Sabine watched the dot.
She turned away briefly to see Sky on her knees in the dust. Using a small foldaway military spade, she was trying to dig a snake out from under a pile of leaking transmissions.
Four years after the Diablo Canyon nuclear generating facility lit up the night sky, the U.S.A had been reduced to a third world shell. Those with wealth reduced to poverty. Those already struggling with poverty finding their natural strength and intuition allowed them to survive head above the rest. The resulting fallout caused all American livestock to be inedible and crops unsellable. This resulted in aid shipments only, causing rioting, looting and a breakdown of law and order from coast to coast. Away from the coast movement of goods was controlled by bandits, traders and elite groups of mercenaries.
Sabine watched the dot.
Despite being close to the interstate nothing much passed the dust strewn Nevada junkyard. The two girl’s had taken it for themselves after coming across the murdered owner’s corpse in a trailer. He was killed for his stockpile of gasoline. Luckily the bandit’s didn’t find the huge stockade, in the luggage compartment of a school bus. There was enough arms and ammunition to keep the girls safely holed up for years.
Sabine watched the dot.
It was getting bigger…closer…bigger dots passed it by. Moments later the bigger dot in car form would pass by on the interstate at a fuel conserving pace. The small dot was either bad at hitching or not even trying.
Soon the dot took the form of a man. Sabine looked at the figure through one half of a broken pair of binoculars. She could see his wide brimmed hat, dust kicked up by striding footprints. He was less than a mile away now. She whistled to Sky. Sky was throwing the snakes head and skin to Casper, a white bad tempered Chihuahua . Sky looked up towards her and instantly threw up the pump action shotgun before arming herself with an AK47.
Both girls only nineteen years old but now with maturity beyond their years, Sabs rough cut brown hair in a short bobbed cut, Sky’s hair blond long and tangled. They were dressed in leather boots, beaten hot pants and oil stained vests, Sky draped a check blouse across her shoulders and a pair of gas cutting goggles protected her pale blue eyes. Sabine went back to tracking the figure. He was less than half a mile away now. She could just make out that he wore a backpack; some items were hanging from it. The figure wore sunglasses and gloves, a trader. Despite fearing strangers the girls needed supplies and traders carried things they might need. All strangers though were to be treated with caution.
Sab let out another whistle and half jumped, half fell, down the pallet staircase leading from the viewpoint on top of the two semi trailers stacked one on top of the other. The girls took their positions at the closed yard gate. Sab stuck her shotgun through a slot; sky hung back ready to riddle the gate with holes should anything bad happen to her partner. She stood awkwardly to the side of the shotgun, in case the stranger attempted to shoot her through the gate, completely aware that if she pulled the trigger her arm would be broken or at the very least dislocated. Casper ran the length of the gates yapping and growling believing himself to be ten times the size he was.
“Hello,” shouted the stranger, his voice sounding hoarse and parched.
“State your business motherfucker,” Screamed Sabine.
“What do you bring.”
“Electrical mostly….some tins….sharps…meds.”
“What do you seek.”
“Water….somewhere safe to rest out. Open to trade most items.”
“Step back from the gate.”
Sab eyed the stranger through a peephole. He resembled a western gunslinger. Hunched slightly he held a pistol at his waist pointing it at the area of the shotgun sticking through the slot.
“Are you armed?” Sab yelled.
“Yes…Yes I am,” shouted the stranger.
Honesty, good she liked that, a lie at this point would of had the stranger sent on his way.
Two huge bolts were drawn back and the large gates opened just enough for the stranger to fit through. The stranger entered the compound to be met by Sabine, he wasn’t surprised by the shotgun pointing at him, this greeting he was used to,but he was taken aback by Sab’s youth and beauty despite her jagged hair and dusty flesh. He was also surprised to find a second maiden as pretty and as disheveled as the first, pointing an AK47 at him from the crushed roof of a sandblasted Chevy Nova.
“Ok stranger let’s do some business…what’s your name?” enquired Sab
“My name’s Justin.”
Sab grinned at this “Justin….really?”
In this new world people chose their own names and Sab wondered why this guy wasn’t called Skullfucker or Piledriver or some other ego filled self titled obscenity?
“Well some folk called me Wolf but….that was a long time ago.”
“I will call you Wolf….I’m Sab and this here is Sky….she doesn’t speak so you will deal with me only ok?
“Sure…can we err?” said Wolf twisting his pistol from side to side.
“Ok but she keeps hers….you understand? Two girls on our own here”
“Sure….whatever….I just need a drink before I fucking collapse.”
He leaned over and flicking the safety on the pistol placed it on top of a rusting oil drum. Sab strolled over and tossed the shotgun onto the car roof at Sky’s feet. Sky grinned at her, chewing on a piece of yellow coated auto wire. Sky lowered the AK but kept it ready over her shoulder.
“This way Wolf”
Wolf followed the girls to an ancient trailer type construction, Airstream at one end, B52 at the other, the front draped in canvas tarpaulins forming makeshift awnings providing some protection from the suns glare. Under the covers in the shade Wolf noted a huge green diesel generator/trailer with its cowl doors open, inside his keen eye clocked the huge Detroit Diesel engine in gleaming condition, obviously well cared for. Cables running from the generator pack off in all directions. The girls stopped at some plastic cheap garden furniture with miss-matched chairs and oil stained table. He pulled his pack from his back and sat down. Sab sat opposite. Sky went over to a beaten fridge and brought back a large bottle of water and three plastic cups placing them on the table, she sat down with a little cry and several clicks motioning to Sab with her fingers and palm in a form of sign before sitting with her chin resting on both her hands, staring at Wolf like a besotted teen. Wolf would have been nervous if he wasn’t so thirsty. He held the glass in his shaking hand as Sab filled it, not waiting for her to finish filling the glass before pulling it to his lips causing her to spill some onto the tabletop, as he drank water ran down the sides of his mouth and down his dusty neck leaving shining trails.
“Hey don’t waste it….this stuff is precious!”
Sky giggled. He slammed the glass down and motioned to it to be filled. “Great,” thought Sab. “Two mutes now”.
Wolf downed this glassful, slower this time and placed the glass down. He didn’t motion this time but Sab filled it anyway.
“So we have water, we can give you somewhere to crash for the night….food….shower. What do you have for us in that pack of yours.”
“I can show you, I hope I have something that will interest you ladies as I sure wouldn’t like to be in your debt.”
Sky giggled again. Sab thought she was pathetic but he was good looking and it had been a while since a stranger had visited….let alone a looker, but she remained guarded as it was just too easy to get rolled at this stage.
Wolf started to unzip his pack, in a split second Sab whistled loud and Sky jumped up pointing the AK at his head. Wolf whipped his hands up to his ears palms open. Sab remained cool. Sky walked backwards towards the Vega and climbed back up on the roof without taking her eyes off Wolf, the guns aim never leaving his face. She put the gun at shoulder height. She fancied Wolf that was clear but she would not give executing the motherfucker and second thought should he pull a trick of some description.
“What the fuck is going on!” Spat Wolf angrily.
“Just a precaution you understand….what’s to stop you pulling a nine from there, blowing us full of holes before drinking our water, fucking our corpses and taking our patch.”
“Let’s get it straight honey.” shouted Wolf ”I’m no longer thirsty, I’m not into junkyards and I prefer my women alive….at least until after I’ve finished fucking them!… I’ve met some twisted squaws in my time but you two take the biscuit….Now are we gonna do business here or what?”
Sab stared into Wolf’s eyes as they darted from one eye to the other, she felt lost in the dark hazel pools and was thinking that his eyes must have seen impossible hardship before her mind stepped in laughing at her cheesy thought, after all who hadn’t seen impossible hardship. After what seemed an age she broke eye contact and sat back in her chair motioning with a sweeping hand across the table.
“Ok show us.”
Wolf laid out items on the table,small knives and bullets first which surprisingly to him seemed of little interest to the girls, these were usually best sellers. Sab shook some tins. No labels, could be anything. Bandages again not needed. He was going to give up when suddenly Sab snatched a box from his hand before it even touched the table.
“Holy shit you are fucking kidding me… Tell me you have more?” Sab screamed.
“I’ve got a half dozen.”
Sky screeched her enquiring screech and Sab held the box above her head for her to see.
“Light bulbs….can you believe it!”
She turned back to Wolf who was searching for the last of the six, placing the others gently down.
“We must have these Wolf….it gets so dark here….we have power but we haven’t had working lights in maybe two years”
The look on her face said it all. Wolf understood that this junkyard must take on a whole new atmosphere in the dead of a moonless night, a night that wouldn’t be dented by a bunch of candles. Inspired by the popularity of the bulbs Wolf continued with any electrical stock he carried. He found some packs of fuses which Sab thumbed then some batteries in various sizes which again were snatched before they hit the table top.
“No way….You’re shit’in me now! I will take these too….that ok?
“Sure….knock yourself out.”
Sky screeched again and Sab held a Duracell above her head.
“Batteries for your you-know-what!”
Sky squealed, laughed and punched the air.
“I’m glad you find them so exciting….what do you need them for anyway?”
“Ask Sky to show you what they are for later. The way that she looks at you I’m she would oblige”
“I will bear that in mind,” said Wolf coldly.
Wolf continued emptying his pack. Nothing else sparked Sab’s enthusiasm. She decided to take a gamble on the tins. Wolf pushed the pack over to Sab.
“Ok that’s it, I’ve nothing else to trade….in the left side pocket is my hunting knife. I’m not going to take it out incase Barbie there shoots me in the fucking balls so….do whatever you want with it that’ll make you feel safe, but I want that and my pistol back when I leave Ok?”
“I appreciate that Wolf. I will look after them for you. Maybe I should strip search you in case I wake with a boot knife at my throat?” said Sab almost laughing.
“Strip me if you like, but I swear I have no other weapons.”
“Hmm you would like that huh?”
“Not as much as you two I doubt,” said Wolf cracking a slim smile.
Sab whistled to Sky who safety latched the AK and slung it behind her over her shoulder before jumping down. Sky jogged over and kissed Sab on the cheek before taking some batteries and a couple of the bulb boxes.
“In the right pocket there should be a bottle of Jack if you care to join me?”
“Sure….why not it’s been a while….everything’s been a while.” She said tailing off. Wolf stared again into those cobalt blue eyes. He was taken by Sab’s beauty, her face reminded him of a discarded child’s doll he had seen at the side of the road and he wondered at the time how it got there. Maybe that was what was wrong here too? These two live dolls, with filthy faces, discarded by the people who must surely have once loved them.
“So…where are you from?” Sab asked, her voice affected by the Jack burn.
“I’m from Tracy, California, you?”
” Twenty miles south of here, just far enough that bandits don’t bother us. They did try but it took us slaying a few of them to get them to leave us alone, we’ve taken a couple of traders too, they thought they could hold us at gun point,when one went to take a pee Sky shot his comrade between the eyes, the first guy came back running still pissing and she got him in the neck. They rest in trunks in the far corner of the yard. Kind of why we are a bit…. shall we say….security conscious. Where are you heading anyway?”
“To be totally honest…..I don’t know anymore. I thought I had a plan but that backfired early on. Since then I’ve just been wandering. I don’t know whether to head back towards the coast or take my chances out here?”
As dusk fell Sky switched on the generators battery pack and electric lights flickered into life, Sab served up a watery stew and they all sat around the table, Sky signed and Sab giggled before translating. They finished the last of the Jack and Sab showed Wolf to the shower hut and handed him a threadbare towel.
Inside the hut Wolf turned on the electric shower and removed his boots. The water flow was appalling but eventually steam showed that it was at least hot.
“We will be inside the trailer when you’re done. I will fix you a bed,” Shouted Sab walking backwards.
He heard Sky give a little scream and then he began to strip. Unbeknown to him Sky had crept around the side of the hut and was watching him through a hole. She brushed her blonde hair away from her eye as she watched him strip. Her breathing got heavy as he took off his t-shirt to reveal a trim torso, not a body builder but still well defined. Early thirties she thought. His arm bore a tattoo. An eagle. Military she thought. He dropped his heavy combat pants and she almost forgot that she had to breathe. Sky admired his flat stomach, his thick flaccid cock and tight looking balls. He turned to get in the shower giving her a view of his hard buttocks and she felt warmth between her legs as if she had just pee’d herself a little but she knew full well what it was, she turned tiptoeing a few meters before sprinting the rest of the way to the trailer.
Wolf kicked his t-shirt and pants into the shower with him, red dusty water poured into the drain from the clothes and himself. He found the soap, a multi-colored blob of leftover bars pushed together. Compared to nothing this was high end luxury.
Sab was at the far end of the plane. She tidied the huge bed, plumping pillows and hiding a soft bear. She hid anything else she deemed unfit. Sky burst through the door, she was making a multitude of clicks and yelps too fast for Sab to understand.
“Slow down….where the fuck have you been….do I have to sort this place out all by myself?”
Sky flapped her hands in frustration looking all around her. She found her notepad and wrote a single word before handing it to Sab who frowned as she read it.
“Mercenary….are you sure?”
Sky nodded frantically.
“Well he must be ok no? He would have killed us by now otherwise. Maybe a deserter….What shall we do with him?”
Sky grabbed her crotch and gave Sab a look of desperation.
“I see….he’s hot huh….well if you didn’t I was thinking the same thing.” Sky motioned to Sab then back to herself.
“Hmmm I see….well if you’re cool with sharing then why not? It’s been a while hasn’t it my love?” Sab grinned. Sky squealed then groaned and dashed off clapping her hands feverishly. Sab stripped to her t-shirt which was just long enough to cover her intimates. Sky returned with her blonde rat tails tied back wearing a silver satin negligee and panties, a stark contrast to the camo net ceiling and dust covered ornaments.
Wolf entered the trailer. The girls were in the kitchen. He placed his wrung out clothes on the kitchen drainer intending to put them out to dry in the morning. He glanced at the girls. It was a long time since he had seen such nakedness although the girls wore only a slight more cover when fully dressed they seemed somewhat softer and more palatable in their evening wear. They took him along and through to the bedroom area.
“You can sleep here.” Said Sab.
“Cool….looks cozy”. Wolf eyed the candles, camo netting, the mismatched bedding, and odd cushions. The smell of girl sweat and estrogen burned his nostrils. He got under the covers before removing his towel and dropping it at the foot of the bed.
“Where are you two sleeping? I hope I’m not….”
Sky let the negligee drop to her feet; Sab pulled the t-shirt over her head.
“Oh….I see.” he said as the two topless teens climbed into bed either side of him.
Sab moved first, pushing Wolf down onto his back and kissing his lips, gentle pecks at first before kissing him hard and deep. Sky ran her fingers through his chest hair, pinching his nipples and scraping her nails down his abdomen until she reached the top of his pubic hair, before scratching back upwards along his side. Sab lying alongside him and raised a leg up over his waist feeling his hip bone against her crotch, she felt the heat of his body through her panties.
Sky slid down a little and took his right nipple between her lips, flicking it with the tip of her tongue as her hand slid down finding Sab’s thigh. She worked her way along it until she got to her butt cheek which she grabbed, sticking her nails, in before tracking back and lower to get to Wolfs cock. Finding it she wrapped her slender fingers around it best she could with those tiny dirty hands of hers. She slowly pulled his foreskin over the head back and forth feeling his splendid instrument throb and twitch.
Sab got up on her knees and straddled Wolf. Sky understanding her friend’s intentions pulled the black panty gusset to one side. She leant over and placed the head into her mouth and sucked on the end getting it well lubricated with saliva before positioning his cock at the entrance to her loves pussy. Sab rocked back feeling the head lodge itself inside her; she pushed down hard trying to get it all inside her super tight passage. Sky held Wolfs cock at the base, watching it slowly disappear inside inch by inch fearful that Sab’s tightness would bend and break the shaft.
Once Wolf had gained full possession of her sweet pussy she began to ride him in long slow strokes, almost spitting him out completely, before driving him back deep into her belly. Sky caressed Sab’s bottom cheeks and teased her little brown bottom hole whilst fighting the keep Sab’s panties to the side.
Sky crawled back up top and pushed Sab’s shoulders back breaking the kiss between these two lovebirds. Pushing her upwards Sky kissed Sab’s wet face before pecking down her neck and collar bone before arriving at her breast. Again she took a nipple between her lips then swung her leg over Wolfs head and lowered her silver satin clad pussy onto Wolf’s mouth. Sky wrapped her arms around Sab’s neck and the two girls kissed passionately twirling tongues inside each other’s hot mouths with both of them grinding their pussies on Wolf.
Wolf stabbed at Sky’s clit through the wet fragrant satin. The girl’s personal hygiene left a bit to be desired, but never before had he had his senses been so completely overtaken by such pungent sweetness. He clawed at the panties, pulling them aside before pushing his hard tongue deep into her acidic slit, searching out the entrance of her honey hole. He pushed his tongue as far inside as he could go, feeling her slippery clit on the tip of his nose.
Sab heard a click then a buzz feeling the vibrator tip touch her clit. “The batteries, you clever girl!” She whispered breathlessly to Sky, as the sweet girl held the toy on her friend’s engorged pussy. Sky gave out a guttural groan as Wolf tongue fucked her pussy. Sab gyrated her hips feeling the huge cock slipping back and forth inside her with Sky trying her best to keep the toy in position. Soon all hell broke loose with the girls; foreheads pressed together, screaming, hands grabbing each other’s hair as they each reached shuddering climaxes simultaneously. Wolfs chest heaving as he groaned against Sky’s furry little slit, blasting Sab’s insides with a torrent of scalding seed.
The two girls lay either side of Wolf their breath slowing, kissing his shoulders. Sky ran her fingers through a small pool of cum on his stomach feeling it thicken and dry as she spread it about. Wolf fell asleep.
A noise caused Wolf to wake with a start. Next to him the two girls were totally naked kissing passionately. Sky was on top of Sab; their breasts pushed together, Sab’s legs locked around the waist of her friend. They were staring into each other’s eyes and giggling Sky brushing the hair from her friend’s forehead with her fingertips. They broke their embrace and Sky turned herself head downwards on top of Sab pulling the girl’s thighs wide apart. Wolf watched her little tongue darting around her clit. Sab returned the gesture grabbing Sky’s bottom cheeks and giving her pussy and asshole a thorough probing with her tongue. Sky switched on the vibrator and pushed it deep inside Sab her face only inches away as she continued attacking her clit with fury.
This scene woke Wolfs senses and he felt his cock hard as iron, heavy against his belly. He struggled onto his knees on the soft mattress and positioned himself behind Sky’s derrière. Sab reached up from between Sky’s thighs to stroke the cock and balls above her. She spat on her hand and rubbed it into the throbbing head making it glisten before directing it to the pink space between Sky’s golden furry pussy lips. Wolf pushed on into the impossibly tight sheath taking care not to injure the girl. Eventually her lubrication caught up and he was able to slowly begin pumping in and out.
Sab rubbed the dripping clit of the poor girl as Wolf increased the speed of his thrusts, she could feel the vibe slipping in and out of her soaked crack along with Sky’s tongue combined with screams and moans against her button. Sky writhed about so much that Wolf was having to fight to stay inside, especially after he inserted the tip of his thumb into that pretty little pink bottom-hole that was staring up at him. Sab and Sky came hard again at the very same time. Sab’s pussy was trying to push the vibe out whilst Sky’s thighs shook against her face.
Wolf was still trying to hold out best he could so Sab reached up and cupped his balls, squeezing them and tickling his arsehole with her index finger. With a final thrust Wolf came, his cock and balls twitching as he filled the sweet girl with cum until she overflowed causing hot seed to drip down onto Sab’s face. Luckily she had her eyes closed when Wolf withdrew as a sticky stream fell down onto her cheeks and lips. She wasn’t keen on the taste so she wiped it from her face onto Sky’s thighs.
Again Wolf fell asleep. Sky slept with her head on his chest with Sab behind her, hand cupping her breast.
The girls awoke the next morning to find to their disappointment that Wolf was gone. They called his name but he was nowhere to be found. The gate was unlatched and the dog still tied up. Sab went to her hiding place, the pistol and the backpack were gone but the knife was still there in its sheath with a note wrapped around the handle. It read TAKE CARE OF THIS FOR ME. I WILL BE BACK FOR IT. She pushed it down the front of her shorts and went back out into the yard, to her century post on top of the trailers.
Sky dug for snakes.
Sabine looked for a dot.
The End
This is my first ever attempt at a fictional piece, It has a lot longer build up than my usual writing style but there is more than a smattering of guns, girls, a dusty stranger, a nasty Chihuahua, and junk…lots of junk. I hope you take the time to read it and that you enjoy it. Love Annie xx
*A bonus chapter from the ebook ‘Tearaway’ by Annie Miller available on Amazon*