“I’m sorry to have scared you like that,” Nicola said, passing Harry a coffee and sitting beside him on her sofa.
Nicola had only moved into her new flat a couple of weeks earlier, and getting to know one of her neighbours was a welcome event, although the circumstances could have been better.
When Harry had heard screams coming from Nicola’s flat, he rang her buzzer without a second thought. He may have been shy and kept himself to himself as a rule, but he hadn’t hesitated to offer any assistance required. Nicola’s explanation that she had been practicing for a role in a video had left Harry feeling embarrassed, although Nicola had been touched by Harry’s concern and had invited him to have a coffee and share his knowledge of the local area with her.
As soon as she and Harry began talking, Nicola’s thoughts became slightly distracted as memories of her past returned. She had spent a period of her life with someone who struggled with shyness, and watching and listening to Harry felt like stepping back in time.
“I’m so glad you decided to check to make sure I was OK. It’s wonderful to be reminded there are kind people out there, and knowing there’s one living in the flat downstairs has made me very happy,” Nicola told Harry with a smile.
Harry thanked Nicola for her kind words, although he was worried he might be imposing on her or that she might have other plans. He was preparing to make his excuses and leave, but Nicola knew exactly what was happening and was one step ahead of him.
“If you’ve got somewhere else you need to be, tell me, but if not, can we chat for a little longer? You’d be doing me a big favour,” Nicola asked, feeling no guilt whatsoever in putting Harry in a situation he would find a little harder to run away from.
As Nicola had hoped, Harry found it easier to stay than he felt it would be to leave. Nicola soon had him talking about his past travels and how he had felt unusually comfortable in situations where more confident people might have felt intimidated.
“We’re lucky if we find somewhere we can show our true selves. My acting isn’t anything that will set the world alight, even if it scares the neighbours, but it’s my happy place. I get the impression you’ll understand that,” Nicola said, seeing Harry appearing visibly more relaxed when recounting his adventures.
Nicola had read the situation well, and after hearing about the screams and their place in her performance. Harry asked her what else she would be doing as a part of it.
Nicola laughed out loud as soon as she heard Harry’s question. She was keen to show Harry she wasn’t making fun of him, but she knew this could only be achieved by giving details Harry wouldn’t have expected to hear.
“I have to sound as if I’m having orgasms whilst hidden from view by a curtain,” Nicola explained, hoping Harry wasn’t too shocked by her honesty.
“The competition for ‘disclosure of the day’ is now officially closed!” Harry replied, deciding a quick answer and resorting to humour was his only option.
When Nicola told Harry she felt they need to celebrate having shared something that had made them laugh so easily, Harry had no idea what she meant. When Nicole leaned towards him on the sofa and eased a kiss onto his lips, he decided explanations could wait.
“I need to practice making those sounds of orgasm, Harry. If it also brings a kind man out of his shell, it’s a win-win,” Nicola whispered before returning her lips to Harry’s with a giggle.
Although in a state lying somewhere between amazement and disbelief, the kiss he was sharing with Nicola found Harry able to suppress the urge to flee a situation he was unprepared for, to say the least. Nicola knew her advances had been direct, but she had decided any other approach would have given Harry a chance to wriggle out of something she felt sure they both wanted and needed.
“Show me what you’re made of, Harry,” Nicola demanded, having explained to him his job was to show her what he’d do if he found himself unexpectedly given the task of pleasing a lady.
Nicola found Harry’s expression of complete bewilderment very arousing. When she told him he would be helping her practice her climax noises for the play, Nicole watched Harry’s face shine with a smile of amusement.
“That’s more like it. Smiles always make me horny,” Nicole said, taking Harry firmly by the hand and marching him into her bedroom, telling him to undress her with a grin of her own.
Nicola asked Harry to kiss her on the lips and help her out of her clothes. She also advised him not to worry if his work was a little clumsy and that, although soft and slow had its place, firmly and fast were her preferred options at times such as these.
“I appear to be naked, Harry. I think I need you to preserve my modesty!” Nicola said, dragging Harry onto her bed, guiding his touch between her legs, and directing his lips onto her waiting nipples.
Harry slid his fingers into Nicola’s body. Nicola’s joyful giggle of approval meant no words of encouragement were needed, but as Harry’s kisses fell sweetly upon her, Nicola decided their work deserved instant feedback.
“You’re nailing this one, Harry,” Nicola whispered truthfully.
Nicola savoured the increased intensity of the touch and kisses that were combining to excite her in exactly the manner she had hoped for. Feeling the beat of Harry’s own arousal against her body made the experience better still, and as she sensed her mind start to swim, and enjoyed an intensifying heat inside her body, Nicola was as excited to share the news as she was to feel it.
“I won’t be rehearsing for a play when you hear my noises this time,” Nicola advised Harry, feeling he needed no input from her to improve his efforts whatsoever.
Encouraged and focused by Nicola’s words, Harry concentrated on making Nicola feel as exhilarated by the experience as he did. He knew he had set himself a tough challenge, but Harry’s determination to be the best he could be was as passionate as his efforts had been over anything for as long as he could remember.
Nicola needed no words from Harry to explain his single-minded intentions. She experienced it in every movement he made and saw it in his eyes and his smile. Without realising it, Harry had hit on exactly what it took to liberate Nicola’s dormant erotic desires, and it was a reality she wasn’t going to waste. If some of the self-appointed experts knew a novice was blowing away their efforts, Nicola knew they’d be furious, and she enjoyed the thought of this immensely.
Every touch Nicola felt inside her body strengthened the forces behind her arousal. Her sighs, moans, and giggles provided a running commentary on her progress, and a sweet inner chaos saw her writhing beneath Harry’s touch and kisses.
A flash of random light before her eyes and an explosive tremor throughout her body sent Nicola crashing into a climax, she greeted with a cry of joy louder than any she could recall making previously. Nicola’s reaction spurred Harry on, and he made sure every second counted in everything he did.
Nicola cried out, squirmed, and giggled as waves of erotic release crashed around her writhing body. Hearing Nicola voicing her delight in this way was one of the most extraordinary moments Harry had experienced in his life and easily the most erotic.
Harry paid close attention to Nicola’s expression, eager to prolong her pleasure for as long as he could. Despite the chaos of her climax, Nicola was aware of Harry’s commitment to her enjoyment, making it an experience she knew she would treasure.
“If I tell you I don’t know what to say, Harry, promise me you understand that I mean it in the best way possible,” Nicola whispered after she had enjoyed the full extent of her climax in Harry’s arms.
Although confident Harry knew how special he had made her feel, Nicola had still been driven to put it into words for him. Harry listened to what was said before explaining how seeing Nicola so aroused and happy had been an unforgettable experience.
“I hope you don’t find it scary if I tell you I want you to see me looking content in similar situations many more times,” Nicola said, taking the earliest opportunity to put Harry in the picture. Harry might have been struggling to believe how Nicola had transformed his life so quickly, but being scared wasn’t among the ways he would have chosen to describe how he felt.
When Nicola and Harry decided to go for a walk, they knew this presented an ideal opportunity to discuss whatever topic came to mind. What they had enjoyed together had been special, but their shared understanding that they had so much to learn about each other was equally exciting.
“It’s like being teenagers, but without the uncomfortable parts,” Harry said, summarising how he and Nicola felt as they walked hand in hand in the rain.
Nicola understood that not everyone would appreciate how strolling in the drizzle could feel as special as it did, but she also realised she didn’t care. She was aware she would find it difficult to avoid the subject of her renewed desire to share another erotic experience with Harry for much longer, too.
“I love being able to talk about more than just sex so soon after something nice, but that doesn’t mean my head isn’t full of plans for when we get home,” Nicola said.
“Thank you, Nicola. I don’t feel quite as guilty knowing you’re as shameless as I am,” Harry replied with a smile.
Nicola was almost as happy to hear Harry’s quick and witty response as she was to learn that he was looking forward to their next encounter with the same enthusiasm. When she asked him if he wanted to share his thoughts or save them until they were home, Harry told her he felt somewhere a little less public would probably be better.
“It must be something really rude then!” Nicola said with a giggle and with barely disguised hope she was correct,
Once they had returned to her flat, Nicola asked Harry if he wanted to speak first or let her lead the way. Harry explained that if Nicola’s suggestion was as appealing as he expected it to be, his might seem tame in comparison. Nicola was too excited knowing Harry not only wanted to speak but also to do so first, to care.
“Everything being so much fun and full of laughs is what has got us here. You can’t fret and giggle at the same time, so I thought something to make us fall about sniggering might be what’s needed.” Harry began.
Even though she knew nothing of the finer details of Harry’s idea, Nicole was already eager to go along with it simply because of the way Harry had put humour at the centre. Nicole felt Harry could laugh her knickers off without realising he was, which was what she liked most of all.
“As my job is to learn what tickles your fancy, I thought I’d tie you to the bed, so you have to trust me to find a nice way to make you excited. It will be all about kisses. I think it would be nice because we both know we’re poking fun at what’s happening.” Harry explained, feeling rather relieved once he had aired what had been inside his head.
Harry waited to hear about Nicola’s idea. She had a beaming smile on her face, although when she spoke, Nicola’s response wasn’t quite what Harry had been expecting.
“Whatever my idea might have been, it wasn’t a match for yours, Harry. How wonderfully rude that sounds, Stockings on the bedframe? I’m on it, you deliciously cheeky man.” Nicola said, jumping up and down as she told Harry how she felt.
Nicola made no attempt to hide her excitement at Harry’s vision. Within minutes, she had located suitable stockings and attached them to the bed with similar haste.
“Strip me, tie me, and do whatever you want,” Nicola shouted as she pulled Harry’s clothes from his body and waited for him to do the same to her.
As soon as she was naked, Nicola leapt onto the bed, yelling ‘starfish’, as she did her best impression of one with her outstretched arms and splayed legs.
Nicola’s giggling wriggles didn’t help Harry’s attempt to perform his tying tasks, but he eventually got there. With everything in place, Harry knelt between Nicola’s legs and eased a kiss onto her lips.
Harry’s kiss lingered until his lips began a slow journey down Nicola’s body. As Harry’s work descended, Nicola filled the air with laughter, and the fun of being restrained for extra excitement worked perfectly.
Nicola’s pulse was racing by the time she felt Harry’s breath between her legs. The sensation of the first flick of his tongue on her eager wetness sent a roar of erotic laughter from Nicola’s mouth and feelings of impatient anticipation through her body. Nicola was in no mood for playful teasing or delay, and Harry knew this without needing to be told.
Nicola had great faith in Harry’s ability to deliver something special in the chosen way, and she knew her instincts had been correct as soon as his lips and tongue had got to work inside her body. If the teasing of his tongue had been nice, the feeling of his lips pursing inside her was on another level entirely.
“OK, you’re hired, Harry,” Nicole shouted, as she felt her body burn with excitement and her clit thumping whilst bathed in her erotic flow.
Harry did everything he could to pause and then resume his efforts, thinking this would allow Nicola’s pleasure to build again with even more intensity. This unexpected attention to detail brought a tear of happiness to Nicola’s eye, and she left it to sound to express her joy rather than trying to say anything that needed to make sense.
Despite every effort to silence the screaming impatience of her body, Nicola soon began to tremble and shake, knowing she’d passed the point of no return. Harry didn’t need telling, he knew, and a deep, long, intense kiss on her clit sent Nicola spinning into a fierce climax to the sound of screaming joy.
Harry continued to excite Nicola, his hands holding her hips firmly as she squirmed and shook with the force of her release. However chaotic her mind, Nicola felt Harry’s steadying touch, and doing so added even more joy to an already mind-blowing climax.
Nicola’s cries and endless laughter were the sweetest sounds to Harry’s ears, and he ensured that Nicola enjoyed wave after wave of unforgettable pleasure. Harry was eager to keep doing his best to make Nicola feel as special as he felt she deserved, and Nicola had no intention of bringing anything to a close whatsoever.
Each time Nicola felt her excitement might be subsiding, Harry coaxed more from her body. Nicola was drenched in perspiration, erotic flow, and tears. She was in heaven, and the blissful confusion in her mind was like nothing she had experienced previously.
Little by little, Nicola’s reality began to make more sense, but it did so with Harry’s ever-present attention and concern. The slow descent from the heights of her climax was just another part of the whole beautiful picture, and it was as treasured as every other element of what had taken place.
Harry held Nicola silently, waiting for her to speak whenever she felt ready. Still overwhelmed, Nicola finally decided she needed to say something despite being unsure if it would make sense.
“I’m all over the place. I love it. I love you to bits, Harry, and this girl never says stuff like that, ever,” Nicola shouted, knowing she would have far more to say when the time was right.
It took several hours for Nicola to feel sure her head was clear enough, but once she had done, she sat facing Harry and held his hands in her own.
“Dear World. Harry is going off to pack his things. He is moving in, all the way from next door. He is probably going to be a little lost for words, but give him time, and he’ll find the right ones. He’ll tell you he’s not this and not that, but I know what he is, and if he’ll have me, I’m his.”
As Nicola predicted, Harry was indeed speechless, but she understood. Harry didn’t need words. His smile said everything.
Harry went to live with Nicola as planned. They were almost inseparable, although Harry decided against going to see Nicola in her performance.
“I agree, Harry. Listening to me pretend to scream and faking the sound of a climax when you’ve been there for the real thing might disappoint you,” Nicola said once Harry had explained that he wanted her to enjoy a night with others who loved her.
Whenever people asked Nicola what attracted her to Harry, her answer was always “his heart.”
If asked the same question about Nicola, Harry never said anything other than “her scream.”