Salma and Kelly

"Two friends get away to study, and finds a new meaning in the word friendship."

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The sun reflected on the red paint as the low-slung sports car came up the driveway. Its large engine rumbled, scaring birds from bushes and trees in the garden. As it slowed down by the entrance door, the driver revved the engine once before turning it off chasing the last brave birds away.

The driver’s door opened and a blonde girl wearing large sunglasses got out. She looked around and then adjusted her short black skirt. She turned and said something to another person inside and there was a giggle. The passenger door opened and a young woman about the same age as the blonde got out. This one had long curly black hair that reached far down her back. She flicked a few wild locks from her forehead before slamming the door shut.

“Hey, careful, my dad just got me this car,” said the blonde.

“C’mon, it’s a Ferrari, it can take it.”

“Exactly, Salma, it is a Ferrari and you have to be careful with it.”

“Kelly, you couldn’t tell the difference between this car and a Volvo two days ago.”

They both laughed and walked to the boot which Kelly opened with a key fob. Inside where two small bags which the girls took out and walked over to the entrance door.

“Oh my god, this is amazing,” sighed Salma and dropped her bag on the floor. She walked across the living room with white leather furniture and a piano on the opposite side to the French doors which she opened. Stepping outside she found an infinity pool right in front of her and to the right, a BBQ and Jacuzzi.

Kelly came up behind her and put her arm around her friend’s shoulders. “I guess we can concentrate with this kind of relaxing view.”

Salma looked out over the ocean a few hundred feet below them and the setting sun on the horizon. “Yeah, I’ve got to get your brother a huge Christmas gift.”

Kelly laughed. “I’ll show you your room and then we can make something to eat, I’m starving.”

Salma and Kelly had been friends since junior high when Salma moved into the sleepy seaside town. She was from Colombia and had moved there with her mother who had married an American man she had met through work. They had lived a few years in her country of birth until her step father’s contract had run out and they decided to move to the States.

Coming from a Catholic all girl’s school it was hard for Salma to adapt in the beginning. But Kelly took under her wings and soon the two girls were inseparable.

Where Salma was dark and exotic with glasses and high cheekbones, Kelly was your All American girl. She was a Cheerleader, member of several academic clubs and an outstanding student hoping to get into one of the top Ivy League schools after the summer. Salma had also applied to the same universities and they both hoped to begin their college life as roomies.

Both girls had dates every weekend and sometime they would date the same guy twice or three times, but neither had the interest in having a steady boyfriend. School work was too important to be messed up by drama. As far as sex went, they had gone as far as giving a guy a hand job in the front seat of his car having his hot cum run down their fingers and knuckles. None of the boys were allowed into their panties. They would keep that for someone special they had decided.

“Wow, this is so cool,” squealed Salma and jumped up on the round bed in front of the floor-to-ceiling window that covered one entire wall. The view was of the ocean and she saw several boats speeding across the water.

“This is one of the guest rooms, the only one with this kind of view. I thought you would like it,” said Kelly.

“Where are you sleeping?”

“In one of the other, overlooking the garden.”

“Shit, what does your brother do? I mean he is only twenty-five and lives like this and where is he?”

Kelly helped her friend unpack and said, “Well, he is in Europe, working. And what he does, that is a bit of a family secret.”

Salma looked up from placing her underwear in a drawer. “What is it, I can keep a secret?”

Kelly raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure?”

“Yeah, yeah, tell me.”

“Fine, my brother is a porn producer.”

Salma’s jaw dropped. She had known Peter since she met Kelly but had no idea about his secret life. “You are shitting me, porn?”

“Yeah, in college he and a buddy needed some extra cash, so they found some girls willing to do it and then made movies they put on the internet. One thing led to another, and suddenly he is like a Porn Tsar.”

“But he is such a geek,” said Salma thinking about the skinny guy with thick-rimmed glasses.

“I guess he has more brains than looks. Anyway, I’m going to unpack, take a shower and we’ll meet in the kitchen.”

Salma was stirring the pasta when Kelly said, “I’m going to show you something, but you can’t tell Peter I did, he is a bit secretive about it.”


Salma followed Kelly down a corridor opposite from where the bedrooms were. She opened the last door using two keys and stepped in with Salma right behind her. When Kelly turned the light on Salma saw a room with the biggest LED she had ever seen.

“What is this?” she asked.

“It’s where he watches the movies he makes.”


Kelly laughed. “A bit, but it’s just innocent fun for him, I guess.”

Salma noticed that the walls were covered with posters of a ravishing tall brunette with piercing green eyes. “Who’s that?”

“Oh, that’s Rachel, she was the one who made my brother stinky rich. She is a few years older than us and he met her at the bus station in town.


“Well, he drove by and saw her. It turned out that she had run away from a shitty relationship with an older man and had no place to stay. Peter offered her his extra room in the apartment he was staying at. She accepted and they became good friends, never lovers.”

“But she is a porn actress?”

“That she is, and she was the one who did Peter’s first all lesbian movie.”

“Ah, that explains why they never hooked up.”


They left and Kelly was sure to lock the door behind her. Rachel did scenes with men too, and very few people knew she was actually a lesbian.

While they ate, Salma asked, “So, did you ever meet her, Rachel I mean?”

“A few times, she is kind of scary.”

“What do you mean?”

Kelly drank from her soda and then said, “She is, how do you say, overpowering.”

“And that’s scary?”

Kelly laughed. “Maybe not scary as in a monster, but when she looks you in the eye and speaks with that husky voice of hers, it feels like she could make you do anything she wants. My dad almost shat kittens the first time he met her.”

“What, Peter took her home to your parents?”

“Yeah, the first Christmas after they had met. He said he couldn’t leave her alone in the apartment, he felt sorry for her.”

“So, what happened?”

“Nothing, except that my dad was slobbering, having difficulty to speak and my mom made him sleep on the couch for two nights for being a dirty old man as she called him.”

Salma laughed and pushed away her plate. “Some Christmas you guys had.”

“It was interesting.”

The following morning when Salma walked into the kitchen in her panties and a top Kelly was not there. She checked her bedroom, but she wasn’t there either. Back in the living room, she heard splashes from the pool and she smiled.

“How’s the water?” she asked Kelly who was swimming laps.

“Great, get in and then we make breakfast.”

Salma took off her clothes and dove naked into the warm water. They had seen each other naked many times over the years and were not shy. In fact, they had explored together, giggling and blushing as their fingers found warm and wet places. Never touching each other but rubbing their pussies while watching porn in either of their bedrooms.

After breakfast, the two girls got out their books and laptops and began to work on the school projects they had gone to Peter’s villa to finish. Salma’s parents were doing some remodeling and the work crew made too much noise and at Kelly’s, they would have to deal with her two younger brothers, who almost always fought over something.

They began to read in silence while taking notes. Salma had a problem concentrating, her mind drifted off and explored how it would be to have sex in front of a camera and being paid for it. Were they actually horny while they did it or did the women have to use lube to get wet and did the men take pills to stand erect for such a long time?

She had seen her share of porn on the internet, so she wasn’t squeamish about it. She and Kelly had watched some together out of curiosity, mainly very large cocks squirting big loads of cum. Kelly had a fascination with large cocks and she had sworn that the first man that fucked her had to be at least ten inches. Salma thought that was stupid because it would obviously hurt. In the end, they agreed to disagree on cock size.

On the other hand, Salma did enjoy watching how large globs of cum shot out of the cockhead, it looked sexy she thought. She knew how hot it was and sometimes when she jerked a guy off she would stare at his cock while the cum shot out.

Time flew by and before they knew it, it was past one in the afternoon. They had prepared all their notes and decided to have lunch and then type it up.

“What about nachos?” said Kelly.

“Sounds good.”

While they prepared the lunch, they saw a car drive up towards the house. “Who’s that, Peter?” asked Salma.

“No, he doesn’t drive an Audi. I’ll go and see. You finish up here.”


Rachel closed the car door and was halfway to the house when the front door opened and a blond peeked out. Rachel recognized her. “Oh my god, Kelly, what are you doing here?”

“Rachel, I didn’t know you were coming. My friend and I are here for the weekend working on a school project.

The girls hugged and Kelly led the way to the kitchen.

“Salma, look who came by.”

Rachel couldn’t help noticing the hard-bodied young woman by the stove. When she turned around her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped. “You, you are…”

“Rachel! Yes, the same one as on the posters.” Kelly said.

“Oh my god, you are so pretty,” said Salma and came forward.

Rachel smiled and gave the young girl a short hug, feeling her boobs press into hers.

“Oh, don’t mention those, that was a long time ago, now I don’t do porn anymore.”

Salma stared at her taking in her body. Rachel wore skin-tight pants and a halter top. No bra, obviously since her nipples showed.

“What are you doing here?” asked Kelly.

“I thought I’d water the plants since Peter is out of town. He didn’t tell me you would be here.”

“Sorry, it was on short notice.”

Salma went over to the fridge. “Drinks?”

“Wine for me, if you have any,” said Rachel and sat down at the kitchen table. Kelly did the same and while Salma poured four glasses of wine, she tried to stay calm. Her hand shook a little, but she wasn’t sure why. Rachel wasn’t very famous, but Kelly had been right. Her eyes had bored into hers, and behind them, something had said, I want you.

Rachel stole a glance at Salma and took in her firm round ass and the curve of her back. A picture of her kissing the ass cheeks crossed her mind and she smiled.

“So, what do you do now?” asked Kelly when the three were sitting down.

“Oh, I do mostly real estate. It’s a good business and I like it.”

“Sorry, I just got to ask, what’s it like to be in front of a camera when there are people around you and have sex?” Salma blurted out.

“The first few times I was nervous, but then it just becomes a job, I guess.”

“Yeah, but still, don’t you become horny?”

Rachel laughed. “Of course I did, especially if I liked the girl I was with. With the guys, it was more about pretending to be horny.”


“Yes, sure, I would become wet obviously because it feels good to have your pussy licked or fingered but it was never one of those “wow” experiences I would have with the women.”

“Oh, I see.”

There was a silence, Kelly looked down in her glass and felt a bit uncomfortable because of Salma’s questions.

“C’mon, haven’t you two, you know, had it on?” asked Rachel and took a sip.

Kelly and Salma looked at each other and then Salma said, “Never.”

“Why not?”

“Well, we are not lesbian or bisexual,” answered Kelly.

“So? Have you had cock?”

The younger girls laughed. “No, just a few hand jobs,” said Salma.

“Jesus, what’s wrong with you two? Look at you, young, hot, and no sex? What a waste.”

Kelly squirmed in her chair. “We just decided to wait until college, you know, people talk a lot and we don’t want to become the talk of the town.”

“I can understand that and that’s why having sex with each other is so much better.”

Rachel watched the two girls, especially Salma. When she had met her gaze earlier, she knew she was the one to seduce. There was something in the way the younger girl had looked at her, and she had felt it before in other young women. She wanted her.

“I have an idea, come with me,” said Rachel and got up.

“Okay, take your clothes off and stand opposite each other,” she said when they were in the living room. Rachel sat down on the couch.

“Really?” said Kelly.

Salma was already half naked in her thong and bra. “C’mon, don’t be such a nerd, we have seen each other before.”

“Fine.” Kelly took off her clothes and her nipples turned hard.

Rachel took them both in. Kelly athletic body against the curves of Salma. Both girls were shaved, and Salma had thick pussy lips while Kelly’s were hardly visible.

“Now, Kelly put your hands on Salma’s breasts.”

“No, that’s gross.”

“Just do it.”

Slowly she lifted her arms and actually closed her eyes when she placed her hands on Salma. She felt her hard nipples against the palms and the warmth of her skin. Salma’s boobs were larger than her own and her hands couldn’t cover them.

Salma gasped as her friend gently squeezed them and said, “Oh, that feels good.”

“Really, you like it?”

“Mm, I do.”

Kelly flicked the nipples a few times and Salma moaned. Without being told by Rachel, Salma placed her own hand on Kelly’s boobs and the two stood there fondling each other.

Rachel slid a hand under her top and pulled at her right nipple and sighed. The two girls were perfect, so hot and sexy.

“Now, kiss each other,” she demanded.

Without thinking about it Kelly and Salma leaned closer until their lips touched. They held each other tight, hands moving up into their hair and down their backs, Salma grabbed Kelly’s ass and pulled her even closer.

When they came apart, Kelly whispered, “That was amazing.”

Salma licked her lips. “Mm, it was.”


Salma realized that what they had just done was something she had wanted to do for a long time. During those evenings when they had been watching porn and playing with themselves, Salma had secretly watched how Kelly would come and her body tense. Now she stood naked in front of her and they had just kissed.

“I want you,” she said.

Kelly giggled. “Honestly, I have wanted you for a long time too.”

Rachel smiled. “Get on then!”

Salma pulled Kelly over her onto the other sofa opposite where Rachel was sitting. Kelly began to kiss her friend’s neck and moved slowly down to her boobs where she licked and kissed her nipples before moving further down.

Salma watched in fascination how Kelly’s pink tongue flickered over her clit. Her body began to respond and she moaned, “Oh, yes, just like that.”

Kelly buried her face in her friend wet pussy and when she looked up, it was shiny from her juices. She didn’t notice that Rachel had taken out her phone and was filming them in HD.

Salma wanted to taste pussy, so she moved them around, so they lay in a sixty-nine position with Kelly on top.

Rachel zoomed in on Salma as she began to lick Kelly who responded with a long moan. “Oh, fuck, that feels awesome.”

Salma drank her juices and then began to finger fuck her while sucking on her clit. She tickled Kelly’s anus and when her friend pressed against her finger, it slid into the first knuckle, second and finally all the way inside.

“Oh shit, that feels amazing,” said Kelly.

She began to move back and forth riding Salma’s finger while licking her pussy.

Rachel got up and moved around the girls zooming in and out, making sure she got all the angles. If they noticed her, they didn’t say a word. They were too horny and busy making each other feel good. Rachel wanted to join them, but she didn’t.

Kelly was the first to come. Her breathing became faster and shallower; her body began to tense, then she came hard.

“Oh, yes, yes, fuck!”

A minute later it was Salma’s turn and to her surprise, Kelly who was still licking her got a gush of pussy juice on her face.

“Holy shit, you just squirted,” she said and wiped her face with the back of her hand.

Salma lay still, gasping for breath as Kelly rolled off her and sat down on the floor by her head. She kissed Salma’s cheek and they met in a long kiss.

Rachel continued to film until the two girls stopped and then she pocketed her phone.

Kelly realized what had happened. “What the fuck, did you film us? All of it?”

“Yes, and it turned out great. Much better than Peter had hoped.”

“What?” said Salma.

“Oh Peter has known for quite some time that you two would get it on with each other, it was just a question of time, and he wanted to get it all on film.”

Salma sat up and Kelly got on the couch with her.

“My brother sent you?”

“There is nothing to worry about, girls. We will add music and edit the raw footage and then upload it. I’m sure you will make some decent money. Then we can make more if this goes viral.”

“Oh shit, there goes college,” moaned Kelly.

When Rachel had left, Salma put her arm around Kelly. “Don’t worry, we will be fine.”

“You think? Don’t you realize that all our friends will be able to see us fucking?”

Salma shrugged her shoulders. “So, what? It’s 2018, everyone has a sex tape.”

Kelly slowly nodded. “That is true. Her hand slid in between Salma’s legs finding her still wet pussy. Her friend moaned a little and fell back on the couch, pulling her with her.

From his hotel room in Berlin, Peter watched his sister and her friend lick each other to several more orgasms before they stopped. All the time he was slowly jerking his thick cock. He could have recorded the entire thing using the ceiling-mounted surveillance cameras, but Rachel had begged him to let her be there, which he had agreed to.

He wondered how it would be to fuck his horny little sister and her hot friend. Maybe one day he would find out.

Published 6 years ago

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