It had been several months since our last threesome as the Sex Jump Gate had closed afterwards. Kate was still single, but had the FBs, though occasionally we would get playful, it’s just that we wouldn’t go the whole way.
Sam and I had worked from home today, but a heavy storm had cooped us up and Kate had had just got back from RocketFactory. Sam looked at our FitApp schedule and said, “Bang Night: 45mins – the usual.” This was our short for interval training: start slow and increase by half a zone each time, then a 5 min slow, longer, harder intervals, so that the last 5 minutes were at 90%. But we ran the last 2.5k at 90% – aka Bang Zone.
Kate grunted as she was deep in emails on her phone.
My phone bleeped and I read it out, “It’s Ed The Rat,” our nickname for Ed the Rat Project coordinator, “He says a lot of traps on The Cove network have fired and wants someone to check in case the storm has damaged or shifted them.”
Sam wrapped her arms around my neck, “We haven’t been there for ages,” and kissed me and I playfully stripped off her top and bra, which she returned, leaving us kissing topless.
“Me neither, not since I took Kev down there for a play,” Kate replied distractedly and carried on with her emails.
Sam mulled, “Bang means Causeway and back. The Cove: we could short runs there, check it out, then bang back from Hood Lookout?”
Kate distractedly concurred and I replied to Ed that we were on our way.
Looking out of the window, it was raining again, “Tri clothes; Go now?” I suggested.
“Tri clothes good, but look where they got us last time,” Sam replied, kissing and grinding on me.
Kate was still engrossed in her phone, so I playfully pulled off her top and bra, stripping her. She reached up and roughly kissed me, grabbing my cock. “That cock is so hard,” and pushed my trousers down.
Sam came behind me and stripped her friend’s bottoms off and removed her own, meaning we were now naked.
Kate leaned over me and kissed Sam as Sam placed my prong on the open gap in front of me.
Kate said, “Like our first time,” and kissed Sam harder, pushing me into her open, wet lips.
I was wondering how far our play would go this time and whether our rat mission would get done, but I pushed my thickening cock deep onto her and grabbed her tits as she carried on kissing Sam.
Sam said, “You take her all the way, then I’ll take her,” and kissed me on the lips.
Still inside her, I pushed her against the bench and fucked hard and fast, roughing her tits as Sam leaned over, kissing and both started moaning. I felt her clamp onto me as I thickened and pushed against her, fucking deep and fast, and groping her tight bust. They were kissing hard as my thrusts increased in depth and speed and I pushed against her inside, causing more moans and soon, she was pulsing on me, causing me to fill her with cum as she let out a long moan and soaked my cock with hers.
Sam pushed me off her friend and thrust her pussy onto Kate’s, feeling our cum leak out and lubricating her open lips. I kissed Kate hard as she was pinned against the bench, grabbed and fucked by her friend. Sam was moaning as Kate grabbed her tits and their open, grinding pussies ground were lubricated by our cum and my cock hardened again at the sight of the screwing chicks.
I went behind my partner and placed my cock on her tight ass. On her downstroke on Kate, she hit it, and I went in, causing her to moan in surprise and fuck Kate tighter. I sync’d into them, fucking her deeper as they Frenched deep and fast, grinding pussies tighter and faster, causing my lover to orgasm from the double-screw and Kate to moan loudly again.
We slow-screwed for a quick come-down, then I said, “The Cove?” They Frenched me in reply and I knew that despite the grot, pests were not the only thing we would be exploring, then we got changed. As usual, our clothes didn’t fit perfectly, so there was a brief session of aligning tits in bras and that pants were set correctly, accompanied by playful Frenches.
As we left, we heard a loud Whomp as the heavens opened again. By the time we reached the deserted waterfront with the seawall tide gates closed, we were soaked, and our tight clothes clung to our bodies. After our first interval session, we had the five-minute slow walk, I could see their nipples. Running between them, I playfully ran my hands over their busts, and they groped me. Sam said, “Running along here in tri gear, caused this to happen,” and grabbed me hard and pulled me in for a kiss.
Kate took her turn to kiss me, then nip my neck in a friendly gesture as I ran my hands over her silhouetted bust and quickly over her crotch. “We had so much fun at Peninsula Park,” she said and rubbed her erect nipples, “I got done so much that day. I never knew I could get that horny. First on the rock,” and she rubbed her crotch, “Then you both did me on the beach,” and rubbed my growing cock, “In the sea .. that was so horny.”
We did the next two interval sessions on our way to Hood Road, then we were now at the steps to go down to The Cove. Sam led the way down to the halfway landing that’s obscured from above and below and stopped so we could catch up. As I hit the landing, she reached inside my tight shorts, grabbing my erect cock, pulling it out. “So hard,” she said kissing it as Kate arrived on the landing and landed her mouth on it too and they briefly sucked it together.
I pulled back saying, “First we do the rats, then the pussies,” and pulled them up, Frenching each in turn, then I put myself back in and led the way down to the beach.
As we walked on the deserted beach, we found a few fallen trees from the storm and noticed some yellow box traps had shifted, and the arm flag was no longer visible. I Whatsapp’d Ed the problem IDs. When we stopped, we would have a grope as we examined the traplines, feeling our growing excitement and feeding Ed the problems. Likewise, we found some rodent tunnels no longer had their arm flags visible, which got Whatsapp’d too, and several were now on the beach, which we shifted to a safe position at the cliff base, and I shot a pic to him. We identified several new areas of Mothplant, a highly invasive and toxic tree-strangling vine, plus some Privet, all of which were wide-angle snapped to Ed for his colleagues at Weed Project to deal with.
Finally, we were at the end of the beach and our work done, but it was getting dark and raining harder. I grabbed Kate from behind, pulling her into me, and started kissing her neck as my hands moved up and groped her ample, but encased bust. Sam came up and Frenched her hard, working her hands with mine on Kate’s bust as her hands reached into our shorts and explored as we kissed and roughed her tits harder, causing her nipples to grow.
The rain intensified as I pulled her around, so I was fronting her, alternating with Sam Frenching, and kissing her nipples as she was doing our sexes. I unzipped her top and we sucked and kissed a tit each, then moved down her body and released her shorts, teaming up on her pussy, causing her to moan gently.
She pushed us off her and we took on Sam, kissing and groping her as we got hotter and wetter with the intensifying downpour and her hand roamed our sexes, driving us more excited. Quickly, Kate unzipped her friend’s top, and we paired up to hit Sam’s tits, then we released her shorts and teamed up on her pussy, causing more moans. Finally, they hit me, stripping me and pairing up on my hard cock, kissing, sucking and playfully nipping it.
I pulled Kate off me and pulled her up, kissing her hard, then turning her so her back was on my front, I grabbed her tits for control, and pushed into her wet open pussy, kissing her neck. Sam Frenched her friend and pushed her opening against Kate’s as we started pushing against each other and she rubbed herself on me and Kate, stimulating us all. We were all panting and moaning gently as Sam felt me in her friend and ground against us both. I slid myself out and then back in, but this time into Sam, pulling her lips onto me so I could French and screw her as the sandwiched Kate ground her wet opening against her friends as we got hotter and more excited. I slid out and back into Kate and fucked her tightening pussy harder, feeling Sam slide on me and her too as we all kissed, and I felt her tighten on my thickening cock. She started twinging on me, so I fucked her deeper and faster, kissing her harder which caused Sam to ride us even more aggressively. I felt myself start to tighten as my cock moistened from her cum and I thrust hard and fast, releasing my cum into hers. I quickly swapped holes, so I had my girlfriend’s and carried on inside her tightening hole. Kate’s soaked pussy rode both of us, causing us to peak and I shot my final load into my GF. We took turns Frenching each other down as remained entwined and did a wind-down fuck.
It was now nearly dark and hammering down as we disengaged, and we started licking and fingering out Kate’s open and soaked pussy whose contents we then shared, then Sam had her turn and finally, I got seen to, hardening me up again.
I grabbed the clothes and put them into a pile where I could see them in the dim light and returned to the girls who were kissing hard again and joined in the make-out as we fondled in the hard rain, then led them to the sea, where we went up to our midriffs and carried on Frenching and groping with the rain pounding our naked tops.
“Fuck me,” Kate said to Sam and lifted her friend’s leg around her waist, pushing herself onto Sam. Sam wrapped her arms and legs around Kate, Frenching her deeply and starting to grind pussies. I grabbed my love’s tits to press her against me and placed my cock against her ass, slowly fucking my way in as they ground, causing her to moan into Kate. Quickly, I filled my love’s ass with my thick pole as they screwed and kissed.
In the hard rain and dim light, Sam released herself, saying, “You want his cock in you again,” and lifted Kate’s leg up and resumed kissing. Kate wrapped her legs and arms around her friend and ground heavily as I departed my love and switched to Kate where I roughly pulled her boobs and pushed myself into her ass causing her to moan loudly into Sam and grind her harder.
The waves were crashing into us, pushing me up into Kate causing her and Sam to kiss hard and her to squeal as my fat cock fucked her tight ass. I felt Kate start to pulse and moan louder as she fucked Sam and I did her ass deeper and harder, holding her taught boobs tight and the girls moaned as they came, thankfully suppressed by the wind.
Kate relaxed her legs and slid down off my Sam, forcing my hard pole downwards as she slid out of it, then turned around and Frenched me hard. “Such a hot screw,” she said, holding my cock and turning round to kiss Sam, then she pushed my hardness up her tight hole again to playfully fuck me as she kissed her friend, then she pulled me out. She slid out of me and pulled Sam in, kissing her and pushing my cock into her friend’s tight pussy. We stood there making love as the wind and waves pounded us and I felt her tighten on me and I started to tighten, and she moaned into Kate’s passionate kiss, so I went harder into her love hole. She twinged on me as I reciprocated, making her cum harder as I filled her pussy with my cock and cum.
Sam released her lips and Frenched me as we came down, then we walked out of the beach onto the sand where they bent down and licked my salty cock clean, kissing each other in the process.
We found the clothes where we left them and used our hands to take some of the water off everyone’s bodies accompanied by more grabs and kisses, then playfully helped each other into the wet clothes which took ages to fit properly in the very dim light on their hard, wet busts and our crotches, then the shoes. Finally, we headed back up the stairs where we kissed again, then headed into the lit street.
Running back down the road, we realised we were heading into a honking westerly with driving rain, but we ran hard, not caring about the weather so we could get home, quickly becoming as wet as we were in the sea.
Arriving back home, we were stuffed as the storm hadn’t abated. There was no way to hit the bathroom without dripping hard onto the carpet, so I used my phone to open the garage door so we could strip and then grab towels from the laundry, then I hit the light switch. The pelting rain banging on the long-run roof sounded like someone was firing golf balls at it. We knew the trainers would need at least a whole day on the deck with the sun on them to dry off, so we opened the back door and dropped them in a pile.
Sam came behind the bent-over Kate slid her hands up Kate’s front, pulling her up and grabbing her soaked bust, “You are still hard,” she giggled as Kate turned around and kissed her and Sam fondled her encased tits harder.
I came in front and reached in her shorts, finding her open gap, and started fingering her, “So wet” I said, and she moaned gently, then undid my string and pulled up my cock, shanking it. Still kissing her friend, she unzipped Kate’s top, exposing her hard bust. I followed my partner’s lead and dropped Kate’s shorts, then hers as they moaned louder.
Kate pulled off my shorts, then top as we rubbed each other’s hornies. I pulled Kate off Sam and kissed her hard, removing her top. We dumped everything into the front-loader, then headed out the back door and I flicked the fairy light switch to give us some light.
Immediately we were hit by the rain, lubricating our grabbing hands over everyone’s bodies as we reached the table, then they started hard Frenching and fingering hard and started to moan immediately, with their free hand grabbing my pole and yanking it as I leaned in and sucked a ripe bust from the side. Sam pushed her friend onto the table, causing them both to release their hands from holes and slid across the wet table, then she slid up and ground pussy on Kate’s. Two open, wet holes were an invite I couldn’t refuse, so I grabbed their legs and slid into Sam’s hole, causing them to moan faster as I made love to her increasingly hard and filling her tight, wet hole as she ground on Kate. Then, I exited Sam and dropped slightly, plugging Kate’s open pussy, eliciting a louder moan as she now had my hard cock filling her tight pussy and her friend sliding on her in the rain.
I exited Kate and told them to roll over, then re-entered her. This time, I gripped her waist hard as she carried on grinding Sam, then I pushed hard and fast into her tight, wet hole and started fucking hard and fast, causing them to French and moan harder and louder as I felt her start to pulse on my pole. I tightened as I fucked her deep like she really liked, pushing against her and my balls tightened. She moaned loudly as she squeezed me tightly and I shot my first load into her hole.
Still hard, I pulled out and switched to Sam’s pussy underneath, grabbing Kate’s tits for extra grip. I pushed deep into her wet hole, causing her to moan as Kate carried on moaning and feeling my cock against her cummy hole and I thrust deep and fast into her. She moaned long and loudly as she started cumming and I shot my final stream into my partner, causing Kate to feel this and French hard.
Now leaking lubrication, we carried on grinding as we wound down, then I presented my softening cock to them. They put it between their kissing lips and sucked it clean, still grinding and making me hard again.
Kate lifted up but still grinding pussies and turned to me and we Frenched, then I dipped down and Frenched my love. Finally, she slid off and helped Sam off the table. “Those fairy lights really get me. So much cum, so nice in me,” she said, “But I want to keep it in for a while?” and kissed me, then Sam.
We used our hands to get the worst of the water off each other, interspersing with kisses, then grabbed some towels from the cabinet and repeated the drying process, then headed to the kitchen.
It was now past 8 PM and we were hungry. I reached down and grabbed a packet of dumplings from the freezer, but Sam bent down, pulled my cock down, and sucked it, causing Kate to come behind and briefly rub her exposed, cummy pussy, giggling. Sam went into the fridge and grabbed some veg as Kate turned on the stove and then bent down to the fry pan out of the drawer. I put my cock back into the inviting hole and grabbed her boobs to pull her up, kissing her from behind and giving her a few playful thrusts. Sam kissed her, then pulled her off me so they could have another taste which they shared with me.
I chopped the veg but was distracted with them diving under me to kiss and fondle, but soon the veg were in the pan that was heating up with some water. We added the dumplings on the top and let the heat rise, while our heat was rising I cleaned Sam out with my hard tool, then shared let them kiss it off and share it with me. “Such tasty liquid, all merging,” Sam giggled as she ate out her friend and I kissed Kate, fondling her hard nipples.
“Like the dumplings, but different taste,” Kate said, breaking off the kiss and she jumped on the bench so we could roughly finger and lick her out again, sharing tastes of her juices. I pulled her over slightly and had a quick fuck, then she jumped off and they cleaned my flavoured stick up. Sam jumped up and I took the first go, poling her out, then we took turns licking and fingering her, sharing the liquid. They had another clean-up and share of my coating to finish and we turned down the dinner.
We walked into the shower, turning both heads on to soak our hot, naked bodies, and started kissing again as we used our hands to soap off each other and exchanging increasingly hotter kisses under the stream, but we were hungrier for food than each other, so we turned off, towelled off and walked naked back to the kitchen.
Sam pulled a chair out from the table, and I knew what sort of dinner it would be, then Kate took the pan and placed it on a heat guard on the table. I grabbed cutlery from the drawer but found my cutlery was being playfully grabbed from behind. I took a dumpling in chopsticks, and turned around as they took my chopstick in their lips, sucking and kissing it, then released it and Sam took the offered dumpling in her lips as Kate leaned in. They ate it while kissing and grinding pussies as I grabbed tits and roughed them, causing them to moan. Several times, I repeated the dumpling or veg processes as they got hornier and louder.
Kate kissed Sam and pulled her up, “So tasty. You have the final bite,” and kissed her again. She pulled me over, pushing me onto the chair, and then moved over. I grabbed her tits hard as she slid down my stick, taking it whole and fuck-kissing me. Sam grabbed some silverbeet and placed it in my lips, letting Kate take the other end and she ground on me, moaning gently as we kissed and ate, then Sam repeated with a dumpling until there were only a few left. She kissed me again and I pushed her up under her boobs, then my love came over and I repeated the assist so she could start making love to me as Kate fed us the remaining food as she moaned louder as we made love until it was all gone, though I was gone before the shower.
Sam stood up and we took turns slurping the juices out of the bow and kissed each other. “Such a wet night,” I said, grabbing their pussies.
“Where?” Kate giggled and playfully grabbed me as Sam put the dishes in the Dishdrawer.
“All over, pounding hard,” Sam said, grabbing me for a final time, then we headed into our bed and collapsed in a hornied out heap, falling asleep to the still-pounding rain.