My name is Tammy, I’m eighteen years old and I share a mews cottage in London with Sammy who’s the same age as I am.
We met at boarding school two years ago when we shared a room, in case you’re wondering about us being only sixteen, let me explain a few things about this wonderfully silly country of ours and it’s equally silly laws.
You see Sammy and I both come from rich families, well all right, mega rich families, our parents are what’s commonly known as society people, that is to say that they move in all the right circles, know all the right people and are seen regularly in all the right newspapers and magazines.
As is usual with families like ours, the children are reared by nannies and get shipped off to boarding school with almost indecent haste while mummy and daddy continue with their careers.
My father is an MP (member of parliament) and mummy is a well published author, Sammy’s daddy owns one of the largest and oldest city banks in London and her mummy is what’s known as a socialite, involved in many worthy charities and causes as well as always being ready to donate lots of money to which ever organisation catches her attention.
So Samantha and I went off to Repton college near Derby, where the son’s of princes, prime ministers and politicians go to be educated in the ways of gentle folk.
I was sixteen when, as a nervous and quite frankly, scared young girl, I stood in line waiting to be allocated to a house and house master. (I’ll explain that to anyone who cares enough to wonder about it.)
“Miss Palmer, you may share a room with Miss Tomkinson, if you wish, you may change at a later date.”
I didn’t think anyone could be more scared than me, until I turned and saw Samantha for the first time, instinctively I held out my hand and I thought she was going to burst into tears as she shook it gently.
“Hi I’m Tammy.”
A weak smile greeted me, but her hand held on to mine,
“S… S… Samantha,” she said at last, “but my friends call me Sammy.”
She eventually let go of my hand and we followed the imposing figure of the house master towards our room.
“I don’t like it here Tammy, can I call you Tammy?”
“Why not, it’s my name?”
As we gazed in awe at the old slate buildings, a mobile phone rang and the house master turned round to face us.
“Turn that off NOW,” he thundered and Sammy seemed to shrink even further within herself.
She dropped her bag on the concrete and fumbled inside with increasing desperation whilst the stern faced teacher stood with hands on hips and a face like he’d just chewed a wasp.
It rang again and again he repeated his bellowed order, enough was enough.
“Excuse me sir, but if no-one explains the rules to us, how can we be expected to know what’s allowed and what’s not allowed?”
Slowly he shifted his stare to me and I felt my knees go weak beneath it, I couldn’t meet his stare, (sixteen remember?) and I looked down to where Sammy had unearthed the errant machine, hurriedly she switched it off and stood up to look at him.
“Quite right Miss Palmer, but please remember that mobile phones are strictly not allowed during school hours.”
“I will sir,” I smiled at him. “When school starts tomorrow.”
I thought I heard a little snigger from Sammy, but when I turned to glance at her, her face was a picture of innocence.
Finally we reached our cottage and he let us in.
“You will find a copy of all the school rules on your beds, I suggest you both study them carefully and do not be late for assembly in the morning, lateness is not tolerated.”
Sammy amazed me by giving him the finger as he turned to leave and we ended up hugging each other in tears of laughter as he slammed the door behind him.
“I can’t believe how you stood up to him Tammy,” she laughed, “I was absolutely bricking it, you want a cigarette?”
“Hey yeah.” We lit up and sat in the kitchen sizing each other up, she was small, like me but with a lovely little elfin face, like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, short blonde hair, also like me and a pouting mouth, just made for kissing.
“You’re staring at me,” she said shaking me out of my reveries.
“Oh sorry.” I felt myself going red. “Daddy says I do that a lot, but only with people I like.”
“Cool, I’ll take that as a compliment then, shall I?”
“Oh definitely,” I said. “I thought you were going to cry back there.”
She looked at me in surprise, then smiled wistfully.
“Well I was dreading it here and I left a good friend behind at my old school.”
“Oh.” I reached out and took her hand in mine, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you’d been to a mixed school.”
“I hadn’t,” she said softly and looked into my eyes, “It was a girl.”
There was an awkward silence between us for a moment, then I squeezed her hand and kissed her very gently on the cheek.
“Thank you,” she said. “That was nice.”
Once again I felt myself blushing under her gaze.
“Forget it, I’m a compulsive kisser.”
We laughed and carried on exploring our home for the next two hours until the bell rang to announce dinner and we trooped off to find the refectory.
The meal was surprisingly good and we ate heartily, before finding out that the rest of the day was ours, so we decided to organise our belongings and then go out to explore Repton.
It was small, very small, but it seemed to be a very friendly place with lots of ruddy faced farmers in their four wheeled drive RangeRovers and green wellies. We walked down to the river and sat watching the older pupils in their skiffs, skimming over the water, others were playing football further away.
“I wonder what they do for fun around here,” I mused and at that very moment, a boy came out of some nearby bushes followed closely by a young girl, both looked flushed and we realised we’d disturbed their little tryst!
They looked daggers at us as they scurried off and Sammy said,
“Well that’s what they do for fun round here,” and we burst out in a fit of giggling.
We were still laughing as it started to rain, so we held hands and ran like hell back to our cottage, arriving there like two drowned rats, clothes soaked and our hair plastered to our heads.
“Oh bollocks,” she exclaimed, “don’t you just love this bloody weather?”
I lit the gas fire and she went to run the shower, we were shivering with cold as we undressed in front of the fire and threw our clothes into a heap on the floor, I noticed how grown up her underwear was, matching pink bra and panties and I vowed to update my old things as soon as possible.
“Come on in with me Tammy,” she said, “or you’ll freeze to death, I promise I won’t bite.”
“Don’t care if you do,” I muttered and saw her glance at me as we dashed for the shower.
Her breasts were almost as big as mine and like me, it was obvious she trimmed her pubic hair neatly, it wasn’t until we went back to the fire to dry off that I noticed it was trimmed into the shape of a heart.
“Hey that’s neat,” I exclaimed and then felt guilty as I realised she’d know I’d been looking.
“Yeah, I was gonna let it grow again, but I can’t stand the thought of being hairy down there.”
“No me neither, I usually shave it all off, I prefer it like that.”
“Mmm, yes,” she said and we laughed again to hide our embarrassment as we both put on our robes.
“I’ve got a bottle of vodka in my case Sammy, fancy a drink?”
“Oh wow, now who’s cool?” she laughed, “I think I’m beginning to like it here after all.”
She fixed up her C.D. player and the sound of Dire Straits flooded the room as I filled up two tall glasses with the fiery liquid.
“I’m glad I’m with you Tammy, you’re nice,” she said as we sat together on the couch and sipped our drinks. “I kept looking round at the other girls and thinking, no, not her for God’s sake.”
“Well you’re ok too, I suppose,” and we laughed together.
We sat together quite contendedly with our illicit drinks, listening to our sounds, I had lots of CD’s too and she told me to put on whatever I wanted.
“Nah, I’m ok with this,” I said.”You got good taste.”
“She liked Dire Straits too.”
I looked at her and saw the look in her eyes, I felt a surge of jealousy.
“Tell me about her,” I said softly, “tell me what it’s like to kiss another girl.”
“Which do you want first?” she laughed.
I turned my head to look at her and suddenly her lips were on mine, her lips were soft, like velvet and her breath was sweet in my mouth, briefly I tasted her tongue as it flicked between my teeth, I sucked on it and she moaned.
“Tammy.” and I felt her hand slipping inside my robe,
She sensed the tension in me and kissed my cheek.
“That’s what it was like.”
I sat back, still with her hand inside my robe, on my breast, I placed my own hand on top of hers to keep it there.
“Sammy, I’ve never kissed a girl before.”
Now she was the confident one, the one in control, I was the nervous one, or at least I thought I was until she whispered softly.
“Tammy, I’ve got to tell you something.”
Her fingers carressed my nipple gently, teasing it into arousal,
“What, tell me please?”
“Neither have I.”
She made as if to take her hand away, but I held it under mine.
“Oh Sammy!” I breathed into her mouth as we kissed again, “I’m glad, I’m so very, very glad,” and I opened her robe.
Her breasts were firm, her nipples small and pink and they tasted delicious as I sucked each one into my mouth, she arched her back, her hands on my head keeping my mouth to her swollen little buds.
“Bed!” she gasped,”Let’s go to bed.”
Even now, two years later, I get a thrill when I think back to that night, we were two very young girls on a voyage of discovery, both a little bit scared perhaps, but eager, eager to learn from each other, eager to taste each other.
We were both trembling as we slipped into bed and into each other’s arms, we’d put all the lights off and could only just see each other in the gathering gloom.
Instead of holding each other and kissing like they do in the movies, we just moved straight away into the sixty nine position, we needed no-one to tell us what to do, no coaching manual that I know of can describe the aroma of a girl in heat and we were certainly in heat.
It goes without saying that neither of us had ever done anything like that before, but it seemed so natural to fasten my mouth onto her juicy little slit, as she did with mine, she was sweet, oh so very sweet and like me she was in heat!
I felt her hands on my bottom, opening me gently, I must have moaned as her tongue flickered briefly over my anus, because she giggled and did it again.
“Is that nice Tammy?”
I found it hard to answer her with my mouth clamped over her pussy, so I dit it to her and she came.
She was still coming as her tongue flicked over my clitoris and I climaxed with a scream, clinging to her bottom unwilling to take my mouth away from her frangrance.
We must have drifted off to sleep then, ‘cos it was light when we awoke, we’d moved in the night and reached for each other and that’s how we were when we woke up, arms round each other, cheeks together and our breasts squashed together, even our legs were interlocked so that when I moved, a jolt shot through me as my clitoris came into contact with her upper thigh, all I could do was cling to her and let the waves of pleasure wash over me.
It was later in the kitchen when she asked me. We were sitting at the table drinking our first cup of tea of the day, she put her hand in mine and said softly,
I squeezed her hand and kissed her fingers.
“Are we lesbians?”
“Probably, why?”
She shrugged.
“I’ve often wondered if I was because like I see other girls looking at boys, but I only ever look at girls, what about you?”
“Pretty much the same I suppose,” I answered truthfully. “When I play with myself, I always imagine it’s another girl I’m doing things with.”
“What sort of things?”
“You know.” I felt myself getting aroused again as she pulled her chair closer to mine, “Like we did last night.”
“Mmm,” she giggled and placed our joined hands on my thigh.
“Let’s go into Derby and do some spending, you could do with some sexy underwear couldn’t you?”
I looked down to where she’d craftily moved our hands up onto the front of my knickers.
“Yeah, I want some g-strings and tight little panties like yours, your bum looks really sexy in them.”
I sat back in the chair and opened my legs as she pulled the knickers down.
“I love your pussy,” she sighed and kissed the flesh at the top of my thighs.
“Ooh Sammy.”
I moaned as her tongue flickered expertly over my little clitoris.
“If this is what being a lesbian means, you can count me in.”
She pulled me forwards slightly and draped both my legs over her shoulders and bent me almost double when she moved up and kissed me.
“You’re all wide open for me now Tammy.”
“Yes,” I gasped into her mouth.
“Play with your pussy while I lick your bum.”
This was so forbidden, so dirty that I started to cum even before she dipped her head again and I felt her long wet tongue on my anus.
The feel of my fingers slipping into my cunt sent me into a spasm of delight, but I wanted her now, I needed her cunt on my lips, I wanted her juices smeared all over my face.
“Sammy,” I whispered hoarsely as her tongue licked sloppily up the whole length of my slit, “Let’s go to bed, I want to do it to you too.”
“Mmm, yes, come on.”
We’d just got up when there was a knock on the door and someone tried the handle, both of jumped out of our skin, I pulled my knickers back up hurriedly and we fastened our robes, looking guiltily at each other.
The knock came again just as I opened it and saw a very large, very angry looking woman standing there with a girl beside her.
“I’m cleaning services and I expect every cottage to be open at this time of the morning.”
She made to push past me, but sixteen or not, I wasn’t used to being pushed around like that.
“Is there something you want?”
She tried again to push past me but Sammy joined me, with her mobile phone in her hand.
“Wait there,” she told the woman, whose jaw dropped in surprise when Sammy spoke into the phone.
“Ah yes sir, this is Samantha Tomkinson in cottage number seven, there’s a rather rude person here demanding entrance, I have no idea who the person is, could you come over now please sir?”
“He’ll just be a moment if you wouldn’t mind waiting,” and she shut the door.
Another knock came on the door less than a minute later, we were still giggling in the bedroom and I reached over to Sammy to wipe my pussy juice off her face.
The housemaster was full of apologies, after all our parents paid a lot of money to send us to Repton.
“This is Mrs Jones, she’s in charge of cleaning services here,” he explained while the woman stood beside him fuming. “She comes round every day just to clean for our young ladies and gentlemen.”
“And enters without knocking?”
He turned to glare at her as he said through clenched teeth.
“No most certainly not without knocking, I’ll speak to her about it.”
But I interrupted. “Miss Tomkinson and I would prefer to do our own cleaning sir, we’re going into Derby this morning and we intend buying everything we need to do it ourselves, you’ll be quite welcome to inspect the cottage once a week sir, by prior arrangement if you wish.”
“Certainly Miss Palmer, if those are your wishes.”
We stood just inside the doorway watching as he berated the unfortunate woman, whilst the girl looked on, she looked over to us and winked, a smile on her face as her boss got her just desserts.