She never took her eyes off him, however, her free hand clenching and unclenching nervously. Her anxiety gnawed away at her insides, almost making her skin crawl. At the same time, however, there was the smallest part of her that was curious, almost hopeful, as to what was in store.
From the moment it happened, she knew she had gone too far. She looked to him instantly, watching his smile drop from his face, and seeing the stern look appear in his eyes. In truth, she was mortified, never wanting to go against him or disobey his requests. It had been a simple one. They were attending a friend’s engagement party – a formal affair, by all counts. They were both dressed accordingly – she in a black dress, a touch tighter than may be appropriate, and black heels to match, and him in a dark suit and tie.
All he had asked of her was to remain respectful – no drunken incidents. She had been careful to watch how much she drank, but as the night went on, her count started to slip away from her. Had she had three drinks already, or was it four? She attempted to remain graceful and respectful in accordance with his wishes, though the alcohol was clearly having an effect on her. And then, it happened.
They stood around in a circle, her by his side, leaning affectionately against his arm. He was telling a story to the gathered group – ever the centre of attention, he was. He reached the climax of his story, and even though she had heard it before, she was overcome with a fit of tipsy laughter. She laughed and laughed, and found herself growing dizzy. Suddenly, she lost her grip on him and stumbled sideways, crashing into a passing waiter and knocking a tray of drinks from his hand and onto the floor. The resultant crash drew every eye to her – to them – and she knew instantly that this meant trouble. Ever the gentleman, however, he leaned down and lifted her to his feet, barely masking the stern glare he was giving her. His mask disappeared for a moment, however, and was replaced with the sweet, caring face she adored, as he checked her over to make sure she was okay.
“Didn’t hurt your head did you, kitten? You’re alright. Up we get”. He quickly whisked her from the building, making sure to apologize on her behalf to the hosts and bid them farewell. They strode in silence towards the car, her head still spinning both from the alcohol and the fall. Despite the sullen look on his face, he still held her close when he felt her shiver, his arm pulling her against his chest.
They reached the car, and he led her to the passenger side. Stepping in alongside her, he buckled her seatbelt, turned to her, and exhaled slowly.
“One thing. I only asked for one thing tonight”, he breathed in a dejected tone. He let the silence hang in the air for a few minutes, until she finally worked up the nerve to protest.
“But I -”
“I don’t want to hear it. You promised me you wouldn’t drink too much. You promised me you wouldn’t cause a scene. You know what happens when you break a promise, miss”. With that last sentence, his eyes rose to meet her, and mixed with that stern, reproachful face was a tiny flash of something else. Excitement? Desire?, she thought, though she could not be sure. Her attentions were focused solely on listening closely to each word he said. She carefully considered her response, and begun.
“Yes sir, you’re right. I’m very sorry. I’ll accept any punishment you may think I deserve”. To match him, she met his eyes on the last sentence, and her sombre demeanour cracked for just a moment, letting through her eager side just a touch. He offered a half-smile, not yet willing to break his stern expression.
“Right. Let’s just get home, then. No more conversation until we get there.”
She stepped out of the car and into the night air, the fear in her stomach now giving way to a kind of nervous anticipation. His silence and the long drive home had sobered her up, and when he offered his arm to walk her to the door she accepted, not because she needed it, but because she liked the feel of his toned arms underneath the fabric of his suit. She shivered again as a cool breeze blew past her bare legs, and began to grow eager to get inside.
For more reasons than one, maybe? she thought to herself, and smiled inwardly.
As she crossed the threshold, she felt his hand on her shoulder, gripping firmly as he closed the door behind them. Even though he stood a pace behind her, she was acutely aware of the fact that he was guiding her, leading her to where he wanted her to go. A lump grew in her throat as they paced slowly towards the couch. He removed his hand from her shoulder, and seated himself in front of her. She shifted her gaze to his face, and she saw it. That casual half-smile that denoted the fact that he was in his ‘Dom’ mood. She knew now that everything he said was of critical importance – every request he made was a demand, and she must follow it precisely and quickly.
“Shoes off. Place them by the doorway. Your panties, too”.
His voice was calm and even, and there was not a hint of malice or anger to it. All the same, she moved quickly to the doorway and removed her heels. Turning to him, she hiked her dress around her waist and hooked her thumbs in the side of her underwear – a lacy black, almost see through pair, that she was hoping he’d be pleasantly surprised to see tonight. Instead, he just watched impassively as she lowered them to the ground and placed them atop her shoes. She began to lower her skirt when he interrupted, his voice cutting through the silence in the room like a knife.
“Leave it where it is. Stand by my side”.
Her pulse quickened, and her mind began to race. She was keenly aware that her lower body was bare and exposed to him, and she began to grow nervous about what he had planned. All the same, she felt herself slowly stepping forward until she stood against his legs, her dress now folded up against her waist. She felt his eyes travel up the length of her long, slender legs, taking in every inch of her skin, every goosebump raised from the intensity of his gaze. His eyes traveled further until they met hers, and that same mischievous glint was present in his stare. Nonetheless, he kept the stern, commanding edge to his voice.
“Lay down on my stomach, over my lap. Rest your head and arms on the couch beside me”. She looked at him, confused at first, not knowing what was to come. “What are -” she managed to get out, before he cut her off. Gruffly, almost annoyed, he interrupted her.
“I said, lay down on your stomach. Now.”
The hint of anger in his voice almost made her jump, and she dropped immediately to her knees, pulling herself over his lap. She lay awkwardly, head on the couch, her stomach resting on his knees. Annoyed, he grunted and placed one hand under her thighs, forcefully pushing her, until her crotch rested against his knees and her legs dangled behind her. The intensity of such a surprising shift caused her to gasp, and the feel of his fingers on the bare skin of her thighs sent a rush of sensation through her. Thankfully, her slight moan was muffled by the fact her head was buried into the couch.
Her head was swimming again, as if she were still intoxicated. Thoughts raced through her brain. Is this where he wants me? What is he doing back there? Can I turn around, or will that make him angry? Oh god, he can see everything right now .
Even as her mind raced, however, one thought stuck with her, returning to her mind again and again. Just a few weeks ago, she had broached the subject of spanking to him. She had expressed her curiosity, but made clear that it was something she had never tried before. Could this be… Will he…
His voice cut through her thoughts like a knife. “You know why I’m doing this, don’t you miss? You made me a promise that you wouldn’t drink too much and make a scene, and that’s what happened. Do you understand?”
She nodded her head, not daring to turn and face him. “I do, sir”. He exhaled slowly, lost in his own thoughts. For a moment, he allowed himself to break character, and leaned down close, his breath hot against her ear. “If at any stage you’re not comfortable and need a break, just say ‘yellow light’. If you want to stop altogether, ‘red light’. Got it?”
When she nodded back and replied with “uh-huh”, he could practically hear the smile on her face. He returned back to his sitting position, and settled instantly back into his domineering persona. “Now, let’s make sure you learn your lesson”
His last words echoed in her ear, and she found herself holding her breath as the following silence permeated the room. Her world was the couch in front of her, the warmth of his knees against her crotch, the sound of his breathing. Like a calm before the storm, her senses felt heightened, and even the feel of her tight dress against her skin felt constricting, confining. Suddenly, it happened.
She heard it before she felt it. The abrupt, sharp crack echoed in her ears, her eyes widening in surprise. Seconds after, the sensation struck her like a bolt of lightning. She could feel the exact imprint of his palm against her rapidly-reddening ass cheek, complete with the ring on his ring finger. Her body stiffened and her back arched as the stinging pain rocketed through her, quickly being replaced with a near-burning sensation. His palm lifted from her skin, and the burning intensified.
She let out her first cry at this stage, her mouth opening wide unbidden, and a plaintive yelp escaped her lips. Almost immediately, she began to ramble.
“Yellow light! Yellow light yellow light”. Again, all pretense was dropped, and his lips were back behind her head.
“What is it, kitten?” The stern edge was gone, replaced instead with a caring, concerned tone. She laughed. “Take off your damn ring, you big goof!” He paused, and looked down at his hand. Laughing, he removed the ring and leaned back in, planting a kiss on the back of her neck.
“Sorry kiddo, gone now. Shall we?” She nodded again, almost eager this time.
He straightened, and again fell into his sullen persona that he enjoyed ever so much. “Now, where were we?” Again, he let his words hang in the air as he admired her round, toned behind, the way it met the curve of her long legs. He enjoyed the sight of her pale skin, one cheek turning a dark shade of pink in the shape of his hand.
He had to suppress a chuckle when he saw a patch of deeper red around the ring finger – clearly, his ring had done some damage. He raised his hand again, waiting for her breathing to settle. Her back rose and fell, quickly at first, but soon settling into short, shallow, even breaths. Seeing his chance, he struck again.
Her body rose and fell, her face pressing hard into the couch. All the same, he could hear her muffled scream, and reveled in the way it drew out, ending in a moan. From the way her back arched and her hips wiggled, he knew that she was enjoying this.The notion made him smile, though he reminded himself that this was not for her pleasure.
“Each time you feel my palm strike your ass, you’re going to tell me what you did to deserve it. Loud and clear. If I can’t hear you, or if you don’t make sense, you’re going to get five more. Do you understand?”.
The desperate nod and the tinge of fear in her “yes, sir” made him smile wickedly, and his cock throbbed in response, pressed tight against her stomach, only a few layers of clothing separating them. He lifted his palm, taking aim, and..
The ferocity of this blow took her by surprise, and her mind went blank momentarily. Her eyes bulged wide, and her mouth open in a silent scream. She sensed his impatience, and quickly began to stammer and mumble.
“I… I got, got drunk and made a scene. Sir!” she quickly added, wincing from the sharp pain radiating from her backside. She felt the warmth emanating from his handprints on her ass, as well as another warmth – deep in her core, spreading throughout her body. She felt the dampness between her legs, and worried for a second that she would ruin his suit pants. This thought was quickly wiped from her mind, however, when..
Another blow, harder than the one before. She gasped for breath, and quickly repeated her offence, bracing herself for the onrush of pain as the sharp noise echoed in her ears and in her brain. As intense the pain was, it could not compare to the rush of pleasure that followed each spank. Her skin was on fire, every fiber of her being alight with sensation. Her breathing was hoarse and ragged now, and despite the pretense of punishment, she could not remember a time when she had been quite this turned on.
She allowed herself to moan deeply, pressing herself into his lap, delighting in the feel of his stiff cock hard against her crotch. She loved knowing he was enjoying this as much as she was. She felt like she was floating, only vaguely aware of anything but the feel of his palm on her ass, his body warm against her. She could almost hear his palm whistling through the air as it descended again.
Her body jolted forward, and tears sprang to her eyes, contrasting against the broad smile on her face. In a lust-soaked voice, she moaned again.
“I made a fool of myself, and I deserve to be punished, to have my ass spanked until it is red raw!”. The words flew unbidden from her mouth, stemming entirely from the ravenous beast now awoken inside her. She froze, her body taut, unsure of how he would react to this. Again, an ominous silence hung in the air. She took this opportunity to wipe the tears from her eyes, and could hear his calm, even breathing, in stark contrast to her own.
Finally, he broke the silence. “That was your five. How are you feeling?” The soft, caring tone was back in his voice, and no trace of the stern man remained, at least for now. He placed a hand on her shoulder and gently lifted her off his lap, ushering her onto her knees on the couch next to him.
Looking him in the eyes, she took a few moments to breathe before finally managing to speak. “It was… indescribable. So much pain, but it felt so good. Can we do this again?….. Sir?”
She added the last with a playful smile and a poke of her tongue, and her couldn’t help but smile back. He leaned in, and pressed his lips against hers, their desire for each other clearly evident in the hunger with which their tongues sought out their counterparts, their hands clawing desperately at each other’s neck and shoulders.
All pretense of him holding any kind of power or dominion over her was quickly forgotten, as she eagerly pushed herself against him, her hard nipples straining against the tight fabric of her black dress. She savored the taste of his lips as she straddled him, moaning into his mouth, driven solely by her want for him, her need for him. She leaned back and began to hastily undo his belt, sliding it free and holding it up.
Meeting his gaze, she smirked and said, “Next time, you’re using this!”.He simply laughed and nodded in response, too distracted by her hands eagerly unzipping his fly.She slid her hand in, and her eyes lit up as she extracted his cock. Clearly, he had been just as turned on by the spanking as she had been, and she was thrilled to feel his warm skin in the palm of her hand, thick and stiff and ready for her.
She locked her eyes upon his, and began to lower herself down towards him. He snuck a glance down, and saw her thighs, slick with her arousal. He gasped as he felt the head of his cock brush against her lips for the first time, and a shiver ran through his body. The sight of her gripping him in her palm, lowering herself onto him, teasing the both of them, drove him wild. He wanted nothing more than to reach out and grab her by the shoulders, to thrust into her and impale her, but he knew she was enjoying this far too much to interrupt.
Her mouth was open in a serene half-smile, her eyes rolled up into the back of her head. Her hips bucked back and forth, sliding the head of his cock through her lips again and again, never quite entering her. Each time he brushed her clit, her body would tense and shudder, her eyes jolting forward and an inadvertent moan escaping her lips. From her shallow and uneven breathing, they both knew this teasing could not continue much longer.
Finally, it happened. She angled her hips forward just a fraction, and with a subtle movement, the head of his cock slipped inside her. Both of their eyes went wide, and neither moved for what felt like an eternity. His mouth was open in a silent scream, the feeling of her warm, inviting wetness almost overwhelming. Similarly, she was in ecstasy. Her body had been in desperate need since the spanking began, the ache in the pit of her stomach growing rapidly into an intense desire to feel him, to be filled by him. Finally, she had him where she wanted him.
She began to lower herself further onto him, feeling herself stretch to accommodate him. She could feel each and every ridge, every vein, every inch of him as he slid deeper inside her. It was one long, slow, deliberate movement, and she was not fully satisfied until she was pressed against him, and his cock was buried inside her to the hilt. Her arousal meant there was virtually no resistance, but all the same she felt full and tight and complete. She had him right where she wanted him, and he was where he belonged.
He couldn’t help but groan her name when he felt her settle against his crotch. He could still feel the radiating warmth from her ass against his thighs, even through his pants, and the mental image of her bare, pale ass reddening with his handprints excited him all the more. When she began to rock her hips, her muscles squeezed his cock so exquisitely that he feared he may not be able to last much longer. In response, he began to thrust against her, in time with her own ministrations. Slowly at first, almost imperceptibly, but the more his lust for her grew, the more her body jolted and bounced above him.
As his pace grew more intense, he began to grunt and moan in time with each thrust, growing more animalistic by the second. She placed both arms on his shoulder to steady herself, surrendering to his desires. His hands moved to her hips and he gripped her tightly, holding her in place as he thrust into her again and again. He held her in such a way where he could lift her up, draw out almost to the tip, before thrusting deep inside her again, pulling her down on top of him in tandem. Soon, her own moans began to drown out his, and her head bounced from side to side with each thrust. As he settled into a feverish pace, his desire for her grew exponentially. He reached upwards and tugged roughly on her dress, grabbing a handful of her bra underneath and nearly ripping the fabric. Her breasts sprang free, exposed to him for the first time this evening.
Eagerly, he leaned forward and took one of her nipples in his mouth, suckling and biting gently as she bounced on top of him. She threw her head back and whimpered loudly, one arm clinging to the back of his neck, cradling him against her breasts. His tongue lapped eagerly at her nipple, savoring the taste of her. With each noise she made, each jolt of her body, he felt himself draw closer to the edge, and he knew he could not last much longer.
Her moans had now turned into gasps and yelps, each time her body bounced down against him. Her entire mind was focused on the pleasure building in her core, and she too knew that her orgasm was fast approaching.She leaned in close, nibbling on his ear, whispering in a husky voice.
“Is this what you do to bad girls, is it? You pull them over your knee, spank their ass until they’re soaking wet, then fuck them until they cum so hard they scream?” He moaned loudly, muffled by her chest against his lips. Smiling lewdly to herself, impressed by the filthy thoughts springing to mind, she continued
“Well, if this is what bad girls who don’t listen to your rules get, I might just have to be bad much more often. Perhaps even every night of the week…”
He had never heard her utter quite such filthy things. His mind blanked, part from shock, part from the sheer arousal of hearing her in such a wanton mood. His pace intensified, slamming into her with such force that the slap of her thighs against his crotch echoed through the room with the same intensity as her spanking earlier. He buried his head back against the couch, and let out a low, guttural groan as he felt his orgasm approach. His hands clutched and clawed at her waist, and he pulled her down against him tightly, impaling her on his cock, thrusting deep inside her.
Finally, he felt himself pass the point of no return. His mouth sprung wide open, eyes rolling back into his head as his cock began to twitch and pulsate deep inside her. His groan turned into a wordless cry as he let go, emptying himself deep inside her, his nails digging into her skin, holding onto her for dear life. The pain from his nails in her skin barely registered to her, as she was entirely focused on the feeling of him exploding inside her. He felt his warm seed flood into her, filling her even more than before. She bit her lip and held her breath as she felt her own orgasm crash over her, in tandem with his. Her body tensed and stiffened, and her legs began to shake and quiver.
She felt that familiar tingling, building in the pit of her stomach since they had arrived home, begin to radiate outwards, flowing through her body and filling her with pure ecstasy. She attempted to cry out his name, but she too was unable to form a coherent sentence, simply crying out in shock and pleasure as wave after wave of orgasm crashed over her. Her cries and moans grew in volume as her orgasm continued, and she buried her face into his shoulder, biting down roughly through the fabric to muffle her own cries.
The room grew quiet, save for their ragged breathing. She lay slumped against him, his cock still inside her, neither wanting to move an inch. They lay in silence, simply enjoying the warmth of each other, basking in the afterglow. After a time, she lifted herself from him, and curled up in his lap, not bothering to lower her dress or to zip his fly. He began to stroke her hair, and she sighed contentedly. She looked up at him, and began to giggle softly, hiding her smile behind her hand.
“And what are you laughing at, kitten?” he asked, unable to keep a smile from spreading across his face.
She looked away shyly, laughing again before whispering “Can you… can you make a ‘request’ of me every time we go out? The harder it is to follow, the better.” With this, she looked up, and craned her neck to view her own reddened backside. “And five isn’t enough. You’d better make it at least ten next time.”