Sara Meets The Football Players In LA

"My GF satisfies her desire to take a bigger cock again!"

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It’s been several years since I’ve written about my sex life, so I figured I’d go back to the wildest relationship I’ve ever had with my ex-girlfriend, Sara, and fill in more detail on the many sexual experiences we shared together. To my new readers, all my stories are 100% real except for our names. All photos are also real, except for the few AI-generated ones made for story cover images. I mark such images in the comments. The real photos are shared in the media section of my profile if you are interested in visual stimulation to go with the story.

To bring some readers up to speed since this took place years ago, my sexual desires and bedroom actions in 2012, which included role-playing that my girlfriend was fucking guy friends of ours, and a skinny dipping situation with her co-worker Ryan, led to my girlfriend having sex with him behind my back. She purchased a large dildo to cover up her infidelity since Ryan had a much larger cock than I do. This secret affair lasted a few weeks until a girl’s trip to Las Vegas for a bachelorette party changed everything for our relationship, becoming open on her part.

To be crystal clear, I pushed her to that point making it clear I wanted her to fuck other guys and she finally acted on these desires when I wasn’t around. After that Vegas weekend, I experienced multiple situations remotely via text, Snapchat, or Skype of my girlfriend fucking strange guys, ex-boyfriends, and of course her co-worker Ryan who started it all.

That was until my girlfriend fucked this older wealthy guy friend of hers named Richard while I was traveling for work in Dubai. When I got home, I reached out to Richard behind my girlfriend’s back and set up a situation where I wanted him to fuck her in front of me at his house that weekend. He mentioned having a party that night and suggested we seduce her afterward. What I didn’t know at the time was that Richard was a swinger and had already set up a swinger party for that night before we made our plan. Sara knew Richard was a swinger long before I did, and apparently, some of her co-worker girlfriends frequented his parties in the past. I had no idea what I was walking my girlfriend into that night but I’m glad Richard didn’t warn me because I probably would have chickened out.

Long story short (Read past stories for more detail), at that swinger party Sara was gang-banged for the first time by multiple wealthy older white men, and from her perspective assumed her boyfriend, me, had planned the gangbang situation for her. We never discussed it but it was understandable how she’d think that due to how the night unfolded, how I told her it was a surprise from me, how I instructed her to dress sexy, and how during the drive we teased each other, especially after she realized we were driving toward Richard’s house.

You have to read the past story to find out why. Long story short, she ended up loving the experience of being fucked by several men at the same time and after that night I never corrected her assumption that I knowingly set up the gangbang myself. I think I never did because I also learned that night I was extremely turned on as well by my much younger thirty-two-year-old girlfriend being a slut and taking multiple large cocks at the same time while I watched nearby. I was shocked she enjoyed it as much as I did, smiling the entire time.

After that night, Sara and I often would use her large black Marcus dildo and I couldn’t get the idea out of my mind of how she was able to take a cock so large, so deep inside her. Also, we both expressed interest in joining Richard’s swinger group again, however, by the time of this story it didn’t happen. To be clear, I’m not saying it never happened, however, as of the timeline of this story it hadn’t occurred yet.

On a Monday night, while Sara was reading in bed, I was researching the average vaginal length on my computer and was surprised it wasn’t that deep. I shared this medical fact with Sara and we both laughed knowing that she definitely could take a cock much deeper than 4-6 inches. That is when we both learned about anterior and posterior fornix. I’ll let you guys look it up.

When we read the article together on how a women’s cervix can lift out of the way when truly aroused, allowing a much larger penis to reach places previously untouched by the average size cock, we were both extremely aroused and wanted to use her large dildo again. I grabbed the dildo from the shower floor where it must have fallen off the shower wall from the last time she used it.

When I returned to our bed, Sara had stripped completely nude and started playing with her clit as I crawled between her beautiful toned spreading legs. I remember making solid eye contact with Sara as I presented the head of the large black cock after lubing it up, before pushing the tip past her outer folds. Initially, I was only able to go 4-6 inches deep before feeling strong resistance seeing the dildo arch as I applied pressure. I licked my girlfriend’s clit and started pumping her dildo six inches deep as her juices started coating the large shaft of her dildo communicating how aroused she was becoming. I asked Sara, “Who are you imagining fucking you?”

Sara’s eyes snapped down to mine as I slowly licked her clit with her large black dildo’s shaft partially inserted inside her when she said, “Mmm, I’m imagining James, honey. He was the largest cock so far.”

She paused arching her head back, moving toward an orgasm.

“I loved how his big, black, cock felt stretching my white pussy honey!” Sara accentuated the words big black cock which was sexy to hear coming from her cute mouth, as her breathing slowly increased saying, “Yes, like that! When James fucked me, I’ve never felt so full babe!”

Sara’s breasts and breathing increased as her mouth gaped open and we made eye contact again.

“Fuck, babe, when we were reading that article, about the fornix, or whatever it’s called, I was imagining how his cock felt so deep inside me. It felt so good when he fucked me! Fuck me harder! Fuck, James!”

Sara was getting even more worked up roleplaying and I was picking up the pace advancing and retarding this piston inside my girlfriend. My girlfriend using James’ name as I pumped her large black dildo inside her was extremely erotic for me. After only a few minutes of this Sara shocked me by showing signs she was already close to cumming when she had a massive orgasm. Sara made me hold still but I wanted to see if I could embed her dildo fully inside her. Sara bucked at my shoulders as I applied pressure with my advance, first angling the tip downward before tilting the shaft upward in a scooping fashion, to perhaps help push her cervix upward making room for the full length.

To my surprise, it worked and Sara had the full length of her dildo inserted balls deep inside her. I held it there for a second, slowly moving the tip in a rotating fashion, while Sara built to another level of arousal I’d never seen before as she pushed my head away from her. After she became acclimated to the deep intrusion, I moved my head back and began licking her clit again while slowly pumping the dildo fully inside her. She immediately had the strongest orgasm I’ve seen from her to date.

After she recovered from her second massive orgasm, I asked, “So what about the guys from San Diego?”

Sara breathing heavily locked eyes with me again saying, “What about them?”

I continued, “Just saying I bet you loved having two black guys fucking you at the same time! Must have been hot! I wish I could have been there to watch.”

Sara’s breathing was heavy still and her eyes glossy as she responded, “Fuck! Babe! That feels so good. So deep.” She paused before answering, “Yes, I loved how they shared me! But I want to focus on imagining James, babe.”

Sara moaned as I started moving the dildo inside her again before suggesting, “Where is your phone? Let’s send him a Snapchat?”

Sara had a look of excitement as she smiled her signature cute smile and looked past me to the dresser where her phone was sitting saying in a sexy cute voice, “My phone is over there honey.”

I got up as Sara took over using her dildo on herself as I grabbed her phone. When I turned around Sara’s eyes were locked between her legs focused on the black dildo sliding deep inside her as she rolled her hips. I loved watching how aroused her dildo made her. When I got back on the bed I went back to licking her clit as she unlocked her phone and opened the Snapchat app before handing it back to me.

I accidentally clicked the back button exiting the camera when I realized in the messages section she had been messaging several guys recently, including Ryan, James, and one of the San Diego guys Josh, but I didn’t ask questions. I focused the camera on my girlfriend’s pussy filled with her black dildo and hit the capture button. After recording the short 30-second video clip of Sara using her dildo and massaging her clit, I handed the phone back to Sara as I took over pleasuring her again with the dildo as I licked her clit. After she sent the snap video I asked, “So who did you send it to?”

Sara while grabbing my hair as I licked her pussy responded, “I sent it to all of them babe.”

I let Sara get back into our roleplay when I asked again, “Yeah, which guys did you send it to? I noticed you were sending messages to a few guys.” Sara’s eyes shot open and we made eye contact. “Do worry, babe, I know you are fucking Ryan still. You know I don’t care. But tell me about it! I love hearing about you flirting with them!”

Sara was too worked up at the moment to discuss what I had just said as she moaned with arousal. Her glossy eyes made contact with mine again as she ran her hand through my hair as she said, “Fuck, I love you! This feels so good! Fuck, I’m going to cum again!”

My intensity fucking my girlfriend with the dildo increased as I said, “I love you too. I can’t wait to watch one of them fuck you! In-person next time, okay?” Sara was breathing heavily saying nothing as she closed her eyes when I continued, “Okay? Let’s set it up!”

Sara’s breathing increased more with arousal, her tummy, and large breasts arching skyward as she had her third earth-shattering orgasm screaming, “Fuck, babe! Okay! I’m cumming again!”

I was shocked she could cum so many times so close together but the depth of the dildo, our roleplay, and the shaft likely hitting deep in her posterior fornix, I think made all the difference. Perhaps it was sending the Snapchat video to the guys she fucked in the past but I’m sure it had more to do with the depth I was stimulating her.

Josh, one of the two black guys from San Diego (photo in Sara’s Album) was the first to respond to Sara’s Snapchat with a video of him stroking his fat black cock with his t-shirt pulled up over his neck as he sat in what looked like his office chair. After receiving his video, Sara and I sent multiple snaps back and forth before Josh texted Sara inviting her to meet him and Isaac in LA for the weekend. I was excited to finally watch her fuck a black guy in person, so I encouraged her to agree to meet with them.

On Thursday night, three days after flirting with Josh over Snapchat, Sara and I planned a date night out to see a movie. After we both got off work we met at a local Japanese restaurant. Another photo of this night is in Sara’s album for my readers who also enjoy visual stimulation. As we were eating our dinner, Sara became nervous placing her chopsticks down when she said, “Babe, I have to tell you something.” She paused for several seconds as I finished putting down my Sapporo, then asked, “Would you be mad at me if I wanted to meet Josh and Isaac alone this weekend?”

This request shocked me making me feel very uncomfortable with the situation after I had specifically expressed a desire to watch them fuck my girlfriend in person this time. Sara went on to tell me, “Josh called today and expressed how they just don’t feel comfortable having you there watching us.” She checked over her shoulder to make sure none of the other tables could hear our conversation then continued, “If you want it to happen again, I have to go alone, babe. I’m sorry, I know you wanted to be there this time but…”

I sat quietly for a while thinking to myself, “I can’t believe she’s asking me this. Fuck! It’s only a few days from now! And we already booked our hotel!” Sara could tell I was deep in thought and didn’t interrupt my process as my cock began to stir and chest tightened with arousal which confused me as my mind continued thinking, “Fuck! I do want them to fuck her again. I did enjoy remotely experiencing Sara fucking Richard and the other guys in Dubai. Maybe next time they will feel more comfortable.”

After deliberating in my mind, I finally replied saying, “Damn, babe, seriously? Fuck! I’m disappointed but…” I sat thinking for a few more seconds, then said, “It’s fine. I get it. It must be strange to have someone you’ve never met watching you in that situation. If you go alone, I want to hear all the details when you get home! I mean it! I want to hear everything in graphic detail!”

Sara got up from her chair as if heading to the restroom when she leaned down to kiss me on the cheek saying, “I love you so much, babe! Thank you!”

I’m sure Sara felt unsure I was okay with her going alone but didn’t fight me when she got the answer she wanted. During the movie, I couldn’t get the situation out of my head and Sara must have sensed it. When we left the theater and got home, I was getting ready for bed when Sara emerged from the closet wearing an extremely sexy cheerleader outfit for the football team Josh and Isaac played for, which she planned on wearing this Halloween. She looked amazing in it and her nipples were rock hard poking through the thin material of her top.

An important detail I might have left out in previous stories was that the guys from San Diego are professional football players playing for the same team as the cheerleading outfit. They don’t play for SD in case you are wondering because I made up the names of the cities, like I did with this story’s names. Sara purchased the team outfit on purpose after fucking them in Vegas to tease me by wearing it. Sara and I confirmed their identities online after the Vegas trip which made the situation even more erotic for us.

Her body was still in the doorway of the closet when she shifted more into our bathroom hallway exposing the rest of her outfit and in her left hand, I noticed her grasping her black Marcus dildo. She smiled her cute little naughty smile at me then turned her head toward the dildo while lifting her hand as she extended her tongue taking the bulbous tip deep into her mouth and moaning before removing the cock saying, “Damn babe, Josh’s cock will feel so good in my mouth this weekend babe! I can’t wait!” The light from the closet backlighting her was extremely erotic. The best photo in my media collection is the one of her dildo suctioned to the closet door. That was the closet she exited from and the exact dildo she used, which illustrates how the closet light backlit her perfect body.

Seeing my sexy girlfriend sucking her dildo in a cheer outfit using Josh’s name sent me into a frenzy as I stripped down nude before leaning on our bathroom counter and stroking my rock-hard cock. It was extremely erotic watching her tease me by sucking her dildo but I wanted her to suck my cock so I grabbed her right hand and guided her to her knees. Sara knew what I wanted when she closed the closet door, suctioning the dildo to its front before roleplaying her sucking Josh’s big black cock before switching to my 6-inch white cock. Sara maintained eye contact with me the entire time as I stood above her loving the scene she was performing.

Sara removed my cock from her mouth as she looked me deep in the eye saying, “Thanks for letting me meet Josh and Isaac alone. I know you wanted to watch us but I know you’ll love hearing how they took turns fucking me! Tell me you want them to fuck me, babe!”

After saying these words Sara took my cock deep into her mouth again and passionately sucked my tip while locking her beautiful brown eyes with mine when I responded, “I can’t wait to see them fuck you in person babe! Fuck! I’m close!”

After saying this Sara switched back to sucking her dildo most likely wanting me to cum later when I asked, “Fuck! That’s right, suck Josh’s big black cock like a good white girl! Fuck that’s hot!”

Sara paused for a second as she admitted, “Actually I’m imagining sucking James’ cock, if I’m being honest. Loved his cock babe!”

That night we fucked imagining the dildo was James fucking her and it was extremely passionate. When we finished I asked Sara, “Why did you want to imagine it was James tonight instead of Josh or Isaac?”

Sara thought deeply then replied, “No reason!” Sara paused again continuing her thought process before continuing, “I think it’s because I only have one dildo, and Josh and Isaac like to tag team me together.”

I loved the visual of Sara being spit-roasted between two bulky black football players when I replied while chuckling, “Oh they do huh? Must have been fun. We should get you a second dildo then!” Sara and I went on Adam and Eve to order another large black dildo before cuddling and falling asleep.

Saturday afternoon arrived and construction workers had been redoing our master bathroom so Sara decided to get ready for the night in our downstairs guest bedroom. Sara was getting ready in the attached bathroom lined with mirrors. I glanced over as she was doing her makeup, and watched Sara seated on the floor in the mirrored hallway. She was topless wearing tiny skin-tight pink booty shorts with a towel wrapped around her head from the shower she had just taken. It was extremely erotic to know my girlfriend was getting ready at that moment to meet and be fucked by some large black football player, only hours from now.

After becoming satisfied with her makeup, Sara started trying on different sexy LA outfits for me while I sat on the guest bed working on my computer. I kept glancing over at Sara as she tried on some of the sexiest outfits and she modeled them for me to tease me further. She looked amazing. Then Sara modeled the photos in her album with the grey top and nothing else underneath as she pulled it down over her hips, jokingly saying, “What do you think honey, too short for LA?”

It was at that moment I took the photos of Sara posing in the mirrored hallway, in her album. When it came time to choose an outfit, Sara decided to tease me even more by leaving the room to head up to our bedroom closet while the construction workers were still working on the tub. The closet door is located right next to the tub so my mind and heart raced at her naughty actions. I wondered if the construction workers would gawk at her sexy body in the tiny grey shirt she pulled down to be a short dress. I wondered if they’d notice she was completely nude underneath that tiny tight grey shirt.

Sara eventually returned with a sexy black dress in hand wearing a different set of lacy transparent black underwear. The thing that shocked me was she must have walked past the workers like that, carrying her little black dress in front of her and her barely covered ass flashing me as she entered the mirrored hallway to try it on. I laughed at Sara’s actions and went upstairs when I interrupted the workers discussing Sara. I overheard the workers discussing how they’d both fuck her when they abruptly stopped when I entered the room.

Later when it came time to pay my contractor, I had to ask them if my girlfriend teased them earlier. At first, they worried that I’d be upset acting like they didn’t know what I was talking about, until I reassured them I wasn’t upset. I asked if they got a good show and explained how she was an exhibitionist. At first, I wasn’t confident they understood me so I searched the word in Spanish. After using the Spanish word and followed it up with showing them photos of her fully nude on my phone saying, “Sexy right? Sorry, she teased you guys like that!”

After seeing the photos of Sara, the two Latin guys with a huge shit-eating grin on their faces told me what Sara did in broken English. Telling me how Sara entered the bathroom while they were grouting the tile saying she needed to grab a dress from the closet. Jose pointed toward the closet doorway which was covered in a thick plastic to protect her clothes from the dust of construction, as he explained how Sara stripped out of her grey dress with the closet light on and door wide open. Both of the Mexican workers admitted to studying Sara’s sexy nude silhouette through the thick plastic barrier separating them and asked to see more photos. I looked to make sure Sara wasn’t listening and said, “Ok, one more but don’t tell Sara I showed you!” After these words I brought up one more photo of Sara sucking my cock and they loved it.

As I showed the photo I realized the closet light was still on so they must have had a great view of Sara’s silhouette as she lifted the grey shirt up and off her sexy body. They thought she would put the black dress on before leaving the closet but they were shocked even more by Sara putting on only her lacy black underwear and reaching for the plastic to push it to the side as she walked through the barrier into the restroom. Jose admitted to admiring Sara’s nearly nude body as she left the bathroom. I bet Sara turned back as she left the room to watch the guys watching her flashing her signature teasing smile.

Her teasing of the Mexican workers turned me on and I tipped them well. Since I had Jose’s number in my phone and used him often for work around the house I decided to improve his compensation by texting him the photo of Sara’s body with her face hidden. Jose texted back in English, “Fuck man! She’s sexy as fuck bro! Thanks for these and the work! Can’t wait for next time!”

I watched as Jose again studied Sara’s tight young body in her LA dress as he left the house, knowing I was okay with him looking. I knew this because Jose looked back at me and gave me an approving nod before smiling and walking out our door. Soon afterward Sara loaded her car with her overnight bag and left for LA for the night. I knew she’d be back on Sunday and I was planning on golfing with some guy friends that morning so I figured I’d get the details when she got back.

As I expected, all Saturday night I didn’t get a text message or call from Sara. Also, I took sleeping pills to make sure I could sleep so my golf game wasn’t ruined the next day.

I felt like she was safe because she shared her iPhone location with me which I tracked to the Magic Castle in Hollywood before passing out. Knowing her location and the fact they were famous guys made me feel more comfortable for some reason. Also, I asked Sara to message her girlfriend Jessica who was aware of our advanced and open sex life to include her in the details as well. Sara is a very confident and alpha personality so I didn’t worry about her when she went out for girls’ nights.

The next morning after my AM golf game, I got a call from Sara saying, “Hey stud, how was your game?”

I responded, “Was great, how was your night of breeding? Can’t wait to hear about it!”

Sara laughed at my comment about them breeding her when she added, “Oh yeah, the idea of them breeding me turns you on huh?”

I laughed playing it off when I continued, “I’m just messing with you, babe. Where are you?” At that moment Sara was getting back to our house as I was leaving the golf course when she requested I return home immediately so she could tell me about her night out.

When I walked in the door I was immediately greeted with the visual of my sexy girlfriend leaning against our kitchen island posing completely nude and by the look on her face seemed extremely aroused. I joked with her saying, “Oh you’re nude again, is Jose here?”

Sara laughed knowing I was teasing her about teasing our Mexican workers with her nude body before she left the house.

Sara looked me in the eyes with a horny sexy look saying, “Babe, I need you to fuck me! Unless Jose is here to fuck me?” We both laughed at her joke but I was shocked she must have been fucked repeatably last night. I thought she would be tired when she got home but it was the opposite. Sara grabbed my hand guiding me between her legs as I lifted her up onto the countertop of our island before spreading her legs.

We made out like teenagers before Sara leaned back to lay nearly flat on the counter lifting her shoulders and head to watch me, clearly communicating that she wanted me to eat her out. At first, I didn’t think much of doing it since I loved eating her out, but then I remembered the guys must have fucked her only hours ago. I paused at first and didn’t sense or see any residual cum so I began kissing down her abdomen before reaching her beautiful pussy mound before reaching here freshly fucked pussy.

I didn’t sense any residual fluids still so I continued licking her folds as her juices started to flow. If I’m being honest, it did taste a bit musky and I might have been sampling a small amount of Josh or Isaac’s cum but it wasn’t too bad and they must have fucked her hours ago.

Sara, while passing her hand through my hair, said, “So you like that they breed me, babe, don’t you?” Sara moaned as I continued licking her clit. “I was so hot. I let Josh and Isaac cum so many times deep inside me babe! Was so hot! Fuck!”

Sara was building to orgasm as she said, “Fuck yes! Love that! I’m cumming, babe! Don’t stop!”

After recovering from her orgasm, I made my way up her body kissing her large breasts and sucking her nipples as I presented my cock to her opening.

Since the counter was a bit too high, I lifted Sara against my chest and moved her to our living room marble coffee table. It was funny because I didn’t think it would be cold but it was and we immediately laughed at the shock before laying down a towel for her. I bent my knees to drop my pelvis to her level, when in an upright position with Sara flat on her back I fucked her hard on the coffee table. I kissed Sara’s calf muscles while I held her legs against my chest pointing them straight into the air.

When I first entered her pussy I could tell the guys had severely stretched her out but holding her legs together as I fucked her helped that situation by tightening her pussy for me.

After having sex and adding my cum inside Sara, she described the night to me, mentioning how she loved letting the two large-stature guys tag team her little white body in the LA hotel room I paid for. Her making a point to remind me that I paid for the night was interesting. She explained how she loved how roughly they took turns fucking her and spent a good amount of time explaining them cumming deep inside her. The words that stuck out in her story were, “When Josh pulled out of me, he pulled out so fast it sucked his massive load out of me! Then Isaac took his turn!”

Published 2 months ago

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