Secrets of Liberty Mountain: No Man’s Land (Chapter 3)

"A homeless veteran life abruptly changes when he stumbles upon a group of female survivalists."

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The next room turned out to be the bedroom Sheila shared with her partner, Lucia. The walls were hand-hewn pine planks decked out with bookcases and several very well done nude watercolor portraits of women.

A queen-size four-poster bed covered with a beautiful handmade quilt took up one wall, and a rustic looking nightstand with a large table lamp adorned with a stained glass shade provided most of the light in the room. The balance of the lighting came from a stone fireplace with several burning logs.

A huge bearskin spread out on the floor before the fire along with several large throw pillows offered comfortable seating. The room had an elegant, warm and cozy feel to it overall.

Sheila retrieved an amber-colored bottle and two glasses from the bookshelf and sat down on the rug. She patted a spot next to her as she invited me to join her at the fireplace.

“Dennis, would you care to join me in a glass of home-brewed brandy?”

“Only if you make mine a double.” I was tempted to ask for a triple, but I let it pass. A double would do for now.

Taking a seat on the rug next to Sheila, I made myself as comfortable as possible. I was no longer as flexible as I had been when I was younger. Moreover, sitting on the floor was hardly my preferred mode of relaxation.

I took a sip of the offered brandy. Oh my God, it was as smooth as silk, and I could feel it filling me with a warm glow.

“Tell me Dennis, how comfortable are you with public displays of nudity?” Sheila asked as she took a sip of her brandy.

I nearly snorted the drink out of my nose as I coughed and choked in surprise. What the fuck kind of question was that?

“I don’t have a problem with public nudity,” I regained my composure. “I’ve visited plenty of nude beaches in my life.”

“Did you get nude yourself or just visit as a voyeur?” Sheila inquired.

“I got as naked as everyone else. Why do you ask?” I responded.

“Because our dress code most assuredly is clothing optional when we’re in the cabin. Most of us go skyclad when we aren’t working or cooking, or if safety requires we remain covered up. I’m glad that you’re comfortable with this,” Sheila said, as she pulled her sweater over her head and exposed her braless chest.

I used to think I was pretty jaded and nothing would surprise me. Wrong. What do you say to a naked lady? I felt like I was playing a bit part on candid camera.

Neatly folding her garment, she rose to her knees, unbuckled her jeans, and slid them down to her ankles. My eyes widened in surprise. Sheila wore no underwear, and her naked body showed no trace of tan lines. My head was spinning.

Seriously, the same dizzy feeling I had when standing at the edge of a cliff swept over me in a wave of cultural vertigo as I struggled to keep my mental balance. The normal social landmarks outlining the boundaries of acceptable behavior were either missing or obscured in this strange new world.

Sheila folded her jeans, placed them on top of her sweater, leaned back on the pillow behind her, and closed her eyes, “Ahh, that feels much more comfortable. I’m almost getting to the point where I hate wearing clothing,” she said with a deep sigh.

I took the opportunity to examine Sheila’s exposed body as she lay naked next to me. I was trying to engrave this moment in my memory for later replay. Maybe it will make more sense the second time around. Her breasts were still pretty firm, and they showed few of the signs of aging or sagging, apart from a few stretch marks, which came along with advancing years.

Sheila’s nipples were about the size of the tip of my little finger, and her dark brown areolas were roughly the size of fifty-cent pieces. Her stomach was flat with just a few wrinkles above a thin patch of reddish-brown pubic hair. She was in better physical shape than most women half her age. Either that, or she was a very high mileage thirty-year-old.

Her face had the usual lines and weather-worn creases of someone who spent most of their time outdoors, and there was only a slight hint of a double chin. She opened her eyes and caught me studying her body.

“Do I meet with your approval?”

I was stone-cold busted. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare. I don’t often find myself alone with a naked woman,” I stammered. “This whole thing is way too weird. Talk about being beyond my comfort zone; you’re naked. Now you tell me there’s an entire group of naked women just beyond this door,” I looked around and waved my arms, “and then there’s all this, this cabin in the middle of fucking nowhere. It’s just everything. I don’t mind being outside my zone, but I still need the time to process it.”

I continued. “Take this cabin, for example. It didn’t grow here. It seems to be at least ten or fifteen years old, and it must have cost a fortune. What did you guys do? Win the lottery or something?” I said, waving my arms around the room.

“You’re either a good guesser or a very lucky boy. That’s exactly how this place came to be. Do you remember when everyone was freaking out over a seventy-five million dollar jackpot that remained unclaimed for almost a year nearly twenty years ago? That was the sisters and me,” Sheila said.

“It took us that long to set up a corporation to hold the ticket. We decided that we would fly under the radar. We didn’t want the media attention, I’m sure you can understand.” She patted my leg.

“How the hell did you build this structure? You needed some heavy equipment to put this place together, and there are no roads in or out of the valley?”

“We cut and milled all the wood we needed on site. A French Canadian Heavy Lift Helicopter Service brought in all the necessary equipment to complete this building and about a dozen utility structures. I’ll give you and Darlene a tour of our colony tomorrow,” Sheila offered.

I numbly nodded while reaching into my shirt pocket. I needed a smoke to calm my nerves.

With the pack of smokes in my hand, I asked, “Is it okay with you if I have a cigarette?”

“Shit! You’ve got cigarettes? I haven’t had one in years!” She took the pack from my hand and tapped two cigarettes out before setting the pack down next to her leg.

Sheila gave me one before rolling onto her stomach. Slightly spreading her legs for balance, she stretched forward and reached into the fireplace to find an unburned twig to use as a match to light her cigarette.

Her buttocks were on vivid display as she sprawled before me. Each rounded cheek was firm, compact, and well-tanned. Her small puckered brown anus was clearly visible in the valley between them just above the lips of her vagina. I could feel a stiffening in my shorts as my body responded to the vision before me.

I was going to have to get my aging and raging hormones in check if nudity was going to be the new normal. I had a hunch that sprouting a boner every time one of the women of the colony bent over wasn’t going to cut the mustard.

I reached into my pocket, pulled out my Bic lighter, and lit my cigarette while Sheila worked to get her twig lit. I then tapped her on the leg and offered her my torch.

Sheila relaxed against her pillow for the next few minutes and puffed away at her first cigarette in years. “Damn! I had forgotten how much I enjoyed a good smoke.” She laughed and blew a perfect smoke ring and then another.

“Keep the pack; it’s my treat. There are plenty more in the car.” I watched the smoke rings until they dissolved in the air. I was impressed. Not many smokers could blow a quality smoke ring.

“Really? How much is plenty more?” Sheila asked.

“I brought enough tobacco to roll at least twenty-four thousand cigarettes. That should last a few years.” I told Sheila about my bulk tobacco purchase in Rifle, Colorado.

My eyes kept drifting back to Sheila’s breasts and down to her pubic hair and vagina as we talked. I finally said, “I know that staring is rude, Sheila, but it’s hard to keep my eyes away from your body. You’re a very attractive woman.” I felt my erection twitch.

“I noticed, but don’t worry about it. I didn’t give you much warning before changing into my birthday suit, and this was a test. I wanted to see how you would handle female nudity, and you did just fine. I’m frankly flattered when someone admires my body, even if it’s a man. Just try not to drool,” Sheila said with a grin as she glanced at my crotch.

“I understand the usual norms around social nudity, and it doesn’t include unwanted sexual aggression. Just because a woman is naked doesn’t give anyone permission to grope or fondle her. I get it.” I rested my hand in my lap. Just to be on the safe side.

“That is almost a feminist viewpoint for a man. Maybe you’ll be able to fit in here after all.” Sheila stood, stretched and stood on her tiptoes as circulation returned to her legs.

“I’m famished and it’s getting late, Dennis. Let’s continue this conversation later, but we need to get downstairs before there’s nothing left of dinner in the meantime.” I gratefully took her hand as she helped me to my feet. I have the knees of a man twice my age.


Published 7 years ago

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