Sally’s new life – A stunning initiation.

"Hurry along girl. I ought to turn you over my knee right here in the station, for keeping me waiting"

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It all started shortly after the car accident which killed both her parents. Seventeen-year-old Sally’s only remaining relative was her Uncle George, and even though he had become her legal guardian, he took absolutely no responsibility or interest in the girl’s welfare and gladly left, what he saw as an unwelcome intrusion, to his young wife Harriet.

Harriet picked up Sally from the train station, and the teenager’s world turned from bad to worse within the first ten words from her aunt, who was, after all, at twenty-eight, only a little older than she. “Hurry along, girl. I ought to turn you over my knee right here in the station for keeping me waiting, but it will have to wait until we get home, or I risk getting a parking ticket.”

Sally, shocked into silence, initially replied, “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting Aunt Harriet, but I was confused by the strange indications and took the wrong elevator.”

“You will be, I assure you, very sorry once I have you indoors, my girl. I ordered three punishment canes once I heard we were going to be having you. Now hurry or that fat bottom of yours will be black and blue if I get a ticket because of you.”

Sally’s mind was in turmoil as she rushed along to keep up with her aunt. She blushed at the reference to her admittedly, generous, hips but the mention of canes terrified her. She’d been given two strokes on each hand, as well as detention in the fourth-form last year for being caught smoking, but her parents had never owned a cane, nor even smacked her, since she had been about eight. Now this acquired aunt, whom she had met only once before, at her uncle’s second marriage, was threatening to change that.

Fortunately, there was no parking ticket. Sally loaded her trolly into the back of Aunt Harriet’s station wagon and got into the passenger seat. As soon as the car was out of the parking lot, Harriet dropped her next bombshell; “Once you are indoors, get those jeans off and I’ll inspect your luggage. No jeans, trousers or leggings for you anymore my girl. Skirts and dresses only.”

“But Aunty,” said Sally looking very directly at Harriet’s designer jeans.

“The next ‘but’ I hear from you will add three more strokes to the six I’ve already decided you are getting, when we get home. You do what I say from now on without any question and it is not Aunty, it is Ma’am, when addressing me, and Sir when addressing your Uncle George. Is that quite clear girl?

“Yes, Aunt… I mean yes Ma’am.”

Her aunt was all she was not. Tall, slim, blonde, blue-eyed and assertive. Sally was only five-feet-two-inches, with long straight jet-black hair and a waist which tended to bulge when she was not careful about her diet and exercise. Breasts which drew more attention than she wanted, in and out of school, and a hip to waist ratio which made squeezing into fashionable jeans a bit of a struggle. She had the habit of wearing long tops to hide her hips.

She was certainly not a team leader, and tried to blend in with whatever the majority decided. Being dragged away from her Kent roots, meant also losing her dearest-ever friend Julie with whom she had shared even her most secret thoughts, since the days when they had started together at the same Grammar school.

The car turned into a long tree-lined drive and then into a detached garage with they entered thanks to an automatic door. Her aunt got out and waited while Sally retrieved her trolly. “This way girl,” as she led the way to an enormous house that stood on the far side of the lawn.

Sally was not yet taking in her surroundings; she was perplexed as to why her aunt kept referring to her as “girl” rather than by her name.

They reached the entrance which opened to a magnificent hallway with large rooms left and right which they passed before reaching a wide stairway, which they did not take, but carried on via a reduced passageway off to the right side of the stairs.

Harriet’s heels clicked loudly on the granite floor and Sally hurried to catch up before her aunt disappeared.

Then they took a sharp right and entered a room with bookshelves on two sides. In the center stood a desk. It was a replica of an old-fashioned school desk. Just a little further, on a raised platform was an oak table with a comfortable-looking chair. Behind the chair, attached to the wall was a blackboard.

Sally took in the fact that it was a classroom. A very strange classroom with only one desk, dawned on Sally, in the same instant in which she saw it; A long dark-yellow colored, crook-handled cane, hanging on a hook, placed between the blackboard and the remaining, window-lined wall. Beyond, was another flowerbed-decorated lawn, but her attention was all on that cane.

Her aunt, who was beaming at Sally’s open-mouthed reaction said, “This is our private study room, specially modified from the library it once was. Here I can keep a close eye on your progress.”

She waited a moment to allow Sally to catch up before adding, “Take those trainers off, you can use them only for exercise-time from here on. For normal use I hope you have brought proper shoes, otherwise, I’ll have the housekeeper find you something until we can get you some from town.” Sally said nothing, just bent and unlaced her trainers.

Harriet did not give her niece the pause she sought and said; “When I give you an instruction you will respond, ‘YES, Ma’am.’” Sally shocked by the loud tone, looked up from her task to see her aunt reach for and take down the dreaded cane.

“Yes, Ma’am,” she shouted and pulled off the shoes as she rose, frightened.

Harriet pressed on her advantage and added; “I told you already that when we get indoors you were to remove those jeans, now be quick about it girl!”

This time Sally automatically responded to the barked command with a, “Yes Ma’am,” which brought a sinister smile to Harriet’s stare. She then lowered her gaze from Sally’s face and flexed the rattan rod between her hands. Sally fumbled with her belt buckle and pushed down her jeans with a bit more of a struggle than usual given her agitated state.

“Wake up girl, I do not have all day to dedicate to you!” Sally hurried and tugged the jeans off. “Get those disgusting tights off too, girl. Throw them on the floor with your jeans. You will wear neither again, as I want you in skirts and short white socks, or on special occasions, I’ll allow you to wear stockings with a dress, but not those. Now your knickers. Quickly!”

Just as Sally was peeling off her lacy thong, a middle-aged woman in a black dress and white apron walked in and said, “Welcome home Ma’am. I’m very happy to see that you got here in such good time with young Sally.”

She did not appear in the least surprised by the scene in front of her eyes. To Sally, it seemed as if this newcomer treated this crazy situation as if it were the most normal thing in the world. A lady with a punishment cane flexed between her hands and a teenaged half-nude girl being barked at.

“What on earth do you call that, girl? Those are NOT knickers. Throw them with the rest!” Sally was so frightened she began to cry.

“Stop that sniffling, girl, I’ll be giving you something to really cry about in a moment.”

Addressing herself to the newcomer, Harriet said; “Mrs. Higgins, Sally here kept me waiting ten minutes after the train arrived, and you know I don’t tolerate being kept waiting.”

“Of course you don’t Ma’am, you have far too much to keep your day full as it is. She certainly deserves a good lesson if I may say so, Ma’am.”

“And that is just what she’ll get in a moment, Mrs. Higgins.”

Turning back to Sally; “Girl, you will refer to Mrs. Higgins with the utmost respect as she has my absolute trust. Mrs. Higgins, later, kindly open and inspect my niece’s luggage. I hope she has some suitable shoes, otherwise, I would ask you please to get her something for tomorrow, and then I will add them to the list of things we are going to need. You, of course, know what I consider unsuitable for my students and my niece will be abiding by the same rules.”

Sally, standing bare to the waist apart from her gratefully long top, was so preoccupied she did not immediately register the word ‘students’. She nearly jumped out of her skin when her aunt ordered her loudly, “off with that top too girl, it’s far too long.”

Sally started to lift off the top but failed to acknowledge the instruction. “I did NOT hear, ‘YES Ma’am,’ did you, Mrs. Higgins?”

“No, Ma’am, she is very absentminded it seems, Ma’am.”

“Absolutely correct Mrs. Higgins and what would you suggest we do to cure absentmindedness?”

“Two extra strokes of the cane perhaps, Ma’am?”

The two adults looked at Sally who was holding by now her folded top in front of her abdomen.

“You are along the right lines Mrs. Higgins but we can’t be too lenient with her mistakes or she won’t learn quickly. Let’s make that three extra, shall we?” It was evident Harriet did not expect a response as she instead, made Sally jump again with a sudden, “THROW that top on the pile girl and get those hands clasped upon your head.“

Miraculously, Sally remembered to give the required acknowledgment this time and obeyed. She looked so vulnerable and frightened, exactly as her aunt had planned. Her proud breasts heaved in her white lace bra, but it was her copious dark bush, that drew the attention of both ladies. “Goodness me Mrs. Higgins you have quite a task ahead of you there,” her aunt said, pointing.

“Oh, I’ve managed worse Ma’am,” the housekeeper said, laughing heartily.

Sally had no idea what they meant.

Her aunt barked another instruction. “Spread those legs wider girl. This will be the position you hold when I call you to ATTENTION. Is that clear?”

Sally squeaked a, “Yes Ma’am,” and Harriet circled her, now swishing the cane through thin air as she looked Sally up and down.

Mrs. Higgins watched her employer, fascinated as always by the aura of control she oozed. “This is the room you will report to after normal lessons, my girl. When you get here, you will immediately remove your uniform-skirt and knickers and place them on the stand there by the door. Then you will sit at your desk and wait for me.

“When I come, I will question you on the day’s lessons and punish any errors with this cane. There are two more identical canes in the house, one in the dining room and another in your bedroom, so that a suitable correction is always within easy reach.”

As she spoke, Harriet admired her niece’s exceptionally wide, full hips from behind. The bottom swelled out and overhung like that of a mature woman rather than that which would be typical of a seventeen-year-old girl. Tracing her fingertips along the length of the sinuous rattan and then, moving closer, she traced the same fingertips across the soft overhanging buttocks, weighing each in turn.

Before Sally had time to react, came the order; “Now girl, six strokes for keeping me waiting and three extras for your absentmindedness. Bend over your desk, spread wide and hold on tight. Do not get up, or the stroke will be repeated. Hurry girl, or do I have to add another three for disobedience?”

Sally wiped her tearstained cheeks, took a deep breath and sealed her fate by taking the three paces to “her” desk. It was higher on the front and so, as she bent over it and faced the seat her lower half was higher than her torso. She felt the cane tap tap between the insides of her calves. “Spread wider girl, we don’t want you losing your balance.”

Sally blushed as she realized the view the two ladies behind her would be presented with. As if reading her mind her aunt said, “Don’t fret Sally, the only male in the house is my husband, your Uncle George, and he is totally occupied with his business which keeps him on airplanes half his life it seems.”

It was the least possible appropriate time for the thought to concern her, but she could not help wondering why her aunt addressed her with her name for the very first time.

Mrs. Higgins came close and gently moved Sally’s hands from the desktop to the seat below. She felt her full breasts pressed harder to the desktop as a result, but she realized that by gripping the far side of the seat, she would find it easier to stay down, as her aunt had warned.

Mrs. Higgins had not yet let go of her wrists, when Sally heard a swhooshh, and the spot which divided thigh and bottom, suddenly exploded, in pain. Sally yelped, and had Mrs. Higgins not held her, she would have jumped up. Mrs. Higgins whispered in Sally’s ear, “be brave dear, or it will be far worse.” Then, she let Sally cope on her own and straightened up.

Harriet and her housekeeper exchanged nods. Then stroke number two swept in and up, to join the first, just an inch higher up those overhanging curves. Again, they exchanged nods. The girl was a natural submissive, she moaned but held onto the seat. “I hope you learn that I do not tolerate being kept waiting,” Harriet grunted as she sped strokes three and four in rapid succession.

Sally yelled louder, let go with her right hand and lifted her left foot, both momentarily but managed to say, “Yes Ma’am, sorry Ma’am.”

Harriet paused now, admiring the vivid weals which were turning rapidly from white to scarlet. She again flexed the cane in both hands and sensing Mrs. Higgins was admiring her technique, flashed a broad smile back. The strokes were by no means light, but far from her hardest, as she wanted to break her niece in slowly. There would be endless other opportunities.

The bottom at her disposal was large. She had marked only the very lowest curves yet. She tapped the cane several times on a line just slightly higher than the previous stroke and said in a gentle tone; “You are taking your correction very well, Sally. I think we will get along just fine. Hold on tight now.”

Again, she did not use anything like her full force, but this time, cocked her wrist back just as the cane buried into the fleshy curves. The effect was, as she had intended, a whipping one which added extra bite.

Sally cried out her loudest yet. For a moment, she did not move, but then, uncurled her fingers from the seat and lifted slightly. “Ah, ah, ah,” said her aunt and Sally grasped the seat, gulping in air at the same time. Harriet and Mrs. Higgins again exchanged smiles as the dominant blonde waited for her new charge to settle.

Sally’s mind was in turmoil, she had never felt pain like this before, yet she also felt strangely as though she wanted to make her aunt proud, and show her that she was going to live up to the elegant lady’s very high standards.

“Ouchhh,” another line of fire exploded. Her tears flowed even more and she gripped the seat tighter as she felt another tap-tap.

“Hold on extra tight now, dear, I’m going to give you the three, for absentmindedness all together.”

Strokes seven, eight and nine whipped down in rapid succession, and Sally balled out, lifting each leg in turn, but holding onto the seat for dear life.

Just then, Mrs. Higgins put one arm around her shoulders and with her other hand, helped the teenager uncurl her desperate grip.

Harriet watched approvingly but did not wish to surpass the boundary she had created between herself and her niece. She had used some words of endearment and encouragement, but physical contact would destroy the necessary barrier of fear.

She noted with pride that she had managed to avoid crisscrossing any of the tramlines with those last three rapid strokes, and that there was still almost all of the girl’s upper bottom white as it had been before she had started. Then she put the cane back on its hook and left Housekeeper to bring the girl down slowly back to normal. They exchanged one last smile as she left the study and headed for the stairs.



Published 5 years ago

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