“Becca are you ready?” Joanne calls from downstairs. I live with my two room mates in a 3 bedroom town home in what we like to call rural suburbia. We call it that because it’s a little town home community of about 10 town homes located 20 minutes from anything resembling civilization. Other than out little pocket community, the closest neighbors are 5 minutes down the road.
“Yeah, just give me a sec!” I yelled down to her as I grabbed my cell phone and keys. I took a quick glance in the mirror and headed downstairs. Joanne is impatiently waiting by the door tapping her foot, with one hand on her hip and the other on the door handle.
“You look cute,” she compliments me. “Where is Kaci? Is she meeting us there?” Joanne asks.
Kaci is the third roommate, she is always working late and finding reasons to stay over because she has a major crush on her boss. Her boss is married and his wife looks like a porn star; Kaci clearly doesn’t have a chance.
“Yeah, she’s meeting us there. She said she had to do a few last minute things at the office and then she was heading out.” I tell Joanne as we walk out the door.
Joanne is tall and skinny, not sickly skinny, just model skinny. She has long auburn hair and freckles. She is the only girl I know that can get away with not wearing a bra. I joke with her all the time about not having any boobs, she barely fills a B cup. She has on a purple tank with a built in bra liner and a pair of hip hugger jeans. She always looks cute and everything seems to fit perfectly on her.
I’m average height and curvy, not fat just curvy. I have long wavy black hair and olive skin. I can easily fill a D cup and my ass is my greatest asset. I have on a teal blue tank and a blue jean skirt with my cowboy boots. Joanne is always teasing me about my boots, I own 10 pair!
“I really wish Kaci would stop falling all over that jerk of a boss,” Joanne states as she starts the car. “He doesn’t even know she’s alive.”
“I know, I’ve talked to her about it several times but she swears she’s not into him anymore.” I tell her and she rolls her eyes.
“Okay, I’ll believe that when the lock screen on her phone isn’t a picture of him anymore,” Joanne snorts and laughs.
“Seriously?” I look at her shocked, “I didn’t know that…” I roll my eyes and we drive down the road towards the fairgrounds.
As we pull in I can smell the popcorn and cotton candy and hear the laughter and screams of the crowd. I so love this atmosphere, life seems so simple at times like this.
“Kaci just messaged me,” Joanne says. “She’s at the entrance waiting on us.”
“Cool,” I smile at her and we head to the entrance.
Kaci stood waiting for us just like she said, she must have changed before leaving because she was wearing a tight red t-shirt and cut off shorts. Kaci is the short one of the bunch. She’s also the chubby one. Her boobs put mine to shame and her ass can easily take two seats. However, she’s proud of her body and never misses an opportunity to show it off.
We all paid for our tickets and each bought a ride pass.
“I’m gonna head over that way,” Joanne takes off towards the game booths looking for her boyfriend Jake.
“Guess we lost her,” I told Kaci.
Kaci picked up her phone and begins texting.
“Seriously?” I motion to her phone.
“Work,” she answers and walks off with the phone glued to her ear.
I guess it’s just me now, I head to the house of mirrors. I was not about to let them ruin my fun. Joanne and her boyfriend, Kaci and her work… Whatever happened to solidarity and sisterhood? I show my bracelet to the ride attendent guy and walk inside. It always amuses me to see myself in all the different mirrors. Fat, thin, short, tall, squiggly… I round the corner and hear a familiar voice.
“All by yourself tonight?” It was Trey, an old boyfriend from high school.
“Trey!” I throw my arms around him and hug him tight. “Fancy meeting you here,” I smile at him and put my hand on my hip.
“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” He cocked his head to the side and gave me that cute half grin I remember so well.
“You by yourself?” I ask.
“Yeah,” he answers.
“Oh, no girlfriend?” I couldn’t help but ask.
“No, we broke it off a few months ago. Haven’t really met anyone worth dating.” He runs his hand through his wavy brown hair.
He looks better now than he did in high school. He’s really filled out, his arms and his chest are much broader than I remember.
“Sorry to hear that,” I lied.
“Hmm, you?” He smiles again.
“No boyfriend, just me.” I could feel my face flush. I look in the mirror, I was actually blushing… He always had the effect on me.
“How about you and I hang tonight?” He suggest, “for old times sake?”
“Sounds like a plan,” I smile.
We walk through the house of mirrors laughing and talking about the past. After the house of mirrors we decided to head over to the bumper cars.
“You ready?” Trey asks as we strap ourselves in.
“Oh yeah, I’m coming after you!” I laugh.
We chase each other around the bumper car track. Being with Trey again is turning out to be a great night. Once the ride was over we both got up laughing and ready for the next ride.
“So what’s next?” He asks.
“Caged ferris wheel?” I pointed toward the line.
“You ready to be alone in a cage with me? High up in the air? No one to help you?” He teased.
“I think I can handle it,” I gently slap his arm and tug him toward the ferris wheel line.
We see Joanne and Jake towards the front of the line, I try waving but she doesn’t notice me.
“Is that Joanne?” Trey asks.
“Yeah, we’re roommates.” I answer, “that’s her boyfriend Jake with her.”
“What ever happened to the little chubby one?” He asks, I knew he was referring to Kaci.
“She’s around somewhere,” I tell him. “She also lives with us.”
Once at the front of the line I realized I hadn’t seen Joanne and Jake board.
“Ma’am?” The ride attendant took my hand to help me into the cage.
It was bigger than I remembered. Four people could actually ride in this one. It isn’t cage all thr way around, the walls are solid. The top and the sides are caged like windows. Since it was night time the ride is all lit up and the neon lights fill the cage.
Once we were both inside he locks the cage door and says, “enjoy the ride.”
Trey sits across from me and kicks his feet up and leans back with his hands resting behind his head.
“I haven’t been on one of these in I can’t tell you how long,” I tell Trey.
“Last time I was on one of these was our Senior year in high school and you were with me,” he sits back and smiles at me.
The ride lifts us up to let more people on. This was much roomier than the one we rode in high school.
“Ten minutes of boarding for a five minute ride…” Trey laughs.
“I think this one is 15 minutes,” I correct him.
As we sit talking we hear we moaning coming from the cage above us. It was hard to make out who it was but they were defiantly getting it on. The cage was rocking and the moaning was pretty steady.
“I guess that’s one way to pass the time,” I say and look laughingly at Trey.
“Oh God yes, right there baby!” I could clearly hear Joanne.
“That’s Joanne!” I tell Trey.
“No way,” Trey smiles big and puts a finger over his mouth signaling me to be quiet.
“Yes Jake baby, oh yeah.” Joanne continues to moan.
Trey leans forward and puts his hand on my knee, he smiles and laughs to himself listening to the events unfolding.
“You like that slut?” Jake states.
“Yeah baby, fuck my pussy.” Joanne replys.
Trey’s hand slightly sqeezes my knee and he inches up my thigh.
“Who’s slut are you?” Jake demands.
“I’m your slut, I’m your little cum slut.” Joanne was moaning louder.
My pussy is getting wet listening to them and Treys hand isn’t helping.
Trey and I continued to listen as the two of them fucked. I was quite shocked to hear Joanne talk like that.
“Take that cock, baby,” Jake demands. “Ride it baby, yeah…”
I can see a bulge in Treys pants as he leans in more towards me, his hand still sliding up towards my panty line. I become increasingly aware that I am wearing a skirt and I shift my eyes to his crotch. I want to reach out and unzip his pants and take his cock in my mouth.
“Oh yes baby,” Joanne exclaims. “Your cock is so big baby!”
Trey fingers are almost at the lining of my panties, my pussy is aching to be touched.
“You like my cock?” Jake ask.
“I love your cock baby!” Joanne moans.
“Show me how much you love my cock,” Jake says.
Treys fingers brush against my panties, I part my legs letting him know I want him to touch me. He slides his fingers inside me, circling my clit with his thumb. We both continue to listen to Joanne and Jake as Trey finger fucks my pussy.
Joanne’s moaning gets faster and Trey picks up speed with his fingers. My body goes along with it, I want to cum when Joanne does.
“Yeah,” Jake moans. “You wanna cum for me slut?”
“Yes, ” I whisper.
Trey smiles and continues to finger my pussy.
“Yeah baby, make your little slut cum,” Joanne moans and lets out a slight squeal.
“Take it baby,” Jake grunts. “Take that cum baby, fill that pussy up.”
“Oh, oh, oh yeahhhh…..” Joanne moans loudly.
“Yes, yes, yes!” I cum hard, I needed that release so badly.
“Uhhhh,” Jake moans, clearly releasing his seed deep inside her.
Trey removes his hand from under my skirt and licks his fingers. This is a ferris wheel ride I’m sure Trey and I will never forget.
As the ride comes to an end, Trey and I decided to stay back, not letting Joanne and Jake know we were on the ride. We didn’t want to embarrass them and to be honest I really didn’t know what to say.
“Joanne has certainly become a lot more vocal since high school,” Trey says.
“Apparently,” I smile and we head to the next ride.
“You’ve changed a bit to,” He smiles.
By the end of the night we had ridden every ride in the park, twice.
“Trey, thank you,” I say. “I haven’t had that much fun in a very long time.”
“Me too,” he says as he walks me out.
My phone beeps, text message from Joanne.
JOANNE: Hey, Jake and I are going over to his place. Can you get a ride with Kaci?
ME: Sure, no problem
JOANNE: Later girl
ME: Later, have fun
“What’s wrong?” Trey asks.
“That was Joanne,” I tell him. “She is going to Jakes and wants me to hitch a ride with Kaci.”
“I’ll take you home,” he offers. “If you want.”
“Yeah,” I smile. “I’d like that. Let me text Kaci and tell her I’m headed home and Joanne’s going to Jakes.”
ME: Hey girl
KACI: Hey 🙂
ME: I’m headed home, got a ride
KACI: Ok, I’m headed to the office then.
KACI: I have some things to finish up
ME: Ok, be safe… see you later?
KACI: Yep, later chick
ME: Later
“She’s headed to the office,” I tell Trey.
“At this hour?” Trey asks.
“She does this all the time,” I tell him. “I really am starting to wonder about her.”
“Where does she work?” Trey asks.
“Downtown, near Jackson’s Market and Hodges Hardware, why?” I ask.
“Why don’t we go see?” He suggests.
“See if she’s really at work?” I laugh.
“Yeah,” he cocks his head to side and does that cute half grin. “Why not?”
“Okay,” I laugh. “Let’s go check up on her.”
As we drive to Kaci’s office we talk about the people we have dated since we broke up and all the crazy stuff we have done since we last saw each other. It was so nice to be with Trey again, I had forgotten how easy he is to talk to.
Kaci’s car is parked outside on the curb next to her boss’s jeep.
“Who’s jeep?” Trey asks.
“That’s her boss,” I tell him.
“Guess she is working late,” he shrugs.
“Guess so…” I thought hard for a minute. “But why is her boss here?”
“What kind of work does she do?” Trey asks.
“She’s a legal assistant,” I tell him.
“Maybe they have a case?” He suggests.
“Maybe,” I decide to investigate. “I’m gonna text her.”
ME: How late are you going to be? I’m gonna cook dinner.
KACI: A few hours, I have to do some filing.
ME: Can’t you do it in the morning?
KACI: I wanna have it done so when John gets here in the morning he won’t have to wait on me.
ME: Want me to come help you?
KACI: No, it’s not that much. I prefer working alone. I get things done faster that way.
ME: I can bring you some dinner if you like.
KACI: That’s ok, I picked up something before I came here.
ME: I just hate the idea of you being alone in the office all night.
KACI: I prefer it that way, nice and quiet.
ME: Ok, well I’ll let you get back to work.
KACI: Thx, later girl
ME: 🙂
“Working late all night alone huh?” I look over at Trey. “Seems like our Kaci isn’t being completely truthful.”
“What are you thinking?” Trey grins.
“Let’s go see if we can see in the window,” I quietly get out of the car being careful not to close the door too hard.
We walk around the back of the building where the offices are and we see a light on. Quietly we sneak over to the window and peek inside. The window was raised just slightly so we could hear what was being said.
“Can you bring me the Hamilton file?” John asked Kaci.
“Of course,” Kaci left the room and returned with a file. ” Here you go,” she hands him the file.
“I don’t know what I would do without you,” John tells her.
Kaci walks around the desk and stands behind John and rubs his neck. “I’m always here if you need me, you know that.”
“That’s nice,” John says while she continues to rub his neck.
“You’re so tense,” she says and begins rubbing his arms.
“You could always take care of that for me,” John leans back and unzips his pants.
“Yes I can,” Kaci smiles and walks around in front of him and kneels down.
“This is why I need you when I work late,” John tells her.
He pulls his cock out and lays back.
“This is why you need me,” Kaci winks at him.
She leans forward and takes his cock into her mouth. I see Trey start rubbing his cock through his pants.
“Take your shirt off, you know I like to see your tits,” he tells her.
“I know,” Kaci smiles at him.
She then removes her shirt and bra before she resumes sucking his cock.
I look at Trey in disbelief, “what the fuck?”
“I… umm…,” Trey shrugs.
We both watch in awe as Kaci pleases her boss. Does she not realize he’s using her? Does she even care?
Never the less, Trey is very turned on by this. I reach down and unzip his jeans and take his cock into my hands. I stroke his cock as he watches Kaci suck her boss off.
“That’s nice,” John tells her.
Treys cock is much larger than I remember in high school. I would love to feel it inside my pussy.
He grabs her hair and guides her mouth up and down on his dick.
“That’s right, slow now,” he instructs her.
Kaci obeys and allows him to finish in her mouth.
“Better?” she asks.
“Much,” he puts his cock up and zips his pants. “Now can you go get me a cup of coffee?”
He returns to his file.
Kaci puts on her bra and shirt and nods, “yes sir.”
She leaves the room and returns with a cup of coffee.
“Here you go,” she puts the coffee on the table. “Anything else?” she asks him.
“No, I might need you again a little later.” He smiles and goes back to his reading.
“I’ll be in my office,” she tells him and walks out of the room.
I look at Trey. I can’t believe what I just witnessed. She just blew her boss… He’s using her as a cum dumpster… And she’s letting him!
The light comes on in another window and with Treys cock still in my hand we quietly move over towards it. I have to make sure she’s okay before I leave and take care of Trey. She takes another look out the door and shuts it, locking it from the inside. She then slips her shorts and panties off and sits at her desk. She flips on the computer and scrolls through the files. She opens a movie and leans back.
It’s a porn… Kaci is about to get off.
Trey smiles and brings his hand up to my breast, pulling my top and bra down and exposing my nipple.
I continue stroking his cock as he watches Kaci get off.
Kaci spreads her legs and starts rubbing her pussy. After a few seconds she opens up the desk drawer and takes out a vibrator. She turns it on and inserts in into her very wet pussy.
I look at Trey and he is focusing hard on Kaci. I smile at him while mouthing the words, “having fun?”
He smiles at me and nods his head.
He turns his attention back to Kaci, she’s moaning and getting close. She moves the vibrator in and out, grabbing and massaging her breast as she brings herself to orgasm.
Trey leans back against the wall and releases his seed. While he recovers I turn my attention back to Kaci.
She places the vibrator back in the drawer, turns the movie off and puts her shorts back on. She then goes and unlocks the door and opens it. Without a second thought she sits down at her desk and starts going through files.
Trey and I head back to the car.
Once inside I look at him, “what the hell?”
“What?” he looks confused.
“Who are these girls?” I ask.
“What do you mean?” he ask.
“Joanne is getting fucked on the ferris wheel and Kaci is a cum dumpster for her boss,” I spat out.
“Everybody has their own thing I guess,” he suggests. “You get off watching.”
“I just feel like I don’t know these girls,” I say shocked. “These are my friends, but they have a whole secret sexy life.”
“Haven’t you ever done anything secretive like that?” He asks me.
“Not like that!” I answer him. “Aside from what we did tonight”
“Maybe you should,” he suggests. “Home?”
“No, I’m not ready to go home yet,” I tell him. “Lets ride up to the bluff and enjoy the stars.”
“You’re wish is my command,” Trey starts the car and heads for the bluff.
“Have you done a lot of secret sex stuff?” I ask him.
“Not really,” he answers. “Guess I’m kinda boring too.”
“Guess we can be boring together,” I look at him.
“Or we can be secretly sexy together,” he teases.
“Can we?” I laugh and playfully slap his arm.
“Maybe…” I smile and turn my head forward to the road hoping he didn’t catch me blushing.
We pull into the bluff and park. It overlooks the entire valley and the stars are so bright from up here.
I get out of the car and lean back against the door, “It’s so beautiful up here.”
“Yeah it is,” Trey says and walks over to me. “So are you.”
“I am, am I?” I flirt with him.
“You know you are,” he comes over and stands in front of me.
He brushes the hair away from my face and leans in. His lips are so close to mine, I can feel his breath. I cups my face and nuzzels my nose with his, gently brushing his lips on mine.
“I’ve missed you,” he says softly.
“Yeah?” I ask as he leans in and kisses me.
His lips soft and sweet gently brushing mine. I lean into him and part my lips allowing his tongue to enter my mouth. He traces my lips with his and then locks lips with mine. His tongue finds mine and gently dances around as my body melts into him.
His hand slowly moves down my back and around my waist pulling me closer into him. I could feel his cock harden as he pulls me against him. His other hand making its way to my breast, gently massaging and teasing my nipples. He moves both hands down cupping my ass and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold on tight.
He sits me down on the hood and begins kissing my neck, working his way down to my breast. I lean back emjoying myself as he works his way down, first my stomach and then my thighs. He slides his hands up my skirt and pulsl my panties off. He looks up at me as if to get the go ahead. I smile and raise my ass so it’s easier to remove my panties. He slides them off and kisses his way up my thigh. His lips gently brush against my pussy, I open my legs wider for him, allowing him full access to his destination.
He circles my clit with his tongue, it’s soft and gentle. He then inserts one finger into my pussy and moves it slowly in and out. He continues gently sucking on my clit inserting another finger. I arch my back in pleasure as he flicks his tongue over my clit. As I moan, he presses his mouth hard against my pussy and licking and sucking as my body erupts in orgasm.
He slides me forward and stands me up. He turns me around and bends me over the hood of the car. He gently eases his cock inside me. I let out a soft welcoming moan. He moves in and out slowly at first, letting me get used to him. He then moves in, pressing me harder against the hood and lifting my legs off the ground. I wrap them around his waist. He holds my hips and thrust himself deeper and deeper into my pussy. I reach behind me grabbing the hood to brace as he continued to thrust his cock deep inside me.
“Oh my God!” I exclaimed.
“You feel so good!” He tells me.
He slows down, rocking his hips against me; allowing his cock remain buried deep inside me. I can feel his body tense and I know he’s ready to cum. I hold on tight to the car hood as he thrusts hard and releases his seed deep inside me. He stands there for a minute, his cock still inside me. I gently lower my legs, allowing his cock to slide out of my pussy.
“How’s that for sexy?” He asks, and smiles that half grin.
“It’s a start,” I smile back, pulling my panties back on.
“I think I’m gonna hang around for a while,” he tells me.
“Okay,” I smile.
“Maybe we can work on our secret sexy life?” He teases.
“Maybe,” I tell him.
He leans over and kisses me again, sweet and soft.
“I really have missed you,” he tells me. “I just didn’t realize how much until tonight.”
“I know what you mean,” I kiss him again. “I’m glad you’re back.”