Sally climbed into the passenger seat beside Sarah. Both started to talk at the same time as they had a million things to say.
Sarah could see that Sally had been crying so she gave in and let her new Little Mistress speak.
Sally summarised in a few brief sentences the main happenings of her day at school.
She was shocked and visibly distressed when Sarah told her that she had been caned by Mrs Higgins that morning as soon as she returned from delivering Sally to school.
Sarah made little of it. “Ah it was okay my dear Sally, she did it in my bedroom and not in the kitchen where she usually punishes the staff. She believed me when I said that I was certain that Hilda had deliberately hidden your books and she will be watching her extra carefully for a while. She gave me twelve and I shouted a lot but really it was nothing like as hard as she normally canes.”
Sally took Sarah’s hand and squeezed it. “Still, I’m very sorry darling Sarah.”
Sarah grinned broadly and squeezed Sally’s hand back saying. “It’s okay, I needed a reminder, she left me alone for quite a while after.” Her grin broke into laughter which Sally understood immediately.
As soon as they got home, Sally hurried to the study room. She had a lot to finish off for tomorrow. She had found the inspiration she needed for English and got quite lost in what she had been writing so nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard her aunt’s voice approaching from behind.
“Here is my daydreaming niece.”
Sally got up immediately and turned to face her aunt. Addressing her respectfully, “Good evening Ma’am,” then added, “Oh good evening Mrs Lee, I thought you’d be well on your way home by now Ma’am.”
“Good evening to you Sally dear. Your aunt very kindly asked me to stay a little longer and as my husband will be delayed in the US, I gladly accepted her kind invitation. How was your day at school dear?”
“Let the evidence speak for itself, Girl. I have had reports from both Mrs McDonald and Mrs Higgins about your behavior today. Lower your knickers, lift your dress up over your waist and bend over the back of your chair”.
Shelly had already witnessed the submissiveness of the young lady but was nonetheless amazed by her lack of resistance in having to humiliate herself in front of her aunt and practically a stranger. Within seconds, her host’s instruction had been carried out and the girl was doubled over the chair, nude from the waist down.
“Spread those thighs Girl, you know very well how I want you to present your bottom.” Saying so, Harriett inserted her palm between Sally’s upper thighs and exerted sideways pressure.
The Korean lady sucked in a breath. She had of course witnessed last evening’s caning but this was so much more severe. From the upper buttocks right down to the thigh-tops was a mass of parallel deep red and blue tramlines.
Harriett was smiling broadly as she fondled the punished orbs. None too gently either as the girl moaned in pain as her aunt pinched some of the tender folds between thumb and forefinger.
“I must compliment Mrs McDonald on a job well done. The girl deserved every stroke. I am relieved that I put her in charge of the school. “
She unceremoniously took a full handful of scorched bottom flesh and squeezed hard. “Will you delay getting to school again Girl knowing that if you do, there will be a repeat plus extra for a repeat offence?”
Sally screeched in pain and responded, “No Ma’am.”
Her aunt relaxed her grasp and then rubbed the abused area.
She glanced at Shelly whom she saw was staring at the bottom on display.
“Come feel it, Shelly, it’s still warm.”
Shelly hesitated only a split second but then decided she would let go of her inhibitions and take full advantage of the occasion offered.
“Am I imagining things Harriett or is it even bigger that it was last evening. Has it swollen from today’s trashing?”
Her host laughed. “Maybe yes Shelly but it is anyway the most massive bottom I have every seen on a European.”
Shelly was now caressing the beaten flesh with nervous fingertips. “Absolutely enormous by Asian standards.”
Sally was taking this humiliation without protest. She was just relieved their touches were now soft.
She sucked in a breath in anticipation of new pain as Mrs Lee took hold of a handful of her lower right cheek. There was no squeeze, however.
Shelly lifted the handful and then filled her other hand with more bottom-flesh from the spot right beside that. She seemed lost in thought, so Harriett offered, “Enormous by any standard on a girl who has yet to reach her eighteenth birthday.”
“Yes, Harriett of course but I was thinking something else.”
“What is that dear, Shelly?”
“I, well, it’s that I would like to.” Her voice trailed off and she blushed.
“Like to do what, Shelly? You are my very welcome guest and friend. Anything I can do to make your stay happier, I will very gladly.”
Shelly let go of Sally’s bottom, took Harriett by the arm, and guided her a little distance away. Where she believed Sally could not hear, she whispered, “I’d love to take her over my lap and spank her huge bottom for a long time.”
Harriett laughed and said in a tone that made no attempt at keeping their conversation private, “Of course, you can spank her, Shelly. She needs a constantly warm bottom to keep her on her toes. After dinner, however, when she has had her cream treatment. Then she can go off to bed with a nice hot bottom that will oblige her to sleep on her tummy tonight while you and I can have a nightcap.”
Saying so, she moved back close to her niece and said as if she were speaking about some inanimate object rather than a young sensitive lady, “look here Shelly, she’s sopping wet with all the attention.” Shelly had noticed but had intended to speak about it when they were alone. Now that her new friend and host had highlighted it, she joined in the game. “Oh, do you think it’s all the fondling we have been doing, or is it the anticipation of being spanked later?”
“You may get up Sally. Keep your dress up though and face us.”
She obeyed her aunt’s instruction red-faced.
“Head up and look me in the eye girl.”
“Well, answer Mrs Lee’s query please.”
Sally was on the point of tears, “I don’t know Ma’am.”
“Oh goodness me Sally, don’t talk nonsense. Of course, you know. Do I need to add six with the cane on that enormous bottom to help you answer honestly?”
Sally sobbed her response, “It’s everything you and Auntie have been saying and doing Mrs Lee. I can’t help it.”
Handing the teenager a tissue Harriett replied, “Good girl Sally. In this house at least, honesty is always the best policy. Now dry those tears, fix your things, and off to your room to get washed and changed for dinner.”
Her new and now sole, best friend, Sarah, appeared like magic as she was heading towards her room.
As she showered, she reflected on what had just happened. How she had been obliged to reveal her innermost self. In a very strange way, she was almost glad they knew. Then she scolded herself. Of course, her aunt had already known. Her aunt seemed to know everything that made her tick. How on Earth did she? Maybe her own mother had been like Sally in ways that her aunt knew about?
Sarah blocked her latest wanderings and literally pulled her out of the shower.
During the glorious fifteen minutes or so while Sarah attended to her cane-marks with the special cream, they exchanged the key facts on their days. Then, as Sarah helped Sally dress in the fashion her aunt required for dinnertime, Sally told Sarah what was about to happen after dinner. “No reason, Mrs Lee just wants to spank me and auntie has given her permission.”
As they went downstairs, Sarah said what Sally had been just thinking, ”Mrs Lee is a lot smaller in build than Mrs Higgins so surely her spanks would be light by comparison.”
It was just her aunt, Mrs Lee, and Sally to have dinner. Small blessings thought Sally.
Mostly the conversation was about what the two older ladies had done that morning at the shop and at the factory but then Harriett asked Sally whether she was satisfied that she had done her very best with her assessment preparation. Sally explained that she had not quite finished her English preparation as she had been at 90% there when they had come into the study.
“Good girl Sally, then right after dinner you can run upstairs, get what you need and finish off either in your room or in the study. How long will you need?”
Sally asked for 30 minutes and that was acceptable to her aunt who then added, “Then back here for our after-dinner appointment.”
Dinner had been, as usual, delicious. Despite all the comments about the size of her backside, she could not resist the dessert and then hurried upstairs.
While she was gone, the host and her guest had coffee and liqueur.
Sally had to push herself extra hard to concentrate on her preparations for the English Mistress. It was difficult to push aside what was about to happen when she returned downstairs, but she reminded herself that matters would only get worse if her preparation was inadequate or that she did not stick to the 30 minutes she had agreed with her aunt.
As she approached their table, the two ladies were laughing which, given the purpose of her return, scared Sally somewhat.
Her aunt looked at the time and said, “Well done Sally, you are only two minutes late but given that we were the cause of your not being able to complete your work earlier, I’ll turn a blind eye. Now, let’s not crease that dress, off with it, and bare your bottom for a good hard spanking from Mrs Lee.”
She undid the zip and pushed off the sleeves and dropped it to then step out and place it on the chair she had sat upon earlier. Mrs Lee smiled as the girl’s black lacy bra and matching girdle were revealed. She was looking forward to this special experience. “Let me help you, dear.” Sally came to her and was gently turned as the Korean lady added, “I’ll undo the back suspenders, you can undo the front ones.”
She was thrilled by the submissive, “Thank you, Ma’am.” And looked to see that Harriett was also smiling.
Sally pushed down the girdle and knickers and put them with her dress. As she turned back towards Mrs Lee, she did not attempt to cover her vulva as she knew too well that it would cause, at the very least, a reprimand from her aunt. The Korean lady was smiling at her and patting her lap, she had raised her own dress so that it did not get creased. Her purchases with Harriett that morning had evidently included a girdle and stockings as it was over these, she wanted Sally to lay.
The blushing teenager, now dressed only in her bra, stood by the lady’s right side and leaned over. Mrs Lee manoeuvred the short girl so that her hands reached the floor, but her feet were left hanging freely over the other side. She hooked her left arm over the relatively slim waist and pulled tight so the girl would not fall off during the spanking.
This was her dream come true, a big bare very feminine bottom at her total mercy.
It was an enormous close-up target, so she made a conscious effort to divide it in quarters for her attention. First, she spanked the upper far cheek. Delighting in the way the flesh wobbled each time her punishing palm left its target. She counted twenty-five spanks silently before moving to the lower part of the far cheek and delivered another set of twenty-five.
Harriett was fascinated, she had, of course, watched Mrs Higgins and Cook deliver spankings as part of their initiation to their positions of responsibility in her household but those were very matter of fact, almost motherly corrections. Shelly oozed sexuality. The way she dressed, her comportment during the day and especially now, all screamed superiority and absolute self-confidence. She was dedicated to the task at hand and used the full force of her tennis arm.
Harriett knew however that her niece was able to take a far harder lesson and so, pressed the nearby service bell.
Hilda appeared almost instantly and making a supreme effort not to stare at the scene, curtseyed to the lady of the house and asked, “How may I be of service, Ma’am?”
A deafening silence followed as Shelly paused to look at the maid and her host. Sally turned her head too and saw the girl who had caused her to delay that morning which then led to her double caning from the Headmistress. How embarrassing, now to be over Mrs Lee’s lap with her bare rump on display to the maid who seemed to already delight in getting her into trouble.
Her aunt did not respond but instead, addressed Mrs Lee. “Shelly dear, I’m sure your palm must be getting quite sore, shall I get Hilda here to fetch Cook’s strap?
Blushing from the effort for her task, the Korean lady replied, “Is it short enough to be used effectively in this position Harriett? I would prefer to keep the girl over my knee.”
Reassured that was the case, Hilda was sent to fetch it.
Hilda had never felt Cook’s strap across her bottom, that was strictly Mrs Higgin’s responsibility, but she knew from accounts by the kitchen staff that the thick short strap she now held could roast a girl’s nether regions in no time. She caressed it and prayed silently that Mrs Lee would be endowed with extra strength while she used it on that fat deserving bottom she had over her lap. She had eavesdropped at Sarah’s door this morning and heard the exchange about Sally’s disappearing books. She promised herself to appear extra shocked and hurt if Mrs Higgins questioned her about that. She was very good at putting on the innocent act when she wished.
She re-entered the dining room, curtsied before Mrs Lee, and offered the strap on both hands as she had learnt the Orientals considered that to be the correct way to hand over anything. Her gesture brought a smile and a thank you from the seated lady and a ‘well done Hilda’ from her employer. She blushed in self-gratification and backed away slowly, trying not to stare too noticeably at the exposed target over the lady’s lap.
Thwack, thwack, thwack. Mrs Lee wasted no time in getting back to her task.
Too soon Ma’am dismissed her. “That will be all Hilda.”
She had almost reached the door when her employer made her stop in her tracks. “Oh Hilda, tomorrow evening with our coffee and drinks, you may bring the strap again as Sally will be getting another spanking. She curtsied and replied, “I understand Ma’am.”
Inwardly she added, ‘With pleasure Ma’am,’ but knew better than to utter that aloud. She stole a last look at the strap flashing down on that fleshy target and squeezed her thighs tight as she rounded the door. From the squeals, Mrs Lee’s tennis arm was evidently very efficient.
Sally had lost count; her bottom was on fire from top to thigh tops. Mrs Lee was using the strap as though she had always had such an instrument to hand. Her aunt encouraged her guest with phrases such as, “That’s it, Shelly, really lay it on, those big orbs deserve everything you give them.” Sally was crying her eyes out, but the strapping went on and on for what must have been ten full minutes.
Finally, the adults must have exchanged glances and made a silent agreement because she was ordered to get up and face the wall nearby by her aunt. “Hands on your head Girl and stay still while we admire the effects of Mrs Lee’s lesson. This is an ideal way for you to finish each day. It will help you reflect on your status. In fact, Sally, I’m not at all happy with your timekeeping today so I’m going to introduce a morning caning at breakfast. We’ll start with just six strokes tomorrow morning but if you don’t improve rapidly, it will be twelve strokes.”
They carried on chatting for at least half an hour before her aunt called to service again and this time, it was her friend Sarah as she heard her aunt address her with instructions to clear away the remaining things from the table, return the strap to its place in the kitchen and then accompany her niece to her room. She and Mrs Lee then went out for a short walk.
Upstairs, she fell into Sarah’s loving embrace for a full five minutes before the maid had her lay tummy down on the bed. Mrs Lee had turned her bottom deep red all over with some several areas of blue especially where her bum cheeks folded over her thighs. Sarah soothed the cream gently and generously all over. Sally spread her thighs wide, and Sarah took the hint. She leaned over and kissed there deeply which brought moans of pleasure from her charge. Sally raised her hips as Sarah pushed her fingers under and inside her throbbing pussy. She turned over and pulled Sarah down onto the bed locking her arms around the wonderful maid and kissed her fiercely. Each brought the other to a series of passionate releases before they lay still and just delighted in admiring one another expressions.
A door out in the hallway banged and Sarah jumped off the bed and rushed Sally into the bathroom. As it turned out, nobody came but the maid’s heart had jumped into her throat with fright. She diligently helped her ‘little mistress’ shower and change into her nightie. Then she tucked her into bed and kissed her goodnight passionately one last time.
She drifted off to sleep happily. These precious moments with Sarah, balanced all the negative ones.
Whoosh Twack, her aunt had deliberately aimed the first stroke with all her skill at the juncture of thighs and buttocks. The shock caused the young woman to lose all control and jump up grabbing her wounded sit-spots.
“Get back over this instant Girl, you know the rules, that one will be repeated.”
The pain was excruciating but Sally knew her only course of action was obedience, so she bent back over the dining chair and held on for dear life. She even managed a sobbed, “I’m sorry Ma’am.”
Sarah fought back tears. It would be fatal to show her true feelings for her secret love, but it took a superhuman effort to pose as the unaffected maid waiting to serve breakfast. It had already cost her dearly to carry out the instructions given to her by Mrs Higgins before going to wake Sally. She had however done exactly as instructed and accompanied the teenager to the table where the Mistress and her guest were already seated chatting. She had already told Sally the plan, so the teenager needed no further instruction as they reached the table. She bent over her chair. The maid tucked Sally’s dress-hem into the girl’s bra and tugged her very tight school knickers down to her knees. She absolutely hated doing this and had pleaded with Sally in whispered tones to forgive her on their way here.
She watched in horror as the Mistress whipped the second stroke onto exactly the same spot as the first, and silently prayed that her ‘little mistress’ could stay in position.
Mrs Lee was utterly bewitched. The now twitching and quivering expanse of bottom-flesh had been at the mercy of her strap only a few hours ago so she had studied every square inch. Now her attention was totally drawn to the movements of her new lover. The determination on her face. The carefully timed breathing. The coiling and uncoiling of that upper torso as she prepared to lash the rattan onto its target. No holding back, every muscle and every nerve tuned to her chosen task. Mrs Lee adored the way Harriett paused after each stroke, looked over at her, and licked her lips as she caressed the rod with her fingertips. There was no doubt that they would re-live each delicious moment of this punishment after breakfast upstairs before dressing for the office.
Since the admonition straight after the first biting stroke, her aunt had not addressed her. Vicious cane stroke followed vicious cane stroke and she held on with all her strength. As the seventh wrapped itself across the crescent of her bottom cheeks she allowed herself the relax her grip a little and sucked in a deep breath. She remained over the chair until she heard her aunt say, “You may stand and fix your clothes Girl. I certainly hope you learn to be more diligent but if I do not receive a positive report from Mrs McDonald today, as promised, I will have no hesitation in making your regular morning caning, twelve strokes instead of six. Is that quite clear, Sally?”
Sally managed to answer in the affirmative and was allowed to visit the toilet to fix her face while Sarah fetched them all breakfast. She was of course very sore and also highly aroused but had heard her aunt’s warning, ‘no dawdling Girl’.
Harriett took her place beside her guest, beaming and quite flushed, and said, “Well my o my, that certainly was an excellent way to start our day don’t you think Shelly?”
Shelly placed her hand on the dominant’s knee under the tablecloth and caressed upwards saying, “And there is more to come, darling, you were magnificent.”
Sarah entered the dining room with the breakfast trolly so the ladies postponed their discussion until they would get back upstairs to Harriett’s bedroom.
Sally joined them just as Sarah was serving and she sat very gingerly at her place.
Breakfast conversation turned to business and so nothing more was said about the caning.
That gave Sally a chance to set her thoughts in order and think about the classes ahead today which included Miss Simms for English which made her smile and not Miss Matthews which made her smile even more. She was hopeful that she could avoid a caning from Miss Simms but was convinced that the English teacher would find much to criticise given that she had paid a high price for her leniency towards Sally on Monday.
She and Sarah had not even reached the gate in the car when Harriett stood before a kneeling Shelly in her bedroom…