Ruby’s Female-Led Marriage

"Ruby was fully in charge at home and Tom accepted her discipline"

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Tom was a real alpha male at the office. He ran a large team, very successfully, and was one of the main decision-makers. Tom was twenty-eight, very fit, played tennis and squash, and went to the gym twice a week. 

It was very different when Tom was at home, though. His wife, Ruby, was very much an alpha female. She didn’t need to work, because Tom earned a good salary, and so spent her time also going to the gym and keeping fit, and doing all sorts of social events. 

The reason Tom fell in love with Ruby was because she was an alpha female, and her character was certainly one of dominance. He happily let her make all the decisions about their social life, and, now that they were married, he was happy that she made all the decisions about their married life. 

Ruby was twenty-six, slim, with long dark hair, and, although pretty much flat-chested with a double A bra size, in Tom’s eyes she was an extremely attractive woman with an authoritative, do as I say or else, tone of voice, which Tom loved.  

Ruby always dressed in skimpy clothes, in summer usually a vest top and short skirt so showing off her bare arms and bare legs. She was used to eyes turning towards her, and relished that as well,  

It was during their first date that Tom was so taken by Ruby and admitted he wanted to just do as he was told by her. Ruby had similar ambitions and said that was fine with her. During that discussion, Tom voiced his fantasy of being spanked as a punishment and a way to control and correct him. Ruby had also fantasied about controlling her partner like that, and so readily agreed.  

That set the scene for Tom’s contrary lives at the office and at home. When at the office, Tom gave all the orders, and they were followed. However, when at home, he knew that it was Ruby who gave all of the orders and that he had to obey them. 

So far, their lifestyle was kept between themselves. None of their friends knew that Ruby spanked Tom regularly, although several had noted how he never seemed to argue with Ruby and did as he was told. That was just the way it was, Ruby explained to her friends. 

It was also usual that, when Ruby had a group of her friends over at the house, Tom was rarely seen. He was either out at the gym or stayed upstairs.  

Today was no different. Tom was upstairs in the bedroom, whilst Ruby was downstairs with a few of her neighbours. They included Lisa, who was eighteen but was part of the street’s social network for women.  

Tom’s instructions had been very clear. Do not come downstairs for any reason whatsoever. As far as the women were concerned, he was not there and didn’t exist. 

Tom knew that if he didn’t do as he was told, Ruby never gave him any second chances. Every single time he disobeyed her, he would have to take his trousers and underpants off, often his shirt as well, go across her lap, and be spanked well beyond what he could cope with. She would use her hand for ages, but then always used a thick wooden paddle hairbrush which reduced him to uncontrolled crying, every time. 

Tom knew he hated being spanked, but, equally, relished it because he wanted to show that Ruby was the one in charge of their relationship, had disciplinary control over him, and, indeed, submitting to her for severe punishments made sense.  

Tom could hear the ladies chattering happily downstairs, but after just twenty minutes of them being there, he realised that he had left his phone downstairs. He needed his phone to make several phone calls, both for business and socially, but knew he was taking a massive risk if he went downstairs. After all, he knew exactly what would happen if he was caught, because Ruby and he had recently agreed that if he disobeyed her when she had friends over, then he would get spanked with them watching. He had joked about that, saying it would turn him on to be spanked in front of them, although, whilst he joked about it, he felt his erection hardening. Ruby had seen the bulge develop in his trousers, so she knew he wanted that humiliation to happen. 

Having listened very carefully, he realised that all of the women were in the living room and, he reckoned, the door was closed. On the other hand, the phone was in the kitchen. So, because of the urgency of some of the calls, he quickly made his way downstairs and into the kitchen. He grabbed hold of the phone, and, thinking he had got away with it, turned to walk back out of the kitchen and upstairs. However, as soon as he turned, he saw Lisa standing in the doorway, with a stern look on her face. 

Lisa saw that Tom had frozen, possibly with fear, because when Ruby said she thought she heard her, ‘very naughty husband,’ in the kitchen, she had said that everyone would be in for a surprise if that was the case. She had asked Lisa to go and check.  

Seeing the look on Tom’s face, Lisa guessed that he knew what Ruby had meant. She broke the short silence, saying, with a smirk, “Ruby thought she heard you coming downstairs, and she asked me to check. Consider yourself caught.” 

Tom knew that there wasn’t any chance of Ruby letting him off, even if he explained the reason that he needed the phone. He didn’t know if Lisa actually knew what was about to happen, but she was clearly suspicious by the way that she looked sternly at him, then crooked her finger, and said, “We need to go and tell Ruby just how naughty you have been.” 

Tom saw that Lisa turned and walked towards the living room door, and had to admit to looking at her shorts-covered bottom, which was certainly a lovely bubble bottom, which he had never been able to take his eyes off. He was still looking at her bottom as they both walked into the living room and, even though he diverted his eyes almost immediately toward Ruby, it wasn’t quickly enough.  

Ruby knew that she and Tom were both up for humiliating him in front of her friends, and she said in a very stern tone of voice, “I told you to stay upstairs, but you’ve disobeyed me. You know the punishment for that, don’t you, Tom.” 

Tom looked at the women. Ruby was dressed deliciously in a vest top and short skirt, and Tom loved seeing her bare arms and legs. Although flat-chested, Ruby’s vest top was low cut, which Tom still found so very attractive.  

Most of the other women were dressed for summer with bare arms and bare legs, and Tom was more and more turned on by their looks. 

Tom knew very well what the punishment was and, without even trying to object, he went straight over to the side cabinet, opened a drawer, took out the rather thick wooden paddle that was in it, closed the drawer, turned, and, looking really submissive, went and handed the paddle to Ruby.  

Ruby saw Tom savour the sight of all the skimpily dressed women and let him do so for a few moments. 

Ruby sounded annoyed still as she took the hairbrush and, glaring at Tom, said, “I heard you coming down the stairs, Tom. You thought you had been quiet enough, but just one creek on one of the stairs alerted me. That was when I said to Lisa that if she waited just a few moments until you came downstairs, she could catch you out, and she did.” 

Tom saw the inquisitive looks on the faces of all of the women and supposed they hadn’t yet been told what was going to happen. He was right, as Ruby was now very quick to tell Tom, albeit the explanation was really directed at the friends, “You are going to get the normal punishment, of a long hard spanking, Tom, except this time you are going to get spanked in front of my friends. Don’t even try to argue.” 

Tom gasped, but several of the friends were smiling as they saw the bulge appear in his trousers. Tom felt it as well, but then he had wanted to be spanked in front of Ruby’s friends, and knew that he got turned on whenever thinking about it. There were several times when his trousers were pushed out by his erection as he was walking along the street, picturing himself across Ruby’s lap and being spanked in front of her friends. He knew that he was still aroused by the prospect, but then, so were Ruby’s friends, now.  

Ruby kept control as she always did at home, and ordered, “Okay, Tom, I think we will have you naked for your spanking.” 

Tom wasn’t expecting that, but also knew he had no choice but to obey his wife. He did look at her pleadingly, briefly, but once again was so taken by her beautiful dominant looks, her dark brown hair flowing over her bare shoulders, her bare arms which he always found so sexy, and because of her short dress, her bare thighs and bare legs which he knew he would have the perfect upside down view of when he went across his wife’s lap. 

So, once again obeying his wife, he quickly pulled his T-shirt over his head, folded it, and put it on a chair. He then pushed his shorts down towards the floor, catching his underpants on the way, stepped out of both, folded them both, and put them with his T-shirt. He was fully naked, knowing that as much as he knew how hard Ruby spanked him, and how he found it so difficult to cope, he also had an erection right then, because he loved being dominated by his wife at home, doing as he was told, knowing that when he didn’t, this was the result every time, although today will be the first time in front of her friends. That didn’t stop the erection. 

Ruby then ordered, “Now get your very naughty bottom across my lap.” 

Knowing it was his own fault, Tom didn’t mind being spanked once again, nor in front of Ruby’s friends. So, he immediately went and stood by his wife’s side, bent down across her lap, lowered his full weight on her thighs, knowing his erection was pressing down on her bare skin, and that he was ready to cum.  

Tom knew that there had been many occasions when he had cum as soon as he was across his wife’s lap, and it meant that he would struggle much more with the spanking because, as his cum squirted over his wife’s thigh, so the erotic enjoyment reduced, and whilst the pain was the same when he hadn’t cum, because the erotic feelings were drained, the pain intensified. 

Today, Tom managed to hold himself together, and whilst knew that he deserved this punishment, it was also going to deal with one of his fantasies because his wife’s friends were there. 

As Ruby was rubbing Tom’s bottom, she happily explained to her friends, “I have to do this so often. He really is naughty at times. However, this is far better for me than having an argument and having to explain what he has done wrong. I simply spank his bare bottom and leave him to work that out for himself. He always does, but will earn another spanking soon enough. Anyway, girls, watch how I do it, and I even encourage you to deal with your own husbands this way.” 

Tom heard so many of the friends giggling and agreeing with Ruby, and he even started to wonder whether any of their husbands were already spanked. If they weren’t, then maybe they would be quite soon.  

When the spanking started, Tom was well aware that this was all about discipline, and therefore there was no build up in terms of intensity or strength of each spank. Ruby always went straight in with very hard spanks. She knew that was the right way to give a spanking when it was a punishment, and all of the spankings she gave him were of that necessary nature, even when he hadn’t been naughty, and she just decided that she wanted to lose some stress by spanking him again.  

Tom was quickly struggling, again as usual, squirming around on his wife’s lap, knowing that his erection quickly disappeared, and the pain got harder and harder to deal with. He knew that Ruby was a very fit woman, in such a beautiful way, but because she went to the gym and did weights, so she had the strength and stamina to give a very hard spanking for a very long time. Tom, therefore, knew that the spanking was not going to be over any time soon.  

As Tom squirmed around on Ruby’s lap, so he heard her explaining to her friends just how to give a good spanking. She went through the full explanation of spanking alternate bottom cheeks, followed by spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, and spanking the same spot on the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the same spot on the other bottom cheek several times in a row. The same would follow for the backs of his legs. He even heard her explain that each section of the spanking should take at least a minute and, even if it did, that would mean the spanking would last at least twelve minutes. Of course, that was only the hand spanking part. 

Tom knew that his eyes were already filled with tears as the hand spanking stopped. He heard Ruby explain how she really did think using the wooden-backed hairbrush was so essential when giving a spanking. She then happily showed her friends what she meant, by giving very hard spanks with the hairbrush on both bottom cheeks.  

Tom knew that Ruby found spanking him to be the best way for her stress to be released. After all, as an alpha female in the house, why should she take any disobedience, and spend her time asking Tom to do something a second or third time? It was far better to simply put him across her lap and spank him really hard because that was what got the message home. 

As Tom dissolved into uncontrolled crying, he knew that this was the life that he wanted. He knew that when at the office and in charge of everyone, he often found that stressful. When members of the team didn’t do as they were told or didn’t do it well enough, he had often thought to himself it would be so good to be able to give that member of staff the same kind of spanking that Ruby was giving him. He even joked to himself that he could make Ruby his HR manager and write into everyone’s contract that being spanked was a natural penalty for not working well enough, or not doing what they were told. He was sure that that would improve the standard of everyone’s work, just as he knew it made him obey Ruby immediately, well most of the time, and suffered this penalty when he didn’t. 

Nevertheless, what it meant was that he understood fully the stress that he caused Ruby, and willingly accepted this penalty, although they had agreed at the time that they would keep this part of their relationship private.  

However, Tom knew that it was right that Ruby’s friends got to know how she dealt with him. After all, he had often heard them say to her that they saw just how happy a couple they were, and even joked that Ruby should give them some pointers on how they could be as happy in their own marriages. Well, this was the pointer, and her friends were clearly relishing watching it happen, judging from the giggles that they were continuing to make and the supportive comments telling Ruby to spank even harder, and saying how they really hoped they could impose this within their own marriages. 

Once Ruby had stopped spanking Tom’s bottom with the hairbrush, she left him across her lap, and he knew that she enjoyed listening to him cry. Of course, he also knew that she was turned on by what she had done, and Ruby would always follow this up by telling Tom that he was a good boy again, and sucking him off. Of course, he knew that he was always so aroused that he was still able to get another erection and give Ruby the rough sex that she enjoyed after spanking him.  

Once Tom was standing, and, as usual, had his hands on his head, he was surprised that Ruby didn’t ask her friends to leave. Instead, she said, “Tom and I have to go upstairs for a while. You girls carry on down here, and we will be back.” 

Once again, Tom heard the girls giggling and making sexy comments, but, of course, his vision was far too blurred to make out their faces. However, as usual, Ruby clasped hold of Tom’s upper arm and led him out of the room, up the stairs, and into the bedroom. Once there, Ruby made Tom sit on the bed with his legs apart, she knelt between them, took his once again erect penis in her mouth, and licked and sucked, until Tom spurted his cum into her mouth. She loved the taste of it and always had done, which was why she always did this first after a spanking. 

Straight afterwards, Ruby quickly got undressed, and then they changed places, although Ruby always lay back on the bed, with her legs well apart. Tom first kissed Ruby’s inner thighs, working his way up to her very wet pussy lips, and licked her to a huge orgasm whilst flicking her taut clit. After that, Ruby edged herself back so she was fully on the bed, Tom lay on top of her, happily sucking and kissing her small breasts but large taut nipples which he knew Ruby found so sensitively arousing, quickly got his erection back, entered her, and rammed her time and again, bringing her to a huge orgasm.  

Tom and Ruby were both exhausted as they lay there, kissing each other, telling each other how much they loved each other, knowing that Tom didn’t actually have to disobey Ruby to be dealt with like this, because quite often Ruby just felt the need and desire to spank Tom again, and, after all, she really was the alpha female and Tom really was the sub. However, they had agreed that Ruby had that measure of control, and both relished it. 

Ruby then got dressed again, and they both went back downstairs to see Ruby’s friends. Tom knew he would be staying naked. 

The women could tell how happy Ruby was, but even saw that Tom held nothing against her. He had to remain naked, but then the girls enjoyed seeing his red bottom and legs and also the bruises on his bottom from the hairbrush, and that still he was chatting happily as though nothing was wrong. It certainly got all the women thinking that this was how Ruby and Tom were so happy with each other and clearly stress-free, so why shouldn’t the same happen for them with their husbands? Maybe it would, and should. 


Published 2 months ago

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