I had known Holly for years. I first met her when she and her roommate Bethany were laying out at the pool at my apartment complex.
I tried to act cool, stepping from my poolside apartment out on to the sundeck in my swimming trunks. Bethany peered up from her chase lounge, her top unfastened, as she lay on her stomach, working on her tan lines.
I pulled up a chaise lounge about ten feet away, spread out my towel, liberally rubbed some suntan oil over my body and positioned myself on my stomach cradling my dead in the folds of my arms under my head. I kept my shades on so I could purposefully scan the deck, incognito, checking out the girls. Bethany made a small hand gesture-like wave in my direction, but I pretended like I didn’t notice her.
Bethany re-tired her bikini top, and pulled herself up on her hands and knees on her chase lounge. She purposefully, or so it seemed, spun around, giving me a perfect shot of her tight little ass, her bikini all bunched up tight against her sweet pussy, just before she stood up and sauntered over the edge of the pool. I now had my first view of Holly, a brunette with model-like features and killer body.
She had her eyes closed and ear buds stuck in her ears. Her body was a golden tan and flawless.
Bethany returned to her chase lounge, the water droplets falling over her curvaceous body. She was about 5’6, and weight proportional. She had all the right curves in all the right places. Her bikini however, was a bit on the risqué side, barely covering her salacious boobs and her twat. I stayed on my belly to hide my growing erection.
Just as Bethany reclaimed her chase lounge, Holly slipped into the pool.
Bethany looked over at me and asked if I could put some tanning lotion on her back. She repositioned herself on her stomach and untied her bikini top as I liberally squired the oil on to her soft and supple, well tanned skinned. She pulled her long blonde hair over her shoulders and closed her eyes, as I spread the lotion across her bare back. She asked if I would mind putting some of the oil on to her legs. I was more than willing to oblige.
She unfastened the strings that held her bikini bottoms in place.
Can you do my butt also?” she asked.
“Sure,” I told her. The oil ran into her butt crack and between her legs. I apologized for the over application.
“No big deal,” She replied. “I probably needed it.”
As I worked the oil over her body, our conversion was light
“How long have you lived here?” I inquired.
“Just a few months,” she replied. Bethany said she was going to law school during the day and worked at a club at night.
“Cool,” I replied. “Which club?”
“Caligulas,” she replied. My heart skipped a beat. Caligulas was a topless bar. I had been there many times.
“Ever heard of it?” Bethany asked.
“No,” I replied, lying through my teeth. “What kind of club it is?.”
“It’s a dance club,” she responded, adding that she and holly were both working at the club. I told I might come by, but couldn’t commit.
She thanked me for the body rub and I returned to my chase lounge. Holly pulled herself form the pool and reclaimed her chase lounge. Bethany turned her head towards her friend and said something, which I could not hear. Holly raised her head and peered over her friend’s body as me and then silently lowered her head back on to her chase lounge.
I closed my eyes. I felt a towel run across my back and I looked up.
“See ya,” Bethany replied. “We have to go to work.” I watched as the two girls disappeared out of the pool area.
I showered and having nothing else better to do, I walked into Caligulas after paying the small door fee. The pulsating beat of the music and the lights was intoxicating all by itself. I took a seat at a small table in the back of the bar and well away from the main stage, on which a girl slithered about on her hands and knees, half naked.
I ordered a beer and scanned the expanse of the bar. There were three scantily clad young ladies at the bar, playing bar top video games. There were two older guys sitting all by themselves on the other side of the bar. Off in a reclusive dark part of the bar, I could see a dancer doing dancing for a guy in a booth surrounded by black curtains.
I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Bethany. She was still wearing the same bikini I had seen her in earlier in the day at the pool.
“I hope you don’t think bad of us,” she remarked, taking a seat beside me, crossing one leg over another.
“Not at all,” I replied. “I think I have been in here once before for a bachelor party.”
Bethany smiled.
“It’s a cool club,” she replied. “Do you want a table dance?”
“I didn’t bring much money,” I replied.
“I’ll do it for free, just don’t tell anyone,” she replied. “I kind of owe you for the body rub.”
I took a drink from my beer. Bethany tapped my knee with her fingers. Instinctively, I spread my legs open and she stepped between them, pushing her ass on to my lap. There was no hiding my erection. Her hip gyrations didn’t help things. She took my hands and placed them on her abdomen and held them in place, as she bounded up and down on my lap. She reached behind her back, untied her bikini top and slid if off. She moved my hands to her breasts and I could feel her nipples harden as I covered them.
Holy smokes, she was hot!
She turned and faced me, slipping a finger into her bikini bottoms and slowly and suggestively lowering them to reveal the top portion of her pubic area. She stuck a finger in her mouth, then inserted it into her vagina, right in front of me.
She pulled her finger out and licked it again. This girl was crazy.
She leaned forward, putting her hands on my thighs, and nestled her head up close to mine. She whispered in my ear, “Do you like it?”
I nodded my head in agreement. The music ended way too soon. She took a step back and then sat down in the chair beside me. She re-fastened her bikini top and smiled.
“What do you think?” she asked.
“I think I’d like to fuck the living shit of you,” I replied. “Damn, I may have to go find some hand lotion!”
Brittany smiled and laughed.
“I’ve got to go up next, stick around, please,” she pleaded.
I finished off my beer as she strolled off to the DJ booth. The girl on the main stage had to rotate to the side stage.
“Thank you Kim,” the DJ hollered, “Now on the main stage, Bethany, and Kim will be going to stage two.”
I didn’t immediately notice the second stage dancer. She was totally naked, except for eight inch stiletto heels, and from what I could tell, she had a rockin’ hard body. She turned and immediately noticed it was Bethany’s roommate, Holly. Bethany was a good looking girl, but Holly, now she was off the scale gorgeous!
She was completely shaved, had perfect nips on the end of gorgeous 36c cup mounds and boy could she dance! She placed her hands on her knees and bent forward, giving anyone behind her a perfect shot of her womanhood and tight little ass. Then, all hell broke loose. She saw me and immediately darted from the stage.
Another girl took her place on the stage.
The girls rotated stages and for the first time, I got a great look at Bethany, totally naked. She too was completely shaven. She slipped on to her butt on the stage and spread her legs, allowing them to dangle off the stage. She crooked a finger and beckoned for me to come to the stage. I shook my head back and forth, but the more I did, the stronger she insisted.
Finally, I gave in and approached where she was sitting. As I did, she slipped on to her back, her legs clamped together and stretched over her head. She then spread then open, her bright pink pussy within inches of my crotch. She slipped a finger into her pussy and rubbed it around. I was about to explode.
She turned on to her side and I handed her a ten dollar bill.
“What happened to Holly?” she asked.
I told her I didn’t know and that she had just run off the stage. Bethany said she would find out and let me know.
I waited for Bethany to finish her set and after quite a few more minutes, she and Holly came out to where I sat. Both were sporting their swim suits.
This was my first real introduction to Holly. She took a seat beside me, as Bethany took a seat to my right.
Holly apologized and asked that I keep her work a secret. I assured her I would.
“Especially at the apartment complex,” she remarked. “My ex-boyfriend lives there and I don’t need any shit from him.
I assured Holly I would keep where they worked a secret. I could tell Holly was nervous, so I told her and Bethany I would be going. Bethany begged me to stay, but I told her I could catch up with her later.
I went back to my apartment, grabbed the hand lotion and jerked off feverishly. I closed my eyes, thinking about Bethany.
I looked at the clock. It was 3:15am.
I stumbled to the front door and peered out the peep hole. I saw two heads, one a blonde and the other a brunette. I could hear them arguing.
“Maybe he is not home,” one said to the other.
“His car is here, so he is here,” the other replied.
I opened the door and both Bethany and Holly rushed in, Holly exclaiming, “Hurry up!”
She slammed the apartment door and locked the latch.
“What’s going on?” I inquired.
“Some dude was following us,” Holly replied.
I looked out the peep hole. There was a guy standing in the breezeway.
“Don’t open it,” Holly pleaded.
Holly and Bethany darted into my bedroom and closed the door. I opened the apartment door.
“Dude,” I said, “It’s three thirty in the morning! “
He took a step back. He was obvious drunk.
“Dude,” I replied, “I don’t know what your issue is, but this is not cool.”
“I’m looking for two girls,” he replied.
“Not here,” I said. “I live here by myself.”
He apologized and I watched as he stumbled off and back into the parking lot. I closed the door and latched the lock.
I opened my bedroom door. The light was on in the bathroom and there was a large lump hiding under my bed sheets. I slipped back on to my bed and under the sheet.
“Is he gone?” Bethany asked.
“No,” I replied. “He is in the living room waiting to fuck you.”
Bethany was not amused.
“Be serious,” she replied. I assured her the dude was gone.
Holly emerged from the restroom.
“Are you staying?” she asked Bethany.
“You’re not leaving are?” Bethany replied.
“Well, I’m not staying the rest of the night here,” she replied, “but if you want to, that’s fine with me.”
“I feel safer here,” Bethany replied.
“Fine,” Holly replied.
“The bed is big enough for all of us,” I remarked. “I’ll keep my clothes on.”
Holly smiled. “Clothes are not the issue,” she said. She disappeared through the bed room door. I started to get up, but Bethany grabbed my arm.
“Let her go,” Bethany replied. “She is probably on the rag.”
I laid my head back down and Bethany slipped a leg over me. I looked over at her and the next thing I knew, we were lip locked and she had her hand down the front of my boxer shorts. I couldn’t resist. I pulled my boxer shorts off and shoved my hand into Bethany’s shorts. Her panties were soaked. She pulled her halter top over her head as I stripped her of her shorts and panties. She spread her legs and I positioned myself between them.
I slipped my cock into her pussy as she wrapped her legs around me. That was the last thing I remembered. I woke up and she was gone, leaving behind a simple one word post-it that read “thanks.” It was signed with a heart sign.
Brittany was a cool gal, but Holly was mysterious.
I made some brownies and a Greek salad. I strolled over to their apartment and knocked on the door, Bethany answered it, wrapped in a satin robe and nothing else.
“I brought you guys some lunch,” I mused.
Bethany invited me and disappeared into the bedroom. Holly stumbled out, wrapped in her own robe, her hair matted and her face streaked with mascara. I set the items on the small coffee table they had.
Holly mumbled a “thanks”.
“I just wanted to say ‘thanks” and make sure you guys were OK,” I remarked. “You can drop off the bowls later.”
I spent the rest of that Saturday at the pool. I headed in to my apartment shortly after five, trying to figure out what I was going to do that evening. The hot tub beckoned.
Then I heard a ‘tap, tap, tap,” on my apartment door. I opened it to find Holly standing in front of me,looking hot in her skin tight designer jeans , stiletto heels, and a cut cut-off, mid-riff bearing top. She had on pearl drop earrings and her long brunette hair was neatly styled and combed down into bangs.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” I inquired.
“Do you want to go for a drive?” she asked.
“Sure,” I replied, “Where are we going?”
“Anywhere you want,” she replied.
I settled into the passenger seat of her sports car, a small black Toyota. She cranked on her stereo and Roxette blared from the speakers. Within seconds, we were out on the Interstate. We drove for about an hour, just listening to the music.
Holly pulled off the interstate and on to the service road. She steered on to a small country road and pulled up to a stop. She turned the radio down and looked at me.
“Do you ever get afraid?” she asked. It was a strange question.
“Yes, but only when I am not sure of myself,” I replied. “Why?”
She stepped on the gas and the small sports car took off down the country road. I watched the speedometer hit 80, then 85, then 88. We rounded a corner and Holly struggled to hold on to the steering wheel as the car careened from one side of the road to another. We hit a patch of loose gravel and Holly screamed “Oh Shit!” as the car went airborne and landed with a jarring thud. She stomped on the brakes and we ground to a stop, dust encircling us.
I didn’t say a word.
She looked at me – “Did I scare you?”
“No,” I told her, “but I can scare you.”
“Take your best shot,” she replied.
We exchanged places.
“Put your seat belt on,” I remarked. Holly slipped the belt across her lap and chest.
I slipped the car into reverse and stomped on the gas.
“Oh shit!” Holly exclaimed. I stomped on the brake and turned the wheel hard, swinging the front end of the small car into a 180 degree spin. Before we were event pointed in the opposite direction, I slammed the car into first gear and stomped on the gas. The tires spun on the asphalt surface, squealing. I popped it into second gear and we were immediately propelled back into our seats and the car took off. The engine screamed as I slammed it from one gear into another. Holly put her hand out to hold on to the dash, as she held on to her seat belt with the other hand.
I hit the first curve low, at 80, and pushed on the accelerator. We topped 90, then 95, 96, 100, 105, then 107, the engine screaming. I called out the speed as we trekked along. I backed off the accelerator to about 90, and looked at Holly.
“Do you ever get afraid?” I asked as we slipped around another curve and then through an s-curve.
She didn’t answer.
I slammed on the brakes, and just before we came to a stop, I yanked on the steering wheel, spinning the small sedan in a circle. We stopped facing back down the road we had just traveled.
I looked at Holly. She had her eyes closed. Her fists were balled up tight and white, holding on to the seat belt strap. As soon as we came to a complete stop, she looked at me and remarked, “You bastard! You could have killed us!”
“No,” I replied, “I have professional training in evasive maneuvers and high speed driving- you, on the other hand, you don’t and you could have killed us, taking that curve at 80 on the high side.”
Holly didn’t say a word at that point. We sat there, for the longest time, in the middle of now here, Texas on a rural country road, listening to the Bangles, the Eagles and KISS. We eventually found our way back into the big city, and she told me her life-story. She was adopted as a child, and she had an older sister she barely knew. She knew her real mom and dad, but they had health issues and her mother had mental health issues. Holly had a boyfriend, but he turned out to be a closeted gay. She said she only found out by pure accident when she found him and another guy kissing.
Holly said she turned to stripping only as a way to pay her rent and to try and take care of her indigent parents.
“I have my bad points,” she declared, “but at least I am not a whore.”
We both knew she was talking about Bethany.
Holly dropped me off at my apartment. We sat around on my porch, overlooking the pool, drinking shots. The more we talked and the more we drank, it became obvious where we were going to end up.
“Do you want to spend the night?” I casually inquired.
“You know, if I do, what will happen,” Holly responded.
“Yes, I do,” I replied, “But only of you want it to happen.”
“Oh, I want it,” she responded, “I just don’t know if I can handle it.”
Holly was being painfully honest and as much as I wanted to nail her, I knew the time wasn’t right. I walked her to her apartment and as we stood on her porch, I leaned down and planted a light kiss on her lips. She put her hand on my chest and smiled.
“Next time,” she replied.
I didn’t see Holly for several days. I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I knocked on her and Bethany’s door several times over the course of a week and there was no answer. I was frustrated. I thought about going by the club where they worked, but didn’t have the heart.
I had to work one night until 2am and when I got back to the apartment, I could hear voices laughing at the hot tub. I stepped out on to my porch. Bethany was in the hot tub, topless and there were two guys with her. Holly was stretched out on a chase lounge, in her bikini, with shades on.
“What are you doing?” I whispered from my porch.
“I’m getting a moon tan,” Holly replied. “Where have you been?”
“Working,” I replied.
“Do you have anything to drink?” Holly inquired.
“It’s 2:30 am,” I replied.
“So?” she shot back.
I stepped back into my apartment and grabbed a bottle of cinnamon schnapps and two shot glasses. I saw a movement on my patio. Holly stepped into my apartment, still wearing her sun shades. She staggered to my couch and spread herself out on it draping one leg up on the end and spreading her other leg to the side. She always wore the skimpiest of bikini’s that left nothing to the imagination.
I sat the cinnamon schnapps on the coffee table, along with two shot glasses and then I settled on to the floor next to the couch. I poured us both a drink and I watched as Holly downed hers in one swift swallow. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
I stood up and stripped out of my work slacks, tossing them on to a nearby chair as I unbuttoned my button-down white work shirt.
I poured us another round. Holly downed hers in one swallow and again, wiped her mouth across the back of her hand.
“I’m getting fucked up,” she declared. I turned on my stereo. Holly’s head bobbed to the thumping of the music. She stood up in front of me and began to dance, moving her hips back and forth to the rhythm of the music. I was looking right at her pubic area as she danced. She straddled me and grabbed my head, pulling my face in close to her coochie.
I lopped a finer under her bikini bottoms and tugged, but she fell back on to the couch.
“No way,” she exclaimed. “You gotta pay to play!”
I jumped on top of her, pinning her hands over her head, straddling her hips.
“You play, YOU pay,” I countered.
“Are you going to rape me?” she asked.
“No,” I countered, “but you don’t tease unless you please.”
I loosened my hold on her wrists. Holly grabbed my balls through by boxer shorts and squeezed, “How’s this feel?”
“Fuck!” I exclaimed as I fell on the couch beside her.
In an instant, she was on top of me, straddling my hips, her pelvis pushing against my erection. She pulled her bikini top off, and shoved a tit into my face.
“Suck it!” she demanded. I put my lips up to her nipple and sucked in hard.
“Now the other one,” she instructed. I cupped her breast in my hand. She slapped my hand.
“I didn’t say you could do that,” Holly sneered.
I pushed up with my hip, as I grabbed her arm and wrestled her on to her back, on the couch. She kicked and landed a glancing blow to my thigh. I jumped out of the way of a second kick and pounced on top of her, my knees landing on either side of her pelvis. I grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands over her head.
“You fight like a fucking girl,” I snarled.
“Because I am a fucking girl!” she yelled back.
“Do you want to fuck or fight?” I asked.
She struggled to get lose from my grip, but I wasn’t letting go.
“Neither.” she replied.
“Fine,” I replied, “If I let go, you have to promise to not kick anymore.”
“I promise,” she replied.
As I stood up, she curled up her legs and thrust one of them forward, catching me on my hip. I turned and looked at her.
“I lied,” she responded.
I walked off into my bedroom. I knew she would follow. I quickly stepped into my darkened bathroom.
“Where are you?” she called out. I lowered my head and charged. My shoulder caught her left hip and I lifted her off her feet and slammed her on to my bed.
“Fuck!” she exclaimed as she bounced on the bed.
I pulled at the bikini strings that tied her at her side, ripping them from her tight little body, even as she struggled to hold on to them. Once I had hr bikini in hand, I rolled off the bed and ran out to my patio, and tossed the bikini bottoms on to the pool deck.
Ruth stood naked in my bedroom doorway.
“I can’t believe you would do that!” she exclaimed.
“Go get em,” I replied.
“No way!” she countered.
“Pleeeease,” she begged.
“Nope,” I responded, ‘If you want them, you go get them.”
She grabbed my button down uniform shirt and put it on. She retreated to my bed and slipped under the covers. I waited a few minutes and then I slipped in beside her.
“Not tonight,” she replied, “next time.”
I snuggled up next to her and pressed my erection against her backside, but unfortunately, within seconds, she was snoring.
I am, if nothing persistent.
I woke up at 9am and slipped out of bed. I sauntered into the kitchen and threw together a quick breakfast of toast and jelly, with some bacon and eggs. I placed the ensemble on a small tray and stepped back into my bedroom.
Holly rolled over and rubbed her eyes.
“What time is it?” she asked.
“Time to eat,” I responded. She sat up in the bed, her hair matted and tangled.
“Oh my gawd!” she remarked, realizing she was wearing my work shirt and nothing else. “What did I do?”
I smiled, holding the breakfast tray in my hands. “Don’t worry,” I remarked, “You won’t be pregnant.”
“You are not funny,” Holly replied.
I sat the tray on her outstretched legs and disappeared back to the kitchen for mine. I plopped down on the bed next to her and smiled. She looked at me, but didn’t say anything.
“Don’t worry,” I remarked, “We didn’t do anything. I promise, but I have to admit, you kick like a mule.”
Holly apologized, “I got wasted. I’m sorry.”
I didn’t say anything else. We finished our breakfast and as we did she asked about her bikini.
“Well part of it is on the couch,” I replied, “and the other part, I have no idea.”
“Oh my gawd!” Holly replied, “I don’t remember anything.”
“You can use my shirt, and I have a pair of boxers I can loan you,” I replied.
I washed the breakfast dishes as Holly took a shower. She reappeared, dressed in my boxer shorts and my uniform short. She thanked me for the breakfast and disappeared out my patio sliding glass doors.
Holly, I soon found out, could not hold her liquor. Since she was all of 5’4’ and about 115 lb, and it didn’t take much to get her tipsy and it didn’t take much to get her naked either. She had a killer body and she knew it. She flaunted it at every opportunity.
Holly refused to drink at work, saying she didn’t make as much money whenever she was drinking. She saved her drinking for after work. Because Bethany was the resident whore, always bringing guys back to the apartment complex for extracurricular activities, Holly found herself spending more and more time at my apartment.
While Bethany was fucking in the hot tub, Holly and I would play scrabble or card games until the sun would come up. Then, we’d sleep to about noon and go get a bite to eat. I worked the 5pm to 1 am shift, so things worked out well for us, as we shared practically the same works hours.
Things went on like this for months and I always enjoyed the company of both girls. On several occasions, Bethany tried to coerce me into some really fun times, but I declined, simply because I wasn’t for sure if she was really being as safe as she should. Holly and I continued to play our tease game, but after a while, that got old.
Then, one evening, on one of my off days, I decided to go by the club. Holly was not there, Bethany said she had left early to go “clubbing.” That sounded like Holly. If things were going slow, she’d just up and leave and go to a real dance club.
Bethany introduced me to a young dancer by the name of “Ebony.” Her real name was Chandra. She was eighteen (or so she said) and had a tight little spinner body. She was on the thin side and weighed less than a hundred pounds. She had small boobs and rock hard nipples that just begged to be sucked on. Chandra insisted on giving me a lap dance, so I gave in and let her do the bump and grind.
Just as the music changed, she grabbed my cock through the fabric of my trousers and squeezed, “Maybe we can do something about that,” she remarked. “Maybe so,” I replied. I didn’t give our short conversation much thought, because I had heard the offer many times over before from different girls. It was almost always followed up by a request for a second or third dance and a ploy for more money. Rarely, did such an offer mean much for me. I knew the game all to well.
Two o’clock came and the lights inside the club went up. The girls quickly disappeared into the dressing room and the guys sauntered off to the parking lot. Because the club knew I was good friends and the ride for Bethany, I was allowed to wait inside as everyone cleared out of the bar.
A few minutes later, Bethany emerged from the dressing room with her large oversized tote bag slung over her shoulder. She had on her traditional cut-off shorts, slip flops and a halter top. Behind her was Chandra, carrying her own tote bag.
“Chandra needs a ride,” Bethany remarked. I didn’t say anything, but gave her an approving head nod to follow us. Chandra climbed into the back seat of my SUV, as I placed her tote bag and that of Bethany’s in the back. I couldn’t help but notice Chandra’s cute ass peeking out from her cut-off shorts, as she climbed into the seat. She smiled and proffered a wink.
I quickly got us out of the club parking lot.
“Where to?” I asked, looking in the back seat at Chandra.
“Hold on a sec,” she replied. I could hear her counting from the back seat. “Twenty one, twenty two, twenty three.”
She stopped counting and I waited for her to say something.
“I’m fucked,” she said.
“Why”” I asked.
“I only have twenty four dollars,” Chandra replied. I waited for the next line. “I don’t have enough for a room.”
Bethany looked at me. She didn’t have to say a word. I knew instinctually, I had a couch guest for the night.
“Steve’s couch is comfortable,” Bethany remarked.
“Are you sure?” Chandra asked.
“No problem for me,” I replied.
“I will make it up to you,” Chandra remarked.
“No problem,” I replied.
Chandra was surprised by my apartment, as she followed Bethany and me in to the unit. I tossed their totes on to the floor beside the couch.
“Do you guy want to sit in the hot tub for a bit? I casually asked.
“You have a hot tub?” Chandra inquired, sounding shocked.
“Yes we do,” Bethany replied as she opened the sliding glass doors to the patio.
Bethany grabbed two towels from my bathroom and proceeded to strip out of her clothes as Chandra sat on my porch swing, her head leaning back against the comfortable headrest I had installed.
“Come on girl, get naked,” Bethany called out.
Chandra looked surprised.
“It’s almost three in the morning, no one cares if you are naked,” Bethany responded, seeing Chandra’s surprised look. Bethany wrapped the bath towel around her naked body and headed towards the hot tub. I slipped into my bed room and into my swimming shorts. I stepped back into my living room, just as Chandra was slipping the towel around her.
“Do you want a drink?” I asked.
“What do you have?” she inquired.
“Cinnamon schnapps,” I replied, pulling the bottle from a cabinet and setting two shot glasses on the counter. I poured the schnapps and handed her a shot glass. She put it to her lips and sipped it.
“Oh shit!” Dat’s strong!” she declared.
“It’s supposed to be,” I responded, downing my own shot glass.
Chandra downed her shot glass. Her eyes widened as she felt the burn and then the warmth of the schnapps at it settled in her stomach. She asked for a second and then a third.
“Go easy,” I remarked, “I don’t need you passing out.”
“But that shit is goooood!” Chandra remarked.
She grabbed the bottle and stepped out on my patio. I followed her to the hot tub. Bethany was already in it, the bubbles lapping at her neck. Chandra dropped her towel and in the faint glow of the light from the hot tub, I got to see more of her tight little body than I had been able to see in the club. She slowly slipped into the hot tub and I slid in behind her. The water felt so goooood!
It didn’t take much for any of us to start to feel the effects of the schnapps and the heat of the tub. Bethany quickly abandoned the tub for the pool. I slid over next to Chandra and casually dropped my hand on her thigh under the water.
“You got me going in the club,” I remarked.
“I could tell,” she replied. Chandra slipped her hand on to my thigh and squeezed.
I arched my back and slid my swimming trucks down my legs. I grabbed them and put them on the deck.
Chandra slipped her small hand on to my cock under the water. I scooted over next to her and lifted her on to my lap, my swollen cock between her legs.
“This isn’t going to work,” I remarked, even my cock rested against Chandra’s pussy.
I moved Chandra off my lap and stepped up on one of the hot tub steps, offering my hand to her. She took my hand and I pulled her up from the swirling waters. She bent over, grabbed a towel, as I retrieved my swimming trunks. We walked quickly back to my patio and into my apartment. I turned out the lights, and we headed into my bedroom.
Chandra was more than ready. I planted my cock into her wet pussy. I was happy again. I had pussy. Finally!
The next morning, we fucked again before we showered together. We stepped out in to my living room to find a totally naked Bethany sleeping on the couch. The Schnapps bottle set empty on the coffee table.
Just after noon, Holly showed up. I don’t think she was too happy to see a young dancer sitting at my coffee table, wearing one of my shirts and nothing else. Bethany asked if the rent was paid.
“Yes,” Holly replied, “I paid it while you were out fucking around.”
Oh oh. The tension was thick. Bethany laughed off Holly’s remark by saying, “Hey, at least I am working and not clubbing.”
Holly and Bethany left for their apartment, leaving Chandra and I alone. I sauntered into the shower. Chandra was right behind me. Damn, this girl was a fuck machine.
Bethany tapped on the apartment door at five to announce she had a ride to the club. Chandra grabbed her tote bag and I followed her out to the curb where a Yellow Cab waited.
“Are you coming by the club?” Chandra inquired. I said I would, but the truth of the matter was, I couldn’t. Not only was I broke, but I could hardly walk. I watched as the Yellow Cab drove off with Bethany and Chandra in the back seat. I stumbled back into my apartment and headed to bed.
I never saw Bethany or Chandra after that day. A few days later, Holly called me and said she was moving into her real parent’s house in Grand Prairie. Bethany had disappeared, gone to California. I was sad to see my dancer friends leaving. We had such good times.
About a week later, I got a call from Holly about eleven o’clock at night. I need your help. She said she was at home and she sounded desperate, so I drove the forty five minutes to her mom and dad’s house. I knocked on the door and there was not answer. I dialed her phone.
“Come to my window,” Holly whispered. I stepped through the flower bed and over to her window. She slid it open. There was no screen. Holly peaked out to see me looking back at her.
“Hold on,” She said. A few seconds later, she stepped out on her front porch and waved for me to come in. She was in her pajamas and slippers. I followed her to her bedroom, where she closed the door. She plopped down on her bed and I sat next to her.
She looked scared.
“What is it?” I asked.
Holly told me she had been asked to deliver a wrapped package to someone and that after making the delivery, the guy tried to grab her.
“What did you do?” I asked.
“I got free and I took a shot at him,” she replied.
“A shot?” I asked.
Holly pulled small handgun from under her pillow. I had no idea she carried a handgun.
“Did you hit him?” I asked.
“I didn’t stick around to find out,” she replied.
“OK,” I said, “Give me the gun.”
I sure didn’t want any incriminating evidence being tied to her or I. I took her pillow case and wrapped the gun up.
“What are you going to do?” she asked, “that’s my protection.”
For the very first time, I saw real fear, in Holly’ eyes.
“I’m going to get you a real job, “ I remarked. I took the gun out from the pillow case and checked to make sure the safety was engaged. I stuck it under a pillow on her bed.
“Turn off the lamp,” I told her. She did as I instructed. “Now lay down.”
“What are you going to do?” she asked in the darkened room.
“I am going to fuck you like there is no tomorrow,” I replied, pulling her in close to where I was settling in for the night.
“No,” she replied, “I’m serious.”
“I am too,” I replied. “Now shut the fuck up and go to sleep.”
It took her a while, but eventually I heard her breathing slow and I knew right then, I had a special friend.
I did as promised, and got Holly a job, working in security, in the same upscale hotel where I was working. She had no security experience. I told her to apply and to use her female charm to its maximum potential. I winked and wished her the best of luck.
“I’m not giving any blow jobs,” she remarked.
“You don’t have to,” I replied. “Just tell the security director you can do the job and if you have to, remind him that you don’t mind being the first female security officer in a company that has a track record of not hiring females.”
Holly got the job.
Holly and I worked that security job for several years. During that time, she went through several boyfriends, much to my chagrin. Fortunately, we stayed close and I help her drink through her breakups.
Holly hated the job, because they stuck her at the security desk watching the closed circuit monitors. Every guy that worked in the hotel tried to hit on her, but Holly stood her ground and didn’t let anyone take advantage of her.
One evening, Holly asked for some relief at the security desk. She said she was tired of being bored and missed the excitement of the club life.
“That’s the cross you have to bear,” I told her.
Holly had gone through a series of boyfriends.
“I like the chase,” she confided, “but I fail to really get what I want and need.”
“Maybe,” I told her, “You just haven’t found the right guy.”
I had been so close to nailing Holly on so many occasions, but didn’t follow through. I’m not quite sure why, but I didn’t. Maybe, it just wasn’t the right time. But even though we never sexually active with each other, we had frustrated the hell out of each other to the point that I was sure that should we ever really connect, it would be anti-climatic.
I watched the security monitors. Holy said she would check out the hotel pool and make sure it was secure. I saw her go into the pool area on camera three, but didn’t see her leave. I called her on the security radio to make sure she was Ok. She said she was OK, that she was just enjoying the view at the pool.
The next thing I see is a form in the pool. I called Holly on her radio and she didn’t answer. The womanly form on the screen disappeared and Holly radioed back that she was OK. I asked if she was still at the pool and she said that she was.
I saw her leaving the pool area, and darting into the ladies room, dressed only in her panties and her brassiere. I locked the monitor on the restroom door area and a few minutes later, she emerged and waved at the security camera.
Holly arrived back at the security desk a few minutes later, her long brown hair tangled and still damp from her pool dip.
“You are crazy,” I told her. We spent the next few minutes deleting about an hour’s worth of footage on the security tapes.
My relief showed up, but Holly’s relief was late. I invited her to drop by my apartment if she was still up for a swim, but she said she wanted to hit the clubs before they closed.
“Once a clubber, always a clubber,” I thought to myself. I was just pulling into my apartment parking lot when Holly called me.
“My battery is dead,” she said.
I jokingly told her there were spares in her nightstand.
“Not funny,” she responded. “I need to be jumped.”
Now, those are magical words, I thought to myself.
It took me about thirty minutes to make my way back to the hotel. I pulled up beside her, but she didn’t even look up from her cell phone. I got out and tapped on her driver’s side window and she jumped about a foot.
“Come on,” I beckoned, “I’ll take you home.”
“What about the jump?” she asked.
“My jumper cables are at the apartment,” I replied. “We can come back and get it in the morning. I’m off tomorrow.”
Holly had the day off as well, so she grabbed her purse and locked the car doors.
“Where will it be? The Pub or the apartment?” I asked as we drove out of the parking lot. It was close to 1:30am.
“Do you have anything to drink at your place?” Holly asked.
“You know I do,” I responded.
“Can I spend the night?” I Holly asked.
I had heard this request so many times, that it didn’t even need a response.
I put son bread into the toaster as Holy excused herself to the bathroom. A few minutes later, she emerged wearing only her white button-down uniform short, which had the top two buttons unfastened. I could very easily make out her nipples as they poked the thin cotton covering. She was barefoot and without her suit trousers, the shirt tail barely covering her ass.
She took up a reclining position on my couch. I took out my traditional bottle of schnapps and poured us a drink. Holly smiled as I took a seat on the floor next to the couch. She inched her shirt up just enough to show me her pussy.
“Do you want to fuck?” Holly asked.
I had heard her tease many times before.
“Now or tomorrow?” I asked.
Holly pulled at her white shirt, ripping it open, buttons flying off of it. She was totally naked. She reached out and grabbed my arm and pulled me in to where she lay on the sofa. She took my hand in hers and put my hand on her pussy, pushing my middle finger in past her pussy lips.
Holy fuck!
She was wet, extremely wet. It didn’t take much to make me hard. Suddenly, Holly jumped from the couch and pinned me on to the hardwood floor, straddling my body, and forcing my hands over my head. I rolled an landed on top of her. I grabbed her wrists and held on to them.
“Is this what you want?” I asked.
“Yes,” she replied. I pressed my lips to hers and it was like an explosion occurred.
She pulled at my pants, pulling them from my body as I unfastened my work shirt. Buttons popped off it as I ripped the last two from the button holes. Holly pulled underwear down my legs, setting my eight and half inch rock hard cock, free.
I lowered myself to use my tongue to encircle her stiff nipples perched on the tops of her 36C cup breasts. So many times, I had come so close to them, but now, they were all mine, and I had unlimited access.
I worked my way down her tight little spinner body, as she moaned her approval. I worshipped very inch of her.
When I finally found my way to erogenous zone, Holly became uncontrollably wild. I pulled her off the floor and carried her to my bed.
“Put it in me,” she begged, pulling on my head as sucked and kissed her labia. I slipped between her legs and positioned my cock right at the entry to her pussy. I had waited months and years for this moment.
“Don’t stop now, you fucker.” Holly cried out. I smiled, looking down at her dark brown eyes.
I pushed my cock into her pussy and she shivered. I stopped to make sure I could savor the moment
“Don’t fucking stop!” Holly cried out.
I looked at her and smiled.
“Shut the fuck up!” I replied, “This is my tease!”
“Fucking bastard!” she cried out.
“Fucking bytch!” I replied. I pushed my cock deep into her pussy. She stiffened and her entire body shook. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She flooded the bed with her womanly juices, her pussy constricting tightly, clamping down on my cock.
“Fuck me!” Holly breathlessly cried out.
And so I fucked her. Hard.
I shot my load deep into her pussy. She trembled violently, and changed colors several times, her clinched fists beating me on my shoulders as orgasm after orgasm rocked her tiny body. Finally, I rolled off of her and lie spent, beside her.
Then she said it. Softly.
“I love you.”
Those three little magic words changed my life and hers, forever. It had been a long time coming. It took a while. I learned a lot and I had a lot of fun, but in the end, Holly won out.