Sarah, Chapter 5-A

"Pappa and the girls start there trek from the railhead to the ranch on horseback..."

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Sarah, Brenda and I take a train to the ranch. Star and Stud, the girls’ horses are in an attached animal car… It’s a four day ride by horse from the railhead to the house, 95% of that is on the Star Ranch…..

Note to readers: Chapter 5 is being posted in four parts, A thru D. This is done to maintain story continuity, each chapter covering a day on the trail.

The day finally comes when I need to leave for my own home, although this is also home, just not my own. I’ve talked things over with Brenda’s parents and they both agreed that it would be a good experience for her, since she wants to be a vet. We’ll be taking a train to a railhead close to the ranch. I’ve arranged for an animal car to be attached to carry Star and Stud, the girl’s horses and all of their gear. Their personal clothing and items will be picked up by my ranch foreman, Lyle. We will be riding the horses from the railhead to the ranch house, a four day ride. Lyle will have 3 pack horses all set when we arrive.

Day One , at the railhead and the trek begins….

The train arrives at the railhead at 3AM. The girls sure aren’t too happy about getting up at that time but we do need to get moving, the train will only be here for an hour. I stay in their room as they crawl out of bed naked and come over to hug and kiss me before getting dressed. Damn, they sure look good, just waking up. I can just imagine the fun we’ll have on the trail for four days.

It took the girls about 20 minutes to get dressed and ready to go. As we headed for the horses, which Lyle unloaded and saddled, they were complaining about not being able to put make-up on. “You won’t need that stuff here, ain’t nobody going to see you both but me and Lyle. It will only be a few minutes for him; he has to fly back to the main house.”

“Fly,” they both asked? As we rounded the caboose, I pointed to the helicopter about 50 feet away. “Is that yours Pappa?”

“Yeah, it makes checking the fence lines easier, especially in the winter.”

We greet Lyle and he gives me a handshake and big hug. I then introduce the girls. Lyle is a couple years younger than me; we were raised on the ranch together. But the range has weathered and worn him lots. He looks like he’s close to 100. “Hello girls, pleased to meet you, specially you Sarah. Your gramps has done nothing but talk about you and show all your pictures around the ranch since the day you were born. Girl, you certainly have grown up! Brad, everything is all set and you have chow and fixins for a week. I know how you are when you get going, time has no meaning here. And, you girls don’t got to worry about nothin; I’ve already talked to all the hands. I’ll scalp the first one that looks at either of you cross-eyed. Brad, Gray Cloud is gonna shadow you guys.”

“You girls probably won’t ever see Gray Cloud if he’s our shadow. He’s full blood Arapaho, born not far from here and raised Indian style instead of white man. He’s going to make sure nothing or nobody bothers you. Even when you take your rides he’ll be there somewhere.”

They look at each other, blushing and giggling. “Pappa, what about if we decide to go skinny dipping in that pool you told us about?”

“The you will most likely have somebody looking over your naked body! By the time we get back to the main house, he’ll have his wife and kids with him, so don’t worry. By the way, he has two girls, twins, both 17. Your mother and I gave birth to them in the main house; he was going to stay on the range, like his ancestors. But your mother wouldn’t have it. She took a Jeep to fetch them. You’re going to learn a lot that has never been told to you Sarah, about this ranch, me, your mom, everything. And, I might as well tell you now, and don’t let it go to your head young lady.”

“What’s that Pappa?”

“See that mountain right ahead of you? The peak is the southern boundary of the Star Ranch. It’s a full 2000 acres of mountains and plains. When you turn 18, darlin, it’s all yours. I’m going to retire and live the good life not that I haven’t anyway.”

Sarah’s mouth dropped open, “mine? Oh Pappa, I don’t know what to say. I don’t know anything about ranching. I have no clue nor the education. How can I operate something like this?”

“Well, Sarah, and you too Brenda. I’m telling you both here and now, I’m sending you to the best colleges, both of you. Sarah, you’re blood and it’s all part of your inheritance. Brenda, you’re adopted now and I’m doing the same for you. You’re going to have a spread not far from here I recently bought. It’s smaller, only 1000 acres. Now, you’re going to ask why. Because I just want to, that’s why. When you get to my age and position, it’s your right to do as you please. You both please me very much. Lyle here had been with me since he was born. He runs the place; I just collect the money and benefits. We already have 15 hands and a foreman at the new spread, Brenda; all you have to do is select a name you want and a brand. The foreman, by the way, is Lyle’s son Levi.”

Lyle said his good byes and heads for the helo. We get saddled up and get out of the way for his warm-up and take-off. As soon as he’s airborne we start out for Buckhorn Peak. He circles around and then heads out for the hour flight home.

We break for breakfast about 7AM by a small creek. As we settle down, I sense a presence. “Gray Cloud is close by now, but you girls won’t see him unless he wants you to.” They both look all around, not seeing anything. After about 15 minutes, an arrow hits a nearby tree with a note on it. “Go get that arrow and note, it’s airmail from Gray Cloud.”

They both run over and back with the arrow and mail. Sarah has the arrow and is turning it over and over, examining the fletching and arrowhead closely. “My Brother, the note said, I am here and welcome you and your girls home. If you want me in, fire twice.” I walk over to my horse for the carbine and fire off two.

“What’s that all about Pappa?”

“I’m calling Gray Cloud in to introduce you girls. Now don’t be surprised how he looks, he dresses old style Indian, loin cloth and mocks. He’s a firm believer of the old ways, living off the land and all. His wife and girls are the same way. If he had his way, he would move the whole tribe here and go back in time with them to those old ways.”

Within minutes, an Indian comes riding slowly into camp. “Brother, welcome home! You’ve been missed by all. Ranch is good. I took a steer last week for my family and a couple friends.”

“My Brother is welcome to my camp. You can take a steer any time you need, they are yours too. I want you to meet my granddaughter Sarah. The dark hair girl is her best friend and now my adopted granddaughter Brenda. They will be staying her for the summer. Jane will be joining us later at the end of summer.”

“Welcome to Star Ranch ladies,” he said in perfect English. “My friend and brother Brad has told many stories about you Sarah, and now we will add you Brenda. Know that you will be shadowed during your stay by me or one of my twins. Nothing or no one will bother you.”

Sarah walked up and looked him in the eyes, “I thank you for your hospitality to your lands and your warm welcome Brother of Brad. My adopted sister and close friend Brenda will care for this land as your people have for thousands of years.” Brenda walks up to stand beside Sarah. “You are always welcome to anything the Star Ranch has to offer.”

Now where in the hell did she learn an old customary greeting like that! This girl is full of surprises. “My Brother, Sarah is my blood and heir to the Star Ranch lands, her words are also my words. Please join us for breakfast; we’re having buffalo steaks, eggs and mountain potatoes, and cowboy coffee, of course.”

“It’s good to be among family, Brad, I’ll be happy to join you, let me hobble this old horse of mine and I’ll be right back.”

“Pappa, why does he use two English languages?”

“It’s a tradition as old as time, Sarah. They speak probably every language in this country, but always fall back to the old ones. The English he uses is from his way of staying with those old ways, you’ve noticed that he can speak perfectly when he wants.”

Sarah looked at Brenda and said, “As far as we’re concerned, he can stay with the old ways. We’ve studied the American Indians in school, that’s where I learned that way of greeting; I know you were wondering about that. And I do mean what I say about him, his family and his friends. If they are your friends, they are also ours, I can’t vary on that or we loose them as friends and family. Now let’s get cooking, I’m hungry!”

While the girls get everything ready to cook, get water and start the coffee, I walk over to have a talk with Gray Cloud. “What do you think, quite a girl, huh?”

“Sure is Brad, she certainly surprised me with that old way of greeting. I would honor her and her friend in my family any time. I know my girls will want to get with them and see if they can learn anything.”

“Well, I know she wants to learn. What if I send them to you for a couple weeks later on? You and your family can teach them the old ways. It sure would be good for the two of them.”

Not far away, we turn and hear giggling and splashing. We walk back and what a sight we see.

The two of them are in the creek, taking each other’s clothes off, arguing, giggling and splashing, oblivious of any thing or any body. So, what’s there to do? We sit by the fire and just watch. They’ll become aware soon and things will get back to normal. Pretty soon the two of us are just about rolling on the ground laughing at them. After about 10 minutes or so, they stop their playing, give each other a big kiss and grab their clothes to wring out. “Pappa,” Sarah yells, “can you bring us some dry clothes?”

Gray Cloud stands and yells back at them, “Come and get your own, I’ve seen naked girls all my life, we sleep and run around naked all the time.”

Now don’t nobody ever think my little granddaughter is chicken or Brenda either. As soon as the finish wringing out their clothing they grab their boots, hats and walk on up naked as the day they were born. It seems that they each packed extra clothes in their saddle bags and went to get them.

As soon as they got dressed, they laid their wet clothing on a bush to dry and then came back to started cooking without a word. Coffee water soon started boiling and Sarah added the grounds and pulled the pot aside to simmer. It doesn’t take long before the steaks are cooked, taters done and eggs medium. We all sit down and enjoy the tranquility and great food outside.

With breakfast done, Gray Cloud says goodbye and heads out, not to be seen. The girls come over to me and cuddle up. “Pappa?” Brenda coos with a smile, “can we play with you? It’s only us now. That’s what we were doing at the creek, arguing over who gets to ask you and I won.”

Sarah was sitting back with a pouty look on her face. “You girls are something else! Now don’t look that way Sarah,” I said, “you lost fair and square. So take it like a lady and let’s all get naked and play for a while, I could use a good sucking.” The girls couldn’t get undressed fast enough. And then they started on me, luckily, my shirt has snaps!

They get on each side of me on their hands and knees. Each taking turns stroking my hardening cock. Sitting back against my saddle, I’m rubbing their backs, butts, legs and pussies. Their little tits hanging down invite me to fondle them, pinching and pulling their nipples into rock hardness. They are taking turns stroking and kissing me, occasionally licking the pre-cum that appears. I know they will take turns and probably have a little argument over who’s going to get the mouthful of cum. Hell; it doesn’t matter to me, just as long as they enjoy themselves and me too.

“Which of us gets to swallow his cum Sarah?”

“I don’t care, just as long as I get my share. Hey, why don’t we both just take a side and keep going at him. When he’s ready, we can both have him in our mouth and share what comes out,” Sarah said.

“Great idea, you go first, and see how much you can take into your mouth and throat. My dad used to force his as far as he could and make me choke. But, I love him anyway and I’m going to teach him some lessons when I get back home about how to treat a girl. I’m so glad Pappa isn’t that way.”

“I’m ok now Pappa, you’ve showed me lots about how a guy should treat a girl already and I appreciate that. But now, it’s all about you! Just lay back there, play with us and let us have your delicious cum.”

“No argument from me girls!”

They were stroking and licking and sucking me, each taking a turn. I know it won’t be long before I’m filling their sweet mouths with cum. I’m also enjoying all the touching and fondling I get to do with these sexy fillies!

“Girls, this isn’t going to take long, I already feel my balls starting to boil the cum, getting it all nice and hot for you. This is so nice. I wonder if Gray Cloud is watching and stroking his own cock.”

“Mmmmmmm, that’s so hot Pappa! Us knowing that what we are doing turns him on enough for him to jack off,” Brenda says, while Sarah takes her turn.

This is one time when I’m going to give them a warning that I’m ready. I want to see how they plan on their “sharing”. I don’t take very long the way they are going at me! “Get ready, I’m getting close!”

They give each other a big kiss, and smile as they take that kiss to my boiling cock and then slide the kiss down, engulfing my head as they both stroke me fast and hard. I’ve got both of my hands busy plunging in and out of their pussy, my fingers drenched in girl juices. I pull each hand to lick my fingers, savoring the tastes and flavors of the two different girls, Damn, they sure are tasty! “Oh, fuck, here you go!” My cock lets loose the first of many spurts of boiling cum into the shared kiss/cock sucking. They are still stoking me, occasionally fondling my balls. Sarah’s long hair has covered me, so I can’t see what they are doing, just feel. But I know they are getting plenty. Brenda is the first to break the kiss and pull back as Sarah takes a couple shots. Then she pulls off and Brenda dives down, taking me all the way to her throat for the final few. When she’s done, Sarah takes hold of my softening cock to milk the last drops out and licking them off. Damn, they are so good at this. We finish up with the girls licking me nice and clean, including each other’s juices off my fingers.

We dress, pack up and hit the trail again, starting up the mountain. After a few hours, we’ve come to the tree line and stop for a little rest for the horses mostly. The girls pull out their cameras, taking pictures of the plains, the railhead in the distance, each other and me. After about 30 minutes, we start out again, weaving in and out, staying clear of the heavy brush at the lower altitudes. It takes another two hours before running out of the trees, and head for the saddle…

Published 15 years ago

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