In Twenty Twenty-two, the plague was almost over, although restaurants were still going out of business. The ‘Supply Chain’ disrupted everyone’s lives, so we had great hope for our blossoming local produce business.
In March, I contracted for a greenhouse, with me doing the site work and a local company installing it. It wasn’t cheap, but I figured it would add value to the property if the garden didn’t pan out.
During the ever-present rainy days here, Lan and Sandra spent hours reviewing what sold, what didn’t, what people asked for, how easy things were to grow, and if they were worth planting.
With more knowledge of how things worked at those markets, they reserved spaces and planned to attend more than they had last year. It meant they had to cut back on their regular jobs or hire someone to weed, harvest, and sell. I did not want to do that, so they started looking.
I added two thousand square feet to the garden with the tractor and tiller. Hopefully, sales will increase with more products. Sandra was thrilled with the way things were going. Our sex life turned into more of a love life. We had more intimate times together than I thought possible, like newlyweds on our honeymoon.
Making love with Sandra reminded me of the way Jeannie and I made love. The significant difference was that Sandra was more open and knowledgeable about what turned us both on and her creativity. The girl had quite the imagination about positions and places to make love.
As Spring arrived, our sex-capades slowed. We worked more each day to get the garden up and running, so we were tired most evenings. Lan and Sandra working outside the home put a more considerable strain on them than it did me. I tried to make it easier for them by doing more in the greenhouse and the garden when the weather permitted.
During dinner one night, Lan mentioned Mercedes possibly helping with the work. We discussed it for about an hour, deciding to ask her if she were seriously interested. I contacted Keith, asking him to have Mercedes text or stop by when she had time. He wondered what it was about, so I told him she had hinted at working here. He said he’d give her the message when he saw her. I asked him to text her and have her text me. He mentioned he was swamped and said he would let her know. I thanked him, and that was that.
Within a couple of days, Mercedes texted me. I prefer talking, so I called her back and explained our situation. She asked if she could come out and see what was involved. Naturally, I said yes.
A few days later, Mercedes showed up with a co-worker. Tiffany was another lovely-looking redhead. Not buff like Mercedes, but fit. I guessed she was about nineteen, and I wasn’t far off. She was twenty-one and just out of the fire academy. Mercedes was her mentor with the fire department and brought Tiffany along as a friend.
Lan and Sandra weren’t home, so I gave them the tour and explained how our business worked and that we expected growth this Spring and Summer. We’d pay a decent wage, plus free veggies. I also told them we were looking for someone in marketing or sales to go after the food trucks. They both seemed interested in working with us. I suggested they visit one weekend when Lan and Sandra are home to discuss the jobs in more detail. We could talk about particulars and answer any questions. They were delighted with the idea and left with smiles on their faces.
I told Sandra and Lan about Mercedes and Tiffany when they got home. Lan’s eyes lit up with the thought of two yummy redheads to boss around.
Two weeks later, Mercedes and Tiffany had the time to come over and discuss a possible work arrangement. Lan was impressed with both of them, flirting a bit, but not enough to scare them off.
Sandra and I could see the reactions of our recruits when Lan went a bit too far. Sandra discretely reminded Lan of our primary objective. After that, Lan was more professional.
We agreed both ladies would work on their days off when they had time. Both would help around the farm, and Tiffany would do some sales and marketing for us. Lan liked that idea because she could help Tiffany and dreamed of getting in her panties.
We had a plan, now it was up to Mother Nature to get our crops growing and the economy to get them sold.
Since we now had a greenhouse, we sowed seeds early. The weather cooperated, and we had them in the ground in mid-April. Mercedes and Tiffany were good workers, coming over as often as possible. Tiffany took a liking to Sandra mainly because Sandra didn’t flirt with her. Mercedes and Lan developed a somewhat sarcastic relationship tossing barbs at each other in a playful manner. Lan had piqued an interest in Mercedes, but Mercedes didn’t want to follow up on any physical acts.
I believe it was a weekend in early May that Tiffany came over to help weed and update us on any new clients. I had to help my idiot neighbor round up some cows that had wormed their way under my fence to graze in my pasture. It was close to lunch when I finished helping him get the cows back to his pasture and the electric fence back up and running. On my way back to the house, I saw Tiffany and Sandra working, talking, and talking more. I stopped to let them know I was making tuna for lunch, and if they wanted some, I’d make enough for them. They both nodded, thanking me for considering them.
I left, and the talk and work cycle repeated until they came in for lunch. The conversation at lunch was pretty much mundane. They included me in parts but continued discussing food trucks and sales pitches.
That evening, when Lan came home, she showered, changed, told us she wasn’t staying for dinner and went out somewhere looking very yummy.
When Lan left and Sandra and I sat down to dinner, she started telling me about her day with Tiffany. She mentioned Tiffany finally built up the courage to ask Sandra about the relationship the three of us shared and how it came about. Sandra told her how it all began, her connection with Lan, then me, followed by the three of us. She didn’t go into great detail, not wanting to freak Tiffany out. Tiffany asked questions, nodded when things made sense and didn’t seem weirded out by anything. She was glad we’d found what worked for us. Tiffany asked what Sandra saw in an older man like me. She figured an older man would always like a younger woman, but she wondered what I had to offer someone as young and as nice-looking as Sandra was. Sandra told me she felt a blush run through her when Tiffany complimented her.
Sandra painted a very flattering picture of me, and Tiffany liked what she heard and understood the reasoning. When I stopped and asked if they wanted tuna for lunch, it confirmed Sandra’s stories. Tiffany didn’t question Lan and Sandra’s relationship at all. She mentioned Lan was a hottie and could see why both Lan and Sandra got together. She told Sandra she was pretty open-minded about most things as long as two consenting adults were happy; who was she to judge? They continued talking as they worked, with Tiffany asking numerous questions.
Our conversation continued after dinner. I was there as they talked, with Sandra going into great detail about what they had said. Their conversation during the day was all Sandra wanted to discuss. I asked questions, and she answered, and we continued talking about Tiffany while washing dishes. Sandra was very bubbly; she enjoyed telling her story to Tiffany and then repeating their conversation to me.
Instead of settling on the sofa and watching a movie, we adjourned to the shower. There Sandra confessed she was feeling a little frisky. I smiled as she continued her talk about her new friend. This new part took place under the shower head as Sandra faced me working my dick into a very nice erection. Sandra’s voice became a whisper as she told me how Tiffany would turn while they were working. This stretched her tee shirt to accentuate her young, firm breasts, which Sandra admitted had aroused her. Sandra said after she did that, Tiffany would smile and look at Sandra to see if she’d noticed. Sandra mentioned she felt the blushes when caught, which made Tiffany smile more, or at least she thought so. Then Tiffany would continue asking pointed questions about our sex life.
The one question that got Sandra wondering about Tiffany was about me going down on Sandra. Sandra would have fibbed a bit if I weren’t good to see Tiffany’s reaction. But Sandra told her I was pretty good at it.
Back in the shower, when I’d gotten a complete erection, Sandra pushed me back against the cold shower tiles. She kissed me before lowering herself to the shower floor. There, she engulfed my hardness bobbing up and down on it while playing with my scrotum.
The warm water from the shower hit my stomach and the back of Sandra’s head. I looked down at her, wondering how she was breathing as she sucked, licked, and made love to my dick. If talking with Tiffany got this type of reaction out of Sandra, I’d have to figure out a way to get them together more often.
As I neared my climax, I could feel Sandra slowing down. She focused on my little head, kissing it, then slowly circling it with the tip of her tongue. That did the trick, and she swallowed all I could provide within a few seconds.
Sandra stood, looked me in the eyes, then kissed me deeply. Our tongues played as I pinched her nipples, pulling them just as she liked them. When she broke our kiss, I asked if Tiffany excited her.
She blushed, nodded her head, then whispered, “Yes. Does that make me a bad girl, Ray?”
I held her tight, whispering, “Not at all. You’re a very good girl, and I love you. I like seeing you like this. Tiffany is a doll, and I can see you want her. I’ll try to be her tongue in you here or wherever.”
Sandra smiled, “This is why I love you.”
I also smiled, “It’s why I love you too. I love pleasing you.”
She kissed me again, “Would you be upset if I seduced her and didn’t include you?”
It didn’t take me long to reply, “No, not upset. But, you know I’d like to be there too. If you both wanted me there.”
Sandra giggled, “Maybe it will happen. She gave me a few signs, but the water is starting to cool. Let’s finish so I can call your tongue Tiffany all night long.”
We both laughed and then finished our shower. We dried off, but Sandra’s hair was wet. She didn’t want to get in bed with it, so she took the time to blow dry it. I patiently waited in bed so we could play, thinking of ways to please her that Tiffany might do. Sandra came to me with her hair still damp and in a towel. To most men having a woman come to bed like that wouldn’t be arousing. Sandra looked hot no matter what she wore and didn’t wear. She could arouse me in so many ways, which is one of the many reasons I love her.
Sandra got herself situated, head propped up against the pillows so she could watch me.
She grinned, “Okay, Tiff, do your thing.”
I smiled, “Yes, Ms. Sandra.”
Sandra laughed as I moved down the bed to begin with her feet. I usually don’t pay much attention to them as Lan does, but tonight I licked, sucked, kissed, and massaged them until she told me to move on.
I went up and down her firm legs, licking in one direction and then kissing in the other, from her inner thighs to her ankles. My hands massaged where my mouth wasn’t, taking my time as Sandra moaned with delight, her words telling me how I good was doing.
I began doing things I’d never done to her before. Lifting one lovely leg to lick and kiss her calf and then under her knee. I continued down her leg to her ass cheek, where I took my time teasing her with my tongue and lips. I saw Lan do something similar several times to Sandra, so I figured she enjoyed it.
Sandra did like my ass-kissing. She gasped as I moved my tongue across one cheek to the other, letting the tip glide over the space between. Next, I set one leg down, then continued up the other. Repeating this several times while Sandra moaned her approval, telling me how good it felt.
Before moving my tongue to her pussy and focusing there, I managed to get one finger to begin massaging her lips. She was squirming, kneading her breasts as I let both legs rest on the bed to start the next phase. I didn’t have to ask her to spread for me. She knew exactly where I was going next.
With her legs wide open, her sweet pussy was in full view. An idea flashed in my mind. Since we’d just showered, I decided to do something out of my comfort zone. I asked Sandra to turn over and prop her ass up for me. This got a curious look from my angel, as she repositioned herself as I asked.
I spread her legs a bit more, my hands gently moving them into place. When I had her exactly where I wanted her, I used my fingers and began toying with her labia. I could feel her warm sweet juices on my fingertips as I massaged. I used those brief moments to build up my courage, then lowered my face to her ass crack and began teasing her bud with my tongue. I heard Sandra gasp and then an ‘Oh, fuck, baby’ as I explored with my fingers in one place and my tongue in the other.
This continued slowly as I got used to licking her in a place I never thought I would go. Sandra loved it, giving me directions and guiding my lovemaking as her arousal built within her.
We continued like that for a very long time. I lost my distaste for it when Sandra purred and told me how much she loved what I was doing. I could feel my stiff dick wagging back and forth as I moved around to vary my angle on her ass and pussy.
With Sandra’s guidance, I managed to give my love one of her most memorable orgasms since we’d started making love. She knew this was something I’d been reluctant to do in the past, so this became a special treat for her.
When she climaxed, I continued working my magic on her until she told me to ease it back. Once more, I followed her direction because, after all, it was for her. I wanted to slip my dick into her, but I held back.
When I’d finished, the climax echoed through Sandra’s body as she rolled over to look at me. She lay panting, her eyes smiling as she motioned for me to mount her. I smiled back, grabbing my dick in one hand and balancing myself over her with the other.
I eased him in and then let go, placing my hand on the other side of her. I think they call the position the ‘Helicopter’ because the only part of my touching her was my stiff dick inside her. I started slowly pumping away as we looked into each other’s eyes.
Sandra clutched the sheets, “Harder, Ray. I know you want to.”
She was right, I was very aroused, so I pumped away as she used her vaginal muscles to put more pressure on my penis. It felt wild as I slowed down to focus my head inside her. Sandra purred as I unloaded once more. I kept pumping away while she cupped my face cheeks with her hands. Lowering my face to hers, we kissed until I started going limp.
Sandra whispered, “The best, Ray. You are the best.”
I smiled, “Thank you, Ms. Sandra.”
We both laughed as I slowed, then exited to lay beside her and cuddle. Our whispering for the next half hour was about our lovemaking session. We talked about Tiffany and her possible seduction by Sandra. She’d take it slow and look for signs, not wanting to be aggressive like Lan.
When we’d finished and were both yawning, I got out of bed to get a towel for us to sleep on. We kissed a few more times before snuggling and falling asleep, both very happy with our lives together.
I woke at my usual time, five-thirty. It’s been a habit since I was in the Navy many years ago. I dressed in my sweats and tee shirt, trying not to wake my snoring lover. In my slippers, I headed into the kitchen to make coffee.
We hadn’t heard Lan come home during the night, but her bedroom door was closed. I figured she had a late night as I started the coffee machine. I was just about to add the coffee when I heard a sound from the other room. I peeked out from the kitchen to see Mercedes tip-toeing toward the front door. I didn’t say anything until she looked over at me.
I smiled, “Good morning, coffee?”
The look on her face was priceless. She nodded and then followed me into the kitchen.
Embarrassed, she tried to explain, “Good morning, Ray. Are you going to tell Keith about this? We just went out to dinner and danced. Keith had to work an overtime shift. Lan can be very persuasive.”
I shrugged my shoulders, “Not my place to tell anyone anything. How do you like your coffee? Yes, Lan can be very persuasive when she wants something.”
She looked down at the floor, still embarrassed, “Black, please. It was my first time, and I was curious.”
I smiled, handing her the mug, “No need to explain, Mercedes. I don’t judge. You’re both adults, but I bet Lan will be mad that you’re sneaking out. Did you wake her before you decided to leave?”
She grimaced, “I didn’t. I don’t want to burn bridges here. I guess I’ll finish this and go back to bed. I panicked, Ray.”
I leaned back against the counter, sipping, “First time for everything, Mercedes. Can I ask you a question about Tiffany? “
She sipped, “Sure, ask away. If it has anything to do with Sandra, Tiffany really likes her.”
I smiled, “It does. Sandra really likes her also. We talked about it last night. I’ll leave it at that.”
Mercedes smiled, “Okay, it seems we all have a ‘like’ thing going around here. I kind of like Lan too. We have a unique chemistry, you might say.”
I laughed, “I wasn’t going to ask. But thanks for the info on Tiffany. I will let nature take its course with her and Sandra.”
We talked more about the garden as we sipped our coffees. When we finished, Mercedes sat her mug on the counter, thanked me then headed back to Lan’s room. My imagination went wild, wondering about their ‘unique chemistry’ while at the same time, I felt a bit sorry for Keith.
I went back to my room to rejoin Sandra in bed. She was sleeping soundly as I snuggled up to her. She sighed, opened her eyes, and smiled at me.
“Is Mercedes still here?”
I was surprised, “You knew?”
She confessed, “I had a feeling. You don’t pick up on the subtle signs, my love. I also heard them while you were snoring away, big boy. I think Lan has met her equal from the sounds they were making. I feel sorry for Keith.”
I sighed, “I hate drama. I hope this doesn’t get back to Keith anytime soon. Poor guy is clueless.”
She brushed my cheek with her finger, “He’s an adult, and he brings it on himself, Ray. He works too much and ignores those around him. He’ll shrug it off as he did with me. Then he’ll return to work and find someone else, and the pattern will repeat.”
“I know. I used to be him when I was younger. Ready for the shower, babydoll?”
“Yes. Oh, thank you again for last night. I loved how you got creative with me.”
I smiled, “Anything for you, Ms. Sandra.”
She laughed, “If you keep calling me that, I might begin to like it and make you use it all the time, baby Ray.”
Our shower was uneventful, we talked more about the recent developments, and I didn’t mention my talk with Mercedes about Tiffany. When we were done and dressed, we went to the living room in time to see Lan and Mercedes making out by the front door. If I didn’t know any better, I’d have sworn Mercedes was the one who was leading and not following. But I’m not into that stuff and don’t know the subtleties of it.
Sandra and I passed by, not saying a word as we headed to the kitchen. We heard the front door close as we decided what to do for breakfast.
Lan walked in, smiling, “Meow.”
We both looked at her, wondering what that meant.
Lan went on, “I think I’ve met my match. At least, I hope she is. Meow.”
Sandra giggled, and I stood there still, confused.
I shook my head in disbelief, “I’m assuming this is something my son will not see coming or be happy about.”
Lan grinned, “I think so, baby, Ray. But you never know. I’m not going to screw up our business with any drama.”
I replied, “Sounds good. So, what shall we do for breakfast, ladies?”
The rest of the day and week was pretty average. We didn’t talk about Mercedes and Lan. Instead, Lan contacted Tiffany to go over the sales strategy. Tiffany mentioned she’d be over this Saturday but had to work the shift before and might not be out until the afternoon, depending on how bad the shift was. Lan told her she was going to visit her mother for the weekend. But she’d leave all her contact information with Sandra and me.
Sandra overheard them talking and suggested if Tiffany were late, she was welcome to stay for dinner. Tiffany told Lan to thank Sandra, and she’d see how things went.
It was Saturday afternoon, and we hadn’t heard from Tiffany. Sandra was working in the garden, weeding, and pruning around two when Tiffany drove down the driveway. I had been working on removing more blackberries when I heard Tiffany’s car on the gravel driveway. I didn’t meet her, figuring she and Sandra could talk.
Besides, the Blackberries were my enemy, and I needed to get them out and burned. I finished up around four, put the vines on the burn pile, then put the tractor in the shop. I walked into the house and found Sandra and Tiffany at the kitchen table, going over the cold call list and talking strategy. I said hi as I headed to the shower.
When I finished, the ladies were busy sipping wine and making Spaghetti. I grabbed a beer and plopped onto the sofa to watch baseball. Around six, dinner was ready. We ate and talked for a good hour, learning more about Tiffany. I volunteered to do the dishes, which left Tiffany and Sandra time to chat in the living room. They took the bottle of wine with them as I did the dirty work in the kitchen.
Now and then, I could hear laughing above the water, running in the sink. They were enjoying each other’s company, and that made me smile. I joined them briefly. I was tired, and sitting there listening to them talk about things I knew nothing about made me sleepy. So, I excused myself and left them alone.
I think it was around midnight when Sandra came to bed. I rolled over when I felt the bed move.
“Hi, sweetness. Did Tiffany go home?”
Sandra snuggled next to me, and I detected a slightly different fragrance when she whispered.
“No, it was getting late, so she’s sleeping in the spare room. We had a very nice chat after you left, baby.”
Now I was wide awake, wondering what that was all about, “Oh? What did you talk about?”
She snuggled tighter, wrapping her legs against mine, “Well, it was mainly girl things until we thought we heard you snoring. Then Tiffany moved closer to me so we wouldn’t wake you with our talking.”
“Why didn’t you just close the bedroom door?”
“I did that after Tiffany kissed me.”
Sandra giggled, “Yep, we made out for a long time. She’s an amazing kisser.”
I felt Sandra’s foot caressing my shin, slowly rubbing it up and down. We’d been together long enough for me to know that was a subtle sign that she was horny. The clincher was when she reached into my boxers to begin getting me hard.
I raised my hips to allow her to remove my shorts, and She tossed back the covers and then straddled me, her ass on my chest. Sandra continued stroking me until I was solid. I think she was fingering herself simultaneously to renew the arousal she’d felt making out with Tiffany. I could feel her warm excitement against my skin.
When she deemed me ready, she lifted herself over me to delicately lower herself on my waiting erection. I think they call this position a reverse cowgirl. I preferred facing her, watching her expressions, and playing with her boobs, but it was dark, and she wanted to get off.
I caressed her back and ass as best I could as she rode me. Her moans are typically sedate; however, she wasn’t holding back this time. I hoped she had closed the bedroom door, but then again, if Tiffany heard what she’d started, perhaps the road to bedding her would be shorter.
Sandra continued to work my dick with her vagina as I tried to think of anything but how good she felt on me. I wanted to last as long as possible, but she made it very difficult. I closed my eyes, picturing Blackberry vines, escaping steers, and the par course I needed to use more to keep from blowing my wad before she’d gotten what she wanted. Luckily, she had been in the mood before entering our bed, so we managed the ultimate and came together.
Sandra’s orgasm was sweet, and she slowed down as I filled her, enjoying the warmth I provided. She slipped off me to grab a towel and use the toilet when I was spent. I waited until she returned, so we could snuggle and talk before falling asleep. We whispered for a few more minutes, then she thanked me, kissed me goodnight, then fell asleep in my arms, a perfect end to the day.
Sunday morning, I slept in until about six thirty. Being stealthy as usual, I showered, dressed then headed for coffee.
The door to the guest room was closed, so despite our door being left open, I don’t think Tiffany heard Sandra in her orgasmic glory. I made my coffee and then debated what to do for breakfast. I decided to wait until the ladies were up before fixing anything.
It was a lovely morning, so I stood in the dining room, looking out the sliding glass door. I watched as the various birds flitted around the feeder, not caring about anything but the seeds they found. I sipped my coffee and thought about my life.
It wasn’t long before Tiffany wandered in from the spare room. She was dressed only in her tee shirt and boy shorts. Her long red hair slightly mussed from sleep, barefoot, she tip-toed quietly, not realizing I was standing there.
“Oh, Ray! I didn’t know you were up. I was going to make some coffee.”
I smiled; she looked so delicious standing there, her perky breasts poking slightly in her top.
“It’s fine, and I actually slept in this morning. The coffee is ready. Help yourself.”
She smiled, “Thank you. It was nice of Sandra to let me stay the night. She said driving on these rural roads can be dangerous late at night. I’m sorry I kept her up so late. We were gabbing.”
“Not a problem, Tiffany. We have room, and you’re always welcome.”
She grinned, turned then headed for the kitchen. I watched that tight little ass clad in those boy shorts jiggle to the kitchen. I went back to watching the birds until Tiffany joined me.
Tiffany was about to sip her coffee when she spied one. “I like those little black and white ones. They are so cute.”
“Oh, you mean the Black-Capped Chickadees. They are adorable. I like the Stellar’s Jays, although they can get loud.”
She giggled, “Yep, getting loud isn’t a bad thing sometimes. Do you know all these birds that feed here?”
I wondered if that was a double entendre, but I didn’t ask, “Pretty much. I got a bird book to help me ID them. The feeders were Jeannie’s idea. I’m glad she made me put them out there. It’s getting expensive feeding them.”
She sighed, “Everything is getting expensive. Have you lived here a long time, Ray?”
I thought for a moment, “I think it’s about fifteen years now. I was tired of being a corporate monkey. That’s about the same time Jennie was first diagnosed with her cancer. She had always wanted a place like this. So, I quit my job and bought it. I still follow the market and don’t do the advice anymore. I wanted to spend more time with Jeannie. I missed raising Keith, and I regret my long working hours. We both fell in love with the seclusion and quiet out here.”
I took a sip of my coffee as Tiffany collected her thoughts.
“I think you live in paradise, Ray. Sandra and I were talking, and she loves it out here, also. I think it’s one reason I decided to help out. It gives me a break from all the grief I see at work. Don’t get me wrong, I love helping people, but sometimes it gets depressing. You know what I mean?”
I looked down at her, “I do. I’m glad you like it here. You, Mercedes, and Keith are doing the city a great service. I could never do that.”
Suddenly, she pointed, “What’s that bird with the little red hat?”
I had to laugh, “The one on the suet feeder? Black, white and red?”
She giggled, “Yes, that one.”
“It’s a Downy Woodpecker.”
Tiffany sipped her coffee. I had to admit that that was an excellent way to change the subject. We, or at least I, was getting too serious there.
We stood there for a few more moments, not saying a word until Sandra walked in.
“Good morning, What are you two doing? Is there more coffee?”
Then Tiffany turned and Sandra and saw Tiffany’s top. Her eyes widened, then she quickly looked at me, “Oh, birds. I should have known.”
Tiffany replied, “Yes, there’s more coffee. Want me to get it for you?”
Sandra smiled, “That would be sweet of you, Tiff. Thank you.”
This time we both watched that sweet little ass walk to the kitchen. Sandra looked at me, mouthing ‘Meeeeooooow’, and I laughed.
When Tiffany returned with Sandra’s mug, Sandra and I were holding hands, watching the birds.
Tiffany handed Sandra her coffee, giggling, “Love birds watching birds. You two are adorable.”
Sandra replied, “Thank you for the coffee and the compliment, Tiff.”
They smiled at each other as Sandra sipped.
I broke the sappy sweet mood, “How about a scramble for breakfast? I’m starving.”
In unison, both ladies said, “Yum.”
They laughed, and into the kitchen I went, followed by my helpers. We managed to get everything together without any mishaps. A little more coffee and soon breakfast was ready. We moved to the dining room table. I sat at the head with Tiffany and Sandra on either side of me. We ate, laughed, and looked out at the birds now and then. About halfway through, I started feeling feet rubbing my shins. I think Sandra and Tiffany were playing footsie and missing each other. Neither of us said a word, but I thought we all knew what was happening.
In the middle of eating, I told Sandra about a plan I was thinking about, “I’m debating selling the trailer. I haven’t used it in over a year. We’ve been so busy being farmers, and it’s like I have a thirty thousand dollar lawn ornament.”
Sandra looked at me and then replied, “You know, now that we have Mercedes and Tiffany helping out, we could go someplace. Maybe not for a long time, but we could get away for a bit.”
Tiffany added just before taking a mouthful of the scramble, “You could always rent it to me. It would have to be cheaper than the eight hundred dollars a month I’m paying now. Just a thought, Ray.”
Sandra smiled, “That’s a great thought, Tiffany. It would be used, and your commute would be the opposite of traffic; you’d be here more, and the office would be in the trailer. What do you think, Ray?”
I thought for a few moments, “I like that someone would use it. We could always take it on a trip with Tiffany and Lan house-sitting. Let me ponder it a bit, and it would be much less than eight hundred a month.”
Both ladies smiled at that. I knew they were thinking about more time together, which wouldn’t be bad.
“I’ll let you know in a couple of days, Tiffany.”
Tiffany smiled as she looked across the table at Sandra, then me, “It’s fine, Ray. Take your time, and I don’t want to cause any drama. Thank you for considering it.”
I replied and ended with a wink, “You’re welcome. It wouldn’t cause any drama. Lan and Sandra lived in it before moving into the house. I would have to get used to having three lovely ladies around. Two were a pain at times.”
I looked over at Sandra so she knew I was kidding; her reply was a little barb, although I knew she was joking. At least, I hoped she was.
Sandra looked over at Tiffany and then me, “Guess who won’t be gettin’ any sugar for awhile……Ray.”
We all laughed, then Tiffany added with a smile and a wink, “See, drama already.”
I almost had the last word, “Since we’re a co-op, I don’t see why Lan would object. Let’s see what she thinks. Then I’ll do what I want.”
Tiffany had the last word and pretty much sealed the deal, “You two are silly. I’d love living here.”