Sally’s New Life- Chapter 11 – Harriett’s Sunday Lunch Invitation (Part One)

"Sally knows new depths of humiliation"

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They drove through the impressive gates towards a massive early-1900’s style mansion at exactly noon. As her aunt had planned, they had left home at 10:30.

The ride here in the back of the Maserati, which her aunt delighted in throwing around curves, had been very uncomfortable thanks to her being dressed formally in a tight girdle which squeezed her sore bottom. Her offence? None. Her aunt had decided she needed to be ‘kept on her toes’ whilst visiting her aunt’s very good friend, Ellen.

Sally had learnt during the ride there, that Ellen was her aunt’s best friend from her university days. She had been Harriett’s Economics lecturer but from various hints during her chat with Mrs Lee, it was obvious that the relationship had been far more intimate than just lecturer/student.

Ellen was tall, as tall as her aunt and seemed to be in her mid-late thirties. She had run out to the car and welcomed Sally’s aunt with a screamed “Harriiiiiiiii,” and a big bear-hug.

After a long embrace and assurances that never again would they allow so much time to pass without visiting one another, Sally and Mrs Lee were introduced.

Ellen was very polite and welcoming towards Mrs Lee, but Sally received her special scrutiny. “Sally, I have heard so much about you, you look absolutely delicious!”

Sally was not sure about being likened to a dish of strawberries and cream but grinned and replied. “Thank you, Ma’am.”

“Oh, you must call me Ellen.”

“Absolutely not, Ellen, please. I gave her six just before we set off to ensure she is careful and respectful today.”

Ellen must have known all about Sally’s status as she did not comment other than to say, in a laughing tone “Then, I’m a Ma’am.”

A childish voice behind Sally caused her to twirl and hear, “Six what Harriet?”

“Elizabeth, I didn’t see you coming darling, come and give me a big hug.”

The newcomer, who looked only about eleven or twelve, kissed and hugged Harriet and then stood by Ellen wrapping her arm around the lady’s waist.  “Elizabeth, please welcome Mrs Lee and Sally. Sally dear, my daughter Elizabeth is just a year younger than you. You are seventeen, going on eighteen I believe?”   

“Yes Ma’am, I’ll be eighteen at the end of September.

Elizabeth shook hands with Mrs Lee first and said, “Welcome to our home, Mrs Lee.” She then turned to Sally and, while shaking hands, looked her up and down very deliberately and still holding onto her hand, repeated the question she had posed to Sally’s aunt which got lost in Ellen’s introductions. “Six what, did you give her this morning Harriett?”

Sally took an immediate dislike to the newcomer and tried to pull her hand away but found that it was grasped even tighter. Elizabeth was the most extreme case of delayed puberty that Sally had ever encountered, but the girl was almost as tall as she was, and looked very athletic and strong. The solicited answer from Harriett brought a massive smile to that child-like face, “Six with the rattan cane Elizabeth, across her bottom.”

Sally whose cheeks were turning bright red, sighed quiet relief when the lady of the house announced, “Time for getting to know one another later Sally and Elizabeth, let’s all go through to the back garden, and I’ll bring through an aperitif for all.

Elizabeth had no intention of releasing her prey however and literally led Sally by the hand to the house and out back to a large stone circular table equipped with comfortable-looking chairs. Once they had seated, and whilst they, Harriett and Shelly awaited Ellen, Elizabeth fired another humiliating question. “Do you need to cane her frequently Harriett and is six strokes the maximum?”  

Harriett and Shelly exchanged smiles, quite uncaring that this line of conversation was causing Sally extreme embarrassment. “Yes Elizabeth, I need cane to Sally several times a week and of course, I insist that her teachers do not accept any shortcomings either.”

Just then Ellen came back with some refreshing drinks and snacks on a tray.

The childlike sixteen-year-old carried on with her interrogation which she knew very well was causing Sally difficulty. “Oh wow, in school too! Do you know Harriett, I have never even seen a cane? How long is it? Like this?” She held up her hands a couple of feet apart.

Leaning under the table, Harriett reached into her handbag and holding out the car key to Sally said, “Sally, be a dear and fetch the cane from the boot so that you can show it to Elizabeth.” Elizabeth, who had been sipping her drink, put it down and jumping up, said, “I’ll come with you, Sally.”

While the younger ones were away, Shelly said to their host that she thought her daughter looked very much younger than her sixteen years. Ellen laughed. “She is a very keen gymnast and competes at National level, so she does an enormous amount of training that our doctor tells us often causes delayed puberty. She is not worried herself, although I’m beginning to try and get her to reduce the time spent on the more energetic routines.”

The conversation had just turned to Ellen querying how Harriett’s newest product line was selling when the girls came back. Both looked agitated. Ellen queried her daughter, “What’s wrong dear, have you two been having a tiff already?”

“Mum, I wanted to hold that, pointing at the cane that Sally was holding, and she said no because I’m still a child, so she would bring it on her own. I said, hey you are only a year older, and she made fun of my flat chest and straight hips. So, I said she has huge tits and the widest hips I’ve ever seen.”

Harriett rose from her seat and stared at her niece with her arms on her hipbones.


The red-faced seventeen-year-old, could well recognise that look on her aunt’s face and tried to play down the events. “Ma’am, she was practically breaking your cane in two to force it out of my hand, and saying mean things about my shape, so I said the first thing that came to mind.”

“Indeed Sally, that is almost always what you say, the first thing that comes to mind. But it’s true isn’t it, you do have oversized breasts and hips?”

Without giving Sally time to open her mouth, she reached forward with her right hand. “Pass that cane, Girl and let’s see if I can teach you to count to twelve before insulting the daughter of our host next time.”

Shelly pushed back her chair and smiled.

Ellen asked her daughter to “be a darling and bring one of the tall wooden stools from the breakfast room so that Sally has something to hold onto while she receives her richly deserved lesson.”

Elizabeth, not believing her luck, ran to fetch the stool and as she went, she heard Harriett order her niece, “Dress, girdle and knickers off, Girl, hurry now. I should not have to tell you how to prepare.”

Elizabeth hoisted the heavy chestnut stool and hurried back so as not to miss any of the amazing preparations. She didn’t.

Sally was just stepping out of her dress revealing a lacy matching bra and girdle.  That bust was even fuller than, Elizabeth had thought but it was the multiple-strap girdle and tan stockings that caught her attention more.  She had never seen the like and said so.

Her mother laughed. “Yes, Elizabeth they disappeared even before I was born but Harriett rightly insists upon her students and employees wearing them as they are so much more elegant than simple modern underwear, especially so, on big extra-large-hipped girls like Sally here.”

Poor Sally was near tears. Humiliation piled upon humiliation! “Please, Ma’am this is just too much, can’t you punish me without that girl present?”

“Sally, my girl, now, not only will, Elizabeth be present, but your latest outburst has just earned you an extra three strokes which I will ask, Elizabeth to add after I have finished. Now, another word and it will be eighteen.”

Elizabeth grasped her opportunity in a flash and asked, “Harriett, thank you so kindly for offering me the chance to set the balance right but I’ve never used a cane, not yet anyway. Wouldn’t it be more appropriate if I take her over my lap and give her a good long hard spanking after you are finished?”

Harriet smiled broadly, saw the nod from Elizabeth’s mother and responded, “Yes, Elizabeth that is very wise of you and will be a very effective way of finishing off Sally’s lesson in manners today.”

“Why are you dawdling, Girl? Our host will want to get on with the luncheon preparations. Bare that enormous fat bottom so that I can begin the punishment.”

Sally had been frozen in thought, only for a minute, she had stood there trying to put some logic in the way things were unfolding. It took her only that time to realise that yet again, she had no choice but to submit to the decision of her aunt. To turn her thoughts to later when she would return home to her darling Sarah’s care.

Her “Yes, Ma’am, sorry, Ma’am.” Drew an exchange of smiles from all the others.

She undid the suspender clips from her stockings and tugged down the tight girdle. Her difficulty in doing so caused a snigger from the sixteen-year-old.

She placed the girdle on the seat of her own chair and then removed her knickers and added that too. With her hand critically placed to hide her shaved vulva, she moved to the stool and bent over holding onto the bottom rung.

Her aunt did not miss the chance to add more humiliation and taking the cane, slid it up between Sally’s thighs and tap tapped the insides of her thighs. “Come along now, Girl you know how I want those thighs spread wide.”

All could well see not only Sally’s hairless most intimate parts but the six still-vivid parallel lines across the centre of her wide buttocks. It was just above those six that Harriet see-sawed the cane now and measured her distance so that the end of the cane would snap into the furthest curve of the buttocks and not into empty air.

“Now, Sally next time, remember to count to twelve before reacting rudely in future.” She had timed her sentence to end at exactly the instant the cane whipped into the soft flesh.

Whoosh. Whackkk.

Always careful to cock back her wrist an instant before impact to enhance the whipping effect.

Sally did no more than groan and tighten her grip on the wood.

Elizabeth and her mother both moved forward on their chairs and watched agog.

Shelly smiled at her ever-efficient dominant friend, sat back, and crossed her legs.

Harriett wanted to impress her longtime friend and host this morning. She had spoken of her niece and how easily she had slipped into an especially submissive role within Harriet’s school and home. She raised the cane over her shoulder, twisting her hips as she did and then uncoiled like a spring bringing the rattan down to lash across the point just below the previous strokes of earlier that morning with a grunt.  That drew a louder protest from her niece and a gasp from the sixteen-year-old seated behind.

Elizabeth was beginning to feel sensations she had never felt in all her sixteen years. Those juddering rounded hemispheres, the newly developing lines of what must have felt like fire, the existing, now less-vivid tramlines, the sweet-looking pink anus and below, the swelling lips. She jumped out of her skin as another stroke exploded less than an inch below the previous one.  Her attention moved to the discipliner as strokes four and five were whipped down towards their target. Yes, she thought, that is exactly what this girl deserves, frequent discipline across those exaggeratedly wide buttocks. Across that deserving target. Yes, she could not wait for her turn. She squirmed on her chair as ‘the target’ lifted a leg just after stroke six. The target was now emitting louder yelps and beginning to sob.

Ellen’s attention had been, naturally, drawn to the weaving very large bottom just before her and the girl’s reactions. She was very pretty and downright sexy with those ample boobs, slim waist, and wide hips. She noted her daughter’s fascination, but her main attention was drawn towards her long-time friend, once lover, once student. She was over the moon that Harriett had made the effort finally to come and visit. Undoubtedly, Ellen’s recent divorce had helped the decision along. Whatever, she was here, and she was in wonderful, envious, form. The woman was a natural dominant. It was in her every sinew, every muscle, every bone, every nerve. 

Ellen’s plan for the afternoon hatched as strokes seven, eight and nine whipped in. She saw her daughter’s continued rapture and knew she could easily convince Elizabeth to take the others on a long walk through the nearby woods after lunch.  That would leave her and Harriett free to go upstairs and renew old acquaintances. 

Harriett paused, ran her fingertips along the rattan thoughtfully, turned towards the two adults, held it out in their direction in both hands with her eyebrows raised, smiled broadly at her ex-lecturer’s imitation of a slow metronome with her index finger and addressed her newest intimate playmate, “Would you care to carry on, Shelly, I’m sure a fresh arm would add a little more energy behind this cane to drive the lesson home.”

The Korean’s response sent a chill down Sally’s spine. “Certainly, Harriett dear, it will be my pleasure to soundly whip whose deserving fat cheeks for you.”

Sally moaned as she felt fingers caress her throbbing and tram-lined full cheeks. She knew she was not fat down there, Sarah had assured her that her bottom was ‘very full and rounded but not in the least flabby.’  She then felt Mrs Lee lift her buttocks in both hands before saying, “As I thought Sally, the parts where bottom and thighs meet is still unmarked. Let’s change that, shall we? Up on your tiptoes, Girl. Lean further over the stool, higher, come on.”

Shelly smiled as her dear friend’s niece submissively obeyed. No protest, just utter resignation to her fate, straining to stay up on her toes. Bottom throbbing. The indignation as she heard clearly the ‘child’ say to her mother, “Mum, am I seeing things or are her labia swelling. Why would that be Mum?

She did not hear the whispered response as Mrs Lee whipped the cane into her tender sit-spots THWACK!

Sally could not control her reaction and, yelling in pain, straightened up for just three seconds before regaining control and bending back over.

Shelly looked at, Harriett who made a sign in the air with her finger rolling forward through the air. She nodded and smiled. The significance was immediately clear to her.

“Back up on your toe tips, Girl. You know very well you are not allowed to get up until you have been given permission. We’ll have that stroke again.”

Sally groaned but obeyed. Leaning forward over the stool on her toe tips revealing the most tender parts between bottom and thigh tops. She gripped the rung of the stool so tight that her fingernails dug painfully into her palms. She was not going to risk more repeats.

Mrs Lee see-sawed the rattan back and forth exactly over the line where the previous stroke had landed. This was, she told herself, the first and last time the girl would get out of position while she was doing the caning. With her left arm hinged on her hip for balance, she raised the cane with her right and not taking her eye off the target for a second, whipped the cane down exactly where it had left a line of fire the first time.

Whoosh Thwack!

Her victim yelled out louder than before but with the control given only to those who know extreme submission, she stayed over. Wavering only a split second down onto the flat of her left foot before regaining the exact position required by the dominant Asian lady.

Mrs Lee, recognising that the girl had just crossed into new depths of submission, put the rod under her left arm and moved closer to caress the shivering stretched back.  “Good girl, you are handling this well. Just two more and we’ll have finished your caning. It’s what you needed isn’t it, Sally. To keep you in the right frame of mind?”

She beamed at Harriett as the reply came in a sobbing voice. “Ye..sss, Ma’am, t..thank you, Ma’am.” She moved her hand down to the striped orbs and continued to caress. “Then Sally I’ll make the last two very quick.” She was no longer surprised when her words drew yet another. “Thank you, Ma’am.”

Standing back in position to Sally’s left, she tapped the cane an inch below the double-stroke, raising the cane to below shoulder height this time, she landed a much lighter stroke.


She heard Sally suck in air but make no other sound.

Then she aimed the last even lower but brought the rattan down with more force to not give mistaken messages.


That brought another yell from the teenager, but position was maintained.

Shelly went to where Harriett was seated and passed her the wand, they both adored using.

Harriett took it. “Thank you, dear Shelly, that was perfect. Sally, you may stand. Place your hands on your head and stay right where you are with your well-caned enormous bottom facing us.

Elizabeth had found totally new levels of paradise she had never dreamed existed. The very sore-looking fleshy rotundities a few paces before her, wobbled as their owner took up the position she had been instructed to take. She was not in the least sympathetic. She was fascinated by the control demonstrated by her mum’s adult guests. Neither lady had demonstrated the slightest doubt that her authority could be questioned. Both were utterly at ease in this extraordinary situation. ‘Extraordinary’ for Elizabeth being normal for them it seems. A fact which added greatly to her admiration of them.  She knew in that moment that she wanted to become like them.

She took the bull by the horns and asked, “May I feel her bottom, Harriett?”

“Why of course you may, Elizabeth, dear, enjoy the feel of those ridges that are forming and then take your chair near her and have her bend over your lap for the good spanking she richly deserves for being rude to you earlier. Shelly and I need your bathroom a moment if we may Ellen? Please wait for our return before you start spanking her, Elizabeth.”

“Yes, of course, I’ll show you. Actually, I need to go too so I’ll just run to the upstairs bathroom a moment. 

Humiliation upon humiliation thought Sally as her throbbing bottom was fondled by this girl who was just one year her junior but looked so much younger.  When the adults were out of earshot, Elizabeth squeezed a buttock in each hand and said in Sally’s ear, “See what being a snotty bitch to me gets you, Sally?”

Sally yelped in protest at the renewed pain and shouted, “I was not a snotty bitch to you, I simply did not want you carrying the cane.”

“Ah, but that is not the way I told the story and your aunt believed me of course as I am her best friend’s sweet daughter.”   

“Now I’m going to give you a long and hard spanking and I will thoroughly enjoy it. You won’t though, on top of these sore stripes.” Then she released her double hold on the folds of bottom flesh she had grabbed and massaged up, down and around each bottom cheek just as she heard the others return.

 “Aunty Harriett, may I call you Aunty?” She said sweetly?”

 Harriett was no fool and knew she was being played but laughed and replied that it would be nice.

“Aunty Harriett, Mum can have lunch ready in about fifteen minutes I think so wouldn’t it be better if I give Sally her spanking after lunch. It would also give her more time to think about her rudeness?”

Sally didn’t appreciate having a new ‘cousin’ but most of all did not want this reiteration claiming she had been rude when in fact it was not, she who had been rude but Elizabeth. She had only started a protest when she felt a hard SLAP on her left lower bottom. “Quiet please Sally, I’m talking to Aunty Harriett”.   

‘Why on Earth’ Sally would ask herself much later, but she did go quiet.

Harriett mouthed a silent WOW in Elizabeth’s mother’s direction, thought for a few seconds and turning back to her new ‘niece’ chuckled and replied, “You are in charge of her for the afternoon, Elizabeth, dear, whatever you think is best.”

“Thank you, Aunty Harriett, I won’t let you down.”

Turning back to her victim, “Stay right as you are Sally, I’m going to give Mum a hand to finish the lunch preparations.”

As the promising Dominant walked after her mum towards the house, Harriett twisted the knife in Sally’s wound with a loud, “Your response Sally? You forgot to say, ‘Yes, Miss Elizabeth’, correct Sally? “ 

The response took three seconds longer than Harriett would have preferred but it came, “Yes, Miss Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth beamed and her ego grew ten feet there and then.

Having left Sally in position for a further ten minutes while she and Shelly chatted about university days, Harriett announced, “Okay Girl, you may drop your arms and go and ask our hosts if you can be of any help.” Sally sighed relief quietly and responded, “Thank you Ma’am, may I get dressed first Ma’am, it seems rude to come to the table in just my bra and nothing else?”

Just then, Elizabeth came back out carrying a T-shirt and a towel. “Put this T-shirt on Sally, it will be a bit tight but better than having you sit at the table in just a bra.” “Thank you, Miss Elizabeth, that is very kind.” “Oh no problem, it was Mum’s idea, I’d have left you as you are. She also noticed that you are seeping juice down there and doesn’t want you ruining the seat so put this towel under you at the table.”

Sally blushed deep purple and automatically put her hand to her vulva to check. She groaned and asked if she could use the bathroom.

Delighting in the girl’s embarrassment, “Yes, you may. Don’t forget to wash those hands afterwards and come through to the kitchen after as there is lots to bring out.”

Being treated like this by a girl a year younger than she, who, worse still, looked like a child rather than a teenager, brought Sally back to the verge of tears as she went to the bathroom.

Afterwards, when she went to the kitchen as she had been instructed, she was met by a cross-looking Elizabeth “When I gave you permission to go to the bathroom a moment ago, I did not hear your response, Girl! What should you have said?”

Initially flummoxed, she caused the younger girl to repeat her question in a very, very loud voice that would have been heard down at the gate, never mind just outside by the ladies seated at the lunch table. Elizabeth then waited no longer, she went behind Sally and whacked her still bare and roasted bottom with a large wooden spoon.


“Owwww please, yes, Miss Elizabeth, sorry, Miss Elizabeth.”

 “Good, now take these out to the table.” The required response came without a need for a reminder this time.

“Yes, Miss Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth smiled at, Harriett who had stood up and popped her head around the doorway. Harriett made room for Sally to pass and then made a thumbs-up sign toward Elizabeth and her mum.

Ellen must have had everything near ready as they were all seated ten minutes later. The food was delicious, and compliments were given and accepted happily but each person had her own agenda filling her thoughts.

Sally, seated on a towel between her bare bottom and the well-upholstered chair, was of course dreading what was to come after lunch and hoped for a rapid return home to Harriett’s house and Sarah’s soothing care.

Elizabeth on ‘cloud nine’ thinking upon how she would continue to demonstrate her newfound extraordinary power to all here. She wished her best friend were here to watch. What a thrill when she told her about this. Would she be believed? Gosh, maybe she should ask her mum to take a pic of Sally over her lap. Yes, she’d arrange that.

She heard her mum call her name which shook her from her deep thoughts. “Elizabeth, dear, I want you to take, Mrs Lee and Sally down through the woods and onto the lake after we are done here. Harriett and I have so much to catch up on, we’d love a bit of peace here for an hour or so.”

Elizabeth, realising her friend would probably be down at the lake too and if not, she’d call her to come down, agreed happily. This way, no need for a pic. The proof would be there in the flesh, quite literally.


To be continued….

Published 3 years ago

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