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I can fill almost every hollow 
upon and inside you, 
it’s what I can’t touch 
that will stay with me the most.

Like a lover’s spark nestling within 
to never leave the place you built.

The sound can become a bullet and blade 
perfectly edged with the velocity
to separate skin, to split petals, 
to clutch a novena while another 
name is placed over me.

You taught me everything I need to know 
about how to draw blood from a stone.

Each spilling droplet containing stills, 
the touch cooling my fevered cheek before you go
to the enigmatic fog I cannot be a part of, 
phantoms nestled in the fragile planes 
we must move through alone.

The cold winds ravaging there, 
snapping the wires that hold me safe, 
it’s what I can’t keep that 
will haunt me the most.

Like extinguishing candles and lamps 
from glowing amber to the dark 
stones I’m left alone to crush.

The separate skin whispering 
you’ll be something else to another, 
a curiosity to reach for and remake, 
a number engraved in a novena 
placed over me.

I’ve wanted to fill every hollow in you, 
the nameless planes with alien languages 
I’m not made to be a part of, 
I still want you for exactly who you are.

Even when you’ve gone to who 
remains nestled within you.

Where you taught me everything I need to know 
about how to draw blood from a stone.

Published 10 years ago

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