As I approached Eva’s hall door, I walked with trepidation in every step. I had thought long and hard since the chat with my mother and it was all rolling around in my head as I took the brass knocker in my hand and rattled it gently against the frame. I needed a sense of where she was, emotionally. But that all disappeared in a cloud of love as she opened the door and smiled at me.
She looked like an angel.
She smiled and looked me up and down, in much the same way as I did with her. Her dress hugged her body and she carried her cardigan in her left hand. Her hair fell softly around her beautiful face, framing the angelic smile on her lips, lightly dusted with the same colour as her dress.
“You look spectacular, Eva,” I said.
She reached for me and we kissed.
“Thank you, Derek.” she said, lightly touching the jacket of my navy blue suit, “you do too.”
“Are you ready to go?” I asked.
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” she said, nervously.
I took her hand as she pulled the door behind her.
“You sound nervous,” I said.
“I’m petrified.”
“I know it’s hard to fathom, Derek,” she said, “I haven’t ever been at a fancy restaurant. I don’t want to let you down.”
I opened the car door and helped her into her seat, then hunkered down beside her.
“Eva, you can’t let me down,” I said, taking her hand, “just relax and let the experience wash over you.”
She touched my face.
“I’ll be fine, I’m just a little nervous.”
I kissed her.
“Hang on there for a second,” I said, and went to the boot of the car.
“These are for you, Eva, but none of them match your beauty,” I said, handing her a bouquet of roses.
I kissed her lips, eased the car door shut and got in the driver’s door. I started the engine.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Starting the car.”
“You are not!,” she said, “not until I get to kiss you for these flowers.”
“You can kiss me anytime you like, love,” I said, “but we’re gonna be late.”
“Ok,” she said and kissed my cheek, ”I love them, Derek, they’re beautiful. Thank you.”
She held them on her lap as we drove into town, sniffing them and primping them all the while.
“What made you think of these?” she asked, as she took my hand.
“I was going to wait until we were at the restaurant, but you bowled me over when you opened the door.”
“Should I have put them in a vase? I don’t want them to wither.”
“There’s a thing called an oasis at the bottom of the stems. It keeps them hydrated for a few hours.”
“You might get very lucky tonight, Mr. Caldwell.”
I laughed.
“Now I’m getting nervous.”
The Lane Gallery was just as described in its name. It was a small bistro set in the mews of a Georgian house in Pembroke Lane. I parked on Pembroke Road, a few hundred yards from the restaurant. There were vacant spaces closer but it was a nice evening, and the surroundings lent a comfortable romance to the stroll from the car as we held hands and allowed the anticipation to build.
When we entered the restaurant, Arthur Ffrench, the owner, greeted us like long lost friends. He was a gregarious host with a roguish charm and he fussed over Eva from the moment we entered until the moment we left. He refused to offer us menus, sat us at the most intimate table in the room, beside an old rebuilt well, and had the chef construct a meal that he felt best showed the restaurant off to its very best.
Eva loved him and his little flirtatious remarks and asides and she cleared the plate of each course with relish. Arthur had to convince her on the merits of a small quail dish to start and, having enjoyed that, she settled down and allowed the evening to embrace her.
When we finished, we replaced the intimacy of the restaurant with the curious romance of a city landscape and atmosphere that had been framed by artists and poets for centuries past. I had parked the car under the overhanging branches of one of the old chestnut trees that lined the streets. A dappled light reflected across Eva’s face as I opened her door for her. She reached for me and kissed me, a deep, soulful kiss. A kiss with no intent other than to climb deep inside me to indicate her feeling of joy.
“Did you enjoy the evening, Eva?” I whispered.
“It’s a dream, Derek,” she said, “a beautiful, wonderful dream that I hope never ends.”
We drove home and she was suddenly an expert on cuisine, fine dining and the history of Arthur’s well. She was also enthused when he explained my role in making it a feature of the establishment.
“Arthur is very impressed with you, love,” she said.
“Not impressed enough to stop him charging us for dinner.”
“I know you’re only joking. There’s a mutual respect between you,” she said.
“Yes, I know, love,” I said, “I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him, but he treated you as though you were the Queen of England tonight. I’ll never forget him for that alone.”
She took my hand and held it in hers all the way home. I went to make the turn onto my road but she asked me to divert quickly to hers. She had a bag packed that she wanted to keep at my place. She took her flowers in with her and came out several minutes later carrying her bag and a small compact.
“Sorry,” she said, “I couldn’t leave my flowers without a vase overnight. It’d keep me awake.”
I smiled, but she was probably right. We reached my house and I parked the car, took one of her bags and we went inside.
“Ok,” I said, “tea?”
“Yes, please,” she said, with a smile.
“I have some white wine too, if you prefer.”
“No, thanks,” she said, “I’ve had too many glasses of wine already tonight. Tea is perfect.”
“I’ve a new album that you may or may not like,” I said, as I left the room.
“What is it?”
“Pilgrim by Eric Clapton.”
“I don’t know much Clapton music,” she said, “I didn’t think you were a fan.”
“I’m not, really. I like most of this album, though.”
She had it in her hands as I re-entered the room with our tea.
“What are your favourite tracks?” she asked.
“The first five Tracks definitely,” I said, “Paul Brady plays the whistle on Broken Hearted, that needs a serious listen, Eva.”
She took the tea from me and handed me the album.
“Are you feeling brokenhearted, Derek?”
“No, but I’m not a pilgrim either, nor am I Drowning in a River of Tears. That’s Track 2, by the way.”
“Let’s play it,” she said, “it might make me change my mind about him.”
“Philistine,” I said, “he’s only the God of the guitar.”
I placed the vinyl on the turntable and laid the stylus gently on the surface, generating that satisfying rumble as the needle sought the music. Eva switched the light off and joined me in the listening chair. She laid her head on my shoulder and sighed.
“You know something, love?” she said, “you could give me the world and everything in it, but I’d leave it all there if it meant I hadn’t got this room to relax in.”
“The whole world is in this room, Eva,” I whispered.
As the music played I could sense her move rhythmically, in time with it. She sat up and took my hand,
“Dance with me.”
I took her in my arms and we moved slowly as one together with the music.
“Beautiful,” she whispered in my ear.
She kissed me then and her body ground against mine, highlighting the extent of my arousal to her. Our kiss deepened, deeper than I had ever experienced before. It took me out of my body and pulled her further into my heart. My fingers found the zipper of her dress.
“Can I?” I whispered.
“Yes,” she replied in a hushed and coarse breath.
I eased it downwards and slipped it from her shoulders, moving back slightly so she could step out of it. My breath caught in my throat when I saw her. She was a vision standing before me in a minuscule pink lingerie set. It was perfect for her look and her personality. I took her in my arms and whispered,
“I want to make love to you so much, Eva, let’s take this upstairs.”
She hooked her arms around my neck as I bent to cradle her knees in my arms and I carried her to the bedroom.
I woke at a little after 3:00, the streetlight casting a pleasant amber hue through the half-open drapes. I stirred to cover us up and her thong landed on my face. Realising what it was through my hazy reactions, I held it to me and inhaled her intoxicating scent.
“Are you smelling my underwear, Derek Caldwell?” she murmured through sleep-filled lips.
“I know it looks that way, love, so I must be.”
“Did you enjoy it,” she said, easing herself towards me.”
“I was knocked out.”
“I could tell.”
“I won’t ask how.”
“Five orgasms is enough evidence.”
“Was it five, Eva?” I said, “I’m so sorry, I got carried away with the whole emotion of it all.”
“Don‘t ever be sorry, Derek. If I wanted to stop I would have said something.”
I paused for a moment, thinking through as much of the evening as I could recall.
“What are you thinking about?” she asked.
“Us. This beautiful thing we have.”
“It is beautiful,” she said, “you seem pensive, though.”
“I’m looking for the way forward,” I said, “and where it will go. I’d like to know where you see this going and how we get there.”
“I know where I want this to go, Derek,” she said, raising herself up and laying her head on my chest.
“I think it’s going to be a difficult journey,” I said, “we have a lot of hurdles to clear.”
“I know, it’s pretty much all I think about.”
“What are your initial thoughts?”
She laughed and stroked my chest.
“It’s a maelstrom of different strands of thought, I need to get them untangled.”
“I’m of the same opinion.”
“Can you put it into words?”
“Not as such, I’m trying to follow the threads to where they intersect,” I said, “the first, and most important one is the kids.”
“I agree.”
“I don’t really care about spouses or neighbourhood gossips,” I said, “I care about our children and I care mostly about you. I don’t want anything to upset any of that and, I know, you don’t either. Your children are as important to me as my own are. They’ve all had more pain in their lives than anyone deserves and I don’t wish to add to it.”
She kissed my chest then.
“Then there’s the legal status of everything pertaining to our families.”
“What do you mean, Derek?”
“My divorce is completed and everything is settled,” I said, “and the house is mine, free and clear, with a small mortgage that I can handle quite easily. I have shared custody of the kids and they’re going to be around here for at least ten years, same as yours.”
“You’re a bit ahead of me in that respect, love,” she said, “I’m working towards a Judicial Separation that could take another couple of years.”
“How far are you into it now?”
“We separated eighteen months ago and I only met with the solicitor when I found out about his STDs. That was thanks to you. I have the kids for five days and he gets them at weekends, we agreed that between us but he’s still a prick about it and tends to only do what suits him.”
“What about the house?” I asked.
“Yes, the house. That’s going to be an issue,” she said, “what if we end up on the street, homeless with nowhere stable for the kids to live?”
“That won’t happen, Eva. The Family Home is sacrosanct in Irish Family Law. The mother of the children gets greater discretion unless the circumstances dictate otherwise.”
“You’ve been through this already, Derek, is that what happened to you?”
“Yes, I got shared custody of the kids and possession of the house. I had to pay her half of the equity but that wasn’t a lot once the encumbrances were factored in.”
“Did you have to get a Judicial Separation first?”
“No, and you shouldn’t either. This is going to take a long time for you and, if it’s like mine, the time will elapse for the need to have a JS in place. I just went for a divorce.”
“Mousey wants to take this slowly, though. I know he has his heart set on getting the house.”
“Mousey is fucked. His STDs fucked him on that score, and every other score too. The same as my exe’s carry-on did.”
“What do you think we should do, Derek?”
“I had a bit of a row with my ex this afternoon when I came home to change.”
“You never said anything,” Eva said.
“It wasn’t a big deal but, in the light of our current conversation, I think it’s worth factoring in.”
“What did she want?”
“A kick in the arse,” I said.
“Seriously, Derek.”
“She was around to see if I was seeing Clair Shean. Charlie had said something to her about it and she didn’t want to be blindsided by something.”
“Is that not a fair thing to do?”
“No. It’s none of her business what I do or who I see, Eva, in the same way as its nothing to do with Michael as far as you’re concerned.”
“Ok, I think you’re right and it’s something I need to start doing.”
“The fear I have is that she is capable of blowing this up for us and I don’t want that to happen, Eva,” I said, “you are much too precious to me.”
“Is there a way to prevent her doing that?”
“There is. We don’t tell the kids anything or give them any clues as to what’s going on,” I said, “then she won’t have any ammunition.”
“So we have to sneak around again?”
“I think it’s our only option.”
“But we’ve already let a few people see us together and told them we’re an item,” she said.”
“I know, but that’s easily brushed aside, couples break up every day. We just make it appear as if we have, but don’t actually put it into words for them.”
She laid her head back on the pillow, her eyes wide with thoughts.
“What about our lunch with your Mam tomorrow? I was looking forward to that.”
“We go ahead with that, and we tell them what the situation is. They won’t disclose anything to anyone outside the four of us. She won’t even tell my brother.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m quite sure,” I said, “she’s in our corner.”
“In what way?”
“I got a pep talk off her today, ” I said, “she still knows how to make me feel ten years old.”
“What did she say?”
“I rang to tell Artie about meeting my ex and she took the phone off him,” I said, raising my body to lean on my elbow and look into her eyes, “she told me I was an idiot, basically.”
“In what way?”
“She said that it was obvious to a blind man that you were in love with me and me with you,” I said, as she reached for me, “and she is right, I am so much in love with you that it hurts.”
She pulled herself up by placing her arms around my neck and kissed me deeply, locking our lips together as she tried to show me the depth of her feelings.
“I do love you, Derek, with all my soul,” she said, “and I’m prepared to do what’s necessary to let it grow and make it work.”
“We’ll work out the details, but for now, I want to just hold you in my arms.”
“I love you,” she said.
“I love you, Eva. That’s what matters for now. We’ll make it work.”
“I need to feel you inside me, Derek.”
We made beautiful and passionate love far into the night. It felt as though our souls aligned in our determination to keep what we had built together and she fell asleep in my arms, soft and fragrant as I breathed her in and joined her in our cocoon of slumber.
I woke at 09:30 to the silent sound of an empty bed. I felt the sheet where Eva had slept, it was still lukewarm. Reaching for my shorts, I lifted myself from the bed. I bent slightly to pull them on, when she came into the room carrying a tray.
“Get back into bed,” she said, authoritatively, or as authoritatively as she could.
“Because, ever since I was a little girl, there is something that I have longed for,” she said, placing the tray on the bed and sitting beside me, “tea and toast? I love this bread, where did you get it?”
“A bakery. What have you longed for?”
“To sit at the side of my bed with the man I truly love and who, I know without a shadow of doubt, truly loves me.”
“Does this longing include wearing this man’s shirt?”
“Yes it does and, while I think of it,” she said, “as we’re not going to be together in this way as much as I wish, I’m taking your shirt home so I can sleep in it.”
“That’s my good shirt.”
“It’s also the shirt you wore when you told me you loved me.”
“We were naked then.”
“You were about to tell me during dinner, but you backed down.”
“I was, and I did.”
“I also need some of your Eternity.”
“For when you shave?” I asked, licking my lips.
“No,” she slapped my hand, “for my pillow. It’s your scent and I love you. Are you agreeable to that?”
“That’s unfair, love,” I said.
“Because I can’t refuse you anything.”
“Good. Now drink your tea and move over.”
She slid in beside me and held my hand as we sipped our tea.
“Are you awake long?”
“No, I just needed to check the messages on my phone.”
“Just Dickhead asking me to call him.”
“Call him what?”
“Intelligent,” she said and we laughed, “oh my God, I’m turning into you.”
“Do you want to use my phone?”
“Not yet, I know what he wants, but I need to start somewhere and this is where. It’s the first step to us.”
I picked up my phone and held it in the air.
“Smile,” I said, as I took a picture of us, “all of our steps will be taken together.”
She looked at me with shining eyes.
“My knight in shining armour,” she said as her hand pushed me down on the bed and slid inexorably towards my blossoming erection, “may I prepare your lance for use in action?”
“You may, but I’d need to perform a reciprocal arrangement on my princess’ silken vulva.”
“Mmmm,” she said, “you’re such a gentleman.”
She knelt by my head and her lips travelled downward towards my penis. I reached to take hold of her hips but she was determined to achieve her goal as she crawled between my legs and looked up at me, her eyes full of triumph and mischief.
She kneeled before me and removed my shirt from her body, leaving herself naked, her nipples aroused and erect. She slowly bent her head towards my penis and opened her lips deliciously as she took it slowly in to her mouth, her tongue sending rapturous sensations through me as it massaged the very tip and corona at the top of my shaft.
She kept her head moving in short up-and-down motions, maintaining a slight sucking action with her mouth. I felt a tremor of anticipation course through me as she moved her hand to hold my testicles, almost protecting them in her grasp.
She kissed along my groin, avoiding touching the sides of my scrotum, and dampening the area with her tongue. It was the ultimate erotic sensation and I could not control my body as it reacted to the stimulus offered by her lips, tongue and hands. I felt the agonising rise of my desire as I physically ached to be inside this beautiful woman. I craved the feel of her vagina against my penis as she continued her seduction, studying my reactions and facial expressions as I became restless in my yearning for her.
I eventually succumbed, as my penis finally reached its ultimate extremity as a surge of powerful, yet soothing shocks to my system, hit me like an earthquake and drove me into a frenzy of ejaculation that released a torrent of semen into her mouth as I groaned loudly, holding on to her head as I rode out the violent tremors that accompanied my climax.
She held her mouth in place until my climax was complete then slowly slipped me from her mouth as her tongue and then her lips performed a sadistic waltz around the head of my hugely sensitive tip, causing minor after-shocks to explode through me until the sensitivity eased.
“Fucking hell, Eva,” was all I could say as my breath returned to my body.
She kissed me and then lay on top of me.
“I love you,” she whispered, “don’t ever forget that.”
“I love you, Eva,” I said, “you’re in my mind every minute of every day.”
We remained entwined as the day brightened. She eventually stirred and left to use the bathroom. She returned with a light blush on her face.
“I had to brush my teeth,” she whispered in explanation, and climbed in beside me.
“You must have given them a proper cleaning,” I said, “I see you did your hair too.”
“Yes, I ran a brush through it.”
“Your lips seem to have a little more colour too.”
“Yes, I just thought I’d touch it up while I was in there.”
“Perfume too?”
“It was beside the lipstick, it’s just a dab or two.”
“Anything else?” I asked, my hand storming the skin of her back.
“A woman has things that need to be done to be ladylike.”
“Secret things?”
“Personal, at least.”
A huge grin broke across her face.
“I won’t pry.”
She kissed me then.
“You know, Eva Clery, you just blew my mind.”
“It was good?”
“It was spectacular.”
Her eyes sparkled as her face lit up,
“Thank you, that means everything.”
“It’s your turn now,” I said, as I kissed her.
I slowly kissed every little millimetre of her skin as my tongue and lips absorbed ever little sensation of softness and smoothness she possessed. I licked and sucked her breasts and nipples until she cried out in aroused agony, pleading for completion. She groaned in anticipation as I moved between her legs and let her grind her hips against my raging erection. She was highly aroused and could not prevent the involuntary movements that were sparking throughout her body.
“Derek, please. I want you inside me now.”
I bent my head to her vagina and entered her with my tongue as she almost hissed in revolt. She grabbed my hair and pulled me to her.
“Now! Please, I need you.”
She was becoming overstimulated and she reached down quickly and took my penis in her hand, leading me to the entrance of her vagina. I felt myself slip inside her as she sighed loudly.
I quickly reached her full depth and held in place as she moved against me, manipulating my penis with her vaginal muscles in an attempt to connect with every nerve ending inside her.
“Now. Derek,” she demanded.
I withdrew slowly and slid back inside again, I continued this movement, lengthening the each thrust gradually until I was at almost full withdrawal before thrusting back fully. Her hips slammed against mine as she sought her release, her breath coming in pleading gasps as her state of arousal reached a plateau of sensory overload.
She clung to me with her arms and legs as her orgasm peaked and erupted within. My thrusts became faster and stronger as I sought to join her. She climaxed first in a cacophony of vocal outpourings and bodily shaking. Her head strained backwards as she sought an infusion of oxygen.
She cried out in ecstasy as a powerful jet of semen filled her while the movement of my body in release maintained the stimulus causing her to release a huge stream of fluid and lose the temporary use of her senses. She pushed me off and followed me as she straddled my body and clung on tightly.
She shook as she held on to me, her breath loud and her soft whispers of love constant.
“Jesus,” she eventually whispered.
I stroked her skin and hair. I touched her lips when she lifted her head to look into my eyes.
“I can’t go back to just sneaking around, Eva,” I said, “I need you, I need this, us, together.”
She kissed me.
“Thank you for saying that, Derek. I feel the same, but you made some very good points.”
“Yes, I’m a mine of good fucking ideas sometimes.”
“If we were both free from our exes we couldn’t be touched. I think we have to make alternate arrangements for the foreseeable future.”
“I’m listening.”
“Between the two of us we must be able to come up with solutions where we can be together.”
“You’re right, Eva. Maybe we should try and co-opt someone in on the outside that we trust.”
“I’ve no idea at the moment, but sometimes people surprise you,” I said. “We should make a note of the times that we don’t have the kids around. They would be the easiest to facilitate. All we’d need is a rational, believable reason for being out of the house.”
“I think my first move should be to get this divorce moving. That way he can’t refuse to have the kids with him when they’re supposed to be with him.”
“That’s a smart move, he’ll have to knuckle under.”
I kissed her then and held her in my arms. I got a feeling in my heart that this might work out after all. I looked at her watch.
“Fuck, Eva, we’re gonna be late for lunch.”
“They won’t mind, I’ll tell them what you were doing to me.”
“I’ll remind you in case you forget.”
After what turned out to be a lovely afternoon with my parents, Eva and I decided to take a spin down to St. Anne’s Park, just to close out the weekend, before the return of her children that evening. She held my hand as we walked through the rose garden.
“I told your mother about our situation,” she said.
“What did she think?”
“That we should ignore everyone,” she said, “until I explained why.”
“She agreed with it, she’s firmly in our corner, Derek,” she said, “and wants to help us.”
“Great, we’ll keep it to a small circle of people.”
“My Mam knows about you too, I had to tell her.”
“When did you do that?”
“The day after I met you.”
“Because I was in love with you.”
I stopped and took her in my arms.
“What?” she asked me, her eyes searching mine.
“I never knew that.”
“I fell in love with you when you played that Clifford T Ward album and kissed me. It was so romantic,” she said, “she’s been dying to meet you ever since.”
“You’ll do it?”
“Of course,” I said, “what time does he drop your kids back?”
“Ok, we can drop in to see your Mam for a visit, if you like. Then I’ll drop you home.”
“Do I tell him about the divorce tonight?”
“No, just tell him that we had a nice weekend but you don’t think it’ll work out,” I said, “I’d talk to a solicitor first and get a feel for the process.”
“How did you do it?”
“The same way. I came home and told her that I wanted a divorce and that she needed to contact a solicitor. I gave her my guy’s card and that was it.”
“Did she freak out?”
“Initially, but she knew it was coming. She was fucking anything with a pulse, Eva,” I said. “In your case, you’re not even living together so what’s the point of a legal attachment to each other?”
“The house.”
“Exactly! He’ll try to bully you into submission, but you’ll have a solicitor on board that you can refer him to. It’s a four year legal process but you’re over a year into it already.”
“I’ll call the solicitor tomorrow.”
“Yes. I’ll get you a prepaid mobile phone. Don’t use your house phone to call me unless it’s about football.”
“It leaves a trail.”
“Ok. I was actually thinking about that myself.”
“He’ll probably approach me to see what happened.”
“What will you tell him?”
“He knows he can’t bully me and I’ll tell him to mind his own business at first. If he pushes it I’ll just say that Eva is a lovely girl, but it’s not something I can deal with at this point in my life.”
“Is that a bit too obtuse for him?”
“Yes, but, outwardly, you can’t know what my thoughts are, so if he asks any questions you have to tell him that you’re not a mind reader and that he should ask me about it himself.”
“Why would he care?”
“He wants you to be distracted by something.”
“I’m guessing he’s delaying things.”
“That doesn’t make sense. Why would he delay it?”
“Ok, firstly it means he can fuck with your head whenever he feels like it. Secondly, the longer he delays, there’s less the encumbrance is on the house, while the equity in it increases.”
“That hadn’t occurred to me.”
“That’s because he’s distracted you.”
“The slimy little bastard.”
“That’s my girl “ I said, and we fell about laughing.
“I am your girl, Derek Caldwell, and don’t you forget it.”
I dropped her home, a quiet determination evident in our separate demeanours. In case of prying eyes, we exchanged a swift and tender kiss before we parted, plans in place and strategies decided. The next morning she rang my mobile from her desk at work.
“This is a nice surprise,” I said.
“Hi, love,” she said, “I thought I’d let you know what happened last night.”
“Yes. Tell me,” I said.
“He dropped the kids back and asked me to follow him into the kitchen.”
“For what?”
“An interrogation.”
“I refused.”
“I think he wanted to hit me,” she said, “but I could sense his confusion.”
“That makes sense. What did he do?”
“He realised that something had altered, I think, because his attitude changed,” she said, “he asked how our weekend went.”
“I told him exactly what we planned, that it was a lovely weekend but that I didn’t think it’d go anywhere far.”
“How did that go down?”
“Well I told him it was a feeling I got from you, that you appeared reluctant in many respects. He actually told me I should have fucked you.”
“The cheeky bastard.”
“Then he asked me what was said.”
“I told him that very little was said, and that you are incredibly hard to read, so he’s going to talk to you himself.”
“Ok, that’s no more than we expected. I’m ok with that if you are, Eva.”
“It’s pretty much exactly as you predicted, love, so yes, I’m quite comfortable with it.”
“Good, so you need to talk to your solicitor next, then drop it on him when he picks the kids up on Friday.”
“What if he says he’s not taking them next weekend?”
“Tell him that your solicitor says he has to uphold his side of the separation agreement,” I said, “we need him to know that this is happening.”
“Ok, I don’t know if he’s going to call to your door or see you at training, so be prepared.”
“I’m prepared now, I just need to see what path he takes with it.”
“Ok, I have to run, love, I love you, Derek.”
“I love you too, Eva.”
We hung up and she returned to work. I rang Paddy.
“Morning Pat, how’s it hanging?”
“A little to the left,” he said, “I hear we have a big match on Wednesday night.”
“I was just to tell you. How, the fuck, do you know about it?”
“It’s all over the place. I heard it in Kyles last night,” he said, “Kilmore’s under nines?”
“Yeah, I think it’ll be worth it overall.”
“Are you prepared for a hiding?”
“Possibly, but it’s a learning thing,” I said, “I’m not too concerned about the result, it’s how we set up and play.”
“You’ll need a set of gear. Billy has everything you need, I’ll get him to drop it off.”
“Great, I’ll give him a bell this evening.”
“Are you training tomorrow night?”
“Is that wise?”
“I think so.”
“Ok, it’s unorthodox, but you know our own know.”
“Fuck sake, Paddy, will you speak English.”
“Fuck off.”
“See you tomorrow.”
“Do you need transport?”
“No, we’re good.”
“Subs are €2.”
“It’s a practice match, Paddy, for fuck’s sake.”
“Ok, we can waive it this time, but just this time, Derek.”
“You’re a prince, all the best.”
I dropped by Billy’s house on my way home, he had left a large bag of assorted gear for me to collect. I brought it home and spread it out on the floor, it wasn’t a great sight. It was made up of about six different iterations of jerseys, shorts and socks. I sorted them into piles, indexed by size, age. quality and design. I called Paddy.
“Hi, Paddy, I’ve just sorted this bag of stuff that Billy left out for me.”
“Have you got everything you need?”
“It depends,” I said, “what are the club colours?”
“Red and white striped jerseys, black shorts and United socks.”
“I found Stanley Matthews’ old Cup winning jersey in there, d’you think it’s worth anything?”
“I doubt it,” he said, laughing.
“Ok, well that means the entire bag is about as much use as tits on a bull,” I said, “any other options or solutions?”
“As far as I can remember, we used an all-red jersey for that team last season,” he said.
“Lovely, so that’s fucking useless too,” I said, “if the club colors are red and white stripes. Care to try again?”
“Charlie had a set of gear,” he said, “it was new last year. I’ll give him a buzz, can you wait a minute?”
“Yeah, fine,” I said, unimpressed.
I began to return the gear to its place in the hell of Billy’s bag. I was halfway through, when there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Michael Clery standing there. I didn’t invite him in.
“What can I do for you, Michael?” I said.
“Yeah, I just called around to have a chat. Did something happen with Eva on the weekend?”
“Such as?”
“I don’t know,” he said, “she says she doesn’t think you and her will work out.”
“That’s a fair comment,” I said, “she’s not stupid.”
“Yeah. Is she right?”
“I don’t see how this concerns you, Michael.”
“I thought you two were happy to see each other,” he said, “did she do something to piss you off?”
“Again, what has that got to do with you?”
“So she did. What did she do?”
“Ok, Michael, usually I’d tell you to sling your hook,” I said, “but seeing as we know each other a long time, I’ll humour you.”
I took a half step to my right and leaned against the wall.
“Your kids and mine are a similar age and my family life is quite complicated at the moment, what with a crazy ex-wife, juggling my allotted time to take care of the kids when it’s my turn to have them, a full time job where I’m on constant call and now the football team. It’d be unfair to Eva if the attention I’d need to devote to her was overly diluted.”
“But you seem to be managing ok with all of that at present.”
“Yes, I know, but it’s a crazy schedule to keep, Michael,” I said, “plus, there’s always that little picture in the back of my mind of you sitting in that VD clinic.”
“Ah for fuck’s sake, Del,” he said in frustration, “that’s long past.”
“Michael, stop. Some of those diseases remain dormant for life,” I said, “nobody knows when it could flare up once it’s in your bloodstream. I’m sure you have to get regular checks done, don’t you?”
He looked at me with a pained expression on his face. I guessed that he hadn’t got checked. I nodded my head at him,
“I thought as much,” I said, “Michael, I don’t want you to think that I’m concerned about your health, because I’m not. But you need to get at least periodic checks done on your blood.”
“They didn’t tell me to.”
“Did they even tell you what strain you had?”
“They did, but I don’t remember.”
“Forgetfulness is a symptom, as far as I know,” I said, “maybe you should have some blood tests done.”
“Yeah. Will you think over this thing with Eva, Del,” he said, “I know she likes you.”
“I like her too, Michael, but I really can’t commit to her at this point in my life. Maybe when were both settled a bit more, if I haven’t met anyone else in the meantime,” I said, my hands in my pockets and my fingers firmly crossed as I said the words.
“Fuck,” he whispered to himself before offering a half smile, “Do your best, Del, I have to go now, I’ll see you at training tomorrow.”
My mobile rang with a call from Paddy.
“Charlie has that kit for you, it’s washed and ironed and sitting in his airing cupboard.”
“He has an airing cupboard?”
“Hot press, then, you prick.”
“Is he delivering it or do I have to collect it myself?”
“It’s the under-nine’s kit, so it’s yours in any case.”
“Ok, are there match balls with it?”
“Fucking hell, Derek, why do you come up with so many questions?”
“It’s a natural question to ask, Paddy.”
“I’ll have two brand new ones tomorrow, Tina is getting some for me.”
“One more question and I’ll collect this gear. Tony Bolton wants to play for me and he qualifies by age. Can I have him?”
“He’s one of Charlie’s best players, probably the best,” he said, “I can’t see him releasing him to you.”
“He has no option, Paddy,” I said, “if what I’m told is correct, he’ll be signing for Belvo if he can’t play for me.”
“Did you talk to him?”
“A couple of times when he was watching us training.”
“Did you put the idea in his head?”
“What if I did?”
“You can’t poach players, Derek, it’s a grievous breach of league rules.”
“I’m not poaching him, Pat,” I reasoned, “he’s signed for the club already, so the league can fuck off and mind its own business.”
“Ok, but wait until you have your gear in your hands before you mention it to Charlie,” he said.
I drove around to Charlie and he was waiting for me, the gear on the floor in a red and white carrier bag. I picked it up and hefted it a little.
“Thanks, Chas, Is everything here?”
“Yes, the best of luck with it.”
“Thanks, Tony Bolton wants to play for our team,” I said, “any objections?”
“I know, Derek, his father came around last week and asked me.”
“Will you let him know about training tomorrow and the match on Wednesday?
“I’ll do that tonight, Derek.”
“Great, if I hear of anyone decent in your age group I’ll pass them along.”
“I’d appreciate that,” he said. “Young Duane Vickers is eligible for you as well, will I send him down too?”
I felt more than saw the look he gave me as I walked away from his door. The next evening I was preparing for training as Gary and Charlie argued about God knows what. The dinner was almost ready so I shouted at them to come in and set the table. I was at the cooker, not minding anything except what I was doing and everything was silent, all of a sudden. I turned my head quickly to see the two of them sitting at the table with Robbie Keane and Gavin Shean.
“What the fuck, lads?” I said.
“Gary said we could come around for our dinner,” Robbie said, while Gavin grinned like a demented fool.
“Do your parents know you’re around here?” I asked.
“Yes,” they chorused in unison.
“Have you done your homework?”
“Yes,” they said, irritated.
“Ok, you can stay. I hope you like tripe and onions.”
“What? What’s tripe, Derek,” Gavin said.
“It’s the lining of a cow’s stomach. I don’t like it myself but I can make children eat it if I want.”
Charlie watched and listened, she was a little cow.
“I love it, Derek,” she said, “can I have a big plate of it please?”
The three boys looked at her and then at me. Charlie broke first.
“He’s only messing, he’s making Spag Bol, aren’t you, Derek?” she laughed, pointing at them.
“I am, my little fairy queen,” I said, and lifted her in my arms to kiss her.
She squirmed away.
“Stop!” she squealed.
“Give me a kiss first,” I said, nuzzling her neck with the stubble on my chin.
“No, stop.”
“I can do this all day, Charlie.”
“Oh alright,” she said and kissed my cheek.
“Thank you,” I said, “did that kill you?”
I served up the food and they milled it as I completed my preparations for the session.
“Who’s starting against Kilmore, Derek,” Robbie said.
“I don’t know yet.”
“Is Tony Bolton signing for us? He told Graham Dempsey that he was.”
“If he told Graham, then he must be. How would I know, I’m only the fucking manager?”
“We’re gonna kill Kilmore tomorrow,” Gavin said.
I slapped the table hard with my hand.
“Gavin, Kilmore are an under nine side,” I said, “we’re under eight with a couple of under sevens, this is not going to be easy, so lose the attitude or you’ll be on the line beside me.”
“He’s dead serious, Gavin,” Charlie said, “I wouldn’t fuck with him if I was you.”
“Charlie Caldwell, watch your language.”
“You say it.”
“I know and I also say get your arse up to bed and don’t let me see you for the night. Don’t I?”
“Ok, so what have you got to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry, Derek.”
They left the house and ran across the road to have a kick around. Charlie helped me clear the table.
“Is everything ok, love?” I asked her.
“Why can’t we live here with you al the time?”
“Do you want to?”
“Both of you?”
My heart was breaking as she spoke.
“Those two are always arguing and she’s on our back all the time.”
“Have you said anything to them?”
“No, I hate them, Derek.”
“Let me see what I can do, they won’t let you live here permanently, but maybe I can persuade them to just let you go over there on the weekend.”
“That’ll be cool, we can add Saturday into after a while and then Sunday after another while.”
“You’re a devious little witch, Charlie Caldwell.”
“But you love me, don’t you, Derek.”
“With all my heart, do you love me?”
“Yes, sometimes.”
I threw a tea towel at her and she laughed, but she came and hugged me before I left the house,
“What’s in the bag?” she said, pointing at the white paper bag in my hand.
“It’s just something I borrowed from Billy,” I said, “I have to return it to him.”
“Is it a mobile?”
“Is it the same as your mobile?”
“Can I have a mobile too?”
“Yes, but who would you call?”
“I could call you.”
“And I’d answer you, but you wouldn’t need one if you were living here.”
“Very good.”
“Thanks, I thought so too.”
“If I can get a mobile I don’t mind staying with them,” she said.
“I’ll think about it, but, if I do get you one, it has to be a secret between the two of us, Charlie.”
“I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
“Except the person you’re calling?”
“I suppose.”
I held her head to my stomach for a minute. She needed me there at that precise moment, the football team could fuck off.
“Charlie, I’ll get you a mobile phone, whether you change the living arrangements or not. I’ll go over and talk to your mother and see if we can extend your time with me. How does that sound?”
“That’s perfect, besides, I can always ring you from my bedroom if I want something brought up to me,” she said.
“That’s when you lose phone privileges, my little devil.”
“When am I getting my phone?”
“I’ll get you one tomorrow, do you want to pick it yourself?”
“Can I?
“Of course.”
“Yes! You’re the best, Derek.”
I smiled as I walked across the road to the irritated stares of the assembled parents. Angela, I assumed, made to come over and complain about being left waiting around so I held up my finger as a warning not to. Eva watched me as I walked along, a troubled look on her face. She came over to me and handed me a piece of paper.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“It’s a blank page, an excuse to talk to you,” she said, “you look troubled, is everything ok?”
I handed her the phone.
“That’s switched on, Eva, I’ll call you on it later and fill you in,” I said, “it’s all good, though, so don’t worry.”
“I won’t if you tell me not to,” she said, “and by the way, I love you.”
“I love you, now get off my pitch,” I said, and we laughed.
I walked out into the middle of the pitch as the kids got themselves ready for the off. I had a simple plan for the evening and that was to try and convey what we needed to do in the match the next night. I set out one large pitch, to mimic the full size one we’d be on the next night. I picked two teams, for once. My idea of what the actual team to start the game was, would play against the rest. I looked around to see if everyone was present, the only outlier was Tony Bolton, who hadn’t arrived yet. I checked my watch, he had fifteen minutes to get there. I finished setting up the pitch, working as slowly as possible to give him time to arrive.
I laid face down on the pitch to look along the grass. I did it for no particular reason, but everyone thought I was mental in any case, so it didn’t matter. I heard the commotion signaling the arrival of Tony and his dad, Harry, he had just about made it with two or three minutes to spare. I stood up, breathed deeply and walked over to the sideline. Eva was looking at me as if I had lost my mind. I winked at her to show that I hadn’t. I was immediately approached by Paddy Brown.
“What were you doing out there?”
“Out there, lying on your stomach.”
A few people had wandered in closer to hear the exchange.
“I was looking and listening, Paddy,” I said, “its an old custom of the East Lancashire Tribal Elders. The manager, or chairman, of the club would lie face down on the surface to become one with the elements of nature. He could see the gradient of the surface and hear the breeze as it whispered the fortune of the club in his ear. I did this in my first year at Liverpool and I was never a part of a losing team, simply because I could hear the voices and absorb the spirituality of the turf beneath my body.”
I closed my eyes then, turned and walked away from them. As I spoke to Tony Bolton I sneaked a look over at the touchline, all of the people who heard me were in rapt conversation with each other, while Eva stood beside them laughing into her hand.
“What’s the story, Tony,” I asked, “why were you late?”
“I wasn’t late.”
“You were fifteen minutes late.”
“Training is at 6:00, isn’t it?”
“Yes, but we meet here at 5:45,” I said, “let me see your boots.”
They were spotless.
“Good man,” I said, “make sure they’re always that clean.”
“Where am I playing, Derek?”
“Where were you playing with Chas?”
“Centre forward.”
“Do you want to play there with us?”
“I don’t mind, but I prefer centre mid.”
“I see,” I said, “well I have to admit that we could use a good centre forward, a big lad like you would score a hundred goals in a season in this league were going in to but, if you’d rather stand on the line and wait for Robbie Keane and Graham Dempsey to fuck up, that’s your decision.”
“I don’t mind, really, I’d rather play centre forward, I suppose.”
“You’re a big lad, tall, strong, well built. You’ll own the penalty area as long as you keep moving the defenders around.”
“I will.”
My proposed selection for the match in a 4-4-2 formation was as follows
Jay Morgan in goal.
Simon Brown, Defence
Willie McHenry,
Barry Clery,
Tommo Don
David Tyrrell, Midfield
Robbie Keane,
Graham Dempsey,
Gavin Shean
Tony Bolton, Up Front
Barry Cooney
We had plenty of backup on the line in Gary Caldwell, Clint Fox, Eric Purcell and Paul Fitz. There were more players available but we only had enough gear for sixteen. Liam Judge wasn’t there so I expected a call from Billy about that but, it was what it was.
I asked Franner to take the ‘First Team‘ and I’d fashion a side out of the rest. I cobbled together a motley crew and lined them up with Eric Purcell in goal, because he wanted to go in. I pulled them all in and told them exactly what I wanted them to do and what to watch out for. They all nodded their heads. I pulled Gary aside,
“I need you and Foxy up front at all times. There’s no offside so you can stand on Jason’s toes if you want. If anyone even breathes on you in the box, I want you to go down screaming as if you’ve been shot. I’ll give you a penalty for that. Got it?”
They nodded their heads. I took Paul Fitz by the arm,
“Paul I need you to keep an eye on the back four. Liam Judge can play alongside you. All I need from you is to win the ball and get it in to Foxy and Gary as quick as you can. You can shoot from anywhere too, Jason won’t get a sniff of it. I’ll pick up the slack everywhere else. Ok?”
They all shouted and ran out on the pitch to be met by Franner Caldwell and his team. I held up a whistle.
“It’s fifteen minutes each way, there’s offside included and I’m the ref. Any questions?”
“You better not cheat,” Graham said.
“That’s not a question, Graham.”
Tony Bolton kicked it off and ambled down the pitch as if he was out for a stroll on a Sunday morning. He wasn’t even looking where he was going so I whacked him. He hit the deck and four of the others stopped playing to moan about it. My team kept going and a loose ball fell to me on my right foot, I simply swept it sideways in front of Foxy who took it around Simon and buried it past Jason in the corner.
“1-0,” I shouted and laughed.
It was 2-0 shortly after when Gary took it around Jason for a tap in.
Franner was fuming at the defence but they were still a bit at sea. Graham and Robbie began to get a grip on the game and Robbie floated a peach of a pass out to Gavin, who took it around three players and crossed it perfectly on to Barry Cooney’s head. Barry connected with it perfectly but Eric dived to his right and caught it at full stretch.
You know that noise they make when something astounding happens in a movie? Well that’s the sound that I heard in my head at that moment in time. I made a run across the box and demanded the ball off Eric but pointed behind me at Paul Fitz since I was being followed by five players.
Eric nodded at me and threw it to Paul, who turned and made a run at the penalty box, I screamed at him to shoot and his shot flew into the corner of the goal, giving Jason no chance. I called them all in.
“Ok,” I said, “it’s 3-0, do you want to give up now?”
“How are we expected to win with that mutton chop in goal. Eric is ten times better, can we swap?” Graham said. I agreed and Eric became our number 1.
It became a lot more difficult for us after that and, with five minutes left, we led 5-4 but the other team was in the ascendancy. I was tempted to blow it up when I collected the ball after chasing Gavin down the wing and stealing it from him. Gary and Foxy made weary runs into the box but they were marked by Simon and Willie as Tommo backed off and Barry Clery covered. It was beautiful to see but there was a goal to be scored and I feinted a right hand chop of the ball before checking left, Willie made a move to tackle me but I clipped a little pass into Gary, who played a one-two with me, leaving me only with Eric in front of me. It broke my heart to do it to him, but I hated losing and I didn’t smile as the ball rolled into the right-hand corner while Eric was on the ground on the opposite side of the goalmouth.
I blew it up at that point and had Franner take them on a slow run-up and down the pitch. I pulled Tony Bolton and Barry Cooney out.
“Lads, you need to be a bit more aware of what’s going on around you. Tony, when Barry is on the ball, don’t run towards him, run away and bend a run around the defence. You’re very easy to mark so you need to keep changing things up. Same with you Barry, you scored three nice goals there and I think it’ll be better tomorrow night so think on what I’ve just said. We can’t learn everything in one night but we need to learn something.”
“Does that mean I’m starting tomorrow, Derek,” he asked.
“Yes, it does. But keep it to yourself.”
I collected the gear and carried it over to the sideline, where Paddy and Billy were looking after the empty bag.
“Young Liam looked good out there, Derek,”
“He’s a good-looking kid, must take after his mother’s side of the family.”
“He’ll look very well in the club gear tomorrow night.”
“Billy. Please don’t.”
Paddy looked at us.
“Are we having coffee?” Billy asked.
“Come on then,” I said, and led them over to my house.
“Do I have to make my own, Derek?”
“I’m having an espresso, do you want one?”
“Sure, why wouldn’t I?”
“Tea for me Derek, please.”
“Did you hear the news about the big romance, Pat?”
“No, I didn’t hear a thing, who is it?”
“Billy, before you put your foot in it again,”I said, “Eva and I have decided to take it a lot slower.”
“Ah no, Derek, she’s perfect for you,” he said, shocking me with his genuine concern, “what happened?”
“Eva is still married, albeit only technically, and my situation is turning out to have a few complications too.”
“I understand, so you’re not split up, as such, are you?”
“I suppose not, but for the benefit of everyone outside this room, we are.”
“Is this to keep Mr. Clery in the dark?”
“Somewhat, at least until they get their private lives in order.”
“I see. So you’ll need a backup team,” he said.
“For what?” Billy was beginning to spook me.
“So you can see each other without raising suspicions.”
“I hadn’t thought of that,” I said as the coffee finished brewing.
“Is that why you gave her a mobile phone tonight?”
“Now! I may be many things, son, but I’m not blind. Check your phone you may have a few texts.”
I picked up my phone and, sure enough, there are twelve texts from Eva. I smiled at the first one,
“Now you’re in tune with nature I hope to see you how nature intended in the near future. I’m thinking Friday night, how are you fixed? I’ve got a plan.
All my love,
Your Eva XXX
I love you.”
“See?” Billy said to Paddy. “They’re made for each other.”
Paddy smiled and drank his tea. We had a quick chat to make sure everything was in place for the next night and they left me to myself. Gary and Charlie trekked wearily off to bed and I sat in my chair with the BBC light programme soothing my brow as I read through Eva’s texts. I pushed the button to call her.
“Hi,” she said in a near whisper.
My heart turned over.
“Thank you for the texts, love. Tell me about this plan you have in mind for Friday.”
“Well, as luck would have it, Jacinta at work is having a birthday party in the Green Isle Hotel in Newland’s Cross on Friday night and I can’t get out of it”
“I see, that’s a bit of bad luck, isn’t it?”
“I know, it’s an absolute pain. It means I might have to book a room there for the night.”
“That’s unfortunate, because I have to visit Dave Ruane on Friday night and he knows Louis Fitzgerald very well.”
“Ehm, ok?”
“Louis owns a hotel just down the road from the Green Isle, do you see where I’m going with this?”
“I do now.”
“Why only now?”
“There’s a certain wet feeling a lady gets intermittently.”
“Say no more, please Eva.”
“Just one thing, Derek.”
“I absolutely adore you.”
“I love you without end, Eva.”
“Good night love,” she said quietly.
“Good night, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Please, and I’ll see you at the match.”