About fifteen minutes later I heard the door opened and Rhonda came upstairs. Her hair was wet and pulled back into a ponytail. The shower was still running downstairs indicating that Stephen was still washing away his guilt or whatever else he was feeling.

“That was wonderful. He is wonderful. God, I love that boy.” Rhonda was beaming.

“I take it Stephen met your expectations?”

“Met them? He exceeded my wildest dreams. I will be back to see that boy again the first chance I get.”

“I’ll have to think about that for a while.” I was not so sure I was going to allow an encore performance.

“He is a very big boy, almost too big.” Rhonda smiled wickedly. “That boy has a marvelous cock and phenomenal staying power.”

“Yes, he is gifted.” I conceded. I thought about asking for clarification on her comment about Stephen being too big, not decided against it. Rhonda was a slightly bigger woman than I am, and while Stephen certainly filled my little pussy up, I was able to accommodate him. I assumed she was exaggerating about his size for the erotic stimulation the image might create.

Rhonda grabbed her overnight bag and prepared to leave. “I need to get on the road. Mike is understanding, but after being left with the kids for two days, he will be anxious for me to get back. Thanks for everything; and I mean everything.”

“Don’t mention it. I am glad you enjoyed it.” We kissed each other on the cheek and Rhonda left.

I walked downstairs to check on my young man. Stephen was naked, drying off as I entered the steamy bathroom. The mirrors were fogged over, Stephen’s naked physique was partially clouded in the warm, damp mist.

“Can I come in?” I asked, but entered without waiting to an invitation. I hiked myself up on the counter next to the sink…the very counter where Stephen had unexpectedly plunged himself into me just three short weeks ago. A lot had transpired in three weeks.

“Is everything okay?” I asked, slightly concerned by Stephen’s reserved demeanor.

“Yes” was his short, curt answer.

Stephen stood there naked, his penis flaccid, hanging down in front of him. It dawned on me that this was the first time he did not start to grow erect immediately in my presence. In fact, this was the first time I had seen his penis completely flaccid.

That fact alone irritated me beyond belief. He spends two hours with that bitch, Rhonda, and now he no longer gets aroused standing naked in front of me. I did not like this development one bit.

“And?” I pushed to get additional details.

“And what?”

“How did it go? Did you enjoy your experience with Rhonda? She seemed to be walking on cloud nine when she left moments ago. It appears you ‘did her some good’. I think you have a new member to your fan club.” I realized I was talking too much out of nervousness. I decided to shut up and let Stephen speak.

“It was nice, I had fun.”

“Did you use a condom?”

“No, Rhonda said I did not need one, she is on the pill.”

This discovery irked me as well. Stephen fucked Rhonda bareback. My young lover had been allowed to share an intimacy with Rhonda that he had been denied by me: skin-to-skin contact and the ability to actually deposit his semen inside her. No, I did not like this development at all.

Stephen remained silent for several seconds. He did not elaborate further. Stephen was not going to volunteer a damn thing! If I was going to get any information, I was going to have to drag it out him.

“Okay. Tell me what happened,” I insisted, trying to hide my growing irritation at this whole situation; a situation that I helped to create. What the hell was I thinking anyway, when I agreed to this nonsense? I was pissed at myself as much as I was Stephen or Rhonda.

“We talked for a while, then we started kissing, and we had sex,” he answered nervously. Stephan paused, thinking what to say next. “It was different than it is with you.”

“How so?” I asked. I was truly curious at this point.

“With Rhonda, it was really obvious that it was about the sex, not about me. I mean, the sex was great and all. But after you and I are together, I feel great. And, I know you care about me. And, I know that I love you. But with Rhonda, I don’t know.” He shuffled his feet a bit, and continued, “I’m not complaining or anything. It was fun. But with you it’s not just fun, it is beautiful.”

I felt my heart race a bit as Stephen spoke. “Stephen, that might be the nicest compliment I have ever received from anyone. Thank you. And yes, what you and I have is beautiful. And special. And don’t you ever forget that.”

I walked over and hugged him, and I felt his penis throb upward as I did. “I am glad to see he still likes me,” I joked, motioning towards his penis that was swelling and growing slightly now as I hugged Stephen.

Momentarily, I was feeling better about this situation; however, my good feelings were to be short-lived.

“Cindy, can I ask you something without making you mad?”

“Oh my, that sounds like a loaded question; but yes, you can ask me anything you want; and I promise I won’t get mad.”

This was a promise I would struggle to keep.

“Have you ever had anal sex?” he asked hesitantly.

“Oh my God!” I screeched as my minded raced to the obvious conclusion about what was behind this question. “Did she put you in her backside? I can’t believe it. No wonder she said you were almost ‘too big’ for her. Well, you certainly crossed another bridge today, huh?”

My irritation at this discovery was not only quite evident, but quite irrational. I knew that I had no right to be mad, or jealous. But I was nonetheless.

Stephan seemed to recoil a bit. He was embarrassed, and perhaps ashamed. He certainly did not want to face my wrath right now. Nor should he have to.

“Please, don’t be mad,” he implored sheepishly.

“You are right. I did give you permission to enjoy each other any way you wanted. But I am a little jealous. Did she climax?” I actually already knew the answer to this question. Rhonda’s moans and screams, which permeated the floor for the better part of an hour, left no doubt that she was cumming several times.

“Yes, a couple of times. She has no trouble reaching an orgasm.” Stephen conformed. “She climaxed with my fingers inside her and she came several times while we were making love.”

“Fucking!” I snapped, correcting him sternly. “You two were fucking. You and I make love. You and Rhonda fucked!”

Stephan stepped back, his voice quivering a bit as he corrected himself, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean we made love the way you and I do…please don’t be mad at me.”

My reaction surprised me. Try as I might, I could not hide my fit of jealous anger. I am not proud that I behaved this way, but I did feel like a jealous teenager at that moment.

Yes, I was jealous. I was jealous that Rhonda had climaxed so easily with my young lover. I was jealous that she let him fuck her bareback. And now, I was jealous that she had taken him on a tour of her backside; something that I knew I was not able to do for either my husband or for Stephan. The pain associated with anal sex is simply too intense for me to endure.

I let out a huge sigh, took a deep breath and replied, “I’m not mad, just surprised. So, she put you ‘back there’?”

“We didn’t start out doing that. She had me finger her first, and then, we did it the regular way. She really seemed to like the way we were doing it.”

“You mean she came?”

“Yeah, several times.” Stephen could not hide the pride he felt knowing he had made yet another woman cum. I guess, who could blame him?

I sighed and shook my head, but said nothing.

Stephan paused. He was obviously struggling with telling me this, but he wanted to discuss it with someone. “But after she came while we were making…I mean, after she came while we were doing it the regular way, she climbed off me and asked me if I wanted to try something different?”

“And of course, you thought ‘why not?’, right?” I asked sarcastically.

I realized I was treating Stephen like a prosecutor treats a hostile witness, but I could not seem to stop myself. I did not like how I was feeling and reacting at the moment.

“Yeah, something like that. Don’t be mad. I did not know what she was going to do at first. She took a tube of lubricant from her purse, and she put some on my dick. Then, she got on all fours and told me to move up behind her. She insisted that I keep very still and not to push too fast.”

He looked at me to see if I was repulsed, angry, or worse. “At first I thought she was just going to have me do her doggie style; but when she put the head of my penis on her anus, I understood what she wanted.”

“Did you enjoy it?” I asked.

“I don’t know. In a way I did. She was very tight back there; and that kind of felt good. It was obvious that when she first tried to put me in, it hurt her, a lot; but it seemed to hurt her in a way that she liked. I don’t exactly know how I feel about it…I’m kind of ashamed, but I kind of liked being that naughty…I never really thought about doing that before.”

“Of course, you never thought about that before…you probably did not realize people do that,” I said, as much to myself as to Stephen. I sighed and said, “Go on.”

“She kept telling me I was too big, not to push, she told me to ‘hold still’. But it was the way she said it…I don’t know…somehow, I could tell that she liked it despite the pain…every time she would push back a little, she would tell me to be still, very still, and she said that it hurt. She really struggled just to get the head inside her bottom. The way she was crying and whimpering, I didn’t think we’d be able to do it. I thought she’d give up…But she didn’t want to stop, or give up. It was like she was determined to take me back there no matter how badly it hurt. I did not really understand why.”

“Stephen, a strange fact about human sexuality is that there is often a very fine line between pain and intense pleasure. And a lot of women are very aroused by having their anus stimulated.”

“Do you enjoy it? Anal sex?” Stephen asked tentatively, as he attempted to turn this back to learn about my likes and dislikes.

“That is a very personal question. But I guess it is a fair one. I enjoy having my backside touched on occasion; rare occasion, that is,” I admitted before adding, “sometimes it excites me. However, I am a pretty small back there, and I cannot accommodate even a small penis in my backside. It simply hurts me too much.”

I did not want to talk about my own sexual preferences right then; I wanted to get back to what happened with Stephen and Rhonda.

“So, you were able to enter her back there?”

“Uh-huh. Eventually,” Stephen replied.

“And, Rhonda liked being taken back there, huh?”

“Yeah, it was strange. It obviously hurt her, but she had an orgasm quickly, almost as soon as I got inside her really good.”

“She came with you in her ass?” I asked incredulously. I was having a difficult time believing this, but I knew Stephen would not lie.

He nodded sheepishly.

He stopped for a second, and then continued, “Cindy, there is something else.”


“It turned me on.”

“What did?”

“Making her whimper and moan while she was pushing me inside her, despite the fact that it seemed to hurt her. After she got the head of my erection inside her, every time I would flex my penis, it stretched her anus and she made sounds like it hurt, but hurt in a good way.”

“She did, did she?” I was struggling with two competing emotions at that moment: intense and irrational jealousy, and building arousal. I could not help getting aroused as Stephen described Rhonda’s reaction to him stretching her tight sphincter with his large erection.

“Uh-huh,” Stephen continued hesitantly, “She would groan and grunt. And, when it started to hurt too much, she would whimper, begging me not to move until she could get used to my size. She would bury her face in the pillow and tell me, ‘wait, please, don’t move.’ She would reach around and place her hand on my stomach to keep me from pushing in further, begging me, ‘oh please give me a second…let me adjust.’ But all I had to do was ‘pulse’ my penis again and she would moan loudly and bury her face in the pillow.”

“Pulse your penis?” I was unsure what he meant.

“Yeah. You know…I flexed my erection in her butt…it made my cock swell and get a little bigger…stretching her anus a little bit more.”

Stephen paused to see how I was reacting before continuing. His penis was growing as he told me of his first anal experience. He obviously enjoyed reliving it.  His erection was sticking straight out now, parallel to the floor.  

“The first time I did it, pulsed my penis, it was an accident…and Rhonda just moaned and whimpered ‘oh my god, you’re too big…please stay still…oh god, it hurts,’ as she buried her face in the pillow. She was actually crying a little bit.”

Stephen paused, and looked up at me, adding, “And Cindy…”

“Yes, go on…”

“I liked it…I liked doing it…I liked the way she whimpered and moaned every time I flexed my cock. And she liked it too. She really got off to it when I kept doing it.”

“So, she climaxed like this? She came just from having your cock in her ass?” I asked, surprised that Rhonda could get off this way.

“Not exactly. Once she had me all the way inside her ass, and I started flexing my cock to make her whimper and moan. She kept saying stuff like, ‘oh my god…you’re too big…oh shit, it hurts’, but then she’d immediately say something like, ‘oh fuck, you’re going to make me cum like that…oh shit you’re going to make me cum’…so I kept doing it, and she kept crying out and whimpering…then suddenly, she reached up between her thighs, and started rubbing herself with her fingers. I started flexing my penis, stretching anus over and over again as she touched herself.”

Stephen looked at me, deciding whether he should continue or not. “Cindy, it only took just a couple of seconds and she came. And I mean she really, really came! I am surprised you didn’t hear us. She buried her face in the pillow to try to muffle her screams. But she had the biggest orgasm ever. I looked down and she was actually biting the pillow to try to keep quiet. She was clenching the sheets with her left hand, and rubbing herself furiously with her right hand as she came.”

“Did you cum with her?” I asked.

I had to admit the description of Rhonda’s reaction was arousing me, and I could feel my jealousy slowly melting away. Stephen are fully erect now. I wanted to fuck him, but I wanted to hear the rest of the story even more.

“Not the first time she came. But when she started cumming, she started moving a little. She started to hump back and forth a little bit, moving my cock in and out a couple of inches.”

“First time? She had more than one orgasm with you in her backside?” I was having trouble believing that she came once, much less twice, from having Stephan’s dick in her ass.

“Uh-huh…twice…when she started moving my cock in and out of her, I started rocking my hips. I was able to actually start fucking her ass. And Cindy, she went crazy. She was so loud, too. She was clawing at the sheets. I saw her biting the pillow in her teeth, moaning loudly. She kept rubbing herself furiously. She started begging, me ‘oh god…fuck me, fuck my ass…you’re going to make me cum again…smack me…smack my ass…oh shit you’re going to make me cum again…oh fuck me…shit, it hurts…I’m gonna cum.’ “

“Oh my,” was all I could say.  I was so turned on myself by the mental image Stephen was creating. 

Stephen’s cock was arching straight up now, straining at the ceiling.  His voice got a little ‘raspy’ as he continued, “She kept telling to ‘pound her harder’. She liked it when I smacked my thighs against her upturned ass as I fucked her. I could feel her fingers between her legs, rubbing her clit furiously. It was like she was in another world…like she was possessed and she wanted me to punish her tight backside…so I did…I pounded her really good…I was slamming myself into her bottom as she begged me to fuck her ass harder and harder.”

His cock was now rock hard and arching up and down as he recalled brutally assaulting Rhonda’s tight sphincter. And my pussy was leaking as I vicariously enjoyed my best friend being ravaged anally. I noticed that I was involuntarily squeezing my thighs together, forcing pressure on my now erect clitoris as I listened to Stephen relate his assault on Rhonda’s anal sphincter.

“So, you were able to actually fuck her back there?” I asked, my voice cracking with excitement. I wanted him to continue sharing the details of this sordid tale.

“Oh yeah, I did. When I first started to move in and out, she cried out, ‘oh god, fuck my ass…you’re going to make me cum again,’ I started actually pounding her back there…it was crazy…she was moaning so loud, I thought you might hear us. I mean, moments before she was begging me not to move, that it hurt too much, and now she was begging me to pound her in her backside.”

“Shit Stephan, you’re getting me all wound up here. You’re sure that she came again? A second time?”

“I swear, I am not exaggerating. And when she climaxed, she literally screamed, ‘Cum in my ass…please cum in my ass’. I’m surprised you didn’t hear her crying out. I plunged all the way into her bottom and ejaculated. I could feel his anus contracting around my cock as I came, squeezing my erection…it felt like her ass was milking my cock as we both came…it was wild.”

“What did she say to you afterwards?”

I was literally panting with excitement. 

“We really did not talk too much. I stayed inside her bottom for a couple of minutes after we came. A couple of times I flexed my cock again, and she squealed ‘oh god, you’re too big’. She told me that she felt ‘so full with me inside her like that’. We rested like that for a few minutes. She said she liked that, feeling me in her ass, but she didn’t want me to move in and out, just to hold her and cuddle with my cock in her bottom.”

“So, you cuddled with her with your cock in her ass, huh? I don’t know if I like you cuddling with that bitch. Anything else you want to tell me?”

“She told me that she liked the fact that I came in her ass. She said that was special. And, she asked if you ever let me do that.”

“And what did you tell her?”

“I told her the truth. I told her I had never done that with anyone. She seemed to like that.”

“I’ll just bet she did.” Yeah, that bitch took pleasure in being his first ass fuck. I was not happy with her. Not happy at all. But I was very aroused.

Stephen continued, “But you know what was weird? It seemed to really hurt her when I finally pulled out. It was like when she got ready to climax, she relaxed and opened up back there; but after she climaxed, she tightened back up, clenching my cock. She made me pull out really slowly, saying it hurt. And it felt like her backside was trying to hold me inside. It felt kind of strange.”

“Good. Hopefully, her little asshole will be talking to her on the drive back to Dallas.” I said with slight bitterness. “What happened next?”

“Rhonda suggested that we shower together, and we wash each other. That was kind of nice. But we didn’t talk about what just happened. It seemed too weird. I washed her bottom really good while she scrubbed my penis.’

He paused for a second, deep in thought. “It was kind of weird. I didn’t know what to say. She told me to be careful when I washed her bottom, she said she was really sore back there.”

“I’ll just bet she was sore back there. You should have used a scouring brush on the bitch’s ass.”

“Are we okay? Are you mad at me?” Stephan asked nervously.

“Yes and no. Yes, we are okay. And no, I’m not mad. Not at you anyway. I’m a little pissed at Rhonda, but not you.” I paused for a second before continuing, “Okay, I will admit, I am a little jealous that Rhonda could give you that, and I couldn’t. But I’m not mad.”

He shook his head, “I am thinking that maybe I should not have told you about this.”

“Stephan, I’m sorry I got a little testy. I had a momentary surge of jealousy, that’s all. I am over it now. Honestly. But don’t ever think that it is better to keep things from me.,”

“Is this sick? Am I sick for having done that? For getting turned on when she whimpered and moaned? I really liked the feeling of power I had when I was behind her, and I could make her cry out and moan just by flexing my cock in her ass. I kept doing it. She obviously liked it because she climaxed. I admit it was kind of cool to have her beg me to ‘stay still’ as she clutched the bedsheets whimpering in front of me. Is that wrong? Sick?”

God, I loved this boy. He was the most genuine and sincere lover I had ever known. “No Stephen, you are not ‘sick’. You are completely normal. You became aroused by arousing a woman. There is nothing more normal than that. Now Rhonda, she just might be a little sick; but you are normal and healthy.” I could not help taking another barb at Rhonda in my response.

“I only wish if I was going to do something like that, I would have done it with you. At least first,” Stephen offered, reflectively.

I laughed loudly at his last suggestion that he and I should try anal sex. “Well my good man, that is just not going to happen. Your cock is way too big, and my backside is way too tight and small. The geometry just does not work. No sir, if you want to pound someone’s backside, you better stay in touch with Rhonda.”

I hugged him again, and took his partially erect in my hand. “So how well did you wash this thing afterwards? You better scrub this cock absolutely raw if you ever want to get it back in my mouth again!”

I led him by his cock back to the bed. I removed my clothes, and said, “Stephen, will you make love to me? I want to feel you inside me now. I want you to show me that I am still the number one woman in your life.”

Stephen’s cock grew fully erect under my gentle stroking. I decided I did not want to put his cock, which less than an hour ago had been up Rhonda’s ass, in my mouth right now. That was just too weird. tomorrow or the next day, I would get over this irrational repulsion; but for right now, Stephen was going to have to do without me sucking on him. And I would have a latex sheathe between him and me while he was in my pussy this afternoon.

Once fully erect, I encase his penis in its protective condom. I laid back and invited Stephen to mount me, to make love to me. He climbed on top of me, and entered me. For the next 15 minutes, he fucked me slowly and lovingly. We necked and he caressed my breasts as he slowly pulled out and slowly pushed into me. I loved the feeling of his thick cock entering and leaving me.

But I could not stop thinking about Rhonda’s anal orgasm with Stephen pounding her tight little sphincter from behind. The vivid image would simply not leave me.

“Stephen, would you fuck me from behind? Like you did Rhonda…except in my vagina, of course? I’d like to feel you smacking your things against my bottom as you pound me from behind. Would that be okay?”

I felt his cock swell inside me as he nodded ‘yes’.

Stephen withdrew from me. I flipped over, kneeling on all fours as he prepared to mount me from behind.

Stephen entered me effortlessly. I was aroused and ‘open’. I lowered my face to the pillow in front of me, but kept my ass elevated, bracing myself for a good fucking from behind.

I moaned as he started to slide his large erection in and out of me.

“Oh god, Stephen, you feel good. Fuck me hard. Pound that pussy…oh, god that feels good. Smack into me…smack my ass…”

It only took a minute or two of his violent pounding and I felt my orgasm approaching. “Oh baby, I’m gonna cum…fuck me hard…smack me…smack Cindy’s ass hard,” I hissed.

I mimicked Rhonda, as I reached between my thighs to rug myself as I started to cum. I even clutched the sheet with my left hand as I announced my orgasm. “Oh, fuck me…I’m cumming…”

Stephen plowed into me as deeply as he could, forcing my hips forward, pushing me to the mattress. I lay there, under his weight, feeling his cock throb inside of me as he erupted.

I really needed this orgasm. Actually, Stephen and I both needed this simultaneous orgasm to purge me of my jealousy of Rhonda. needed to be reassured that I was still Stephen’s sole sex goddess and not simply a member of his harem.

When he finally came inside me, I was so overcome with emotion that I started to quietly cry. Stephen held me as I sobbed silently underneath him. I had fallen in love with this young man. Yes, I loved Jim, and I always would. I would always be Jim’s wife. But I had fallen in love with this 16-year-old boy as well.

Published 6 years ago

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