Sapphic Caning

"My friend introduces a Lesbian relative and her sub girl friend to the joys of spanking and caning"

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I have a lady friend who lives rather too far away from me for our best enjoyment. Let us say her name is Jamila. We get together whenever we can. We have known each other for several years and early on I found that Jamila was receptive to the idea of being spanked and eventually caned with accompanying sexual activities!

We began with a limited repertoire of fairly light over-the-knee or over-the-side-of-the-bed hand spankings and light canings. We moved on to trying different types of implements, canes, and techniques.

Jamila said, to my surprise, that even vigorous hand spankings hardly hurt at all. They certainly hurt my hand and it was a relief to start using a light cane on her after the hand spanking. She said the hand spankings were a good warm-up and she did not like ‘cold canings’.

Things moved along and after a while, Jamila accepted moderate canings. I found out that as my experience increased in caning her in the manner and on the preferred areas of her shapely rump, she would have orgasms during the session.

Jamila at first did this quietly, in fact, I had not realised she was having orgasms until one day she rather frenziedly said, “Stop, stop, I am shaking to pieces.”

I stopped and asked her if she was OK.

Jamila replied, “I was having the third orgasm of this session when it became so strong I had to get you to stop before I lost control of myself. The feelings were enormous.”

She lay on the bed legs a bit apart and I could see her clitoris in motion, she wasn’t faking it.

I put the apparent earlier lack of reaction to the sexual stimulus of a spanking down to her rather conservative and religious upbringing. Jamila thought that whilst these activities were very pleasurable, they were also ‘naughty’ and it maybe was wrong to allow her pleasure to show.

Maybe it had to do in part with the general overcrowding in her country and the necessity of keeping the noise down during sex.

I said that spanking was acceptable because whippings had been administered inside church premises where sex was not permitted. I think she got the point.

Jamila’s favourite after a long hand spanking warm-up is to have me cane her over my knee or the side of the bed lightly with a thin cane with ten to fifteen seconds between strokes. She can take a huge number of strokes like this, with her bottom becoming a light overall red but with very few individual cane marks.

We have tried out several different implements. She does not like the strap, floggers, and the martinet, the thin cane being her firm favourite.

Jamila loves to be caned wearing a pair of split crotch culottes that frame her bum beautifully and enhance the visual appearance thereof when administering the caning.

Sometimes if she has been naughty she will ask for ‘six of the best’ at the end and will get a final 6 (or maybe more at her request) delivered very slowly but harder.

These leave marks on her bum but often end in another huge orgasm and a request for sex as soon as the caning orgasm fades away… But if we do this there won’t be more spanking for three or four days as she doesn’t like the sensation of sitting on a very sore bum for the next day or so.

The canings are usually a prelude to sex because Jamila loves to be screwed immediately after the last cane stroke. After all, the caning makes her feel so horny.

Jamila also sometimes likes to be given a short caning a bit before she needs a pee because she likes the feeling of sitting on the loo while she has a sore bum…

I introduced her to the art of switching which was a new thing for her. I think she was at first surprised by it but got into the swing of it quickly once she got over the feeling that in her culture the female should be the more submissive.

I usually have trouble sitting after a switching session and sometimes I am marked for up to three weeks due to the force of the caning at my request. A smallish lady can inflict a very painful caning, up to and beyond the limit of my endurance. It says a lot about the ability of the cane to punish.

Jamila saw that I suffered when caned hard. I think it increased her determination to sometimes allow herself to be caned beyond her limit (usually after being naughty) and take the aforementioned ‘six of the best’.

I think seeing me suffer pain and reacting to it increased her confidence that I would have empathy with her when she was on the receiving end. Her willingness to take ‘six of the best’ increased a lot after we started switching.

We have a bidet spray attachment by the loo and Jamila loves to play this on her pussy while she is on the loo as it always gives her at least one orgasm.

If we can find a hotel with a bidet, particularly after a caning, Jamila likes to sit on it and lets me help to wash her pussy… She says that playing on the bidet after a caning makes her want to have the caning all over again!

Once after pleasuring herself with a post-caning session on a bidet, Jamila was walking back to the bed wanting more. She kept on freezing up during the walk as waves of the continuing orgasm swept over her. She has a huge capacity for enjoying multiple orgasms, but I guess that is not unusual.

In Jamila’s society, there does not seem to be much of this sort of thing going on. An internet search turned up a few Domme mistresses. I could not find any mention of spanking, spanking clubs, groups, or anything of that nature, and I know where to look and in the local language too.

Jamila told me that until she met me she wasn’t aware that spanking had a sexual stimulation side to it. However, that did not seem to deter her from taking to it like a rather conservative duck to water.

Home and school CP is banned in her country in line with one of the UN conventions so children are not exposed to it.

However, we keep our activities quiet due to the conservative nature of her society, which despite tolerating girlie bars, etc., would not approve…

I was soon aware that within Jamila’s large family, there was a female relative of the Sapphic disposition and the Tomboy type. I thought Tomboy was rather quaint and amusing in her ways. This girl usually had a submissive girlfriend in tow. One time I saw the Tomboy get annoyed with the sub-friend and I wondered if the Tom knew about spanking.

Jamila, her cousin of similar age, and the Tomboy went on a long trip together to the place where they came from to see relatives.

I knew in advance about this planned trip and had suggested to Jamila that this was a chance to plant the seeds of spanking ideas in the mind of the Tomboy.

Jamila told me that she got the subject around to spanking in a joking sort of way and it was suggested to the Tomboy in that manner. It seemed to be working.

Jamila managed to get the Tomboy away (the cousin is VERY conservative and this is well known) and took her to a furniture store where they sold local bamboo and similar plant-based products. They found a few lengths of suitable rattan cane which they bought and smuggled into the luggage without the cousin noticing.

The proprietor of the furniture shop asked what they were for and Jamila made up a cover story. She said they were to discipline a single male relative who would come back home late and very drunk, disturbing everyone. She said a few whacks with a cane would sort him out. They all laughed…

Jamila, from the furniture store reactions, thought she wasn’t the first person to buy relatively short lengths of thin rattan cane…

Jamila explained to the Tomboy how to go about giving a caning with the advice to start gently with the thinnest cane and not to do it in anger.

She had a good idea of what to say because I had to teach her how to go about it when we started switching. Of course, Jamila knows knew exactly how it feels to be on the receiving end which helps no end.

It was suggested to the Tomboy to start with a hand spanking and then move along. We planned all this ahead of time over the web. The Tomboy was to try to persuade the sub-partner that spanking and caning might lead to sexual stimulus. Jamila asked the Tomboy to let her know how it was going etc. The ‘safeword’ etiquette was explained too.

Here is what was reported…

The Tomboy reported that initially the sub didn’t want to know but was eventually persuaded to give it a go. Lo and behold, the sub loved it and could not get enough. My hunch had been correct. Spanking and soon caning became the norm.

The sub can get away from her work at midday and the Tomboy works close to home. One lunchtime, the sub called the Tomboy’s mobile and asked for a quick lunchtime caning session. Of course, this took place.

As time went on the sub was shown the thicker cane and asked to be caned with the ‘next one up’ in terms of thickness. The Tomboy said that despite yells of pain, the sub took it well and started dripping…

Red tramline marks appeared on the sub’s bottom and later she was in pain when sitting on the caned rump but this was not a deterrent and it was reported that fifty to sixty strokes with twelve or so hard ones at the end became the norm…

With Jamila’s input, things moved on to switching. The Tom takes similar canings to the sub. It sounds like perfection to me. The Tomboy said that she liked being caned and the harder canings caused her to drip too. Jamila asked the Tomboy how she deals with the harder canings afterward.

She gets the marks well massaged by the girlfriend and that helps a lot. Of course, the whole thing helps the now excellent relationship with the girlfriend. I always thought the Tomboy was quite a hard case and it is good to have it confirmed.

The Tomboy was shown a bidet spray. Jamila explained what a powerful erotic device it could be. The Tomboy tried one out in a hotel and was hooked. Tom soon installed one in her place. More innocent fun…

I just wonder –how many people would enjoy adult spanking if they only tried it and didn’t think it perverse once inhibitions are removed?

Published 2 years ago

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