Sally’s new life – Preparations

"Following the stinging start to her new life, her aunt has arranged unexpected preparations."

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Mrs. Higgins went to the wall near the door and pressed a buzzer which she knew was linked to the kitchen. Then she went back to Sally’s luggage, found a shorter top, and handed it to the still tearful teen. Sally put it on gratefully and then headed for her open trolly to find something to put on to cover her lower half.

She looked back towards the sound of heels approaching the study just as a pretty redhead aged around thirty entered. She was dressed like Mrs. Higgins although she had a maid’s cap on her head and her stockings were black, unlike Mrs. Higgins’s tan coloured legs. Sally instinctively covered her pubic area by pulling the top down hard.

The newcomer did a little curtesy and said, “You rang Mrs. Higgins?”

She had only glanced at Sally and showed no surprise whatsoever at the younger girl’s situation. Sally began to understand that it cannot be out of the ordinary, in this house to see a semi-nude girl sniffling and obviously in distress.

That mind-boggling thought was interrupted by Mrs. Higgins response. “Yes Sarah, this is Madam’s niece Sally as you’ll have guessed. She has an early start in the morning as she’ll be joining the other girls, so I need your assistance to ensure she is properly prepared.”

Sarah looked directly towards Sally for the first time and did a little curtesy and said “pleased to meet you Miss” which made Sally feel embarrassed until Mrs. Higgins announced “no Sarah, you must treat Sally just like all the other students. She will live here but attend school with all the others and Madam wants her to be treated exactly like the others.” Sarah responded, “I understand Mrs. Higgins.”

Sally crouched to rummage in her luggage only to be told, in a brisk tone by Mrs. Higgins, “no Sally, leave everything please. Just pick up your running shoes and follow me. Sarah will bring your trolly up to your room shortly.”

Then, turning to the maid she added “Sarah, before you bring up Sally’s luggage, be so kind as to gather those things from the floor and dispose of them. There will be more to discard later but we can decide that as we choose what should be stored in the cupboard in her room upstairs.” 

Sally was about to protest and started to say “but Mrs. Higgins” when Mrs. Higgins interrupted her and shaking her index finger added “Sally, you heard what your aunt said about the inappropriate use of the term “but”. Now I will say no more about it this time but the next time, I will be obliged to report it to Madam, and you know that means a sore bottom for you.”

Sally blushed and looked at Sarah who very wisely pretended not to hear and went about gathering Sally’s “unsuitable” clothes from the floor.  Sarah had noticed the girl’s tramlined lower curves as she did but knew better than to let on that anything was out of the ordinary. Instead, she broke the pause by addressing her supervisor with “I will run along and get these things in the bin Mrs. Higgins and then I will be upstairs in a few five minutes with the luggage.”

Mrs. Higgins smiled at Sally, indicated the running-shoes saying, “just carry those Sally and let’s get upstairs” and she turned and followed Sarah out of the study.

For fear of being left alone in her scantily dressed state, Sally hurried after the housekeeper. Her urge was to protest, that she would be seen by others, but did not want to risk that Mrs. Higgins would carry out her threat and report her to Aunt Harriet.

The stone flooring was cool to her bare feet, but she did not mind, she was much more concerned about who might see her scale the stairs. 

Another maid passed them on her way down with an armful of crumpled sheets.

Sally was still trying to pull her top down in the front with her free hand as the girl passed without even looking at her. Sally turned her head and was not in the least surprised to see that the maid peeked back up and at Sally’s bare bottom but did not seem untowardly shocked by the marks she must have seen.

That was the latest confirmation for her that caning must be considered part of daily life in this house.  The girl looked up past Sally and blushed when Mrs. Higgins said, “Nothing to do Hilda?”.

“Sorry Mrs. Higgins. Yes, I have Mrs. Higgins “

She ran down the last few steps as Mrs. Higgins added, “keep your mind on your work then Hilda.”

The landing they reached was brightly illuminated thanks to the large French window which opened onto a balcony. It was decorated with a multitude of tropical plants. Predominantly red-flowered. Sally thought, how apt, given the fiery character of the lady of the house.

There were two corridors leading away from the landing. Mrs. Higgins led the way off down the left-hand one.

There were three doors on either side with another large window at the end which flooded their path with late afternoon sunlight. She pointed to the first door on the right and informed Sally that it was Sarah and Hilda’s room. Opposite, she explained, was for Cook and her assistant.

With her index-fingers pointing left and right as they passed the middle doors, she explained one was a common bathroom whilst the other was currently vacant and had been where the two ground-staff slept until her aunt had arranged an extension to the machinery shed for them on the edge of the property.

Mrs. Higgins turned with her back to the window at the end. Explained that her own room was on the left and then opened the door on the right, smiled at Sally and indicated she should go in.

Sally was delighted. The room, her new private den, had been freshly decorated and fitted with the needs of a teenage girl in mind. She would not have changed a thing.

There was a big window which opened onto a small balcony. As the window was open, she stepped onto the balcony for a moment and noted a massive oak tree to her right beyond the gable-end of the house. Straight ahead of her, at the edge of the lawn, stood the garage where she had been earlier.

She turned and went back in, parting the bright gold-coloured double curtains which were billowing in the gentle draft as Mrs. Higgins had not closed the door behind them.

“Oh Mrs. Higgins, this is the nicest ever room I have seen. Is it really all mine?”  She had forgotten for a moment the throbbing in her nether regions, her semi-nudity and beamed at the Housekeeper.

The seasoned matron smiled back and opened her arms saying, “yes dear, all yours.”

Sally rushed into the comfortable embrace and closed her eyes thinking how fortunate she was to have such a well-off aunt and uncle with a kind and caring housekeeper.

Her brief daydream ended when she felt Mrs. Higgins pat her bottom and say, “right dear, we have to get you ready for your first day at your new school tomorrow”.

Sally’s eyes flew open at the touch on her bare bottom and she saw it right there over her bed on the wall; another crook-handled cane!

Mrs. Higgins followed the direction of the teenager’s stare. “Ah yes, your aunt wanted it just exactly on that spot. So, she said, that it will be the first thing you see when you open your eyes in the mornings and the last at night.”

Sally pouted and put a hand back to feel her sore bottom.

Noting the movement, Mrs. Higgins said, “Ah, that reminds me. Madam has an absolutely magical cream she has made especially by a Swiss chemist she has known since her university days”.

Just then, Sarah entered the room carrying Sally’s luggage.

“Ah good, Sarah, be a dear and pop into my room for the anti-blistering cream would you please”

Sarah placed the luggage on a sturdy-looking wide stool and responded, “Certainly Mrs. Higgins, right away.”

“Oh, and Sarah, bring my shaving things as you are at it.” 

Sally did not understand that last request but lost her train of thought as Mrs. Higgins opened her luggage and said, “We’ll have a good sort through your things a bit later, your aunt has given me very specific instructions about what you may and may not keep.

Don’t worry though, Madam will be taking you shopping so you’ll have no shortage of nice clothes, I’m very sure.”

Sarah returned carrying a plastic bowl with some metallic things rattling around inside.

“Fetch a towel from the bathroom please Sarah”

“Sally pop your things off please Dear, we don’t want that top getting spoilt with cream do we”.

Sally blushed and looked in the direction of the bathroom where Sarah had gone. Mrs. Higgins laughed heartily and reassured the teenager with “Don’t fret dear, you have nothing that Sarah or I have not seen before.”

Accepting the simple logic, Sally took off her top and held it in front of her.

“And the bra Sally, you’ll be having a shower soon anyway.”

Sarah, who had come back, with a kind, knowing smile, took the top from Sally’s hands and said, “Let me help you”. The maid went behind Sally, unhitched her bra and then came back around and helped the teen out of her last covering.

“Oh, what deliciously full breasts she has Mrs. Higgins! And those nipples, so small and pink.”

Mrs. Higgins had noticed of course but her duty was to ensure Madam’s niece was ready so allowing herself, or the staff, to become distracted was not her style and the way she said “Sarah behave” left the maid in no doubt she was crossing lines which she was not allowed to cross.

Indeed, it had been out of character for Sarah too so she forced herself to get busy by asking “Shall I spread the towel on the bed, Mrs. Higgins?”

Sarah knew her own question was needless and did just that, Spreading the large towel on the bed.

Mrs. Higgins picked up the jar of cream and addressing Sally she said, “lay on bed Dear, please. Bottom up so that I can care for those cane stripes with this very special cream. You’ll see that when you get up tomorrow, there will be no trace whatsoever of Madam’s correction.”

Only Julie, her dearest friend, had ever seen her totally nude and now she was being asked to place herself face down on the bed exposed to two strangers. Sally hesitated only a second, however, remembering Mrs. Higgins previous warning about a report to her aunt.  

The housekeeper was still not satisfied however and ordered the teenager to adjust her position with “open those thighs nice and wide Sally, please. I need to get the cream low right in the middle here where Madam tends to concentrate. Do not have me need to remind you next time, please. Always nice and wide.”

The significance of “next time” was not lost on Sally but then she moaned involuntarily as the caring fingers spread the viscous yellow cooling gel.

Sarah drank in the scene with her eyes. She and Hilda helped one another in the same way but neither had such curves. Even bent over as she was, the teenager’s lower curves folded downwards a little.

All Madam’s attention had been concentrated on the lower half. It was her trademark. Sarah licked her lips as Mrs. Higgins forced open the sit spots to soothe in the cream but practically jumped out of her skin when the housekeeper brought her out of her daydream with “bring the basin with some warm water Sarah”.

Sarah blushed, hoping Mrs. Higgins had not noticed her stare. Then she picked up the basin and went to get the water.

“All finished with the cream now Sally so roll over and face up please. Do not worry, the cream will not stick to the towel and if some does, no problem as Sarah will get it clean again in a jiffy. Won’t you Sarah? “

“Oh yes Mrs. Higgins, no issue at all.” said an eager to please Sarah as she brought the basin of warm water back from the bathroom.

Sally’s reaction was predictably contrary. She sat, closed her thighs, covered her now embarrassingly rigid nipples and pouted.  “No please Mrs. Higgins, I think I have cooperated quite enough for one day. May I shower now please?”

“Oh oh” was all Sarah said.

In a flash Mrs. Higgins sat beside Sally and pulled her over her lap. “Cooperated! I’ll give you some idea of what questioning my instructions gets you girl” Holding Sally tight by the waist with her left forearm, she brought a flurry of spanks down on the still striped jiggling bottom flesh.

Sally struggled and yelped but the housekeeper was not new to the task and held that waist tight as she continued to wallop each bottom cheek in turn with her practiced punishing palm. She concentrated her spanks then low on the far cheek for a full two minutes.

The teenager stopped struggling and burst into tears. Mrs. Higgins knew well to ignore this reaction and instead moved her attention to the nearer cheek for another full two minutes. Punctuating the last spanks with “Now girl” Whack! Whack! Whack! “Do I get your full cooperation, or do I have to report you to Madam so that she starts your day tomorrow with a taste of that cane hanging here over the headboard?”

She smiled as the short-lived rebellion ended with a sobbing entreatment.

“Oh please Mrs. Higgins, don’t report me. I will do exactly as you say, please. I’m so sorry”

Mrs. Higgins caressed the big, now dark-pink, hot and still striped womanly hemispheres before patting them and winking at Sarah who had watched intently and was blushing. She said, “that is more like it Sally. Now up you get, and we will not waste any more time.”

She got up herself and used a corner of her apron to dry the teenager’s tears. “I do hope we have a lasting understanding dear”

Sally nodded and without being told a second time, lay on the towel face up. It was the most embarrassing thing she had ever experienced but then became even more so when Mrs. Higgins said, “wiggle back a bit and put your feet on the bed Sally, I need you to open nice and wide”.

She swallowed her saliva and her pride as Mrs. Higgins glanced towards the cane.

She even arched up her hips when Sarah indicated she wanted to pop a second folded towel under bottom to lift her pubes higher. Her humiliation was absolute, or it seemed so until it got even worse as Mrs. Higgins busied herself with scissors.

Only Julie had handled her down there. These fingers were busy in a different way as she heard the “snip snip” of the housekeeper’s scissors.

Then she heard the older lady tell Sarah to “put lots of soap” followed by sensation of cream being spread all over her most private parts.

“That’s right, keep the skin nice and taut”

Sally kept her eyes tightly shut and hoped this experience would end quickly and she could hide in the shower for a while.

Mrs. Higgins was evidently making fast progress judging from the number of times Sally heard the razor being swished around in the water.

Horror of horror she felt herself aroused as Sarah stretched her labia this way and that. It did not go unnoticed as Mrs. Higgins said, “the most natural thing in the world but she’ll get used of it as Madam wants her cleanshaven every Sunday evening”.

Sally doubted very much she would ever get “used of” having her labia pulled, stretched and pushed. Then she was asked to lift her hips higher and felt the scraping going right deep backward.

“There we go!” announced triumphantly the housekeeper and she grabbed Sally’s hand and helped her get up once Sarah had removed the basin and other things from the bed.

She spent a long time in the shower. It was the first time she had been alone since getting off the train and that seemed like days instead of just a few hours ago.

So much had happened in that short time. Her life had been turned upside down and inside out and she had to try and gather her thoughts.

She was daydreaming and feeling her new bareness when her thoughts were interrupted with Sarah knocking on the glass of the shower cubicle and telling her in a loud voice that Mrs. Higgins was waiting for her.

Sally turned off the water and stepped onto a small shower mat that Sarah had just placed outside.

The maid then wrapped a towel around Sally’s shoulders and handed her a smaller one indicating they should be used to get the excess moisture off before she put on the fluffy pink cotton bathrobe.

Out in the room, Mrs. Higgins was humming away to herself. Sarah kindly helped Sally blow-dry her hair and in doing so, made Sally believe she could trust Sarah to answer a question that had been bothering her so she whispered, “Why is it that my aunt wanted me shaved down there?” As she pointed down.

Sarah whispered back. “Only Mrs. Higgins and Cook can grow hair there. Everyone else is bare like you Sally”.

The humming had stopped, and Sarah took Sally’s hand and led her back into the room.

The first thing Sally noticed was that her trolly was gone from the stool and in its place was draped a navy-blue gymslip complete with a matching tie, white blouse, white knee-high socks, a plain white bra and stretch-cotton navy blue knickers.

The ensemble was completed by a pair of very unfashionable black leather shoes, on the floor under the stool.

Mrs. Higgins had been watching closely for Sally’s reaction, but the spanking was still impressed on the girl’s mind even if its physical effects were fading fast, so she thought better than to make any comment.

Mrs. Higgins smiled, nodded and volunteered, “At a guess, I’d say the dress might be a bit tight and a bit long, but you’ll be going to the outfitters with Madam after school tomorrow.”  

Mrs. Higgins then put an arm around Sally’s shoulders and guided her to the large cupboard where a minority of her things had been neatly stored whilst she had been showering. Guessing the reason for Sally’s perplexed search of the empty spaces, Mrs. Higgins informed her that, in accordance with her aunt’s instructions, only approved items had been retained and the rest discarded.

Sally’s “but” was cut short when Mrs. Higgins turned the teenager and pointed at the cane.

Sarah, who had slipped away once they had come out of the bathroom, came in just then carrying a tray which she then set down at the dressing table. “Oh, thank you Sarah, I’d quite forgotten how hungry I am”.

Sarah smiled and Mrs. Higgins added, “It’s just a snack to keep you going until the morning. Now off with that bathrobe and slip this on please”. She had picked up the pink shortie nightie which Sally had only half noticed on the bed as they came in from the bathroom.

Only a few hours ago she would have taken the nightie and gone to change in the bathroom but her aunt’s and Mrs. Higgins’ conditioning had begun to take the desired effect and she did as instructed but turning away from the others while doing so.

“No Dear, for your own good, let us do that again, please. Off with it and put it on the bed a moment.” Sally blushed but laid the nightie on the bed.

“Now Sally, remember carefully what your aunt taught you when she wants you in a position of attention”

Her embarrassment at its limits she lifted her hands to behind her neck and spread her legs.

A tear appeared in each eye but Mrs. Higgins and Sarah both burst into applause and hugged her.

“Well done Dear. Do not be embarrassed. Embarrassment will only get you a sore bottom from your aunt. Speaking of which, look now in the dressing table mirror at your bottom”.

Sally did as had been suggested and gasped, “the cane marks, they are almost gone!”

She forgot for a moment her nudity and hugged Mrs. Higgins and Sarah happily.

Mrs. Higgins laughed and said, “maybe you better put your nightie on now before you have your bedtime snack”.

Sally did indeed put on her nightie but this time without attempting pointless modesty.

Sarah gave her a peck on her cheek and withdrew wishing her a good night’s sleep.

Mrs. Higgins gave Sally some more helpful advise as she ate her light meal and then told her she’d better brush her teeth and pop into bed as tomorrow was going to be a full and challenging day.


Published 5 years ago

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