Santa’s Friend Saint Valentine

"Santa’s Friend Saint Valentine"

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Valentine, also known as Eros, was an impish sort of character. Although he was thrilled when the whole world celebrated him once a year, the rest of the time he was kind of bored. So bored in fact that he’d taken to following some of the other magical beings on their special days.

When he followed Santa on Christmas Eve to Katie’s house he didn’t really expect to see anything interesting. All the fat guy ever really did was drop presents off, eat a few cookies and then move on to the next house. In fact that was all he had done the entire night. Then when he crept stealthily up to Katie’s bedroom Valentine raised one eyebrow in anticipation.

“Maybe now things will get interesting!” he muttered to himself.

He watched closely as the lithe young girl spread her legs enthusiastically for the man in red.

“Yes indeed,” he thought, “She’s a firecracker for sure!”

After Santa cast a slumber spell on her and left Eros hung around and sniffed between the girl’s thighs. Over and above the sweet smell of Santa’s seed was the musky scent of Katie herself.

“Delicious!” he said with a snicker.

Then he hurriedly followed after Santa to see if any of his other visits would result in anything interesting. They didn’t, but that was okay. His mind filled with visions of Katie and how she had so passionately clung to Santa as he pounded away at her.

For the next few weeks he pondered how he was going to give the young girl his own gift. His special day was coming and he intended to as well.

The day before Valentine’s Day, the tiny sprite visited Katie. He spied on her as she wrote cards to her friends and family.

“Be my valentine!” she said with a giggle as she sealed the last of the letters.

She hummed to herself as she gathered up her coat and boots. She skipped happily to the post office a few doors away and smiled broadly as she bought stamps for all ten of her cards. Then she dropped them all into the mail box and went back home with a smile fixed to her pretty face.

There was no one special in her life right now, but that didn’t dissuade her from sending the cards out. And though she knew she would be alone on February fourteenth, she still looked forward to this special day devoted to love.

When she got back home she hung her coat in the closet and slipped off her boots. Then she went upstairs, grinning at all the little red hearts stuck to the walls and the banner at the top of the stairs. It had large red letters against a white background and read, “Be My Valentine!”

She paused and looked longingly at it for a moment and then went to the bedroom. The invisible cherub followed her up the stairs.

A bath! A long hot bubble bath!

She started the water running and then stripped off.

Valentine’s mouth watered as her supple body came into view. She hummed happily to herself and then grabbed her special red house coat with the large heart embroidered on the chest. She giggled at it and then went into the en suite bathroom.

Sinking into the hot water drew a contented sigh from her. She laid her head back on the tub and closed her eyes.

Valentine decided he’d had enough of watching.

Very quietly he slipped beneath the water and moved between her outspread thighs.

He could do many things while invisible but he couldn’t stop the water from rising as he submerged himself in the tub. Katie didn’t seem to notice though.

She was lying back and enjoying the hot water and a slight smile played across her lips. Her eyes opened wide with surprise when she felt a little nibble on her clitoris. She looked down between her legs and frowned in confusion when she saw nothing there. She was beginning to think she had imagined it when it happened again. She could swear someone had just run their tongue against her little button and she shivered in response. But she could see nothing there!

Then she felt a warm tongue part her lips and worm its way inside her. She could even see her vagina open up slightly as it happened.

She moaned in spite of herself and her breath caught in her throat. If this was in her imagination it was the most vivid fantasy she had ever concocted!

She let out a quick breath and climbed out of the tub. She could still feel little tingles in her nether regions as she dried herself.

Once more putting on her red house coat she went and threw herself onto the bed.

She lay on her back and decided that what she had felt was simply because she was very horny. She hadn’t had sex since Christmas and it was time she tried to find someone to fill that void. Until then she would take care of herself!

She closed her eyes and reached inside her robe. Her nipples were puckered and hard from the bath and she squeezed one of them softly. With her other hand she tickled her opening and slipped a finger inside.

She pushed her house coat open and spread her legs eagerly. With one hand cupping her tit and the other pushing against her clitoris she started to moan. She bent her knees and rubbed her open palm against her mound quickly. When she was close to cumming she placed her index finger hard against her button and squirmed.

Then she felt it. A cock was being pushed inside her. She knew it this time!

She opened her eyes and gasped in surprise.

Straddling her hips was a small cherubic figure a little bit larger than a toddler. There were tiny wings on his back and he was wearing a thin wisp of silky material around his tiny chest. He was naked from the waist down. His small face was beautiful and his smile was slightly mischievous.

He paused as she looked at him and winked.

“Hello Katie!” he said and grinned, “Santa sends his greetings!”

“You know Santa Claus?” she asked in wonderment.

“Of course I do!” Eros said, ‘In fact I was here when he visited you on Christmas Eve.”

Katie blushed at the memory of her lovemaking with Santa and then she frowned.

“I didn’t see you,” she said suspiciously.

“Of course not,” Valentine said, “I was invisible at the time. And he didn’t know I was here either.”

Oh,” she said uncertainly.

“Do you want me to stop?” Valentine asked as he shoved his cock a little further inside her.

Katie groaned and her thighs tensed seemingly of their own free will.

In truth, Eros cast a spell on his penis just then. It made her vagina much more sensitive than normal and she felt like there were electric shocks going off inside her.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she groaned, “I mean, I was expecting Santa Claus when he came here. I don’t even know who you are.”

“Sure you do!” Eros chuckled, “I’m Saint Valentine! You’ve been writing cards in my name all night!”

“You are?” she asked in amazement.

“I am!” he said, “And now I’m going to prove it to you.”

Valentine then started sliding his cock in and out of her. Despite her reservations, she moaned and arched her back in response to his movements. Without really thinking about it, she reached around him and cupped his small buttocks as he pumped into her.

Because he was so small he couldn’t kiss her on the mouth as they fucked. Instead he licked and suckled at her breasts. Katie gave herself over then and groaned loudly. She spread her legs wide and just held on as this tiny man screwed her like no one ever had before. Even the pummeling she’d gotten from Santa wasn’t quite this good.

She came with a scream and held on for dear life. She felt him cum inside her then too but he kept on pumping. He continued fucking her and she almost fainted from the sensations. After almost an hour she simply laid back spread eagled as the small cherub continued to fuck her.

She even dozed off once or twice, only to awaken to the feeling of his sizeable cock continuing to slide in and out of her.

The bed beneath her bottom was soaked. He must have cum inside her at least three times but not once did he stop fucking her.

Only when dawn broke did he cum for the last time.

He looked up from her sweaty body and winked.

“See you next Valentine’s Day Katie,” he said.

Then he vanished into thin air and she was left gasping for breath and squirming in their mingled juices that had soaked the sheets and blankets under her.

She gasped tiredly and felt between her legs. Her vagina was sticky and gooey from the tiny man’s semen. She brought it to her nose and a small smile touched her lips as the residue of his magical spell washed over her.

She could hardly wait until next year!


Published 5 years ago

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