Saint To Slut In Just Seven Days: Saturday P.M.

"Samantha has her first experience with another woman and it's everything she had hoped."

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Bec grinned and did up one button on her dress, pulling the top together but leaving the middle gaping. I did up a couple of my own buttons after slipping my arms back into the sleeves, and we both got out of the car. I barely remembered to lock it as we walked away; I was so focused on her.

In the lobby, she turned to the stairs instead of the elevator, and a quick glance in their direction showed a sign declaring they were out of use while they were being serviced. I let Bec lead the way and was practically mesmerised by her ass in that short dress as it flipped up and down in front of me, revealing tantalising glimpses of her ass with each step. I wanted to reach out and touch her, but I knew we would never get any further if I did.

I couldn’t have said how many flights of stairs we went up because I was content to climb all day with that beautiful carrot dangled in front of me. I was almost caught off guard when Bec turned right at the landing rather than continuing to spiral up and to the left. She held the door open for me, and I stepped through into the hallway. There were six apartments on this floor, three to the left and three to the right. Bec began walking along the corridor, and I followed, but as she walked, she was swinging her hips very sexily, and at the same time, she began to undo the top button on her dress. She shrugged it off her shoulders, and I watched as the top half gathered on her hips, leaving her naked from the waist up. It was incredibly exciting to watch, and I decided to join in the fun. I undid my buttons as well, and just like Bec, I slipped my dress down off my shoulders.

It was so exciting to be walking along topless, not knowing if somebody was going to step out of their door at any moment. I thought about how exciting it would be if they did, and I stopped in my tracks. I wanted someone to walk out and see me, and the thought was so erotic that I took it a step further. I pushed with my hands and wiggled my hips so that the dress slid completely off me, then I kicked off my sandals. I bent over and picked them up, then stood there, completely naked, waiting for Bec to notice. She reached the door at the end on the right before she noticed I was no longer directly behind her. She looked down the corridor at me, and I saw a wicked smile spread across her face.

Bec took her cue from me, shimmied out of her own dress, and stood there naked, holding her arms up and out as though welcoming me in. I wanted to run into her arms and feel her naked body on my own, but I casually, and as sexily as I could, walked towards her. I was half hoping someone would walk out their door right at this moment to watch us, but it didn’t happen. When I reached her, I pulled Bec into a strong embrace. I felt, for the first time, a completely naked woman’s body pressed against mine. She felt so smooth and firm but soft, and I wanted to touch her everywhere with every part of me. I was practically salivating with the desire to taste her, and I was incredibly wet with arousal.

Bec managed to somehow open the door and guide us inside her apartment without losing contact with my lips or the rest of my body. If anyone had seen us, it would have appeared like an erotic, naked waltz. Once the door closed, the intensity of our passion seemed to go up a notch. I began kissing her jaw, her neck, her ear, and her shoulders. I couldn’t get enough of the feeling of her skin beneath my lips.

She was panting as though she had just run and was making these beautiful mewling sounds. I half squatted because I am quite a bit taller than Bec, and my super-sensitive nipples rubbed against hers. It sent a shiver through both of us, and I found myself moving in small circles to make it happen over and over again.

Bec was almost shivering as the sensations coursed through her body, and I could feel the tension in her body as much as in my own. I dropped to my knees and began kissing Bec’s stomach. I could feel her breasts all but resting on my head, and I turned up to face them. I delighted in the feel of their smooth heaviness as they rubbed across my face. I reached up and took hold of them as I kissed and sucked on the underside of it. My thumbs gently drew soft circles around her nipples. I could feel them flick across as my thumbs moved past them to begin their circuit again, and Bec let out another small moan as a shiver ran through her body.

I leaned forward a little until I could reach her nipples with my mouth. I spent quite a bit of time exploring the sensations and texture of her skin with my lips and tongue. I did all the things that I liked having done to me, and Bec certainly seemed to be enjoying my efforts. I felt like an amateur at best, but her reactions made me think that I wasn’t doing too bad of a job.

I released her nipple and looked up at her as she smiled down at me. She leaned forward and kissed me, then smiled as her hands cupped my face gently.

“Are you sure I’m your first? It certainly doesn’t feel like it.”

“Oh, absolutely, but I have thought about this a lot.”

I couldn’t help but smile at her praise, but I had plenty more I wanted to do yet. I leaned in and kissed her belly, then placed my hands on her hips. I kissed my way lower and lower, down past her navel, until I felt the texture of her skin change. It went from the soft, smooth texture of her belly to the very light stubble where she had shaved just this morning. My hands slipped around and cupped her ass as my butt pressed against my heels. I could smell her arousal, and it excited me.

My heart felt like it was racing as I nervously began to kiss lower. I was excited and scared at the same time, as well as being overwhelmingly turned on. I placed a gentle kiss right at the juncture where her two lips met, just over the hood of her clit and she shivered. I felt her ass begin to tighten as she subconsciously pushed her pussy towards me. She liked what I was doing but definitely wanted more. I felt like I was hovering over a precipice, right at the point of diving off.

I reached out with my tongue and felt it slip between her lips. She was very wet and slippery, and the sensation was amazing. I pushed further and slid my tongue slowly up until I felt the hardened and swollen little nodule that was her clit. She let out a moan, and I felt her thighs tremble a little. Her hand scrunched in my hair, and she pushed gently, as though guiding me, asking me to apply more pressure.

What at first had been quite tentative motions from me changed as I stepped over that last hurdle and realised that I liked this; more than liked it, I was quite literally losing my mind with desire. I went from delicate, tentative kisses and licks to diving in as deep and as hard as I could.

Bec was moaning louder and calling out to me, and somehow we ended up on the floor. I don’t remember it happening, but suddenly Bec was on her back, and I was lying on my stomach. Bec’s thighs were above my shoulders, and her calves were on my back. I had my whole face practically buried in her pussy as I tried to reach more and more of her. I licked her lips; I flicked my tongue over her clit and I tried to see how far inside her I could explore with my tongue. I licked delicately around her opening, and when I reached the bottom side, I flicked my tongue across her perineum. This sent shivers through her and caused her hips to buck up and down. Several times my tongue slid across her asshole, and when I realised what was happening and that there was no off-putting taste, I attacked that with vigour as well.

I sucked her lips into my mouth, and I focused on her clit for a while as I sucked it into my mouth and flicked it with the tip of my tongue. She was calling out over and over as I sent her to the edge. Instinctively, knowing what works for me when I am close to the edge like that, I pushed two fingers of my right hand deep into her and curled them up against her G-spot. I made a beckoning motion with my hand as I sucked her clit and she squealed. Her hips pushed up off the floor, and I could feel the vibrations of her orgasm coursing through her body.

I marvelled at how she felt so similar to me but subtly different too, as her pussy squeezed against my fingers. There was a surge of cum from her that added to the moisture that was already smeared all over my face, hand, and wrist. I wanted to be completely covered in it, head to toe. I loved the fact that I was making her cum, and I wanted more.

Bec was grunting and laughing at the same time as she began to push me away. I know it was because she was suddenly oversensitive, and I know that I have been there too, but I was shocked at how it made me feel, and I had a sudden insight into what it was like for a man to please a woman. I wanted to give her more, and it hurt a little to be pushed away like that, but I empathised as well.

I carefully withdrew my fingers and released her from my lips. I sat up and watched this incredibly sexy woman writhing in front of me. Her thighs were still wrapped around me and squeezing rhythmically. Her eyes were fixed on mine, and there was a fire burning behind them that made her look sexy and dangerous.

Knowing I had just done these things and made my friend cum so effectively was a huge turn-on, and my own cum was running down my thighs. Bec began to sit up, and I helped her. I was sitting on the floor, and her thighs were around my waist now, and when I helped her sit up, she practically sat in my lap with her arms and her legs wrapped around me. Our breasts were mashed together, and we kissed each other deeply and passionately.

Bec began kissing me all over my face and even licking a few spots.

“I fucking adore having my cum all over your face. It’s time for me to taste you, though.”

She pushed me gently back, and I found myself lying on my back as Bec began to do to me what I had just done to her. I couldn’t help but make constant comparisons to Stefan as Bec began doing things to me that he had done as well. I know it’s not a fair comparison to make, but it’s all I had to understand this whole experience. It felt amazing, and Bec knew her way around my body seemingly better than I did. Her touch was lighter and softer than any man I had ever been with, and it filled me with a feeling of both tenderness and anticipation.

As much as I was enjoying Bec exploring my body, the tension and excitement that had built in me as I pleasured her were now at such a high point that I needed her to be more aggressive with me. She was kissing all around my breasts, and it felt lovely, but I wanted and needed more. I placed my hands on top of her head and began pushing, trying to guide her to what I needed. Bec chuckled and looked up at me.

“Someone’s getting impatient.”

“I’m sorry, but I need you so badly right now. I need you to make me cum.”

Bec smiled and then kissed my quivering belly.

“Your wish is my command.”

She went back to what she was doing, but she was no longer meandering or taking her time. She kissed her way down my belly, and I could feel her nipples dragging across my skin until they fell down between my spread legs. She wriggled her body down, and she used her hands to push my legs back, exposing me completely to her gaze. She took a moment to look at me, and as I looked down at her, I could see the desire burning in her eyes. She looked up at me with a wicked grin and licked her lips.

“Fuck, you look delicious.”

I didn’t get a chance to reply because the words I was formulating all tumbled together and came out of my mouth as a moan because, right at that moment, she went face-first into my pussy like it was the tastiest dish she had ever eaten. My mind became a blank echo chamber as sensation took over and disallowed anything that resembled a coherent thought. My mind became a loop of white noise as pleasure took over and ruled every sense I had. It was intense beyond measure, and no words could adequately describe what I was feeling.

She knew me. She understood the finest of details that made the difference between a great orgasm and a brain-melting, sheet-soaking, screamer of an orgasm. The pleasure she made me feel was like nothing I had ever experienced with anyone else before, not even myself.

Had I honestly said to myself that this was an experiment and that I may or may not try it again sometime? The level at which I had underestimated myself here was staggering. There was no way this was going to be a one-time thing. Bec was like heroin—like crack—one hit of this incredibly intoxicating drug was enough to get you hooked. Yet on some level, I knew that, just like a high, this was slightly hollow. There was something that should have been here but wasn’t. I knew, somehow, that after this was all over, I would feel as though it lacked something, and I knew what that something was.

It was love; it was Stefan; it was that feeling of being so important to someone that they didn’t just desire you; they didn’t just want you; they needed you as much as you needed them. It was something that I realised made all the difference. It didn’t mean this wasn’t incredibly good. It absolutely was, but it did give me a certain insight into what I wanted and needed in my life. That’s not to say that this experience wouldn’t be revisited from time to time; it absolutely would be, but it was never going to take the place of that undefinable thing that made the difference and made my heart flutter.

All of that said, Bec was doing things to me that had never been done to me before. Her fingers automatically found the places within me that sent those quivers through me with an intensity that no one else had ever found before. Her lips and tongue were soft and feminine, yet firm in exactly the right way. I was riding a seemingly endless cloud of orgasmic bliss. She would effortlessly, almost carelessly, bring me to the brink of insanity and hold me there until I felt like I would explode into a thousand shards of broken glass. She then gave me that gentle nudge, and I rolled over the edge into an abyss of tingling pleasure that seemed to encompass me internally and externally, like floating in a warm sea of pleasure that supported me like water but also flowed through me as though it were passing between all the cells of my body and tickling them on the way past.

As I was coming down, I had the strange sensation that I was waking from the deepest sleep, or perhaps an anaesthetic. It was almost as though I had been absent from my body for a while. As sensation crept back into my body, the things I could feel were extremely sensitive. I could feel the fibres of the rug I was lying on pressing into my back. I could hear my breaths coming in gasps, and my heart was thudding along at a fast, galloping pace. I could feel it in my chest, but I could also feel my blood rushing through the arteries and veins in my neck. My legs felt incredibly heavy and almost numb, but the moment I thought that they were numb, I realised I could feel the rug against them as well. It was like my body was slowly waking up from some deep hibernation.

Recollection came rushing back in, and I looked down the length of my body, expecting to see Bec sitting there, but I was alone. I turned my head to the right, and the muscles and tendons in my neck seemed to creak like they hadn’t been used in ages. I heard a noise and tried to focus on where it was coming from. Then I saw Bec, in all her naked glory, as she padded back into the room, carrying a glass of water.

“Oh, you’ve come back to us.”

She was grinning, and I felt a strange sense of embarrassment. What the hell had happened? I tried to sit up, and it took me several goes to get my body to move appropriately. I eventually got myself into a seated position and immediately realised that I wasn’t just wet; I was soaked. From my belly to my knees, I was dripping, and I wondered momentarily if Bec had poured water on me and was coming in with a second glassful. The rug beneath my butt was wet too, and I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. I looked at Bec, who was handing the glass of water to me. I took it without thinking and realised I was incredibly thirsty. I was so confused, and it made me feel strangely vulnerable.

“Bec… what the hell happened?”

Bec chuckled, but her smile was genuine and warm, which made me feel a bit better.

“Well, let’s just say that was a first for me, and judging by the look of confusion on your face, it was a first for you too.”

This did not help my confusion at all, and clearly, the look on my face said as much.

“Sam, you just had possibly the biggest orgasm I have ever seen another woman have. I’m kind of jealous, to be honest. You came so hard that you stopped breathing for a while, and you squirted more cum than I would have thought was possible. I thought you were going to drown me for a second there.”

I looked down at my wet torso and legs and the rug.

“All of this was from me?”

“Oh, yeah, and then some. As much as that was on me too.”

I was mortified. I had never completely lost control of myself like that before.

“Oh, my God. I am so sorry, Bec. I am so embarrassed.”

“Embarrassed? Why? That was amazing. Sam, that was one of the most erotic things that has ever happened to me.”


I thought about it for a moment and realised that if I were in her position, I would be feeling pretty pleased with myself too.

“Did I pass out or something?”

“I think so. It was intense. You started crying out, almost screaming, then you just… Well, you kind of convulsed and then started squirting like crazy. You tensed right up and kind of had me trapped between your thighs for a few moments, then you just went completely limp. You didn’t even stir while I separated myself from your body. I checked to make sure you were breathing okay, then I went and got a towel. I have had some very wet orgasms before too, and I know how thirsty I get afterwards, so I got you a glass of water. I was coming to see if I needed to try and wake you up, but you were already awake.”

“Holy crap!”

Bec laughed again.

“Yeah, holy crap! I have never seen anyone cum that hard. Just thinking about it gets me tingling again. It was so fucking hot, Sam.”

My mind was blown. I squirted? I passed out. I didn’t even know that an orgasm could cause these things to happen. I mean, I have seen videos of girls squirting, and of course, I had heard about it, but I had kind of assumed that it was bullshit, or at the very least an exaggeration. I have had some very wet orgasms, especially lately, but I have never squirted.

I couldn’t help but wonder if something had gone wrong with me. Was it normal for anyone to pass out from an intense orgasm? Had I had a brain aneurysm, or was there a tumour in my brain? If there was, was it that that was making me so damn horny? If it were, there would be worse side effects, I guess, but still, it was enough to make me worry. I couldn’t seem to stop myself from overthinking. Bec seemed to notice that my mind was spiralling out of control, and she squatted down in front of me. She placed a hand on either side of my face and held my gaze.

“Sam, you are fine. This happens sometimes, and it’s nothing to worry about.”

I nodded and tried to believe it. I even began to feel a little better, but the niggling seed of doubt had taken hold, and it wouldn’t completely die.

Bec stood back up and then helped me to my feet. She embraced me in a hug that a true friend would give, although the fact that we were both still naked did add a different spice to it. I appreciated the hug for how it was meant, and I was once again surprised by this level of friendship.

As Bec released me, I felt our skin pull apart, sticking slightly due to the moisture still on us both. It tingled in such a delightful way, and when I thought about the fact that we were both still damp because we were covered in each other’s cum, it sent those tingles elsewhere. I would have pursued it if I wasn’t still feeling like an exhausted plate full of jelly.

Bec took hold of my hand and began to walk. She led me from the entry/lounge/dining area through the small but modern kitchen into a short corridor. There were three doors; the one on the left was the bathroom, and the one on the right was the master bedroom. I guessed the one at the end of this short corridor was a guest room. Bec guided me into the bathroom, which looked very modern with its black, chrome, and glass. It was quite nice, but it didn’t hold a candle to the magnificence that was Stefan’s bathroom. The shower stall was quite large, as was the shower head, and when Bec turned it on, I realised that there would be plenty of room for the both of us in there.

I stepped in behind her and felt the water run down over me. I rinsed myself quickly, then stood there, luxuriating in the sensation as the water cleansed me. Meanwhile, Bec began to wash my back with her gentle and knowing hands. I felt some clarity beginning to return as the water washed away the fugue that seemed to have descended on me. The soap Bec was using had something in it that made my skin tingle, almost like the pins and needles you get if you sit cross-legged too long. It was making me feel very much alive again.

I turned around and allowed Bec to wash my front as well. This felt somehow more personal than what we had done already, and that struck me as odd. When she had washed me everywhere she could reach, I happily returned the favour, making sure that I cleaned her as thoroughly as she had washed me.

We spent time gently exploring each other’s bodies and making each other feel good, but it was a far more gentle and slower experience than the one from earlier. There was none of the urgency that had overwhelmed us earlier.

Eventually, we got out of the shower, and I looked at the time. I was stunned to see just how much time had gone by. I checked my phone, and there was a message from Stefan.

I don’t want to annoy you and make you think I’m checking up on you. I just wanted to let you know that I miss you already and that I hope you are having more fun than I am. I am still at my mama’s. She has me doing so many chores, but I can’t concentrate because all I can think about is you.”

It made me smile because I was missing him too. I shouldn’t have been; my focus should have been on the situation at hand. This whole thing with Bec was incredibly exciting and erotic as hell, and it should have been the sole point of focus for me. Almost the entire time, though, in the back of my mind was Stefan. I wanted this so much, but I wanted him to be a part of it. I wanted my new experiences to be new experiences with him.

I sent him a long message outlining the details of this afternoon. I focused especially on the details of what Bec and I had been doing. I told him all the intimacies of my first time with another woman because I wanted to tease him and I wanted him to go crazy with lust for me, but I also wanted him involved. I wanted him to know that I was keeping nothing from him. I wanted him here with me, although I knew that wouldn’t be happening this time. It got me thinking about what it would be like to have both Stefan and Bec make love to me at the same time.

The thought sent tingles throughout my whole body, and I wondered if I would be able to take it or if I would cum so hard that I would explode into a thousand pieces, never to be seen again. What a way to go, though. If it were to happen in front of other people, well, that would be my idea of heaven. I was so turned on by the thought of it that I simply had to share it with him. I began typing out all of this in a message to him, and I was almost done when I got a message from him.

Oh, God, Sam. What are you doing to me? I’m hiding in the bathroom at the moment because you’ve got me so hard that I couldn’t possibly hide it. I want you so much; it’s like an ache inside me. I can’t believe how unbelievably sexy you are. How did I spend so long without you? I never want to be without you again. I’m sorry if I’m being too much. I’m sorry. I never want to scare you away.”

I felt myself melting, but at the same time, it was a bit scary. Scary in a good way, but still scary. Knowing that I was turning him on was a huge bonus and added to my excitement. I wished again that he was here so I could see and feel his excitement. I wanted to feel his body against mine, and I wanted to feel his hard, throbbing cock. I wanted it in my hand, my mouth, and my pussy.

I sent him the message I had written and started a new one, telling him how much I wanted him and reassuring him that he wasn’t going to scare me off too easily. I asked him to send me a photo to show me how turned-on he was. I shook my head at the irony of asking him for “nudes.” Feminists the world over must have been gasping in horror.

Bec walked into the room, still completely naked and glorious, just as my phone pinged. I admired her curves for a moment, then told her I had been chatting with Stefan and updating him on what was happening. She smiled and skipped over to me like an excited schoolgirl.

“Ooh, what did you tell him?”

I looked her in the eye.


Part of me was curious to know how she would react to that, and I was impressed when she nodded and smiled.

“Good. I hope you know I will be telling Leon everything too.”

I smiled back at her.

“Of course, I wouldn’t have it any other way. No secrets.”

Bec nodded.

“No secrets.”

We then spent the next half an hour discussing Stefan’s hard cock and admiring the photos he had sent at my request. I felt a sense of pride when Bec described it as tasty and a nice size, like I had anything to do with any of that. I was just the lucky bugger who got to enjoy it.

That night we debated going out for dinner, but neither of us wanted to get dressed, so instead we ordered Thai delivery. We mostly spent the evening drinking wine and talking. When the doorbell rang, I didn’t even think much about the fact that we were both completely naked. I just went and opened the door.

To say the look on the delivery guy’s face was comical is a complete understatement. His eyes bulged, and his jaw was practically swinging like it had come unhinged. Had his tongue rolled out like a cartoon dog, I would not have been surprised. I will give him credit for trying to remain professional, but he was certainly doing a lot of stammering and tripping over his words.

Bec came over to me, rested her head on my shoulder, and put her arm around my back, giving him an almost bored look as though this was the most normal thing in the world to be greeted by two naked women. He was having real trouble at this point, even speaking, and basically just stood there staring. It was so comical that I began to laugh.

“So, can we have our food?”

He looked at me for about ten seconds, as though I had just spoken Swahili, and then finally the words filtered through to the logic sector of his brain. He blushed even harder than he currently was and held out the bag of food. Bec took it off him and took it over to the table. He watched her as she walked off like he had just seen God, and his brains were melting out of his ears. I had to click my fingers in his face to get his attention. His focus shifted back to me, and he looked confused, as though I had asked him something but hadn’t even spoken. I couldn’t help but smile at the poor, brain-addled lad. Then, on a whim, I had an idea.

“They’re never going to believe you, are they?”


“Your mates, when you tell them about this,”

He chuckled.

“Not in a million years.”

“Have you got your phone on you?”


“You can take a selfie with me if you like, but you can’t share it with anyone. You can show them, but no sending it to them, okay?”

He nodded like it was the greatest deal in the world. Bec had been listening, laughing, and shaking her head. He took out his phone and opened the camera.

“Wait a second.”

Bec called out and began to saunter back over to us.

“Can I be in the photo too?”

He nodded, like he didn’t trust himself to speak. As though saying anything would break the spell and we would disappear. He turned around and held up the phone. His hand was shaking, and it only got worse when we squished in on either side of him. The poor guy was probably moments away from destroying his pants. He took a photo and was lowering his arm when Bec spoke.

“Hold on, take another one, but squat down a bit.”

He bent his knees so he was more at Bec’s head height, and she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Seeing what she was doing, I did the same on the other side. He took a photo of himself sandwiched between the lips of two naked women. It would be a photo that will most likely remain in his spank bank for the rest of his life. He thanked us profusely and began to walk out the door, still looking at the photo he had just taken. I squeezed his ass as he walked out the door, causing him to jump.

“Thanks for the food, handsome, and remember, no sending those photos to anyone, okay?”

“Okay, I promise. Thanks so much, ladies.”

I closed the door and turned to Bec. We both burst out laughing.

“That was fun.”

Bec smiled, still shaking her head like she couldn’t believe we had just done that.

“You know he’s going to send that to all of his friends, right?”

“I would be stunned if he hadn’t already.”

“So why bother telling him not to?”

I shrugged at first, but then the answer came to me.

“Things that are taboo are a lot more fun, don’t you think? He was always going to send them, but me telling him he wasn’t allowed to just made it a bit more exciting for him.”

Bec nodded as though understanding, then laughed.

“Do you reckon he’ll even make it back to the restaurant before rubbing one out?”

“I doubt he will make it out of the building.”

We both started laughing as we imagined this young guy vigorously stroking his cock in the stairwell. Perhaps he made it back to his car, but I doubt he got any further than that. It made me quite wet thinking about watching him do that, and I wondered if we should have let him stroke for us right here.

We sat down and began devouring the food, discovering that we were a lot hungrier than we had realised. Once we got past the initial feeding frenzy and slowed down a bit, I told Bec what I was thinking about, and a devious smile crossed her lips as she got a far-off look on her face. Clearly, she was picturing it in her mind.

“Mmm, that would be so hot. I let some young guy watch us touch each other as he stroked his fat, juicy cock for us. Only allowing him to come when we told him he could, making him edge time and again. You are not allowed to touch us; only watch. Then, when we were ready, he would blast a huge load of cum for us. Fuck, that’s hot.”

“Fuck, yes, it is.”

I was squirming, and I couldn’t help but slip my fingers between my folds and give my clit a nice little rub. Bec turned in her seat to watch as I did, and the exhibitionist within me took over. I spread my legs to give her a better view and slid my fingers slowly up and down my wet pussy. I held the lips apart with one hand and used the middle finger of my right hand to draw circles around my clit area, flicking them back and forth. It was so hot watching her watch me. She seemed almost mesmerised, and her eyes were glued to my pussy. It seemed bizarrely intimate to be masturbating for her considering the things we had already done, but there was something about letting someone see the way you touch yourself at the most private of times.

“God, that’s so sexy, Sam.”

I smiled and felt a shiver go through me.

“Imagine what it would have been like to have that young man standing there, slowly stroking his cock and trying not to cum while he watched me do this.”

“Mmm, fuck yes.”

A moment of inspiration hit me, and I looked around. I spotted my phone on the table, so I picked it up. I opened the camera and then handed it to Bec.

“Record me, Bec.”

She grinned as she got it going, then pointed the camera at me.

“So, why do you want me to record you, Sam?”

“Because I feel so fucking sexy, and I want to share this moment with Stefan.”

Bec was smiling, and you could hear her smile in her voice.

“Well, you do look incredibly sexy, Sam. Do you like it when people see you naked?”

“Mmm, I love it.”

“Does it turn you on if someone sees those firm, sexy titties with those rock-hard nipples?”

Bec leaned forward and moved the phone closer to my breasts. She reached out with her other hand and pinched my nipple. She was recording what she was doing to me, and the sudden pinch caused me to suck in a harsh breath.

“Oh, it does so much.”

“Did I hurt your sensitive nipple, Sam?”

“A little, but it’s the good kind of hurt.”

Bec chuckled, then leaned forward again. She turned the camera towards her face.

“Oh no. I better kiss your boo-boo then to make it feel better.”

She leaned in and took my nipple gently between her lips while making sure the camera could see it all. I let out a moan of pleasure, and another shiver ran through me. She licked and suckled on me for a while, and I was becoming so wet that my fingers were now making quite a bit of noise as I played with my pussy.

Bec released me and looked straight down the lens of the camera.

“Can you hear the wet, naughty sounds coming from Sam’s pussy, Stefan? It sounds so delicious, doesn’t it? Let’s find out just how delicious she is.”

She slowly panned down my body until the camera was at eye level with my pussy. I was sliding my two fingers up and down, letting my clit slide between them. The part of me that was fully conscious of the camera wanted to perform a little, and as such, I waited for the perfect moment and then pushed both of my fingers as deep inside myself as I could. I moaned deeply as I almost climaxed on the spot. I slowly pulled my fingers out again and showed the camera how wet they were. Bec was squatting down between my thighs, and she moaned at the sight.

“Mmm, that really does look delicious.”

She looked back at the camera.

“But you already know she’s delicious, don’t you, Stefan?”

She moved again, gently pushed my hand out of the way, and then ran her tongue the entire length of my dripping wet slit. She then went into full attack mode on my clit with her tongue and lips. Licking it as fast as she could, she then sucked it into her mouth. She managed to slide two of her fingers inside me and massage my G-spot while her lips and tongue worked my clit like she was trying to set some kind of record.

I practically screamed out my pleasure as she tried to hold the camera still as I thrashed around. I came hard again, although I didn’t pass out this time. When I was coming down from it, Bec released my pussycat to allow me to not be so sensitive for a few moments.

She sat back and looked at me for a few moments.

“I bet you would love to have Stefan here right now so he could slide his lovely cock inside of you.”

“Yes. I want you, Stefan. I want you inside of me.”

“If he were here, where would you want his cock, Sam?”


She smacked my pussy with her fingertips, making a splatting slap sound. The sudden sting was incredible. It hurt a little, but in a really good way.

“Naughty little slut. Tell me exactly where you want his meaty cock.”

She didn’t wait for a reply before she smacked my pussy again. I gasped out loud.

She took her cum-coated fingers and raised them to my mouth. I instinctively sucked them and licked my cum from them. While they were in my mouth, she asked me.

“Do you want his cock in your mouth? Do you want to feel it sliding in and out as he fucks your face? Do you want to taste his cum?”

I nodded vigorously, and she pulled her fingers out.

“Yes, God, yes.”

She trailed her fingers down over my nipples, down my belly, to my pussy where she pushed them deep inside me again. She pushed them in and out rhythmically, fucking me with them.

“Do you want to feel his cock in your pussy? Fucking you until you are all creamy and full of his cum?”

“Oh, fuck yes.”

She pulled her fingers out and slapped my pussy again.

“You are such a naughty slut, Sam. You want people to watch as his cum drips out of your pussy, don’t you?”


She trailed her fingers even lower and began circling my ass hole. Slowly, she pushed, and I relaxed enough to allow her finger to push inside me. She just kept pushing until it was inside my ass, as deep as it could go.

“Do you want to feel his cock inside your asshole, Sam?”


“Do you want to feel his cum filling your tight little asshole?”

“Oh, yes.”

She was slowly fucking my ass now, and it was driving me crazy. Then she slipped a finger in my pussy as well and double-fucked me. I felt so full and so good as I began to cum all over her hand.

“Yes, cum on me the way you want to cum all over Stefan’s cock. I want to watch you cum on his cock, and I want to watch his cum leak out of your holes.”

I was making those keening sounds again as I came over and over again until I was gasping like a fish out of water and begging her to stop. Thankfully, she did and slowly eased her fingers out of my body. She laid back on the bed, stretched out next to me, and held the camera up at arm’s length so that we were both in the shot. Both naked as the day we were born. Bec was looking quite pleased with herself for having made me cum so hard like that again. I was looking like a complete wreck but feeling incredibly sexy.

“Do you like it when I make you cum, Sam?”

“Of course, I do.”

“Do you like making me cum?”

I smiled dreamily as I thought about how good it had felt to be able to do that.

“Hmm, yes, I do.”

“Is it different from when you make Stefan cum?”

My face became more serious as I thought about how I felt about making love to Stefan.

“It is. I really enjoy making you feel good, and you seem to know exactly how a woman wants to be touched. But… but I feel different when I make love to Stefan.”

Bec smiled.

“And that’s why.”

I looked confused and turned to look directly at her. Bec was smiling like she knew some secret that I didn’t.


“The difference is that you make love to Stefan. What we’re doing is sex. Great sex, fun sex, exciting sex—but with Stefan, you make love. You’re in love with him, aren’t you?”

The thought hit me like a brick. I knew I was having strong feelings for him, and I knew I wanted to spend more time with him. On some level, I had been thinking about a future with him quite a bit the last few days, especially. I knew I was in love with him; I was just afraid to say it out loud and admit to the thing that terrified me and excited me at the same time. It was true, though, and only a fool would turn away from it.

I paused for quite a while before I quietly responded.

“Yes… Yes, I think I am in love with him.”

Bec’s grin widened, and she did that thing that women seem to do when we get all girly and excited. She let out a squeal of delight.

“I knew it! I am so happy for you, Sam.”

I rolled back over and onto my back. I looked up and into the phone that I had all but forgotten about.

“Yes. I am in love with Stefan.”

I looked directly into the lens as though I were looking into Stefan’s eyes.

“I am in love with you, Stefan, and the thought of you not loving me back is terrifying.”

I pressed the stop button on the recording and put the phone down. We rolled onto our sides so that we were facing each other. We were face-to-face, and we were both grinning like loons.

“Sam, I don’t think you need to worry about him being in love with you. I’m pretty sure he’s smitten with you.”

“I hope so.”

“How could he not be? You are smart, drop-dead gorgeous, sexy as hell, and kinky too. What more could any man want?”

I embraced her in a hug, and I tried to put everything I was feeling into that hug. The gratitude for her friendship and support, the excitement I felt over the last week, everything. She released me and wriggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“So, are we hitting send on that?”

My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. Part of me wanted to send it, but I felt that it would be better to wait until I was face-to-face with him. Something just didn’t feel right about sending it to him like this.

I shook my head, then explained why, and Bec nodded in agreement. I did send him a message letting him know that I was missing him and all the things we had been up to, including the delivery driver. We spent a while chatting back and forth until he said he was tired and had to go to bed.

I felt exhausted myself, and having not left Bec’s bed, I simply rolled over and snuggled up to her back. We chatted for a little while until we both drifted off to sleep.

Published 8 months ago

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