Satyrs Inseminate Hotwife Archaeologist and Her Assistant

"An archaeologist and her assistant go on a field trip and are bred by mythological satyrs."

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My name is Alexis, and this story chronicles an experience my graduate assistant, Rhea, and I had on an archaeological fieldtrip on a supposedly uninhabited island in the Aegean Sea, off the coast of Greece. But it will be helpful to provide a little background before I get to the main events in the story.

It took me a while to decide on a major course of study in college, but I finally settled on classical archaeology, which is the study of archaeology covering the Aegean, Greek, Etruscan, and Roman regions. As my interest in the field grew, and I continued for a master’s degree, I also had to become fluent in the Greek and Latin languages as part of the requirements for my advanced studies.

In addition to my archaeological work, I became interested in the mythology associated with those cultures and ended up with a second master’s degree in classical studies, with an emphasis on Greek mythology. Finally, I completed my doctorate in classical archaeology, and got a professorship at a prominent university in New England.

My husband, Richard, and I met at the university when I was twenty-eight years old and he was thirty-one. He’s also an archaeology professor but specializes in the cultures of Northern Europe. We have a good marriage, and were very close at first, but over the course of several years, and our frequent, and separate research field trips keeping us apart for sometimes weeks or months at a time, we became more distant.

I have a high libido and found myself becoming sex starved at times, and although I had never cheated on Richard, at least not yet, I sometimes wondered if he had cheated on me with some of his pretty graduate assistants, who sometimes go on research trips with him. He never acted jealous of my social interactions with other men, and even sometimes teased me and was casual about me having sex with other men, whenever we discussed our past sex lives. sensed that might be his way of assuaging his own guilt, if he was cheating.

My sexual hunger is sometimes exacerbated by my continued studies of some of the Greek mythological creatures. Although I didn’t believe that any of those creatures could be real, it was still exciting reading about their lustful behavior with other creatures, even humans, and their genitals which are usually characterized as being huge. Three of those creatures appeal to me the most.

In Greek mythology, Centaurs are half-man and half-horse, and they were supposed to have inhabited the mountains and forest, living primal lives, existing in tribes, and living in caves. The bottom half has the anatomy of a horse, and top is the torso, head, and arms of a man. Different writers describe them in various ways, but my mental image of the creature, with a huge cock, makes my pussy wet.

The Minotaur has the body of a man and the head and tail of a bull. The descriptions of this man-bull varied and evolved over time, but they were powerfully muscled and ravenous beasts. The Minotaur is more noted for its ferocity and thirst for blood than it is for its lustfulness, but it’s hard for me not to think about the possibility of fucking a bull-like beast with a big cock.

That brings me to the topic of this story, the insatiable satyr. It is described as a male nature spirit, with a human torso and ears and tail resembling those of a horse. Early artistic representations sometimes included horse-like legs, and walking upright, but later they were more often represented with human legs. They are also shown as having mane-like hair, bestial faces, snub noses, and they are always shown naked.

In mythology, satyrs are a type of drunken woodland god, associated with the goddess, Dionysus, and characterized by their ribaldry and were known as lovers of wine, music, dancing and women. The often attempted to seduce nymphs and mortal women alike, and they are sometimes shown masturbating or fucking other beasts. Nymphs are young female deities, often buxom and cavorting with satyrs.

Satyr’s genitals are usually depicted as erect and extremely large, which I admit is something that feeds my imagination. Interestingly, the medical term, satyriasis describes a medical condition in men with excessive sexual desires, comparable to the nymphomania condition in women.

Over the course of Greek history, satyrs slowly became portrayed as more human and less bestial, but the Roman influence depicted a satyr as a man with goat’s ears, tail, legs, and horns. I find it interesting how the descriptions of mythological characters evolved over the centuries, strongly influenced by the perspectives of the culture and authors of the time. Since the Renaissance, satyrs are most often depicted with legs and horns of goats, and often frolicking with nymphs.

I had just completed my fourth year of teaching when the events in this story took place. I was thirty-two years old and planning a two-week summer research project, since Richard was also going on another fieldtrip to Denmark. My previous summer projects had all focused on rather mundane, conventional, Greek archaeology sites, and I wanted to explore a site more relevant to mythological history.

One of my teaching assistants, doctoral candidate, Rhea, who was twenty-six years old at the time, was going with me, and we spent a few late nights trying to find a good location to explore. That’s when I remembered that I have copy of an old, tattered, Greek manuscript that I had used as reference material for my master’s thesis in classical studies.

The manuscript, from the 1400s, recounts the experience of Greek shipwreck victims, and how they survived for two harrowing months on one of the thousands of uninhabited islands in the Aegean Sea. The parts of primary interest to Rhea and me are the accounts of cave art depicting satyrs frolicking with and fucking maidens, as well as accounts of the women stranded there being inseminated by satyrs.

The island is described as primarily mountainous, about twenty-five square miles in size, with sheer cliffs on three sides, and a one-mile-long, accessible area of beaches and forests on the other side, before getting to another range of sheer cliffs. It was lucky that the shipwreck occurred within sight of the accessible area.

There was supposedly almost perpetual cloud cover over the mountainous interior, and a waterfall on the accessible side, with natural hot springs and the cave entrance nearby. There is also an air of mystery, and the victims describe a supposedly otherworldly, spiritual nature to the island, and especially in the cave and beyond, which they didn’t explain thoroughly. They also implied a kind of sexual energy that made the stranded victims of both sexes become attracted to one another and attracted to the satyrs.

Although the manuscript doesn’t provide any drawings, the cave art is described in intricate, and very arousing detail. As mentioned earlier, satyrs have been described in various ways, evolving over time, and it’s interesting reading the descriptions in the manuscript, which lean more towards an amalgamation of some of the earlier horse-like depictions and humans.

They are described as having a human torso, with ears and tail resembling those of a horse, mane-like hair, but with human faces, a little wild but not wholly unattractive, and human legs. But the descriptions of their genitalia, which are a combination of human and horse-like, are what got Rhea and me excited.

Described in various ways as having perpetual erections, their cocks are thick, over six inches around at the head and eight inches at the base, with what sounds like fourteen to twenty-inch shafts. They are mostly human-like, but the massive size of their cocks is likely attributed to the purported intermixed physiology with horses.

Their cock heads are even more horse-like. The glans are partially flat and flared, with a large urethral opening, but the shape is modified to look somewhat like a distinctive, mushroom-capped glans, similar to that of humans, and that results in a large head. Their balls are described as being tennis-ball-sized, hanging low and swinging between their legs in black scrota, and they were even described as ejaculating large volumes of cum, more along the lines of a horse’s ejaculation.

The manuscript doesn’t give much information to determine the exact location of the island, and we couldn’t even be sure if it existed or if any of the manuscript was true, given the nature of mythology. So, we had to find a way to narrow our search. Two of the nights we spent doing research were reviewing satellite imagery from one of the popular mapping programs.

After looking at thousands of islands, and easily dismissing most of them, we ended up with three islands that looked close to the description in the manuscript. Then we narrowed it down to one island, based on the mountainous terrain, sheer cliffs, cloud cover over the interior of the island, and most importantly, the accessible beach, forested area, and the waterfall.

The university funded a large portion of our research, so were able to add to the camping and expedition gear that I already had, and I got a school credit card to purchase supplies, food, and boat transportation in Greece. We took the eleven-hour flight to Athens and spent the next two days gathering the food and other supplies we’d need and finding a boat captain to take us to the desolate island.

We got a lot of cooperation from the suppliers and the boat captain, likely in no small part due to our sultry appearances. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m five feet and seven inches tall, weigh one hundred and thirty-eight pounds, with light-olive skin, dark-brown hair, and brown eyes. I have a nice shapely and full ass, and my breasts are 34DDs. Most people say I look a lot like the Italian actress, Monica Bellucci, except for my larger breasts, and you might know her from the movie, “Tears of the Sun” and many others.

Rhea is five feet and six inches tall, weighs about one hundred and twenty-eight pounds, with medium-olive skin, dark-brown hair, and brown eyes. Her ass is gorgeous too, and her breasts are tight and jiggly 32D’s. I think she looks a lot like the British actress, Rhona Mitra, who is of half-Indian and half-Irish descent. You might have seen her in the television shows, “The Last Ship” and “Supergirl”.

The fourth day was spent on the long trip to the island, and since both Rhea and I are fluent in Greek, we were able to converse with the captain. The captain, whose name is Dimitrios, is a ruggedly handsome, stocky, middle-aged, Greek man, who was undressing us with his dark eyes the whole time we were with him.

He tried to warn us saying, “It’s not safe for two beautiful women such as yourselves to go to that island. There were many rumors about what happens to ladies there, and you need to be able to protect yourselves.”

I replied, “Thanks, captain, but I’ve been on many research trips, sometimes even alone, and this time I have Rhea with me. We’re aware of the myths about that island, which is why we’re going there. Anyway, the island is supposed to be deserted. I purchased some pepper spray for us, just in case we need it, and we also have machetes for clearing away brush. Please just be back to pick us up eight days from now, in the morning, so we’ll have time to spend the night in Athens, and see some of the city the next day, before catching our flight home.”

It was a five-hour boat ride to the island and, before leaving, Dimitrios helped us unload our supplies onto the beach. The island is beautiful, which made it seem almost enjoyable hacking our way through the thick underbrush and carrying our supplies to the base of the waterfall. I had planned for that, which is why we brought the machetes to use to clear our path.

We finished setting up camp just as the sun was setting, and after a tasty dinner cooked over the campfire, we went to sleep early in our tent. With the travel and collecting our supplies, we were both exhausted and easily fell asleep. I had high hopes that we would find the cave and art that we read about, since everything so far had been just as described in that old manuscript.

After breakfast in the morning, we began our search for the cave. We started looking near the waterfall and our camp, and soon found the hot springs, but were disappointed not to find the cave entrance nearby. Then we searched in both directions along the bottom face of the cliffs, sometimes having to hack our way through the think forest.

It was disappointing that we hadn’t found the cave, but after an early dinner we decided to unwind in the hot springs. Rhea and I both brought bikinis, and we walked the short distance to the springs. There are smooth, bench-like rocks to sit on in the crystal-clear, soothing water, which feels about the same temperature as a typical hot tub.

I don’t know if it was just that I was away from Richard, or if I was experiencing the otherworldly, sexual energy of the island that we read about, but I was becoming attracted to Rhea, in a sexual way. Her pretty face, smile, and long hair seemed more and more attractive to me, and I could hardly look away from the swell and jiggle of her big breasts in that skimpy bikini. I also caught her furtive glances at me and felt gentle urges to explore the possibilities, that I find hard to explain.

She watched my breasts shifting, only a couple of feet from me, and as I reached back to untie my top, I asked, “You don’t mind if I take off my top, do you, Rhea? It’s just us girls here, and you can do the same if you want to.”

Rhea smiled and replied, “Oh my, Alexis, please do, and I’ll do the same. And if it’s okay with you, I’m going to take these uncomfortable bottoms off too.”

I decided to fully undress too, and we watched each other as we both took off our tops and bottoms, and I was soon looking at her gorgeous, full breasts bobbing in the warm water, as well as her hairy pussy under the water. I could hardly believe it when I was so brazen to say, “Rhea, you’re a vision of loveliness, and I feel so attracted to you right now. I hope you’re not offended.”

It was obvious that she was feeling the same urgings, wherever they were coming from, and she slid next to me, took me in her arms, and we shared the most amazing, intimate kiss. I had never even experimented with girl-on-girl sex in college, and the feeling of her soft lips on mine, and her soft tongue probing my mouth, was incredible.

We held each other and kissed for the longest time, and both began to fondle and rub the other’s breasts. I broke our sensuous kiss and leaned down to suck her dark areolas and nipples as she lay back against the rock moaning and squirming as I sucked first one and then the other of her breasts. Then she did the same for me, and I caressed her face with my hand and kissed her forehead as she suckled my breasts.

Nothing was said as we got out of the hot spring and walked hand-in-hand back to our tent. After drying each other off, we opened our sleeping bags into one bed. She moved on top of me in a shortened sixty-nine position, sucking my breasts again as I sucked hers. I loved the feeling of her younger, feminine flesh on me and in my mouth. We sucked each other that way for what seemed like fifteen minutes, before she slowly started sucking, kissing, and licking her way down my stomach and to my pussy.

We were soon in total lust as I sucked her pussy and she sucked mine, and I love everything about her thick pussy lips, covered in a neatly-trimmed layer of dark hair, her tasty wetness, and that thumb-sized clit sticking out and begging to be sucked. She was giving me orgasm after orgasm with her talented lips and tongue, and I could tell from her periodic shudders and moans that I was bringing her to multiple orgasms too.

After a half hour sucking each other, she rolled off me to her side, and I rolled with her, leaving us in a side-by-side sixty-nine. We both fell asleep for what would be a short nap, due to exhaustion and the exhilaration of experiencing such sweet love together. We both woke up at the same time, and briefly sucked each other’s pussies again, before I turned around to kiss her.

We kissed briefly, and in a moment of guilt, thinking that I might have led my student astray, I said, “I enjoyed that so much, Rhea, but now I’m afraid I might have taken advantage of you. But this was the first time I’ve ever had sex with another woman, and it was amazing. My goodness, Rhea, you have the body of a goddess”

Rhea giggled a little and said, “Don’t feel bad, Alexis, this isn’t my first time with a woman, and I’ve wanted to do this since the first time we met. I still like men and love to fuck them, especially men with big cocks, but I find the tenderness of a woman’s touch to be so amazing. And as far as I’m concerned, you are a goddess.”

We kissed again for the longest time, and then fell asleep in each other’s arms, still naked and with our bodies fully enmeshed. It was so special waking up in her arms in the morning, and after eating each other out again and having breakfast, we continued our search for the cave.

Everything the manuscript said had been true so far, including our heightened sexual desires, and since it said that the cave is near the hot springs, we intensified our search there. At the end of the day we hacked our way through some thick bushes right up against the cliff, and found a large, moss-covered boulder mostly covering an opening. It looked like it hadn’t been disturbed for hundreds of years. We cut a couple of big branches to use for leverage to roll the boulder away and were elated to have found the cave.

It was starting to get dark by then, and even though it would be dark in the cave anyway, we thought it would best to get a fresh start in the morning. So, after a good dinner, we rinsed off in the hot springs and went to bed. But we didn’t get to sleep right away, instead having sex for hours. We sucked each other’s breasts and pussies again, and Rhea even taught me about scissor fucking, as we had orgasm after orgasm with each other.

We took our lantern into the cave in the morning, and only about fifty feet in we found the cave art that had been described in the manuscript. It was almost exactly the way it was explained, and we spent the whole day not only taking pictures of the art, but also making sketches of it. We were going farther and farther back into the cave and realized that there was so much we couldn’t get to that first day.

The second day in the caves began about two hundred feet in, and we followed that in until at the end of the day, when we must have been six hundred feet from the entrance. There was a misty fog somewhat obscuring a large boulder, that was only partially blocking the path. It had a message painted on it in the Greek language. It read, “Beware all those who enter here, seduction lurks for your women so dear.”

Rhea and I were not only chilled by the mist, but it also seemed to evoke a kind of dream-like state and sense of calm. We decided to wait until the next day to decide if we should go farther into the cave. Although, knowing myself the way I do, there was no doubt in my mind that at least I would go beyond that boulder.

We relaxed in the hot springs again before having dinner. It seemed like that mist had made us feel even more attracted to one another, and we had another night of arousing sex. We love sucking each other’s big breasts and wet, hairy pussies, and I was hungrier than ever for the taste and aroma of her juices.

Early the next morning, which was our sixth day on the island, we took our lantern, and some food and water in a backpack, and went back into the cave. We paused briefly, with a feeling of anticipation, as we walked into the mist beyond the boulder, barely able to find our way, even with the light of the lantern.

It seemed like we had walked another three hundred feet when the mist began to swirl, and it was being illuminated by a kaleidoscope of colors. We passed through the light, and after feeling dizzy momentarily, we emerged from the cave into a lush forest. It felt like we had been energized by the brightly colored mist and gone back in time.

There was a hazy, fragrant mist in the air, and we hugged each other briefly, before following the flower-lined path to a babbling brook. It appeared that the thickly forested interior of the island was cutoff from the outside world, except for the cave that we entered through.

I told Rhea, “I’ve read enough mythological stories to realize that we have entered what is usually described as an enchanted place where time seems to stand still. Is it even possible that the myths about satyrs are true? Should we go back now, or do we dare to explore this place?”

Rhea revealed her adventurous spirit, answering, “We’ve come this far, Alexis, and everything we read in that manuscript has been true so far. There was no mention of those survivors being attacked or the women forced to do anything, so I say we follow this path and see where it leads us. We’ve already gained so much knowledge from the cave art, and I think we can learn much more by going farther into this enchanted place.”

We followed the meandering path for about fifteen minutes, until we neared what appeared to be a small village. We heard laughter and the music from flutes and stringed instruments of some kind, as we inched closer behind an embankment and some bushes. It was hard to believe what we saw.

There were nymphs and maidens, some naked with voluptuous Rubenesque bodies and others wearing tunics. They were all drinking what looked like wine from ancient wine-drinking cups, which I knew from my studies to be a kylix. There was a naked satyr dancing and playing instruments among the women, and they were just as described in the manuscript and shown in the cave drawings.

His long, erect, mostly-human cock was bouncing and swaying as he danced. Another satyr was fucking a nymph on a lounge, and yet another was getting sucked off by a maiden, who swallowed and gulped as he filled her mouth with volumes of satyr cum.

We watched them for almost an hour, as the satyrs ejaculated into the women, and after only a few minutes of rest, fucked the other women. Their cocks deflated somewhat after their orgasms, which is different from what we read, but they were erect again in a few minutes. We were surprised at the huge volume of cum flooding out of the women, which looked like somewhere between a cup and pint of the opalescent, white semen.

Author’s note: The following conversations with the satyrs and nymphs were in Greek but have been translated into English for the reader.

I was rubbing my pussy at that point, and I saw that Rhea was too. We were startled in our reverie by a strange, gravelly voice behind us saying, “What do we have here? What have the gods brought us?”

We looked around, and standing behind us with his huge, hard cock right in our faces, we saw a naked satyr. We had been caught watching them, and as we stood to face him, the others came running over.

The satyr who caught us continued, “My name is Arlemont, and it’s been centuries since we’ve encountered maidens from the other world. They were very receptive vixens, so please join us for a little wine and merriment, that we may see if you are receptive too.”

We were surrounded by satyrs at that point, and Rhea and I couldn’t help staring at and admiring their big cocks and balls. After following them into the clearing, Arlemont took my hand, and another satyr, named Focalor, took Rhea’s, and they began dancing with us as others played their instruments.

Their big cocks were bumping into us as we danced, and I said, “Oh my, Arlemont, my name is Alexis, and Rhea and I have both studied the myths concerning the existence of your kind, and we never believed they were true. But now that we’ve found you, we want to learn so much more.”

Arlemont smiled at me and said loud enough for Rhea to hear, “You will learn much more, sweet lady, but first we need to see more of your luscious bodies. Get those garments off so we might enjoy you, just as you have been enjoying looking at ours.”

Maybe it was just the surreal atmosphere of that place, or my heightened sexual awareness after becoming intimate with Rhea, or more likely seeing those big cocks and balls up close, but Rhea and I followed his instructions, and were soon dancing naked with the satyrs.

He held me at arm’s length, gazing hungrily at my big breasts and hairy pussy, and then moved in to kiss me. His cock had slipped between my legs, and I slid back and forth on his thick shaft, as I slickened it with my juices and felt it rubbing against my swollen clit. Focalor was doing the same thing with Rhea, and it was clear that the rumors about satyrs being lustful were true.

Those creatures led us to wide lounges as we danced, and Arlemont pushed me down on my back, as Focalor pushed Rhea on her back on the other lounge. Their cocks were just as described in the manuscript, and I estimated that Arlemont’s cock was about eighteen inches in length, and his testicles were massive.

Arlemont leaned over me, probing my pussy with the different-looking head on his cock, as he began to suck my breasts. They were accustomed to taking the women they desired, and neither Rhea nor I were resisting as they pushed their big cocks into our receptive cunts.

That somewhat flared head on his cock felt strange, but also wonderful pushing deep into my married pussy. I wrapped my legs around his waist and ass, feeling the long horse tail, and held on tight as I swiveled my hips and pussy around his invading phallus. He soon had twelve inches of his cock meat buried inside me. I could hardly believe that I was taking so much of his cock and wondered if it was the enchanted nature of that place that allowed me to take so much of his meat.

He fucked me hard and continued sucking my breasts as I looked over at Rhea and saw that she was being fucked just as deeply and aggressively by Focalor. We were both having continuous orgasms on those huge cocks, and it felt like even more of his cock was slipping into me as we fucked. It only took about five minutes for the satyrs to reach the point of orgasm, and the feeling of Arlemont ejaculating into me was like nothing I had ever experienced.

His cock throbbed and flexed so powerfully that it was rhythmically lifting my torso off the lounge with each pulse, and I saw my tummy bulging out each time. Even more amazing was the flood of cum spraying into my womb, and it was so plentiful that I felt it spraying out around his huge cock. His cock kept pulsing for what seemed like a minute, and the insides of my thighs and the lounge were soaked with his breeding fluids.

Rhea was being inseminated at the same time, and when the satyrs finally pulled their cocks out of us, with loud, squishy, slurping sounds, they both moved up to sit on our breasts, pushing their spent cocks to our mouths. It was surreal sucking the large, flared head of his cock into my mouth, pushing my tongue into the large urethra opening, and I enjoyed the strange, both bitter and sweet, taste of his copious cum.

We both licked and sucked their cocks clean, and they moved up feeding us their huge, black balls. We slurped and licked their massive testicles, until they both pulled away. Then Arlemont effortlessly picked me up and laid me on my side next to Rhea, but in the opposite direction in the sixty-nine position, and it was clear that they expected us to clean each other’s just-fucked cunts.

I began sucking Rhea’s pussy, which was still flooded with that tasty satyr cum, just as she did the same for me, and the satyrs moved in behind us, pressing their cocks lengthways, sliding them into our cum soaked and lubricated ass cleavages, as we continued eating each other out.

Their cocks hardened sliding in our ass cracks, and they soon changed the angle of their thrusts, until I felt the gnarly head of Arlemont’s cock pressing into my asshole. I had never been fucked in the ass before, but with surprisingly little effort I felt his massive cock slide inch after inch into my virgin ass. Focalor was doing the same thing to Rhea, and within a couple of minutes both of our asses were impaled, and we were being fucked hard and deep.

Their huge cocks were buried to the balls in our asses, and I saw Focalor’s cock impaling Rhea’s ass repeatedly, as his massive balls slapped against my head and her thighs. They lasted only slightly longer than the first time before ejaculating, and I soon saw Focalor’s long, thick perineum throbbing, as his massive cum load came squirting around his big cock and spraying my face. The finally pulled back, and Rhea and I cleaned each other’s asses just as we had done our cunts.

We sucked their cocks clean and were then allowed to rest after those first two, amazing sexual encounters. The maidens served us by bringing us cheese, fruit, and red wine in those kylix cups, as well as wiping our pussies and asses with warm, wet cloths. It was almost as if they served the satyrs however they desired, and supported them in ravishing us women from the other world.

I had sucked many human cocks and was used to getting maybe three or four squirts of cum, at the most, but those big satyr cocks kept throbbing and pulsing as we took their deluges of cum in our cunts, and then swallowed time after time to get their tangy-tasting loads down from each other’s pussies. Again, the manuscript seemed to be accurate, because those satyrs produced at least a cup of semen and cum, and probably much more.

We talked while reclining on the lounges, and it must have looked like a scene from the old Grecian times. Soon enough, two of the other satyrs, named Dryh and Knut, took the place of Arlemont and Focalor, and Rhea and I started out casually stroking, sucking, and licking their hard cocks and balls. They seemed content for a few minutes to let us orally enjoy their thick meat, as well as those flared cock heads.

Rhea and I were sore from the pounding we had just taken in our pussies and assholes from those huge cocks, but when the other two satyrs were ready to fuck us, we easily yielded to their lust. We then repeated everything we had done previously, and by the time they finished with us, and then Arlemont and Focalor took another turn, it was getting to be late afternoon.

We sucked and were fucked by them repeatedly until late afternoon and were invited to stay for the night. After a feast for dinner, we continued sucking and fucking them until even they seemed to need a little rest. Then we got to spend some time, leisurely stroking and sucking their cocks and balls, exploring every inch of their massive genitals. And it really felt unusual sucking their balls sometimes, with those horse tails so close to our faces.

It was obvious from the myths, seeing the satyrs when we arrived, and our personal experiences with them fucking us, that they are truly insatiable. As many times as they had likely been fucking the nymphs and maidens that day, they still fucked us and ejaculated time after time with loads much bigger than any man could produce.

By the time Rhea and I got to sleep, together on one of the indoor beds, our pussies, mouths, asses, and breasts were so sore from the constant sucking and fucking, that we fell into a deep sleep, without even kissing our sucking each other again. We were thankful to learn that even the satyrs needed sleep, and that gave us some well-deserved rest.

The satyrs woke us up early to begin the sucking and fucking all over again, and by mid-morning we decided to go back to check on our camp. It was interesting going through the misty cave again, and we were soon back to our camp, and headed for the hot springs. We sat in the warm water for the longest time, soothing our swollen pussies and resting our jaws from being cum receptacles for those huge, satyr cocks.

We went back to the tent and fell asleep in each other’s arms, after sharing a deep, soulful kiss. It was mid-afternoon before we awoke and had a long discussion about discovering the satyr’s village and being fucked so many times by them. We still had another night and day before the captain would pick us up, so we had to plan how we would spend the remainder of our time.

Our decision was easy, and we went back through the cave to spend another night with the satyrs. We took our cell phones with us that time, planning to take pictures of the satyrs, maidens, and of us being fucked. The satyrs were curious about our phones, which had to have looked other-worldly to them, but they didn’t object as we took hundreds of pictures of them, and us being fucked.

We stayed with them all night again, being fucked repeatedly in our pussies and asses. Our stomachs were full of their tasty cum, since we cleaned each other after each fucking. That was our last night on the island, and they gave us a breakfast feat in the morning, and fucked us twice again, before we made our way back through the cave. Our bodies were sore from the aggressive fucking, especially our cunts and asses, and both of us were walking a little bow legged.

As we went back through that swirling, colored mist back to the outside world, we noticed that our phones began to beep and heated up momentarily, somehow caused by whatever forces may have been present in the mist. We rolled the big boulder back over the entrance to the cave and spent most of the morning packing up our supplies, carrying them down to the beach, and awaiting Dimitrios’ arrival at around noon.

We had time to enjoy the hot springs one last time before his arrival, too sooth our well-fucked bodies, and it seemed like we were still under the influence of that magical place. Rhea and I kissed, sucked each other’s breasts, and ate each other out for what seemed like an hour, before we heard the horn from Dimitrios’ boat from the beach.

It was hard to accept that our great adventure on that island was over, but it also felt good and comforting to see him again. We decided to wear shorts and our bikini tops for the return trip on that hot day, and after we loaded the boat and got underway, he said, “You ladies sure look exhausted, but so mellow. Did you find any of the myths of that place to be true? I hope the trip was everything you expected.”

I was feeling a strong sexual attraction to Dimitrios’ swarthy, masculine appearance, likely from the continuing influence of that mystical island. Rhea apparently was too, and she moved to stand close to him in the wheelhouse.

She rubbed her bikini-covered breasts against his arm, and said, “It was a truly fulfilling experience, in more ways than you can imagine, and we hated to see it end. I don’t see why it has to end there, either.”

Then she began rubbing his ass and kissing his neck as she continued, “Is there a Mrs. Dimitrios at home, and do you think she’d mind sharing her handsome husband with a couple of American ladies in need of some affection?

He looked stunned at first, but also elated at her aggressiveness, and stammered, saying, “Agatha doesn’t need to know what I do on my boat, and I’d love to share myself with you ladies.”

Dimitrios must have thought he was in heaven, when my beautiful teaching assistant dropped to her knees in front of him and began unfastening his pants. He was soon standing there with his pants and underwear around his ankles, as Rhea moved in to suck his long and thick, uncircumcised, brown cock. His cock can’t compare to the satyr’s big, horse-like cocks, but it is still a substantial piece of fuck meat.

She sucked his cock as I removed my top, standing beside him, kissing him before he leaned down to suck my big breasts. He then pulled back and said, “Oh my, this is a wonderful day for old Dimitrios, being with two beautiful ladies like you, and I plan to enjoy it.”

He slowed the speed of the boat and used a short rope to tie off the wheel, to keep the boat on course, and led us down to the small cabin. I got under Rhea in a sixty-nine and briefly sucked her pussy, before Dimitrios moved in behind to fuck her with what appeared to be a veiny and gnarly, eight-inch cock, and I sucked his balls each time he bottomed out in her cunt.

They fucked for only about five minutes that way, until he ejaculated into Rhea’s cunt, and I cleaned his cock after sucking his bitter cum from her pussy. We changed positions and I continued sucking his cock as he sucked Rhea’s breasts, until his cock was hard again to fuck me.

I loved getting off on his thick cock, even though it pales in comparison to those satyr cocks, and it felt even more like I was cheating on Richard after fucking him, since fucking the satyrs seemed almost like a mysterious fantasy.

Dimitrios rested after fucking both of us, and then fucked us again about four hours into the trip, with just an hour to go before we got back to the port. Then we unloaded the boat, said our goodbyes, and went to find the hotel room we had reserved.

Rhea and I took a shower together at the hotel, and enjoyed rubbing and sucking each other’s tits, before falling into bed together to eat each other out. The influence of that mysterious island seemed to be fading, but Rhea and I had evolved to a place where we enjoyed our new-found sexual relationship.

We went to a late dinner in town and took our phones so we could review the photos we had taken on the island. We were excited about having proof that satyrs exist, and Rhea was planning to use some of the less-revealing photos to support her doctoral thesis on the subject. We were shocked and devastated to find that all the pictures taken with satyrs, but none of those taken on the rest of the island, had been diffused into a swirl of colors like the mist in the cave.

Rhea was in tears when she said, “This can’t be happening, Alexis. Could we have imagined what happened to us, despite my pussy and ass still being sore from fucking the satyrs? Or is there some power that will not allow the truth to come out?”

I was in tears too by then, and replied, “This was quite real, Rhea, and I can only assume that the mysteries of that place are being protected by a higher power of some kind. We both know it happened and have been forever changed by it. You can still write about at least part of our experiences there, even without the proof, and we’ll just have to accept that we can never prove it.”

I was feeling even closer to her then, and took her hand before saying, “Rhea, I think you know that I love my husband, and I know that you have an amazing boyfriend. We’ve both cheated on them, with both the satyrs and Dimitrios, but I can’t say that I feel bad about that. I’ve always suspected that Richard might be cheating on me, but I’d never want to do anything to hurt Richard. Even so, I also feel so very close to you, and think I might also be receptive to other men in the future.”

After pausing for a moment to see that she didn’t have an bad reaction to my affirmation about her, I continued, “I think that something on that island changed me and has taught me that I have the capacity to love more than one person, and in very different ways. I hope that we can continue to have the close relationship that started that day in the hot spring. I may even tell Richard about us one day, since many men love the idea of women having lesbian sex.”

Rhea leaned in to kiss me, and then said, “I’m so glad you told me about your feelings for me, because I feel the same way about you. I’ll always want the deep, penetrating love of men, and will also be more receptive to other men in the future, but I also love the intimate and caring relationship we discovered together.”

We went back to our room and had passionate love into the wee hours of the morning. I couldn’t get enough of her soft, thick lips, amazingly firm tits, and the juices of her thick-lipped pussy.

It was enjoyable sightseeing in Athens with Rhea the next day, and after another night of unbridled sex, we caught our plane the next morning for the long ride back to Boston. Richard wasn’t back yet from his research trip, and since Rhea reunited with her boyfriend, I spent the night alone in bed, masturbating to the memories of my time with the satyrs, Dimitrios, and Rhea.


Published 6 years ago

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