Sam’s Slut Weekend: Friday Night

"Sam has a slutty night out with a friend while Mark's away"

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I was already several tequila shots in and stumbling slightly by the time my friend Jenna and I made it out Friday night. We went straight to the bar for more drinks, talking and laughing together as we looked around to check out the guys nearby. I’d always been a loud and horny drunk, which I got a lot of shit for from many of my friends. But my obnoxiousness was nothing compared to Jenna’s, and I loved her for it. 

“What about the two guys over there right under the TV screen? I call dibs on the one in the black polo!” Jenna yelled into my ear over the loud music. 

I followed her gaze to check out the guys that caught her eye and had to agree they were cute. Since Jenna had already claimed one, I paid more attention to the other. He was pretty tall with fairly short hair and nice eyes, wearing a baseball tee and jeans. Both guys were holding pint glasses of beer and laughing, looking around and undoubtedly checking people out, too. 

“Yeah, they’re cute,” I yelled back.

As soon as she had my approval, Jenna was shouting across the bar at them and waving her hands wildly, gesturing the guys over. 

“You’re ridiculous!” I laughed, noticing that the guys were making their way over.  

“And you like it,” she said, winking back. 

She wasn’t wrong. When my married lover, Mark, told me he wanted me to go out and have a slut weekend while he was away with his wife, I knew Jenna was the one I wanted to go out with. She’d had her own slutty streaks from time to time, so I knew she wouldn’t get concerned with my plan, or judge me for the short shorts and low-cut top I wore.

We did introductions. Black Polo Guy was Kyle, and Baseball Tee was Eric. I let Jenna steer the conversation as we all talked and flirted over drinks. 

As things progressed, I took out my phone to send a quick text to Mark. 

Sam: I think I might’ve found someone for tonight (wink emoji)

Eric seemed nice and cute enough, but it was more the idea of him that was exciting to me, and how he fit into the plans Mark had made for me.


“I want you to find someone different to hook up with each night this weekend,” Mark had said, as we’d talked on the phone before bed the night before: our nightly routine. 

“Okay,” I’d agreed with a nervous smile. I’d never hooked up with a complete stranger for a one-night stand before. The thought of giving myself permission to do such a slutty thing had made me wet and tingly. 

“If no one interesting approaches you within the first hour, I want you to find someone you like and initiate it yourself,” Mark had added.

“I will,” I’d promised. 

“And no playing with toys or touching yourself.” 

That rule had caught me off guard. “All weekend?” I’d asked, slightly horrified by the thought. 

“Yep,” Mark chuckled, noticing the tone of my response. “Starting tonight. I want to make sure you’re feeling needy for sex.” 

My pussy throbbed in response, already getting excited and impatient for a new cock. It was wild to me, how everything Mark suggested felt like the biggest turn-on. Like he somehow knew what I liked before I even did. 

“And send updates when you can,” Mark had said. “I’ll be checking in whenever I have a little privacy.”

That made me smile, too. As bad as I knew it sounded, I couldn’t help liking the thought of Mark checking for messages from me while he was with his wife. The naughtiness of it was pretty thrilling. And it gave me confidence in what we had, knowing that he thought about me even when we weren’t together.


I’d barely hit send on the text when Jenna gripped my arm suddenly and yelled, “I love this song! Let’s go dance!” 

“Okay!” I agreed easily. 

We both downed the rest of our drinks, and then she took my hand and practically dragged me through the crowd to the dance floor. I smiled back at Eric, hoping that he and Kyle would follow.

Jenna didn’t stop until we were right in the middle of the crowded dance floor. Then she spun around and pressed herself up against me, grinding on me with her hands on my hips.

I laughed and went along with it, pressing my ass back into her. “Careful, or these guys will think we’re together!” I yelled back over my shoulder. 

“Oh, I’m sure that wouldn’t stop them,” she replied, a little softer, into my ear. 

I shivered involuntarily as I felt her breath on my neck, her lips brushing my ear as she spoke. Her hands roamed on my hips and thighs, teasing around the hem of my shorts. I just smiled and kept dancing, feeling too good to overthink the way my friend was making my pussy tingle.

The two guys caught up and sort of sandwiched us, with Eric facing me and Kyle dancing behind Jenna. I smiled and ran my hands up his chest to his neck and he moved in closer until one of his thighs pressed between my legs. 

Meanwhile, Jenna’s hands continued to roam over me: caressing my thighs below my shorts, then up to my hips, slipping up further, under my shirt. I flinched as her fingertips tickled my skin, distracting me from dancing. I just wanted to hold still and feel more of her touch. 

Eric’s eyes pored over me and he smirked when he noticed what was turning me on, watching Jenna’s movements. 

Then Jenna suddenly pulled my shirt up past my chest until I was flashing Eric and the entire bar with my bra. I swatted her hand away and pulled my top back down.

“Quit it!” I yelled over my shoulder, though I was laughing with her. 

“You like it,” she teased again, making me wonder how obvious my reactions were. 

Then Jenna reached around me to tug on Eric’s shirt, pulling him closer into me. Next, she slid her hands down each of his arms, pulling his hands around to my ass and squeezing it with him. 

I gasped when I felt it, but once again, I didn’t stop her or move away. 

She’d pulled Eric close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my cheek and neck. He smiled down at me as he noted my reactions, taking Jenna’s lead and squeezing my ass again without encouragement.  

I moaned softly, combing my fingers into his hair and tugging slightly until he leaned in the rest of the way to kiss me. His lips were soft and warm and wet, slipping against mine. He slid his tongue along my bottom lip before pressing into my mouth. I sucked on it, then on his bottom lip, grazing it with my teeth as I pulled him against me harder. 

Jenna squeezed and slapped my ass one more time before pulling away to leave us to make out in the middle of the dance floor. I felt Eric’s hard cock brushing my hip as he tugged me closer by my ass so that I was basically humping his thigh. 

Then, in one quick movement, Eric spun me around by my hips until he was pressing into me from behind. He pulled me back against him hard, grinding his cock against my ass through his jeans. His lips slid up my neck, kissing and sucking. 

An involuntary moan escaped from my parted lips, and I was thankful for the loud music to drown it out. My head rolled back and my back arched against him reactively, allowing his lips better access to my neck and throat as he continued kissing me there. 

When I opened my eyes, I saw Jenna and Kyle dancing nearby, grinding and making out, too. It was a mesmerizing sight, and I got fixated on them as Eric and I moved together. 

“Are you watching them, too?” Eric asked, whispering into my ear. 

I nodded, pressing back into him, one hand sliding up his denim-covered thigh. 

Then Jenna’s hand disappeared between her and Kyle’s bodies, and I guessed she was rubbing his cock. 

Eric noticed, too. “Damn, they’re really going for it,” he said, nibbling on my ear and guiding my hand to his erection, too. 

Then his fingers brushed over the front of my thighs, sliding between my legs and rubbing me through my shorts.  

I gasped and moaned, gripping his arm, my eyes closing as I arched back against him again. I knew I should stop him. The bar was crowded with people who likely didn’t want to see me getting off while they were just trying to dance and have a good time. But it felt so good, and the public display just made it that much more exciting to me. 

When I opened my eyes and looked back over at Jenna and Kyle, she was staring back at me and smirking. They’d rearranged themselves to mirror our position, and Jenna was guiding Kyle toward getting her off. Her hand was on top of his as he rubbed her through her shorts, too. 

“Fuck, that’s so hot,” Eric groaned into my ear. “Help me make you cum right here, Sam.” 

But I didn’t need to. The sight of my friend getting off, and the friction of the stiff denim on my clit as Eric touched me, was enough to send me over the edge. I held my hand on top of his to push his fingers into me harder, holding them there as I writhed against him. I hoped the music was still covering the sound of my moans, but it was beyond my control at that point. 

“Fuck, Sam!” Eric growled into me, thrusting hard against me and grinding as my body convulsed in his arms. 

My eyes were glued to Jenna, and the way she was guiding Kyle’s fingers to rub her hard and fast. Her eyes were hooded with lust, and she smiled at me again just before her head rolled back against Kyle’s shoulder as she came. 

I watched and luxuriated in the image of Jenna’s body writhing, hard nipples poking through her top as she leaned back far enough to pull Kyle into another kiss. I had the sudden urge to touch her, to feel her hard nipples brushing against my palms as I squeezed her breasts, kissing her as soon as she pulled back from Kyle. I’d never felt that kind of desire before. It felt foreign, but natural at the same time. 

Then Jenna smiled back at me, popping the bubble of my fantasy and making me feel naked suddenly, like she must’ve known what I’d just been thinking about. I felt the flush rising in my cheeks as she stepped closer and took my hand in hers. 

“We’re going to the bathroom,” she yelled to the guys over the music. “Meet you by the bar in a minute!” 

Then she pulled me after her and didn’t let my hand go or turn around to say anything until we were behind the closed door of the women’s room. 

“Oh, my god!” she yelled, the sound echoing in the bathroom where the bar noise was muffled. The few other women in line ahead of us turned and gave her funny looks or smiles. 

I just laughed, feeling giddy myself from what we’d just done. “I can’t believe we did that.” 

“I won’t be surprised if they want us all to go home together after that,” Jenna said, not quite yelling this time, but loud enough for the entire bathroom to hear. 

I struggled to control my emotions, unable to fully process Jenna’s words or what I thought about them in my current state of inebriation and post-orgasm haze.

Luckily, she wasn’t waiting for me to respond. 

“I always feel like I have to pee after I come. Is that normal?” she asked, still too loud.

I snickered and then started cracking up, both of us getting lost in fits of laughter, no doubt annoying the hell out of everyone else around. 

Once it was Jenna’s turn to go into a stall, I took my phone out to check for a text from Mark. I felt a tingle of excitement when I saw the notification that I had three unread messages. But when I opened my messenger app, I was surprised to see the messages were actually from my neighbor, Chris. 

Chris: Look who it is (wink emoji)

Chris: Looks like someone’s having fun

Chris: Fuck… now you’re making me jealous and uncomfortably hard in front of my friends

My eyes widened with the realization that he must be at the bar, too, and likely saw everything that just happened on the dance floor. I felt the heat rising in my cheeks and neck and smiled, biting my lip nervously as I thought about how to respond. 

Not knowing what I should say back to Chris, I clicked over to my text page with Mark and saw the indicator that he had read my message from earlier, but he hadn’t responded. I stared at the message screen, waiting to see if the three dots would pop up to indicate that he was about to respond. Maybe it was a coincidence, and I happened to check just as Mark was reading my message. But after several moments, there was still no sign of the dots. Maybe he had checked quickly, but didn’t have time to reply without Heather noticing. 

I felt like I already had too much to tell Mark in a quick text, but I wanted to send another update. 

Sam: Just had a replay of last weekend at the bar

Sam: Wish you were here watching again (wink emoji)

Jenna and I made our way back out to the bar and met back up with Kyle and Eric, who had more drinks waiting for us. Eric slid his arm around me again as soon as I was within reach, squeezing my hip and pulling me back against him while we all talked and took a break from dancing.

Even as Eric touched me, pressing his still-hard cock into me, I looked around for Chris. It didn’t take long for me to spot him across the bar. Our eyes met, and he was looking my way already, watching me with an amused intensity. 

I bit my lip to hide a smirk as I continued chatting with the others, but soon got distracted again as I felt my phone vibrate with another text. I shifted a little away from Eric’s touch so that I could check it without him reading over my shoulder. 

Chris: Still hard

I knew Chris was watching my reaction, and that he’d see me blush and smile as I looked at my phone. The thought of his big cock was distracting, and my pussy tingled again. 

I thought about how Mark might react if I hooked up with Chris again while he was gone. When he gave me the directions to hook up with other guys, I knew he’d intended for them to be new guys. Strangers, like Eric. Not my well-hung neighbor, who I’d already snuck around and hooked up with behind his back on more than one occasion. Come to think of it, it surprised me that Mark hadn’t explicitly put Chris off limits. But after the last time, he’d eventually come around to getting more turned on than upset by the thought of Chris fucking me, so maybe he wouldn’t care.

“Maybe we should go somewhere quieter to continue this conversation,” Jenna suggested, breaking me out of my thoughts, giving me a meaningful look. “Sam has a really nice apartment right across from the zoo.” 

I had a feeling I knew what she was implying, and forced the thoughts of Mark and Chris away to focus in the moment. 

“Nice. Where at?” Kyle asked. As he spoke, I noticed his hand moving under Jenna’s shirt. 

“It’s just off Clark and Armitage,” I answered. “But I’m pretty sure my roommate will be home tonight.” 

“No problem, the more the merrier,” Jenna countered. 

I laughed, but shook my head. “I don’t think I want to spring… whatever this is on her.” 

It looked like Jenna was about to come back with another rebuttal, but Eric spoke up before she could. 

“We could go to my place. My roommates are both out of town.” His hand slid down to my ass as he spoke, caressing and squeezing through my shorts.

Kyle and Jenna both seemed on board with that plan, and suddenly, it was really happening. Of course, we hadn’t discussed specifics of what anyone was imagining, so my mind raced with the possibilities, and nervous excitement. 

I also felt some hesitancy. Part of me felt guilty about doing… whatever I was about to do without Mark there. Or without at least talking to him about it first. I tried texting again, hoping he might find a moment to sneak away and respond about this. 

Sam: We’re about to leave the bar     

Then I looked back over to where Chris was sitting with his friends. 

He met my eyes again and smirked, gesturing me over with his eyes and a slight nod of his head. 

I smirked back at him and pointed toward the exit, indicating that I was about to leave. 

He repeated the gesture with a little more emphatic head tilt. 

I rolled my eyes but gave in, turning back to Jenna and leaning in close so that she’d hear me over the music. “Hey, I see my neighbor. I’m gonna go say hi. I’ll meet you guys outside in a minute.” 

“Okay, but don’t take too long or I might keep both boys for myself!” she said, slapping my ass playfully before going on without me. 

I laughed to myself, wondering if she’d really go for it if I left her to it. That thought caused another surprising tingle between my legs. 

I met Chris’ eyes again as I approached. He smiled at me like I had his full attention, the conversation he’d been having with his friends forgotten. 

“Fancy seeing you here,” he said once I was close enough to hear him. 

“Yeah, small world,” I smiled back. 

Chris introduced me to all of his friends except for his roommate Josh, who I already knew. They all greeted me warmly, and then Chris stepped away to talk to me more privately. 

“Who’s your friend?” he asked, leaning in closer than necessary. 

I smirked back. “Her name’s Jenna. We work together at the gym. Why? Want me to set you up?” 

Chris laughed and shook his head, still standing close enough that I felt his warm breath on my neck as he spoke. “No, I mean the friend that just got you off on the dance floor.” 

I pulled back to look up at him and shrugged coyly. “I just met him tonight. His name’s Eric.” 

“Lucky Eric,” Chris replied, looking a little surprised. “And where’s Married Mark this evening? He gave you the night off?” 

I rolled my eyes, but felt the blush creeping up my cheeks and neck at the mention of Mark. “He’s out of town for the weekend.” 

Chris smirked knowingly. “I see.” 

Then he looked down, and my eyes followed instinctively, landing on the large bulge in the front of his jeans. I actually started salivating at the sight. 

He leaned in closer again, his lips brushing over my ear as he spoke. “I have to admit I’m feeling disappointed that I wasn’t your first call when he left. I thought we agreed on wanting a repeat of last time?” 

“I never said I didn’t,” I answered, knowing there was no point in denying it. 

“So why not come home with me instead? I was supposed to be meeting up with another friend tonight, but I’d much rather take you home and feel your hot cunt gushing all over me again.”

Chris’ words caused my pussy to throb, remembering how good his cock had felt, and all that he could do with it, including making me squirt for the first time. But was there really a world in which I turned down the potential for a foursome to hook up with my neighbor again? It didn’t seem logical, no matter how good I knew it would be. 

“Maybe another time,” I said, smiling and forcing myself to take a step back. “Your friend’s a lucky girl, too.” 

Chris’ expression was a cross between surprise and disappointment. Surely he wasn’t used to getting turned down. I felt fairly stupid for doing it. But then I thought about what happened on the dance floor with Jenna and Eric, and I renewed my resolve. 

“What is it?” Chris asked, apparently noticing me getting squirmy. 

“Nothing, they’re waiting for me, so… I should go.”

“All of them?” he asked

I shrugged. “Yeah, we’re all going back to Eric’s apartment.”

“Oh yeah? Orgy night?” he joked. But when I didn’t laugh that off, Chris’ expression changed. “Shit, really?!” 

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “But I think something is sort of happening with Jenna, and I just feel like I want to play it out and see what happens.” 

“Okay, so go get her and ditch the guys. I’ll bring one of my friends. Hell, I’ll bring all of them! None of these guys are as big as me, but you know I’m good for at least three rounds, so no need to fight over me.” 

I rolled my eyes at his cockiness, but couldn’t help laughing at his effort and desperation. 

“I’m serious,” he added, though he was laughing too, hopefully knowing how ridiculous he sounded.

“Maybe some other time. I should go. Have fun with your friend.”

And with that, I turned to walk away, waving and shouting a goodbye to Josh, and Chris’ other friends. I knew the longer I stuck around, the more at risk I would be of giving into his temptation. 

“Call me when you change your mind,” he yelled after me, smirking.

I just shook my head and waved back. 

On my way outside, I checked my phone again. Finally, there were messages from Mark. 

Mark: Oh yeah? I can’t wait to hear about it (smile emoji)

Mark: Are you being a good slut? 

Mark: Heather wants me to put my phone away for the night so I’m not bothered by the “work” texts I’ve been getting

Mark: I’ll check for updates in the morning

Mark: Goodnight, have fun

I sighed, feeling a little disappointed that Mark wouldn’t be available to check in anymore. There was also some jealousy, as I wondered what he might do with Heather instead. As excited as I was to see what would happen with Jenna and these guys, I knew I would give that up to be with Mark for the night. But maybe that was exactly why I needed to “be a good slut” instead. 

Sam: Yes, I’m being a good slut (wink emoji)

Sam: Have a nice night (smile emoji)

After sending those texts, I clicked my phone off and vowed not to check it anymore for the rest of the night. 


I wondered if the others felt the same tension and nerves that I did as we got to Eric’s apartment. I was relieved to see a bottle of tequila when he offered us more drinks and wasn’t bothered when he said he didn’t have anything to mix it with. 

But even the tequila wasn’t enough to keep me from freaking out internally when we moved into the living room. I waited to let the others sit down first, feeling awkward and unsure of what to do. Kyle sat in a big armchair, and Jenna didn’t hesitate to sit on its armrest with her legs across his, practically in his lap. Eric took my hand as he had a seat in the middle of the couch, pulling me down to sit beside him. 

We all continued to talk and laugh together. The conversation was mostly casual, though the vibe in the room was anything but. I found it hard to focus on forming coherent sentences as I watched Kyle’s hands slide along Jenna’s smooth, bare legs. 

Eric had one arm around me as I leaned into him, his fingertips brushing along my thigh and up to my waist, under my shirt. His touch tickled and sent a shiver through me, which encouraged him to grip me more roughly, groping and squeezing my hip and ass. 

Then Kyle’s hand slid between Jenna’s thighs, running all the way up until he grabbed her pussy roughly, groping and rubbing. 

My breath caught in my chest, and I barely stopped myself from moaning aloud. 

The conversation tapered off quickly after that. Eric and I watched intently as things picked up with Jenna and Kyle first. She moaned as they kissed, grinding in his lap, rubbing his hard bulge through his jeans. 

Eric leaned in to kiss his way up my neck. I felt his warm breath as he kissed, licked, and sucked on my skin. He squeezed my ass in one hand while the other reached over to cup and squeeze my boobs through my shirt and bra. 

“It was so hot making you cum at the bar, Sam,” he said into my ear, licking and sucking on it, making me moan and writhe on the couch. “I want to do it again.” 

We all continued kissing, groping, and watching one another for what could’ve been seconds or hours. 

Then, just as I wondered who would make the first move to take things further, Jenna smirked at me and slid down to her knees in front of Kyle, opening his jeans. 

Kyle groaned and quickly pulled his shirt off as Jenna worked his buckle open, then helped her to push his jeans and underwear down. Before sitting back in the chair, he reached to pull off her top and unhook her bra, pulling the straps down until it fell away. And just like that, they were both mostly naked. 

I watched as my friend sucked cock, mesmerized by her every move, and Kyle’s moans and facial expressions.

“Fuck!” Eric growled into me, taking my hand and putting it on his crotch. “I want to feel your mouth on my dick like that.”    

I squeezed my hand around his hard bulge and rubbed him, finding his head and rolling my thumb over it through his jeans, earning another groan. 

Then Eric put his hand on the back of my head, pressing me down. 

I opened his pants and pulled him out, stroking him while I watched Kyle guide Jenna’s head to bob on his cock. 

“Suck me, Sam,” Eric ordered again, gripping his hard cock by the base and angling it towards my mouth while he pushed down on my head. 

I moaned as he pushed his cock between my lips, tasting his salty pre-cum and sucking eagerly right away.

Eric groaned and used both hands to hold my head, keeping me firmly in place and thrusting into my mouth, pushing deeper until I gagged on him. 

“Sorry,” he said, pulling back suddenly to let me catch my breath. He seemed worried that he’d gone too far. 

“It’s okay,” I smiled up at him, leaning in for more. “I like it when you hold my head like that.”

“Fuck!” Erick yelled as I wrapped my lips back around him, sucking hard and fast right away until he took over, thrusting again. 

I heard more moaning, and then slurping and gagging sounds that matched my own as Kyle gave Jenna the same treatment. 

I was so turned on, trying my best to sneak peeks at them in my peripheral vision. Whenever Eric released his tight grip on my head to give me a breather, I’d take advantage and watch for a few moments. 

Then, I stroked and slurped on his cock, saliva and pre-cum dripping down my chin. I tugged open the button and zipper of my shorts with my free hand, and slipped it inside to touch myself underneath my panties. 

“Oh god!” Eric groaned, watching as my fingers moved inside my shorts. 

I could hear and feel that he was getting close; his grip on my hair tightened, his cock throbbed and pulsed in my mouth, and his moans came faster, sounding increasingly desperate. 

I squeezed my hand around him and stroked rapidly, pulling back just enough to look up at him and say, “Fill my slutty mouth.” 

That did the trick. Eric lost it, thrusting wildly and pulling my head down onto him hard, grunting as he shot several hot spurts of cum down my throat. 

I moaned and smiled, swallowing around him until I felt his dick soften in my mouth, then gently licking him clean. 

“Holy shit!” he cursed, finally releasing my head. “That was fucking amazing!” 

I licked my lips and wiped the spit from my chin, sitting back on the couch to continue touching myself as I watched Jenna suck Kyle’s cock. All I could do was stare as her lips stretched around his thickness. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was to watch her. And deep down, I knew that watching wasn’t all I wanted to do, either. 

As Eric recovered, he leaned back in to kiss me again, sucking on my tongue, no doubt tasting himself in my mouth. The kinkiness of it turned me on more, and I rubbed my clit harder and faster, moaning into his mouth. 

Then Eric reached for the hem of my shirt and pulled it up over my head, kissing me again as he fiddled with the hook of my bra behind my back. As soon as he’d unhooked it, he slid the straps down my arms and tossed it aside, then dove down to swirl his tongue around the nearest nipple before sucking it into his mouth. 

I moaned and combed my fingers into Eric’s hair encouragingly. My head rolled back, eyes closing in pleasure. 

Then I heard Jenna’s voice. “Hold on, I want to see.” 

I opened my eyes to look at her, not sure what she was referring to. When our eyes met, she smiled and moaned, looking down at my chest as she continued stroking Kyle’s cock, which was wet with her saliva.

“You have such great tits, Sam. I’ve always wanted to see them.” 

Fuck. My mind went completely blank; I had no idea how to respond to that. 

“Just see them?” Kyle asked, smirking down at Jenna. 

She laughed. “I guess I had a couple of other ideas, too.” 

“Show us,” he said encouragingly. 

Jenna smiled back at me and then crawled closer until she was kneeling in front of me, between my legs. She gave me a look that seemed to ask permission. 

I wasn’t sure what I was giving her permission to do, but I didn’t care. I nodded, my eyes glued to her as she reached out with both hands to cup and squeeze my breasts. Then she moaned and leaned in until her tongue was swirling around one of my hard nipples. 

I felt an intense throbbing between my legs with Jenna’s wet mouth on me. Gasping and moaning, I couldn’t do anything but watch in surprised pleasure as my friend squeezed and sucked on each of my breasts. 

Next to me on the couch, Eric groaned as he watched us, squeezing his cock as it stiffened again. 

Behind Jenna, Kyle stroked his hard cock, smiling as he watched us. Then he leaned forward to tug Jenna’s shorts and underwear down. His hand slipped under her to rub her pussy, and he slid two fingers inside her, thrusting them fast and hard. 

I reached out a tentative hand to cup and squeeze Jenna’s breasts as she moaned on mine. My other hand slid back into my shorts and underwear to keep rubbing my throbbing clit. 

With another groan, Kyle pulled his fingers out of Jenna and moved to sit beside me on the couch. “Come sit on my cock, Jenna,” he ordered, sliding forward on the seat and stroking. 

I had a close-up view as Jenna mounted him, moaning as he slid his wet cockhead along her slit. He reached around to squeeze her ass and rub her from behind, finding her opening and guiding her to lower herself onto him. 

“Oh fuck, that’s so big!” Jenna yelled out as Kyle’s cock stretched her. 

I was once again mesmerized, watching them and rubbing my clit faster until Eric moved down to his knees in front of me. He grasped the waistbands of my shorts and underwear and tugged them down in one move. I lifted my hips to help him, breathing hard and looking down at him in anticipation of what might come next. 

Sure enough, as soon as he’d slid my shorts and underwear off over my feet, Eric pushed my legs apart. Then he pressed on the backs of my thighs until there was ample room for him to lean down between them, dropping his mouth onto my pussy. 

“Ohh, god!” I moaned, my back arching as Eric’s lips wrapped around my clit, sucking and flicking it with his tongue right away. 

He moaned and lapped at me eagerly, then pulled back to flick his tongue up and down along my lips, occasionally delving deeper into my folds. 

I held onto the back of his head loosely at first, just resting my hands there as he licked and teased me. 

My attention was torn between Eric as he ate my pussy, looking up at me intently and moaning into me, and Kyle and Jenna fucking on the couch right beside me. It turned me on so much to have such a close-up show, and to know that they were watching me, too. 

Jenna smiled down at me as she rode Kyle’s cock. It felt so intimate and intense as both of us were getting close to cumming with different people. Then she started riding him harder, so I held Eric’s head down on me, my hips grinding as I rubbed my clit into his mouth and tongue, faster and harder.  

I glanced down to see that Eric was stroking his once-again hard cock as he licked me.

“Ohh, fuck!” I yelled out.

I lurched up suddenly and then threw myself back into the couch, writhing wildly and burying Eric’s face in my pussy as I came, feeling his moans vibrating into me.

I heard Jenna getting there, too, moaning louder and cursing as she came on Kyle’s dick, and I forced my eyes open to watch.  

“Oh god, I’m cumming,” Kyle groaned, as he continued to bounce Jenna on his cock through her orgasm. And then he was grunting and thrusting up into her, filling her with his cum. 

As soon as my body calmed down, Eric pulled back, moaning and smiling up at me, wiping my juices from his face. “That was so hot, Sam. I’m so hard again for you.” 

I smiled and moaned, breathing hard and looking up and down between his face and his cock as he stroked himself.

“I need to fuck you,” Eric commanded. 

He paused as if he’d asked a question, waiting for permission. But I liked the way he was telling me what he wanted. I nodded eagerly and he moved into position, rubbing the head of his cock along my wet slit right away, slipping through my juices and his own saliva. 

I yelled out as he filled me suddenly, thrusting in hard and deep right away with a groan. Then he was thrusting away. I rubbed my clit fast, feeling myself building up again quickly. His cock felt really good thrusting into me like that. And I was so turned on by the sluttiness of fucking someone I’d just met a couple of hours earlier. 

Jenna eased herself off of Kyle’s lap, and I watched and moaned as his cum oozed out of her pussy, dripping down his cock.

“What a mess,” Jenna teased. Then she looked over at me, smirking as her eyes pored over my body while Eric fucked me harder and faster, my breasts bouncing. “Help me clean him up?” 

I whimpered and clenched around Eric at the thought of what she was asking me to do, causing him to groan and curse, too, slowing his thrusts. 

Then Jenna moved back down to her knees in front of Kyle, looking up at him and slowly leaning down to lick the lowest drips of cum that had made it down to his balls.  

“Fuck!” he yelled out, his semi-hard cock twitching against his stomach. 

Jenna moaned and smirked up at him, then turned to me, cupping the side of my face with her hand and guiding me closer. 

I looked up at Eric and grinned, easing him back so that I could turn onto my stomach, leaning over Kyle’s lap. 

Eric followed, moving behind me on the couch and sliding right back into me, thrusting more gently as he watched Jenna guide my mouth to Kyle’s cock. 

I looked up at Kyle, then at Jenna, then leaned down to swirl my tongue around the head of his cock as Jenna held it up for me, her fingers wrapped around the base. Knowing that I was tasting both of them made me throb and clench again. 

Jenna leaned back down to swirl her tongue all around Kyle’s cock while I sucked him, so that we were sharing him. 

“Holy fuck!” Kyle cursed. 

I sensed his tension, his hips shaking as he seemed to be barely holding himself back from thrusting up into my mouth. By the time we’d cleaned all the cum off of him, he was fully hard and throbbing again. 

“Mmm,” Jenna moaned, leaning back and rubbing herself. Kyle’s cum was still dripping from her and she brought her fingers to her mouth to suck them off, then went back for more. “I want to watch you with both of them, Sam. Is that okay?”

I looked back at her, feeling more wetness pooling in my pussy as Eric’s thrusts picked back up. “Like this?” 

“Yeah, to start,” she smirked, getting comfortable on the floor, sitting back with her legs spread open, leaning back on one hand while the other teased her lips. Then she addressed the boys. “Will you spit roast her?” 

“Fuck yeah,” Kyle agreed eagerly, getting up onto his knees on the couch. 

Then, his cock was in my face, his hand on the back of my head, guiding me onto him as Eric fucked me from behind. I moaned and clenched again as soon as I felt him between my lips, and started sucking eagerly once again. I couldn’t resist reaching back between my legs, rubbing my clit, knowing I was going to cum again quickly. 

Both guys groaned, and Eric’s balls slapped against my pussy as he fucked me harder. I reached back even further to play with them and tease them with my fingers before going back to rubbing my pussy. 

“This is the best view, Sam,” Jenna gushed. “I’m tempted to record it for you so you can watch it back later. And so I can.” 

Just the thought of Jenna enjoying the image of me getting fucked, taking two cocks, pushed me over the edge. I moaned loudly around Kyle, sucking hard, then letting him fall out of my mouth as I pushed back onto Eric’s cock. I thrust with him, fucking him hard and deep as I kept rubbing my clit, my pussy contracting around him as I came. 

“GOD, that’s so hot!” Jenna groaned as she watched me, amidst the grunts and curses from the guys. “Don’t cum yet, you two! Sam, do you want to try both of them inside you at once?” 

I’d barely come down from that intense orgasm when she asked, and it took me a bit to process the question. 

Rather than waiting for me to formulate my response, she went on planning our next positions. “Kyle, you can lie down under her and let her sit on your cock. And Eric, you can keep fucking her from behind like that. Unless you both want to change it up. I wonder if both of you would fit in her pussy. Or do you want a cock in your ass, Sammie?” 

They were already moving before I caught up. 

“I want her ass,” Kyle asserted, getting up to swap places with Eric. 

“You already got both of them sucking you,” Eric countered. “Besides, I was with Sam first.” 

If I wasn’t so turned on, they might have offended me by arguing and bartering over my holes like that. But it actually turned me on. It was tempting to see how far they’d take it without getting my consent. The thought of being taken and used like that caused another clench. 

But Jenna chimed in once the boys finally settled on Kyle underneath me and Eric behind, like she’d originally suggested. “Do you want him to fuck your ass, Sam?” she asked again. 

“Yes,” I moaned, breathing hard and writhing as they pulled me around to get me into position, their hands all over me, groping. 

“Fuck!” Eric groaned, already rubbing his thumb and the head of his cock over my asshole. “That’s so hot. You want to feel both of us inside you at the same time?” 

“Yes. I want to feel you both stretching me. Filling me. I want to cum on you both, and then feel your cum dripping from both of my holes.” Then, looking down at Kyle, I added, “You can both take a turn in my ass if you want.” 

“Such a dirty slut!” Jenna teased, coming up to squeeze and slap my ass and my breasts, along with the guys. “I want to put their cocks inside you. Is that okay?” 

I nodded eagerly, looking up at her and moaning, grinding on the guys. Then she knelt down beside me and I watched as she reached under to grab Kyle’s cock and give him a few more strokes, angling him towards my pussy. Her other hand came to my hip as she guided me onto him, rubbing his head against my clit before sliding him down to my opening. 

Kyle and I both groaned as his cock stretched me back open. He was thicker than Eric and stretched me open more than Eric had. Once I’d slid up and down on him a few times, Jenna pressed me down so that I was hovering over his chest. He took advantage of the position and grabbed both of my tits, squeezing and sucking on them while he waited for Eric to get into position. 

Between the sensation of Kyle’s lips and tongue on my nipples, and two sets of fingers teasing and probing my asshole, I was moaning and cursing up a storm. 

“Oh fuck,” Eric cursed behind me. 

Then I heard Jenna’s muffled groan and guessed that she must be sucking his cock, getting it nice and wet and ready to push into my tight asshole. One of them spit right into my hole, and then he was there, pressing in. It took a few tries, rubbing and pushing. Jenna’s hands were on both of my ass cheeks, spreading them open for Eric as she leaned over my back. Then finally, I felt his head stretching me open, pushing inside. 

He paused with a groan once he’d gotten in past the ridge of his head, and I realized there were still several more inches to go, though I already felt so full of him. Of both of them. It felt a lot tighter than ever before, with Kyle’s thick cock already filling my pussy. It was uncomfortable, but I knew that feeling would pass as they kept going, thrusting and stretching me. 

“More!” I gasped, pushing back on Eric’s cock, eager to feel more of him and allow myself to get used to the feeling of both of them inside me at once. 

Eric obliged and pushed further into me with a groan, thrusting deeper and deeper until I felt his hips pressing into my ass and knew he was balls deep inside of my ass. 

I squeezed around him as tightly as I could, a trick I’d learned to help myself stretch for him. 

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” he yelled, making me think I’d maybe squeezed too hard. 

“Sorry,” I said, laughing a little and then moaning as I felt two pairs of hands on my ass, while Kyle kneaded my breasts. 

“It’s okay,” Eric breathed, easing out and thrusting in again, moving more, sliding further in and out of my ass with each thrust. 

“Keep going,” Jenna directed, letting go of my ass and moving in front of me, watching my face and smiling as both guys wordlessly worked out a pattern for thrusting in tandem. “How does it feel?” 

I just laughed again, amidst moans as both guys fucked me. “Pretty intense. And getting so good already.”

“Mmm, good.”

Then she leaned in and kissed me, pushing her tongue into my mouth, moaning and sucking on my lip. 

Both guys groaned and cursed, thrusting a little harder, faster, causing me to moan into Jenna’s mouth. 

When she pulled back, she sat on the floor again, leaning back to touch herself. “It seriously looks so hot. I’m going to cum again watching them both fuck you, Sam.”

My pussy clenched as I watched her, and the guys moved inside me. I leaned forward more until I felt my clit rubbing against Kyle’s pelvic bone. That did the trick within a few more thrusts.

“Fuck, I’m cumming!” I yelled, my back arching as I squeezed around both cocks, writhing as much as I could between them, my thighs twitching and shaking. 

“I’m gonna cum again,” Eric groaned almost as soon as I did. “Your ass is so fucking tight around me.” 

“Fuck her harder. Fill her ass just like that,” Jenna directed, rubbing herself faster. 

“Oh god,” Eric gasped. Then I felt him stiffen suddenly, grunting as the first spurt of his cum shot into my ass before he could even mutter the word, “Cumming!” 

“Me too!” Jenna yelled from the floor. And then she was moaning and writhing through her own orgasm, her fingers thrusting fast and hard into her pussy as her palm rubbed her clit. 

“Fuck!” Eric groaned, slowly pulling out until I felt his cum leaking down my ass and the back of my thigh. 

Kyle groaned and pulled me into a deep kiss, squeezing my ass and pulling me onto him harder, forcing his cock deeper until I felt it bumping my cervix. 

I moaned into the kiss and clenched, causing more of Eric’s cum to pour out of my ass.

Then Kyle flipped me over suddenly until he was on top of me on the couch. I listened to Eric and Jenna talking and laughing together as Kyle pulled my legs to wrap around his waist and pushed into me again. He continued thrusting hard and fast right away, making me yell out as he pounded into me so deeply. In that position, it felt like he was drumming on my cervix. 

“You want all of your holes filled, Sam?” he asked again, maybe double-checking that I was okay with him cumming inside my pussy. 

“Yes! Cum inside me! Don’t stop! Your cock feels so good!” I moaned, my eyebrows furrowing with pleasure as he fucked me harder, faster still. 

“Here it comes!” he groaned, leaning up over me, pushing as deep as he could. 

Then, he held himself still within me and in a matter of moments, I felt his hot cum flooding my pussy as he groaned and grunted, thrusting it deeper. 

I moaned and smiled up at him, rubbing my hands up and down the taut muscles of his arms as he held himself up over me. Then, just when I thought he was done, he reached down to grip his cock and suddenly shoved it into my asshole, pushing back on my thighs. 

I gasped, more out of surprise than anything. He slid in much easier than Eric had, since Eric’s cock had already stretched me open, and his cum served as lube inside me. Kyle slid deep into my ass in just a few thrusts and started pounding away with his still-hard cock. 

“Oh, fuck!” I yelped, yelling out and clenching around him as he took my ass. 

“God damn, I’m hard again,” Eric groaned from behind us. 

Then, with another rough surge that felt like it might split me in two, Kyle grunted and came again in my ass, filling it with another load of cum. 

We were both breathing hard as he hovered over me, smiling down at me. Then he pulled out slowly, rubbing the head of his cock over my asshole until his cum started seeping out. 

“So hot,” he muttered. 

“Such a messy slut,” Jenna said with a smile and a wink.

I laughed a little, still panting on the couch, hardly able to move. “And a messy couch,” I added, looking up at Eric. “I hope we can help you clean it up?” 

“I’m not too worried about that,” Eric answered, shaking his head. “It was well worth it. I’ll just tell my roommates I spilled a milkshake or something.” 

We all laughed and gradually got up to take turns in the bathroom, getting ourselves cleaned up. The others unanimously offered for me to go first, and I accepted, laughing along and thanking them. 

Once we were all dressed again and had worked together to clean the couch as well as we could, Jenna and I were ready to head out. 

“Can we exchange numbers? Maybe we can all do this again sometime?” Eric asked, looking back and forth between Jenna and me. 

I almost agreed out of habit, and with the thought that I wouldn’t mind repeating everything that had happened over the past couple of hours. But then I thought about Mark’s assignment for me, and how excited I’d been to hook up with a stranger and have a one-night-stand. 

Jenna looked at me, smirking and leaving it up to me to decide. 

I smiled back, biting my lip a little to keep from laughing, feeling pretty giddy with sluttiness as I turned to answer Eric. “Maybe we’ll see you around?”

The guys had no choice but to agree, but were clearly bummed to get shut down. Kyle followed us out of the building to head home too, and continued teasing and probing as we all waited for our respective Ubers. 

“At least tell me if you go to that bar a lot? Or where else do you like to hang out?” 

Jenna and I just laughed and gave vague, non-committal answers to each of his questions. 

Luckily, both of our Ubers arrived at just about the same time. I asked my driver to wait an extra minute so that I could make sure she got into her ride safely. 

“Text me when you get home, Sammie! And let me know if you want to go out again tomorrow night!” Jenna called one last tease for Kyle as she got into the car. 

“Oh, come on!” he groaned. 

We both cracked up as we got into the cars and pulled away, waving and smiling back at him. 

Then, when I was finally alone (sort of) on the ride home, I took a deep breath and leaned back in the seat, smiling so widely that my cheeks hurt. I knew I had to think about what message I should send to Mark. But before I even checked my phone, I just sat there for a while, enjoying the feeling of the cool breeze on my face, letting the memories from the entire night run through my mind. I couldn’t believe I’d really just done all of that, and I still felt so turned on. Fresh wetness seeped out of me and into my underwear, along with cum from both guys, as I thought about retelling all of it to Mark. I couldn’t wait to see how he’d react. 

I waited until after I’d showered and was lying in bed before I finally checked my phone. I wasn’t expecting to see another message from Mark anyway, as he’d said goodnight in a rush earlier. So, when I saw the text notification bubble, I knew right away that it was likely from Chris instead. 

Sure enough, Chris had texted several times. The first was sent soon after I’d left him at the bar, and the most recent was just about a half hour ago. 

Chris (11:12 pm): You know you want to change your mind and bring your friend to hook up with me, instead

Chris (11:29 pm): Did you tell her how big my cock is? I bet she’ll help talk you into it

Chris (12:04 am): I can’t stop thinking about what you’re doing right now

Chris (12:31 am): I’m going to fuck Lisa so hard, thinking about you 

Chris (1:46 am): I hope you’re having fun 

Chris (1:47 am): Lisa just left, and I still feel like I have another round in me in case you feel like calling when you get home to share some details (wink emoji)

I smiled to myself as I read the messages and debated about whether I should respond. I peered over to Chris’ window from my bed, but it looked like his lights were already out. It was tempting to think about chatting with him, and making him cum again as I told him about everything that had just happened with Jenna, Kyle, and Eric. But if I did that, I knew I’d end up wanting to cum again too, and I didn’t want to break Mark’s rule for me.  

Instead, without responding to Chris, I clicked over to my messages with Mark. As I’d expected, there were no new texts since we’d said goodnight earlier. I sent him a few quick messages before bed. 

Sam: Home now (smile emoji)

Sam: Slut night #1 was successful (wink emoji)

Sam: Can’t wait to tell you about what I’ve been up to (sass emoji)

Sam: Hope you’re having a good night and sleeping well (heart emoji)

Then I fell asleep with a smile on my face, still thinking back over the wild, slutty, amazing night. 

Published 2 years ago

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