Schooldzae — Part 2

"Martin arrives for college orientation only to discover that he and Henry have been roomed together. Henry makes Martin an offer that Stacey can't refuse."

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It was the first day of college orientation, and I wandered around the dorms more than just a little confused looking for my room when I heard a familiar voice shout, “Hey, Martin!”

It was Henry. It was because of Henry that I’d gotten into this school — a school well-known for its technology programs but better known for its football program. Well, Henry and Ms. Callahan; they had both written extremely persuasive letters of recommendation to the school’s admissions office.

“Our room’s up here, buddy,” he said.

“Our room?” I said as I looked at him quizzically.

“Yeah, our room,” he answered. “I mean, how lucky could we get? It turns out that our Resident Advisor was also one of Ms. Callahan’s boys when he went to high school.”

I pondered the possible implications.

“The room’s awesome,” he continued. “We have the only other room on our floor with its own bathroom. It used to be the Assistant RA’s room, back when they had them here. C’mon. Let me help you with your stuff.”

We lugged my stuff upstairs. Henry had already put his things away, and volunteered to help me with mine. I politely declined. I had brought a few things with me that I wasn’t sure I wanted Henry to see. At least not right away. He said he’d catch me later and hustled out the door.

We essentially had three small ‘rooms,’ if you could call them that. Just inside the door were two small study cubicles, each with its own chair. Past that was our communal closet. Around the corner and you were in the ‘bedroom.’ Two twin beds were shoved against opposite walls, making a narrow walkway between them that led to the private bathroom that Henry had mentioned. Each bed had a chest of drawers at its foot. It didn’t look like there was much room to improve the way the space was laid out.

I unpacked my belongings, mostly clothes, and put them away. I was careful to hide my bras, panties, and other lingerie under my more mundane boy-clothes. I had also brought a few blouses and skirts, but those were kept hidden on hangers underneath bulky sweaters.

I emptied my school supplies into the desk and then stashed my dictionary and thesaurus in the top drawer. My high heels went into the box that had previously held my school supplies, and went on the back of the shelf above my half of the closet. My breast forms, wig, makeup and vibrator went into the same box. I guessed I was as ready as I’d ever be.

When Henry didn’t return, I went to the auditorium for the Dean’s welcome and then went along on the freshman tour afterwards. The tour dumped each of us off at our respective dorms, where the RA’s for each floor were waiting to give us their orientation. We all went upstairs to the common room on our floor and listened to Brendan, our RA, for about 30 minutes. Then he made us go around the room and introduce ourselves by room number and tell everyone what our major was. It was then that I noticed that Henry still wasn’t there.

After all the introductions were made, Brendan asked for questions. As the other freshmen fired questions about parties and girls and drinking at Brendan, I studied him closely as he gave the ‘old school’ answers.

He wasn’t too tall, but he wasn’t exactly short either. He had an athletic build and an end-of-summer tan. He was wearing a red sleeveless tee and gray athletic shorts. His feet were covered by the white sneakers he wore, though he didn’t have on any socks. His sun-bleached blonde hair was close-cropped, almost like a military haircut. The blue of his eyes was piercing, especially contrasted against his tanned face. A pair of Oakley’s with a neon-green leash was perched on the top of his head. I had trouble imagining him wearing red panties for Ms. Callahan as she fucked him with ‘the Terminator.’

As I thought about the Terminator, my mind drifted aimlessly, reliving each and every thorough fucking I’d received with it. It made my ass twitch just a little with wanton remorse. I was sure going to miss that beautiful black dildo.

“Okay then,” Brendan said, jolting me from my reverie. “If there are no more questions, then have a good night. Remember, if you need anything; don’t bother me after 9 p.m., that’s when I study.” He laughed. The rest of the room laughed too, and then we all went our separate ways.

I went back to my room, thinking that I’d catch a quick nap or do a little light reading before dinner time. I didn’t really know anybody here except for Henry, and I had no desire to follow him around like a lost puppy for the next few days before classes started.

When I rounded the corner in our room, I found Henry on his bed facing the wall. Since he appeared to be sleeping, I went into the bathroom and closed the door before switching on the lights. I gasped when I looked around.

The medicine cabinet door was standing open. One side was rather sloppily stuffed full of Henry’s and my shaving stuff. But the other side had all of Stacey’s makeup and other beauty needs neatly arranged on the shelves. Hanging from the shower curtain rod on a hanger was a sexy baby doll nightie.

It was sort of a pale aqua color and was made of shimmering satin. The front had three bands of inverted V’s made of delicate ivory lace. It looked like a piece of vintage lingerie from the 50’s. I reached out to touch it, and the spaghetti straps slid easily from the hanger. I caught it, the cool satin enveloping my hands and arms. The hanger swung gently back and forth, waving a pair of matching thong panties as it did so. So much for it being vintage!

Just holding the soft material in my hands caused my dick to stir in my pants. Gingerly, I hung the garment back up. I looked over and on top of the toilet tank was a box that I recognized, and on top of that was an envelope leaning against the wall. A name was written on the outside of the envelope in Henry’s handwriting. It was addressed to Stacey.

I put the toilet seat and lid down and sat down. My hands trembled as I picked up the envelope. Only the bottom of the flap was sealed, and I opened it, pulled out the handwritten note inside, and began to read.

Stacey, this is just my way of letting you know that I consider this room as

much yours as mine and Martin’s. I know that we did a lot of things

together that last semester of high school that guys don’t normally like to

talk about. I know it was a great pleasure for me and the rest of the guys,

and I like to think that you enjoyed it too. I want you to know that there

are no expectations here, just this open, honest offer. If you desire to dress

up in our room, I want you to feel comfortable doing it. Just because you’re

dressed does not mean that I expect any sort of sexual gratification from you.

Of course, if you ever get the urge, I’d also like you to know that I’m ready for

you any time!


P.S. I think that baby doll nightie would look better on you than those

sad, worn-out gray cotton shorts you always sleep in!

I was stunned. When I’d packed all of my things to come here, I hadn’t even considered who I would be rooming with. And now I had an open offer to enjoy the freedom of being Stacey as often as I liked. I wasn’t in a position to look in the mirror from where I sat, but I know my mouth must have been standing wide open. The rest of my body, however, wasn’t quite so immobilized. I could feel the tightness of my nipples, hard under my cotton tee shirt, and I had to readjust my crotch to make room for my now hard cock.

I stood up and looked in the mirror. Then I glanced at my watch. There were at least a few hours before the dining hall opened. I decided that there was one sure way to thank Henry for this special present. I slowly opened the door and looked into the room. Henry hadn’t moved. I quietly opened one of my dresser drawers, grabbed a few things from the bottom of the drawer, and then returned to the bathroom. I silently locked the door.

I stood at the mirror and applied my makeup, as I had done hundreds of times before. Next, I stripped out of my plain boy-clothes, taking special care to not smudge my makeup job as my shirt came off. I slipped the baby doll off of its hanger and half-folded it on top of the toilet seat. I pulled the satin panties from the hanger next. I slipped them up my legs and then tucked myself back between my legs as best I could.

I took the stay-up stockings I had brought from my dresser and proceeded to pull them on. They were white with Cuban heels and had a seam running up the back. I clipped my bandeau-style white bra around my chest and then opened the box on the toilet tank. From it, I took out my breast forms and fitted them into the bra. Now that I had the right shape, I slipped into the baby doll.

I slowly pulled the cool satin up my legs and onto my chest. I slipped my arms into the spaghetti straps one at a time, and then adjusted them until the fit was perfect. I looked at myself in the mirror, stepping back as far as I could to see as much of me as possible. I twisted around, making sure my seams were straight.

One more dip into the box on the toilet tank produced my auburn shoulder-length wig. I didn’t have the time to style it properly, so I just shook it out as best I could and gave it a quick finger-styling. I placed it on my head and then appraised myself in the mirror one last time. I blew myself a kiss and then took a deep breath to calm the butterflies in my stomach. I opened the bathroom door and stepped out into the room.

Henry was still lying with his face toward the wall. A sudden thought struck me. Had I remembered to lock the door? I tiptoed past Henry to check the door. A good thing I did, too! It was most certainly unlocked. I turned the deadbolt and then headed back to give Henry a pleasant wake-up surprise.

His voice stopped me dead in my tracks. “I was right,” he said. “You do look better in that than you do in your ratty old shorts.” He was sitting up in his bed with his blanket still up around his waist. “I want you to know that I meant every word of that note. No pressure.” He grinned. “But I am glad you decided to let Stacey share our room,” he added.

I stepped up to the foot of his bed. “Mind if I sit down?” I asked. I was using Stacey’s voice. I knew it wasn’t a perfect femme voice, but I knew the more I practiced it, the better it would get.

He patted the bed beside him. “Please do.”

I sat down close to the foot of his bed. “The stockings are a nice touch,” he said. “Very sexy. I’ve always liked girls in stockings.”

“Thank you,” I said. “For everything, I mean. This lingerie is lovely and it really was very considerate of you to even think about Stacey.”

“No problem. And I really do mean what I said. No expectations here.”

“Henry,” I said, “you need to know one thing. I think you already suspect it on some level because of all the ‘research’ you did into my dressing before that fateful night in the locker room. Dressing up for me has always been a purely sexual thing. As you well know, I usually dressed up and masturbated, sometimes using a vibrator on myself, and sometimes not.” I placed my hand on his shin. He shifted around a little bit, but his eyes remained fixed on mine.

“Until that night when you first met Stacey, I had never even considered what it would be like to actually be with a guy. I don’t know about you, but I was nervous as hell. Even though I must have sucked you off a hundred times that last semester, I still remember what it felt like the first time I touched your hard prick.” I ran my hand up his leg to just above his knee. “I still remember my first taste of your pre-cum, the way your hot shaft felt on my tongue and the way your throbbing cockhead felt when I first closed my mouth on it.” My hands traveled further up his inner thigh.

“I guess what I’m trying to say, Henry, is that before that night, before you and the rest of the guys, before Ms. Callahan and the Terminator; before all of that, I guess there was some kind of void in my soul that hadn’t been filled. And all of my dressing and whacking off and vibrators was just my way of searching to fill that unknown space. I guess what I’m trying to say, Henry, is thank you.” My hand was near his crotch now and I had to slide a little closer up the bed to stay in range. I locked my eyes onto his.

“I’ve all but had this forced upon me from that first night, Henry, although I’ll grant you that I didn’t take much persuading. From now on I want it to be different. I want to do this because I WANT to do it. I want to do this because YOU want me to do it.” I took a deep cleansing breath and then opened up my soul. “I want to suck your cock, Henry.” I moved my hand up and grabbed his hard dick through the blanket and began to stroke it gently. “I want to suck your cock because I’ve missed having it in my mouth. I want to suck your cock because YOU want to feel my lips wrapped around it once again.”

Henry groaned. “God, yes,” he said. “Suck my cock, Stacey. Fuck my prick with your pretty little mouth. I want to feel your lips and tongue on me again. Go ahead, Stacey, suck me.”

I pulled back the covers and gasped in surprise. Henry was wearing a pair of flame-red satin panties. His beautiful cock was tenting out the front of them. There was some writing silk-screened across the front. I allowed myself a giggle as I read it, “I’m Your Obsession.” The i’s were even dotted with little pink hearts.

“They were sort of a going-away present from Callahan,” he said. “I guess I just got so used to wearing them for her — wearing them when I was with you — that it seemed, somehow, natural.”

“I like them,” I said. “Knowing that you wore them just for me makes me want you even more.”

I caressed his hardness through the satin, running my hands up and down his length and tracing the outline of his bulge with my fingertips. He moaned softly at my touch. I slowly leaned forward, hooking my index fingers into the waistband of his panties.

I pulled down and his cock sprang free from the stained satin that had recently contained it. It wasn’t free for long, however. Before it had a chance to rebound my mouth was on it. I immediately slurped as much of it into my mouth as my position would allow.

Henry groaned as most of his cock disappeared between my painted lips. It had been almost three months since I had sucked any cock. After school let out there was never any real reason for those of us under Ms. Callahan’s thumb to get together. Except that one time.

“Mmmmmmmmmmm,” Henry said. “I’d almost forgotten what a great cocksucker you are, Stacey.” I slipped him out of my mouth for a moment.

“Well, I know I’m a little out of practice. It seems like it was ages ago that I last had you in my mouth.” I shifted to a better position and went down on him once more. As my head bobbed up and down in his lap, he recalled our last meeting aloud.

“I remember the last time we were together. It was the night of the Senior Sports Banquet, two weeks after school let out. You were wearing the school colors that night — a short black leather skirt and a silky gold blouse. The rest of us had to wear suits and ties. I remember how Callahan told Coach that she’d make sure we were all presentable for the senior photo. He had us meet her in the locker room an hour before the dinner started.”

“She strapped the Terminator to a toilet seat in the last stall and had you hike up your skirt and sit down on it. Then she had us get dressed in our suits. One by one, she checked us over, made sure our ties were tied correctly, made sure we had our panties on, and then sent us into your stall.” I slurped at his dick as he continued.

“There were only twelve of us seniors that night, and you blew every last one of us. I remember that she told us we weren’t allowed to cum in your mouth that night; that we had to shoot our loads all over your face. I went first, and the other team’s captains were right behind me. After I blew my load I went and stood on the toilet in the next stall.” I moaned softly. All this talk of that night was turning me on immensely. I took Henry’s cock all the way down my throat.

“Yes,” he hissed with a sharp gasp. He bucked his hips a little and placed his hands on the back of my bobbing head. Then he continued.

“I stood up there and watched you with the other guys. You looked so hot bouncing up and down and fucking yourself with that dildo while blowing them. Just the sight of their red panties, the black dildo, and all those messy globs of white cum dripping from your chin and staining your gold blouse were enough to get me hard again.” I came up for a quick breath of air and then went back to deep-throating Henry. His hands stayed on my head, guiding my efforts.

“Callahan was so busy making sure everyone was cleaned up afterwards that she didn’t have time to notice that I went back for seconds. When I stepped back in front of you, I don’t think you even realized it was me. You looked like one of those women in those low-budget porno flicks. Your makeup was all smeared and your face was covered with spunk, some of which was drying into a white crust and the rest of which was running down your face to drip off of your chin.” I pulled up from his cock, took a deep breath, and went back down one more time. His re-telling of that night was making me hotter and hotter and I wanted so badly to taste his cum.

“You just leaned forward and took me between your cumdrenched lips. The whole scene was so hot, watching my cock slide in and out of your messy face that I didn’t last very long. I pulled back and blasted another load…” I interrupted his train of thought by suddenly coming up until just his cock head was in my mouth. He moaned as I licked it and suckled it.

“Oh, God, Stacey. Uh-huh. Mmmmmmmmmm. Yeah, just like that. Uh-huh.” He was on the edge now, and I knew what I wanted was mere heartbeats away.

I gave him just a few more seconds of intense head-sucking and then I plunged his entire length down my throat. He raised his hips and moved them in time with my bobbing head, fucking my face. Every time I was on the way up, I came almost all of the way off of his cock, shoving it back down my throat each time I went back down. Henry was going nuts.

His hands were clutching the back of my head now and grinding my nose into his pubic hair. I had to fight to pull my head back up each time. He started moaning again, and I knew that this time he was coming for sure.

He came up onto his knees, forcing me to slide off the bed and onto my knees beside it. He had a good grip on the back of my head, and now he was fucking my mouth fast. He shoved his cock all the way into my throat and then pumped short strokes before pulling back and going again. I did my best to keep my balance and still move with his thrusts.

“Oh fuck!” he cried out. He buried his bone to the hilt and pulled my face as close to him as it could go. “I’m coming, I’m… ahhhhhh,” was all he said before he exploded in my mouth.

I felt the first big spurt deep in my throat. His hands were locked in a death-grip on my head, but I pushed against him. The second spurt hit the back of my throat. I got his cock almost all of the way out of my mouth until I was able to catch the rest of his load in my mouth. Henry was still trying to hump my mouth and made little grunting and groaning noises as he spent his all of his pent-up lust between my lips.

I was moaning too, savoring the flavor of Henry’s spunk once again. I swallowed every drop and kept him in my mouth as I felt him going limp. I sucked and sucked on his soft tool until there was nothing left to get from it.

Henry dropped back onto the bed. His face was bright red, almost as red as his panties, and was covered in a fine sheen of perspiration.

“God, that was so fucking fantastic!” he said. I was slumped on the floor next to his bed. “Thank you.”

I smiled up at Henry. “I guess I can’t really say the pleasure was all mine,” I said, “but it felt so good having you in my mouth and tasting you again that it feels like it was.” I stood up and started walking for the bathroom.

“Where’s the fire?” Henry asked.

“Oh, I just thought I’d get cleaned up and get ready for dinner.” I glanced over at my alarm clock on the dresser. “The dining hall opens in about half an hour.”

“I’ll tell you what. If she’ll stay for dinner, I’ll go pick up some pizza for me and Stacey.” I turned around.

“Only if you’re sure,” I said. “I don’t want you thinking I’m a cheap date or anything.” We both laughed.

“Nope, I’m positive. You just relax and I’ll go get the pie.” Henry got up from the bed. He tucked his flaccid member back inside his red panties and then threw on a pair of shorts. He grabbed his car keys and headed out the door. “T.T.F.N.,” he said.

As the door clicked shut I sat down on the edge of my bed and thought about what had just happened. The possibilities of the coming school year kind of excited me. I went into the bathroom to look at Stacey in the mirror. I decided that before I went any further, I needed a pair of shoes on.

I padded my way out to the closet and pulled down my box from the shelf. Missing, of course, was all of the makeup that Henry had so thoughtfully arranged for me in the medicine cabinet. Also missing was the small box that had held my wig and breast forms. Only five items remained: three pairs of high-heeled shoes in patent red, white and black, a tube of Astroglide, and my ‘going-away’ present from Ms. Callahan — a white 8″ realistic ‘cock and balls’ dildo with a suction cup base.

I still remembered when she gave it to me. It was that same night of the Senior Sports Banquet. After the guys had all fucked my mouth and blew their loads on my face, she hustled them out the door so they wouldn’t be late. She kept me after, of course.

She opened the stall door. I looked up and was blinded by a bright camera flash. “You look like such a whore tonight, Miss DeBeers.” She led me over to a bench by the lockers. “Bend over here and suck on this.” She pointed me to a dildo stuck to the locker in front of me about waist-high. Obediently, I did as I was told. Stacey always did what Ms. Callahan told her to do.

When she came back, she was wearing the Terminator between her legs. She applied some fresh lube to it and it slid easily up my ass. She began with a few short strokes to get her rhythm and adjust her feet. Then she fucked me for all she was worth. The entire time she called me things like a cock-sucking whore and her ass bitch.

“Tonight,” she said, “might be our last night, but you’ll remember this one for the rest of your pathetic sissy life.”

She must have fucked me for nearly an hour. I had to suck the other dildo all the while — giving me a dildo in both ends. By the time it was over she had orgasmed at least three times that I remembered. My mouth knew every intimate detail of that other dildo.

“Okay, slut, I’m finished with your sissy cunt,” she said. She pulled the Terminator from my ass and walked around in front of me. She pulled the other dildo from the locker and walked back around behind me. “Here’s a little something for you to remember me by.”

She shoved the smaller dildo into my ass. I was open so wide open from the fucking I’d received that I was surprised that it didn’t go in balls and all. She snapped my thong panties in place behind it to hold it in. She walked in front of me and presented the Terminator at my lips. She didn’t have to tell me what to do; I instinctively opened my mouth and sucked it in.

Another camera flash blinded me. My tongue worked its way up and down the shaft of her tool. She grabbed my head and shoved hard, forcing it down my throat until it was ballsdeep in my mouth. Another flash. She pulled out and headed for the door.

“You’ve been a good little sissy-slut, Miss DeBeers. You can keep the dildo in your ass. Before long you’ll be itching for something to put in there. Have a good summer and enjoy your time at college.” I heard the door close behind her.

Actually, it was another door in the hallway outside my room door that I had heard that snapped me out of my reverie. I picked up my white pumps and was about to put the box back when I thought better of it. I also grabbed the dildo and the Astroglide. I had a feeling that I was going to be using it a little later. Thanks to Ms. Callahan I now associated sucking cock with getting fucked in the ass; and sucking Henry off had made me horny as hell.

Henry showed up with the pizza less than 30 minutes later. That had given me plenty of time to fix my makeup and put on my pumps. It was kind of weird at first, just sitting around in lingerie and chatting with Henry like I hadn’t just given him a blowjob.

We ate and talked. The more we talked the more relaxed I started feeling. The conversation wasn’t serious and the subject of what had just occurred between us didn’t even come up once. But there was an unmistakable glint of lust in his eyes as he watched me move about the room.

I was sure the sight of my stocking-clad legs in high heels ending with thong panties just visible below the hem of the satin baby doll was driving him nuts. Occasional stolen glances revealed Henry surreptitiously rubbing the front of his shorts when he thought I wasn’t looking.

Henry made a quick trip to the bathroom, and while he was out of the room, a plan began to form in my mind. I quickly stashed my dildo under my pillow, and slipped the lube into my bra behind the breast form. When Henry came out I made for the bathroom myself to put the finishing touches on my plan.

I checked my makeup one more time and applied a fresh coat of lipstick. I made quick use of the facilities, and while my panties were down, I applied a liberal amount of lube to my ass. I dabbed off the excess from between my ass-cheeks, pulled up my panties, and then went to put my plan into action.

Henry was sitting on the edge of his bed when I walked out. He must have been rubbing himself again, I thought, as he tried to conceal the slight bulge in the front of his shorts. I sat down right across from him.

“Henry,” I said as I reached out to put a hand on his knee. “I need you to understand something. I told you before; dressing like this is a sexual thing for me. Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want. I won’t be offended if you ask me, as long as you promise not to be offended if I turn you down, okay?” Henry nodded dumbly.

“So we have a deal then?” I asked. Henry nodded again. “Okay, good. So tell me what’s on your mind, Henry.”

“I want, uh… I mean, would you like to… uh…” Henry stammered. I had never seen him this flustered in all the years I’d known him.

“Just say it, Henry. I want you to suck my cock. I need a blowjob. How about some head? Take your pick, Henry.” I slid off of my bed and onto my knees between his legs. I placed a hand on each of his knees and scooted a little closer. “Say it, Henry. Tell Stacey what you want.”

“I want you to suck my dick again,” he said.

“I’d love to, Henry,” I replied. I slid my hands up his thighs to caress the growing bulge in the front of his shorts. He moaned lightly. “Why don’t you slip these off?”

He stood up and started to slide his shorts off along with the panties he still wore. “Wait,” I said, putting my hands on his, “leave the panties on. I like them.”

He smiled and stripped off his shorts. He was about to pull the panties aside and free his now-hard cock, but I shoved him backward forcing him to sit back down on his bed. “I’ll take it from here,” I said.

I rubbed his hard cock through the satin panties, stroking it and giving it the occasional squeeze. Henry leaned back and spread his legs wider to give me some room. I nuzzled at his balls through the panties and rubbed my cheek against his rigid shaft. Just when I thought he was going to scream from all the cock-teasing, I pulled the front of his panties down and took his first four inches into my mouth.

I slurped on it for a few minutes, and then I pulled the panties down further and sucked more into my mouth. Henry started moving his hips, gently fucking my oh-so-willing mouth. I massaged his balls through the satin of the panties bunched up near them. Henry’s moans had long since been drowned out by my own.

I pulled my mouth off of his cock and started licking the shaft all the way up to the head, then back down again. Henry was encouraging my efforts and was now leaning back on just one hand. He moved the other one to the top of my head. I slid him back in my mouth for a few more minutes and then sat back on my heels.

His stiff cock was all shiny with my saliva and his pre-cum was dripping from the tip. I leaned forward far enough to lick the stream and suck the head into my mouth for just a few seconds before I sat back again.

“Henry,” I said, fixing him with my gaze, “Did you really mean what you said about that night of the Sports Banquet?”

“Which part?” he asked.

“The part about how hot I looked fucking myself with the Terminator.”

“Oh yeah, I really meant it. I mean, I’d seen Callahan fuck you with it a hundred times. But it was somehow different that night when you were doing it yourself. It kind of reminded me of that night I watched you through your bedroom window on your back with your skirt hiked up fucking yourself with one hand while beating off with the other.” His dick twitched and more pre-cum oozed out. I leaned in again and caught it on my tongue.

“Come to think of it, that’s exactly what turned me on about it.”

“Good,” I said. “As much as I’ve come to like sucking cock, Henry, it really feels right if I’ve got my ass filled as well.” I reached under my pillow and pulled the dildo out from under it. “Callahan gave me a going-away present too.”

“I saw it in the box with your shoes,” he said. “I wondered where it had come from.”

“I’m going to fuck myself in the ass with it Henry and I want you to watch. I want you to watch while you fuck my mouth.” I pulled back my bedspread and revealed the wide metal-frame side rail that connected the headboard to the footboard. I licked the suction cup and firmly fixed it to the smooth surface.

“This is going to be so hot,” Henry said. I pulled my thong panties to one side and slipped my legs under the bed, moving my needy ass within range of the dildo.

I reached around over my back and found the dildo with my hand. I slid backwards a little more, trying to line my well-lubed hole up with the head. Henry reached over me and tugged up on the back of the baby doll until it was piled on my lower back, exposing my ass to his view. I made a few tentative pushes back to see if everything was lined up.

I felt the cold rubber head just above my opening and it slipped upward, protruding from between my ass-cheeks. I lined up once more, and this time it was right on the money. I pushed back against the dildo and felt it start to go in. The head on this dildo wasn’t wider than the shaft, and although it was almost two inches thick, my hungry ass opened up for it without a lot of effort.

I pushed until it was about halfway inside of me, then I pulled back and did a few short strokes to give myself a little time to adjust to the intrusion. With each thrust I took the dildo a little deeper, moaning each time. By this time both of my hands were on the floor in front of me to keep my balance.

I looked up at Henry as I pushed hard one last time. My mouth was open in a voiceless moan, but Henry filled the silence.

“Yessss,” he hissed softly. “Fuck your ass. Take it all in, go on.”

“Mmmmm hmmmm,” was all I managed. I was getting into a good rhythm and now I was bucking back against the bed, shoving the dildo into myself harder and harder.

“Oh yeah,” Henry said. “That’s it. Fuck it. Fuck it hard. Fuck yes, this is making my dick so hard.”

“Give it to me, Henry,” I said, breathless from effort. “Give me your hot hard cock. Fuck my mouth. C’mon.”

Henry didn’t need any further urging. He re-adjusted his place on the edge of the bed and I looked up just in time to get a mouthful of cock. I moaned my pleasure around his cock as I sucked on it. Then I opened my mouth wide, sucked in as much air as I could, and took him down my throat until I felt his balls mash against my chin.

“Ahhhh, shit!” Henry said. I was being double-fucked at a steady pace. As I leaned forward to take all of Henry’s cock, the dildo pulled part of the way out of my ass; and as I humped the dildo back into my ass, I came almost all of the way off of Henry’s cock.

As I got it in both ends, the pace became more frenzied. I wanted the dildo faster and harder, but Henry couldn’t take the pace. The near-continuous deep-throating was about to send him over the edge.

Suddenly, Henry pulled away from me, taking his beautiful cock with him. I continued fucking myself as I looked up at him with an unspoken question in my eyes.

“Turn over,” Henry said. I looked at him a little confused, but he continued. “I want to see you on your back, fucking yourself with the dildo while you jerk off all over the nightie. Just like that first night I watched you.”

I didn’t think it would be possible to roll over on my back and still use the dildo attached to the bed frame. Instead, I kind of side-straddled the bed with one leg thrown up onto it and the other underneath it. I pulled down the pillow from my bed and stuffed it under my ass, and then added Henry’s pillow too, when he handed it to me. The angle was just about right and I know I moaned aloud as I sank the thick dildo back into my ass.

I found that if I bucked my hips I could still move it in and out of me. I twisted as best I could at the waist and I was almost able to get both shoulders on the floor. The hem of my baby doll slid up, revealing my own stiff cock encased in the matching satin panties. The pale aqua color of almost the entire front was wet and stained dark with my pre-cum.

“Stroke it, Stacey,” Henry said. “Pull it out and jerk it for me.”

I pulled the front of my panties to one side, releasing my cock. As it bobbed free a huge drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip. Instinctively, I caught it on my finger and sucked it greedily into my mouth. My right hand, in the meantime, was busy stroking my pole. As each new drop of pre-cum appeared, it followed the last one into my mouth as well.

“Oh yeah, that’s it,” Henry said. I could see him stroking his own member above me. “Hump that dildo and jack off.”

At first, I felt more than just a little self-conscious about jerking off in front of Henry. My self-consciousness shattered when Henry straddled my face and leaned over me, sticking his cock back in my mouth. I tipped my head back and he plumbed the depth of my throat as the dildo filled my ass and my hand slid slowly up and down my shaft.

I humped that dildo for all I was worth. I was horny as hell and just aching to cum. Henry sensed my urgency and pulled out of my mouth. He settled down on my face and I didn’t need to be asked; I instinctively started to lick and suck on his balls.

“That’s right, Stacey,” he said. “Mmmmmmmm. Yeah. Suck my balls. Oh yeah. God, this is so fucking awesome.” My pace became more frenzied now and as I starting fucking and stroking faster, Henry pulled himself up onto his knees and stroked his cock as well. “Come on, Stacey. Cum for me. Get off all over yourself.”

I didn’t wait a moment longer. I impaled myself on the dildo one last time, shoving it as far into my hungry ass as it would go. My hand was a blur on my cock and I was moaning my pleasure with my mouth full of Henry’s balls.

I groaned as a flood of cum came shooting from my dick. I bucked my hips as I came, keeping the dildo balls-deep inside of me. It felt like I came for five minutes, my dick still twitching and spasming even though nothing more was coming out of it.

As I was coming down from the pleasure high, I felt Henry stiffen and his balls pulled up close to his cock. “Oh yeah. Mmmmmm hmmmmmm. I’m going to spray this load all over you. Oh, fuck yeah. Fuck… uunnnnggghh.”

I could feel Henry’s hot spunk hitting me as he came all over me. His first mighty spurt hit my dick, the rest of it landing closer to my belly-button and pooling together with my own.

When he finished, he moved to kneel beside me. I scooped up a double-finger-full of our mixture and slurped it into my mouth. I could feel the wad that had hit my cock oozing its way down to my balls. Between finger-fulls of jism Henry fed me his softening cock.

I sucked Henry dry and licked up all of our accumulated spunk, save one bit. The spurt that had hit my cock I left there, tucking my sticky self back into my stained panties. I slid my satisfied ass off of the dildo and collapsed in a heap on the floor. Henry laid himself out right beside me.

“Man, that was un-fucking-believable,” Henry said. “Girl, you wear me out.”

A weak “uhh-huh” was all I was able to manage. Henry got up soon after and while he was in the bathroom I crawled up onto my bed. I mulled the events that had transpired today around in my head.

Henry came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but his t-shirt. His soft cock and balls bobbed invitingly between his legs. His red panties were balled up in his hand.

I sat up slowly and reached down to pull the dildo off of the bed rail. Henry paused, watching me for a moment. “So how are we going to work this out?” he asked.

“Work what out?”

“Well, I can’t just take advantage of you every time I feel like it, can I? And we can’t very well do this every single day, can we?” I nodded my assent. He continued. “Well, here’s what I was thinking. How about if I’m in the mood I leave you some sort of sign? And then when you see it, if you’re in the mood too, you can go slip into something more comfortable. How does that sound?”

“That sounds workable. But let me add this. If I’m dressed up in the room, it’s because I’m in the mood. So feel free to take advantage of me if you see me dressed.”

“Cool,” he said. “Now what can we use for the sign?”

I reached over and took the wadded-up panties from his hand. I shook them out and hung them over my corner bedpost by one leg-hole.

“How about that?” I said, grinning.

“I couldn’t think of a more fitting idea,” Henry said.

I slept in the baby doll nightie that night and the next morning I awoke with my satin panties from the day before stuck to me with Henry’s cum. I rolled over and Henry was standing beside the bed with his early morning hard-on jutting towards me.

“Good morning, Stacey,” he said.

“It sure is, Henry,” I said as I opened my mouth and took him inside.

Published 2 years ago

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